Mainstream Magazine June 2012

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Over the years, tattooing and body piercing have become increasingly popular and more acceptable to the public. Finding the right tattoo shop is the most important part of getting a tattoo.

makes this quite simple.

Here are

the top 10

Reasons to come to Scottsdale’s premier tattoo studio.

#10 WE MOP! EZ Tattoo takes pride in a clean safe environment for its artists, guests, and clients. We are big in Belgium!


EZ has its own rock star singer Monday-Friday to serenade you while getting your ink done.

#8 EZ has Dedication. The artists all do what they love which is why they are here,

not at some other job. We take pride in what we love and want to share with the world our talents.

#7 We are product snobs. We only use and carry the best out there.

We use the right tools for the job, and the best quality products – the only way to work.

#6 GREAT BRAINSTORMERS! You think it - we ink it. EZ has interactive touch screen tattoo flash, some old fashioned flash racks , the internet and amazing custom drawing skills all under one roof. Not sure what you want? We can change that.

#5 Privacy. We have separate rooms here to excel creatively and keep your procedures private. #4 V.I.P. stats! All of our guests here are very important to us. We

treat you like your grandma’s fine china.


Good Rep. We were the first tattoo shop to exist in Scottsdale. EZ Tattoo has been around for 17 years and is still growing strong!

#2 Experienced…this is not our first time.. A very educated and knowledgable crew. Yes we are smart! Ask us stuff

#1 Quality.

It’s there for life, need we say more.

On the cover: Tayler Ball

>>>>> Executive Editor

Kevin Galbraith


Shae Arellano

Graphic Design / Writer

Richard Baldwin

Business Development

Cassidy Doller


Business Development

Rhianna Artz


Resident Photographer

Graphic Design

Event Photographer

Jordan Jensen Stephanie Yoshikawa

Graphic Design

Amanda Silva

Website Design

Matus Mrocek

Adam Wright

Yazi Farazad


Carlos Solis

Creative Director

Shyla Rotmill

Event Photographer

Chris Wartenberg

Mainstream Magazine is a high quality, free entertainment magazine that defines, represents, and celebrates diverse lifestyles. In a marketplace where a reader’s attention is divided among a mix of print and digital media, we offer the best of both worlds to our advertisers. Mainstream was founded with the goal of being the most appealing, up-to-date, and diverse mix of editorial subjects available between two covers. Mainstream provides exposure for both a local and national audience. Always covering what’s hot, what’s now, and what’s Mainstream! We bring you style, nightlife, interviews, models, events, in-depth restaurant reviews, and more.




Exclusive Interview

Focus on the charities: Threading Hope and Highwire

32 36 BAND OF THE MONTH Versions of You

Interview and pictures inside


Photography by: Michael Franco and Nick Duplessis

42 52 BARTENDER OF THE MONTH Rachel Santa Cruz from El Hefe!

MAINSTREAM REVIEW Mainstream reviews The Parlor restaurant.









n the drive to meet DJ Tranzit I knew that I just had to sample some of his beats. After all, I wanted to experience the reason why this guy is referred to as one of the most passionate DJ’s and Producers in the business. As I began to blast one of his most popular tracks, “Disorganized” which is available on itunes, I must admit, I felt like I was on top of the world. I was convinced that I could play this for a crowd of my friends and we would dance all night. His beats contained me and to be honest, I couldn’t stop moving. This made excited me to the point that the anticipation to meet this mastermind became even more intense. I had the privilege of meeting with DJ Tranzit at a quaint little coffee shop in Scottsdale, a location which he referred to as his “office”. From the moment I began researching this DJ, I just knew that he was a real class act. This became reality just as soon as I walked in. I could not wait for the opportunity to sit down and break into the mind of this creative genius to find out what really drives him. As I strolled in, the first thing I noticed was a very dignified man, casually dressed but with an aura of calm surrounding him. DJ Tranzit was seated with one of his assistants and the company of three Mac laptops, I could instantly tell that some kind serious business was going down. After a brief introduction we sat down to chat about all things Tranzit! Shae from Mainstream: Hey DJ Tranzit! Let’s start with the most important question. We want to know how you got started in this business? DJ Tranzit: I started off being that guy at a house party who didn’t like the music being played so I would sit by the stereo putting my CD’s on, song after song.

