April 2012

Page 1


Resources for That Big Project MODERN STYLE GONE PLATINUM

A Green Home That Is Also a Dream Home RISING SEAS APRIL 2012


How Will Climate Change Alter the Face of Marin?

I N T R IGU I NG Some homes arouse curiosity. A sense of wonder overcomes one to know what lies beyond lit doors and windows. It captivates with its fascinating and compelling qualities and draws you into a world that is at once vibrant and comforting.

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APRIL 2012

Features 40 Modern Style Gone Platinum A Marin resident follows her heart, goes green and builds the house of her dreams. 46 Rising Seas Marin prepares for a wetter, warmer future.

46 4 APRIL 2012 MARIN

52 Home Renovation Guide It’s spring, and time to start thinking about improving your biggest investment: your home. Our fourth annual special section has all the resources you will need to tackle that big or small project.


Special Section


APRI L 2012

113 Out & About

22 Currents A Q&A with a local television star, wanderings on Throckmorton Avenue, our quiz winner, seeds of Marin and more. 30 FYI An environmental disaster paves the way for the ecological makeover of an accidental island. 36 Conversation Artist Russell Chatham returns to Marin with a lot on the line.

81 Calendar A roundup of what to do in Marin and beyond. 92 Dine An insider’s guide to restaurants and food in the Bay Area. 96 Flavor Green eggs and ham with Balboa Cafe chef Rick Edge.

Marin Home 113 Backstory Holding out for the perfect home in Novato’s Verissimo Valle.




12 View From Marin 14 POV 146 Looking Back

75 Go Thrills, no spills: Soar over the trees with these popular zip line adventures. 78 Travel Buzz The best places to visit in Bali, a Russian celebration in Bodega Bay and new dining digs on Maui.




In Marin


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CONTACT editorial@marinmagazine.com


ext 111 | production@marinmagazine.com CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Drew Altizer,

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Heather Gellert, Logan Link

CONTROLLER Maeve Walsh ext 104 | mwalsh@marinmagazine.com

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OFFICE MANAGER Sophie Shulman ext 100 | sshulman@marinmagazine.com

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and restaurants


Peter Thomas ext 120 | pthomas@marinmagazine.com

Vintage Oaks the center of it all

Volume 8, Issue 4. Marin Magazine is published in Marin County by Open Sky Media. All rights reserved. Copyright©2012. Reproduction of Marin Magazine content is prohibited without the expressed, written consent of Open Sky Media. Unsolicited materials cannot be returned. Marin Magazine reserves the right to refuse to publish any advertisement deemed detrimental to the best interests of the community or that is in questionable taste. Marin Magazine is mailed monthly to homes and businesses in Marin County. Subscription rates are $12 per year. phone 415.332.4800, fax 415.332.3048, email editorial@marinmagazine.com, website marinmagazine.com. Ma r i n ( U S P S 02 4 - 8 9 8) i s pu bl i s he d mont h l y b y O p en S k y Me d i a , O ne H a r b or D r i ve, Su it e 2 0 8 , S au s a l it o, CA 9 496 5 . Per iod ica ls Post age Pa id at Sausa lito, CA , a nd at add itiona l mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Marin Magazine, One Harbor Drive, Suite 208, Sausalito, CA 94965.


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10 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

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View From Marin

Above, from left: Dan Jewett, Nikki Wood, Mimi Towle


PRIL IS A LWAYS an exciting time

here at Marin Magazine. Not only do we put away our winter coats once and for all but we start to think about improving our biggest investments: our homes. It is also the season when we partner with Dwell to produce the annual Dwell+Marin Magazine Modern Home Tour. First, get inspired to improve and redesign with our Fourth Annual Home Renovation Guide. This curated list features more than 350 of the best area architects,

interior designers, electricians, landscape specialists and much more. To see how far great design can take you — and to find out how going green can save you some green — be sure to read our story on a 3,500-square-foot LEED Platinum–certified house in Tiburon that more than fulfilled the dreams of one resident there. Fans of great home design will also want to reserve April 28 and 29 for a chance to see 10 amazing Marin homes — five on each day — as part of the Dwell+Marin Magazine Modern Home Tour. If these homes don’t inspire some great design ideas, then nothing will. Check out details of the tour at: marinmagazine.com/hometour. We round out our features this issue with a look at climate change in Marin. Editor-at-large Tim Porter finds out what the threat is from higher seas, bigger tides and stronger waves and what is being done to avert potential problems. On a lighter note, we attend a Marin tweetup where local Twitter users get to know the people on the other side of the screen. Also, FYI takes us out to Aramburu Island — an accidental island you probably have driven past but likely haven’t seen. And in Destinations, we take a look at the best places to zip line the world over. Whether you are looking to redesign your home, develop a Twitter following or just soar over the tops of trees, we’ve got a story for you.

We attend a Marin tweetup where local Twitter users get to know the people on the other side of the screen.

Marin Magazine Staff Editors

Matthew Millman has been photographing architecture and design in the western United States for the past 20 years. His work has appeared in many publications such as Dwell, Architectural Digest and The New York Times. In addition, Millman has photographed for a number of books, including the best-selling Concrete Countertops and its followup Concrete at Home, as well as the recently released Model Making authored by his wife, Megan Werner. 12 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N




When you get out and scout around, Marin’s economy looks pretty good. BY JIM WOOD



Lucasfilm has been approved to build a 263,000-square-foot film and recording complex in northwest Marin County.

14 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

arcane studies, my economic indicators are what I see when I drive around. Empty buildings are bad signs, while full shopping center parking lots are good; lots of paper license plates mean cars are selling; crowded restaurants say people are spending money; “opening soon” signs suggest there’s confidence in the future. Unscientific, sure. But based on these types of indicators, Marin’s economy is looking strong. On Mill Valley’s Miller Avenue, the innovative eateries Hawk’s Tavern, TamalPie Pizzeria and Super Duper Burgers recently opened, after extensive building renovations. In the same neighborhood, when Ace General Hardware closed down, nearby Image Flow leased the 6,500-square-foot space for a photography education center. In San Rafael, Borders bookstore was quickly re-leased to discount clothing retailer T.J.Maxx. And when Honda of Marin relocated to San Rafael, Mini of Marin took the Corte Madera site and built a dynamic new showroom. Marin’s nightlifers must be happy. Sweetwater Music Hall (and restaurant) recently opened in Mill Valley and, in San Rafael, the Seafood Peddler will be reborn as a spacious restaurant and music venue named Terrapin Crossroads. But wait, there’s more: Fenix (pronounced Phoenix), a 7,000-square-foot supper club, is locating on San Rafael’s bustling Fourth Street. “We’ll open this summer,” General Manager Merle Saunders Jr. says. Also by summer, construction starts on the long-awaited 137,000-square-foot


How’s Business?

Target store in San Rafael. This deal includes $250,000 to promote businesses in the Fourth Street downtown area. In downtown Tiburon, an attractive CVS Pharmacy is replacing a long-vacant supermarket. Meanwhile, downtown Fairfax is shifting slightly to the southeast as Good Earth Natural Foods relocates to a stunning and much larger building. “Those guys hit it out of the organic park,” notes a reviewer on Yelp. Meanwhile, Larkspur’s Rustic Bakery has opened in the Marin Country Mart. Also of note: Avatars, a popular Sausalito spot for Indian food, is opening a new location across the street from Good Earth. And back in Sausalito, Larry Mindel (founder of Il Fornaio and owner of Poggio) and Joanne Weir (former Chez Panisse chef and respected cookbook author) are opening Copita, a Mexican restaurant and tequila bar. As for the bigger picture? Lucasfilm has been approved to build a 263,000-squarefoot film and recording complex in northwest Marin; SMART, the $360 million commuter rail line between San Rafael and Santa Rosa, is under construction and scheduled to be completed by 2016; and the America’s Cup first sailing races, which could draw international attention to Marin’s shoreline, are just months away. All three spell j-o-b-s. Finally, a recent survey indicates tourists spend about $400 million annually while visiting Marin’s state and national parks such as Angel Island, Muir Woods, Point Reyes Seashore and the Marin Headlands. Closer to home, our family enjoyed a recent staycation at the 142-room Cavallo Point Lodge inside the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Occupancy was in the 90 percent range and the restaurant and bar were packed. The place was definitely buzzing. When you put it all together, it seems that Marin’s economy is in good shape. That’s my point of view. What’s yours? Email pov@marinmagazine.com.


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Your Letters Grab a Bite I would like to thank you for the detailed review of restaurants you offer and to suggest that you try the Pizzeria Rossetti in Sausalito. It is a remarkable spot that should not be missed by the sophisticated eaters of Marin. Hosted by chef/owner Maurizio Rossetti, this pizzeria serves, with style and elegance, an incredible variety of traditional pizzas from Rome. It is a unique place in the county. It is so worth it! MARIA COZZI

A Young Swimmer Readers liked our story (“Ella Woodhead,” March 2012) on the 7-year-old girl who swam across the bay to help raise funds for her teacher’s fight against breast cancer: Congratulations to you Ella! You make us proud! KIM BAUER, VIA FACEBOOK What an amazing young lady! LYNN GRAY, VIA FACEBOOK


Turning the Corner I really have to admit, with all due respect, that until the February 2012 issue of Marin Magazine, I was of a mind that the publication was flawed, deeply, tragically and almost comically. It appeared to have been targeted to a mysterious stratum of Marin County society within which my friends and I — middle class folk who by and large moved over from San Francisco with our families in the mid1950s — did not operate. Now it looks like you have turned some sort of cosmic corner. In particular, I liked the piece about the fabulous Fainaru brothers of Redwood High School, with whom I am well acquainted. These two have gotten their hands dirty out in the world while achieving wonderful things as professionals — things that have not included simply buying and selling trophy homes in Ross or Kent Woodlands. How refreshing. 16 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

In addition, you acknowledge the existence of locations completely outside the county, such as San Francisco and Berkeley. Bravo! SKIP CORSINI, SAN RAFAEL

Go Pacifics We got lots of feedback on Melissa Gardner White’s article about the San Rafael Pacifics (“If You Build It..,” March 2012), Marin’s first minor league baseball team: This is so exciting! I’m in, we’re in! Let’s go Pacifics! Can’t wait. ANNA RASCON, VIA FACEBOOK The Pacifics have a fan in Washington, D.C. Thanks for the great article.

air, making it difficult to fly. They grounded the F-89 to fi x the problem, and some of us stationed at McChord were deployed on temporary duty to Hamilton in our F-94s to protect the Bay Area. Great duty — one 12-hour night shift, then two days and a night to enjoy Hamilton, Marin and San Francisco! The purpose of this letter is to suggest that your magazine publish a detailed article on Hamilton. It really was a gem in the heart of Marin, one now gone and almost forgotten. Today it is a housing development. Yesterday it was an active military installation with a rich history and stories to tell. I think the people of Marin would like to know about it. LEO E. ARNOLD JR., LARKSPUR


Signs of the Times Can’t wait to walk to the ball game ... Go Pacs! JAMIE HARDING, VIA FACEBOOK

So excited to have professional baseball so close to home! BRANDON DUDLEY, VIA FACEBOOK

Congratulations to Caroline Wilson of San Anselmo, who found this sign on the beach in Bolinas. She won a $50 gift certificate to a Marin restaurant with her entry in “Signs of the Times” (March 2012, page 108).

I’m pretty stoked to walk across the street after work and catch a game. ANDREW KIHN, VIA FACEBOOK

For the Love of Hamilton I enjoy your magazine. I look forward to receiving it. I liked reading “Peacemakers in Marin” in the March 2012 issue. The picture of Hamilton Air Force Base brought back fond memories of my few weeks there in 1952. The Korean War was on and the Cold War was on everyone’s mind. I was a pilot in the Air Defense Command stationed at McChord Air Force Base near Tacoma, Wash. We flew F-94 all-weather jet fighters, equipped with radar operated by an observer in the back seat. Our job was to keep the Russians from attacking our shores with a bomber much like our own B-29, which they had copied. Our F-94 was not really up to the job, but in those days we were gung-ho and thought we could take on anything. Hamilton had a unit in the Air Defense Command. F-94s had been stationed there, but they had been phased out in favor of the F-89, a bigger plane better suited to handle the task at hand. However, there was a problem — occasionally an F-89 would lose a wing in the

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Your comments may be edited for clarity and brevity. Send letters to Marin Magazine, One Harbor Drive, Suite 208, Sausalito, CA 94965, or email us at letters@marinmagazine.com. Please include the town where you live and a daytime phone number.

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 17

Marin Our covers. Your walls.

MARCH 2012

Now you can buy Marin Magazine covers for your home or office. Available in various sizes, framed or unframed, with or without the Marin Magazine logo, these professional quality prints are a beautiful addition to any wall. Visit MARINMAGAZINE.COM/COVERART today.


Marin JANUARY 2012




In Marin


MARIN’S TWITTERATI Marin’s tweet elite get up close and personal. BY MELISSA GARDNER WHITE PHOTOS BY TIM PORTER

Sally Kuhlman, Sarah Houghton and Suzanna Stinnett check for updates during a tweetup at Aroma Cafe in San Rafael.

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 19




HEY CA LL THEMSELVES tweeps (people who tweet), a close-knit group who found each other in between the ones and zeroes of one of the country’s most popular social media landscapes. Worldwide, millions of people are using their Twitter handles, also known as @addresses, to network socially and professionally online and share educational websites, blogs and supportive messages, 140 characters at a time. Here in Marin, dozens have come together and become friends through their offline interactions. “It’s like a modern-day church in the sense of community it provides,” says the Mill Valley–based group ringleader @Sally_K. “If a group member gets sick, we find out through Twitter and someone brings them soup.” Tweeting, of course, also fuels business success, as people use postings to drive traffic and eventually customers

to their websites and blogs. “I actually grew a social media consulting business in 2009 because of Twitter,” says one of the group’s members, @iPeggy, who tweets about helpful tips and informs Twitter users about rules for using social media. And tweeting broadens horizons by giving residents a way to reach out to like-minded people via interest or zip code searches. @dianefischler of San Rafael says this approach helped her connect with a wide variety of people she otherwise would not have found: “You feel valued and that your voice is really being heard.” Every other month, @Sally_K helps bring the virtual aspects of social media into reality with tweetups — meetups for Twitter users at local gathering points. “We love to get together,” says @iPeggy. “It’s great to be able to hang out with the people you’ve been chatting with online.” m

New to Twitter? Here are some prolific tweeters who call Marin home. Follow them to learn about the topics below and gain insight into the people behind the tweets. MIMI TOWLE HANDLE/NAME




@Sally_K Sally Kuhlman



Bay Area events

@ericharr Eric Harr

Social media correspondent


Social media

@TheLiB Sarah Houghton




@iPeggy Peggy Butler



Social media

@johnbattelle John Battelle

Founder of Federated Media


Tech news, biking trails

@biz Biz Stone

Twitter cofounder


Tech news

@LisaKiftTherapy Lisa Kift

Family therapist



@SanRafaelPolice Officer Dan

San Rafael police officer


Police duties

20 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

“The most wonderful vacation you can take into the land of relaxation and rejuvenation...Evo’s facials and massages are the best anywhere, the highest level of professionals and surroundings to make you forget the world and feed your soul. Evo will give you a beautiful, relaxing, and cleansing experience! A Big hats off to Evo, my favorite Spa in Marin! ” - JAN WAHL, Emmy-winning producer, entertainment reporter, and film critic



During this special time in your life, this relaxing massage gives you the extra nurturing you deserve. Our therapists are highly trained in techniques to relax and relieve the unique stresses and strains of expectant mothers. Go to www.evo-spa.com for more details. 216 Strawberry Village l 415.383.3223 l Monday – Saturday 9am - 9pm l Sunday 10am - 7 pm


With the recent news of the marriage of 39-year-old Marin resident Holly James, born with Down syndrome, the spotlight has been on the San Rafael–based Lifehouse, an organization that has been helping those with developmental disabilities for nearly six decades. “Lifehouse has truly given our daughter an independent life that she would not otherwise have,” says Julie Jones MARIN CARES of San Rafael. “The agency has given my husband and myself the support and assurance we needed to allow her the independence she ultimately deserves. Alone, we could not have given her those necessities everyone needs to thrive.” There are many more Lifehouse success stories, including Robert Ritola of Mill Valley, who was born with a developmental disability and lived a long, productive, independent life. “He was even able to travel with his girlfriend of more than 20 years to places like Disneyland and Reno,” says Nancy Riess, of Lifehouse. Fred Robertson, who was born in 1946 with cerebral palsy, is another success story. At 50 he moved into Hamilton Villas Senior Apartments. Through the help of Lifehouse staff, he was able to navigate Section 8 Housing, Medi-Cal and IHSS and has learned to live in his own apartment. To find out how to support Lifehouse and its upcoming fundraiser, Great Chefs and Wineries (featuring Huey Lewis), on April 21, visit lifehouseagency.org. MIMI TOWLE

Fred Robertson with Shaun Duncan, manager of Supported Living

increased cash flow. smoother bike lanes. the town of tiburon works. with bank of marin.

22 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N Member FDIC


Lending a Hand

America’s Cup 2013 : COUNTDOWN

Congrats to Debbie Kroll of Corte Madera who was the first to answer all five questions in the March online quiz correctly and is our $100 dining certificate winner. Question No. 1 seemed to cause readers the most difficulty. Here are the correct answers. Q. When the regatta is off season, the America’s Cup Trophy is: C) In a secret hiding place. Q. The America’s Cup trophy is: A) The oldest active trophy in international sports. Q. On-water umpires have been used during the race for how long? C) Since 1987, when American Dennis Connor and his team made a bid for the cup with Stars & Stripes ’87. Q. How did the America’s Cup get its name? C) It is named for a Spanish boat, America, which was legendary in the early 1800s. Q. Which famous quote came from the America’s Cup? B) “There is no second place.”

