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Luxair News
Esch2022 ready for take-off! Esch2022 parée au décollage !
EN Luxair has partnered with Esch2022 and Luxembourgish artist Lynn Cosyn to celebrate the European Capital of Culture in 2022. As an actor committed to promoting Luxembourg, joining forces with Esch2022, which will be the European Capital of culture next year, was only natural for Luxair, who fully embraces the Esch2022 motto “Remix Culture”. This partnership will make the Luxembourgish heritage shine across Europe and much further, through the special Esch2022 livery, for which Lynn Cosyn, a Luxembourg artist with colourful, naive and childish art, has taken care of the makeover. FR Luxair s’est associée à Esch2022 et à l’artiste luxembourgeoise Lynn Cosyn pour célébrer la Capitale européenne de la culture en 2022. En tant qu’acteur engagé dans la promotion du Luxembourg, s’associer à Esch2022, qui sera la Capitale européenne de la culture l’année prochaine, n’était qu’une évidence pour Luxair, qui se retrouve pleinement dans la devise d’Esch2022, « Remix Culture ». Ce partenariat permettra de faire rayonner le patrimoine luxembourgeois dans toute l’Europe et bien plus loin encore, à travers la livrée spéciale Esch2022, dont Lynn Cosyn, artiste luxembourgeoise à l’art coloré, naïf et enfantin, s’est chargée du relooking.
LYNN COSYN Artist “If I had known at the age of 8 – when I flew for the first time, with Luxair – that one day I would see my art on a plane, my entourage would have let me continue dreaming.” « Si j’avais su à l’âge de 8 ans – quand j’ai volé pour la première fois, avec Luxair – qu’un jour j’allais voir mon art sur un avion, mon entourage m’aurait laissé continuer à rêver. »
Luxair Photos

Fly to Dakar with LuxairTours Envolez-vous vers Dakar avec LuxairTours
EN LuxairTours invites you to escape... to Senegal! Enjoy one of our 4 exclusive flights to Dakar in spring 2022. Located at the westernmost point of the African continent, on the Cape Verde peninsula, the Senegalese capital is marked by its strong cultural mix and its architectural diversity. But Dakar is best known for its wonderful markets, such as the Sandaga market, which, with its sumptuous neo-Sudanese style architecture, is worth a visit in itself. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can discover the charming island of Gorée, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
FR LuxairTours vous propose de vous évader… au Sénégal ! Profitez d’un de nos 4 vols exclusifs vers Dakar au printemps 2022. Située au point le plus occidental du continent africain, sur la presqu’île du Cap-Vert, la capitale sénégalaise est marquée par son brassage culturel fort et sa diversité architecturale. Mais Dakar est surtout connue pour ses merveilleux marchés, comme celui de Sandaga, qui, avec sa somptueuse architecture de style néosoudanais, vaut à lui seul le détour. Loin de l’agitation de la ville, vous pourrez découvrir la charmante île de Gorée, classée au Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.
Pop-up store
Luxair at the heart of Galeries Lafayette L’univers Luxair au cœur des Galeries Lafayette
EN On 1 December a pop-up store dedicated to the world of Luxair opened on the fifth floor of Galeries Lafayette in Luxembourg. Until mid-March, you will be able to discover the various Luxair collections in the iconic environment of Galeries Lafayette, in the heart of the city centre, and in particular the brand new aircraft models in Luxair′s special liveries, including the essential Boeing 737-800 and De Havilland Q400, in Sumo colours. FR Le 1er décembre, un pop-up store dédié à l’univers de Luxair s’est installé au 5e étage des Galeries Lafayette de Luxembourg. Jusqu’à la mi-mars, vous y découvrirez les différentes collections de Luxair dans l’environnement iconique des Galeries Lafayette, au cœur du centre-ville, et notamment les toutes nouvelles maquettes d’avions des livrées spéciales de Luxair, dont les incontournables Boeing 737-800 et De Havilland Q400, aux couleurs de Sumo.

Discover Luxair′s new in-flight video Découvrez la nouvelle vidéo de bord de Luxair
EN The new on-board safety video highlights the history, culture and diverse landscape of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Discover the majestic castle of Vianden, the historic city of Luxembourg, the picturesque Mullerthal, as well as the canton of Grevenmacher and the Moselle river as you have never seen them before. The video features Luxair employees posing as actors for the duration of the shooting. FR La nouvelle vidéo des consignes de sécurité à bord met en avant le patrimoine historique et culturel, ainsi que la diversité des paysages du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Découvrez le majestueux château de Vianden, la ville historique de Luxembourg, le pittoresque Mullerthal, ainsi que le canton de Grevenmacher et la Moselle comme vous ne les avez jamais vus. Tous les protagonistes de cette vidéo sont des employés de Luxair, devenus acteurs le temps d’un tournage.
In flight