Old Town Scottsdale is where I have a monthly guest DJ spot on 101.5 Jamz FM (Phoenix) every second week of the month. In addition I have a monthly mix show called “Disorganized” - this podcast is available for free on iTunes and through my website I also have a few upcoming record releases due out later this summer on Plasma Media out of (Germany) available at | www. | Itunes and other online music stores. Str!ke EP – Tranzit Featuring Tranzit’s solo debut singles “Str!ke” and “Truffle Sex” Zebrah Juheun (Remixes by Angel Alanis and Tom Whitcombe) Shae: Wow DJ Tranzit, you are doing some really big things with your career! It is nice to see someone so young, professional and accomplished! I hear you’re also internationally known! Can you share with us a little bit about your travels? I hear you just went to Amsterdam? DJ Tranzit: I like to travel! It’s cool to see the different people and scenes. Amsterdam is (small pause) …, let’s just say I had a great time out there, it’s something else! Two years ago I got to travel to Kuwait and Egypt so I got to see that whole side of the world, and they are on a totally different speed than we are out here. They are not on major time constraints like we are here; they are a little more relaxed. But in Kuwait, there is no alcohol or drugs, I mean you really can’t even go out and hang out with your girlfriends. Thankfully my gig was to play at the British Embassy in Kuwait for the military members and stuff, so since it was on British grounds they were more lax on what was allowed. Egypt on the other hand, they love to drink and party so it was easy to let loose there. Shae: I like that you are so dedicated to your hometown despite the fact that you are raging out of state and internationally! Tell me a little about your local ventures? Where can we find you?

Shae: Did you start off playing Electro, Progressive, and House music? DJ Tranzit: Nope, I started with Hip Hop and very mainstream Top 40 and then I went to my first underground rave party and the bug kind of bit me from there. At that point I moved to Chicago and started going through a trance progressive house phase. When I moved there everyone was about house music and that’s why I have been sticking with that genre the whole time. Shae: Can you tell me about a few of your current projects? DJ Tranzit: I have my upcoming mix cd release called “Crank the Volume” due out this month, in addition to a monthly event called Circuit under my alter ego “Juheun” which is music featured for more mature ears that consists of techno and tech house minimal stuff, a bit different from the standard VIP popping bottles kind of music. You can catch it on facebook as we rotate venues every month (www.facebook. com/CircuitAZ). My weekly residency called Switch Sundays @ Dollhouse in

DJ Tranzit: In between my out of state gigs, ( Tranzit laughs) I still feel weird saying out of state because until about 3 years ago I was doing most of my stuff locally, but I have been able to get a lot of out of state bookings with the help of local promoters and people in the industry. As of lately I haven’t been able to do any residencies out here, but I kinda do monthly residencies at Smashbox, Wildnight, downtown Phoenix at the Monarch Theater, Bar Smith, just basically any place that plays house I am able to go in and play once a month. I used to do a night called Switch Wednesday back at Pussy Cat lounge a few years ago that ran for 3 years and from the feedback from everyone I was able to bring it back on Sundays at Dollhouse! Basically I started it to showcase all the local talent we have and we feel like the industry and the community needed something that is more focused on the locals and not so much the international talent that we bring into town. There are so many great DJ’s out there and it gives them the opportunity to play for the scene and I rotate these guys in. I really try hard to get as many of the guys in that fit that genre of music for that scene and I feel like it’s really healthy to be able to give back! Shae: What is your goal when DJing for a crowd? DJ Tranzit: The overall goal for me is to have my music touch people. I want to make them walk away feeling like my music experience was life changing. That is the feeling I try to translate to the crowd every single time.

Shae: So would you say you’re more like a “Prince” kind of performer that plays only music that you are into, or is it important to you to play what the crowd likes? DJ Tranzit: For me I like to connect with the crowd. Often times I walk into a venue early just to read the room - I want to feel the vibe. I then experiment a bit to see what the crowd is into.


Once you get them into a certain beat it is kind of like fishing. You throw out the line to see if they will bite and then if they are feeling it you get them hooked and you can take them in any direction. Lately my alter ego stuff has been transitioning into my Tranzit stuff just because at some point the crowd is so into it that you can feed them whatever. In between my sets I drop something really deep and underground but they love it! Shae: What is something people would be surprised to know about you? DJ Tranzit: I would say people would be surprised that I listen to old school hip hop on my off time. In my car I blast satellite radio on the backspin station. People probably think I listen to electro non-stop and I have always tried to let it be known that music is music - it’s an art form. You really can’t subject yourself to one genre - you will drive yourself crazy that way. You need to listen to different to kinds of music, different genres. Those guys are working just as hard as everyone else in the industry and they deserve the credit. As you get older you learn to respect different kinds of music. Shae: So DJ Tranzit, what is this I hear about your teaching gene? DJ Tranzit: Ha ha. I started teaching at Scottsdale Community College, about 2 years ago. They asked me to come in and be a guest speaker and I really enjoyed doing that. I felt like the students were really soaking it in and they liked having a guest come in who is a local in the industry. They approached me last year and asked me to co-teach one of the classes and I jumped all over that. I just got approved for the production class where I will be able to teach students how to make music with computers and stuff and by the fall I will be adding a class that teaches the fundamentals of DJing and then obviously a digital DJ class. I am happy to pass along the knowledge that I have learned to educate others. We are actually the first college in the country to offer a DJing certificate. The whole point of schooling is to teach someone a trade. Djing is at a point right now where people need DJs, so why not help shape the future. Shae: Shaping the future is really important. What shaped you to become such a welladjusted entertainer?


