薪 詮•
香港友信發展有限公司呈獻: United Sense Development Limited Presents:
The Debut Concert of Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU
新 st
二零一五年 四月一日 星期三 晚上八時正 1 April, 2015 Wednesday 8:00 p.m. 香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
場地規則 House Rules 各位觀眾 : 歡迎蒞臨欣賞香港大學學生會中樂團的創團音樂會。為尊重表演者及場 內觀眾,節目進行期間,請將你的手提電話或其他響鬧╱發光裝置關掉。 未經主辦單位批准,不得在場內攝影、錄音或錄影。請勿在場內飲食或 吸煙。違反上述規則的觀眾,可能會被邀離場,多謝合作。若你對我們 的演出有任何意見,歡迎電郵至 chinorch@hku.hk。 Dear Patrons, Thank you for attending the Debut Concert of the Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU. To be considerate, please switch off any sound/ light emitting devices and mobile phones during the performance. Except with prior permission from the organizer, recording, filming and photography are not allowed in the auditorium. No eating, drinking and smoking is allowed. Audience who breach the rules may be requested to leave the auditorium. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any opinions on our show tonight, please share with us via our email: chinorch@hku.hk
香港大學學生會中樂團 創團音樂會 The Debut Concert of Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU 開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony
騰 Teng
羅偉倫 Law Wai-lun
月兒高 古曲 彭修文 編 As the Moon Rises Ancient Tune Arr. By Peng Xiuwen 江花紅勝火 Flame-red Flowers in Full Bloom
徐景新 Xu JingXin
中場休息 Intermission 月亮代表我的心 The Moon Represents My Heart
翁清溪 曲 瞿春泉 編 Weng Ching-Hsi Arr. by Qu Chunquan
小小山貝河 The Tiny Shan Pui River
陳錦標 Joshua Chan
網路交響曲 — 英雄 Internet Symphony - "Eroica"
譚盾 Tan Dun
樂響 Music Sound
蘇文慶 Su Wen-cheng
樂團簡介 香港大學學生會中樂團於二零一三年七月正式成立,致力於推廣中樂,培養 香港大學學生對中國傳統藝術的認識。本團的創團理念為建立一個香港大學 內的中樂平台,為中樂愛好者或不諳中樂者提供學習及表演的機會。香港大 學內滙集了來自五湖四海的中樂愛好者,但卻從未在學生會架構內有一個結 構健全、發展全面的中樂組織。有見及此,我們有志於組建一個大型、管理 完善的中樂團,匯聚各方好友,一同宣揚中樂文化。本團的指揮為新晉指揮 及香港中樂團胡琴師,司徒健先生。隨着時代的變遷,本團並不規限於只演 奏傳統中樂,曲目更包含流行音樂、現代音樂等,希望能夠更有效地推廣中 國音樂。隨著樂團的團員人數一直增加,我們相信樂團能在短期內發展成一 個規模更全面和架構更完整的中樂團。 自成立以來,本團在每週均進行常規排練,透過持續的練習,以維持並提高 樂團的表演質素。除此之外,本團也定期舉辦樂器班,亦參與大大小小的演 出,藉此向港大學生及大眾推廣中樂。各項表演和活動都獲得了正面的回應 和評價,而團員們亦從排練和表演的過程中獲得了寶貴的經驗,得以提高自 身音樂才能。 時至今日,本團的發展正穩步上揚,形成了一股獨特的力量,為港大多元的 文化添上了色彩。
About the Orchestra With the mission of promoting traditional Chinese music among the members of the University of Hong Kong (hereinafter HKU) and providing a platform for students who are interested in Chinese music to interact, a group of Chinese music enthusiasts establish a Chinese Orchestra in HKU. As the Orchestra is united in its commitment to offering excellence in Chinese music, the Orchestra is now under the baton of Mr. Szeto Kin, a talented young local conductor, who is also a full-time musician of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. The repertoire list of the Orchestra covers not only traditional Chinese but also contemporary music. With the continuously growing number of members, the structure and the size of the Orchestra can be comparable with a full-scale Chinese Orchestra in the near future. Since the establishment of the Orchestra, regular rehearsals have been held in order to strive for a higher standard of Chinese musical performance. Apart from regular rehearsals, performances and music classes, which received positive feedbacks, are organized to promote Chinese instrumental music to the public and HKU members. Members are gaining invaluable experiences through these activities, and are improving rapidly in terms of musicianship. Today, the Orchestra is growing in maturity and has established an unique force to enrich the multicultural feature in HKU.
