School Newsletter, 2016 No. 23

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Term 3 Week 2 5th August 2016 Issue No. 23

From the Deputy Principal Dear Parents

Times have changed! The rules of social engagement have changed for the current generation of young people. Part of that change is the technology available to them and part of that technology is the internet and all it has to offer – both positive and negative.

One of the biggest issues facing governments, parents and schools today is Cyber Safety and the ignorance of the community, parents and especially children of the inherent dangers which the internet contains. This is not to diminish the internet as an incredible tool if used correctly; and let me assure you, I believe that the positives far outweigh the negatives.

It is for this very reason that children – and their parents – must be aware of those negatives. Let me give just a few examples. Have you ever written a very stinging letter or note (perhaps in reply to one that you received) and then torn it up after deciding that it was not appropriate to send? Unfortunately, emails do not always give the same opportunity for hesitation;

However, I also believe that all parents should be aware, informed and vigilant. One of the most telling statistics available is that 60% of parents are unaware of websites, chatrooms, etc which their children are accessing. Page 1

in the heat of the moment, an email sent cannot be undone. This raises another important issue. Once something is put on the internet – Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc – it is never completely removed; there are archive websites which keep permanent records of everything!

3. Use a recommended filter 4. Monitor and supervise your children’s use of the computer/internet 5. Know your children’s passwords 6. Talk to your children regularly about where they are going online Could I suggest that in all our interactions on the computer that we, as parents, set the example by remembering Paul’s words to the Philippians:-

What is the attraction for our young people? Among others, one could list a desire to be with mates their own age (or older), anonymity, a search for identity, an opportunity for risk-taking and satisfying curiosity about the adult world. Perhaps the most dangerous of these is anonymity. While the child thinks it is ‘cool’ to be anonymous, the opportunity is equally available to those who do not have such innocent motives.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. (Ch4 v8) Blessings Phillip Wilson

Consider these questions:1. How many hours a day does your child spend on the computer and/ or on the internet? Surveys have shown that parents under-estimate.

On the Cover Our Primary Captains enjoyed breakfast on Wednesday morning with Mayor Peter Blackmore and other school leaders, as part of Local Government Week celebration.

2. Do you know that the Xbox One and PS4 have parental controls? Eighty percent of parents surveyed did not. Many parents have a low level of involvement in their children’s activities on the internet. They believe it is private. They are ignorant of the dangers. The children see their access as a right and hence their parents are frozen out. Many have inadequate technical protection since surveys have shown that many 12 year olds can by-pass some filters.

Don’t forget the Bookweek Parade Thursday, 25th August 8:40am

The key top tips for parents are:1. Never allow computers in bedrooms 2. Negotiate an online contract with your children Page 2

Josiah Returns to Help Recently, the Year 12 Modern History and Legal Studies classes were blessed to receive a visit from former student Josiah Hickson. He did very well in his Higher School Certificate in 2012, including two Band 6 results. Josiah shared some of his tried and tested insights and tips for the students in studying, revision, written responses, study life balance and also encouraged the students to undertake additional research and readings in their subject areas. He spoke to some of the opportunities that God has provided for him at university and in employment.

changers in the Spirit of 1 Timothy 4:9-12

Recently, Josiah spent the summer as an intern with the highly regarded firm Access Economics in Canberra’s parliamentary circle and has been offered post graduate employment with them, despite not being a graduate.

This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. That is why we labour and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all people, and especially of those who believe. Command and teach these things. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Josiah aims to use his giftings to serve the Australian community in financial modelling of the federal policy decisions that Access Economics are asked to do in addition to the Treasury. Our students asked a range of questions regarding the upcoming study period, university courses and lifestyle, and the readings outside of standard text books, to set them apart from other Higher School Certificate candidates in the state. It is an honour to see the calibre of our current students and see how a former student is using his gifts to serve others.