DJ Tranzit: I come from a background where my parents are very traditional and old school, like you have to be a doctor or lawyer or that kind of thing, and I kind of veered off that path a little bit, obviously, and I feel like this is my way of legitimizing what I am doing a little bit. When I tell my parents I am teaching

school now they are like “Oh my God, he is doing something now” but then again 3 years ago my family told me that my Dad used to DJ. So it’s kind of strange irony - my parents bred me to be an entertainer. They would be the first ones to buy me a cd or a video of Michael Jackson’s performances. They would be the one calling me out when their friends were over, putting the song on and making me dance. That’s the kind of background I had so it’s no wonder I went that direction. Ha, I always liked music, but to be honest, I wanted to be a movie director or something in the film industry. Shae: I am sure that you will find a way to conquer the film industry just as you are doing with your music. Who knows what the future holds. You have such a positive image and I am sure it will carry you in your future endeavors. I feel like you have this style and vibe about you that is almost euphoric. It makes me curious to know what DJs and new artists you are interested in? Who can you recommend to our Mainstream readers? DJ Tranzit: For my Tranzit style I would say Die Antwoord is a kick ass group out of South Africa, Congorock, Nari & Milani, Dada Life; and for the more techno Alter Ego music, I would say anything from Maceo Plex, Jaime Jones, Kill Frenzy, Gui Borrato, DubFire.

among the crowd regardless of the size. DJ Tranzit demonstrated that any dream or desire can be accomplished with a little hard work and determination. We would like to give special thanks to DJ Tranzit and his sponsors Relentless Beats (, Don Julio Tequila (www., Mixology Watches ( and Fortune421 Clothing ( for the opportunity to sit down and hash out all things Tranzit! Be sure to follow him on twitter @ DJTranzit and check out his facebook and website and Be sure to check out DJ Tranzit’s beats! His swagger, beats and vibe will open up the gateway to a music and entertainment kind of mind.

Written by: Shae Arellano

Shae: Due to the level of respect we have for what you do, we will take your advice and check out the artists that you have recommended. As my time concluded with Dj Tranzit, I walked away with a sense of pride. He was someone who has the talent to create a feeling of happiness



Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 18): You are maturing, growing into realization concerning the reality of your past and your family. Whereas before you could not understand, now you do. Each of us makes commitments prior to each lifetime. All family members are involved in this. This is how we serve one another. It’s a paradox. Try to understand so your mind is illuminated.

Leo (July 21-Aug. 22): You seek freedom. You must travel

Pisces (Feb. 18-March 20): You will focus on how to

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):You make new plans for the future. Old

communicate so that you are heard and understood and also so that others are cared for on all levels. This will be a difficult task. You may also travel. Prepare yourself for ups and downs, the new and the old. Laughter is best. It’s actually a meditation.

beliefs are falling away and this clears the way for a new world of thought and ideas that encompasses all the world’s beliefs. A deep reorientation occurs. This may feel like a test. It is. Nine of them. Then the wheel turns.

Aries (March 21-April 20): You seek security and the art of

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Great amounts of work can be

living. Recent tumultuous events, both inner and outer, filled with desire and frustration, love and wonder, push you here and there and you wonder if comfort will ever be experienced again. It will but not until a few tests are completed. Maintain dedication and pray for right action. Will it.

somewhere and find yourself. This will be a new self and one you’ve been preparing for quite a while now (actually years and years). What will it take to set yourself upon a new path? Careful in relationships. Old wounds emerge so they can dissolve away. Are you asking where your home is?

accomplished. You have strength, ability, desire, aspiration, and courage to approach whatever is needed and apply yourself until completion. In general. All will run smoothly though with an accelerated pace. Careful at home and with family. It’s not so smooth there. Apply the appropriate salvage if necessary.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): You seek to relate to others more Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You seek comfort and security to deeply than usual. Perhaps thoughts of friendships (who are they) and the need for a vacation or time of release and relaxation occur. You feel the necessity for more resources to meet several major responsibilities. Now is a good time to negotiate any financial arrangements. Someone in your family needs shoes.

a greater degree at this time within relationships. This is good and it will be up to you to achieve half of it. How? By listening more, seeing the life principle in the other, and allowing for change to occur in all levels within your interactions. This is not easy. But it’s imperative for future constancy to occur.

Gemini (May 23-June 20): Any situations you are in a dilemma about will be dealt with in dreams, meditations, contemplative thoughts, and long walks. You’ve become exceedingly sensitive. Be very observant with how you present duality. Venus is attempting to harmonize everything. You’ll need to let this occur so you can unify too. This is a longing you have.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20): Is your mind simply overrun with new creative ideas? Do you at times want to become an entirely new person but you don’t know who that is yet? Is communication at times, or perhaps thoughts, both a wound and a healing? This month work will need fortitude. Romance may occur. We hope.

