5 MakeCoProDoxModeratorsIntroduction Pitching Forum Development MakeCoProDoxListBalkanBalkanDecision-makersworkshopNetworkGroupco-productionschemesofproductioncompaniesteam080610223038426270 CONTENT:
6 FoCoPrMakeoDoxrum#4
MakeCoProDox Forum is a forum whose main goal is to develop a strategic plan to increase documentary film co-production between the Balkan countries. The Forum welcomes representatives from 12 regional film agencies, documentary associations, documentary professionals, and 10 projects in different stages of production selected through an open call. In anticipation of an economic crisis, the culture and film industry are often the most affected by budget cuts. Only by acting in solidarity and increasing regional co-productions can Balkan countries increase the number of funded projects despite the reduced funds.
“It is hard not to be in love with MakeDox. The location, the films, and the people. After nine years as a Film Commissioners for documentaries in Denmark and Norway, it makes sense to share knowledge, and I am happy to learn more about the way Balkan is doing things. I am also moderating a network of key persons from the Balkan film agencies and centers and it is a privilege being together with a group who wants to exchange, innovate and work for the best conditions for filmmakers and films in the future.”
- Helle Hansen
The first documentary film co-production forum took place during the 10th edition of the Creative Documentary Film Festival MakeDox in 2019, and its 4th edition will be held this year. Our objective with this project is to establish a new alliance sector in the Balkan region for the first time, as the only way to amortize the consequences of the crisis. Within the online sessions we will present the problems that regional countries are facing, and try to find possible ways of overcoming them, while emphasizing their unspecific regulations dedicated to supporting the development and production of documentary films.
The Forum is organized & supported by: MakeDox, North Macedonia Film Agency, MEDIA Desk MK, Greek Film Cen- ter, City of Skopje & Youth Cultural Center Skopje.

Film Commissioner for documentaries at the Danish Film Institute (2011-2016).
Among the supported films: THE LOOK OF SILENCE (Oscar nominee Best Documentary Feature, 2016), BOBBY JENE, MOTLEY’S LAW and international co-productions SHADOW WORLD, THE ISLANDS AND THE WHALES, MOGADISHU SOLDIER, GOLDEN DAWN GIRLS. Journalist and director of numerous documentary films for TV (1995 – 2016). NETWORK GROUP
Freelance consultant, moderator, Film Commissioner at Filmfond Nord, Norway (2000- ) Film Commissioner for documentaries at the Norwegian Film Institute (2016 – 2000).
Among the supported films: iHUMAN, THE SELF PORTRAIT, (qualified for Oscar run, 2020), THE PAINTER AND THE THIEF, GUNDA (shortlisted for the Oscar for Best Foreign Feature Film, 2020) International co-productions: ONLY THE DEVIL LIVES WITHOUT HOPE, SPOON, CARNIVAL PILGRIMS.

Brigid O’Shea is an Australian native who has worked for European film festivals and documentary organisations since 2008. Holding a Bachelor of Fine Arts obtained in Melbourne and Berlin, she started as an intern at the Berlinale Talent Campus. She worked for various Berlinale departments as a freelancer until 2014, including the EFM and also Co-Production Market, until taking a more focused approach on creative documentary. This came from coordinating the DOK Industry Programme from 2009-2015, which allowed her to also freelance for the Institute of Documentary Film in Prague, for Documentary Campus Masterschool, and Berlin-based production companies. She was appointed Head of DOK Industry Programme in January 2015. She regulary tutors on topics like European co-financing, cultural management and festival strategies in places like North America and East Europe. In February 2020 she co-launched the Documentary Association of Europe.
Co-founder of Documentary Association of Europe

10 Another Day / Albania The 50th and ½ State / Kosovo The Hardest Role / Serbia Prespes Symphony / Greece Beyond the Red Light / United Kingdom Punk Under Communist Regime / Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia Donkeys, Goats and Cinemas / Germany, North Macedonia Hold Still / Turkey, France Deafening Silence / Bulgaria I Have Never Been on an Airplane / Kosovo Lesvia / Greece PROJECTSPITCHINGMAKECOPRODOXFORUM DAE - Documentary Association of Europe consultancy award Three awards from the Doc Around Europe Network AWARDS 2022
DIRECTOR’S BIO: ENEOS ÇARKA is a Los Angeles based filmmaker. He graduated from DocNomads Masters on Creative Documentary and he is currently a PhD student and Annenberg Fellow in Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Southern California. His films have screened at numerous festivals, galleries, and cultural events such as Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin in Musée du Louvre, DokuFest, and Festival dei Popoli among others. They focus on character studies and deal with memory, identity, and family relations, paying particular attention to issues of representations and experimenting with various approaches to cinema.
PRODUCER’S BIO: JONI SHANAJ, the writer and director of Pharmakon, his debut feature film and of one of Albania’s most distinctive, unconventional and remarkable features of the last two decades. Winner of The Jury’s Special Price—Albanian National Film Festival 2012. Albanian Entry for the Best Foreign Language Oscar at the 85th Academy Awards 2013. Award of Merit, Lucerne International Film Festival, 2013. Best Actress, Levante International Film Festival, 2013. Joni Shanaj has a past in documentary film and a background as a social-anthropologist, teaching both Social-Anthropology and Film Directing at the University Of Tirana. Joni Shanaj holds an MA in Social-Anthropology from the University of Lund, Sweden and a BA in Filmmaking from Skurups Högskola, Sweden. His first internationally renown work came in 2001 with the release of his first documentary film, Ivi Tirana Punk, 57min. Zero budget documentary, participating in one of the best documentary film festivals of the world, Visions Du Reel(2002), in official competition (Regards Neuf).
The friendship of two street artists falls apart because of ambition, ego, and contradictory dreams that lead them on separate paths to become professional performers in a competitive world. Çarka
DIRECTOR: Eneos Çarka PRODUCERS: Joni Shanaj, Eneos Çarka PRODUCTION COMPANY: SCRB & NKNB Production stage: post-production Total budget in EUR: 87 000 Confirmed financing in EUR: 76 000 Expected date of delivery: December 2022 Looking for: Festival premiere and distribution Contact person: Eneos
11 ANOTHER DAY Albania

PRODUCERS: Plan Bee Films Production stage: production Total budget in EUR: 70 900 Confirmed financing in EUR: 30 800 Expected date of delivery: January 2023 Looking for: Co-producers, sales, distributors Contact person: zgjim.t@gmail.comvalmira.hyseni@gmail.com;
THE 50th AND 1/2 STATE Kosovo
DIRECTOR’S BIO: ZGJIM TERZIQI is a writer/director born in 1990 in Mitrovica; when he was 8 years old, he and his family had to flee Kosovo, because their house was burned down during the war. After the war, they didn’t have where to go. His mother and father - a plastic surgeon and an electrical engineer - would work day and night to raise the necessary funds for a new home, which they eventually did.
PRODUCER’S BIO: VALMIRA HYSENI is a producer based in Prishtina, Kosovo. Born in Prishtina on 08/09/1984. Speaks fluent English, Serbo-Croatian, Italian. Valmira is the co-founder and CEO of the emerging production company Plan Bee Films. She is a board member of the “Producer’s Association of Kosovo”, and a board member of “Visual Authors, Producers and Interpreters of before the US led NATO intervention of ethnic cleansing of Kosovo by the Milošević regime in 1999, Kosovo might have been a “candidate” for the label of the most pro American country in the world. But after the war, its undoubtedly the champion of pro-Americanism. Zgjim Terziqi, Valmira Hyseni

Total budget
PRODUCER’S BIO: SRĐAN BAJSKI graduate on Faculty of Dramatic Arts Master Studies in Belgrad. He is owner of WAVEFORM10 Film and TV production house. Worked on experimental film “Hodnik”, Ana Adamović, 2016, feature film “Godine upornog čuvanja”, Slobodan Simojlović from 2019 and short documentary ”Zbogom dnevniče”, Slobodan Simojlović 2020. This film follows a group of actresses and female director who are survivors of sexual abuse and harassment, in their attempt to make a theatre performance on this topic, based on their own and experience of other actresses, thus shake up the art scene and the entire public in Serbia and the Balkans. Aleksandra Jelić Srđan Bajski stage: pre-production in EUR: 90 000 in EUR: 38 000 of 2023 Co-producers, Jovana jovana.b@nextgame.rsBlanuš
Confirmed financing
sales, financing, Contactdistributorsperson:
Expected date
DIRECTOR’S BIO: ALEKSANDRA JELIĆ in MA Theatre and Film Director, a visionary artist with more than 17 years of experience in social activism, ARTivism and drama education. She has advocated for socially marginalised groups’ human rights while using art and fully engaging people from those groups, leading to their personal empowerment and social recognition or acceptance.
Looking for:

14 PRODUCER’S BIO: PAULINE BLANCHET is a film director and producer interested in urban areas in the midst of change. She is the founder of Aral Sea Productions and has made documentaries supported by Ateliers Médicis and Sundance Collab. As a documentary film director, she explores the perceptions and effects of external forces such as digital infrastructure, corporate re-generation programmes, and international sporting events on local inhabitants. She is particularly interested in collaborative filmmaking methodologies in research.Lila is one of the only open trans sex workers in North Macedonia. Working for an underfunded sex workers’ rights organisation, she must decide whether sacrificing her safety is worth the fight for her community. DIRECTOR: Pauline Blanchet, Sabrina Jones, Milla Lewis PRODUCERS: Pauline Blanchet Production stage: production Total budget in EUR: 213 664, 51 Confirmed financing in EUR: 25 543,11 Expected date of delivery: September 2024 Looking for: Co-producers Contact person: pauline@aralseaproductions.com
DIRECTOR’S BIO: MILLA LEWIS (UK) is a director, writer and cinematographer whose work focuses on the intersection of history, memory and myth. Milla has directed a variety of short films, including ‘Mercy’, a fiction exploring power dynamics and sexual alienation through the lens of male desire, and ‘Kings Of Our Own Right’, a documentary about an annual gypsy fair facing an unclear future. She has worked as director, cinematographer and editor on music videos and films funded by the likes of the European Commission, and has worked across departments in TV and film including BBC4.
DIRECTOR’S BIO: SABRINA JONES is a filmmaker, radio producer and journalist based in London. Her interests lie in human-led storytelling and experimental filmmaking as a means to convey lived experiences. Establishing herself as filmmaker through an ongoing relationship with Aral Sea Productions, directing several short documentaries, she has also produced high-profile radio shows for Boogaloo Radio and a number of experimental soundscapes.

