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Proud Moments
All three finalists for 2019 Maine Teacher of the Year are MEA members! Congratulations to winner Joseph Hennessey and finalists Shana Goodall and Connie Russell. Joseph Hennessey English Teacher Piscataquis Community HS
2018 Piscataquis County Teacher of the Year, Joseph Hennessey teaches American, World, AP Literature and Composition, and Camden Conference Seminar for grades 11-12 at Piscataquis Community High School (RSU 80/MSAD 4). He has been teaching for 6 years.
Shana Goodall Social Studies Teacher Orono High School Connie Russell 2nd Grade Teacher Mabel I. Wilson School
2018 Penobscot County Teacher of the Year, Shana Goodall teaches Social Studies, World Civilizations, AP Human Geography, and AP World History for grades 9-12 at Orono High School (RSU 26). She has been teaching for 15 years. 2 018 Cumberland County Teacher of the Year, Connie Russell is a 2nd grade teacher at Mabel I. Wilson School in Cumberland, North Yarmouth (MSAD 51) and has been teaching for 27 years.
Mallory Haar English Language Learner Teacher Casco Bay High School
Mallory Haar, an English language learner (ELL) teacher at Casco Bay High School, and previous winner of the MEA Human and Civil Rights Award along with her students, is the winner of three awards for outstanding teaching. Haar has won a 2018 Lawrence W. O’Toole Teacher Leadership Award from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, which includes a $15,000 grant, and is the 2018 recipient of the Education for the Common Good Award from Bowdoin College. She also recently was awarded a Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms grant.
York & Kittery Teachers Unite!

York and Kittery teachers showed up in force at their respective School Committee meetings as they worked through the bargaining process for new contracts. Kittery teachers reached a tentative agreement, but those in York are headed into mediation. The show of support for one another during this time truly highlighted the truth that we are all stronger together. November 2018 • www.maineea.org 27