指揮的話 Words from the Conductor 莊子曰:「指窮於為薪,火傳也,不知其盡也。」傳薪,取的便是薪盡火傳, 火永不熄的意思。據古書記載,「新」是「薪」的本字。古人鑽木取火,季 節變換時改換火柴,稱為新火,後引申為初始的意思。 香港大學學生會中樂團的成立,我們與其說是開創先河,不如說是傳承港大 中樂。追溯港大中樂的歷史,數十年間先後出現過大大小小自發組成的中樂 團、中樂小組,港大中樂是有跡可尋的。這一次,我們把她確立起來,正式 成立規範的樂團,命名為「香港大學學生會中樂團」。作為創團指揮,見證 着這個起初只是數個同學的想法,一步一步發展成現在擁有六十多人的樂團, 我看到的是這一班港大中樂人的決心和魄力。 沒錯,我說的是港大中樂人。港大中樂團的一大特式亦是我們最引以為傲的, 就是今晚參與演出的樂手都是百份百的港大人。當中包括學生、校友、教職 員等。憑藉這份堅持,我們創造出真正屬於港大中樂的樂章。今晚,就讓我 們和您分享這充滿活力、熱誠、最真摰的「港大中樂」!
司徒健 Finally, here comes our big day. It has been the third year since the Orchestra was founded. Establishing a Chinese Orchestra was once only an idea of a few students. And now, it has become an Orchestra with more than 60 members. It has never been easy to overcome all those obstacles. As a conductor, I am amazed by their courage and faith. Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU is the first official Chinese orchestra in HKU though it is not the first time where Chinese music exists here. Over the past decade, various Chinese music ensembles were developed. What we do is to re-ignite the flame of Chinese music in HKU and pass it on. Tonight, all players on the stage are from HKU, which include current students, alumni and staff. We insist to produce Chinese music which truly belongs to HKU. So now, may I share with you the sound of HKU!
Words from the Chairpersons 香港大學學生會中樂團成立兩年有餘,歷經迂迴曲折的創團之路,至今方稍 具規模,發展漸趨成熟,如今終能成功籌備創團音樂會,回想過去的點點滴 滴,心裡興奮異常。創團的初衷是為香港大學的學生提供一個交流中樂的平 台,同時推廣中國傳統音樂,在指揮、兩屆幹事及團員們的共同努力下,這 個目標也離我們越來越近。未來,願樂團屆屆薪火相傳,在港大奏響不絕的 樂曲。 路是人走出來的,而樂團的創團之路則是眾人合力築建的,聚沙成塔, 眾志成城,我們誠心感謝所有向我們施以援手、給予支持的人。
劉凡可 繆嘉偉 方樹堅 2013-2014 年度 2014-2015 年度 2015-2016 年度 It has been two years since the foundation of Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU. Having overcome through tremendous and countless obstacles, the Orchestra has currently developed into a large scale, continuously with an upward trend. It is extremely appreciated that the Debut Concert is now successfully arranged and presented. The original goal to found the Orchestra is to provide a unique platform for students in HKU to share their interests towards Chinese music with others and to promote traditional art. With unremitting efforts of our conductor, two sessions of executive committee as well as members of the Orchestra, such goal is no longer farfetched. We want to express our sincere wish for the Orchestra in the future that our spirits can be passed on. Paths are made by walking, and fortunately the road towards the naissance of Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU is built by the collaboration of various parties. We are sincerely grateful to people who have selflessly contributed and provided infinite support to us.