PRODUCER’S BIO: ZORAN DŽEVERDANOVIĆ is a producer and founder of Blade production from Ljubljana,whose films are focusing on genre, debut, and socially engaged films. In 2015, Zoran Dževerdanović produced his first feature film, IDYLL, directed by Tomaž Gorkič. Idyll is the first Slovenian horror film. Idyll won the Vesna Award for Best Feature Film, the Vesna Award for Best supporting actor and actress and the Vesna Award for the best scenography at the 18th Slovenian Film Festival in Portorož and many other awards at international festivals.
A story about punk scene in Slovenia, between 1977-85. The bands were formed by teenagers which triggered a wave of repression by Communist party. This was the first blow against the regime in former communist Yugoslavia. Andrej Košak
DIRECTOR’S BIO: ANDREJ KOSAK was born 16.6.1965 in Ljubljana, Slovenija. He has finished Film Academy in Ljubljana. After ten years of successful TV career where he has directed more than 500 TV emissions in all kind of fields.
PUNK Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia
PRODUCERS: Zoran Dževerdanović PRODUCTION COMPANY: Blade Production Production stage: pre-production Total budget in EUR: 280 000 Confirmed financing in EUR: 85 000 Expected date of delivery: 2024 Looking for: Co-producers, sales, distributors Contact person: info@bladeproduction.com;andrejkosak23@gmail.com

DONKEYS, GOATS and CINEMAS NorthGermany,Macedonia
„Donkeys, goats and cinemas” follows the path of people presenting in the summer time a „Traveling Cinema“ in the Balkans: in the Republic of North Macedonia, Greece and Albania. A black and white Road Movie where the past and the present color the todays life in an ancient region of Europe.
DIRECTOR’S BIO: PETER ZACH born 1960 in Graz, Austria. In 1984 co-founder of the film magazine BLIMP. Lives and works in Berlin since 1990. He has has made numerous featurelength documentaries, including the documentary nominated Austria’s best film in 1994: Malli – Artist in Residence, about the Vienna Jazz musician Walter Malli working as house manager in the Schönbrunn Palace by day and beeing a musician at night. In 1995 he directed and produced »GesternMitteMorgen«, a film about young, artistic life in Berlin Mitte, shot five years after the fall of the Wall. In 2000 he directed and produced »Der Abendlaender«, an essayistic documentary about the »writer of writers« Helmut Eisendle and in 2002, »Networker«, a film about the development of start-up companies in Berlin at the end of the boom. In 2007/2008 are followed »The City named Desire“, about Berlin artists, 2013 by „Bohemia is Greek to me“, 2016 he coproduced with Petra Pan Film „Brezmejno“ and in 2019 „Life is Bigger“ a concert mocvie of a Berlin noise band. Zach has also made many short films, worked as a cameraman on »Carmina Burana« (2000) by Oliver Hermann and »Home is where I am« (2004) by Stephan Settele, and was line producer of »This Year in Czernowitz« (2004) by Volker Koepp. Furthermore, Peter Zach was responsible for the script and executive production management of Sasha Waltz’s film »Allee der Kosmonauten«, which won the 1999 Grimme Prize, and for the script to Othmar Schmiderer’s »Back to Africa« (2005/06).
DIRECTOR: Peter Zach PRODUCERS: PZF Berlin & PPFP Skopje Production stage: pre-production Total budget in EUR: 150-200 000 Confirmed financing in EUR: 0 Expected date of delivery: 2024 Looking for: Co-producer Contact person: cisar.zach@snafu.de

PRODUCER’S BIO: ENIS KÖSTEPEN was born in İzmir in 1979. He is trained in international trade and sociology at Bogazici University and anthropology at The New School for Social Research. He’s been active in Turkey’s film culture for over two decades. In 2001 as a member of a cinephile collective from Bogazici University they founded Turkey’s leading cinema magazine Altyazi. In 2019 as the editorial board they founded Altyazi Cinema Association to expand Altyazi’s activities beyond publishing. In 2008 he became one of the founders of Mithat Alam Eğitim Vakfi. Founded with the endowment of their film teacher at Bogazici University, Mithat Alam, the foundation supports Bogazici University Mithat Alam Film Center’s activities and graduate students seeking degrees in film. In film production, he is among the founders of Bulut Film. Between 2013-2020 he also worked at Istanbul based human rights NGO Hafiza Merkezi as Project Development and Fundraising Coordinator.
DIRECTOR: Berke Bas PRODUCERS: Enis Köstepen Richard Copans (co-producer) PRODUCTION COMPANY: Liman Film (Turkey) - inHouse Projects (Turkey) Les Films d’ici (France) Production stage: late production Total budget in EUR: 160 000 Confirmed financing in EUR: 75 000 Expected date of delivery: February 2023 Looking for: Co-producers, sales agents, TV coproductions or pre-sales, distributors. Contact person: eniskostepen@gmail.com
27 years and counting… A Kurdish lawyer fights the corrupt justice system in today’s Turkey with families whose sons and brothers disappeared in the hands of state forces in 1995. They take hours long road-trips for each hearing of the trial that started finally in 2015. Breaking down the state’s wall of silence is an impossible task “but the truth is out there for those who want to see.”
DIRECTOR’S BIO: BERKE BAS, producer/director studied political sciences at Bogazici University, Istanbul and received her masters degree in media studies at New School for Social Research, New York. Her films deal with Turkey’s pressing social and political issues as wide ranging as illegal migration (In Transit, 2005), women’s political rights (What a Beautiful Democracy!, 2008), Armenian orphans of 1915 (hush!/La Chanson de Nahide, 2009) and trials of manhood (Concrete Park, 2010). France

“Deafening Silence” is a film about life, about the fact that it is worth it, along with the difficult moments of despair that things can be fixed tomorrow… as long as there is tomorrow. Stanislav Donchev
DIRECTOR’S BIO: STANISLAV DONCHEV has graduated a master degree in Film and TV directing with the New Bulgarian University in Sofia and was elected Student of the year in 2000. His student film Wanted won several awards, including the national Golden Rose award and the Bitter Cup award. He is a member of the Union of the Bulgarian Filmmakers, Filmauthor, The Union of Film and TV directors. He also was a member of the National selective committee for feature films 2014. Between 2003 and 2014 Stanislav was a lecturer at New Bulgarian University.
Bulgaria PRODUCER’S BIO: TEODORA DONCHEVA has a PhD at the Bulgarian Academy of Science’s Institute of Art, Screen Arts department. She is the author of many published papers that have been presented in the media and at international events. She is currently working on her Associate Professor paper. Her experience includes being the show runner of the TV series “Unexpected Turn”, for which she penned four episodes. She is the scriptwriter of 13 documentaries for municipalities in Bulgaria and three documentaries for the Ministry of Health in Bulgaria. She co-produced two comedy films “Rapid Response Corps” part 1 & 2, the romantic drama “Bubblegum” and the critically acclaimed “Letters from Antarctica”. She is currently teaching “Documentary cinema” at the New Bulgarian University.
PRODUCERS: Teodora Stoilova-Doncheva PRODUCTION COMPANY: Dynamic Arts Production stage: start of shooting Total budget in EUR: 85 000 Confirmed financing in EUR: 50 000 Expected date of delivery: 2023 Looking for: Sales, distributors, co-producers Contact person: stambata_donchev@abv.bg

PRODUCER’S BIO: DARDAN HOTI holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Prishtina. He has 10 years of experience working as a journalist, covering mainly human and LGBT+ rights. In 2013, he was awarded the first Poverty Prize of the UN Kosovo Team. Between 2014 and 2021, he has been a board member of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo. In 2018, he was one of the beneficiaries of K2.0’s Human Rights Journalism Fellowship. He is the researcher and Producer of the documentary film As I Was Looking Above, I Could See Myself Underneath, exploring the lives of LGBTQ persons in Kosovo. He is currently working as a Press Officer at Manifesta 14 Prishtina and in the same time he is producing the documentary film I Have Never Been on an Airplane.
Isolated from the rest of the world since birth, Atdhe, Jeta and Tringa are three friends in their early twenties who live their lives in the youngest capital in the world, Prishtina. Tesei Li
DIRECTOR: Redon Kikaj PRODUCERS: Dardan Hoti, Luca
Bassi PRODUCTION COMPANY: Katharsis Production stage: production Total budget in EUR: 45 000 Confirmed financing in EUR: 25 000 Expected date of delivery: March 2023 Looking for: Funding, distributors and coproducers Contact person: dardanhoti0@gmail.com
DIRECTOR’S BIO: REDON KIKA is an actor/director from Pristina, Kosovo. He began working in theater from a very early age, where he developed his passion for acting. From this point on he was constantly working in different theater projects nationally and internationally. He worked in the National Theatre of Kosovo, Qendra Multimedia, LaMaMa Experimental Theatre NY, Schlachthaus Theater, Oda Theater, Dokufest, etc.

Having studied Computer Science, Photography and History of Cinema, Antigoni Papantoni started working in the independent film industry in theatrical distribution in 2009, in Greece. After several years of experience in film festivals and especially in major co-production markets such as Visions du Réel, IDFA, Thessaloniki a.o., Antigoni later held the position of Acquisitions for world sales company, Heretic Outreach, of Project Manager for CIRCLE - Women Doc Accelerator and currently works as Associate Producer, Researcher and Consultant for Homemade Films, Greece.
PRODUCERS: Antigoni Papantoni PRODUCTION COMPANY: Raw Docs Production stage: development Total budget in EUR: 210
Expected date of delivery: December 2024 Looking for: Co-producers, TV broadcasters, financiers, distributors Contact person: nickziogas@hotmail.com;antipapantoni@gmail.com
DIRECTOR’S BIO: ZIOGAS NIKOS Lives and works in Athens. He has worked as a filmmaker in various documentaries and television series since 2008. He has taken part in projects with topics such as refugees, immigration, political current affairs and culture.(Human Flow, Dreams at Sea, etc.) He made his debut as a director with the short documentary “SPRING”, (10´, 2018), which premiered at the 21st Thessaloniki Documentary Festival and was screened at various international festivals, such as the New York Greek Film Festival and the Cinema Aus Der Nacht Heraus in Berlin.
Confirmed financing in EUR: 5
One lake, three countries, one symphony. The magnetic power of the lake leads the borders to a strange connection, to an almost symphonic agreement. Nikos 000 000

Hadzidimitriou PRODUCERS: Rea Apostolides PRODUCTION COMPANY: Anemos & Anemon Production stage: post-production Total budget in EUR: 251 076 Confirmed financing in EUR: 78 980 Expected date of delivery: 2023 Looking for: Co-producers, pre-sales, world sales agent and distributors Contact person: herstoryoferessos@gmail.comrea@anemon.gr;
DIRECTOR’S BIO: TZELI HADJIDIMITRIOU is an award-winning independent filmmaker, fine art photographer, and writer. She was born and raised on the island of Lesvos, Greece. Her photographs were exhibited in solo and group shows in Australia, China, Italy, Turkey and Greece. She captures liminal atmospheres, places, people in her photographic books ‘39 Coffee Houses and a Barber’s shop’; in the ‘Sacred Water: After attending a series of seminars by Michelangelo Antonioni on the art of cinematography, she decided to pursue further studies in the field of Direction of Photography for the Cinema, in Rome.
PRODUCER’S BIO: REA APOSTOLIDES and Yuri Averof (Anemon Productions in Athens, Greece), joined the project in 2022, bringing over 20 years of expertise in producing award-winning documentaries that present different visions of Greece. At the end of the Greek dictatorship in 1974, lesbian women from across the world began arriving at a small traditional village, on the island of Lesvos. Tzeli