IF THE TABLE COULD TALK The Golden Gate Bridge turns 75 this year, and you can own a piece of it. “It’s an icon, a symbol of the West Coast and our country,” says Golden Gate Bridge Furniture Company owner Richard Bulan. Prices for the bridge furniture range from about $1,000 for a task lamp to about $12,000 for a headboard. ggbfurniture.com MELISSA GARDNER WHITE

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 bankofmarin.com



As flowers bloom throughout the county this month, the folks at the Living Seed Company are busy packaging their heirloom goods for distribution. Founder Matthew Hoff man, who runs the San Geronimo–based company with his wife, Nancy Astrid Lindo, has always had a close connection to the planet. After working with Jane Goodall in the global peace movement, Hoff man has continued his good deeds by pursuing his true passion, heirloom planting. All the seeds grown and collected by the Living Seed Company are from organic, open-pollinated indigenous plants and are sold in seasonal collections online. The company also donates seeds to local youth programs, including Earth Roots, Planting Justice and Women’s Earth Alliance. Want to learn how to harvest your own heirloom seeds? The company offers a free seed-saving workshop in Nicasio every third month of the year. For more information, visit livingseedcompany.com. HEATHER GELLERT

24 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

ON THE JOB Rosie Nixon, Sottile and RosieGowns, 27 Hill St, Mill Valley, rosiegowns.com Everyone knows her as Rosie, the outgoing redhead who owns Sottile and RosieGowns in Mill Valley. What’s your full name? Rose Marie — two words — Nixon. Like the ex-president? Yes, and my initials are R.M. Nixon, like his, and my uncle’s name was Richard M. Nixon. Back then people said, “You really need to change your name.” Who’s Sottile? The shop was over on Millwood Street for a long, long time and owned by two sisters-inlaw married to the Sottile brothers. I was a contractor for them. How did you end up with the business? I got a call from one of the partners, saying, “I’m thinking of retiring.” I had a little bit of money because my mom had died. That was ’99. Describe what you do. I’m a tailor, but I’m also a custom designer. I specialize in custom gowns, so I do weddings, lots of wedding work. But people ask, “Will you do my jeans?” Yes, it’s a tailor shop so it does everything. What do people want? There’s a lot of concern, especially among women, but men, too, about being really perfect. We’re talking about “I need to show my waist a little more, I need show my butt a little bit more.” They are really, extremely body-conscious around here. How do you deal with that? I’m easy. I’m easy on people. I’ll take it as far as I can with what they want to make themselves feel better, happier or whatever. I will go to the nth degree to do it. Still, if I didn’t have the skill that I have, all my niceness and my cute shop and all that wouldn’t mean anything. They want the good work. What’s the strangest thing you’ve made? One time I did a tuxedo for a bulldog, a big fat bulldog. It was the cutest thing you ever saw. TIM PORTER

EARTH DAY MARIN For many green-minded Marin residents, reducing, reusing, recycling and even backyard composting and chicken farming have become second nature. And considering the county recently celebrated its 405th green business, sustainability seems to be catching on. But even for the greenest among us, there is still more to learn. Wherever you might find yourself on the sustainability spectrum, there will be earth-friendly fun and education at the Earth Day Marin Festival at the Civic Center’s Lagoon Park April 21 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Good Earth Natural Foods and Marin Clean Energy are among the businesses sponsoring this free event, which includes food, music and interactive workshops. “Taste, try and listen, and you’ll plug in to new ways to make environmentally healthy changes,” festival director Hannah Doress says. MELISSA GARDNER WHITE


Seeds of Marin

FRIENDS OF THE FERALS Spring brings a new batch of feral kittens to Marin’s hidden dens, back porches and hollows, and Marin Friends of Ferals is again ready for action. In the past two years the group has rescued more than 800 cats and kittens, and placed around 400 for successful adoption. Linda Higgins, spokesperson for the nonprofit, explains the process. “Our group humanely traps the cats for spaying or neutering, vaccinations and ear-tipping, which identifies an altered cat,” she says, noting the “trap, neuter, return” practice is common among qualified veterinarians nationwide and is performed under a general anesthetic. After being altered, the cats are then returned to where they were living, and volunteers provide food, water and shelter. Cats that can be domesticated are put up for adoption. “It seems to be working,” says Higgins. “Marin’s feral cat population is reducing.” Should you see a cat you don’t recognize in your neighborhood (and its ear is not tipped), call Marin Friends of Ferals at 415.246.9162. For more information, visit marinferals.org. JIM WOOD




M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 25


Throckmorton Avenue, Mill Valley For a small-town downtown with as much au courant aspiration as Mill Valley’s, the commercial roots run deep. On this threeWANDERINGS block main drag, many shops date back two decades or more. Who knew such a hip facade could hide such history? TIM PORTER

S Mill Valley

Summer House

Hat Box

Two locations, one aesthetic, 21 years in business. The original Summer House is a festival of lifestyle gifts and home decor items. The newer downthe-block spin-off, SummerHouse@57, is all about interior design and furnishings. 21 and 57 Throckmorton, summer house57millvalley.com

Master milliner Danielle Schubert continues the business her mom, Dorothy, started 22 years ago. Dressy and casual hats for men and women, whether you’re heading South of Market or across the pond to see the queen. 118 Throckmorton, mill valleyhatbox.com Mill Valley Hat Box


26 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

Mili Longtime retail buyer Mili Staricco opened store No. 1 in 2000. Now, she has three here, each thoroughly modern in every way — edgy European fashion in one, stylish shoes in another, and tailored wear in the third, all designed to complement each other. 53, 75 and 77 Throckmorton, shopmili. blogspot.com

heaven for scotch and bourbon drinkers.” 67 Throckmorton, vintage wines.biz

Famous for Our Look

Chadwick’s of London

N Chadwick’s of London This purveyor of unmentionables is a must-mention because owner Shelley Chadwick has been selling elegant, understated sexuality from brands like Cosabella and Hanky Panky for 24 years. 9 Throckmorton, chadwicks oflondon.com

Owner Larry “the Hat” Lautzker is as much a local landmark as his 23-year-old men’s and women’s clothing store, which emphasizes style, fabric and touching. “When you wear our clothes, we want people to touch you,” he says. 96 Throckmorton, 415.388.2550

S Two Neat When you need another roll of George Bush toilet paper, a Christmas card that makes granny blush


or a CD from Marin’s best musicians, this is your place — and has been for 25 years. ROFL cards (by locals like cartoonist Scott Metzger), movies, music and more. 111 Throckmorton, two neat.com

E Mill Valley Flowers Wedged into a shady nook along Corte Madera Creek, it’s a local favorite for weddings, seasonal arrangements and specialty orchids. Owners Annabella and Lars Eriksson have kept it blooming since 1990. 54 Throckmorton, millvalley flowers.com m

Mill Valley Flowers

Summer House

Two Neat

Vintage Wines & Spirits Richard Leland is only the fourth proprietor since the shop opened in 1937. Phenomenal array of fine wines and, as one fan describes it, “a little slice of


Vintage Wines & Spirits

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Private Ocean and its employees are independent of and are not employees or agents of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”). Schwab does not prepare, verify or endorse information distributed by Private Ocean. Neither the Leadership Award, nor the Best-in-Tech Award, each part of Schwab’s IMPACT® Awards program, is an endorsement, testimonial endorsement, recommendation or referral to Private Ocean with respect to its investment advisory and other services.



Kristen Kotik If you see Tam Valley resident Kristen Kotik around town, you may want to be looking your best. Kotik, who comes to Marin from Philadelphia, is one of four hosts for E! Entertainment’s new Scouted television show. The series follows Kotik, along with three other scouts, across the country as Model they locate, mentor and help to train young Scout models. Recently Kotik and crew have been seen MILL VALLEY at lunch at D’Angelo in Mill Valley, at Eastwood Park in Tam Valley and at the College of Marin. Kotik got her start in modeling, then moved on to scouting while living and working in Milan, Italy, and is now living happily ever after in Marin with her fiancé and five dogs. MIMI TOWLE Any models from Marin? The show features several Stars agency models; one in particular from Marin County is Nicole Domecus, who lives in Novato.


Five dogs? Is there a favorite? We started with three and then adopted two more. I am a sucker for a cute face. I’d have to say my favorite is the youngest, Hank; he is the only one allowed in the house. The dog is a little spoiled.

Any advice for kids who want to be a model? If you are passionate and think you have what it takes, contact a local agency like Stars. It does not and should not cost anything at all to begin modeling with a reputable agency. Also, modeling is a tough business and not for everyone; have realistic expectations so as to not be disappointed. Stars has an open call for new faces every Tuesday from 2 to 4 p.m. at our office in San Francisco.





Where might you be scouting in Marin for the next season? The Village in Corte Madera is my favorite place to scout but I have been very successful at Whole Foods and Safeway too.

How did you hook up with Stars? When I was a scout and living in Milan, I would come to the Bay Area often to see family and visit the local agencies. I established a great relationship with the owners, the Claxon family, so it was a no-brainer that I would then become part of their agency once I moved to the Bay Area.

28 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N


What is the best part about your job? The best part of my job is seeing that young lady or young man I scouted shown on a magazine cover or walking the runway in Paris and knowing that I had a huge part in making their dreams come true! What is the most challenging part of your job? If I had to choose something, I guess it would be the traveling, but all in all I love my job and feel blessed every day.


Favorite drink and where you like to drink it? The Nohito at Pacific Catch. m




The scoop on Bay Area events you’ll want to attend Friend us to share RSVP Hot Ticket photos at facebook.com/marinmagazine.







WHEN Thursday, May 10, 6–9 p.m.

WHEN Saturday, April 21, 6 p.m. WHERE Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, 777 San Marin Drive, Novato WHY YOU Join Huey Lewis and Bud E. Luv SHOULD for an evening of food, drink and GO dance featuring gourmet dishes and fine wine pourings from more than 50 of the Bay Area’s best restaurants and wineries. Guests will also enjoy live and silent auctions and a special Lifehouse client performance. This 22nd annual Great Chefs & Wineries event benefits Lifehouse, providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities in Marin, Sonoma and San Francisco counties. COST $250 per person; $300 sponsor ticket; $5,000 gold table (seats 10); $3,000 silver table (seats 10) FIND OUT greatchefsandwineries.com; MORE 415.526.5305

WHERE Cascade Room, Mill Valley Community Center WHY YOU This 13th annual event promises SHOULD to be an evening of inspiration GO and community celebration. Guests will learn more about breast cancer education and research programs and enjoy a dinner catered by Insalata’s Restaurant. Five awards will be presented to individuals, businesses and organizations that have made a significant difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer including Jennifer Lucas, M.D.; author Sue Glader; the Kaiser Permanente Environmental Stewardship Program; Nancy Burke, Ph.D. and Claudia Guerra, MSW; and BioMarin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The event’s honorary chair is Paul Liberatore, a cancer support advocate and Marin County journalist. Revenues from the event benefit Zero Breast Cancer’s research, education and community outreach programs.

WHEN Preview Saturday, April 28, 5–8 p.m., exhibit runs through May 18 WHERE 325 Town Center, Corte Madera WHY YOU Marin Open Studios is a vibrant, SHOULD community-wide event that GO celebrates Marin’s rich culture of art. Start at the preview gala and meet artists, art lovers and supporters. Each of the 250 participating artists has one of his or her works on display. Next, enjoy wine and small bites while using the Artist Guide to plan your custom open studio tour during the first two weekends in May. This 18th annual event is chance for the public to preview the art and meet the many artists who call Marin home. The Town Center exhibition will remain open for three weeks after the preview. COST Free FIND OUT marinopenstudios.com; MORE 415.884.9795

COST $135; sponsorship levels are available; RSVP by May 4 FIND OUT zerobreastcancer.org; MORE 415.507.1949, ext. 101

Want to see all the images from our RSVP Hot Ticket events? Visit marinmagazine.com/hotticket for the latest.

In Marin / FYI

An Ecological Makeover Money garnered from an environmental disaster is being put to work to give an accidental island purpose. BY JIM WOOD • PHOTOS BY TIM PORTER 30 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N


IRST, LET’S GET the pronuncia-

Looking south from Aramburu Island across Richardson Bay with San Francisco in the distance.

tion right: The island’s name is ah – ram – boo – ru. It was named to honor Al Aramburu, a guitar-playing Marin County supervisor during the 1980s who was also on the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Aramburu Island is located in Richardson Bay, just south of Tiburon Boulevard near the community known as Strawberry. Don’t expect to see the 17-acre atoll as you drive by, however — it is not easily visible from the road. In fact, the only folks who have a view of Aramburu Island are some of the residents of Strawberry. As islands go, Aramburu is young, and also it’s man-made. Back in the late 1950s, before environmental regulations prohibited such behavior, the developers of Strawberry carved out their lots, graded their roads and simply dumped their excess dirt in Richardson Bay. That’s how Aramburu Island came to be. Then, years went by. In the early 1980s, more homes were built on a sliver of land that is now rather irreverently called Strawberry Spit. Supervisor Aramburu (who now lives in San Mateo) did not think any homes should be built on the dirt that was dumped in the bay, so he insisted a channel be cut between the homes

on Strawberry Spit and the pile of hilltop dirt we now call Aramburu Island. Aramburu’s channel also kept people from walking, many of them with dogs, out on the newly-minted island. At first, Aramburu Island was 34 acres, but years of wind, rain and the tides have eroded the island down to its present size of 17. “The erosion of what was once hilltop dirt continues to foul the bay,” says Brooke Langston, executive director of the Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary. “We had to find a way to curtail it.” Also, she says, “soil from the top of a hill is vastly different from marine soil, which, thanks to Mother Nature, contains millions of tiny bugs, worms and crustaceans that shorebirds love to feed on.” Making matters worse, nonnative plants — Scotch broom, Monterey pine, acacia and ice plant — have been allowed to flourish on the island. “Migratory birds stay away from those type of plants,” Langston adds. The Aramburu Island Enhancement Project — developed in cooperation between Marin County Parks and Open Space Department and the sanctuary and funded by the California Water Quality Control Board and several other agencies— is well under way. It’s a $4.2 million effort to “provide a superhigh-quality habitat for shorebirds, migrating birds, even harbor seals,” Langston says. Also M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 31

Accidents happen.

In Marin / FYI

Don’t let them ruin your season.

included are procedures that will halt the island’s continuing erosion. Track back to a cold and gray morning last summer, when a barge came through the fog and landed on Aramburu Island. “On board were an excavator and a tractor grader and their crews began the restoration work,” Langston recalls. “We couldn’t have been

Then a second barge arrived, and we watched like little kids as piles of rocks, sand and crushed oyster shells were unloaded and spread along the newly formed shoreline.

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32 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

more excited.” Over the coming days, much of the nonnative plant material was removed and the southern end of the island was smoothed down to create a gentle shoreline. “Then a second barge arrived, and we watched like little kids as piles of rocks, sand and crushed oyster shells were unloaded and spread along the newly formed shoreline,” she recounts. “Crews then built retention groins from rocks and huge eucalyptus logs. From here on in, Mother Nature will work her magic.” Humans, too, will continue to make their mark. Langston says it’s hoped that more marine soil for Aramburu Island will come from bay dredgings required for the 2013 America’s Cup races. “Ideally, it will be

Kerry Wilcox, sanctuary manager of the Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary.

donated,” she says. At that point, sprouts of eelgrass, pickleweed and other marsh plant life — seeded in black plastic tubes by local high school volunteers — will be poked into the soil of Aramburu Island, and the existing pile of hillside soil will enter a final phase of its makeover and be on its way to becoming a native habitat. And the source of funds for the $4.2 million restoration? “Most of it comes from the settlement involving the 2007 Cosco Busan tanker oil spill,” says Langston, who is quick to thank the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Sewer Agency of Southern Marin, the County of Marin, the Marin Community Foundation and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for making the project happen. “When it is finished, which will be sometime in 2017, there will be a spot on Aramburu Island’s northern tip for kayakers to put in and picnic.” And so the transformation of Aramburu Island will be complete. Or, more accurately, a new life for the island will begin. m

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 33

what’s online



Readers’ Choice

The editors of Marin Magazine want your help selecting top spots for our annual Hot 101 Editors’ Choice issue. We’re featuring 12 categories ranging from art to cocktails to pizza and would love to know your preferred picks. It’s your chance to give your favorite Marin places a nod for being the best. So visit the link below, cast your vote, and look for the winners to be announced in the August 2012 issue. marinmagazine.com/readerschoice


Win This!


Find a Camp Your kids want to go, you want them to go — so make everybody happy and use our 2012 Summer Camps list to find the perfect getaway for your little ones. marinmagazine.com/camps

Congrats! To C. Heidi Mejia of San Anselmo for garnering the most votes in the Marin Magazine LOVE Contest. Her prize is a weekend at the boutique luxury resort Bernardus Lodge in beautiful Carmel Valley. To view the winning photo go to marinmagazine.com/ lovecontest.


Win This Getaway

Win a three-night stay in a two-bedroom suite at Honua Kai Resort & Spa, Maui’s newest luxury resort located on Kaanapali North Beach, as part of Marin Magazine’s Vacation Photo Contest. To enter, visit the link below and upload your favorite vacation photo, then encourage your friends and family to vote for your image. The photo with the most votes wins! About the resort: Honua Kai Resort & Spa is fast becoming a top choice for travelers of all types — families, couples or friends traveling together. The resort features spacious studios as well as one-, two- and three-bedroom suites — each with a full gourmet kitchen, washer and dryer and full amenities. The expansive aquatic playground features a pool experience perfect for kids and adults alike. Just a few steps away is world-famous Kaanapali North Beach, the ultimate location for casual strolls or hours of ocean fun. marinmagazine.com/vacationcontest



Russell Chatham A noted artist returns to Marin with a lot on the line. BY JIM WOOD • PHOTOS BY TIM PORTER

36 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

OU A RE A N avidly collected artist, a writer, publisher, sportsman and raconteur. You’re in your late 60s; you have worked hard and played hard; you live on a 1,000-acre ranch in Montana; your friends are hunters, fishermen, authors and famous actors; when Travel Channel’s Anthony Bourdain comes to town, he interviews you. Life is good, really good. Then comes the economic meltdown of 2008 and life turns bad, very bad. Art commissions are canceled and real estate foreclosed on. “I lost it all,” says renowned landscape artist Russell Chatham, now 72. “I went from having millions to zero. I was dead meat.” Many suffered greatly in the great recession of 2008, and Chatham was no different. He is now working his way back by returning to what he loves — spending 12-hour days in front of an easel — in a sunfilled Inverness Park loft.

