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Congratulations to Telstar EA member Tonya Prentice who received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching from the National Science Foundation.

Congratulations to the MEA members at Maine Public on their collective five New England Emmy nominations. Pictured left to right: Robbie Feinberg, Brian Bechard, Nick Godfrey and Rebecca Conley. Not pictured, Dave Boardman. MEA members proudly marched in Pride Parades in Portland and Bangor, celebrating their students and desire to accept all students. Pictured left to right, Denise Simoneau and Valerie Mathews, both Bangor EA. Congratulations to Maggie Wachtl, a Cony High School teacher, who was named The NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellow from Maine! With a year of professional development and an international field study, her classroom is sure to be an exciting learning journey.

Congratulations to Dan Ryder, a high school teacher at Mt. Blue High School, on being selected as one of five 2019 California Casualty Awards for Teaching Excellence recipients. We're proud to celebrate this Mt. Blue EA's
outstanding work.

Congratulations to Marcus Legere from Sedgwick Elementary and Ethyn Sanipas from George Mitchell School who were the winners of this year's MEA/Sea Dogs "My Hero Works at School" essay contest. The student’s award-winning essays highlighted the great work of their school hero educators, Rose Kane (Sedgwick EA) and Walli Fitton. Everyone celebrated at a summer Sea Dogs baseball game! Interested in this year's contest? Learn more at maineea.org/contest September 2018 • www.maineea.org 23