New business class menus Nouveaux menus en classe affaires
EN Luxair and a group of talented young chefs from the École d’Hôtellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg have teamed up to offer business class passengers high-quality menus. Through this initiative, Luxair continues its quest to promote Luxembourg cuisine. Dishes such as parmesan tart, beef sashimi and lemon meringue tartlet boast local seasonal produce. The chefs rose to the challenge with the results promising a mouth-watering experience of the best of European cuisine, with exciting new influences from all over the world.
FR Luxair et les jeunes chefs talentueux de l’École d’Hôtellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg ont travaillé main dans la main pour offrir aux passagers de la classe affaires des menus de haute qualité.
À travers cette initiative, Luxair poursuit sa volonté de promouvoir le savoir-faire luxembourgeois. Les plats mettent en valeur les richesses de la nature et sont élaborés à partir de produits de saison. De la tarte fine au parmesan au bœuf façon sashimi, en passant par la célèbre tartelette au citron meringuée, le challenge est relevé haut la main et promet un voyage culinaire à travers le meilleur de la cuisine européenne, ponctué de touches fraîches et surprenantes provenant de tous les continents.
Luxair Photo
We asked Yves Germeaux, Head of Aviation Finance at ATOZ, about his views on the key challenges for the aviation industry in the years to come, and how to guide clients in this unprecedented period of uncertainty.
How is the aviation industry doing now? The commercial passenger market is in the process of recovering. This is due to the gradual lift of travel restrictions as well as the improvement of the world economy. Unsurprisingly, business travel is expected to take longer to get back to normal than leisure travel. In our latest 2021 ATOZ Aviation Finance survey where we sollicited 600 fellows from airlines, financiers and service providers, half of the respondents believe they will travel the same in 2022 than before the pandemic, but only a quarter believe the same for business travel.

Do you see any positive effects of the crisis? Each major crisis, not only in aviation but in human history, has led to opportunities because of the changes resulting from it. We now see numerous airline start-ups emerging across the globe. Airlines also begin to focus more on IT and digital investments which will not only reduce costs but also allow them to have a better service offering for their clients. From an aircraft perspective, new technologies are being developed. Thus hydrogen, electric, shark skin technology or new supersonic planes might come out sooner than expected.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are standards of business operation by which an investor can filter socially responsible investments. How does aviation perform in these criteria? The environmental part of this criteria is obviously a key challenge for the sector, even though - compared to other industries - aviation is a small source of greenhouse gas emissions, being responsible for only 2-3% of global carbon emissions. The long-term commitment of the industry is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. To achieve this, airlines and other aircraft operators will be subject to a number of measures, of which some are mandatory. Aircraft manufacturers are actively working on new aircraft types, shapes and technologies. However, the most tangible improvement in the short term is certainly the development of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
Interested in knowing more?
Visit our website www.atoz.lu
or contact us on aviationfinance@atoz.lu How can ATOZ Aviation Finance make a difference to its clients? ATOZ Aviation Finance is part of the ATOZ group, a high-end advisory firm based in Luxembourg, counting more than 200 members. Our philosophy is to provide our clients with continuous guidance through the entire business process so they can focus on their day-to-day business. Our aviation team is composed of professionals who have a significant airline experience and enjoy wide recognition in the industry. During these uncertain times, we advise airlines, leasing companies, lenders and investors in their respective challenges, whether it is coping with a difficult market, looking for the best possible financing, considering existing fleet restructuring, validating their business model or intending to get a solid grip on their risks. From the ordering of aircraft until such aircraft leave the fleet, or for specific milestones within the cycle, it is important to understand what it takes to be successful. We also structure and source capital, debt financing and leasing solutions for operators around the world, by reaching out to a diverse group of lender and investor profiles. Our experienced team members have a track record of successfully financing aviation assets of all sizes through a wide variety of innovative and efficient structures.

“Cahier de Voyages”, in collaboration with Euro Moselle Loisirs «Cahier de Voyages », en collaboration avec Euro Moselle Loisirs
EN Luxair wants to give students the opportunity to explore major European cities again – under the best conditions and at the best prices. In collaboration with its partner Euro Moselle Loisirs, Luxair is offering great school trips within the framework of the Cahier de Voyages brochures. Each package includes the essentials for an unforgettable school trip: flights, accommodation, transfers, visits, meals, activities, etc. With this new product, teachers will be able to organise their trips more easily while benefiting from the best advice at every stage of the trip. Want to find out more? Then visit www.luxair.lu.
FR Luxair souhaite donner la possibilité aux étudiants de découvrir à nouveau les grandes villes européennes dans les meilleures conditions et aux meilleurs prix. En collaboration avec son partenaire Euro Moselle Loisirs, Luxair présente des programmes scolaires éducatifs avec la brochure Cahier de Voyages. Chaque formule comprend tous les éléments nécessaires pour un voyage scolaire éducatif réussi : vols, logement, transferts, visites, repas, activités…
Avec ce nouveau produit, les professeurs pourront organiser leurs voyages plus facilement tout en bénéficiant des meilleurs conseils à chaque étape du voyage. Vous souhaitez plus d’informations ? Rendez-vous sur www.luxair.lu.
Fear of flying: now you can relax with Luxair Aviophobie : voler plus détendu avec Luxair
EN Do you find flying stressful? Luxair organises seminars with a psychologist, captain and flight attendant for those with a fear of flying. The dates for 2022 and details are available on Luxair’s website: www.luxair.lu. FR Les voyages en avion sont une source de stress pour vous ? Luxair organise des séminaires contre l’aviophobie, en compagnie d’un psychologue, d’un commandant de bord et d’un agent de cabine. Les dates pour l’année 2022 sont déjà définies, et tous les détails sont disponibles sur le site web de Luxair : www.luxair.lu.

Luxair products at Aelia Duty Free Les produits Luxair chez Aelia Duty Free
EN Discover model aircraft and other Luxair and LuxairTours merchandise in the Aelia Duty Free stores and, as a Luxair passengers, enjoy an exclusive 10% discount. Before the departure, each Luxair passenger will receive an email with the link to buy the products online and collect them at the shop. FR Découvrez les maquettes d’avions et d‘autres articles de merchandising Luxair et LuxairTours dans les boutiques Aelia Duty Free, et, en tant que passager Luxair, profitez d’une remise exclusive de 10 %. Avant le départ, chaque passager Luxair recevra un e-mail avec le lien pour effectuer ses achats en ligne et les récupérer en boutique.
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