LAU Fan Ho MIU Ka Wai FONG Shu Kin Session 2013-2014 Session 2014-2015 Session 2015-2016
指揮簡介 司徒健
「司徒健悟性高,具靈氣,是香港可造之材」 - 黃安源 (國際知名音樂家) 司徒氏為香港土生土長的年輕指揮,早年於香 港演藝學院以‘特別生’形式修讀指揮專業。 他亦獲該校頒授音樂學士 ( 榮譽 ) 學位,師從胡 琴大師黃安源先生及余其偉教授,雙主修二胡 高胡。 出於對指揮藝術的追求,司徒氏早於修讀學位 年間跟隨香港著名指揮家及教育家何文川先生 學習,扎下良好的技術基礎。在正式修讀指揮 期間,司徒氏隨「第五屆浦羅哥菲夫國際指揮 大賽」冠軍得主、前香港管弦樂團助理指揮蘇 柏軒研習管弦樂指揮,他的熱誠更驅使他往歐 洲等地拜訪不同西方管弦樂指揮名家,海納百川,將中西音樂的異同融匯貫 通,展現了別樹一幟的指揮風格。 多年來,司徒氏曾多次獲得各項榮譽,包括二胡深造組冠軍及雨果中樂獨奏 獎優勝,更於二零零九至二零一一年間連續三年獲頒「香港賽馬會獎學金」 以表揚其卓越表現。就讀香港演藝學院期間,司徒氏多次與香港演藝學院中 樂團合作演出協奏曲目,大獲好評,他更以指揮德沃夏克的第九交響樂 - 「自.新世界」參加由學院舉辦的「協奏曲比賽」,屬歷來首次。 司徒氏於二零一三年起擔任香港大學學生會中樂團首席指揮,同時亦為該團 創團指揮。畢業於拔萃男書院後,司徒氏一直擔任拔萃男書院中樂團的指揮 助理,協助該團之訓練事宜, 帶領樂團於香港學校音樂節屢獲殊榮,成績斐 然。
* 承蒙香港中樂團允許司徒健先生參與是次演出
About Our Conductor SZETO Kin
Founding Conductor
A rapidly emerging young conductor, Szeto Kin is a rare conducting major graduate from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. “He is a musician possessing special ‘spirituality’ and perceptive sense, with a promising future” – from Wong On Yuen, a world-renowned musician. Pursuing a strong interest in classical orchestral music, Szeto Kin starts his training at the HKAPA under the teaching from Perry So, First Prize winner of the Fifth International Prokofiev Conducting Competition, former Associate Conductor of Hong Kong Philharmonic. He also learns from maestro Kirk Trevor, Donald Schleicher and Tomas Netopil, and his early conducting coach has been Ho Man-chuen, an experienced music educator in Hong Kong. Drawing from his profound experience on Chinese music, Szeto Kin shows a distinct and meticulous style in conducting. Born in Hong Kong, Szeto Kin graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Music degree as a double major student in Erhu and Gaohu. His teachers include maestro Wong On Yuen and professor Yu Qi Wei. By performing ‘The Symphony No. 9 in E minor – From the New World’ by Antonín Dvorák, he is an unprecedented contestant who entered the ‘Concerto Trial’ with conducting major while he was studying at the HKAPA. Szeto Kin is the founding conductor of the Hong Kong University Students' Union Chinese Orchestra, and was officially appointed the principal conductor in 2013. Furthermore, he has been the conductor’s assistant of the Diocesan Boys’ School Chinese Orchestra for many years. On different occasions, he assists in coaching the orchestra for performances, for instance the Hong Kong Music Festival which recognizes the standard of the orchestra with outstanding awards every year. Despite his current engagement in Chinese orchestral conducting, Szeto Kin wishes to expand his practices and focus further on western orchestral conducting.