In Marin / CONVERSATION Maui’s newest resort has something for everyone. What were the turning points and major influences in your early years? Well, I was born in San Francisco and our family moved to San Anselmo in 1949. Our home revolved around the arts and painting. My grandfather was the landscape painter Gottardo Piazzoni. I graduated from Drake High School, attended the College of Marin but was a terrible student; I

In Marin, even then, you had to have a fortune to live like a pauper. barely passed my art classes. Then in the ’60s, I got married, moved to Bolinas, wrote magazine articles and pasted up ads at the Pacific Sun. In Marin, even then, you had to have a fortune to live like a pauper. I couldn’t afford Marin and paint and live the life I wanted to live. So in 1972, I moved up to Montana, where I could rent a ranch house with acreage for $500 a year. At various times and in various publications, you’ve been described as an accomplished artist, a writer, a printmaker and publisher, an expert fly-fisherman, a hunter, a successful restaurateur and a jolly good raconteur. That said, how do you describe yourself? I am a natural-born painter; I’ve been painting since I was 7 years old. I did not choose painting, it chose me. Yet, for years, back when I first lived in Marin, I made a living by writing articles on hunting and fishing for magazines. I guess I am just interested in many different things such as writing, and printmaking, and designing books, and cooking, and hunting, and, of course, fly-fishing. Friends often ask, why don’t I just paint? I have friends who are writers and that’s all they do — write. They don’t cross disciplines. I enjoy doing different things. I really enjoy all aspects of life, even after this recent financial setback. You’re now spending long hours painting — what is motivating you when you paint? What is your goal? Over the last 14 months, I’ve been bringing along 20-or-so paintings. I will work on one for maybe two or three hours at a time, then let the oils dry. However, during those two or three hours of working,

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M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 37


I am motivated to get the painting to have an emotional pull on a viewer. When I’m out hunting or fishing, I’m always taking mental notes; I’m always collecting images. Then, when I’m painting, what I try to do is pull an

What I try to do is make order out of chaos and produce something that gives the illusion that it is absolutely real even when it isn’t.

A loophole in the

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38 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

image out of my head, to get it on canvas and make a picture of it. To me, nature is chaos. What I try to do is make order out of chaos and produce something that gives the illusion that it is absolutely real even when it isn’t. Yet it is not realism the way most people understand realism. It’s an atmospheric manifestation of things that have appeared in my mind. They could be the sky, the moon, a boat, trees or the mountains. Then later, these are in my final work. As for a goal, mine is to cause an emotional response within the viewers, which, if they’re like me, is to look at the painting and find it so beautiful they cry. How did you develop a client list filled with celebrities like Nicholson, Redford, Brokaw, Bridges and Harrison Ford? Even Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen and art critic Robert Hughes collect your work. Believe me, it was a fluke. What happened was in the late ’60s, when I lived in West Marin, I caught the world record striped bass on a fly. This caused two writers, Thomas McGuane and William Hjortsberg, who were Stegner Fellows at Stanford, to rent houses in Bolinas because, since I lived there, the fishing had to be good — which it was. Over time, we became friends and McGuane, who was a successful writer from the get-go and had a small ranch in Montana, convinced me to move there. Soon after, he wrote the screenplay for The Missouri Breaks starring Jack Nicholson and Marlon Brando and those actors started buying my paintings. We all became friends and the circle just kept getting bigger. Warren Oates, Peter Fonda, Sam Peckinpah, Dennis Quaid, Jeff Bridges — they’d ask each other, “Where’d

you get that painting?” and someone would answer, “Oh this guy Russ up the road did it.” So, they would drive up the road and buy my paintings. I never did have a gallery. By the way, probably 50,000 people have one of my paintings or lithographs, but only a handful are celebrities. Let’s be honest: You have a history of financial ups and downs — and yet, many people were set back by the 2008 economic meltdown. What do you say to people who, like yourself, have suffered financially and emotionally? First, let me say, it’s hard. There’s no getting around it; at this age, it’s the hardest thing I have ever done. Without the moral and financial support of my friends, I do not think I would have made it this far. However, there’s a saying: “The universe will deliver what you set yourself up for.” If you’re negative and set yourself up for a plate of sh* t, you’ll get it. On the other hand, if you take a different tack and say I am going to be all right in spite of everything that has gone wrong, you’ll somehow work yourself back. You cannot keep saying “woe is me”; everyone has his problems. I just made up my mind to not dwell on my problems. And I lost many millions of dollars, a beautiful ranch, an island in the Yellowstone River area and my inventory of prints that was put up for collateral. I’ve just got to make some money and pay my way back out of this hole and now I’m working dawn to dusk to do it. m

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M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 39

Destinations / JOURNEY


gone Platinum


A Marin resident follows her heart, goes green and builds the house of her dreams. BY PJ BREMIER • PHOTOS BY MATTHEW MILLMAN

40 FAEPBRRI LUARY 2 0 1 22 0 M1A 2 RM I NA R I N

“ I

one pivotal experience in Helene Marsh’s environmental awakening, one that would ultimately determine her career and define the award-winning Tiburon house she would build in 2011, it was the 10 years she spent in the Czech Republic capital city of Prague. “I lived there during the 1990s and the environmental degradation — the fi lth, the smog, the pollution — was so bad,” recalls Marsh, who upon her return to the U.S. earned a master’s degree in environmental sciences and became a passionate advocate for reversing climate change. “When I came back to California, I was shocked by how clean it was,” she adds. Her new house, a sleek, big-windowed, two-story structure, is a deliberate reflection of her heightened ecological sensibilities and “a consequence of seeing those poor conditions in Prague,” she says. Situated on a sunny hillside, the 3,500-square-foot four-bedroom, four-bathroom home with a view of San Francisco Bay rests quietly on approximately the same-size footprint as the site’s former 1940s-era, 1,200-square-foot home.



M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 41

Follow the LEED

Opener from left: The western red cedar deck offers views from Napa to Oakland. A gabion wall. This page above: A view toward the living room. Right: An opaque glass floor highlights the airy staircase.

Unlike the original home, however, this one saves its owner money. Marsh’s monthly electricity bill is only $12; her monthly water bill averages about $45. Saving money wasn’t her main motivation, though. “My personal goal in building this house was to make a beneficial impact on climate change,” she says. “By producing my own power and minimizing my water usage, I’m providing a positive input on climate conditions, not a negative one.” And even though she could have opted to just follow the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design guidelines, Marsh plowed through the copious paperwork, hired a LEED-certified consultant, and went after official LEED certification because she wanted to “dot her i’s and cross her t’s. “The LEED program is not for the faint of heart,” she says of the green building design standard set by the U.S. Green Building Council. “It’s not user-friendly, so for an independent homeowner like me to go through the certification process, it takes passion.” Her passion paid off: The home not only won an Energy and Sustainability award from the San Francisco chapter of the American Institute of Architects but also surpassed the highest level of certification, LEED Platinum, by accumulating 114 points — 22 more than necessary for a house her size.

42 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

It’s a very engaging house where people filter in and out of the various entrances and it’s fun. It’s like being in a tree house.

Reuse and Rethink In the LEED certification game, what you tear down is as important as what you build. Ten tons of lumber from the original home were donated to reuse facilities in Petaluma, and the nails pulled from the lumber were recycled as scrap metal. Other materials were reused right on site. The concrete in the original home’s former driveway was broken up and repurposed in a gabion wall (a cost-effective retaining wall enclosed in galvanized steel cages) faced with riprap stone from Sonoma. The dirt removed from a slope to make room for the garage was reused in other parts of the garden. But Marsh credits her home’s passive solar design — the orientation of the building and the way the sun interacts with it to produce warmth and light — as its biggest energy conservation booster. Deep eaves shield the home from the sun’s glare and, while there is also a radiant heating system, it’s only needed on the coldest days. “The concrete floors throughout the public areas are part of the passive solar design and act as a thermal mass,” she says. “They retain the heat from the day and release it in the cool of the evening.” Rainwater is conserved in two underground tanks installed in the garden, and the combination of energy-efficient insulation, low-energy-consumption fi xtures and appliances, rooftop photovoltaic system and solar hot water system all add up to a lower carbon footprint, as well as lower utility bills any homeowner would love.

Left: The kitchen island countertop, from Concreteworks in Oakland, is composed of 80 percent recycled glass. Above: Low-flow faucets, Cambria quartz countertops and the bay view from the kitchen window.

M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 43

Sustainable Style While Marsh was designing the home’s green systems, Lewis Butler of the San Francisco–based Butler Armsden Architects was busy designing the structure. As a client, Marsh “was interested in green that elevates design and design that elevates green,” he recalls. For example, a downstairs hallway that would otherwise be a dark space gets natural daylight via an opaque glass panel on the floor directly above. It’s a cool design feature that also happens to be an eco-friendly one. The major architectural challenge was “dealing with an uphill site where the views, the cars and the people all wanted to be,” Butler says. “It was an ‘aha’ moment when we figured out how the circulation of cars and people would work.” The home’s natural appeal lies in its “very open and friendly nature,” he adds. “It’s a very engaging house where people fi lter in and out of the various entrances and it’s fun. It’s like being in a tree house.” Another significant trick was harnessing the sun on a site that lacked the southern exposure typically desired for an effective photovoltaic system. By deciding on an unusual roof slant, one that didn’t follow the hills but reached forward to the views and backward to capture the sun, Butler nimbly resolved the issue: “It turned out not to be that hard to do,” he adds. The house itself concentrates all the systems in a central core area with nothing — water, energy or people — having to travel very far. And every system, including temperature, sound, lighting, window shades and the garage door, is controlled through a home automation system. A whole-house circulation system changes the air inside the almost completely airtight home every few hours.

CREDITS ARCHITECTURE: Butler Armsden Architects, butlerarmsden.com CONSTRUCTION: McDonald Construction & Development, m-c-d.net STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING: GFDS Engineers, gfdseng.com COLOR CONSULTATION: Color Folio Design, colorfoliodesign.com LIGHTING: Eric Johnson Associates, ericjohnsonassociates.com COLORADO VNET HOME AUTOMATION INSTALLATION: JP Fischer Electrical INTERIOR FURNISHING: Rice and de Tienne Designs, riceanddetienne.com LANDSCAPE DESIGN: Shades of Green, shadesofgreenla.com LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION: Luis Gonzalez

44 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

Local Materials As many materials as possible were chosen for eco-friendly qualities and sourced within a 500-mile radius. All the wood is Forest Stewardship Council–certified and mainly from the Pacific Northwest; the paints, by Mythic, are zero-VOC; and the cabinetry, by Henrybuilt in Seattle, was manufactured for only minimal off-gassing. The tiles came from even closer, Heath Ceramics in Sausalito. Water-resistant western red cedar was selected for the exterior along with eco stucco, a lime-based plaster that absorbs carbon dioxide as it dries. The living room’s natural-looking beams by Weyerhaeuser were engineered using compressed waste material. Nonlocal exceptions include energy-efficient appliances from Germany and the kitchen’s Cambria quartz countertops from the East Coast — a more ecologically responsible choice than the popular Caesarstone quartz, which has to be shipped from Israel, Marsh points out. Outside, Marsh worked with Sausalito-based Shades of Green Landscape Architecture to achieve a lowmaintenance scheme of drought-tolerant native plants and a pleasant greensward of no-mow lawn. Marsh sees the house as not just a family dwelling, but a teaching tool. Inside, glassed-in wall niches display views of the blown-in soy-based foam insulation and a collection of nails removed from the salvaged wood of the original home. The house has its own website, tiburonbayhouse.com, and is available to environmental groups and green building students for tours. In the end, she says, all the research, planning and paperwork were worth it. “I’m so pleased at how incredibly well it functions. The systems and the experience of living here are better than I ever thought they would be.” m

Opposite page left: Engineered beams made from compressed waste material in the dining area. Opposite right: Heath Ceramics tile accents the guest bathroom. This page: A glass bridge links the home to the garden in back.

M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 45

g n i s i R

SEAS Marin prepares for a wetter, warmer future.



46 F E B R UARY 2 0 1 2 M A R I N



A cyclist pedals south through Bothin Marsh in Mill Valley as the rising tide of Richardson Bay floods the multiuse path.

days when the monthly tides are highest, you can stand on the narrow asphalt ribbon of the bike path that traverses Bothin Marsh in Mill Valley and watch the water of Richardson Bay climb over the man-made banks and rise slowly, inexorably, until its cold wetness reaches your shins. You are no longer on dry land. You are in the middle of the bay. Flash-forward to the year 2100. The earth has had 88 more years to warm up, and the seas have been rising a little more every year. Your grandkids stand in that same place on the marsh and wait for high tide. When it comes, the water flows over their heads. That’s climate change. That’s the threat Marin County faces — higher seas, bigger tides and stronger waves that could drown the marshlands of Mill Valley and Novato, flood neighborhoods built on reclaimed land in Tam Valley, Santa Venetia and Hamilton, and erode the coastal bluffs of Bolinas. The mess that rising seas could make of Marin is but a small part of the larger challenge climate change presents to the planet. But this story is not about the global effort to regulate carbon emissions, not about the national yammering of politicians, preachers and scientific professionals about why the earth is warming (is it man, is it nature, is it a vengeful God delivering payback for our profligate ways?), and not about whether the earth is in fact getting warmer. The mercury is rising and the oceans along with it. This story is about Marin County and how a lot of people here are trying to make sure that come the day when the waters of San Francisco Bay — which have already risen eight inches in the last century — are lapping at the doorsteps of homes and businesses now hundreds of feet from shore, the inhabitants of that warmer, wetter future do not ask of our generation: Why didn’t they do something? N THE WINTER

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 47

Marin’s First Steps Thankfully, Marin is doing many things, enough that regional planners such as Joe LaClair, the chief planning officer for the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), see it as a pioneer in preparation for climate change. “Marin County led the way with its general plan, and San Rafael adopted a climate action plan,” says LaClair. “Most of the other communities in Marin have followed up with that kind of climate planning.” Indeed, the county and seven cities (Mill Valley, Larkspur, Ross, Tiburon, San Rafael, San Anselmo and Novato) have adopted plans to confront climate change. For the most part, these strategies focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and determining risk. They have bred sustainability committees, hybrid vehicle purchases, amended building codes that force greener development and, in general, greater encouragement of public and private energy conservation. In the parlance of the climate change community, these types of actions are called mitigation and are intended to shrink Marin’s energy footprint, which, like that of other affluent communities, is sizable. In Marin, we love our Land Rovers, our exotic vacations and our big houses, but they exact a hefty environmental price — an ecological footprint of about 27 global acres per person. That’s how much land and sea is needed to produce the resources each of us use. The U.S. average is about 20

Going green alone will not save us from getting wet. Even if we abandon all of our Beemers today and buy bicycles tomorrow, in the years to come the residual impacts of the carbon already in the atmosphere will continue to warm the planet for decades, up to 11 degrees Fahrenheit more by 2100. acres, and the world average is 5.4 acres, according to a 2006 report by the county Community Development Agency. Transportation alone accounts for more than half of Marin’s greenhouse gas emissions. Mitigation helps, but it’s not enough. Going green alone will not save us from getting wet. Even if we abandon all of our Beemers today and buy bicycles tomorrow, experts say, in the years to come the residual impacts of the carbon already in the atmosphere will continue to warm the planet for decades, up to 11 degrees Fahrenheit more by 2100. For Marin, this warmer world could mean less rain (and reduced drinking water supply and irrigation for our $50 million-a-year agricultural industry), flooded wetlands (drowned ecosystems) and fewer fogbanks off our coast (dead redwoods). 48 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

However, that all pales in comparison to what sea-level rise — with its higher tides and bigger, more destructive waves — could do to a county bordered on three sides by a bay and an ocean that is forecast to rise 16 inches by midcentury and 55 inches by 2100.

What’s at Stake in Marin The extent of that hazard is vividly visible on maps contained in the BCDC’s latest regional climate change report, “Living with a Rising Bay.” Bright blue swatches (for 16 inches) and darker blue ones (for 55 inches) mark what is termed in the dispassionate language of planners as “inundation zones” — flooded areas that extend through large low-lying swaths of Tam Valley; Mill Valley from Bothin Marsh to Sycamore Park; Santa Venetia, east San Rafael and the Canal neighborhoods; Hamilton, Bel Marin Keys and Vintage Oaks in Novato; as well as parts of Tiburon, Belvedere, Strawberry and Paradise Cay. A 16-inch rise of San Francisco Bay would affect more than 80 percent of this area, much of which is landfill and most of which coincides with the current 100-year flood zone. By 2050, says BCDC, this “current 100-year floodplain will be subject to flooding from not just a 100-year flood, but also a high tide.” In other words, the daily high tide in 38 years will be as destructive and disruptive as a 100-year flood would be now. The Pacific Institute, an Oakland-based environmental think tank, estimates that Marin’s inundation zone contains 228 miles of roads, including parts of Highways 101 and 37; sewage treatment plants; water lines; and, of course, hundreds of homes, businesses and other structures, whose replacement value the institute puts at $8.5 billion. These figures don’t include additional damage along Marin’s Pacific coast, from the already deteriorating cliffs below the Bolinas mesa to the delicate tidal ecology of the Bolinas Lagoon and the multimillion-dollar homes fronting the sandy strand of Stinson Beach. The Pacific Institute enumerates 27 miles of roads at risk there and $260 million worth of property endangered. “It’s such a huge problem, a huge challenge, that it’s hard to really get your head around it,” says Brian Crawford, director of the county Community Development Agency. “The forces at play are so significant. It can be daunting to just try to think about how you’re going to attack the challenge.” Sea-level rise, he says, “affects residents, the place where they live. It affects businesses, which has an impact on local and regional economies. It affects transportation corridors, the way people move around. It affects the bay ecosystems, the natural habitat. It permeates almost every aspect of our lives.”

