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Helps Students and Schools
The World Is Your Classroom!
The NEA Foundation is committed to increasing educators' access to global training and experiences by providing global education professional development opportunities for K-12 public school educators.

Through the NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellowship MEA members have the opportunity to open their classrooms up to the world!
About the Fellowship
Through the NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellowship, educators develop the knowledge and skills to integrate global competency into their daily classroom instruction, advocate for global competency in their schools and districts, and help students to thrive in our increasingly interconnected world. Fellows transform their classrooms to give students a global perspective.
The NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellowship offers educators 12 months of professional development. The NEA Foundation staff, partners, and field experts support Global Learning Fellows as they participate in a field study overseas, online coursework, webinars, and peer learning communities, including a two-day professional development workshop in Washington, DC.
Summer International Field Study
Fellows get the opportunity to apply their global professional development training through a handson international study experience. In their field-study country, they investigate the historical and cultural context while engaging in a service-learning project with local community organizations. Fellows also have a rare opportunity to interact with local educators, students, administrators, and policymakers; make school visits; and hear from business and non-profit leaders.
Previous Fellowship classes have traveled to China, Brazil, and Peru. The anticipated field study destination for the 2018 and 2019 Global Learning Fellowship is South Africa.
This trip will take place in late July.
Patty Scully, Global Fellow, Class of 2016, Winslow EA

"Being a global fellow allowed me to become invested in global competencies in my own classroom. It was Patty Scully, Global Learning Fellow, Class of 2016, Winslow EA both an honor and a privilege to visit with school children in Peru and bring that experience back to children in my own town. We live in such a connected world now and yet our own classrooms are so isolated at times. The work with NEA Foundation allowed me to access a huge number of resources to bring this work to life for the students in my town. It also connected me with global fellows all over this country and allowed us to share experiences, lesson plans and success. My wish is that every teacher in our state would take a chance and apply to become a global fellow so they can have this tremendous opportunity to share global connections in their own classrooms! You never know where this kind of learning will take you, but I can assure you that the experience will be one that you will never forget!"
How to Apply:
Visit neafoundation.org Applications open this Fall.
You are eligible to apply if you are both:
•A current K-12 classroom teacher •An MEA member