Term 3 Week 1 29th July 2016 Issue No. 22
From the Principal A New Term
culture and curriculum, analysing student data and understanding our instructional coaching platform in line with the Australian Professional Teaching Standards. It was a week of fruitful learning and continuing to develop our vision of quality Christian Education.
I trust that you all enjoyed the recent holidays, some of the beautiful warm weather and also the rain that God blessed us with. During the holidays, Mr Moore was busy with lots of projects, including the groundwork for the Year 11 kitchen. Our cleaners, as always, worked hard to ensure our facilities were beautifully presented and ready for us all to return for a new term.
Parent Teacher Interviews It was lovely to share Tuesday afternoon and evening with so many of our school parents, as we reflected on first semester reports and successes for students. Thank you for the positive tone and time of sharing, as we work together for your child’s growth and development. We look forward to the second round of interviews coming on Wednesday.
The teachers spent the final week of the holidays engaged in a number of high quality professional development opportunities including exploring quality explicit teaching, developing Christian Page 1
Soccer Success
attend. If you have a friend from outside our school community who would benefit from attending this evening, please feel to invite them as well.
Thursday was a hugely exciting day as our High School Junior Boys Soccer team travelled to be part of the CSSA State Football Finals, playing against winners from other regional tournaments.
Staffing Change Thoughout the next week we will be saying farewell to Mr Stephen Tibbs from the role of Business Manager after over 13 years of faithful service at Maitland Christian School. Mr Tibbs has helped oversee the growth phase of our school and faithfully managed our finances and development through this period.
The updates were announced throughout the school as our team was undefeated in the pool round, even winning against a school almost three times our size. A great 4 – 2 win in the semi-final was followed by a 3 – 1 loss in the final. What a great team effort to be the second best Christian School team in the state and the top country team for NSW. Well done to all of the boys in the team, for the way you played, for the teamwork you developed and for the spirit in which you carried yourself and represented our school.
Many of the members of our school community have been encouraged and served well by his Godly, generous and kind approach to caring for our finances. We will greatly miss his input and faithful service of our community. At the same time we are excited to be welcoming Mr Chris Boyce to the role of Business Manager from next Monday, as he will be doing a handover with Mr Tibbs. Chris brings a variety of experience to the role of Business Manager and we look forward to his input and him building on the excellent foundation that has been laid in this area.
A special vote of thanks to Mr Coates for his many hours of hard work with the team to help them achieve this result. Uchooz Marc Erbsleben from Uchooz will be visiting our school this coming Tuesday, 2nd August, to undertake a number of presentations to our high school students, our staff and our parents. Marc is a well-respected and powerful speaker who will be sharing his wisdom in the area of relationships and sexuality.
Blessings Geoff Peet 2016 Term Dates Term 3: Mon 25/07/16 - Fri 23/09/16 Term 4: Mon 10/10/16 - Fri 9/12/16
If you’re wondering about the pressures on our young people or how to dialogue with your child/teenager on these issues, please join us from 7:00pm for Marc’s presentation to parents. It will be a most worthwhile evening, filled with contemporary and relevant insights and I encourage you to make this a priority to
2017 Term Dates Term 1: Mon 30/01/17 - Fri 07/04/17 Term 2: Mon 24/04/17 - Fri 30/06/17 Term 3: Mon 24/07/17 - Fri 22/09/17 Term 4: Mon 9/10/17 - Wed 13/12/17 Page 2
Lizzie’s Journey Division Memorial where the Battle of Pozières Centenary Service was held. As an event it was quite different to the one at Fromelles only four days ago. It might have been the cooler weather, the smaller crowd or the different seating arrangements but I found today’s ceremony more personal and moving than the one at Fromelles. Perhaps also the sheer number of deaths which occurred here made me realise even more how important the war was to those who fought and as result how important it is to remember their stories.
With an outstanding submission for the Premier’s ANZAC Memorial Scholarship, Elizabeth from Year 11 won an opportunity to join 23 other Australian students on the battlefields of Europe during the holidays. She recorded her experiences on her blog, which you can find at lizziesjourneys. wordpress.com These are her adventures from just one day of her journey. Amiens and Pozières JULY 24, 2016 Yesterday we had our final sightseeing stop of the tour. We first saw Amiens Cathedral on Thursday when we arrived in Amiens but today we finally had the opportunity to go inside a gothic cathedral. The final stage wasn’t built until the mid 16th century. However most of it was completed by the beginning of the 14th century. Inside is just as beautiful if not more beautiful than the outside and there were a group of singers singing hymns and the acoustics were incredible.
Before and after of the Australian 1st Division Memorial taken at the Battle of Pozières Centenary Service yesterday. It is with much sadness that I prepare to leave this beautiful country, or rather these beautiful countries. I have learnt so much and as predicted a million photos were taken (well maybe not quite that many . . .), a ton of memories made and new friendships formed under unique circumstances which are hard to explain. It has been an incredible opportunity to learn about and walk in the footsteps of the Anzacs over the past two weeks and the fact that it has happened to me is still sinking in.