A Three-Step Response There is some good news. First, the BCDC flood zone maps don’t show current shoreline protections. San Rafael, for example, has many neighborhoods that are already behind levees. “The Canal, Spinnaker Point, going out toward Home Depot all the way to the bridge,” says Paul Jensen, San Rafael

planning manager, “that stuff out there is landfi ll, so it was at one point at sea level. A lot of the areas along the shoreline there are protected by a levee system. They may work well under high-sea-level conditions.” LaClair, the BCDC planner, agrees, but also points out that current levees won’t be much match for seas at the end of this century. “Fifty-five inches tends to overwhelm any of those shoreline protection devices,” he says. Second, there is time to prepare, a process that the county and the local cities are dividing into three steps — mitigate, investigate and adapt. Mitigation is under way, as outlined in the various local climate change action plans (which are available online). Investigation is just beginning and involves county and city planners doing boots-on-the-ground assessments of specific local risks, using broader estimates of regional agencies such as the BCDC and the Pacific Institute as starting points. They want to know: what exactly is in the water’s path? What protections, such as levees, are in place? Which levees are endangered? W here are new ones needed? W hich marshes can “retreat” inland to escape rising bay waters and which might be blocked by existing development? Can some developed areas be sacrificed to the tides? The list of questions is endless, the number of answers thus far almost nil. Eventually, answers will emerge and from them will come

High tide on Richardson Bay washes over the entry to the houseboat community along Bolinas Street in Sausalito.

step three of Marin’s response to climate change, the most difficult and the most expensive — adaptation.

Heavy Lifting Ahead Adaptation involves building some things (such as the 130 miles of levee construction and fortification and new seawalls the Pacific Institute foresees Marin needing), moving other things (roads and pipelines that carry water and sewage) and embracing new standards of living, such as living in smaller houses and using public transit, that value conservation of energy over convenience. “When we look at neighborhoods, job centers and transportation infrastructure, the biggest effects will be having to spend more money on adaptation,” says LaClair of BCDC. “As we buy in to the belief that we are causing climate change and that we can and should do something about it, it will mean that we drive less, ride transit more; we find other ways to produce energy. It will change the way we live.” What all this will cost is unknown. No Marin officials want to hazard a guess, and who can blame them? We live in a time when municipal budgets are anorexic, when the state approaches the brink of bankruptcy annually and when a national political zeitgeist characterizes what should be serious questions of public policy as just more bones to be

Left, from top: High tide floods a parking lot on Gate 5 Road in Sausalito; cars navigate the intersection of Shoreline Highway and Highway 101 in Mill Valley; high tide water at the Manzanita Park and Ride lot on Shoreline Highway; some beachfront homes on Stinson Beach are already on 20-foot-high pillars.

tossed into an endless political dogfight. It’s hardly an atmosphere amenable to allocating billions to protect our cities and natural habitats from flooding. The Pacific Institute provides a peek under the fi nancial tent in its 2009 report “The Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on the California Coast.” It estimates that the 1,100 miles of levee and seawall work needed to protect coastal and bayfront lands statewide will cost $14 billion, with nearly $1 billion of that in Marin County alone. To put that amount in context, Marin’s most recent county budget was about $409 million. “Some of the fixes to the problem are going to be very expensive,” says the county’s Crawford. “Building levees isn’t cheap. To purchase property, relocate development, do other remediation efforts — the price tag for those sorts of endeavors is going to be substantial.”

Focusing on the Hard Stuff “It will cost money; it will cost a lot of money,” says LaClair. “But I think the important thing to remember is that you don’t have to build something tomorrow. What you need to do now is start planning rather than becoming hysterical.” That’s a conversation Supervisor Kate Sears very much wants to have. Not only is Sears Marin’s representative on the BCDC, and therefore deeply involved in the regional climate change discussion, but her supervisorial district also encompasses Southern Marin communities that face some of the greatest challenges from sea-level rise — Mill Valley and Tam Valley. “There are hard choices ahead,” says Sears. “What drives me as a policymaker with three nieces is the need to start confronting some of these hard questions now. It’s so easy, and understandable, to say, ‘My God, this is really challenging and I don’t know how we deal with it,’ and keep kicking the can down the road. I don’t have any solutions now. But I feel real strongly that we have to start the conversation and we have to start the innovative process to work toward solutions.” For urban planners like Crawford, those who have to do the front-line work on determining risk and devising adaptive strategies, the commitment of elected officials like Sears is critical. “There’s got to be a big political will about addressing the issue,” he says. “In Marin County we’re well positioned in that regard because the county has adopted sustainability as one of its overarching themes, so just about everything we do is seen through the lens of sustainability. Sea-level rise and climate change are two of the biggest issues on the political agenda in Marin County.”

Motivating the Public Nu mer ou s s u r vey s show w ide s pr e ad b el ief a mong Americans of all political stripes that the Earth is heating up. On a day-to-day basis, however, climate change for most of us remains an abstraction, and that can make it tough to motivate people to embrace the challenges ahead and open their pocketbooks to address them. “Humans by nature have a difficult time taking action to prevent future bad things from happening,” says LaClair. “We’re good at buying insurance, but investing in public works or private works to protect against future negative events is not something we do commonly.” Sea-level rise, he says, “has to become a priority for people in order to elevate the level of concern to the point where [they] are willing to commit funding to it.” In the Bay Area, LaClair thinks that will happen as the earliest significant impacts of climate change appear. “What will happen first is increased storminess,” he says. “That will translate into perhaps more frequent flooding and other impacts, such as trees falling over, knocking wires down, things like that. Over time, we’ll see average temperatures creeping up; we’ll start to see sea level rising and causing increased flooding. A few inches of sea-level rise in a big storm is about as problematic as a sea-level rise of 16 inches in still water conditions.”

apartments and condos that line Bothin Marsh across from Tam High into temporary islands. Imagine this scene when the bay is two, three or four feet deeper. Alan Jones does. “Sea-level rise is for real,” he says. “We have a New Year’s Day brunch, and we have to look at the timing of that high tide when we invite people because there are times when people can’t get here. Within five years, if that pattern continues, Caltrans and the county are going to have to get together and do something about the road.” There is a bit of ironic reasoning that can be applied to sea-level rise. It goes like this: Man imposes himself on nature and fi lls in much of the bay, then uses the reclaimed land to drive development that eventually warms the planet to such a degree that the seas rise and take back the land we took from nature. Payback can be brutal. Much of the land in projected flood zones in Marin and elsewhere in the region, says LaClair, “was diked or filled just high enough to get it out of the bay. If you look at a map of the bay in 1849 and a map of the bay in 2100 as it would be under sea-level rise, they look pretty much the same. It’s not the future we’re predicting; it’s the future we’re trying to prevent.” m

A Caltrans sign at the Manzanita Park and Ride lot on Shoreline Highway in Mill Valley warns drivers.

The Wet Reality in Tam Valley One person who doesn’t need convincing about sea-level rise or the urgency with which it should be addressed is Alan Jones, an architect and a member of the Tam Valley Gateway Coalition, a neighborhood group that has met with Sears, Crawford and other county officials about the impact of climate change. “Much of the low-lying area (in Tam Valley) was historically marshland that came almost up to where the 7-Eleven is along Shoreline there, which is where I live on Laurel Way,” says Jones. “In fact, Laurel Way used to be called Main Street because it was the closest street to the bay.” For a mild preview of what sea-level rise is capable of, visit the junction of Shoreline Highway and Highway 101 when the king tides — the highest tides of the month — arrive in

The 1,100 miles of levee and seawall work needed to protect coastal and bayfront lands statewide will cost $14 billion, with nearly $1 billion of that in Marin County alone. December, January and February. There you’ll see cars driving through bumper-deep salt water, parking lots awash, and, if a winter storm is creating a tidal surge, Miller Avenue in Mill Valley under water and closed, effectively turning the M A R I N F E B R UARY 2 0 1 2 51

Marin Magazine’s Fourth Annual


Renovation GUIDE


Now that spring is here, many homeowners are starting to feel the need to dust off that toolbox and work toward checking a few home improvement projects off the to-do list. Or maybe it’s time to call in the pros. Either way, you’ll find great local resources in the pages of Marin Magazine’s fourth annual Home Renovation Guide. Our list is your guide to the area’s best architects, interior designers, landscape specialists, plumbers, electricians, lumber and hardware providers and much more. So go ahead and dive into that renovation or repair job you’ve been waiting all winter to tackle. Remember to always check business licenses and bonding, save your documents and receipts, make sure you have all agreements in writing, and have fun — a more beautiful home awaits.

52 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Home Renovation Guide 2012 APPLIANCES Jenn-Air 800.536.6247 jennair.com Martin & Harris 2158 Fourth St San Rafael 415.454.2021 martin-harris.com Purcell Murray 185 Park Lane Brisbane 415.656.0212 purcellmurray.com Standards of Excellence 530 W. Francisco Blvd San Rafael 415.453.6070 standardsofexcellence.com

ARCHITECTS 361 Architecture + Design Collaborative 1505 Bridgeway, Ste 127 Sausalito 415.412.6797 361-team.com Barbara Brown Architects P.O. Box 7 Sausalito 415.331.5353 bbrownarchitect.com Chambers+Chambers Architects 420 Miller Ave Mill Valley 415.381.8326 chambersandchambers.com Christina D. Hansen Building Design & Consulting P.O. Box 218 Tiburon 415.272.7926 christinahansen.com Crome Architecture 905 Fourth St San Rafael 415.435.0700 cromearchitecture.com Danadjieva Hansen Architects, Inc P.O. Box 868 Tiburon 415.435.5767 hansenarchitects.com

Donald K. Olsen Architects and Associates 666 Bridgeway Sausalito 415.332.0297 dkoarchitects.com Dorman Associates 234 Shoreline Hwy Mill Valley 415.380.7914 dormanassociates.com Geoffrey E. Butler Architecture & Planning 1306 Bridgeway, Floor 2 Sausalito 415.332.3388 gebarch.com/ Henderson Architect 2841 Cleveland Ave, Ste A Santa Rosa 707.237.5240 hendersonarchitect.com Hunter Architecture Belvedere 415.789.0953 hunterarchitecture.com Kathy Shaffer Architect + Design, AIA 117 Crescent Ave Sausalito 415.332.8430 kathyshafferarchitect.com Kourosh Baradaran Architect 1550 Tiburon Blvd, Ste H Belvedere 415.789.9222 kbarchitect.com Lifebox Studios, Inc 425 E 11th St, Unit 26 Oakland 510.922.1547 lightboxstudios.com Ludwig Design 480 Gate 5 Rd, Studio 122 Sausalito 415.722.8488 ludwigdesign.com Mahoney Architects & Interiors 1058 Redwood Hwy Mill Valley 415.389.1058 mahoney-architects.com

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Sarah Zimmerman Architect 958 Ventura Ave Albany 510.524.2109 szarchitect.com

Summit Technology Group, Inc 2450C Bluebell Dr Santa Rosa 707.542.4773 summittechnologygrp.com

Michael Rex Associates Architecture + Design 1750 Bridgeway, Ste B-211 Sausalito 415.331.1400 rexassoc.com

Sutton Suzuki Architects 39 Forrest St, Ste 101 Mill Valley 415.383.3139 suttonsuzukiarchitects.com


Miles Berger Architect, AIA 14 Raccoon Ln Tiburon 415.435.4663 mb-aia.com

Tardy + Associates 3020 Bridgeway, Ste 131 Sausalito 415.381.1183 tardy-associates.com

Morgan Hall 8 School St, Ste A Fairfax 415.455.8464 morganhallarchitect.com


Michael J. Harlock, AIA 533 Redwood Ave Corte Madera 415.924.5714 harlockarch.com

Patrick Le Pelch Architecture 203 Morning Sun Ave, #2 Mill Valley 415.339.0432 www.lepelcharchitect.com Pfau Long Architecture 98 Jack London Alley San Francisco 415.908.6408 pfaulong.com Polsky Perlstein Architects 469 Magnolia Ave, Ste B Larkspur 415.927.1156 polskyarchitects.com Richard Seltzer Designs 1314 Sir Francis Drake Blvd San Anselmo 415.944.0992 richardseltzer.com Robert Nebolon Architects 801 Camelia St, Ste E Berkeley 510.525.2725 rnarchitect.com Rossington Architecture 2742 17th St San Francisco 415.552.4900 rossingtonarchitecture.com

Five Senses Art Consultancy San Francisco 415.816. 5235 fivesensesart.com

AMP Construction, Inc 369 B Third St, #456 San Rafael 415.459.8843 Caletti Jungsten Construction 495 Miller Ave Mill Valley 415.381.3162 calettijungsten.com Cove Construction P.O. Box 2763 San Anselmo 415.453.0515 coveconstruction.com

AUDIOVISUAL AudioVisions 100 Pelican Way, Ste B San Rafael 415.459.7900 avisions.com Bob Hodas: Acoustical Analysis 1384 Queens Rd Berkeley 510.649.9254 bobhodas.com Construction Audio Services 1925 E. Francisco Blvd, Ste 11 San Rafael 415.485.1222 casaudio.com High Definition Home 125 Mitchell Blvd San Rafael 415.499.1400 highdefinitionhome.com Rolling Thunder 3241 Kerner Blvd San Rafael 415.456.1681 rollingthundergroup.com SoundVision 27 Commercial Blvd, Ste M Novato 415.456.7000 svsf.com

Creative Concrete Design 27 Mountain View Ave San Anselmo 415.806.7002 Dan LeVine Mellion 4080 Paradise Dr Tiburon 415.435.5611 Dawson + Clinton General Contractors P.O. Box 410475 San Francisco 415.359.9991 dawson-clinton.com Ebersole Builders 20 Forest Ln San Rafael 415.722.1204 ebersolebuilders.com Eden Roc General Contractors P.O. Box 7003 Corte Madera 415.332.3032 edenrocbuilders.com Golden Restoration & Construction, Inc 21 Commercial Blvd, Ste 14 Novato 415.382.8648 goldenrandc.com

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 53

Home Renovation Guide 2012 Harbinson Construction 1221 Andersen Dr, Ste H San Rafael 415.738.2460 harbinsonconstruction.com

Ted Wray Builder 5 Rowley Circle Tiburon 415.435.5776 tedwraybuilder.com

Jim Corbet’s Hardware 800 Magnolia Ave Larkspur 415.924.7013 corbethardware.com

The Sliding Door Company 680 8th St, Ste 163 San Francisco 415.626.2622 slidingdoorco.com

Harney Construction 429 Irwin St San Rafael 415.454.5043 harneyconstruction.com

The Englander Building Co 24 Blithedale Terrace Mill Valley 415.383.4000 englanderbuilding.com

Little House on the Trailer 1840 Petaluma Blvd N Petaluma 415.233.0423 littlehouseonthetrailer.com

True Value 129 Miller Ave Mill Valley 415.388.3532 truevalue.com

Ireland, Robinson and Hadley, Inc 85 Beach Rd Belvedere 415.383.0583 irhadley.com

T. H. Eller Construction P.O. Box 606 Woodacre 415.488.9865 marincustomremodel.com

McNear Brick & Block 1 McNear Brickyard Rd San Rafael 415.454.6811 mcnear.com


Tim Walsh Builders, Inc 403 Throckmorton Ave Mill Valley 415.381.9806 timwalshbuilders.com

Mill Valley Lumber 129 Miller Ave Mill Valley 415.388.3532 millvalleylumber.com

Woodworking West, Inc P.O. Box 171 Stinson Beach 415.868.2265 woodworkingwest.net

Modern Cabana 602 Minnesota St San Francisco 415.206.9330 moderncabana.com


Novato Builders Supply 800 Sweetser Ave Novato 415.892.1651 novatobuilders.com

Plath & Company, Inc 1575 Francisco Blvd E San Rafael 415.460.1575 plathco.com Redhorse Constructors, Inc 36 Professional Center Pkwy San Rafael 415.492.2020 redhorseconstructors.com Rempe Construction 1020 Railroad Ave, Ste E Novato 415.897.9126 rempe.com Richard Avelar and Son, Builders 318 Harrison St, Ste 103 Oakland 510.893.5501 avelarandson.com Rosenbach Construction, Inc 945 Front St Novato 415.897.8374 Sterling and Co 378 Butterfield Rd San Anselmo 415.459.1511 sissco.com Stroub Construction 300 Main St Sausalito 415.331.0621 stroubconstruction.com

54 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

Castaneda Iron Works 1001 Hensley St Richmond 510.435.9133 Fox Marble & Granite 1315 Armstrong Ave San Francisco 415.671.1149 fox-marble.com

Novato Lumber & Fence Co 7586 Redwood Blvd Novato 415.897.1166 novatofence.com

Goodman Building Supply 775 Redwood Hwy Mill Valley 415.388.6233

Orchard Supply Hardware 1151 Andersen Dr San Rafael 415.453.7288 osh.com

Hearth & Home of Marin 902 Lincoln Ave San Rafael 415.479.2876 hearthandhomeofmarin.com

Pini Ace Hardware 1535 S Novato Blvd, Ste A Novato 415.892.1577 piniacehardware.com

Hudson Street Design of Marin 3773 Redwood Hwy San Rafael 415.924.8300 hlc-inc.com

Rafael Lumber & Building Supply 930 Andersen Dr San Rafael 415.453.3043 rafael-lumber.com

Jackson’s Hardware 435 Du Bois St San Rafael 415.454.3740 jacksonshardware.com

Shamrock Materials 548 Du Bois St San Rafael 415.455.1575 shamrockmat.com

Bamboo Cabinets by AlterECO, Inc P.O. Box 1206 Sausalito 415.331.8342 bamboocabinets.com Bauerware Cabinet Hardware 3886 17th St San Francisco 415.864.5662 bauerware.com Cabinets & Design Studio 999 Andersen Dr, Ste 165 San Rafael 415.459.8001 cabinetsanddesignstudio.com

Out of the Woods Custom Cabinetry 92 Louise St San Rafael 415.457.0647 outofthewoods.cc People’s Carpentry PO Box 4129 San Rafael 415.306.3340 peoplescarpentry.com Woodline Design Novato 707.459.4744 woodlinedesign.com

CLOSETS California Closets 12 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Larkspur 415.455.1200 californiaclosets.com The Container Store 219 Corte Madera Town Center Corte Madera 415.945.9755 containerstore.com