The focus of the 13th edition of MakeDox is the development of ideas. 6 projects in development were selected for the development workshop with Tue Steen TheMüller.workshop
TUE STEEN MÜLLER, documentary consultant and critic, Denmark. Worked with documentary films for over 20 years at the Danish Film Board as press officer, festival representative, and film consultant/commissioner. Co-founder of Balticum Film and TV Festival, Filmkontakt Nord, Documentary of the EU, and EDN (European Documentary Network).
participants are directors and producers with short or feature- length creative documentary projects in development produced or co-produced in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, N. Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, Romania, and Turkey.
Awards: In 2004, he received the Danish Roos Prize for contributing to the Danish and European documentary culture. Two years later, he received an award for promoting Portuguese documentaries in 2006. In 2014, he received the EDN Award “for an outstanding contribution to the development of the European documentary culture”. In 2016, he was awarded with the Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania. 2019 a Big Stamp at the 15th edition of ZagrebDox. In 2021 he received the highest state decoration, Order of the Three Stars, Fourth Class, for the significant contribution to the development and promotion of Latvian documentary cinema outside Latvia. In 2022 he got an honorary award at DocsBarcelona’s 25th edition and has served as organizer and programmer since the start of the festival. From 1996 until 2005, he was the first director of EDN (European Documentary Network). Since 2006 a freelance consultant and teacher in workshops like Ex Oriente, DocsBarcelona, Archidoc, Documentary Campus, Storydoc, Baltic Sea Forum, Black Sea DocStories, Caucadoc, CinéDOC Tbilisi, Docudays Kyiv, Dealing With the Past Sarajevo FF as well as a program consultant for the festivals Magnificent7 in Belgrade, DOCSBarcelona, Message2Man in St. Petersburg and DOKLeipzig. He teaches at the Zelig Documentary School in Bolzano, Italy, and writes reviews for www.filmkommentaren.dk.
“It will be a pleasure for me to meet filmmakers who have film proposals that are still in the development phase. Maybe you have written down your idea, and maybe you have a treatment, maybe (actually, I think this is the most important thing) you have some visual materials to show. The crucial part is that you are open to feedback from colleagues and me. Three days: Introduction and presentation; Individual sessions; Presentation for MakeDox participants. And hopefully, you will go home full of inspiration and what I always call “creative confusion and doubt.”

23 The Good Death / Turkey Isthmus / Greece Iron Castle (Demir Hisar) / North Macedonia I Don’t Want / North Macedonia The Land we Breathe / Croatia, Germany My Living Place is Huge / North Macedonia, Germany PROJECTSSELECTED
Production stage: late development person: hasanete97@gmail.com
DIRECTOR’S BIO: HASAN ETE was born in 1997 in Istanbul. He graduated from the Radio, Television, and Cinema department of Akdeniz University, where he started his education in 2015, in 2019. He has two short documentary films, ‘’Devoted’’ (2017) and ‘’Mother Mary’’(2018), which he directed. These films were finalists in many national and international festivals and the films met with the audience. Today, Hasan Ete continues his graduate education and film studies. On the other hand, in addition to continuing his undergraduate education at Akdeniz University Art History Department, he is involved in AIESEC global volunteering programs and the EU-supported PAY Youth Assembly.
DIRECTOR: Hasan Ete Hasan Ete
Through the Wish Ambulance Foundation, The Good Death documentary project examines the last wishes of a terminal patient who has limited time and the process of making their wishes come true.

PRODUCERS: John Marinopoulos PRODUCTION COMPANY: Marni Films Production stage: mid-development
DIRECTOR: John Marinopoulos
In an uninhabited island in Greece, a shepherd and an archaeologist try to coexist, but tension rises, as the excavation expands into the shepherd’s territory once again.
PRODUCER’S BIO: MINA holds a BA & MA in Mass Media and Linguistics from Westminster University, UK and a second BA in European Studies. She produces for Marni Films since 2010 and her shorts participated at many international festivals (Cannes, ClermontFerrand, BFI) and won Greek Academy awards. She is currently developing another documentary, “Sunken” that was awarded at Thessaloniki Pitching Forum & Evia Film Project, and is part of the Balkan Documentary Center Discoveries. She has participated at EWA & ACE producers mentorship programmes, TFL’s Green Filming Lab and Cinelink’s Producers Lab in 2022. She has collaborated in many shorts from emerging talent and now, as she develops her first features, wants to focus on projects that can empower new voices, untold stories and promote urgent social and environmental themes for the global market.
Contact person: john@marnifilms.gr
DIRECTOR’S BIO: JOHN MARINOPOULOS Born in Athens in 1991, John Marinopoulos studied Film and Media Production at the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles. His dissertation, a short film, “REST” was selected at the Queen City Cinephiles and at the Warsaw Independent Film Festival in 2018. Initially, and upon return to his home country, he began editing TV shows for TV channels (SKAI, ANT1), and also worked as a production assistant in film or digital productions. Recently, he has directed music videos that received millions of views on youtube, TV commercials, his short film “Inheritance” starring Sofia Kokkali, Iro Bezou, and produced by Marni Films. His first feature documentary “Isthmus” is currently in development.

DIRECTOR’S BIO: MITKO PANOV studied Directing at the Polish National School for Film, TV & Theatre in Lodz. For his films he received many international awards among which the Golden Palm for best short film at Cannes 1991. He is recipient of the Sundance Documentary Film Grant, the Rockefeller Fellowship and the Guggenheim Fellowship for distinguished artists and scholars. His works were aired on television networks including : Canal +, France 3, Channel 4, ARTE, ZDF, PBS, ARD/BR, 3 Sat, B-92, Arts & Entertainment and are included in M.O.M.A. and Guggenheim Museum’s anthology collections, NYC.
The smallest commune in a small countryin Europe and at the end of the world. Six parallel stories intertwining dozen of different characters of incumbents and intrudors. Each focused on his own problem. Mitko Panov Mitko Panov Pirej Film
PRODUCERS: Viktor Pavlovski,
Production stage: late development Contact person: mitko@kamera300.com

DIRECTOR’S BIO: HANIS BAGASHOV is born in 1999, in Skopje, North Macedonia. He studied film directing at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts “Krastyo Sarafov” in Sofia, Bulgaria. His short film “Mishko”, written, directed, and co-produced by himself premiered at Sarajevo Film Festival in 2018, and went on to win 23 international awards, and 80 international festival selections. Since 2020 it is distributed by the Belgian company Radiator IP Sales.
Zuhrije, a middle-aged woman, wants to reconcile with her daughter, after having cut off contact for 18 yearseven though they live in neighboring houses. Hanis Bagashov Bagashov
PRODUCTION COMPANY: Hithra Films Production stage: pre-production Contact person: hanis.bagashov@gmail.com
I DON’T WANT North Macedonia

PRODUCER’S BIO: OLIVER SERTIĆ is a documentary producer and festival programmer. Since now he produced around 30 feature and short documentaries and experimental films. For 18 years worked as a journalist and editor-in-chief in different media and organizer of different cultural events. The founder of Restart (2007) where he established Restart Laboratory, Dokukino and Restart Label, at the moment working as the editor-inchief of the Label and one of tutors at the School of Documentary Film.
Contact person: manuelinacker@gmail.com
Croatia, Germany
DIRECTOR: Manuel Inacker PRODUCERS: Oliver Sertić PRODUCTION COMPANY: Restart Production stage: mid-development
DIRECTOR’S BIO: MANUEL INACKER is a film director with German-Croatian roots, based in Berlin. Manuel‘s first year film PALLASSEUM – INVISIBLE CITY celebrated its world premiere at Berlinale 2016. His short documentary LA BESTIA - TRAIN OF THE UNKNOWNS premiered at IDFA 2018 and won over 12 awards at international festivals including the Makedox Onion Seed Jury Award 2019. Manuel has journeyed through over 50 countries and lived in Australia, Turkey and the United States. He has worked as a journalist for Vice News and has been awarded a Fulbright as well as German Academic Exchange DAAD Scholarship. Manuel has a B.A. in Politics, Sociology and philosophy and went on to study feature and documentary film directing at Film University Babelsberg, University of Arts Berlin, and California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles.
As a hauntingly beautiful river delta in Croatia suffocates under the growing weight of wildfires, mass tourism and its wartorn past, four unique-yet-interconnected people forge bonds with their ecosystem as a means of survival, both for themselves and for the land itself.

The documentary portrays the life of extraordinary people in Berlin who live outside the society conventions.
Existential curiosity and/or psychological, family, and economical difficulties shape the need for a strong separation from the formal society.
Being independent often leads to living in the streets.
MY LIVING PLACE IS HUGE NorthGermany,Macedonia
Being physicist of profession, he spent 20 years working in several countries in the area of nonlinear optics. Embracing filmmography as his new profesion, he founded in Berlin the production company Caral Filmproduktion. Mein Wohnraum ist Riesig is his first feature documentary.
PRODUCER’S BIO: ANIKA CHORBESKA is a young talented producer. She studied visual arts, and worked as chef editor in the production office at Skala Magazine.
DIRECTOR: Jose Chavez Boggio
PRODUCERS: Jose Chavez Boggio, Anika Chorbeska Production stage: production person:

VITEZSLAV CHOVANEC Czech Film vitezslav@filmcenter.czCentar
Marion Czarny has been working for FIPADOC since 2008 where she oversees the elaboration of all editorial content for the young audience and emerging directors. She coordinates educational screenings and workshops and manages the Young Europeans Jury operation and curates an international selection of student films (New Talent). Holder of a postgraduate degree in Cultural Project Management, she worked for the Forum des Images between 1999 and 2001, in the Educational Action Department and Programme Management (in charge of acquisitions). She was editorial assistant for 3 cinema magazines and curated several film festivals: Paris Festival (2001/2002), Rencontres Internationales de cinéma (2003), Ohrid French Film Festival in Macedonia (2008/2009).
Born in Frankfurt Main, Germany, Martina Valentina Baumgartner discovered her love for film and stories at an early age in her father’s cinema Harmonie (always from the best seats on the balcony : ) She holds a degree in Architecture and then pursued her passion, working as an art director e.g. for such films as BARBARA, DAS KLEINE GESPENST and ME AND KAMINSKI. In recent years, she has been increasingly involved in film production as a freelancer for companies such as POLA PANDORA, MATCH FACTORY PRODUCTIONS and AMUSEMENT PARK FILM. In 2015, she launched the BAUMI AWARD, which she has been overseeing ever since. From 2018 to 2020 she worked as a project manager with the NIPKOW PROGRAMM, a highly regarded fellowship programme for international filmmakers. In 2021 she began working for the INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL BERLIN as a documentary coordinator for the EFM - European Film Market. Martina Valentina Baumgartner is always curious to filter reality through Graduatedfilms.from Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies at Masaryk University in Brno. During his studies he worked for Czech Television as an assistant dramaturge. Since 2010, he worked for several film festivals including Cinema Mundi, Karlovy Vary IFF, Ji.hlava IDFF or Mezipatra IQFF. As a journalist, Vítězslav has contributed to various Czech outlets including 25fps, Film a doba, and he is still writing for magazine Cinepur. He is also a member of programming team of One World Human Rights Film Festival in Prague. In September 2017, he joined the team of the Czech Film Center, a division of Czech Film Fund, where he is responsible for promotion of Czech documentary and short films abroad.
Berlinale, Documentary Coordinator for the European Film Market
MARION CZARNY m.czarny@fipadoc.comFIPADOC