* Szeto Kin participates in the performance by kind permission of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
樂曲簡介 騰 羅偉倫 騰是一首節奏明快,旋律昂揚的曲子,再配上敲擊樂,更渲染了熱情洋溢、 高昂激奮的氣氛。樂曲採用傳統的三段體曲式,開首以齊奏引出昂揚的旋律 ; 中段的音樂柔揚抒情 ; 最後旋律再現,樂曲在歡騰的氣氛中結束。 月兒高 古曲 彭修文 編 曲譜初見於清嘉慶年間 (1814) 榮齋所編的《弦索備考》中。後來華秋萍《琵 琶譜》(1819) 中的《月兒高》一曲,已有十二段,且將原來各段曲片牌名稱 改為抒情寫景的小標題。彭修文在改編此曲時 (1961) 省略三段,改為九小段: ( 一 ) 海島冰輪; ( 二 ) 江樓望月; ( 三 ) 海嶠躊躇;(四)銀蟾吐彩;(五) 秋露滿天;(六)素娥旖旎;(七)皓月當空;(八)銀河橫渡;(九)玉 宇千層 。 按照中國人審美觀偏愛的「起、承、轉、合」的邏輯,樂曲意境分四個層次: 「起」部包括「海島冰輪」、「江樓望月」、「海嶠躊躇」,音樂仿佛月白風清, 江樓歌吟的水墨畫;「承」部是「銀蟾吐彩」、「秋露滿天」、「素娥旖旎」 三段, 優美的主題作了大幅度伸展的自由變奏,音樂的律動更為自由和多彩; 「轉」部由「皓月當空」及「銀河橫渡」組成、「玉宇千層」為整首樂曲的 「合」, 旋律具有傳統歌舞音樂的特點,使人聯想起飄飄欲仙的優美舞姿。 江花紅勝火 徐景新 樂曲是作曲家於 1998 年應音樂事務處委約而創作。樂曲吸取了優雅動聽的 江南音調,採用多段體曲式結構,充分發揮了國樂團各聲部的演奏技巧,藉 此描繪出一幅「日出江花紅勝火,春來江水綠如藍」的春到江南壯麗景色, 極為優美動聽。 月亮代表我的心 翁清溪 曲 瞿春泉 編 月亮代表我的心是大家熟悉的歌曲。編曲者將旋律以和弦分解的方式展開, 隨著音高的級進攀升,強調出那種迫切的疑問口氣,最後一句饒有情趣地回 答,生動又餘韻深長。歌中唱到 : 你問我愛你有多深,我愛你有幾分。 我的 情也真,我的愛也真,月亮代表我的心。
小小山貝河 陳錦標 香港雖有美妙的海港及沙灘,但沒有像泰唔士河或萊茵河的大河流穿插在市 區中間。年幼時父親帶我沿窩打老道步行往廣播道看電視明星,那是我第一 次看到長長的大水坑(當時的窩打老道中線不是行車線)。我相信荃灣大河 道的前身也並不是行車路及天橋。 第一次接觸元朗的山貝河是年幼時一次乘 坐青山至元朗公共小巴的旅程,沒想到多年後那裡是一間馳名水果甜品店的 所在地,更沒想到 2003 年小鱷魚貝貝在山貝河下游的出現及市民的關注成 了國際新聞。我很喜歡水,希望藉著《小小山貝河》表達對流水及大自然的 嚮往。 這首五分鐘的作品既是短小山貝河的縮影及其附近環境的寫照,也有往日小 鱷魚貝貝聰明靈巧的身影。 — 陳錦標 網路交響曲 - 英雄 譚盾 網路交響曲《英雄》由 Google/YouTube 委約國際著名作曲家譚盾先生創作。 此次演出的為其中樂版。這部作品曾在網上有一千八百萬人次的點擊欣賞, 為古典音樂的傳播開創了先河。 身處世界各個角落的音樂天才,通過網路下載網路交響曲「英雄」的樂譜, 用各種各樣的樂器和演奏方式,在 YouTube 這個全世界最大的舞台上演繹著 這部世界上最短的,卻又融會了貝多芬、柴可夫斯基甚至中國民樂旋律等元 素的交響曲。這正是傳統觀念與現代科技的完美結合,更加豐富了傳統和經 典的傳承和創新。譚盾這部網路交響曲的首創,已載入世界音樂的史冊。 樂響 蘇文慶 此曲於 2007 年寫成,作曲家創作時憶起孩童在家鄉友納遊玩時歡樂的情景: 通往山裡的小山洞是山中唯一通路,乘著運送礦工的手推台車從山洞穿過, 冰冷的水滴、黑黑的山洞、蝙蝠從頭上飛過等景象。 全曲共分三樂段:第一樂段以自由板的速度進行,各聲部樂器有鮮明的色彩 與表現,其中高音笙、中胡、琵琶以獨立線條交替出現,描繪出山中空谷回 音,地靈空曠的情景;第二樂段中板的速度表現出懷念兒時的時光,如歌的 旋律展開此段落,襯以流水般的音符浮動,如同時光流逝;第三樂段以快板 及中板的速度,運用傳統的曲調與現代的創作手法,配合鮮明的節奏,交織 出一幅秀麗山河景色,歌頌美麗的家鄉。
Program Notes Teng Law Wailun Accompanied with percussion, the expression of a fast tempo melody created an exultant atmosphere while the traditional ternary form play in unison in the beginning brought out the high-spirited theme. The piece is then followed by a lyrical melody and ended in a sense of jubilation. As the Moon Rises Ancient Tune Arr. By Peng Xiuwen First recorded in the Handbook on String Instruments edited by Rong Zhai during the Jiaqing reign (1814) of the Qing Dynasty, As the Moon Rises reappeared in Hua’s Pipa Scores (1819). It is also known as Tune of the Rainbow Feather Dresses in that compilation and features 12 sections, and section titles are all rewritten to fit the lyrical descriptions of the respective moods. In adapting this work in 1961, Peng Xiuwen made some changes and the work now has nine sections: 1) An Icy Disc above the Island on the Sea; 2) Watching the Moon from a Pavilion by the Riverbank; 3) Wandering by the Beach; 4) The Silvery Toad in the Moon Breathes Rainbow Clouds; 5) As the Wind and the Mists Fill the Sky; 6) An Immaculate Lady of the Moon; 7) A Bright Spirit Hangs in the Sky; 8) Crossing the Milky Way and 9) Thousands of Mansions in the Moon. These