But most of our day was spent outside of Amiens, in Pozières, at the Australian 1st
Lizzie Page 3
Parent Information Morning
Positions Vacant
Maitland Christian School is on an exciting journey of improving student learning by using the evidence-based teaching practice of Explicit Instruction. This strategy ensures that every student participates, engages and masters the content in each lesson.
Maitland Christian School is currently seeking applications for the following two positions: ▪▪A permanent, part-time cleaner is required for 17 hours per week ▪▪A casual bus driver with an MR driver’s license
To find out more and see Explicit Instruction at work in the classrooms, join us on our information morning on Wednesday, 3rd August from 8:45 – 10:45 am.
Successful applicants will be committed Christians, who are actively involved in their local church and are able to support quality Christian education, contributing to a strong spiritual, academic and pastoral environment.
Only a limited number can attend the session, so parents are asked to call the office on 4933 7633 to reserve a place.
Mini Tug-O-War Rope
Information packages and associated forms can be obtained by calling the school office on 4933 7633 or you may email finance@maitlandcs.nsw.edu.au Applications close on Friday, 12th August.
Check out the new four handled tug-o-war rope that the primary students can play with. It looks like great fun!
On the Cover The junior boys’ football (soccer) team travelled to Penrith on Thursday to compete in the Christian Schools Sporting Association State Football Finals. Many of the schools they were competing against were much larger and had teams containing older students than a lot of our students. Our boys played magnificently all day, winning three games, drawing one and eventually losing the final to come second in the State. Congratulations gentlemen!
Primary Assemblies Term 3 Date Class Week 2
5th August
Week 4
19th August
Week 6
2nd September
Week 8
16th September
Week 2
21st October
Week 4
4th November
Music Assembly
Term 4
Page 4
You are invited to a Parent Information Evening about
How do you talk to your child about sex? Topics to include: • Complexities of sexuality • Different worldviews of sex • Potential consequences of sexual freedom, including STDs and teenage pregnancy • Effects of pornography towards sexuality • Relationships, love and consent • Difference between love and lust
Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 at 7:00pm-8:15pm at Maitland Christian School, in the staff lunch room, just off the foyer area at the front of the school Marc Erbsleben, a gifted communicator to youth will be running seminars for Years 7-12 throughout the day. Come along to the parent evening and experience a well paced and entertaining presentation from Marc about, “How to talk to your child about sex”. Page 5
Grandparents’ Day How exciting it was to end last term with our students’ grandparents visiting our school! The students entertained with concerts in the auditorium and the amphitheatre, the grandparents joined in on the classes and the senior Business Studies students created some delicious smoothies and milkshakes for us. What a great way to end Term 2!
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What’s Happening at Metford Community Baptist Church?
On Wednesday, Grace Community Kitchen will be held in the Metford Community Baptist Church foyer because parent/teacher interviews will be in the hall. Families from our school are invited to come along to enjoy the meal and fellowship.
When: Wednesday, 3rd August 2016, 5:30pm - 6:30pm Where: Metford Community Baptist Church Foyer Cost: A gold coin donation would be appreciated but not necessary Metford Community Baptist Church is a community of Christian believers who love Christ, each other and their community. We have services every Sunday (9:30am and 6:00pm) and would love to see you there.
Our Contact details: Pastor: John Cook 83 Chelmsford Drive Associate Pastor: Andrew Sumpton Metford NSW 2323 (Next to Maitland Christian School) Phone: 4934 5350 admin@metfordbaptist.com.au
Church Services: Every Sunday 9:30am and 6:00pm Page 7
U p co m i n g E v e nt s Term 3 Sat 30/07
Year 11/12 Music Excursion to Opera House
Mon 1/08
Year 10 Science and Engineering Challenge
Tue 2/08
Uchooz visit and Parent Seminar
Year 11/12 Industrial Technology Excursion
Wed 3/08
Pri Pri
Thu 4/08
Literacy and Numeracy Parent Morning Sec
Parent Teacher Interviews
Masterclass, Years 10 and 11
Secondary Zone Athletics Carnival
Fri 5/08
Primary Zone Athletics
Wed 10/08
Gigalees Performance, Prep - Year 2
Thu 11/08
Sec Pri
Fri 12/08 Tue 16/08 Fri 19/08
HSC Trial Exams Commence Primary State Metro Cup Soccer and Netball finals
Secondary Basketball Gala Day
Year 1/2 Snugglepot and Cuddlepie Theatre Show
Primary Choir is at the Abermain Esteddfod
Primary State Athletics
MADD Night is Coming!
Showcasing the creativity of our students in the performing and visual arts Prepare to be amazed! Prepare to have fun! Prepare to be there! MADD Night will be on this term on
Thursday, 1st September Page 8