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Member Deals
The MEA is pleased to join with the Portland Sea Dogs for its 4th annual “My Hero Works at School” essay contest. Students are encouraged to write a short essay, no more than 300 words, about their school hero. Two winners will be selected and receive tickets to a 2019 Sea Dogs game for themselves, their family and their school hero. Entries must include the name of the student, the school, the submitting educator’s name and email and the name and email of the school hero, if different than the submitting educator.
DEADLINE: April 10, 2019 WHO: All public school elementary and middle school students HOW: Submit essays to Giovanna Bechard via mail at 35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330 or email at contest@maineea.org
MEA Elections information for the 2019 MEA and NEA Representative Assemblies Would you like to be more active in your Association? Would you like to participate in creating the beliefs of your Association? Get Involved - get elected to represent your Association and have a say!
The MEA Representative Assembly (RA) is made up of elected local association delegates from across the state and serves as the Association’s highest governing body. At its annual meeting in May, the RA will determine MEA’s policies, programs, and budget for the following year. NEA’s RA, which is held in July, determines policies also by elected delegates from across the country. Election information and forms for filing for Maine Education Association positions are available on the MEA website. Elected positions include:
• MEA Representative Assembly • NEA Representative Assembly • MEA Board of Directors
All forms and instructions are PDF file format and available on the MEA website at www.maineea.org under the About tab. If you need assistance,
please contact Terry Gordon at tgordon@maineea.org.
The Maine Educator will feature a cover designed by a Maine public school art student depicting the theme “What I Love About Maine.” Submissions can be any form of art and should be 8.5” by 11” or able to be photographed. Please advise students that the magazine title will be across the top and 2.5” high. Entries must include the name of the student, the school, and the submitting teacher’s name and email.

WHEN: Deadline April 19, 2019 WHO: Grades K-4, 5-8, 9-12 – There will be 3 finalists from each category, plus electronic art. One overall winner will be chosen from the finalists and have their work on the cover. HOW: Submit artwork to Giovanna Bechard via mail at 35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330 or email
MEA Members - Here’s Your Chance to get Involved

at contest@maineea.org.

Calendar October 26
Presidential Scholars Program Nominate Students for the U. S. Presidential Scholars Program.
Each district may nominate one senior who is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent U.S. resident and has scored exceptionally well on either the SAT of the College Board or the ACT of the American College Testing Program. In addition, a district may nominate a high school senior who has demonstrated excellence in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. Applications are due to the Maine DOE by Friday, October 26th.
FMI: Contact Superintendents’ Offices across the state
November 13-15
MAARS Overview
Maine’s Assessment & Accountability Reporting System overview will occur during one day sessions in Presque Isle, Bangor/Brewer and Portland areas. Sessions will focus on, but aren’t limited to, English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics eMPowerME and Science released items and specifically the impact on curriculum and development review to instructional practice.
The intended audience for this session is Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, curriculum coordinators, and ELA, Math and Science teaching staff.
FMI: Contact Janette Kirk, Deputy Director, Office of Learning Systems at janette.kirk@maine.gov or 624-6707.
November 8 ELL Webinar
Register for our MEA/NEA webinar with the topic: Top 5 English Language Learners’ strategies in the classroom
Learn research-based ELL strategies to support ELL learning and achievement on explicit skill instruction, student-directed activities, instructional strategies that enhance understanding, and opportunities for students to practice.
FMI: maineea.org check out the Events calendar for registration link
Now & Ongoing
Scholarship for Students
The Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund was created by the Maine Education Association through a trust established by the late Audrey Lewis. OVERVIEW OF THE AWARDS:
The Trustees have designated two different categories of awards:
(1) Graduating High School Seniors who will attend a 4-year college
(2) Graduating High School Seniors who will attend a Maine Community College
In all categories the awards will be major in nature, not to exceed $10,000. The award for Community College students will not exceed $2,000.
FMI: https://clyderussellscholarshipfund.org
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Member Deals

NEA Click & Save “Buy-lights” for October 2018
The new school year is in full swing, and the fall season is upon us. Get ready for changing weather and invigorating outdoor activities with the proper clothing, footwear and equipment! NEA Click & Save, the online discount buying service for NEA members, highlights select retailers and merchants each month. Check out these featured “Buy-lights” for October!*
*Note: Up-to-date information on merchant discounts, shipping terms and WOW Points appears on the NEA Click & Save Web page at www.neamb. com/clickandsave and may change at any time. Don’t forget to use your WOWPoints—they’re just like cash (100 WOW Points = $1; plus, no blackout dates and no expiration)!
SAMPLE SAVINGS: The Walking Company:
LL Bean:
With brands such as Dansko, Ecco, and New Balance--plus up to 50% off UGGS, and get 4X WOWPoints and free shipping on orders of $100 or more.
Outfit yourself for this winter and earn 4X WOWPoints.
Movie Ticket Deals Save up to 35% on movie tickets!
Available at various theater chains across the state. Check out ticketsatwork.com for more details!