sections are arranged according to the logic of “Expose, Develop, Vary and Conclude” that is at the heart of Chinese aesthetics. The exposition includes An Icy Disc above the Island on the Sea, Watching the Moon from a Pavillion by the Riverbank and Wandering by the Beach. The music is likened to an ink painting of the bright moon on a breezy night, when poems are composed on a pavilion by the riverbank. The development section comprises The Silvery Toad in the Moon Breathes Rainbow Clouds, As the Wind and the Mists Fill the Sky and An Immaculate Lady of the Moon. The beautiful melody undergoes free variation and the music becomes more fanciful and colorful, suggesting to the listener the ethereal dances of the Lady of the Moon. The variation section consists of A Bright Spirit Hangs in the Sky and Crossing the Milky Way. The arranger has dispensed with the sections The Bright Light of the Moon and The Moon Sets in the West from the original. The concluding section is Thousands of Mansions in the Moon. This is similar to the extensive use of space in Chinese paintings so as to leave a lot of room for the viewer’s imagination. In pretty much the same way the listener is invited to exercise his imagination in exploring the boundless attraction of the moon.
Flame-red Flowers in Full Bloom Xu JingXin The piece, composed in 1998, is a commission from Music Office. It is a traditional and beautiful Jiangnan tune that adopted compound musical form which brings the performing techniques of various parts in a traditional Chinese Orchestra into full play and thereby projecting the stunning scenery of Jiangnan in spring. The Moon Represents My Heart Weng Ching-Hsi Arr. by Qu Chunquan The melody starts with a broken chord and then leaps towards the upper register in big intervals, emphasis the sense of urgency in the interrogative. The last phase is an interesting reply to the question and the whole work, being lively, leaves a long lingering affect on the listener’s emotions. The Tiny Shan Pui River Joshua Chan In Hong Kong, we may have the most beautiful harbour and beaches, but we do not have a river cutting across the city, like the Thames or the Rhine. When I was young, my father and I would walk from Waterloo Road to Broadcast Drive to catch a glimpse of the TV personalities. That was how I saw, for the first time, the long gulley – the middle lane on Waterloo Road was closed to traffic at that time. ‘Tai Ho Road’ (meaning ‘Big River Road’ in Chinese) in Tsuen Wan must have been a waterway rather than a road for traffic with elevated walkways. The first time I saw Shan Pui River in Yuen Long was when I took a public light bus from Castle Peak to Yuen Long. Who could have imagined that many years later, it was to become a local landmark for a shop selling fresh fruit dessert! And further still, no one could have known that it was going to make international news headlines with the antics of a little crocodile in 2003. I have an affinity for water, and I hope that with this work, I can describe my yearning to be near rivers or be a part of Nature. The music is only five minutes long, and I hope it captures the gist of my subject matter – the tiny river, the nearby surroundings, and perhaps the agile form of the smart little croc, Pui Pui. — Joshua Chan