COLOR CONSULTANTS Garage Solutions 625 Du Bois St, Ste E San Rafael 415.456.4474 garagesolutions.com Hudson Street Design of Marin 3773 Redwood Hwy San Rafael 415.924.8300 hlc-Inccom Kitchens Etc., Inc 1364 N Mcdowell Blvd, #4 Petaluma 415.755.8694 kitchensect-Inccom Lamperti Fine Cabinetry Showroom 1241 Andersen Dr San Rafael 415.454.1623 lampertikitchens.com Mitchel Berman Cabinetmakers 472 Primero Ct, Ste C Cotati 707.795.8495 bermancabinetmakers.com

Anello Painting & Construction P.O Box 1484 Novato 415.892.8989 anellopainting.com Moira O’Sullivan P.O. Box 794 San Anselmo 415.453.1374 moirao.com Sonja Markreiter P.O Box 861 Petaluma 707.775.4570 smcolordesign.com

CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Backyard Eichlers 22 Meadow Dr San Rafael 415.491.0718 backyardeichlers.com

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Home Renovation Guide 2012 Robert Wadginski 2001 California St, Ste 607 San Francisco 415.829.8651 robertwadginski.com

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Artistic Lighting & Electric 285 Bel Marin Keys Blvd, Ste G Novato 415.382.9500 artisticlightingcorp.com BOS Electric 1241 Andersen Dr, Ste C San Rafael 415.457.5190 boselectric.com Harney Lighting & Electric 429 Irwin St San Rafael 415.454.7893 harneyconstruction.com North Bay Electric 5687 Marsh Hawk Dr Santa Rosa 707.538.8333 northbayelectric.net Quinto and Young 200 Emerystone Terrace San Rafael 415.472.3804 Redwood Electric Co 13 Washington St Novato 415.892.4900 Shanahan Electric 151 Holmes Ave San Rafael 415.479.1929 Strom Electric, Inc P.O. Box 642 San Anselmo 415.453.1200 stromelectricmarin.com

FLOORING Architectural Design Carpets 1111 Francisco Blvd E, Ste 3 San Rafael 415.458.1717 architecturaldesign carpets.com

Bamboo & More 305 Miller Ave, #16 Mill Valley 415.383.8912 Black’s Farmwood 1595 Francisco Blvd E San Rafael 415.454.8312 blacksfarmwood.com Broek Hardwood Floors Inc P.O. Box 514 Bolinas 415.381.2202 broekhardwoodfloors.com California Carpet 1197 Folsom St San Francisco 415.487.3636 calfloor.com Carpets of the Inner Circle 444 Jackson St San Francisco 415.398.2988 c-innercircle.com City Carpets 555 Francisco Blvd E San Rafael 415.454.4200 city-carpets.com Claremont Rug Company 6087 Claremont Ave Oakland 510.654.0816 claremontrug.com Endless Knot Rug Co 2 Henry Adams St, Ste 409 San Francisco 415.934.9200 endlessknotrugs.com Exquisite Surfaces 150 15th St, Ste B San Francisco 415.431.7300 xsurfaces.com Floorcoverings of Marin County, Inc 1607 Fourth St San Rafael 415.453.4500 floorsofmarin.com Floortex Design 5768 Paradise Dr Corte Madera 415.924.6545 floortexdesign.com

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Haute Textile Flooring 1038 Redwood Hwy, Ste 3 Mill Valley 415.388.8312 hautefloors.com

The Floor Store 523 Francisco Blvd E San Rafael 415.457.2011 floorstores.com

Cabana Home 238 E. Blithedale Ave Mill Valley 415.383.0201 cabanahome.com

Hendricksen & Naturlich Flooring, Inc 7120 Keating Ave Sebastopol 707.829.3959 naturalfloors.net


Chajo Handcrafted Art Furnishings Napa 707.257.3676 chajo.com

Just Remnants 900 Andersen Dr San Rafael 415.455.8882 justremnants.com Ken’s Carpets and Flooring 1914 Fourth St San Rafael 415.454.5367 kenscarpets.com Marin Hardwood Floors 911 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Kentfield 415.456.1639 Marin Oriental Rug House 256 Shoreline Hwy Mill Valley 415.389.8400 therughouse.com

Arkitektura 560 Ninth St San Francisco 415.565.7200 arksf.com Baby & Kids Company 12 Miller Ave Mill Valley 415.389.1312 babyandkidscompany.com Bluestone Main 120 Petaluma Blvd N Petaluma 707.765.2024 bluestonemain.com Brownstone Furniture 3435 Regatta Blvd Richmond 510.236.0703 brownstonefurniture.com

Ciao Bella Italy 19 Princess St Sausalito 415.289.1160 ciaobellaitaly.com Cokas Diko Home Furnishings 529 Fourth St Santa Rosa 707.568.4044 cokasdikofurniture.com Crate & Barrel 320 Corte Madera Town Center Corte Madera 415.924.5412 crateandbarrel.com

Mill Valley Bamboo Associates 14 Sir Francis Drake Blvd E Larkspur 415.925.1188 mvbamboo.com Rafael Floors Abbey Carpet Center 822 Francisco Blvd W San Rafael 415.456.3656 rafaelfloors.com Shahin Rug Gallery 831 Fourth St San Rafael 415.457.7478 Stark Carpet 2 Henry Adams St, #250 San Francisco 415.861.0466 starkcarpet.com Tamalpais Hardwood Floors 1133 Francisco Blvd E, Ste A San Rafael 415.459.1800 tamalpaishardwoodfloors.com

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 55

Home Renovation Guide 2012 Custom Furniture Design 50 De Haro St San Francisco 415.431.1511 customfurnituredesign.com

Heller’s for Children 514 Fourth St San Rafael 415.456.5533 hellersforchildren.com

Scandinavian Designs 1212 Fourth St San Rafael 415.457.5500 scandinaviandesigns.com

The Wooden Duck 1848 Fourth St San Rafael 415.453.0345 thewoodenduck.com

Design Within Reach 1913 Fillmore St San Francisco 415.567.1236 dwr.com

Leftovers 1414 Van Ness Ave San Francisco 415.409.0088 leftoverstores.com

Summer House 57 Throckmorton Ave Mill Valley 415.383.0157 summerhouse57millvalley.com

Urban Hardwoods San Francisco 415.397.9663 urbanhardwoods.com

Euro Style 2175 Francisco Blvd E San Rafael 415.455.8000 gotoeurostyle.com

Pedersen’s Furniture 707 Fifth St Santa Rosa 707.542.1855 pedersensfurniture.com

Sunrise Home 831 B St San Rafael 415.456.3939 sunrisehome.com

Goodnite Moon 111 Corte Madera Town Center Corte Madera 415.945.0677 goodnitemoon.com

Roche Bobois 701 Eighth St San Francisco 415.626.8613 roche-bobois.com

Terra Patio and Garden 258 Bolinas St Mill Valley 415.331.1603 terrateakandgarden.com

Halloran & Sons Antiques 109 W North St Healdsburg 707.431.7400 halloranantiques.com

Ruby LivingDesign 1 Throckmorton Ave Mill Valley 415.381.9095 rubyliving.com

The Feathered Nest 830 Grant Ave Novato 415.892.4314 thefeatherednesthome.com

Via Diva Home Furnishings 516 Irwin St San Rafael 415.257.8881 viadiva.com

GREEN HAULING EcoHaul 636 F St Petaluma 800.326.4285 ecohaul.com

GREEN MATERIALS Restoration Timber 111 Rhode Island St, Ste F San Francisco 888.563.9663 restorationtimber.com

GREEN SHOWROOMS The Green Home Center 1812 Polk St San Francisco 415.567.3700 thegreenhomecenter.net

INTERIOR DESIGN Artful Living: Keatin Holly Color 401 S Eliseo Dr, Ste 1 Greenbrae 415.987.2685 keatinholly.com Baron + Baron Design 3095 Kerner Blvd, Ste G San Rafael 415.456.4890 baron2design.com Beryn Hammil Designs 15 Stetson Ave Corte Madera 415.924.5509 berynhammil.com Bilgart Design 330 Grove Rd Bolinas 415.847.3585 bilgartdesign.com Candace Killman Interior Design 469-A Magnolia Ave Larkspur 415.927.0799 candacekillman.com Cecilie Starin Interior Design 415.435.2549 ceciliestarin.com Cesar Alonso Design 58 Sussex St San Francisco 415.585.3095 Christa Q Design 319 Bridgeway Sausalito 415.309.6938 christaqdesign.com CWright Design 301 Vista De Valle Mill Valley 415.388.1243 cwrightdesign.com

56 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Home Renovation Guide 2012 Five Senses Interiors San Rafael 415.816.5235 fivesensesinteriors.com Inspired Places – Classical Feng Shui & Interior Design P.O. Box 2459 Novato 415.300.7175 inspiredplaces.com J Livingston Home Decor P.O. Box 907 Larkspur 415.453.5538 jlivingstonhomedecor.com

Natalie Craig Interior Design 5241 Old Redwood Hwy, Ste E Santa Rosa 707.575.7777 nataliecraigdesign.vom Naturally Inspired 120 Terrace Ave San Rafael 415.258.0543 naturallyinspired.net Nest Design Co, Inc 534 Belle Ave San Rafael 415.294.2554 nestdesignco.com

Janet Friedman: Marin Interior Design 400 S Eliseo Dr, Ste 11 Greenbrae 415.596.9266 marininteriordesign.com

Penni Webb Design 1495 Lincoln Ave San Rafael 415.457.8929 penniwebbdesign.com

Jessica Hall Associates 1108 Magnolia Ave Larkspur 415.461.0688 jessicahallassociates.com

Robert Federighi Design 24 Mark Dr San Rafael 415.479.4794 robertfederighi.com

Jute Interior Design 495 Miller Ave, Ste 205 Mill Valley 415.380.8330 jutehome.com

Robin White Interiors 2269 Chestnut St, #120 San Francisco 415.464.9570 RobinWhiteInteriors.com

Kari Cusack Design 4 Cazadero Ln Tiburon 415.786.2474

Ruth Livingston Studio 74 Main St Tiburon 415.435.5264 ruthlivingston.com

Larette Design 141 Via Barranca Greenbrae 415.464.0664 larettedesign.com Linda Applewhite & Associates 431 Golden Gate Ave Belvedere 415.789.8871 lindaapplewhite.com MOONEShome 44 Millay Place Mill Valley 415.845.9746 mooneshome.com

Sarah Evers Hoffman Interior Design and Remodeling P.O Box 598 San Anselmo 415.457.8358 sarahevershoff man.com Spacial Design 524 San Anselmo Ave, Ste 146 San Anselmo 415.457.3195 spacialdesign.com Stacey Lapuk Interior Design Group 519 Wisteria Way San Rafael 415.499.1228 staceylapukinteriors.com

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Weaver Design Group 840 Powell St., Ste 102 San Francisco 415.454.6600 amyweaverdesign.com

Marin Kitchen Works, Inc 285B Bel Marin Keys Blvd Novato 415.883.8728 marinkitchenworks.com

KITCHEN/BATH Alliance Custom Builders P.O. Box 2028 Novato 415.893.0408 alliancecustombuilders.com

Poggenpohl San Francisco Kitchens 650 Townsend St, Ste 90 San Francisco 415.865.0443 sanfrancisco.poggenpohl. com

Clare Michael Designs, Inc 30001 Bridgeway Ave, Ste 272 Sausalito 415.225.2661 claremichaeldesigns.com

Sandra Bird Designs 240 Magnolia Dr Larkspur 415.927.1171 sandrabird.com

Design Orendain Kitchen & Bath 72 Meadow Dr Mill Valley 415.381.5311

SieMatic 235 First St San Francisco 415.442.0255 siematic-sanfrancisco.com

Julie Williams Design 372 Bel Marin Keys Blvd, Ste A Novato 415.884.4700 juliewilliamsdesign.com

Sonoma Kitchen & Bath 1480 Guerneville Rd Santa Rosa 707.526.3535 sonomakitchenandbath.com

Kitchen Matrix 101 Henry Adams St, Ste 410 San Francisco 415.934.1454 kitchenmatrix.com Kitchens & More 4178 Redwood Hwy San Rafael 415.479.1000 kitchensandmore.com Kitchens Plus 901 A St, Ste D San Rafael 415.453.9589 kitchensplusdesign.com Lamperti Contracting and Design 1241 Andersen Dr San Rafael 415.454.1623 lampertikitchens.com Laughlin Designs San Rafael 415.847.7443 laughlindesigns.com

Studio Snaidero 2658 Bridgeway, Ste 206 Sausalito 415.332.1745 snaiderokitchens.com The Bath + Beyond 77 Connecticut St San Francisco 415.552.5001 bathandbeyond.com

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS/ DESIGNERS Bio Friendly Gardens 1177 Cragmont Ave Berkeley 510.843.5232 biofriendlygardens.com Bradanini & Associates 90 Throckmorton Ave, Ste 16 Mill Valley 415.383.9780 bradanini.com Brian Powell & Associates 181 Carlos Dr, Ste 101 San Rafael 415.491.4480 brianpowelldesign.com Chance Landscape Architecture 500 Cedarberry Ln San Rafael 415.613.1440 chancela.com Creative Environments 1550 Gravenstein Hwy S Sebastopol 707.827.7980 creativeenvironments.biz Details Landscape Art Petaluma 707.769.1600 detailslandscapeart.com


Firma Design Group 1425 Mcdowell Blvd, Ste 130 Petaluma 707.792.1800 firmadesigngroup.com

American Soil & Stone 565A Jacoby St San Rafael 415.456.1381 americansoil.com

Gardeners’ Guild Inc 2780 Goodrick Ave Richmond 415.457.0400 gardenersguild.com

AvidGreen Landscaping 283 N Almenar Dr Greenbrae 415.461.8477 avidgreen.com

Geared for Growing 12020 Old Redwood Hwy Healdsburg 707.473.4333 gearedforgrowing.com

Pacific Grass & Turf 408.600.9145 pacificgrassandturf.com

Heritage Landscapes P.O. Box 2834 San Anselmo 415.458.8151 heritagelandscapes.net

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 57

Home Renovation Guide 2012 Julianna Landscape 878 Estancia Way San Rafael 415.479.9292 Kaiser Gardens 17 Parkside Ct San Anselmo 415.699.7423 kaisergardens.com Living Green Plantscape 150 15th St, Ste C San Francisco 415.864.2251 livinggreen.com Michael B. Yandle Landscape Architecture 13 Ross Common, P.O. Box 1695 Ross 415.464.0763 mbyandle.com

Steinsieck Landscape Design San Rafael 415.491.4260 steinsieck-land scape-design.com Suma Landscaping, Inc 400 Gate 5 Rd Sausalito 415.332.7862 sumalandscaping.com Summit Hill Builders P.O. Box 1733 San Anselmo 415.729.4456 summithillbuilders.com Suzman Design Associates 1265 Battery St, 5th Floor San Francisco 415.252.0111 suzmandesign.com

Michelle Derviss Landscape Design 1408 Park Ave Novato 415.892.3121 dervissdesign.com

Tischbern Design Studio 467B Magnolia Ave Larkspur 415.924.7664 tischberndesignstudio.com

O’Connell Landscape 3028 Petaluma Blvd N Petaluma 415.462.9729 oclandscape.com

Urban Homestead P.O. Box 1412 Point Reyes Station 415.235.3682 urban-homestead.com

Oasis Landscape Construction 1221 Andersen Dr San Rafael 415.456.2747 oasislandscape construction.com


Pedersen Associates 24 H St San Rafael 415.456.2070 pedersenassociates.com Shepard Design 336 Bon Air Dr, Ste 301 Greenbrae 415.378.7817 shepardandassociates.net Simmonds & Associates, Inc 330 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ste B San Anselmo 415.460.0460 simmonds-associates.com

58 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

Cottage Gardens of Petaluma 3995 Emerald Dr Petaluma 707.778.8025 cottagegardensofpet.com Dig Your Garden Landscape Design 25 Timothy Ave San Anselmo 415.453.8591 digyourgarden.com Eye of the Day 781-A Andersen Dr San Rafael 415.460.5403 eyeofthedaygdc.com Green Jeans Garden Supply 690 Redwood Hwy Mill Valley 415.389.8333 greenjeansgardensupply.com

GreenSpace Grass 9 Fabian Crt, Novato 415.720.7761 greenspacegrass.com Las Baulines Nursery 150 Bolinas Rd, Bolinas 415.868.0808 Mostly Natives 27235 Hwy One, P.O. Box 258 Tomales 707.878.2009 mostlynatives.com Nursery at Fairfax Lumber 109 Broadway, P.O. Box 249 Fairfax 415.453.4410 fairfaxgreen.com Sonoma Horticultural Nursery 3970 Azalea Ave Sebastopol 707.823.6832 sonomahort.com Sunnyside Nursery 130 Sir Francis Drake Blvd San Anselmo 415.453.2701 sunnysideofmarin.com West End Nursery 1938 Fifth Ave San Rafael 415.454.4175 Wheeler Zamaroni 3500 Petaluma Hill Rd Santa Rosa 707.543.8400 wzsupply.com

LIGHTS AND LIGHTING DESIGN Anna Kondolf Lighting Design P.O. Box 1094 Fairfax 415.456.5472 kondolf.com Boyd Lighting 944 Folsom St San Francisco 415.778.4300 boydlighting.com Eric Johnson Associates, Inc 1748 Lincoln Ave San Rafael 415.482.0923 ericjohnsonassociates.com

Light Express 838 Francisco Blvd W San Rafael 415.459.1261 light-express.com Lights of Rafael 4100 Redwood Hwy San Rafael 415.472.7292 lightsofrafael.com Lunaria 1108 Magnolia Ave Larkspur 415.461.0588 lunaria.us Nowell’s Lighting & Antiques 615 Irwin St San Rafael 415.332.4933 nowellslighting.com Randall Whitehead Lighting 1246 18th St San Francisco 415.626.1277 randallwhitehead.com The Lights of Rome 8 Del Fino Place Carmel 877.632.3482 lightsofrome.com Vita Pehar Design 10005 Bodega Hwy Sebastopol 707.829.6363 vitapehardesign.com

MILLWORK Artefice by Dianda 1050 Linda Way Sparks, Nevada 775.355.9663 finemillwork.com