PETER MITRIĆ & acquisitions@taskovskifilms.comFilms
Founded in 2003 Taskovski Films is a documentary company that integrates production, sales, professional film business training and film & art residencies. We believe film has transformative power to change the world for the better. Our passion is discovering and supporting new and well established talent to tell stories that can spark social change. We welcome innovative, playful and risky forms of filmmaking and authorial stories in fields of arts and culture, history, society, politics and environment, while still maintaining high criteria when it comes to production value, content and form.
CARMEN Programmer Berlin Film Festival
Daniel Vadocky has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Trnava and in Film Studies from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. He has lectured on Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Department of Film and has published articles on world cinema, film history and theory in various magazines and newspapers. He was a Programmer of the short film competition at the Art Film Fest in Slovakia. He also worked as a Head of Sales in National Film Archive and as a Sales Agent for Negativ Film Productions both based in Prague. He currently works as a Festival and Sales Manager for Pluto Film.
Festivals Taskovski
Carmen Gray is a freelance arts and culture journalist, film critic and programmer who grew up in New Zealand and now lives in Berlin. She has written on cinema, often focused on Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Caucasus, for many publications, including The New York Times, Criterion, The Guardian, Sight & Sound, MUBI, and Modern Times Review. She was previously the Film Editor of Dazed & Confused magazine in London. She is on the selection committees of the Generation section of the Berlin International Film Festival, and the Winterthur International Short Film Festival in Switzerland, and is a programme adviser for Open City Docs in London. She also works as an industry adviser on films at the editing stage for First Cut Lab.

Alba Cakalli is born and raised in Prizren. As one of the former volunteers, she started her career at DokuFest as a program assistant and now leads the role of a Festival Producer. Throughout the years, Alba has also been part of many cultural organisations (RroK, Prizma Medium, Bekim Fehmiu Theater, Zambaku i Prizrenit) and engaged in different film crews (In Between, Pavend, Home) co-produced by DokuFest. Through her engagements, Alba is constantly involved in empowering youth against the challenges of social development.
ALBA QAKALI Festival Producer, alba@dokufest.comDokuFest
Angeliki Vergou is Coordinator of all Agora Docs industry events of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, including the Thessaloniki Pitching Forum, Agora Docs in Progress and Meet the Future. She is also Head of Crossroads Co-production Forum of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival. She has been working at both festivals in various departments and positions since 2001. She is a graduate of the Hellenic Open University and has a diploma in European Culture & Civilization (2018). She has participated in Sources 2: Training Mentors for Screenwriters (2013) and as an assistant trainer at MFI’s Script 2 Film Workshop (2019), Script Consultant trainee Midpoint Institute Feature Launch Workshop (2020) and MFI Doc Lab assistant trainer (2021).
ANGELIKI VERGOU Coordinator of Agora Docs, Thessaloniki Documentary Festival vergou@filmfestival.gr
A documentary sales specialist with 7 years of experience in the field, Suzanne previously worked for companies Doc & Film International and then Mediawan Rights. During these tenures, she worked on titles such as Fuocoammare by Gianfranco Rosi (Golden Bear 2016), Frederick Wiseman’s documentaries and most recently Kubrick by Kubrick by Gregory Monro (Tribeca FF 2020, International Emmy Awards for Best Arts Programming 2021). She joined sales company Cercamon in November 2021 to spearhead the launch of a feature length docs catalogue within the company.

Joan González is the founder-director of DocsBarcelona, a film Festival with 25 editions and El Documental del Mes, a network of 80 cinemas that have been premiering a documentary since 2005. In 2013 he was recognised with the EDN International award for his contribution to documentary culture in Southern Europe. He has been a film editor, director and executive producer and he likes to hold workshops at Universities and Film Festivals, to help grow projects. His latest project is HYPERLINK “http://www.nextus.global” www.nextus.global, the DocsBarcelona educational project. In 2021 he was appointed honorary member of the Catalan Film Academy.
IEVA UBELE Head of Industry, ieva.ubele@beldocs.rsBeldocs
INGIBJÖRG HALLDÓRSDÓTTIR Director, ingibjorghalldors@gmail.comIceDocs
Ingibjörg is the co-founder and director of Iceland Documentary Film Festival (IceDocs), She helmed the festival’s fourth edition this summer as well as being part of the festival’s programming committee. IceDocs is Iceland’s first and only film festival dedicated solely to international creative documentaries. The festival aims at bringing quality documentaries to the local market as well as being a creative hub for filmmakers in the near future. It is part of the newly founded Time for Docs festival network. Ingibjörg serves in a selection committee for the Icelandic film and TV academy’s Edda awards.
JOAN Director, DocsBarcelona
Ieva Ūbele is an experienced creative producer from Latvia. She has produced and worked as a scriptwriter and offline editor on more than 20 documentary films mainly focusing on social and environmental issues. Her most well-known projects are HOMO@LV (2010, dir. Kaspars Goba), the first documentary from Latvia ever screened at Berlin International Film Festival, and INGA CAN HEAR (2018, dir. Kaspars Goba), which had its international premiere in Hot Docs 2019. In 2019 Ieva established her own production company Baltic Balkan Productions and is currently producing and co-producing four creative documentaries. In addition to her work as a producer she is also a Head of Industry programme of the IDFF Beldocs in Belgrade, Serbia.

SINA WEBER Head of DOK.forum at DOK.fest Munich weber@dokfest-muenchen.de
Sina studied Social and Cultural Anthropology, Art History and Art Education at LMU Munich. She completed her MA with a thesis in Visual Anthropology on atmospheres and aesthetic research, explored in her documentary film “Dentro de Babylon”. After several years of initiating and coordinating art and culture projects for the city laboratory and think tank “die urbanauten”, she joined DOK.fest München in 2017. Here, she is in charge of the festival’s market for co-creation and co-production of documentaries in development – as head of DOK.forum Marketplace from 2020. She also worked as an Impact Producer for Evolution Film in 2019 and supported a documentary production in Bethlehem, Palestine in 2020 as a CrossCulture fellow of the Institute of Foreign Affairs (ifa). Since January 2022, she is part of the ERC research project “Foraging at the Edge of Capitalism” rooted in Visual Anthropology and based at Rachel Carson Center in Munich.
Victor Ede is living and working in Marseilles, France. He co-founded Cinéphage with the awarded filmmaker Jean-Robert Viallet. He has had a transversal carrier in the field of picture, sound and post-production, and a detour through art books publishing (In Libris). He edited several documentaries, mainly those of Jean-Robert Viallet. And then he wanted to resume the project initiative, meetings, accompany and defend filmmakers and singular projects. He started focusing on production in 2014 and has produced 10 documentaries, several international coproductions and one short animation. He is currently developing or coproducing with Slovenian, Macedonian, Hungarian, Syrian, Lebanese, Swedish, North American and Belgian partners for theatrical and commissioned projects. He is part of the Eurodoc network, DAE, SPI, LPA, and has been part of the 2021 Emerging Producers selection (Ji.Hlava). He has participated to the Procirep commission, to the CNC-FAIA commission and is currently member of the CNC - Cinémas du Monde commission.
As part of Lightdox team, Nevena oversees distribution and sales in Central & Eastern Europe, Asia, LATAM and Africa. She embraced the challenge of mastering the most promising and excitingly evolving markets with worlds of creativity and innovativeness. She graduated Painting at the Academy of Arts Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and holds a Master’s degree in Stage Design from Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. Nevena has been working in sales and distribution of documentary films since 2015, with a deep focus on VOD and festival distribution.
VICTOR EDE Producer, victor.ede@cinephage.frCinephage
35 NEVENA MILAŠINOVIĆ Sales agent, nevena@lightdox.comLIGHTDOX

She is the head of Meetings on the Bridge curating the workshops, training programs and the yearly planning. She has started her career in international advertising agencies and established their production departments. In 2000, she joined Atlantik Film, one of the biggest production companies, as a producer. She was in charge of the promotion, marketing, financing and international sales of the films. She established GU-FILM for production and consultancy for project development and marketing. She has done several line production services and also a co-production with Belgium. She also is the cinema programmer at Soho House İstanbul. She also works as script and project development consultant. She is an Eave and Torino Film Lab Script&Pitch program alumni. She has been member of the jury at Toronto Film Festival and also advisor for funds and workshops. Currently she is also deveoping the 4th film of an award winning director.
Aleksandra Derewienko completed postgraduate studies in TV and Film Organization at the National Film School in Lodz, and the MEGA Plus course – European Master in Audio-visual Management in Spain. In 2016, after working as a sales manager at Taskovski Films for four years, she joined CAT&Docs in sales and acquisition. She has participated in many international festivals and markets and was a member of the pitching panels at Baltic Sea Docs, Visions du Reel, Krakow Film Festival or Doc Lisboa, among others.
ALEKSANDRA DERWIENKO Sales and acquisition, aleksandra@catndocs.comCAT&Docs
36 GUILIN USTUN Head, Meetings on the Bridge gulin.ustun@iksv.org
The Albanian Public Radio Television, RTSH is the only public broadcaster in Albania founded in 1960 in Tirana. Since 7 years it has enlarged its platform with 12 new free digital TV channels. One of them is RTSH MOVIE & DOCU CHANNEL, a 24/7 digital channel which broadcasts foreign documentaries and movies in the territory of Albania. The channel broadcasts all genres of film documentaries, docuseries and movies and has a really good interest and share in the audience.