Cancer (June 21-July 20): Something within the groups you work

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): You want to move forward, your

and interact with will allow you to focus on thoughts and feelings that have been difficult recently. You will be able to make clearer decisions, come to agreements and begin to make future plans quite soon now. This New Moon is asking you to invoke a spirit of not only illumination but gratitude, too. Fear then dissolves.

usual state of activity, but the Mercury retro pulls you back and asks for more contemplation rather than action. This is good as it allows you to prepare for the months ahead with a clear, cool head. It’s time for a renewal of your self-identity. Who are you to be now?

“I got written up at work for smelling like sex and vodka. Still not sure how they put that into professional terms.” “I texted him that I wanted to be more than fu*k buddies so when I came over he gave me a punch card. He takes me to I dinner every 10 fu*ks.”

“She gave me her number. found out it was already stored in my phone as ‘bathroom blowjob’”

BOY: Im on Facebook,Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube & Skype. GIRL: You need to get a life! BOY: Im not on that one can you send me the link? “I just celebrated my ex boyfriends

“EXCITING NEWS! Ive won a trip to NY & I can take my family & 5 friends! So what r u doing nxt week? I need sum1 to look after my dogs!”

birthday by having more sex than he will today.”

“My girlfriend always complains that I don’t take her anywhere expensive.. So I took her to the Petrol Station.”

HUSBAND: honey I want you to whisper dirty things in my ear! WIFE: kitchen, living room, dinning room, your shirt, YOU!

“Her boyfriend was wrestling another girl. But, she said she was okay with it because she kept checking for boners--w the back of her hand like she was checking for a fever”

“Told some chick I’m a virgin, on my way to her house as I type this. Debating crying afterwards to mess with her head.”

Rick: do we own a ladder LIZ: We do not. Rick: then how am i on the roof Boy: R u single? GIRL: No, I’m plural BOY: I meant r u free on Saturday? GIRL: No, I’m really expensive.



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“Why am I getting the stink eye from these people? They’re acting like BYOB isn’t kosher in a laundromat.” WWW.MAINSTREAMMAGAZINE.COM

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• Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. • I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car. • Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. “Yes” is the answer. • The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it’s still on the list. • If I agreed with you we’d both be wrong. • Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. • Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. • Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don’t have a good partner, you’d better have a good hand. • Evening news is where they begin with ‘Good evening’, and then proceed to tell you why it isn’t. • To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research. • A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it. • Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says “If an emergency, notify:” I put “DOCTOR”. What’s my mother going to do? • I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with “Guess” on I said “Implants?” • Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman. • Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America? • Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose. • When in doubt, mumble. • Women may not hit harder, but they hit lower. • My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you’re ugly too. • I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of Penasco tequila. • You’re never too old to learn something stupid.


• To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.

If winning isn’t everything why do they keep score? Why is it that people say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up every two hours? Why do they put a round pizza in a square box? Why is Panties plural and bra is singular? Why does a doctor have you disrobe just to put a robe on you? Why do people go to the top of tall buildings to look through binoculars to see things on the ground? Do the actors on America’s most wanted or unsolved mysteries ever get arrested for looking like the criminal they play? If Pro is the opposite of Con, what’s the opposite of progress? If it’s zero degrees outside & it’s suppose to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be? Why are needles for lethal injections sterilized? Why do drive thru ATM’s have Brail code on them? Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat? Whose idea was it to put an “S” in the word “lisp”? How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, “I think I’ll squeeze these pink dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?” Why do toasters always have a setting so high that could burn the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat? Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They’re both dogs Can blind people see their dreams? Do they dream? Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune? Why does a dog get mad when you blow in his face, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window. If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose? If a 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors? Why is it when you’re driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?













“Threading Hope” is a humanitarian entity of dl-couture. It works directly with non-profits and foundations to bring hope to children and those in need in underprivileged countries, providing not just a blanket for warmth but a personalized quilt designed by textile artist Kristina Green, or donated by our wonderful quilters around the globe. Mrs. Green is the co-founder of “Threading Hope” with Danell Lynn, joining together in a lifelong passion of helping others and bringing beauty and hope in times of pain that feel hopeless. Mrs. Green is one of the women behind the passionate quilts. She is a fabric artist personalizing every stitch, every patch, and every inch is made from her heart. Expenses incurred are covered by dl-couture, the funding to make sure that we bring smiles when we go into foreign countries, relying on the artists for time and creative visions. Our hope is to include many quilt groups that are willing to help us bring multiple quilts to villages, orphanages, and children throughout the globe. As an ambassador of goodwill Ms. Lynn normally goes on at least 1-2 humanitarian trips a year to different countries. From refugee camps in the Western Sahara, childrens’ schools in Kenya, poverty stricken villages in El Salvador, to building orphanages in Estonia she holds true to one of her favorite quotes: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” –Mahatma Gandhi For more information: we are always in need of more quilters to donate handmade quilts!