Internet Symphony – Eroica Tan Dun The internet is an invisible Silk Road, joining people from across the world. East or West, North or South, anyone can download a score of my Internet Symphony - Eroica, pick any part and play it with any instrument or object, in any style. YouTube is the biggest stage on earth, and I want to see what the world’s undiscovered musical geniuses will create on it. This symphony gave me the opportunity to embrace ancient philosophy with new technology. The music reached across continents through the internet and created a truly global family through music. The work draws on inspiration from Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and even Chinese folk melody. Just as we should save indigenous traditions, we also must save classical music! We can use these classical melodies to become food of creativity for future generations. – TanDun Music Sound Su Wencheng Music Sound is written in 2007 with the reminiscence of joyous scenes of the composer’s childhood. The young composer used to have fun playing in the cave in Youna, his home town: A small cave led the only way into the mountain with people traveling on hand pushed trolleys used to be taken by miners. There were cold water drops and dark cave with bats flying above. The piece is divided into three sections. The first section, in tempo rubato, comprises the characteristic tone colours appeared in the melodic lines of the instruments Sheng, Zhonghu and Pipa. The music depicts the echoes in the bare mountain. The second section, in moderato, depicts the reminiscent of his childhood. With the lyric melody accompanied by the following notes, the music depicts his elapsed childhood life. The third section, in allegro moderato, comprises the traditional melodies blending into a vivid rhythm and is written in the modern composing technique. The music presents a praise to the beauty of the hometown.
演出名單 高胡 方樹堅 麥家豪 溫熙民 二胡 程煒軒 鍾曉晴 李恒威 李萃傑 伍家麟 蘇子超 施君陽 謝兆亨 萬晴雲 熊彥 袁也越 中胡 陳燊 李茜婷 ★ 伍淖瑩 大提琴 葉進揚 姜萌 杜勇達 ★ + 胡皓嵐
柳琴 何嘉儀 蕭潁銦 * 琵琶 陳靜儀 金穎琛 李子庭 黃凱晴 Zarina Levitskaya
揚琴 繆嘉偉 潘昕琳 中阮 梁頌欣 姚善衡 大阮 周靈稀 古箏 何鎂洛 王曉儀
笛子 何浩智 龔靖新 梁詩瑋 羅麗櫻 鄧璟浩 ★ 黃浚霆 葉炅錡 笙 張漢傑 鄭慧持 林梓浩 胡安祺 嗩吶 鄭偉林 關樂天 * 沈佩瑩 袁譽珈 * 敲擊 鍾悅皿 + 郭頌恩 謝諾欣 郭杏美
低音大提琴 柯穎旻 王榮鍵 ★ 畢業生 * 香港大學專業進修學院 + 教職員
List of Performers Gaohu Fong Shu Kin Mak Ka Ho Wan Hei Man Erhu Ching Wai Hin Chung Hiu Ching Lee Heng Wei Lee Sui Kit Ng Ka Lun So Chi Chiu Sze Kwun Yeung Tse Siu Hang Wan Qingyun Xiong Yan Yuan Yeyue Zhonghu Chan San Lee Sin Ting ★ Ng Cheuk Ying Cello Ip Chun Yeung Jiang Meng To Yung Tat ★ + Wu Hou Lam
Liuqin Ho Ka Yee Siu Wing Yan * Pipa Chan Ching Yee Kam Wing Shum Lee Tse Ting Wong Hoi Ching Zarina Levitskaya Yangqin Miu Ka Wai Poon Yan Lam Zhongruan Leung Chung Yan Yiu Sin Hang Daruan Zhou Lingxi Guzheng Ho Mei Lok Wong Hiu Yee