CHOY Commissioning editor, TRT
Choy Lin Mok, an alumnus of Cambridge University and John Hopkins University, has over 20 years of experience in international broadcasting. She is an experienced documentary Commissioning Editor, Executive Producer and Series Producer. Choy Lin has held senior management positions at renowned global and regional television networks. She was Director of Regional Production at National Geographic Channel from 2001 to 2011 and Vice-President of International Production at Channel NewsAsia from 2011 to 2017. Choy Lin is currently Commissioning Editor for TRT World, based in Istanbul. TRT World is the English language news channel of Turkey’s national broadcaster, reaching over 260 million viewers worldwide.
Đelo Hadžiselimović finished elementary school in Zagreb, where he grew up. After elementary school, he entered the demanding IV. gymnasium in Zagreb. In 1974, he graduated in comparative literature and English language. In the same year, he started working at Television Zagreb, later HRT, in an entertainment program. He became the editor of the entertainment program in 1990, after which he became editor of 2nd program, foreign program and 1st program of HRT. He retired after 41 years of work on television, in October 2015, but continues to work as an associate of festivals such as Porečdox, Vukovar film festival and Media Festival. Co-founder of Doku TV, channel which offers 24 hours of documentary program.
Margot Mecca is an Italian programmer, producer and researcher based in Barcelona. Since 2011 she works at Festival dei Popoli – International Documentary Film Festival. She is part of the selection committee and the curator of Doc at Work Future Campus, a professional and training initiative for young filmmakers. She is also part of Majordocs’ selection committee. She works as producer and consultant for documentaries and fiction films for different production companies, in Italy and abroad. She is an alumna of Eurodoc and TFL. Her first film as a producer, Mother Lode by Matteo Tortone, premiered at SIC during the 2021 edition of Venice Film Festival. Since 2019 she is a post-doctoral researcher in the Communication Department of Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona.
MARGOT MECCA Festival Dei Popoi margot.mec@gmail.com

With your project at Pitch the Doc you can: - keep your project up-to-date and ready to be shared with potential partners - introduce it to registered decision makers as well as unregistered professionals - create and download a PDF file with current project data with one click - build a history of milestones in project development - submit it to the next event partnering with PtD - share the project instantly directly from your mobile device with PtD Viewer app
Based on international pitching standards, it allows to keep complete project packages updated and always ready to be accessed by co-producers and decision makers from around the world. That makes Pitch the Doc a valuable way for creating new contacts and for maintaining relations established during pitchings, co-production meetings and markets.
Pitchwww.pitchthedoc.comprofessionalstheDocisahubfordocumentary professionals. It is a platform for continuous presentation and building of international recognition of curated documentary film projects at any stage of production, on any topic and from any country.
Adam Papliński has been involved in various fields of film industry for over 25 years. In 2010-2015 he coordinated international documentary training and pitching program “Dragon Forum” and was the head of educational projects of Academy of Documentary Art. He act also as consultant, tutor and trainer. From 2016 he is running Pitch the Doc initiative.
We network with various documentary initiatives to support the visibility and activity of documentary projects on international markets.
Specializes in structuring of film’ concepts and in their development, describing and budgeting issues. She consults building of effective presentations of projects, ensuring clarity of communication. Consultant and workshop trainer. Co-founder of Pitch the Doc platform.
38 PITCH THE DOC hub for documentary

39 Two projects participating in the CoProDox Forum special mentions named Pitch the Doc Recognition Awards. They consist in providing a deepened fine-tuning of projects’ proposal packages and presentations as well as assistance in setting up further market strategy. “ “
VERONIKA BUCHKOVSKA Younger Associate for Film Industry and Contact Person for International Cooperation
North Macedonia FIlm Agency
ANITA STOJCHESKA Senior Associate for Film Industry North Macedonia FIlm Agency
Anita Stojcheska graduated in political science at Ss.Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje in 2009 and got a master’s degree in Human Resources at the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research (ISPPI) in 2011. She works at North Macedonia Film Agency since 2008, first as an International Collaboration Coordinator and since 2014 as a Senior Film Industry Associate. She has been editor of the annual Film Catalogs since 2016 and editor of the publication for annual activities of North Macedonia Film Agency “Facts and Figures” since 2019. From 2017 to 2019 was a member of the Commission for Cash Rebate Financing Scheme and is the current representative in European Film Promotion since May 2018.
ATHENA KALKOPOULOU Director of Hellas Film
Greek Film Center
Studied at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje – English major. She is part of the Film Industry Department at the North Macedonia Film Agency since 2011. Has been in charge of promotion of national film production both nationally and internationally and monitoring film festival realization. Has experience of organizing events of various formats, ranging from one-day training sessions to international conferences and festivals.
Athena Kalkopoulou is the Director of Hellas Film, the promotion and distribution branch at the Greek Film Centre. She is a creative producer with twenty years of experience in film funding, producing and outreach in the US and Europe. Her latest documentary A Growing Thing (US-German co-production, director Sarah Gross) broadcast on Deutche Welle and PBS World Channel in 2020. She has collaborated with the Sundance Institute, SXSW, Catapult Film Fund and the San Francisco International Film Festival. Previously, she oversaw the San Francisco Film Society’s documentary, fiscal sponsorship and project development program. She holds an MA in Film & TV Production from the University of Bristol and a BA in Media with Cultural Studies from the University of Sussex.

Nika Gričar graduated in cultural studies with a master’s degree in political science. She has been collaborating with the Slovenian Film Center (SFC) for the past six years, where she was Head for the development of film culture (2019-2020), and since December 2021 she works as the Head of the development of film projects and minority co-productions. In cooperation with the SFC, she published two studies on gender equality in the national film program; was the editor of the special edition on Slovenian cinematography on the 30th anniversary of independent Slovenia and was coordinating the industry program of the Slovenian Film Festival. Before that, she worked with film festivals, film educational organizations and production companies as a production assistant and organizer of film distribution. She assisted Dr. Vesna Čopič in the design of the law on the status of artists in Mauritius within the framework of UNESCO. In collaboration with Kinodvor, she prepared a chronology and research on the 90-year history of the cinema at Kolodvorska 13, today’s city cinema Kinodvor. She is European Graduate in Documentary Production through EURODOC international program (2019).
Chris was appointed CEO of the Croatian Audiovisual Center (HAVC) on 1 May 2019. He has been President of the Board of AGICOA, the association of audiovisual producers and their collective rights management groups since 2013. Upon deciding to divide his time between Brussels and Croatia for personal reasons, Chris was appointed President for International at the Motion Picture Association (MPA) in January 2015 to assist with a transition within the MPA. He was responsible for coordination of the MPA’s international offices (EMEA, Asia-Pacific, Canada, Brazil & Mexico). Chris joined the MPA in 1995. From 1995 through 2014 he served as President in charge of MPA’s regional office for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The office’s principal areas of activity include work on legislative and regulatory issues related to the media sector at the European and national levels. Prior to joining the MPA Chris spent sixteen years working in the U.S. Government on international trade issues as a negotiator and shaping U.S. trade policy. When he left the Government in 1995, he was the Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Europe, responsible for trade relations with the region. Prior to that, Chris was appointed to the newly created position of Assistant US Trade Representative for Trade and Environment, pioneering efforts to integrate health and environmental principles with those of international commerce. Chris holds Croatian and U.S. citizenships, holds a Master’s degree from Georgetown University, and speaks English, Croatian and French and has working knowledge of Italian and Spanish.
Slovenian Film Center
NIKA GRIČAR Head of Film Development Croatian Audiovisual Center

Kosovo CInematography Center
Lum has over 15 years of experience as a filmmaker and visual artist, working with film, new media, and anthropologically informed media creation as a film director, researcher, and producer in Prishtina. He holds a Masters in Visual and Media Anthropology (Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology) from Freie University in Berlin. Prior to that he has received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Arts and Sciences from Rochester Institute of Technology. In January 2019 he joined the Kosovo Cinematography Center serving as head of communications and portfolio.Lum is currently expanding on his ‘Anthropology of Interface - Dialectics and Aesthetics of Creating with the Digital’ - a multisited ethnographic research and interactive film project which investigates the lives of digital creators through a shared exploration of layers of belief systems and beliefs, to then analyzing with them their current relationships with their formed philosophies, daily engagements and their creations.His latest films include: “Women of Liberty” (2020), “GOF - Filmworld” (2019), “Voices From Within” (2018), “The numerous thoughts and things” – Interactive film (2017), “Machinima Film” (2016) etc.
Graduates as an ACTOR in 1981 at the National Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana, Albania. Right after he starts a fast and successful carrier in the Albanian Movie Industry. He learns his film-making craft with the best well known Albanian movie directors (educated in Moscow, Bucharest, Prague, Budapest): Kristaq Dhamo, Viktor Gjika, Hysen Hakani, Piro Milkani, Kujtim Çashku, and especially with Dhimiter Anagnosti. In the meanwhile he plays a few leading characters, becoming a celebrity when he was only 25 years old. On April 17, 2019, he was appointed President of the National Center of Cinematography.
Graduated in Film Critics at the National Theater and Film Academy. Assistant Director in Boyana Film Studios to leading Bulgarian directors as Rangel Valchanov, Zako Heskia, Nikola Rudarov and others. Script editor in Interfilm Studio – author and script editor of more than 50 documentary films. Editor and author in “7 plus” press group. Deputy editor in chief of the magazine “Sacrament”. General manager/owner (together with SBS Scandinavian Broadcasting System) of TV2, one of the 4 national terrestrial broadcasting programs. Head of International Relations at the National Council for Radio and Television. Chief expert responsible for co-productions (1996 – until now) at the Bulgarian Natioanl Film Center. Bulgarian National Representative in the Board of Eurimages Fund at the Council of Europe (1999 – until now). Member of the Executive Committee of SEE CN. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers (2004-2007 member of the Managing Board; Vice Chairman of the Guild of Scriptwriters). Member of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists. Member of Selection Committees: Bulgarian National Television, Sofia Film Fest, Media Program.
LUM CITAKU Head of Kosovo Cinematography Center
National Film Center Bulgaria
National Representative of Eurimages
Albanian Center of CInematography

