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MEA Calendar
Your Association
Taking Time to Talk
Lewiston EA members reach out to learn more about what’s really happening in their schools
Be bold. Be heard. That was the theme of the Lewiston EA’s Listening Tour-a week-long event where representatives from the Association went to every school and talked with as many educators as possible, answering questions about the contract, listening to issues that were important to members and providing members and non-members a space to have their voices heard.
“We’ve had over 180 conversations with Lewiston educators. I’ve had people say ‘it’s really nice to have someone sit and listen and talk to us about stuff that matters to our jobs.’ The Listening Tour has been positively received and there are some incredible issues that have come out of it. It’s super rewarding to hear people say positive things about the Assocation,” said Samantha Garnett Sias, Lewiston EA President..

One of the purposes of the Listening Tour was to increase visibility for the Association across all the buildings in the district. During the week-long event, the LEA signed up 24 new members and spoke to 187 educators. LEA received help from MEA staff and affiliate staff from other states in order to reach out to the large group of people.

As part of the conversations, LEA learned more about what types of professional development is needed for those who work in the district and is now working with MEA to help create specific plans to help arrange for relevant supports for their members.

“MEA is always looking to make sure we are reaching our members in a positive way to ensure we’re providing members with the support they need to do their jobs to the best of their ability. By being in each building and simply asking people what their ideas and thoughts are, the Association opened up the lines of communication to allow members to have a voice in their work,” said Amanda Fickett, UniServ Director for the Lewiston area. 30 Maine Educator • November 2018