Danielle Hirsch 415.944.0070 daniellepainting.com Gold Coast Painting & Finishing 26 B. Hamilton Dr Novato 415.883.1710 goldcoastbayarea.com Kerrigan Painting 874 Sweetser Ave Novato 415.898.4911 Kunst Bros Painting 76 Belvedere St San Rafael 415.456.4044 kunstbros.com Marin Color Service 770 Second St San Rafael 415.453.4065 marincolor.com Marin Wood Restoration and Painting Co 246 Balclutha Dr Corte Madera 415.924.5005 marin-wood.com Meyer Painting 757 Lincoln Ave, #17 San Rafael 415.459.3271 San Francisco Decors 10 Liberty Ship Way, #202 Sausalito 415.888.3269 sanfranciscodecors.com Tamalpais Paint & Color 5784 Paradise Dr Corte Madera 415.924.7321 tamalpaispaint.com

PAINTING Bay Heritage Painting 45 Park Terrace Mill Valley 415.609.2678 bayheritagepainting.com Boeck & Associates Painting Company 4328 Redwood Hwy, Ste 200 San Rafael 415.491.1702 boeckpaint.com

PAINTING – FAUX AND TROMPE L’OEIL Hayes & Co 24 Summit Ave, #3 Mill Valley 415.388.2087 Juvenile Hall Design Mill Valley 415.608.8426 juvenilehalldesign.com

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Home Renovation Guide 2012 SOLAR Real Goods Solar 27 Simms St San Rafael 415.456.2800 realgoodssolar.com SolarCraft 285-D Bel Marin Keys Blvd Novato 415.382.7717 solarcraft.com Sun first! Solar Energy Systems 3060 Kerner Blvd, Ste W San Rafael 415.458.5870 sunfirstsolar.com

SWIMMING POOL CONTRACTORS Apache Pool 1010 de Ganado Rd San Rafael 415.492.3351 apachepools.com

Ruby Newman Petaluma 707.765.6824 rubynewman.com Tricia George 2955 Kerner Blvd, Ste I San Rafael 415.577.5595 camurals.com

PLUMBING Burkell Plumbing 2000 Bridgeway Sausalito 415.332.3091 burkell.com Gotelli Plumbing Company 21 Lovell Ave San Rafael 415.457.1145 gotelliplumbing.com Lehmann Plumbing, Inc 28 Jewell St San Rafael 415.499.0111

Sinclair Fire Protection, Inc 390 Bel Marin Keys Blvd, Ste 11 Novato 415.883.9400 sinclairfire.com

REMODELING Schilling Construction 2034 Huckleberry Rd San Rafael 415.336.7422

RESOURCES Build It Green 160 Franklin St, Ste 310 Oakland 510.590.3360 builditgreen.org Contractors State License Board 9821 Business Park Dr Sacramento 800.321.2752 cslb.ca.gov

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Marin Builders Association 660 Las Gallinas Ave San Rafael 415.462.1220 marinba.org

De Mello Roofing 45 Jordan St San Rafael 415.456.0741 demelloroofing.com

National Association of Home Builders 1201 15th St NW Washington DC 800.368.5242 nahb.org

Marin County Roofing Co 250 Francisco Blvd W San Rafael 415.453.3511 marinroofing.com

National Association of the Remodeling Industry P.O. Box 1313 Novato 650.960.3362 northbaynari.org

Modern Method Roofing 800.541.1864 modernmethodroofing.com


Superior Roofing Solutions 35 Pamaron Way Novato 415.491.1144 roofingmarin.com

Booth & Little Roofing, Inc 2150 Redwood Hwy Larkspur 415.924.2733 boothandlittle.com

Wedge Roofing, Inc 5 Casa Grande Rd Petaluma 888.763.7663 wedgeroofing.com

Aquascape Custom Crafted Pools 1120 Industrial Ave, #23 Petaluma 707.769.7212 aquascape.org Janssen Pool Construction San Rafael 415.488.4455 janssenpools.com North Coast Pools + Spas Novato 707.961.0405 northcoastpool.com Riptide Construction, Inc 357 Sutton Place Santa Rosa 707.577.0264 riptideconstruction.com

Cascade Roofing 7586A Redwood Blvd, Ste A Novato 415.892.6039 cascaderoofing.com

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 59

Home Renovation Guide 2012 TILE/STONE Appian Way Paverstones 475 Riveria Circle Larkspur 415.924.6763 appianwaypaverstones.com Artistic Tile 111 Rhode Island St San Francisco 415.366.6147 artistictile.com Bay Area Bluestone 170 Gary Place San Rafael 415.453.2262 bayareabluestone.com Blue Slide Art Tile 11095 State Rte 1 Point Reyes 415.663.1640 blueslidearttile.com Ceramic Tile Design 846 Francisco Blvd W San Rafael 415.485.5180 ceramictiledesign.net Ceramic Tile World 10 Hamilton Dr Novato 415.883.8861 ctwdesigns.com City Stones 4241 Santa Rosa Ave Santa Rosa 707.206.9900 Dennett Tile and Stone 3310 Industrial Dr Santa Rosa 707.586.5390 dennett-tile.com Granite Transformations 3485 Airway Dr, Ste A Santa Rosa 707.566.9800 granitetransformations.com Heath Ceramics 400 Gate 5 Rd Sausalito 415.332.3732 heathceramics.com Italics Tile Showroom 650 Irwin St San Rafael 415.451.6150 italics-stone.com

60 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

Laura Lovitt Clayworks 2829 Bridgeway, Ste 101 Sausalito 415.302.2611 lauralovitt.com

Michael’s Custom Built Inc 1455Francisco Blvd E, Ste J San Rafael 415.459.0208 michaelsupholstery.com

London Tile Co P.O. Box 416 Mill Valley 415.302.1489 londontileco.com

Sal Beressi Fabric Co 1504 Bryant St San Francisco 415.861.5004 salberessifabrics.com

Marin Stone Care 246 Balcutha Dr Corte Madera 415.924.5005 marinstonecare.com

Stoich Designs 274 Magnolia Ave Larkspur 415.927.2362

McNear Brick & Block 1 McNear Brickyard Rd San Rafael 415.454.6811 mcnear.com Northcoast Tile and Stone 3854 Santa Rosa Ave Santa Rosa 707.586.2064 nctile.com Pippa Murray Mosaics 100 Ebbtide Ave Sausalito 415.637.6217 pippamurray.com Sonoma Cast Stone 133 Copeland St Petaluma 707.283.1888 sonomacaststone.com The Legacy Paver Group Santa Rosa 707.573.9080 legacypavers.com Venetian Fresco, LLC 777 Grand Ave San Rafael 415.505.5394 venetianfresco.com Villa Terrazza 869 Broadway St Sonoma 707.933.8286 villa-terrazza.com

UPHOLSTERY Magnolia Lane Soft Home Furnishings, Inc 313 Corey Way South San Francisco 650.624.0700 magnolialane.com

WINDOW TREATMENT Blinds and Designs 1 Blackfield Dr Tiburon 415.435.8080 blindsdesigns.com Casper Screens 30 Ray Ct San Rafael 415.747.8957 casperscreens.com Gilman Screens 530 Francisco Blvd W San Rafael 415.455.5363 gkandb.com/screens The Roman Shade Company 2 Henry Adams St, Ste M45 San Francisco 415.621.2777 romanshadecompany.com Window Accents, Inc 1505 Francisco Blvd W San Rafael 888.219.4159 windowaccents.com

WINDOWS/DOORS Blomberg Window Systems 1453 Blair Ave Sacramento 916.428.8060 blombergwindowsystems.com Charles Window & Door Company 901 Francisco Blvd E San Rafael 415.459.1600 charleswindows.com

Empire Shower Doors 1217 N McDowell Blvd Petaluma 415.453.0236 empireshowerdoors.com

Rafael Lumber 930 Andersen Dr San Rafael 415.453.3043 rafael-lumber.com

Glass Concepts 1709 Fourth St San Rafael 415.256.9766 glassconcepts.net

SGO Designer Glass 3095 Kerner Blvd San Rafael 415.454.3700 marin.sgodesignerglass.com

Mission Wood Products, Inc 27 Paul Dr San Rafael 415.472.2280 missionwood.com

Sierra Pacific Windows and Glass 800.824.7744 sierrapacificwindows.com

NanaWall Systems 707 Redwood Hwy Mill Valley 415.383.3148 nanawall.com

Sonoma Overhead Doors 21600 Eighth St E Sonoma 800.696.4132 sonomaoverheaddoors.com m

Pella Window Showroom 1717 4th St Berkeley 510.292.2900 pella.com

Find more listings online: marinmagazine.com/homerenovation

Alliance Custom Builders DESIGN/BUILD REMODELING SPECIALISTS 415.893.0408 Novato, CA info@alliancecustombuilders.com alliancecustombuilders.com




s it possible to enjoy a remodel? Steve Andre and Chris Chapek, founders of Alliance Custom Builders, believe you can, and their design/build remodeling process has been developed to make this happen for you. Their company is the alliance of a talented designer, an experienced builder, a pool of gifted tradespeople and you.

To Steve and Chris, listening to a client’s wants and needs is a key ingredient in providing creative remodeling solutions. Their design experience, combined with a depth of knowledge in products, materials, and construction techniques, will aid you in making informed choices. By acting as contractor and designer for your project, Alliance is able to establish a fixed price for construction, leading to realistic expectations, accurate scheduling and, ultimately, peace of mind for you. Their mission is to create a personalized and functional design that enhances your lifestyle and respects your budget. When investing in your home with a custom remodel, a professionally designed and executed project will provide the greatest value. Visit the portfolio page at alliancecustombuilders.com for inspiration and to learn more about the Alliance design/ build process. They take great pride in their growing list of satisfied homeowners who are enjoying their “Alliance” remodels. Call to schedule a free consultation and let Steve and Chris help you explore your home’s potential and Bring Your Dreams to Life!









ob Hodas has created over a thousand inspiring listening environments worldwide— from Tokyo, for Sony Music Entertainment, to London for Abbey Road Mastering. Among his clients are studios, producers, engineers and discriminating audiophiles—including Lucasfilm, composer Danny Elfman and recording artist Stevie Wonder. Connect with Bob Hodas Acoustic Analysis—world renowned for integrating perfectly optimized sound systems and refined acoustic design. Decades of experience have given him the ability to create acoustic spaces that sensitively complement his individual client’s aesthetic needs. Bob Hodas is the exclusive Northern California dealer for Focal Utopia Speakers. Take your stereo or theater system to a level demanded by Grammy and Oscar award-winners. “The Best System I’ve Ever Heard in a Studio (or perhaps anywhere!)” — Jim Hannon, The Absolute Sound

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AvidGreen Fine Landscaping DESIGNS, BUILDS & MAINTAINS GARDENS Make your garden the cherished refuge you always wanted. Interweave beautiful, fragrant ornamentals with flowering and productive fruit trees, seasonal vegetables, and culinary herbs. Attract birds, bees, butterflies. Grow citrus, apples, pomegranates, plums, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuces. We listen carefully to meet and exceed expectations. 2011 First-Place Winner for Design-Build from the California Landscape Contractors Association. Organic, Sustainable, EcoFriendly, Water-Wise. scott@avidgreen.com • 415.461.8477 • avidgreen.com



Hunter architecture



When working with historic renovations, Daniel’s extensive knowledge and experience enables him to create relevant spaces for his clients while retaining the intrinsic value of the home- all in a cost effective manner.

415.789.0953 Belvedere, CA hunterarchitecture.com

aniel Hunter, AIA specializes in two distinct types of residential projects; new modern, and historic renovations and additions.

His skills in contemporary home design are used to create beautiful and warm flowing modern homes that are as wonderful to live in as look at. His visual sense is complemented by his use of new green technologies including geothermal, solar, and passive lighting and cooling systems. He has the expertise to design beautiful homes that also reduce carbon emissions via a net zero energy usage strategy.

Daniel’s diplomatic skills and disposition enable his clients to enjoy a very high project approval rate on the first submittal. Daniel served on the City of Belvedere Planning Commission for 6 years. During his 3 years as Chairman, he helped guide numerous architects and owners through the complicated discretionary Design Review process. Daniel is currently retained by the City of Belvedere as a consulting architect reviewing and critiquing selected designs prior to submittal to the Planning Commission. Current Projects: Belvedere waterfront contemporary • Belvedere mid century modern renovation and addition • Belvedere contemporary renovation • Sausalito modern • Belvedere historic renovation








edersen Associates provides comprehensive land planning, estate-residential and commercial landscape designs. Their designs address environmental concerns, conservation practices and aesthetics, achieving careful integration of the site, architecture and community context. By blending the unique character of a site with a client’s program, tastes, practical needs and budget, Pedersen Associates creates timeless, environmentally sustainable designs that foster a natural flow between indoor and outdoor living areas. The firm is known for beautiful and appropriate plant selections, as well as creating exquisite entries, swimming pools, fountains, fireplaces, outdoor kitchens, trellises, fencing, garden spaces, and seamless renovations in an array of classic and contemporary styles that both complement and define the pleasures of California living. Pete Pedersen and his design team are current with the progressive trends within the industry and have extensive knowledge of and experience developing Bay-Friendly gardens, Rainwater Harvesting systems, Living Walls and Green Roof designs.

24 H Street • San Rafael, CA 415.456.2070 • pedersenassociates.com

Black’s Farmwood RECLAIMED WOOD BEAMS, FLOORING & SIDING Black’s Farmwood is a leading provider of the finest available reclaimed wide plank wood flooring, rustic paneling, weathered barn siding, antique wood beams and more. Perfect for your one-of-a-kind remodel, new construction, green building project or historic restoration. We also build custom furniture, as seen by this conference table built with beams reclaimed from a San Francisco cannery, circa 1880. By appointment only • San Rafael, CA 415.454.8312 • blacksfarmwood.com



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eramic Tile Design has been a fixture in the Bay Area for 30 years, perhaps because our gorgeous showroom, extensive offerings of unique tiles, and helpful design staff have kept us ahead of the competition. We also supply our products to other tile showrooms throughout California and offer a full service commercial A&D department. CTD works directly with more than 70 diverse factories in Italy, the US, and worldwide. Take a look at some of our extensive offerings: Our US tile collections include Trikeenan, Pratt & Larson, Sonoma Tilemakers, McIntyre, Encore, and Ken Mason Tile, to name just a few. Historic tiles include Rookwood and the Hearst Castle Collection. Our numerous glass lines, include the best in fine Italian glass tile, like Bisazza and Sicis. We also stock stone tile and slabs, including travertines, limestones, and slates. CTD leads the industry in bringing Green products to Northern California. As a member of both the USGBC and Build It Green, six members of our design team are certified in one or both of these organizations. We distribute all four of the leading Green countertop products: IceStone, PaperStone, Squak Mountain, and Trinity Glass. If you haven’t visited our showroom recently, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. Be prepared to enjoy a huge selection of beautiful, unique tile in stone, ceramic, glass, metal, wood, porcelain, and durable surfaces, plus the best in recycled and renewable products.





Sal Beressi Fabric Co.



ur 9,000 square foot warehouse showcases floor-to-ceiling upholstery, drapery, and bedding fabrics. We specialize in a myriad of velvets, mohair, linens, silk, tapestry, damask and vintage cotton prints and wools. Designer closeouts feature new looks for your home or office at great savings. Our goal is to offer an eclectic, comprehensive selection of fabrics. The bolts on-site are discounted by 40% and in-stock variety of choices are endless. We also offer sample lines from thirty different vendors with discounts from 25-40%. We make every effort to help our customers find that very special fabric. They bring paint chips, carpet samples, rugs, paintings, furniture pieces, pillows, vases and more to show us the color or pattern that they’re looking for. We enjoy being private detectives so the search is always on!

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Caletti Jungsten SUSTAINABILITY INTEGRATION IS OUR STANDARD Collaborative teamwork along with the founding principles of integrity and quality has Caletti Jungsten leading the construction industry in progressive and sustainable construction. Each project makes full use of Caletti Jungsten’s seasoned leadership to manage jobs professionally, innovatively and with full accountability resulting in projects of unmatched quality and value. 495 Miller Avenue • Mill Valley, CA 415.381.3162 • calettijungsten.com



LaughlinDesigns EXCELLENCE IN KITCHEN AND BATH Owned and operated by Beth Laughlin, Chief Designer on the 41st Marin Designer’s Showcase, LaughlinDesigns is a full-service kitchen and bath design firm. With over 25 years experience creating living spaces that embrace clients’ unique lifestyles, Beth’s fine work can be seen throughout Marin County. To deliver the best design solutions, LaughlinDesigns works with many product lines, contractors and installers. San Rafael, CA 415.847.7443 • LaughlinDesigns.com



well organized room with good flow, combined with beautiful elements and comfort is integral in each and every one of Sandra Bird’s Designs. Maintaining the design integrity of the home’s original character while creating spaces that are elegant and functional (such as the “handsome and handicapaccessable” bath shown here) are what sets the firm apart from the rest. Whether the scope of your project is a new kitchen, bath, office, master suite, an addition or a new home; Sandra Bird Designs offers complete services from initial design to working drawings and construction of your project. The firm is unique in being able to provide designers and craftsmen that can work with you throughout your project from start to finish. To experience beautiful examples of color, light, texture and design . . . please visit Sandra Bird Designs at www. sandrabird.com.

240 Magnolia Avenue • Larkspur, CA 415.927.1171 • sandrabird.com









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The Lights of Rome EUROPEAN LIGHTING AND HOME FURNISHINGS As patrons to the vanishing artisans of Europe, The Lights of Rome is committed to importing only the finest in Italian wooden-carved and Murano blown-glass lighting, superb hand-forged exterior and interior lights from a small family foundry in Germany, hand-embroidered textiles from Italy, and Italian and French Antique home furnishings. NEW CONTAINER OF FRENCH FURNITURE COMING THIS SPRING! 8 Del Fino Place • Carmel Valley Village, CA 877.632.3482 • thelightsofrome.com



t California Closets, we connect lives to solutions. By listening to your needs, we turn our conversations with you into designs you will cherish and love for years. Every California Closets project begins with a complimentary in-home design consultation where one of our skilled design consultants works closely with you to analyze your space and your needs. Once your design is finalized, we manufacture your solution using top quality¬, durable materials. Our professionally trained installation team ensures that your system will integrate perfectly into your home. Good design embraces a spectrum of individual taste: from elegant to informal, simple to sophisticated. This is why we offer choices in materials that allow you to express your own personal style through color, texture, and accents.