There has been immense research done looking at the positive effects of art on children. Whether they come from poverty stricken areas, rural communities or even struggling home environments, art has the power to respond in miraculous ways. It builds self confidence, gives children a voice, promotes thinking skills, and increases cognitive capacities and motivations. Most importantly art reminds them that it is ok to be a child and there are good things in childhood.

city of Soyapongo. The belief is that the art will help remind troubled children of the beauty in childhood that is so often forgotten. All lessons are guided with art therapy in mind and not just making a pretty picture. The depth of underlying emotion and thought in the works is what keeps you going.

The mission of Highwire is to bridge the cultural gaps with hope and imagination. Stretching a wire, crossing borders and connecting the human spirit.

In the wake of the earthquake in Haiti, Danell headed to Port au Prince to work in the hospitals, and created art kits in cloth backpacks that the children could keep to begin their healing through art. She also took quilted blankets handmade by Threading Hope volunteers (, www. to give to families and children in need.

San Salvador was the start to the powerful growth of Highwire. Danell visited two villages and began bridging the gaps. Her art class was with 20+ children in the violent and crime torn

Danell is a global supporter of humanitarian aid. She has done humanitarian work in Estonia, Kenya, El Salvador, Malawi, Haiti, Morocco, Ecuador and more.



very local band dreams of making it big, selling out stadiums and earning the rockstar title. These local bands are the heart of the music scene, dripping with raw talent and drive. Phoenix is lucky enough to witness Versions of You push their way from garage to sold out venue. Their dedication and talent has already branded them rockstars, but their passion will make them unforgettable.

Jay: Well I always had the idea stuck in my head of the Mayans. When they would greet each other with ‘Hi’ they were actually greeting another version of themselves. The idea that we are all of the same consciousness but we are living different experiences. We are all different versions of each other. So I always liked the name Versions of You. Amanda: Who were your musical influences growing up?

Comprised of lead vocalist, Jay Day; lead guitarist Super Dick Rogers; bassist, Andrew Adams; drummer, Karl Reichmuth and backup vocalist Katy Weatherly, Versions of You is rocking their way to the top!

Jay: I always like Seether, especially their acoustic music as well as Everclear. Other than that I listen to all types of music. Amanda: What music genre does Versions of You fall in?


Amanda for Mainstream: Tell me a little about your band and how you got started.

Jay: We are definitely a rock band, but we range from hard

Nickelback to acoustic Jack Johnson. Amanda: What’s your favorite song you have written? Jay: My favorite song that I have written is The Awakening which we haven’t released yet. Elements is definitely the funnest song for me to play. Amanda: Have you ever had anything go wrong when playing a show? Jay: Yes, we were playing at an outdoor show where we had to bring all of our own sound equipment. We didn’t have any cords, so the sound guy was behind us the whole time because we didn’t have our own equipment. Amanda: How well do you know your bandmates? Jay: Well the band started a couple years ago and we have reformed since then. Andy originally played guitar but after the band reformed we approached him to come back as a bassist and he had never played bass before. He had three weeks before our show, so he picked up a bass guitar and taught himself all of our songs in three weeks and he was amazing. He just has so much passion and he believes in this project, in Versions of You. Katie is our backup singer, she’s great. Karl is the new drummer he has taken the band to a whole new level. Kyle, or Super Dick, is like a brother to me. He really made Versions of You blossom into what it is today. Amanda: What made you start the band? Jay: Well about 5 years ago I got divorced. It was the highlight of my life. I met the love of my life and she encouraged me to do what I love. I picked up a guitar and started playing. She inspired me to start writing. I played acoustic sets and open mic nights. My brother in law introduced me to a couple guys that wanted to be in a band. That was the beginning. After 1 year the band broke up and reformed and is now Versions of You. Amanda: Any words of advice for someone else that wants to start a band? Jay: Anyone who really wants to do - has to do it without the hesitation of what others think. You have to be it before you do it. Be a rockstar no matter what happens. You have to believe it first. A quote I always use that keeps me going is, “I ride the waves of truth until I crash upon the shore of my destiny.” Amanda: Any last words? Jay: This is all our dreams, we all live it and breathe it.












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Model: Tayler Ball Photography: Michael Franco Accessories: La Rev Vintage Hair: Megan De Haan






Photography by Nick Duplessis.

Photography by Nick Duplessis.