Dizi Ho Ho Chi Kung Ching San Leung Si Wai Luo Li Ying Tang King Ho ★ Wong Tsun Ting Yip Gwing Kei Sheng Cheung Hon Kit Cheng Waye Chie Lum Tsz Ho Wu On Ki Suona Cheng Wai Lam Kwan Lok Tin * Shum Pui Ying Yuen Yu Ka * Percussion Chung Yuet Ming + Kwok Chung Yan Kwok Hang Mei Tse Lok Yan
Double Bass Or Wing Man Wong Wing Kin
★ Alumni * HKU Space + Staff
幹事會成員 2013-2014 年度香港大學學生會中樂團幹事會 主席 劉凡可 內務副主席 田夢 外務副主席 鄧諾文 常務秘書 趙俊庭 財務秘書 何卓熙 團長 屠煜晞 周靈稀 市場秘書 許一鳴 宣傳秘書 鄭慧持 出版秘書 陳小鷗 活動秘書 劉文蓮惠 魏記涵 2014-2015 年度香港大學學生會中樂團幹事會 主席 繆嘉偉 內務副主席 李璐純 外務副主席 鍾曉晴 外務秘書 龔靖新 常務秘書 李佳藝 財務秘書 李萃傑 團長 馮澤天 市場秘書 梁頌欣 宣傳秘書 姚善衡 出版秘書 曾若晗 活動秘書 程煒軒 晏銀晨 2015-2016 年度香港大學學生會中樂團幹事會 主席 方樹堅 內務副主席 郭頌恩 ( 署理 ) 外務副主席 郭頌恩 常務秘書 林娉伊 財務秘書 溫素怡 市場秘書 周夢璇 團長 胡嘉良 出版秘書 潘昕琳 宣傳秘書 潘昕琳 ( 署理 ) 活動秘書 林娉伊 ( 署理 )
List of Executive Committee Members Executive Committee, Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU, Session 2013-2014 Chairperson LAU Fan Ho Internal Vice-Chairperson TIAN Meng External Vice-Chairperson TANG Nok Man General Secretary CHIU Chun Ting Financial Secretary HO Cheuk Hei General Manager(s) ZHOU Ling Xi TU Yu Xi Marketing Secretary XU Yi Ming Publicity Secretary CHENG Waye Chie Publication Secretary CHEN Xiao Ou Project Secretary(ies) LIU Wenlianhui WEI Jihan Executive Committee, Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU, Session 2014-2015 Chairperson MIU Ka Wai Internal Vice-Chairperson LI Lu Chun, External Vice-Chairperson CHUNG Hiu Ching External Secretary KUNG Ching Sun General Secretary LI Jia Yi Financial Secretary LEE Sui Kit Marketing Secretary LEUNG Chung Yan General Manager FENG Ze Tian Publicity Secretary YIU Sin Hang Publication Secretary TSANG Yeg Hem Project Secretary(ies) CHING Wai Hin YAN Yin Chen Executive Committee, Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU, Session 2015-2016 Chairperson FONG Shu Kin Internal Vice-Chairperson KWOK Chung Yan External Vice-Chairperson KWOK Chung Yan (Acting) General Secretary LIN Ping Yi Financial Secretary WAN So Yee Marketing Secretary ZHOU Meng Xuan General Manager WU Ka Leung Publicity Secretary POON Yan Lam Publication Secretary POON Yan Lam (Acting) Project Secretary LIN Ping Yi (Acting)
( 排名不分先後
Listed in no particular order)
香港友信發展有限公司 United Sense Development Limited
香港中樂團 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
陳捷貴太平紳士 Mr Stephen Chan Chit-kwai, BBS, JP.
音樂事務處 Music Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
趙承忠先生 Mr. Chiu Shing Chung Raymond 岑濬先生 Mr. Shum Chun Lawrence 徐傑漢先生 Dr Tsoi, James Kit Hon 錢國偉先生 Mr. Chin Kwok Wai 陸健斌先生 Mr. Luk Kin Bun 蘇紹勛先生 Mr. So Siu Fun
拔萃男書院 Diocesan Boys' School 香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy form Performing Arts 香港大學 The University of Hong Kong 香港大學學生發展及資源中心 Centre of Development and Resources for Students 香港大學學生會 Hong Kong University Students' Union 香港大學學生會文化聯會 Cultural Association, HKUSU 香港大學學生會管弦樂團 Union Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSU
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