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leader in fine European kitchen cabinetry in over 62 countries on five continents, SieMatic has an unyielding commitment to innovative engineering and manufacturing excellence. Whether transitional or contemporary, SieMatic kitchens are known for distinctive styles and elegant finishes. The new BeauxArts.02 kitchen collection was designed expressly for the American market and complements both new and period homes. The interior also sets a SieMatic kitchen apart. Cabinets can be equipped with MultiMatic accessories, which include transparent canister drawers, silverware pull-outs and glass racks. The company philosophy of complementing a lifestyle, not just offering a product, makes it unique in the industry. From manufacturing plant to showroom floor, SieMatic’s commitment to providing its customers with “the premium lifestyle they deserve” makes the SieMatic brand name synonymous with unparalleled kitchen interior design.

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Cecilie Starin FULL SERVICE INTERIOR DESIGN Cecilie Starin brings her extensive training in fine arts and her love of architecture and applied design to seek an inspiring, eclectic mix of global styling and modern classicism. She juxtaposes classic with modern, and primitive with the exotic in rooms that celebrate comfort, refinement and elegance for the unique qualities of her clients.

Tiburon, CA 415.435.2549 • ceciliestarin.com



Chance Landscape Architecture LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND INSTALLATION Chance Landscape Architecture is a Marin County based Landscape Architecture and Landscape Construction company offering a range of landscaping services. For a decade owner Andrew Chance has been adhering to the principal that beautiful landscapes equate to healthy and sustainable landscapes. Our projects range from designing and installing small, intimate gardens to developing entire master plans for large estates. 500 Cedarberry Lane • San Rafael CA 415.613.1440 • chancela.com

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495 Jackson Street • San Francisco, CA 415.398.2988 • c-innercircle.com



Lamperti Contracting & Design MARIN’S BEST DESIGN AND CABINET RESOURCE Lamperti provides complete design/build services, specializing in kitchens and baths. As a factory authorized dealer for Bentwood, Columbia, Custom Cupboards and WoodMode cabinetry, we also offer fine cabinetry for every taste and budget. You will find that we provide outstanding value for your remodel dollar. Our designers and craftsmen take pride in our attention to detail for every phase of your project. 1241 Andersen Drive • San Rafael CA 415.454.1623 • lampertikitchens.com

Shahin Rug Gallery ORIENTAL RUGS, TIMELESS TREASURES Serving customers since 1995, we have recently moved our locations from Wisconsin to Northern and Southern California. Our strong craftsman relationships enable us to offer beautiful custom rugs at reasonable prices. We have worked hard to earn the reputation we are proud to have. If you need a new beautiful rug or a trusted source for repair and cleaning services, please call on us. Free pick up and delivery. 831 Fourth Street, San Rafael, CA • 1242 1st Street, Napa, CA 415.457.7847, 707.255.0500 • shahinrug.com

Studio Snaidero ITALIAN KITCHEN DESIGN Studio Snaidero has been a unique resource for exceptional kitchens in the Bay Area and throughout the United States since 1996. In collaboration with Italy’s most prestigious designers, Snaidero offers a singularly diverse portfolio of stunning cabinet designs. From understated elegance to edgy avant garde, we offer clients the means to realize a unique vision for their homes. 2658 Bridgeway, Suite 206 • Sausalito, CA 415.332.1745 • snaiderokitchens.com



The quaint city of Toledo, Spain – the nation’s medieval capital.



IT’S HIP TO ZIP Zip line adventures offer thrills with no spills for everyone in the family. BY MIMI TOWLE


N HIS FA MOUS 1897 book The Invisible

Man, H.G. Wells wrote about traveling through the jungle while suspended by a cable. What seemed like fantasy in the 19th century is a vacation mustdo in the 21st. Within the past decade, zip line (aka “canopy tour”) adventures have opened up miles of wild frontier — mostly jungles — to the adventure traveler. For this roundup we asked our intrepid readers to share their favorite courses.

The Akaka Falls course on the Big Island of Hawaii.

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 75

Destinations / GO

Hawaii Despite having visited the islands dozens of times, Grant Griffith of Sausalito had never been to the Hilo side of the Big Island until last fall. “I had heard about the new zip line above a 250-foot waterfall at Akaka Falls and had to experience it for myself,” he says. And he wasn’t disappointed. The newest zip line tour on the island is run by the first zip line company to set up shop there — Skyline EcoAdventures, based on Maui. “My girlfriend was nervous about the heights,” Griffith says. “She didn’t want her photo taken in the harnesses, but by the last ride she was loving it.” This course has seven different crossings and takes about three hours. zipline.com “When we travel to the islands, I aim for the water but my daughters would both rather head to the trees,” says Lynn Reynolds of Kentfield. During a quick trip to Maui last summer, Reynolds’ 13-year-old begged to go zip


lining. “Because of our time constraint,” says Reynolds, “we opted for the Haleakala course,” another Skyline offering; it combines a short hike and five lines — including one of the fastest in the U.S. “The two-hour adventure was the ideal compromise, allowing me some time on the water that afternoon,” she says. Next time they will try Skyline’s Kaanapali course, an eight-line course over waterfalls and lush valleys that lasts more than three hours and includes lunch. zipline.com

the way.” Despite a few embarrassing landings, she agrees that the overall adventure was a thrill and made for a fun-filled lifetime memory for her and her family. Dream Forest Canopy in the Arenal region offers one of the longest courses and some of the highest lines — up to 150 feet above the forest floor. Since the Brunners have visited, the company introduced a Superman Ride, which secures the rider facedown in a full-body harness (think superhero), eliminating those awkward landings. dreamforestcanopy.com

Costa Rica It was the height of the lines that the Brunner family most remembers from their 2003 trip to Costa Rica. Still, “what people don’t tell you,” remembers Bronwyn Brunner, “is they have you hog-tied, in a helmet and harnessed, so you are completely safe as you fly through the air, but whenever you come into the landing platform it’s your back end that’s leading

Dominican Republic The Bakhtiari family of Mill Valley could be considered zip line aficionados — they have zipped in California and abroad — so when they went on a family vacation to the Punta Cana region of the Dominican Republic in 2008, they didn’t hesitate to sign up for a canopy tour, with tour operators Bavarro Runners.

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76 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N


Amenities include pool, hot tubs, spa, owner’s concierge, ski valet and more.

“It was a beautiful course through remote valleys and jungles,” Leigh Bakhtiari recalls. “I really liked that the resting places were large metal platforms; I felt very safe.” That safety was tested when a thunderstorm descended on the area, but the alert staff took extra steps to make absolutely sure all seven family members made it back to base camp unscathed. The two-mile tour includes 16 platforms and passes through the Cordillera Oriental mountain range. bavarorunners.com

on Boyne Mountain,” says Gregg Bernier. Once they feel comfortable flying through the air, the family reserves a spot on the Boyne Mountain Zipline Adventure Tour, featuring ten lines that can reach speeds of up to 25 mph. “We love that the course was on the ski mountain and took us through areas that we’d otherwise not be able to see,” Bernier says. “Not that we had that much time to look around as we zoomed through the trees.” boyne.com

Paso Robles Michigan The Berniers of Corte Madera owned a second home on Lake Michigan near Boyne Mountain in the northwest part of the state for many years and loved to visit in both summer and winter. Once they discovered the zip line course at Boyne Mountain resort, they had a reason to come back regardless of season. “We whet our zip line appetite on the smaller course



Maryann Stansfield took the plunge on the Margarita Adventures Zip Line Canopy Tour at the historical Santa Margarita Ranch in Paso Robles. “I was enthralled with the adventure of it all. The tour took us through about three or four private ranch gates to get to the zip lines. No one was around for miles, just cattle and sprawling vineyards as we wound up this mountain road to the first line,” says

the San Luis Obispo resident. “It was my first time on a zip line, and I was a little scared, but I couldn’t have chosen a better location. It was thrilling.” The tour included four zip line routes over oak trees, valleys and vineyards, covering more than 3,000 feet, and ended with wine tasting at Ancient Peaks Winery. “I would recommend it to anyone and can’t wait to do it again!” santamagaritaranch.net m


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M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 77

Destinations / TRAVEL BUZZ


A Good Run in Nepal For a total of three days and 20 hours, ultramarathoner Dr. Joan Steidinger ran and hiked through the Nepali Himalayas, braving harsh weather, rugged terrain and high altitudes. She was participating in the Action Asia Nepal stage race, an annual 100K event that raises money for the Action Asia Foundation. The foundation has developed a primary health care and education center in Central Nepal and also helps underprivileged youth in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand. Steidinger says the experience was rewarding, but what really touched the Mill Valley resident and her husband, JP Poulson, was their work with the Freedom Children’s Welfare Center, a small orphanage in Kathmandu. To read more about Steidinger’s adventure and how you can duplicate her efforts, visit marintravelswithpurpose.wordpress.com. LOGAN LINK

Aaah, Bali Tiburon’s Marybeth Bond, of gutsytraveler.com, shares her favorite places to visit in Bali, and they just all happen to start with an A. All three are part of Aman Resorts (amanresorts.com), and all start at about $800 a night. MIMI TOWLE


Beachside Haven

Amanusa (pictured above) is a secluded resort just 15 minutes from Denpasar Airport and close to the nightlife and shopping areas of Kuta, Sanur, Legian and Seminyak. Guests can choose from a wide array of activities, including a round of golf on one of Indonesia’s finest courses, located adjacent to the resort. Complimentary activities range from an Uluwatu Temple tour to a soufflé cooking class.


Central Foothills Escape

Amandari provides a unique setting from which to explore the cultural richness of Ubud, Bali’s artistic center, as well as the mountainous region to the north. Amandari is part of a village overlooking the Ayung River, which is sacred to the Balinese. Facilities include a 32-meter swimming pool, tennis court, gym and spa. Complimentary activities range from an Ayung River trek to an Amandari massage.


Cliffside Views

Amankila’s 34 thatchedroof suites are perched above two levels of infinity pools and take advantage of the spectacular water views across the Lombok Strait. The Beach Club, with yet another swimming pool, is located on the private beach below the resort and offers a range of water sports, such as cruising and windsurfing. Complimentary activities range from a morning cruise to an East Bali trek.

A GOURMAND’S GETAWAY It’s hard to improve on a weekend jaunt to Pebble Beach, but we’ve got the recipe: add to it unending, delicious servings of bite-size treats from 64 of the who’s who in the culinary world — including local chefs Tyler Florence, Justin Everett, Ben Spungin, Charles Phan, Chris Cosentino and Michael Chiarello — paired with wine tastings from 175 of the best wineries in the country, and then finish it off with culinary classes, socializing and plenty of rest and relaxation. Yes, the fifth annual Pebble Beach Food & Wine event, which takes place April 12–15, is just around the corner. For information and to book tickets, visit pebblebeachfoodandwine.com. JULIE SINCLAIR

78 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

A RUSSIAN CELEBRATION Head to Bodega Bay this month to celebrate (or as they say in Russia, праздновать) the 200th anniversary of the arrival of the Russian ship Chirikov at what was then known as Port Rumyantsev. The festivities will be happening in conjunction with this year’s Bodega Bay Fisherman’s Festival on April 28 and 29. Highlights of the weekend include the annual “blessing of the fleet” celebrating the fishing industry and honoring the fishermen lost at sea; the wooden boat challenge, wherein competitors are given three hours to build a boat from materials provided and race it around the bay; and a U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue demo. bodegabay.com M.T.

Mouthwatering Maui After a yearlong $5 million remodel, Kō at the Fairmont Kea Lani has opened, featuring chef Tylun Pang’s plantation era–inspired menu. His dishes celebrate the many cuisines of that period, including Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese, Korean and Japanese, but with an innovative twist. Right next door at the Grand Wailea, chef Alan Wong will soon open Amasia, in the space that formerly housed Kincha. Amasia will feature a sushi bar and robata grill as well as East-meets-West small plates from around the globe. And for those who like a little ’70s rock legend with their rock cod, Mick Fleetwood will soon be opening Fleetwood’s, an ocean-view eatery just across from the seawall on Front Street in Lahaina. As they say in the islands, kaukau time! fairmont.com/kealani, grandwailea.com, fleetwoodsonfrontstreet.com M.T.

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M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 79

may 11 - 13, 2012

the courage of film

Out & About C A L E N DA R / O N T H E S CE N E / D I N E


Robert Allen Fine Art LISTING ON PAGE 85

A painting by Heather Capen

M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 81

Calendar T H E AT E R / CO M E DY / M U S I C / G A L L E R I E S / M U S E U M S / E V E N T S / F I L M



THROUGH APR 15 Cabaret Hector Correa directs this classic musical produced by Independent Cabaret Productions and Shakespeare at Stinson. Larkspur Cafe Theatre (Larkspur). 415.381.1638, cabaretsf.com

Gardens, Art and Architecture XVII Start with a 1904 Bernard Maybeck clubhouse in Mill Valley and then see additional Mill Valley homes on this annual tour, April 26. Mill Valley. 415.381.5204, outdoorartclub.org

THROUGH APR 22 Twentieth Century A theater producer sits next to the only star who can save his show during a train trip from Chicago to New York. Barn Theatre (Ross). 415.456.9555, rossvalleyplayers.com THROUGH APR 22 The Caretaker Harold Pinter’s first big hit tells the mysterious tale of a drifter named Davies who is offered shelter in a flat by two men, who later turn out to be brothers. Curran Theatre (SF). 888.746.1799, shnsf.com THROUGH APR 22 Othello, the Moor of Venice Shakespeare’s classic tale of love, jealousy and betrayal is directed by Jasson Minadakis. Marin Theatre Company (Mill Valley). 415.388.5208, marintheatre.org THROUGH APR 22 Maple and Vine A couple forsakes the modern world for one just a little simpler: 1950s America. ACT (SF). 415.749.2228, act-sf.org A painting by Linda Rosso at the Outdoor Art Club

82 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

APR 4–22 Sugar Two Chicago musicians must hit the road dressed as ladies after witnessing a gangland murder. Eureka Theatre (SF). 415.255.8207, 42ndstmoon.org APR 6–29 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Young lovers, a houseful of courtesans, magic potions, mistaken identities and unexpected returns make for an entertaining comedy. Novato Theater Company Playhouse (Novato). 415.883.4498, novatotheater company.org APR 10–22 Spamalot The quest for the Holy Grail as only Monty Python can tell it. Orpheum (SF). 888.746.1799, shnsf.com

COMEDY TUESDAYS Mark Pitta and Friends The comic hosts an evening for up-and-comers and established headliners to work on new material. 142 Throckmorton Theatre (Mill Valley). 415.383.9600, 142throckmorton theatre.com

DANCE APR 12–18 S.F. Ballet Program No. 7 features Divertimento No. 15, set to the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, followed by the revival of Scotch Symphony and concluding with Balanchine's neoclassical masterpiece The Four

Your Marin Symphony’s 59th Season Finale

Fresh. Local. Music.

Beethoven and the Bridge

Cabaret at Larkspur Cafe Theatre

Temperaments. War Memorial Opera House (SF). 415.865.2000, sfballet.org

MUSIC TUESDAYS Swing Fever The band pays tribute to jazz artists and composers, playing selections from its roster of over 1,000 tunes every first and third Tuesday. Panama Hotel (San Rafael). 415.457.3993, panamahotel.com TUESDAYS Kortuzday Jonathan Korty and Danny Uzilevsky host a weekly invitational jam that often attracts some big-name players and always produces great music. 19 Broadway (Fairfax). 415.459.1091, 19broadway.com APR 6 Honey Ear Trio This jazz double bill features Honey Ear Trio and Todd Sickafoose’s Tiny Resistors. 142 Throckmorton (Mill Valley). 415.383.9600, 142throckmorton theatre.com

APR 11 Mazzy Star The 1990s alternative rock band will fade into you. The Regency Ballroom (SF). 888.929.7849, theregency ballroom.com APR 14 Super Diamond This high-energy Neil Diamond tribute show is a local favorite. Sweetwater Music Hall (Mill Valley). 415.388.3850, sweet watermusichall.com

This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. The world premiere of the Marin Symphony’s Golden Gate Opus commission Chrysopylae (kris-sop’-i-lee) by Rob Kapilow celebrates a beloved icon’s 75th Anniversary, the Golden Gate Bridge. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony—another icon —celebrates a world united in brotherhood. Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 3pm Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 7:30pm Get your tickets now to our final concerts of the season* Call 415.499.6800, or buy in person at the Marin Center Box Office Concerts made possible by LVP Marin Realtors and Bank of Marin Guest artist sponsored by Steve & Christina Fox


MAR 15 Elvis Costello The rock legend also known as Declan Patrick MacManus takes the stage. Warfield (SF). 415.345.0900, thewarfieldtheatre.com APR 15 Daedalus Quartet One of the country’s top string quartets comes to Marin. United Methodist Church (Mill Valley). 415.381.4453, chambermusic millvalley.org




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M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 83

Out & About / CALENDAR APR 25 Mystery Lawn Music Showcase The label showcase features The Corner Laughers, Allen Clapp and His Orchestra, Agony Aunts, William Cleere and the Marvellous Fellas, The Hollyhocks, Alison Faith Levy’s Big Time Tot Rock and John Moremen's Flotation Device. Bottom of the Hill (SF). 415.621.4455, bottomofthehill.com

A painting by Yaz Krehbiel at Smith Andersen North Gallery

APR 19 Paula West Experience the rich and powerful voice of jazz and cabaret singer Paula West. Lark Theater (Larkspur). 415.924.5111, larktheater.net APR 19–22 S.F. Symphony Pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet

performs Saint-Saëns’ Piano Concerto No. 5. Davies Symphony Hall (SF). 415.864.6000, sfsymphony.org APR 21 Evolution The ultimate Journey tribute band comes to Marin. George’s (San Rafael). 415.226.0262, georgesnightclub.com

APR 21 The Romeros Hear the family guitar ensemble known as the “the Royal Family of the Guitar.” Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (San Rafael). 415.499.6800, marincenter.org

APR 22 Debbie Reynolds The living legend takes the stage and proves that at 78, she still has what it takes. Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (San Rafael). 415.499.6800, marincenter.org

Acacia Gallery Collages by Andrea, plein air

Art Abloom Studio and Gallery Studios and classes for artists. 751 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo. 415.256.1112, artabloom.com Art Works Downtown The Elements A juried show by Maria Medua, the director of SFMOMA’s artists’ gallery. 1337 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.451.8119, artworksdowntown.org Claudia Chapline Gallery Pacific Rim Poetry Saturday workshops on creating Japanese short

Debbie Reynolds

Known to millions as ‘The Royal Family of the Guitar,” this unparalleled royal family ensemble has become the international emissary for guitar chamber family music, their name synonymous with style, elegance, and technique. of guitar Saturday, April 21, 8 p.m. $45, $30, $20, Bargain Seats - $20, Rows 26-34

What becomes a legend most? Well, everything, if you’re Debbie Reynolds and can look back on a career spanning more than six decades. Today at 78 she is, as she has always been, America’s Sweetheart.