Chris from Mainstream: How did you get into bartending? Rachel: I started as a server 4 years ago and it was just a natural progression! Chris: Why do you bartend? Rachel: The idea that I make peoples’ lives a lil more bearable sometimes! Bad day? I got a shot for that... Chris: What is your favorite drink to make? Rachel: Margaritaaaa Chris: Whats the biggest tip you ever received? Rachel: Somethings are better left un-said :)


Chris: Who is your favorite customer? Rachel: The ‘Regulars” the ones who continuously come

back to see us! Its appreciated when someone feels like crazies and all the next day you just wanna crash out.. they can come to your bar and feel special and valued by who ever is waiting on them! Those people are usually Chris: Whats the best part of working at El Hefe? my friends HAHA!!! Rachel: El Hefe is my home away from home...literally..I Chris: How often do customers hit on you? What’s love everything about El Hefe! So its hard to pick one! I guess I’d say the relationships I have built since the worst pick up line they use? being here, I work with a pretty AMAZING group of Rachel: I’m pretty oblivious when guests “hit” on me, individuals! so if they do, I dont usually notice till I get a random facebook request or message. The worst pick up line Chris: Where are you originally from? was from an older gentleman and it made me laugh really hard! “If I knew your Mom at your age, id be your Rachel: Born and Raised in Phoenix baby! This is my daddy” I was like gross dude, get outta here, thats my home town and I love my city! mom.... Chris: What are your hobbies outside of the club? Chris: The hartdest part of bartending? Rachel: I love to go hiking, going to the lake with my Rachel: For me its the hours.. going home at 4 sometimes friends, snowboarding, riding my longboard, and riding 5 in the morning after cleaning up after a bunch of horses! I like to be in active, and outdoors! 43

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Written by: Richard Baldwin

1. IPad 2 Was there any question an Apple product would be at the top of every holiday wish list? Sales for the Ipad 2 have overtaken sales of the original Ipad in 2 month’s time. The great thing about the Ipad of any generation is they make great gifts, especially for Father’s Day. A gift such as the Ipad will get you on your old man’s good side and is versatile for every dad out there. If your dad is a tech guru he’ll love it. If your dad is a serious business man, he’ll love it and if you have a dad that loves pushing buttons, playing games, watching TV or the hundred of other things that could occupy his down time, he’ll love it! The Ipad 2 also serves as the perfect gift for the out of state father. He’ll be sure to enjoy skyping on his new sleek and sexy gadget!

2. Humminbird RF25 Fish Finder If your dad likes to bask in the sun, brave the elements, and have a recreational hobby that allows him to get dirty with a new gadget, the Humminbird Fish Finder is the gadget for him. Starting at only $80 the Humminbird Fish Finder is a sonar allowing fish to be detected up to 150 ft. down. The great thing is unlike their competitors, Humminbird made a sonar that attaches to the actual pole and not sitting at his feet. Your dad will never miss any fishing action below the surface with this great gadget!

3. League Networks Dad’s a sports lover? Any/all of the league passes/networks makes a great Father’s Day gift! Your dad will be excited to have every game he would ever want at his finger tips. These packages are fairly inexpensive, usually around a hundred dollars or so. If you have the money to splurge for the three major networks you’ll have one ecstatic dad. If you’re going for just one of the networks I would suggest finding out his favorite sport. If he’s not a golf fan and you give the golf network he’ll admire the thought, not the actual gift.

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The Fashion of a Compliment Written by:

Richard Baldwin

Our world is complicated; society has changed vastly in such a short amount of time. The dynamics of conversation and connectivity have become entangled with modern electronics. Messages get lost, words become insincere and what were once simple gestures are now dripping with possibilities of misinterpretation. WE, as a society have lost genuine perspective and it is unfashionable. We learn how to manipulate rather than portray sincerity and genuine speech.

their walls and allows you, in turn, to bring your guard down. Compliments spoken without sincerity will have the opposite effect. They will see this, raise their walls and immediately have a lack of trust. How do you avoid this common mistake? Compliments are a part of foreplay and everyone can agree foreplay is best when not rushed. Therefore, do not rush to pay everyone a compliment. If you want to gain trust and respect, wait. Patience is a virtue. Wait until you have found a quality or superficial (personal) accessory you genuinely appreciate or find attractive. Get to know your counterpart past introductions. Find that quality not everyone will notice off the cusp. Generally, you want to pay anyone and everyone a compliment whom you are trying to please in every encounter. Always vary the flattery. Sometimes it may be a quality in their character, other times it may be as simple as noticing the elegance of a watch or necklace. Regardless of the compliment, ALWAYS