Primary Assemblies Term 3 Date Class Week 4

19th August


Week 6

2nd September


Week 8

16th September


Week 2

21st October


Week 4

4th November

Music Assembly

Term 4

The truth is we have current and past students with wonderful character. They are emboldened and released to be world Page 3

Science and Engineering Challenge

2016 Term Dates

This week Year 10 students had the opportunity to participate in the Science and Engineering Challenge at Newcastle University. Much fun was had as students worked together in groups to solve problems. There were many activities, including making a hovercraft, designing a bionic hand and building a bridge that is lightweight but can support a heavy load.

Term 3: Mon 25/07/16 - Fri 23/09/16 Term 4: Mon 10/10/16 - Fri 9/12/16 2017 Term Dates Term 1: Mon 30/01/17 - Fri 07/04/17 Term 2: Mon 24/04/17 - Fri 30/06/17 Term 3: Mon 24/07/17 - Fri 22/09/17 Term 4: Mon 9/10/17 - Wed 13/12/17 Maitland Chris tian School has an Instagram account. Follow us on maitlandchristianschool

Positions Vacant Maitland Christian School is currently seeking applications for the following two positions: ▪▪A permanent, part-time cleaner is required for 17 hours per week ▪▪A casual bus driver with an MR driver’s license Successful applicants will be committed Christians, who are actively involved in their local church and are able to support quality Christian education, contributing to a strong spiritual, academic and pastoral environment. Information packages and associated forms can be obtained by calling the school office on 4933 7633 or you may email Applications close on Friday, 12th August. Page 4

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Fresh for Kids Canteen Campaign

We are participating in the Sydney Markets Fresh for Kids campaign again this year, commencing on Monday, 8th August until Friday, 16th September (Weeks 3 – 8). The aim is to encourage kids to eat fresh fruit and vegetables at school.

e.g. a piece of fruit or fruit salad cup or any menu item containing more than one salad item. Please note: purchases must be fresh fruit or vegetables. It does not apply to a Chicken Burger with lettuce & mayonnaise or to pineapple used on pizza subs as this is “processed�.

Students who purchase a piece of fresh fruit or order a lunch menu item containing vegetables (eg salad sandwich, hamburger, etc) from the canteen during the campaign are rewarded with an entry card, which has space for two (2) stickers.

Extra salad items (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot, beetroot) may be added to any burger, sandwich or wrap.

When students have made two purchases and filled out the entry card, they then return it to the Canteen to receive a minor prize (Character pencils with erasers have been supplied by Sydney Markets). Stickers will be issued to students who purchase healthy options from our canteen menu

In the last week of term, at the conclusion of the Campaign, entries are returned to Sydney Markets Fresh for Kids to go into a draw for major prizes. More information and full terms and conditions are available from Page 6

What’s Happening at Metford Community Baptist Church?

Kids Club is on each Thursday afternoon during term in the Church Hall. Children can come over after school for afternoon tea at 3:00pm, followed by activities between 3:30pm and 5:00pm.

This is a free program for 8 12 year old children. For more information contact Pastor Andrew on 0412 071 231. Metford Community Baptist Church is a community of Christian believers who love Christ, each other and their community. We have services every Sunday (9:30am and 6:00pm) and would love to see you there.

Our Contact details: Pastor: John Cook 83 Chelmsford Drive Associate Pastor: Andrew Sumpton Metford NSW 2323 (Next to Maitland Christian School) Phone: 4934 5350

Church Services: Every Sunday 9:30am and 6:00pm Page 7

W hat ’s

o n th e



S ch e d u le

Before School



After School

Supervision from 8:00am Period 1 starts 8:30am

11:03am - 11:43am

1:40pm - 2:00pm

2:51pm After 3:15pm, collect children from school office

Primary Art/Mural Club in C1 Years 3-6 Chess Club

SALT in E8

Secondary TOPS Meeting in M1

MiniSALT in M2 Years 3-6 Computer Coding Club in E3 K-2 Choir in B2

GIFT in E15

Secondary Vocal Group in M2

Primary Choir in M2

Wednesday Secondary Visual Arts Club in E2

Years 5/6 Drama Club in D5

Thursday Secondary Tops Rehearsal in M1 Mission Knitting and Quilting Group in E5


Secondary Boys Bible Study in E8

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