ALEKSANDRA STIFANIĆ Film Centre of Montenegro
Marija Nikčević was born in Nikšić. After graduating from the Faculty of Law in Podgorica, she acquired the academic title of TV producer at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje (UCG). She also graduated from master studies of Production at the same faculty. Marija is producer of several short feature films as well as the feature film “Iskra” (d. Gojko Berkuljan), which was the Montenegrin candidate for the Oscar Award in category for best foreign film in 2018. She is editor of several publications in the field of culture. Marija worked on numerous film, theater and other cultural projects, as coordinator or manager: International Festival KotorArt, Kotor Festival of Theater for Children, International TV Festival Bar, Light Residence Workshop - ArTVision, Cultural Development Support Program in Niksic, IPA CBC CIRCE Project, Agro Design, International Festival of Actor Nikšić, etc. She is currently employed at the Film Center of Montenegro as an advisor for international cooperation and promotion.
Film Center Serbia
Aleksandra Mitrić-Štifanić was born on January 3, 1982 in Sarajevo. Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, Department: Production of Dramatic Arts and Media ended in September 2006. He is the winner of the “Bojan Lukić” award for the student of the generation of the Department of Film and TV Production in 2001. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade in 2020 with the documentary film Journey and earned the title of drama and audio-visual artist. The film won the award for the best debut film at the Documentary Film Festival #DOK3 in Belgrade. He has been involved in film and television since 1996, first as the author of children’s shows produced by the Radio Television of the Republic of Srpska (RTRS), and then as a producer of TV shows, commercials, presidential campaigns and documentary films. He has been involved in the art of documentary film for 15 years as a screenwriter and producer, and since 2007 as a selector and artistic director of the International Film Festival “Prvi Kadar”, East Sarajevo, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Are there support limits?
44 BALKAN SCHEMESCO-PRODUCTION COUNTRY NORTH MACEDONIA Film Ogranization / Funding Body North Macedonia Film Agency Web Page www.filmagency.gov.mk Who to contact ? (2 persons per fund) anita.stojcheska@filmagency.gov.mkveronika.buchkovska@filmagency.gov.mk; Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? (YES / NO) YES Type of support scheme (Automatic or Selective)? Selective Type of support for documentaries (Grant or Loan) Grant Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the support of documentaries? We do not have a separate annual budget for documentaries.In deciding whether to support a documentary project we of course take into consideration the total budget of the projects and make sure that the granted support is in line with the revised Convention on Cinematographic Co-production i.e. in the case of multilateral coproduction,the minimum contribution may not be less than 5% and the maximum contribution may not exceed 80% of the total production cost of the cinematographic work. in case of billateral coproductions , the minimum contribution may not be less than 10% and the largest contribution may not exceed 90% of the total production cost of the cinematographic work.
"The maximum amount that can be granted: -For short documentary films the maximum amount is 3.000.000 MKD (approx. 49.000 e.) -For feature documentary films the maximum amount is 5.000.000 MKD (approx.81.000e.)"
How many schemes for support of documentaries do you have? (development, production, post production ets.)
Deadlines for applying (please specify for each scheme separately)
We have only 1 scheme for support of documentaries (for production) How many Calls for support of documentaries do you have annualy? (please specify for each scheme separately)
The Agency publishes one annual Call in January which is open throughout the year (with two sessions: in March and August)
Link to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English) http://filmfund.gov.mk/?page_id=1195
It depends, but the decision for the first deadline is mostly adopted in May whith the second one in December. *This year and the year before we have had delays with the announcement of the support due to the corona crisis and the appointment of the new CEO (but this was an exception.)
Deadlines for decision (please specify for each scheme separately)
Application fee (and amount if applicable)? This is required. Application fee for feature length documentaries is 8.000 MKD (approx. 130 EUR) and for short documentaries 4.000 MKD (approx. 65 EUR)
Who is applying? The main condition for applying for minority support is to have a Macedonian production company with registered activity: film production. Films supported through this scheme must be able to qualify as official co-productions under either bilateral treaties, or the European convention on cinematographic co-production.The applicant is required to have secured money from their country including both from public and private sources.
Open annual call with two deadlines: in March and August (the dates vary)
"The evaluation process for minority co-productions consists of two steps. The first one is the evaluation of the script of the film / teaser and the research - this step is carried out by film reviewers (the evaluation is based on the originality, authenticity and quality content of the screenplay). If in this first step the project does not win the minimum of the required points, it is rejected. In the second step the projects are evaluated on the basis of: - funds provided by public sources from the country of origin in relation to the total budget of the project - total funds provided in relation to the total project budget - participation of citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia in the creative part of the film team (director, screenwriter, director of photography, composer, stage designer, costume designer, editor, up to 2 main roles , principal animator) - production of the film project in the Republic of North Macedonia"
Projects' Evaluation Process
Who is evaluating the projects
At first all projects are processed by a Committee for administrative selection (consisting from the employees in the Agency, assigned by the CEO - different members each calll) The job of the Comittee is to establish if the submitted documentation is complete and if the Macedonian producer is eligible to apply (fulfills the requirements). The complete applications are then sent to reviwers who evaluate the projects during the step one of the evaluation process (the evaluation of the script of the film / teaser and the research). In case the project wins the minimum of the required points - it proceeds with the following step of evaluation. (**Please see the section Projects' Evaluation Process). After the evaluation process is finished, the Comittee prepares evaluation lists with points (from the two steps of evaluation) which are then sent to a Film Council who are in charge of reviewing the documentation and evaluation process and giving opinion and a ranking list to the CEO with regards to which projects need to be supported. After that the CEO gives a proposal to the Board of Governors and the Board of Goverons makes the final decision.
47 Do you support development? No. We do not have a Call for support of project development. Do you educationsupportof film professionals? Yes. The Call is open year-round and is intended for support of expert and professional education of film industry professionals (workshops, seminars, attendance at film festivals and other ).The support is granted upon a decision by the Board of Directors. Link to catalogues/brochuresproduction http://filmfund.gov.mk/?page_id=19175&lang=en Countries with which you coproduce often Mostly with Serbia/Slovenia/Kosovo/Albania/Croatia. We have also co-produced with Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Italy, B&H, Finland, Russia, Germany, Poland, Georgia, Hungary, Montenegro, Turkey. Workshops/ education programmes for film professionals in your country (if available at the moment) /
How many Calls for
48 COUNTRY MONTENEGRO Film Ogranization / Funding Body Film Centre of Montenegro Web Page www.fccg.me Who to contact ? (2 persons per fund) danijela@fccg.me, marija@fccg.me Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? (YES / NO) yes Type of support scheme (Automatic or Selective)? Selective Type of support for documentaries (Grant or Loan) Grant Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the sup port of documentaries? There is no independent budget for documentaries Are there support limits? Amounts are not precisely defined for minority coproductions, but estimates are made in relation to the submitted budget How many schemes for support of documentaries do you have? (development, production, post production ets.)
One scheme for minority co-productions includes the possibility of supporting the production of feature and short document support of scheme
Link to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English) http://fccg.me/vacancies/#
2 regular sessions and 2 sessions for co-production is no application fee right to participate in the competition for co-financing minority coproductions have legal entities registered in the appropriate register in Montenegro, whose main activity is the production of cinematographic works.
Deadlines for applying (please specify for each scheme separately) The dates vary Deadlines for decision (please specify for each scheme separately) / Application fee (and amount if applicable)? There
documentaries do you have annualy? (please specify for each
Who is applying? The
49 Projects' Evaluation Process At the proposal of the director of the Center, the Council appoints professional consultants for the film industry who perform the selection procedure and selection of the winners. Who is evaluating the projects Professional consultants Do you support development? / Do you educationsupportof film professionals? No. Link to catalogues/brochuresproduction Yes. Countries with which you coproduce often / Workshops/ education programmes for film professionals in your country (if available at the moment) Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia, Albania, Kosovo
The deadlines are ususally in April and August (the dates vary) for decision specify for each scheme
There is only one scheme for minority coproductions which includes the possibility of supporting the production of feature and short documentaries
Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? / NO) yes of support scheme or Selective)? Selective Type of support for documentaries or Loan) Grant Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the sup port of documentaries?
Who to contact fund)
How many Calls for support of documentaries do you have annualy? specify for each scheme separately)
There is no separate budget dedicated for minority documentaries
Two regular calls for minority co-productions for applying specify for each scheme separately)
50 COUNTRY REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Film Ogranization / Funding Body Film Center Serbia Web Page www.fcs.rs
Application fee (and amount if applicable)? There is no application fee
Who is applying? The right to participate in the competition for co-financing minority coproductions have a production company registered in the appropriate register in Republic of Serbia, whose main activity is the production of cinematographic works. to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English)
Are there support limits? Amounts are not precisely defined for minority coproductions, but estimates are made in relation to the submitted budget many schemes for support of documentaries do you have? production, post production ets.)
? (2 persons per
75 days from the deadline for applying (60 days for competition jury and 15 days for the Executive Board
51 Projects' Evaluation Process The evaluation process is based on selection criteria according to Law on Cinematography and also depents of participation of citizens of the Republic of Serbia in the film team or production of the film in the Republic of Serbia Who is evaluating the projects At the proposal of the director, the Executive board appoints the competition jury (5 members) Do you support development? / Do you educationsupportof film professionals? Not for minority co-productions Link to catalogues/brochuresproduction / Countries with which you coproduce often http://www.fcs.rs/filmovi/filmska-baza/ Workshops/ education programmes for film professionals in your country (if available at the moment) Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania
52 COUNTRY BULGARIA Film Ogranization / Funding Body Bulgarian NationalFilm Center Web Page www.nfc.bg Who to contact ? (2 persons per fund) gergana@nfc.bg, irina@nfc.bg Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? (YES / NO) yes Type of support scheme (Automatic or Selective)? Selective Type of support for documentaries (Grant or Loan) Grant Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the sup port of documentaries? / Are there support limits? Not less than 30% from the avarige statistical budget of the previous year. How many schemes for support of documentaries do you have? (development, production, post production ets.) We have support for writing script, preproduction and production How many Calls for support of documentaries do you have annualy? (please specify for each scheme separately) 2 regular sessions and 4 extraordinary sessions for co-productions Deadlines for applying (please specify for each scheme separately) / Deadlines for decision (please specify for each scheme separately) / Application fee (and amount if applicable)? / Who is applying? / Link to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English) /
53 COUNTRY ALBANIA Film Ogranization / Funding Body Albanian National Center of Cinematography Web Page http://nationalfilmcenter.gov.al/ Who to contact ? (2 persons per fund) alketa.basha@nationalfilmcenter.gov.al Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? (YES / NO) no Type of support scheme (Automatic or Selective)? n/a Type of support for documentaries (Grant or Loan) n/a Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the sup port of documentaries? yes Are there support limits? Not less than 30% from the avarige statistical budget of the previous year. How many schemes for support of documentaries do you have? (development, production, post production ets.) Only Production. How many Calls for support of documentaries do you have annualy? (please specify for each scheme separately) Only one seesion in March or the six first months of the year. Deadlines for applying (please specify for each scheme separately) / Deadlines for decision (please specify for each scheme separately) / Application fee (and amount if applicable)? / Who is applying? / Link to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English) /
54 COUNTRY CROATIA Film Ogranization / Funding Body Croatian Audiovisual Centre Web Page www.havc.hr Who to contact ? (2 persons per fund) jadranka.hrga@havc.hr chris.marcich@havc.hr Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? (YES / NO) yes Type of support scheme (Automatic or Selective)? Selective Type of support for documentaries (Grant or Loan) Grant Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the sup port of documentaries?
Are there support limits? Minority co-productions- the granted support is in line with the revised Convention on Cinematographic Co-production, National production: The cumulative level of the state must not exceed 50% of the total production budget except in cases of “low budget and difficult” films in which case it can go up to 80%. The maximum od the support is up to 80% of the budget for low budget and difficult /demanding project.
"We have separate budget for film productionnational films, separate budget fot minority co- productions, script development, project development but not per categories, so the budget for the documentaries depends of the number of the supported projects and their budget. Minority co-productions- the granted support is in line with the revised Convention on Cinematographic Coproduction, National production: The cumulative level of the state must not exceed 50% of the total production budget except in cases of “low budget and difficult” films in which case it can go up to 80%. The maximum od the support is up to 80% of the budget for low budget and difficult / demanding project."
For national production: script development, project development, script development tv series and project development- tv series, productiondecisions in June and December and minority coproduction scheme- 60 days after the deadline of the calls
For national production: script development, project development, script and project development- tv series, scheme for production; for minority co-coproductions: scheme for minority co-productions
Deadlines for applying (please specify for each
National production and minority co-production scheme: Croatian production company with registrated activity, script developmentscreenwriter or Croatian production company, project development: Croatian production company https://havc.hr/eng/about-us/project-funding
How many Calls for support of documentaries do you have annualy? scheme
How many schemes for support of documentaries do you have? production, post production ets.)
For national production: script development- 2 deadlines, project development- 2 deadlines, script development tv series -2 deadlines and project development- tv series- 2 deadlines, production2 deadlines and minority co-production scheme- 4 deadlines scheme
Application fee (and amount if applicable)? no Who is applying?
For national production: script development2 deadlines (March and September), project development- 2 deadlines (March and September), script development tv series -2 deadlines (March and September) and project development- tv series- 2 deadlines (March and September), production - 2 deadlines (March and September) and minority co-production scheme- 4 deadlines (January, April, July and October) decision scheme
(please specify for each
Deadlines for
Link to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English)
(please specify for each
"Artistic advisors are appointed by the Council at the proposal of the director of the Centre for all the fields covered by the public tender (call for applications) for the purpose of considering and evaluating the programmes and projects which applied for the public tenders.
The term of office of artistic advisors lasts until the Council passes the final decisions on the allocation of funds in accordance with the public tender for which he/she was appointed. The same person may be appointed artistic advisor for not more than two consecutive terms.
• carry out the professional evaluation procedure
Artistic advisors constitute the Artistic Council which harmonise the proposal for the list of priorities and the allocation of funds for the areas covered by the public tender.
For each public tender at the proposal of the director of the Centre and in line with the procedure provided for by the regulations the Council appoints the required number of artistic advisors who have the following tasks: • carry out the professional evaluation procedure • establish a list of priorities/projects • propose the allocation of funds • participate in the approval of projects after their completion.
We have: 3 artistic advisors for feature fiction films, 1 for short fiction films, 1 for short and feature documentaries, 1 for animation, 1 for experimental films, 1 for script and project development of tv series, 1 for minority co-productions, 3 for complementary activities and international cooperation, 1 for videogames and 1 for distribution. The Croatian Audiovisual Council is responsible for the Centre’s programme activities. It announces a public invitation to tender for the allocation of funds for the purpose of promoting audiovisual creation and complementary activities. Upon the recommendation of the Artistic Council, it passes decisions on the allocation of funds for the production of audiovisual works and complementary activities."
Who is evaluating the projects
"Artistic advisors are appointed by the Council at the proposal of the director of the Centre for all the fields covered by the public tender (call for applications) for the purpose of considering and evaluating the programmes and projects which applied for the public tenders.
The term of office of artistic advisors lasts until the Council passes the final decisions on the allocation of funds in accordance with the public tender for which he/she was appointed. The same person may be appointed artistic advisor for not more than two consecutive terms.
For each public tender at the proposal of the director of the Centre and in line with the procedure provided for by the regulations the Council appoints the required number of artistic advisors who have the following tasks:
We have: 3 artistic advisors for feature fiction films, 1 for short fiction films, 1 for short and feature documentaries, 1 for animation, 1 for experimental films, 1 for script and project development of tv series, 1 for minority co-productions, 3 for complementary activities and international cooperation, 1 for videogames and 1 for distribution."
Projects' Evaluation Process
Artistic advisors constitute the Artistic Council which harmonise the proposal for the list of priorities and the allocation of funds for the areas covered by the public tender.
• stablish a list of priorities/projects • propose the allocation of funds • participate in the approval of projects after their completion.
57 Do you support development? Yes - for national projects Do you educationsupportof film professionals? Yes - Call for complementary activities, Call for international cooperation Link to catalogues/brochuresproduction https://havc.hr/eng/info-centre/publications Countries with which you coproduce often Regional co-production mostly, but we also cooperate with other European countries; Canada…. Workshops/ education programmes for film professionals in your country (if available at the moment) Not at this moment, but for documentaries we recommend Zagrebdox Pro 2022 COUNTRY GREECE Film Ogranization / Funding Body Greek Film Centre Web Page www.gfc.gr Who to contact ? (2 persons per fund) prduction@gfc.gr , pr@gfc.gr Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? (YES / NO) Yes Type of support scheme (Automatic or Selective)? Selective Type of support for documentaries (Grant or Loan) Grant Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the sup port of documentaries? No Are there support limits? Maximum grant: 100.000 euros
58 How many schemes for support of documentaries do you have? (development, production, post production ets.) Debut Feature- Writing, Debut FeatureDevelopment, Debut Feature- Production, Main Program- Writing, Main Program- Development, Main Program- Production, Short Films Program, Micro-Budget Program, Minority Co-production Program, Completed Films Program How many Calls for support of documentaries do you have annualy? (please specify for each scheme separately) 2 calls annually for all programs, except Completed Films Program (one call annually) Deadlines for applying (please specify for each scheme separately)
"Film producers who are citizens of the European Union and are based in Greece are eligible to submit their proposals to all Funding Programs of the G.F.C. (regardless of production stage). Film producers based in a different country within the E.U. are eligible to submit proposals to the G.F.C. on the condition that they operate a legal branch in Greece, hold liability over the project and that there is guaranteed reciprocity with the state in which they are based.
Short Films: Period A 31/5 and Period B 30/11, Debut Film: Period A 31/7 and Period B 31/1, Main Program: Period A 30/6 and Period B 31/12, Completed Films: 30/6, Micro-budget: Period A 31/5 and Period B 30/11, Minority Co-production: announced annually -usually
" Link to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English)
Deadlines are
Producers (natural or legal persons) must have an active Business Activity Code (BAC) pertaining to film production and must not be dependent on public or private televisual and radio broadcasting businesses. https://e-services.gfc.gr/ (not available in
May/ June and November/December Deadlines for decision (please specify for each scheme separately) 4 months after submission deadline Application fee (and amount if applicable)? There is no application fee Who is applying?
59 Projects' Evaluation Process / Who is evaluating the projects Professional consultants (readers) such as writers, directors, film theorists etc. Do you support development? Yes- only for national projects Do you educationsupportof film professionals? Yes Link to catalogues/brochuresproduction http://www.gfc.gr/en/info-center/publications.html Countries with which you coproduce often France, Cyprus, Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia Workshops/ education programmes for film professionals in your country (if available at the moment) MFI Script 2 Film, S2M Story2Market
There is no separate budget dedicated for minority documentaries there support limits? Yes, depending on public tender many schemes for support of documentaries do have? production, post production ets.)
For national production: script development, project development, production many Calls for support of documentaries do you have annualy? specify for each scheme
