One of the disa dvantages ofsometne ssclubsis t h at people with di fferent levels of tnesscan workinth esame group. As a re sult, the intensity of the trai ning of fered by the instruct or is suitable only for some of the studen ts, and for others , whose level is slightly higher or lower, the training will be less ef fective.
T N E M P O L E V cardiovascular pro- training, it is necesgram stops sary to follow certain producing its results. instructions regarding Genetic predisposition the frequency, duration usually has a strong and intensity of traineffect on your potening. These are three tial for developing the very important rules muscular system. But that you really need to still decisive will be how understand and follow. you feel about trainIn addition, your cardioing, how you follow the vascular training should rules of building training include warming up, hitsessions, how much rest ting and stretching the and what lifestyle you muscles involved in the lead. This will determine workout. In this article, whether you realize we will begin to discuss your potential, become the very important strong and healthy or be principles and norms fat and weak. In order of a safe and effective to ensure maximum cardiovascular training efciencyandsafetyof program.
A noticeable result of your work can be seen only after a long time. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to objectively assess your condition based only on your own feelings. In this situation, the use of special tests can help, which will show your condition in numbers for a certain period of time. Based on the test results, you can analyze the effectiveness of your training and decide on the need to reduce or increase the load.