Editorial Staff Managing Editor Rob Walker Editor Giovanna Bechard Layout Design Shawn Berry Leadership President Grace Leavitt Vice President Jesse Hargrove Treasurer Beth French NEA Director Rebecca Cole Board of Directors District A Robert "Bo" Zabierek District B Suzen Polk-Hoffses District C N/A District D Cedena McAvoy District E Ken Williams District F Janice Murphy District G Nancy Mitchell District H Dennis Boyd District I N/A District J Amy O'Brien-Brown District K Tom Walsh District L Rebecca Manchester District M Donna Longley District O Lisa Leduc District P Dina Goodwin Disrtict R Gary McGrane District ESP Gerry French Student MEA N/A Maine Educator (ISSN #1069-1235) is published by: Maine Education Association 35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330-8005 207-622-4418; fax 207-623-2129 POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Maine Educator 35 Community Drive, Augusta, Maine 04330-8005 Non-Profit US Postage paid at Augusta, Maine and additional mailing offices. For advertising rates and information please contact: Shawn Berry 35 Community Dr., Augusta, ME 04330 207-622-4418 ext. 2206
E D I TO R ' S N OT E - S E P T E M B E R 2020
The "Right" Choice
t this point, when I sit down to write these pieces I typically have so many wonderful things to say. So much excitement coming off a great summer. So much wonder and hope for a new school year for my kids. So much positivity. This time, I have a whole lot of anxiety. There are far too many questions with no answers. There’s too much at stake. We’ve had countless conversations in our home, as you all have, about school, work, masks, safety, life, death and risk, what’s safe, what’s not.... the list could go on and on. Never did I think, as a parent, I'd be in a position to consider the question: “If I send my kids to school, could they get sick, die or make us sick or kill us?” That sinking in is horrifying. It’s a reality though that keeps me up at night. What’s the “right” choice here. I’ve come to determine the only right choice is the choice we will make. Whatever we choose to do in terms of school is what we believe is right for us and our children. This isn’t the time to judge what is right or wrong because only you can know what’s right for you. Only you know what your personal situation is and how to navigate your life in the middle of a pandemic.
the benefits of membership-you can find that guide starting on page 16. Additionally, this back to school issue contains information to best support students experiencing stress (pg. 8), cumulative salary information for each district (pg. 10), how to address bias in your schools (pg. 12) and more. Over the course of the end of the strangest school year and over the summer MEA worked to provide the most up-to-date information through regular communications, webinars, virtual meetings and more. The same will be true for whatever comes next. The MEA will always have your back, that’s the benefit of membership-and remember if you need anything contact us, that’s why we’re here.
There are a few things I do know. I've never been prouder to work at the Maine Education Association as I have been in the last few months. The value of membership has never been more apparent than now as everyone at MEA has worked hard to ensure our members are protected, safe and supported. There are no easy decisions in all of this, only more hard work to do the best we can with what we’ve got. It's the making lemonade out of lemons approach I took to summer. Normally, I take the #bestsummerever approach, excited about all the anticipated fun. Instead, like everyone else, plans were cancelled, and milestones celebrated in the best way possible. Still, I find myself feeling fortunate every single day, despite the anxiety. I have a job. We are healthy. Kids are resilient. We will bounce back. As you navigate whatever lies ahead for you, as always, I encourage you to use this magazine as a resource to help you with your work. Enclosed is a new member guide to help you better understand all
Thankful for a kid who always makes lemonade out of lemons, choosing to dress up and smile when he has no camp, nothing to do and it's 95 degrees out....
Giovanna Bechard Editor editor@maineea.org
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September 2020 • www.maineea.org