At least 30 day or more after applying for decision specify for each scheme
Application fee (and amount if applicable)? Fee depends on call and state of appplication (fee is larger if application is incomplete and we have to summon producer to complete its application). Mostly from approximately 50 to 120 eur.
One annual call for national projects and call for minority coproductions (documentaries included) for applying (please specify for each scheme separately)
60 COUNTRY SLOVENIA Film Ogranization / Funding Body Slovenian Film Centre, a public agency of the Republic of Slovenia Web Page www.sfc.si Who to contact ? (2 persons per fund) info@sfc.si Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? (YES / NO) Yes Type of support scheme (Automatic or Selective)? Selective Type of support for documentaries (Grant or Loan) Grant Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the sup port of documentaries?
Who is applying? For co-financing minority coproductions: Slovenian production company with registrated activity to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English) https://www.film-center.si/sl/javni-razpisi/ (we don't have forms in english, and we don't have special call for documentary co-productions)
It depends but mostly 60 days after the deadline of the calls
Who is evaluating the projects
At the proposal of the director of the Center, the Board appoints Expert Programme Commissions, consisting of 3-5 members who are experts on film
At the proposal of the director of the Center, the Board appoints Expert Programme Commissions who perform the selection procedure based on selection criteria and selects projects
61 Projects' Evaluation Process
Do you support development? Yes, for national projects Do you educationsupportof film professionals? Yes Link to catalogues/brochuresproduction https://www.film-center.si/en/publications/ Countries with which you coproduce often Regional co-productions mostly, other Eurpean countries Workshops/ education programmes for film professionals in your country (if available at the moment) /
62 COUNTRY KOSOVA Film Ogranization / Funding Body Kosovo Cinematography Center Web Page https://qkk-rks.com/ Who to contact ? (2 persons per fund) info@qkk-rks.com; lum.citaku@qkk-rks.com Are there co-production scehemes for support of documentaries? (YES / NO) No Type of support scheme (Automatic or Selective)? Selective Type of support for documentaries (Grant or Loan) Grant Does the funding body has a separate annual budget dedicated to the sup port of documentaries? No Are there support limits? No, there is no specific limit How many schemes for support of documentaries do you have? (development, production, post production ets.) Production How many Calls for support of documentaries do you have annualy? (please specify for each scheme separately) One annual cal for all programs Deadlines for applying (please specify for each scheme separately) On the annual call for all programs there are two seperate programs for documentaries which are short and feature Deadlines for decision (please specify for each scheme separately) Not less than 30 days and not more than 60 days Application fee (and amount if applicable)? There is no deadline of the evaluating jury to make the decision Who is applying? The application for short films is 50 Euro while for the feature length films is 100 Euro Link to Open Calls *(Please send us the Application form for documentary co-productions in English) All the film companys registred at Kosova Cinematography Center
The evaluating Jury is appointet by the stareeing council upon the proposal of the director of KKC. The evaluatiing jury evaluates projects. Once the jury has done the evaluation of the projects, they submit the projects selected to the Board of KCC for approval.
The evaluating jury consist
Evaluation Process
Who is evaluating the projects
of seven member for feature fims and seven members for short films. Do you support development? In case Minorcoproductions, not more than 20% of the ammount alocated by KCC to the film projects can be spend abroad, or to persons who are not citizens of the Repub;ic of Kosova Do you educationsupportof film professionals? Yes Link to catalogues/brochuresproduction https://qkk-rks.com/en-us/kosovo-films/ Countries with which you coproduce often Albania, North Macedonia, Switzerland Workshops/ education programmes for film professionals in your country (if available at the moment) /
64 LIST OF MONTENEGROCOMPANIESPRODUCTION A PRODUCTION Marko Jacimovic mjacimovic33@gmail.com 38269194137 ARTIKULACIJA FILM Ivan Djurovic ivandjurovic@artikulacija.co.me 38268240440 B FILM MONTENEGRO Branko Baletic bfilmmontenegro@gmail.com / BITTER PRODUCTIONFRAMES Branslav Milatovic 24bitterframes@gmail.com 38263202504 CEZAM PRODUCTION Blagota Marunovic cezam@live.com 38267825820 CODE BLUE PRODUCTION Bojana Radulovic bojana.radulovic@code-blue.net 38267508346 CUT-UP Velisa Popovic popovic.velisa@gmail.com 38267480606 GALILEO PRODUCTION Milorad Radenovic office@galileoproduction.com 38220663200 MEDIA TERRA Danilo Marunovic marunovic.danilo@gmail.com 38269221149 MONTENEGRO MAX FILM Predrag Karlo Kalezic filmskoudruz@t-com.me 38267267334 PRO LOGIC Stevo Kalanj produkcija@prologic.me 38267078870 ENTERTAINMENTSEAGULL Drita Llolla drita.llolla@gmail.com 38267630268 LIVE PRODUCTION Miro Radosevic liveproduction2013@gmail.com 38269155086 M FILM Mirko Matovic mfilm@t-com.me 38267257415 ABA FILM Nemanja Dragovic info@abafilm.me 38268828303 VIDEA PRODUCTION Mladen Ivanovic info@videaproduction.me 38267647582
65 ALBANIA ALBASKY FILM Paskal Semini albaskyfilm@gmail.com ANIMA PICTURES Amantia Peza amantia.peza@anima.al ART FILM Emir Gramo turkeshiemira@gmail.com ARTALB FILM PRODUCTIONS Gentian Koçi kocigenti@gmail.com ARTFILM P&D Vjollca Dedei vjollca.dedei@gmail.com BUNKER FILM+ Eno Milkani enomilkani@gmail.com CINEMANIA Jaklid Gaçe contact@cinemania-al.com EMBLEM Elidor Markja emrkja@emblem.al LISSUS MEDIA Andamion Murataj lissusmedia@gmail.com MAKERS PRODUCTION Mateus Çingu mateocingu31@gmail.com MEDIAVISION Namik Ajazi niko_ajazi@yahoo.com MULTI MEDIA STUDIO NOSITI Contact edtopi@aol.com ON FILM PRODUCTION Dritan Huqi info@onfilmproduction.al PAPADHIMITRI FILM PRODUCTION Dionis Papadhimitri papadhimitrifilmproduction@gmail.com RED HELICOPTER FILMS ALBANIA Andi Deliana andideliana@yahoo.com SKA-NDAL Elida Rasha rashaelida@yahoo.it SOFILMS Lorina Pepo lori.pepo@gmail.com TEO FILM Atina Laço contact.teofilm@gmail.com TUNNELFILM Florenc Papas tunnelfilm@gmail.com VIDEO LINE Endrit Delisula edelisula@gmail.com ZIG-ZAG-FILM Mevlan Shanaj mevlanshanaj@gmail.com SCRBNKNB Joni Shanaj jonishanaj@gmail.com
66 AEGEAN PRODUCTIONSODYSSEY Omiros Evangelinos omirosdocs@gmai.com 306974120833 A&G PRODUCTIONS Antigoni Gavriatopoulou antigoni@agfilms.gr 302106985107 AIGIS FILMS Panagiotis Voyzas info@aigisfilms.gr 302121024931 AK PRODUCTIONS Alexandros Kakavas akakavas@hol.gr 306932089819 ANEMON PRODUCTIONS Elektra Peppa info@anemon.gr 302107211073 PRODUCTIONSARGONAUTS Panos Papahadgis info@argonautsproductions.gr 302108257177 ART PRODUCTIONSFILES Ilia-Helene Papaspyrou ilia.pap@hotmail.com 306932329377 BAD CROWD Nikos Moustakas badcrowd@outlook.com 302108213841 BLONDE S.A. Fenia Cossovitsa fenia@blonde.gr 302106080650 COSMOSARTE George Poulidis poulidis2003@gmail.com 306972833318 EXILE FILMS Valerie Kontakos info@exilefilms.gr 302103223395302103223395 FILMOGRAFIK Angelos Tsaousis filmografik@gmail.com 302313068216 HAOS FILMS Maria Hatzakou maria@haosfilm.com 302103222466 HERETIC Giorgos KonstantinosKarnavas,Kontovrakis info@heretic.gr 302106005260 INKAS FILMS & TV PRODUCTIONS Lilette Botassi contact@inkasfilms.com 302108237467 KOUZI PRODUCTIONS Dimitra Kouzi dimitra@kouziproductions.gr 302107219909 LAIKA PRODUCTIONS Marina Danezi marinadanezi@yahoo.gr 302130248358 MARNI FILMS Phaedra Vokali info@marnifilms.gr 302103228860 MIND THE GAP Nikos Megrelis megrelis@gmail.com 306933344500 MINIMAL FILMS Marco Gastine fminimal@otenet.gr 302103606730 NEDA FILM Amanda Livanou info@nedafilm.gr 302103230294 OH MY DOG Photini Economopoulou info@ohmydog.gr 306985686232 GREECE
67 PAN ENTERTAINMENT S.A. Konstantinos Moriatis info@pan.com.gr 302106985050 PATH LTD Panos Thomaidis info@path.com.gr 306932481366 PNEVMA PRODUCTIONS Eleni Pnevmatikou pnevmaproductions@gmail. com 302310227027 PORTOLANOS FILMS Maria Gentekou info@portolanosfilms.gr 306944461033 PROSENGHISI FILM & VIDEO PRODUCTIONS Panos Papadopoulos info@prostv.com 306932247814 SMALL PLANET Anastasia Skoubri info@smaillpanet.gr 302109515295 STEFICON FILMS Michael Sarantinos info@steficon.gr 302106745910302106754413 TOPCAT - MODIANO Stamatis Athanassoulas stamatis@topcut-modiano.tv 302106100100 TWO THIRTY FIVE 2|35 Nikos Moutselos info@235.gr 302106745910302103417407 VIEW MASTER FILMS S.A. George Kyriakos info@viewmasterfilms.gr 302106412700 X-RATED FILMS S.A. Takis Zervoulakos poly@xrated.gr 302147483647302106800856
68 LIST PRODUCTION Marija Didmitrova office@listproduction.mk ODA PRODUCTION Sabedin Selmani produksioni_oda@yahoo.com KADAR Ljubisha Arsic ljubo.arsen@gmail.com TIME LAPSE Romir Jakupi romir.jakupi@timelapse-movies.com EGGRA / design@eggra.com TRICE FILMS Atanas Georgiev tricefilms@gmail.com APOLLO MEDIA Ljubomir Stefanov ljubomir.stefanov@gmail.com ZOYDER Aljosha Simjanovski zojder@yahoo.com AWARD Goran Stojilkovic goran@award.com.mk DMF FILMS Dejan Iliev office@dmf.mk DREAM FACTORY Ognen Antov ognenantov@gmail.com VIDEO STUDIO PETKOVSKI Mile Petkovski milevsp@gmail.com FOCUS POCUS Darko Popov office@focuspocus.mk EACNOA Sabidin Aliu eacnoa@gmail.com DEA PRODUCTION Afrim Farizi afrim8405@hotmail.com ARKA MEDIA Aleksandar Zikov arkamedia@gmail.com ARNEL PRODUCTION Senad Abduli arnelproduction@gmail.com TOMATO PRODUKCIJA Branislav Popovic tomato@tomato.com.mk HAUSKOM Ilija Tiricovski hauskom@yahoo.com OXO PRODUCTION / oxoprodukcija@gmail.com HOLISTIK Nebojsa Ilijevski nebojsa@holistik.mk HOLISTIK Nebojsa Ilijevski nilijevski@gmail.com ECLIPSE 92 Arsim Kamberi arsimi.kamberi@gmail.com DARDANIA Kastriot Abdili dardania_film@hotmail.com NORTH MACEDONIA
69 SUZI KJU PRODUCTION Suzana Dinevski suzanadinevski@gmail.com CINEMA FUTURA / office@cinemafutura.mk STRYMON FILM / office@strymonfilm.mk MOONLIGHT / info@moonlight.com.mk TRIPLE S / triple.slimani@gmail.com PPFP DOOEL Sara Ferro ppfp.skopje@gmail.com PPFP DOOEL Petra Selishkar petrapanfilm@gmail.com
70 2006 SabinaBrankovic sabina.brankovic@sff.ba / ALHEMIJAFILM KapetanovicEmir alhemija@live.com / ALJAZEERABALKANS KresevljakovicSead sead.kresevljakovic@aljazeera.net 38733897200 BURNINGPEACOCK MoameraAsumovic info@burningpeacock.com 38766290777 DEBLOKADA DamirIbrahimović info@deblokada.ba 38733668559 DEPO AmiraKudumovic amira.kudumovic@gmail.com 38766333136 DOKUMENT AlemBabic alembabic@me.com 38733570210 EASTWESTCENTAR HarisPasovic eastwest@eastwest.ba 38733445167 FILMHOUSE AidaBegić info@filmhouse.ba 38733200542 FISTSARAJEVO IvanaVasilina fist@fist.co.ba 38733209955 FLASH SemsudinCengic flash@flash.com.ba 38733720230 HAVA SabrinaCoric hava.film@gmail.com / HEFT Almir almir@heft.ba 38761812888 MARLETTI ArminHadzic armin@marletti.ba 38733223323 MEBIUSFILM / mebius@bih.net.ba 38733463336 NOVIFILM / production@novi-film.com 387611812539 OBALAARTCENTAR / info@oac.ba 38733668186 PANGLAS MustafaMustafic mustafamustafic@hotmail.com 38761139266 PRODUCTIONPRIMETIME / adnan@primetime.co.ba 38733718035 PROFIL2 NenadDizdarevic dizdarevicnenad@hotmail.com / REFRESHPRODUCTION AdemirKenovic produkcija@refresh.ba 38733211093 RELATIVEPICTURES / relative.pics@gmail.com 38762648666 SAGA / saga@sagafilm.com 38733666811 SCCA/PRO.BA IdaMakarevic office@pro.ba 38733444535 SCOUTFILM / scout@scout.ba 38733642600 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA
71 ASTRAL Miha Čelar miha.celar@gmail.com 38641719591 BELA FILM Ida Weiss ida@belafilm.si 38641508791 CASABLANCA Igor Pediček casablanca@siol.net 38641635629 CEBRAM Rado Likon info@cebram.si 38641761300 CVINGER FILM Rok Biček rok.bicek@gmail.com 38651358339 FABULA Radovan Mišič fabula@fabula.si 38640900011 NOSOROGI Marina Gumzi marina@nosorogi.com 38631482637 PETRA PAN FILM Petra Seliškar petrapanfilm@gmail.com 38641770715 SEVER&SEVER Nina Jeglič nina.jeglic@gmail.com 38651449933 STARAGARA Miha Černec miha@staragara.com 38631838761 STUDIO VIRC Boštjan Virc bostjan@studio-virc.si 38641689463 VERTIGO Danijel Hočevar info@vertigo.si 38614397080 SLOVENIA
72 MakeDox TEAM Sara Ferro - Head of Industry - sara.ferro@makedox.mk Darko Nabakov - Executive Festival Director - darko.nabakov@makedox.mk Petra Seliskar - Artistic Director - petra.seliskar@makedox.mk Tanja Zeba - Industry Producer - forum@makedox.mk Gorjan Atanasov - Development Workshop Coordinator - atanasov.gorjan@gmail.com Aleksandra Stojanovska - Guest Service - festival@makedox.mk Natasa Sopova - Graphic Designer