What on earth am I talking about? Many know what a compliment is, but few know how to utilize it correctly. As a member of the male species I have noticed we have learned that flattery can lead to seduction, so we walk around as our cavemen ancestors and throw out empty compliments to possible female suitors. It would almost be better for these males to wander around pointing and saying “ooh agh ugh me likey you” and point. Why? Because, it has the same effect as an empty compliment - easy to spot its insincerity and shallowness. The word “compliment” originated from France in the 1570’s. Originally it was a term used to indicate respect. Classes of citizens were very segregated and as customary when visiting another’s chateau or villa, one would pay the host with a compliment. Later, in the 1800’s chivalry was just coming into definition. Women of the era had grown tired of a lack of romance in society. As such, there followed some of the greatest literary characters, satisfying the romantic needs of society. Characters such as Don Juan, in the novel Dulce y Sabrosa, Pao Yu in the Chinese novel The Dream of the Red Chambers and many others arose, teaching men the effect of being a gentleman. A true gentleman, a fashionable man, understands that the power of the compliment doesn’t lie in its utterance it comes with sincerity. If you pay people the same compliment, for example: your eyes are beautiful, others around you will spot your insincerity and grow resentful or simply roll their eyes behind your back. Others will lose respect and the next time you go to pay that friend a compliment, they may look at you as the boy who cries wolf. A compliment is an effective way of connecting and showing sincere attention to any and all individuals. When we pay others a compliment it signifies we are confident in ourselves. Being able to notice positive qualities about an individual and bringing it to their attention breaks down

be genuine and true. Use compliments correctly and you’ll be more favorable with co-workers, peers, bosses, clients and lovers. Use compliments insincerely and be scorned and resented by those who see through your fake attempts of flattery. Remember, fashion is more than clothing and apparels, it’s just as much an attitude, compliment with caution my friends!








resh ingredients, rustic decor and a trendy crowd make The Parlor a must visit when dining in Phoenix. Their pizza has been voted best in Arizona by the Food Network and best of Phoenix by the New Times. Everyone flocks to this local eatery that utilizes style, design and delicious food to create the perfect dining experience. The Parlor has an amazing outdoor garden and on special occasions the chefs will use the ingredients on location to make the food as fresh as possible. Striving to use fresh and organic ingredients consistently, the parlor makes it easy and affordable to get high quality, unique and delectable cuisine. With everything from crispy saffron risotto and charred octopus appetizers to roasted beet salad and duck club sandwich, this pizza parlor has something for everyone.


The food isn't the only thing that will make your mouth water here. The interior of The Parlor is full of rustic wood and decorated glass. A warm, calm and inviting vibe sets the table for your award winning pizza. With several seasonal beers and wines there is always a new reason to come back to The Parlor. Not to mention, they have a great Happy Hour! Everyday from 3 - 6 you get $2 off wine and $3 off drafts. There are 16 beers on draft, so there is always a new one to try!


Women’s Fashion

Tips Swimsuit Shopping

Written by: Richard Baldwin

1. Support and Comfort: Girls with a larger bust should avoid triangle top string bikinis. The string is simply not enough for support and may give you a look you’re not looking for. Look for tops that add the same/close to the support of a bra. This will accentuate your bust much classier and compliment your figure.

2. For All Those Pear Shaped If you have a pear shaped figure, a.k.a hour glass, pair lighter tops with darker bottoms. V-shaped bottoms will have a slimming effect on your hips.

Styled,Edited and designed by: Richard Baldwin Image captured by: Paul Matthew Model: Laci Koning Wardrobe: 7th Heaven Boutique

Women’s Fashion 7 Swimsuit Shopping Tips 3. Fabric-Check! When choosing the best suit you’ll rock this summer, be sure to check the tag for fabric details. For those girls who are full and curvy a nice one-piece will flatter your figure. Check the fabric to see if there is a percentage of spandex - this will give you that comfort you’re going to want either lounging in or out of the pool.

4. The Power of the Halter Top It is truly amazing what the halter top can do. If you have a small petite figure a halter type is going to give you that bust, while at the same time drawing the eyes up. So...a great bust and eye contact-what? It’s true so embrace a halter topped swim suit this summer, for the most fun in the sun!

5. Always Bring a Friend! Shopping is an activity that many of us can find quite enjoyable, but money doesn’t grow on trees. So, bring that friend you know you’ll have an enjoyable time with but, make sure they’re that same friend who has taste, knowledge and will be honest with you. Utilize the friendly outing and never be stuck with that feeling of buyer’s remorse.

6. Don’t Be Cheap A swimsuit is the most revealing outfit one will ever wear in public. Therefore, don’t be cheap! If you want the right look, you need to get the perfect fabric designed to flatter your natural beauty and personality!

7. Pay Mind To your Accessories Your swimsuit is your best friend, so when shopping pay mind to what accessories you already have for that new piece. A swimsuit is just as much an outfit so when wearing it, make the commitment to accessories.

