3.5 HEALTH AND SAFETY The Maire Tecnimont Group is committed on a daily basis to promoting workplace safety, environmental protection and people’s well-being. In general, a continuous focus is placed on creating a positive workplace, in which people can work safely, aware of the risk and consequences for the environment related to their job, and cooperating and sharing work and life experiences while growing professionally with their colleagues. For the Maire Tecnimont Group, as EPC Contractors, people have a distinctive value. Therefore, the risks relative to the health and safety of the employees present every day at home offices and construction sites are continuously assessed and mitigated. The safety and protection of people is not only a priority but a fundamental value that each of us puts into practice in all our activities, day after day. We are putting our efforts into increasing the engagement of our colleagues, clients and subcontractors, because HSE28 is a value which everyone believes in and identifies with. The challenge of our journey is to humanize HSE. Focusing on the prevention of any type of accident and the mitigation of any impact on the ecosystem, the Maire Tecnimont Group is therefore committed to providing workplaces, services and industrial plants compliant with applicable legal requirements and the highest Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) standards, while also encouraging “work safely” and environmental protection approaches for every area of Company operations and during all phases of project execution, both at home office and construction site level.
The HSE Policy specifies princiThe average hours of training per ples, objectives, targets, roles and capita provided to employees at responsibilities, in addition to the home office and construction sites management criteria necessary to for Maire Tecnimont Group on HSE, control HSE issues. These objecSocial Accountability and Project tives and targets are communicatQuality topics were 13.8 hours in ed to the Companies by Top Man2018, 11.9 hours in 2019 and 7.3 agement and pursued through hours in 202029. The variation observed on the absolute values are involving all personnel in each aclinked to the cyclical nature of the tivity during the engineering, protraining campaigns carried out curement, construction and comover the years and to the reduction missioning stages of our projects. in hours worked in 2020. In addiContinuous and intensive monitortion, all sub-contractors workers at ing and periodic audits are carried construction sites beout by the HSE internal longing to the Maire auditors within the orHSE TRAINING Tecnimont Group reganization and by exterceive training on HSE nal notified bodies, enand Human rights issuring that the HSE sues. The numbers are obligations are effectivesignificant and indicaly met. tive not only of the OVER adoption of correct Training is essential to methodologies and increate value for our tense commitment, but stakeholders and to HOURS also of the awareness continuously develop OVER THE LAST and involvement of all the professional skills THREE YEARS those who take part in and competence of our activities. employees across the Maire Tecnimont Group. An intenIn this perspective, in 2018 we sive training program and specific launched a five-year plan with the sessions involve all employees in aim of define a new approach to order to improve their knowledge HSE culture, not confined to indion Health, Safety and Environment vidual projects but comprehenissues, tailored according to the sively facilitating general empowrole and tasks of the employee. In erment of HSE awareness in the terms of the activities performed Maire Tecnimont Group. The “HSE on construction sites, training is a Awareness Program” is structured key element for incident preveninto a series of initiatives, all fotion. Over 7 million hours have cused on this singular objective, been dedicated to HSE courses applying a multi-stakeholder apover the last three years. The ratio proach. Just one year after the between HSE training hours and launch of the program, numerous man hours worked on construction activities have been launched and sites was 2.52% in 2018, 2.45% in developed, reaching and exceed2019 and 2.91% in 2020. Despite the ing the challenging goal to create decreasing of man-hours worked, the innovative “Safethink” brand this ratio has increased, demonas the basis of a new shared HSE strating the effort and commitculture and identity. ment on these issues.
28 HSE: Health, Safety and Environment. 29 For more details on HSE training hours see the Appendix. 94
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