3.2 EMPLOYMENT The Covid-19 pandemic, its consequent emergency scenarios and the impact on the global socio-economic environment had a significant influence on personnel management policies and resulted in the reshaping of the Maire Tecnimont Group pre-Covid period recruitment plan. This focused on the placement of essential positions, with the aim to guarantee continuity in operational activities and the pursuit of business goals. Despite the severe economic and labour market crisis, and the enormous impact on people on a global scale, the Company has not planned any personnel reduction actions, thereby confirming to look at the Human Capital as a fundamental asset in overcoming and successfully facing the current challenges.
Only the subsidiaries MST S.r.l. and Neosia S.p.A. (at the date of this Report merged by incorporation with the transformation of the acquiring company MST S.r.l. into MST S.p.A.) appealed to the Ordinary Wage Guarantee Fund (CIGO) for a PERMANENT certain number of reRECRUITMENT sources. The above folDespite the lower numRELATED TO lowing the temporary ber of hires compared STAFF AGED 30 suspension of activities to the previous two OR LOWER requested by some cliyears and the initial ents, and whose duties forecasts for the finanwere not properly carcial year, the Maire Tecried out from remote. In nimont Group confact, taking the opporfirmed its willingness tunity offered by the to continue investing in “Salva Italia”, “Reyoung people, as launch” and subsequent demonstrated by the GRADUATES IN ENGINEERING Decrees, such subsidifact that 32% of permaAND OTHER aries shared with trade nent new hires in 2020 TECHNICAL union representatives was related DISCIPLINES the decision to apply to to staff the Wage Guarantee aged 30 or Fund for a total of 76 staff memlower, 90% of which bebers, supplementing CIGO funds to ing graduates in engiprovide 100% of workers’ pay and neering and other techproviding for the staff involved to nical disciplines and return to their respective activities. almost 40% female. considering the possible impact of Covid-19 on the prospects for the social security system, chose to retire in advance, profiting from the options made available by the current legislation (Early Pension, Quota 100 and Opzione Donna).
As of 31 December 2020, the Maire Tecnimont Group’s staff consisted of 5,960 employees, 85.3% of which on a permanent contract, recording a decrease of around 6% compared to 2019. In addition to the slow-down in the number of hirings, such deEMPLOYEES crease – mostly experienced in the Middle East, in India and in the Far East area – can however be ascribable to the normal turnover, connected to the completion of the construction phase of several projects, which usually involves the greatest amount of resources. In Italy, on the other hand, the decrease mainly concerned personnel on fixed-term contract.
The recruitment plan has also been redefined to ensure the reintegration into the permanent headcount of job positions left vacant by colleagues who, taking advantage of the available options and 86