TUESDAY: Industry Party THURSDAY: Groove Candy FRIDAY: Live music w/ DJ Roach CLip SATURDAY: Dj convince

Concert schedule:

June 1 - Jed’s a Millionaire, The Black Moods, Lucky D June 6 - Circus Mexicus Pre-Party w/ Shurman, Sons of Bill, Jason Boots June 8 - Stephen Ashbrook, Miss Krystle June 13 - Unplugged w/ The Dirty Rascals June 15 - We Were Strangers CD Release show June 22 - Reign Art Show w/ Doctor Bones June 27 - Unplugged w/ Alchemy Heart June 29 - Two Tone Lizard Kings


Absurd Sundays - Firehouse Retox - Martini Ranch Biggest AZ Day Party - El Hefe Poolside - Spanish Fly Beach Club 24K Brunch - The Mint Ladies Night - Cue Club on Mill

Toxic Mondays - Zuma Grill Industry Rocks - PCL

Industry Night - Smashboxx Art in the Alley - Historic Downtown Casa Grande

Absurd Sundays - Firehouse Retox - Martini Ranch Biggest AZ Day Party - El Hefe Poolside - Spanish Fly Beach Club 24K Brunch - The Mint Ladies Night - Cue Club on Mill One Direction - Comerica Theater

Toxic Mondays - Zuma Grill Industry Rocks - PCL A Taste of Tapas - Bacchus Wine

Industry Night - Smashboxx

Absurd Sundays - Firehouse Retox - Martini Ranch Biggest AZ Day Party - El Hefe Poolside - Spanish Fly Beach Club 24K Brunch - The Mint Ladies Night - Cue Club on Mill Scars on 45 - Martini Ranch

Absurd Sundays - Firehouse Retox - Martini Ranch Biggest AZ Day Party - El Hefe Poolside - Spanish Fly Beach Club 24K Brunch - The Mint Ladies Night - Cue Club on Mill

Toxic Mondays - Zuma Grill Industry Rocks - PCL

Toxic Mondays - Zuma Grill Industry Rocks - PCL

Industry Night - Smashboxx Group Wine Bottling Experience - Su Vino Winery

Industry Night - Smashboxx

American Junkie Wednesdays Megage/Soiree de La Femme - The Mint El Hefe Wednesdays An Evening with Primus - Pepsi Ampitheater Wine Wednesdays - Graze Desert Grill Free AZ Wine Tasting - Phoenix Pubilc Market

Lingerie Nights - Firehouse Wild Knight Thursdays Smashboxx Thursdays Dollhouse Thursdays Destroyer - Crescent Ballroom Flavors of Phoenix - Westin Kierland SanTan Brewery Beer Dinner -Spotted Donkey

American Junkie Wednesdays Megage/Soiree de La Femme - The Mint El Hefe Wednesdays

Lingerie Nights - Firehouse Wild Knight Thursdays Smashboxx Thursdays Dollhouse Thursdays Great Tastes on the Grill - Bacchus Wine

American Junkie Wednesdays Megage/Soiree de La Femme - The Mint El Hefe Wednesdays

Lingerie Nights - Firehouse Wild Knight Thursdays Smashboxx Thursdays Dollhouse Thursdays George and Sons Asian Cuisine Grand Tasting with Arizona Wine

American Junkie Wednesdays Megage/Soiree de La Femme - The Mint El Hefe Wednesdays Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey Circus - US Airways Center

Lingerie Nights - Firehouse Wild Knight Thursdays Smashboxx Thursdays Dollhouse Thursdays

Sexy Raging Fridays - American Junkie F**k Me Fridays - PCL Stryper - Marquee Theatre Live Music - Desert Ridge Market The Shri Blues Band - Desert Botanical Garden “Dive In” Movies - Four Seasons Scottsdale Alcoheimers Happy Hour -Phoenix Place Hotel

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony -Celebrity Theatre AN21 - Axis-Radius Wines around the world -Miele Gallery Veritas Wine Tasting -Fry;s Signature Cellar Store

Sexy Raging Fridays - American Junkie F**k Me Fridays - PCL The B-52’s - Wild Horse Pass CureDuchenne’s Indulge! - Evening of cupcakes and wine - Heidi’s Events and Catering Cirque du Soleil: Kooza - University of Phoenix Grease - AZ Broadway Theater 2nd Friday - Downtown Mesa Bravo’s Top Chef Tour

4 Course Arizona Wine Dinner at The Dhaba Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction O.H.S.O Super Stereo - Crescent Ballroom Bite Nite - Arizona Biltmore Wine & Food Festival - Pepsi Ampitheater Rocket Summer - Martini Ranch Mighty Mud Mania - Chaparral Park South American Wine Tasting - Cheuvront

Sexy Raging Fridays - American Junkie F**k Me Fridays - PCL Downtown Chandler Art Walk Third Friday - Phoenix Concert in the Park - Civic Space Park Lil Kim - Celebrity Theater

Van Halen - US Airways Center

Sexy Raging Fridays - American Junkie F**k Me Fridays - PCL

Sexy Raging Fridays - American Junkie F**k Me Fridays - PCL Arizona Wine Tasting - Arizona Wine Company

Country Music Day -Musical Instrument Museum Hawaiian Luau - Wet ‘n’ Wild




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