Sunday, April 22, 3 p.m. $60, $45, $35, $25, Students 18 & Under - $20

Marin Center 415.473.6800 84 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N


the romeros


APR 27 John Karl Hirten Hear music not written for the organ, played on the organ. St. Stephen’s Church (Belvedere). ststephenschurch.org

painting by Birgitta Kappe and ongoing work by Kathleen Lipinski and Steve Emery. 4162 Redwood Hwy, San Rafael. 415.479.3238, acaciagallery.net

Visit marincenter.org

Box Office Open Mon-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat 11am-3pm Plenty of Free Parking

poems. 3445 Shoreline Hwy, Stinson Beach. 415.868.2308, cchapline.com

Marin Arts Ongoing work. 906 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.666.2442, marinarts.org

Falkirk Cultural Center Falkirk’s Annual Juried Exhibition Featuring the work of local artists, through May 26. 1408 Mission Ave, San Rafael. 415.485.3328, falkirkculturalcenter.org

Marin Society of Artists Open Craft and Sculpture. 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. 415.454.9561, marinsocietyofartists.org

Gallery Bergelli New works from gallery artists. 483 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur. 415.945.9454, bergelli.com Gallery Route One Emergences Sculpture by Mimi Abers and Through Our Eyes a Latino photo project, through May 13. 11101 Hwy One, Point Reyes Station. 415.663.1347, galleryrouteone.org

Mona Lease Gallery Showcasing artists featured in the gallery’s spring catalog. 39 Greenbrae Boardwalk, Greenbrae. 415.461.3718, monalease.net Northbay ArtWorks Ongoing work. 7049 Redwood Blvd, Ste 208, Novato. 415.892.8188, northbayartworks.com O’Hanlon Center for the Arts Juried photography show. 616

Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.4331, ohanloncenter.org Robert Allen Fine Art Northern California Landscapes and Cityscapes A group exhibition of plein air and studio works on canvas and panel featuring Heather Capen, Peter Loftus, John Maxon, Larry Morace, Davis Perkins, Richard Schloss, J. Thomas Soltesz and Wendy Schwartz, through May. 301 Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.2800, robertallenfineart.com

Robert Green Fine Arts Abstract works by Paul Jenkins, through May.154 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.381.8776, rgfinearts.com

Rock Hill Gallery Pastels on monoprint by Sylvia Gonzalez. 145 Rockhill Dr, Tiburon. 415.435.9108, ccctiburon.net

Robert Beck Gallery Ongoing work. 222 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo. 415.456.7898, beckgallery.org

Seager Gray Gallery Art of the Book The 17th annual show of all thing book-related, through May. 23 Sunnyside Ave, Mill Valley. 415.384.8288, seagergray.com

An Ali Naschke-Messing installation in Indexical Makers at MOCA

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Out & About / CALENDAR

SAN FRANCISCO ArtHaus First International mobile phone awards exhibition, through June. 411 Brannan St, 415.977.0223, arthaus-sf.com

Spamalot at the Orpheum

Smith Andersen North Work by Yaz Krehbiel, through April 14. 20 Greenfield Ave, San Anselmo. 415.455.9733, smithandersen north.com

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Studio 333 Ongoing exhibition featuring more than 40 Bay Area artists working in different mediums. 333A Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.8272, studio333.info

Studio 4 Art Work by local artists and workshops offering materials and classes. 1133 Grant Ave, Novato. 415.596.5546, studio4art.net

The Image Flow Group show featuring local photographs. 401 Miller Ave, Ste F, Mill Valley. 415.388.3569, theimageflow.com

Berggruen Gallery Selected works. 228 Grant Ave, 415.781.4629, berggruen.com Cain Schulte Gallery New works by David Buckingham. 251 Post St, 415.543.1550, cainschulte.com

Elins Eagles-Smith Gallery New works by Raphaelle Gothalls. 49 Geary St, 415.981.1080, eesgallery.com George Krevsky Gallery The Art of Baseball 15th annual exhibition. 77 Geary St, 415.397.9748, georgekrevsky gallery.com Gregory Lind Gallery Paintings by Sarah Walker. 49 Geary St, 415.296.9661, gregorylindgallery.com Meyerovich Gallery Lantern Flowers New works from Donald Sultan, through June 18. 251 Post St, 415.421.7171, meyerovich.com


The Painters Place Work from five local painters of North Bay landscapes, through May 12. 1139 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur. 415.461.0351, thepaintersplace.com

Paul Mahder Gallery Paintings by Elena Zolotnitsky, through May, 3378 Sacramento St, 415.474.7707, paulmahdergallery.com

Rena Bransten Gallery Drawings from Amparo Sard, through April 21. 77 Geary St, 415.982.3292, rena branstengallery.com

An art piece by David Buckingham at Cain Schulte Gallery

Weinstein Gallery Ongoing work. 301 Geary St, 415.362.8151, weinstein.com

MUSEUMS MARIN Bay Area Discovery Museum Joanie Leeds sings songs from her new CD What a Zoo!, April 7 (Sausalito). 415.339.3958, baykidsmuseum.org Bolinas Museum Paleography: Oil Pastel Works 2008-2011 Paintings by Michael Sell, March 17–May 6 (Bolinas). 415.868.0330, bolinasmuseum.org Marin History Museum The Golden Gate Bridge: An Icon that Changed Marin Learn more about how the iconic bridge built in 1937 changed Marin’s destiny (San Rafael). 415.454.8538, marinhistory.org

Marin Museum of Contemporary Art Indexical Makers: 3 Bay Area Contemporary Craft Artists Featuring the work of Modesto Covarrubias, Ali Naschke-Messing and Angie Wilson, through April 15 (Novato). 415.506.0137, marinmoca.org Marin Museum of the American Indian Explore the history, languages, art and traditions of Native Americans (Novato). 415.897.4064, marinindian.com

BAY AREA Asian Art Museum Maharaja: The Splendor of India’s Royal Courts See paintings, photography, textiles and dress, jewelry, jeweled

objects, metalwork and furniture from princely India, through April 8 (SF). 415.581.3500, asianart.org California Academy of Sciences NightLife Enjoy music, creatures and cocktails for adults only and take some time to explore the exhibits and aquarium displays every Thursday night. See Fitz and the Tantrums on April 19 (SF). 415.379.8000, calacademy.org Conservatory of Flowers This unique living museum features rare and exotic plants and flowers (SF). 415.831.2090, conserv atoryofflowers.org

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Out & About / CALENDAR

E APR 28 March for Babies Get on those walking shoes and help support March of Dimes research into programs supporting parents and newborns. Fort Mason (SF). 415.788.2202, marchforbabies.org

Contemporary Jewish Museum Do Not Destroy: Trees, Art and Jewish Thought Explore the role of the tree in Jewish tradition through the lens of contemporary

artists, fi lms and photographs, through May 28 (SF). 415.655.7800, thecjm.org de Young The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier: From the

Sidewalk to the Catwalk The provocative, gritty, multicultural and often androgynous world of the revolutionary designer is explored. See 120 examples of haute couture and

prêt-à-porter designs created between the early 1970s and 2010, along with numerous sketches, archival documents, fashion photographs and video clips, through August

19 (SF). 415.750.3600, thinker.org di Rosa Preserve Cycle Hung Liu challenges the documentary authority of historical Chinese photographs

by painting the same subjects, through June 10(Napa). 707.226.5991, dirosapreserve.org Exploratorium Interactive exhibits provide an ongoing

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exploration of science, art and human perception (SF). 415.397.5673, exploratorium.edu Legion of Honor The Cult of Beauty: The Victorian Avant-Garde, 1860–1900 An exploration of the British Aesthetic movement with a focus on its beginning with a small circle of progressive artists and poets and ending with its arrival in the middle-class home, through June 17 (SF). 415.750.3600, legionofhonor.org Museum of the African Diaspora Exhibitions that blend art and innovative technology with the African tradition of storytelling are the focus at this unique museum

(SF). 415.358.7200, moadsf.org San Francisco Museum of Craft and Folk Art Only Birds Sing the Music of Heaven in This World This exhibition, organized by artist Harrell Fletcher, explores the relationship between art and agriculture from a variety of perspectives, through July 7 (SF). 415.227.4888, mocfa.org SFMOMA Mark Bradford Billboard paper, posters, newsprint and more all play into Mark Bradford’s abstract paintings made from fragments of the urban environment, through June 17 (SF). 415.357.4000, sfmoma.org

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Super 8 Eight artists from eight cities across the globe share their videos in a multichannel format, through July 7 (SF). 415.978.2787, ybca.org

APR 14 For the Love of Animals Enjoy a animal fashion show, live and silent auctions and dance performances from Stage Dor Dance Studio at

this event benefiting the Marin Humane Society. Community Center (Mill Valley). 415.506.6208, marinhumanesociety.org

APR 17 Dine and Donate Support Marin County school volunteers and the students they tutor by dining out at select restaurants. A portion of proceeds go to the

EVENTS APR 1 Cookie Decoration Get in the Easter spirit with free cookie decorating at Northgate. Panera Bread (San Rafael). 415.472.3212, shopatnorthgate.com APR 8 Spring Celebration: Easter Parade Celebrate Easter in style at this annual familyfriendly event on Union Street. Union Street (SF). 800.310.6563, sresproductions.com

A Teresa Dong painting at Painters Place

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M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 89


Leadership Lecture Series Spring 2012 Anne Lamott Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son’s First Son Wednesday, April 11, 2012 7:00 p.m. Angelico Hall, Dominican Campus Free lecture and book signing No RSVP necessary | Limited Seating

Preferred seating available with purchase of book from Book Passage. Books can be purchased at the event. XXX EPNJOJDBO FEV --4 t &WFOU -JOF PRESENTED BY



E APR 27–MAY 6 Swipe This highly technical piece presented by Smuin Ballet features the choreography and writing of Val Caniparoli set to a remix of music by Gabriel Prokofiev. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (SF). 415.556.5000, smuinballet.org volunteer program. 415.499.5896, mcsv.org APR 18 Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner Join special guests Peter Coyote, Michael Mina, Ronn Owens and Jed York for this special Commonwealth Club of California event. Palace Hotel (SF). 415.869.5909, commonwealthclub.org APR 19 Marin County Heroes Breakfast The American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter recognizes local individuals whose acts of bravery made them heroes. Embassy Suites (San Rafael). 888.443.5722, heroesredcross bayarea.org APR 19–27 Tiburon International Film Festival See the best examples of ďŹ lmmaking from around the world at the 11th annual festival. 415.381.4123, tiburonďŹ lmfestival.com APR 21 Earth Day Marin Enjoy speakers, live entertainment and children’s activities

90 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

at this Earth Day event. Lagoon Park (San Rafael). earthdaymarin.org APR 21 Great Chefs and Wineries The premier North Bay food and wine event is hosted by Huey Lewis and Bud E. Luv and features food and wine from more than 50 top area restaurants and wineries. The event beneďŹ ts Lifehouse, providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities in Marin, Sonoma and San Francisco counties. Fireman’s Fund (Novato). 415.526.5300, greatchefsand wineries.org APR 28 S.F. Decorators Showcase Dozens of the region’s top interior and landscape designers will transform 2020 Jackson Street (between Laguna and Octavia) into a premiere design showhouse as part of this 35th annual event. The showcase is a beneďŹ t for San Francisco University High School’s ďŹ nancial aid program. Designed

Bellissima B E


t i m e

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b l o s s o m

B O D Y MAKEOVERS SUPPER CLUB a p r i l 11 r s v p n o w


by Julius Kraff t, 2020 Jackson was built in 1902 by Wells Fargo Bank president Isaias Hellman as a wedding gift for his daughter. 2020 Jackson Street (SF). 415.447.5830, decoratorshowcase.org APR 28 Artists of Issaquah Show View and purchase a wide variety of art produced by residents of Sausalito’s colorful waterfront community. Issaquah Dock (Sausalito). 415.331.8989, artistsofissaquah.com APR 28 Marin Open Studios Preview Get a sneak peek of works by more than 250 artists and grab a copy of the guide to plan your tour for the open studio event in May. 325 Town Center (Corte Madera). marinopenstudios.com

Youth Film Festival at the Lark. The Lark Theater (Larkspur). 415.924.5111, larktheater.net


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APR 18 Marin Scuba Club Mike Boom talks about various dive trips from all over the world. The Flatiron Saloon (San Rafael). 415.456.5628, marinscuba.org APR 10 WildCare Family Adventures Look for butterflies, flowers, raptors and reptiles, including the elusive alligator lizard, on this hike to Novato’s Deer Island. 415.453.1000, wildcarebayarea.org



APR 29 Lark Theater Talented local youth make their own fi lms; see them as part of the seventh annual

M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 91

Dine Omakase (chef’s daily special) at Sushi Ran in Sausalito


dining. 55 Tamal Vista Blvd, 415.924.3366, brickandbottle.com IL FORNAIO Italian Sausalito’s Larry Mindel hit a home run with this upscale Italian restaurant franchise. Besides the award-winning breads, pizzas and pastas, the menu offers a variety of salads and noncarb entrées. 223 Corte Madera Town Ctr, 415.927.4400, ilfornaio.com PACIFIC CATCH PanAsian The well-priced menu here offers a bounty of fresh-grilled items and Pacific Rim—inspired small or main plates, including generously portioned wasabi bowls filled with rice (white or brown), veggies and your choice of chicken, beef and cooked or raw fish. It’s modeled after the Paia Fish House on Maui, down to the chalkboard menu and Hawaiian music. 223 Corte Madera Town Ctr, 415.927.3474, pacificcatch.com

N SUSHI RAN Japanese Fresh, innovative small plates are just big enough to share, the traditional sushi is melt-in-your-mouth good, and the wine, cocktail and sake lists keep the pickiest barfly well satisfied. Even the prices don’t deter the herd of sushi enthusiasts who line up nightly to partake; reservations are required in the main room. 107 Caledonia St, 415.332.3620, sushiran.com

92 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

CORTE MADERA BRICK & BOTTLE California Sourcing local and artisanal ingredients, executive chef Scott Howard brings simple California cuisine to Corte Madera’s Brick & Bottle. The restaurant features a large bar area, an outdoor patio and family-friendly

THE COUNTER California/American The folks at the Counter have taken the “have it your way” motto to a new level. Mostly known for all-natural Angus beef, turkey, chicken or veggie burgers, the restaurant also offers options like a bowl (all the ingredients without the bun) or

salads. And if you want a martini with your burger, no problem; there’s a full bar. 201 Corte Madera Town Center 415.924.700, thecounterburger.com

FAIRFAX 123 BOLINAS California Known for farm-fresh, organic cuisine, 123 Bolinas was created by four friends who aimed to showcase seasonal fare in a relaxing, intimate environment. Enjoy locally brewed beer and smallproduction wines as you take in the view of Bolinas Park through the floor-to-ceiling windows. 123 Bolinas St, 415.488.5123, 123bolinas.com IRON SPRINGS PUB & BREWERY American Grab a beer and a grilled portobello mushroom sandwich — which one Chronicle reviewer calls “the best mushroom dish I have ever tasted.” 765-A Center Blvd, 415.485.1005, ironspringspub.com SORELLA CAFFE Italian Open for over six years and run by sisters Sonia and Soyara, Sorella, which means “sisters,” serves up fresh Italian food with a northern influence. Customer favorites include cioppino, butternut squash ravioli and eggplant parmesan. Another highlight is the giant wheel of Grana Padana cheese, which is passed around the tables. Easy place to bring



the kids. 107 Bolinas Rd, 415.258.4520, sorellacaffe.com

GREENBRAE BISTRO VIS À VIS California This Bon Air Shopping Center eatery features the cooking of Michelinstar-rated chef Mike Fredsall. 282 Bon air Ctr, 415.925.4370, bistrovisavis.com WIPEOUT BAR & GRILL American The family-friendly hot spot has surfboards hanging from the ceiling, fun-in-the-sun music, a full bar and large televisions displaying surfers riding waves. Menu includes fish tacos, salads and burgers.The only thing missing is the sand at this surf-style, upbeat eatery. Kids eat free

on Tuesdays with each purchase of an adult entrée. 302 Bon Air Ctr, 415.461.7400, wipeoutbarandgrill.com

KENTFIELD HALF DAY CAFE American A tuckedaway setting of intertwining ivy and large open windows makes a perfect breakfast nook that’s also open for brunch and lunch. The menu includes lattes, exceptional pastries and much more. The place is casual and can get crowded on the weekends. Dine on the outdoor patio or inside. 848 College Ave, 415.459.0291, halfdaycafe.com

Thai Beef Salad at Boo Koo in Mill Valley

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Out & About / DINE


Modern Cookie Co. Larkspur’s latest sweet spot, Modern Cookie Co. located just off Magnolia Avenue, offers up warm, made-to-order cookies and fresh, premade treats. Here’s how it works: 1 Pick your dough. Choices include Chewy Chocolate Brownie, Brown Sugar Oatmeal, Modern Cookie Original, seasonal flavors and gluten-free and dairy-free options. 2 Top it off. There are many choices — everything from dark chocolate chips and coconut to berries and dried fruit.

LARKSPUR EMPORIO RULLI Italian Pastry chef Gary Rulli is renowned for his Northern Italian specialties and treats. The Larkspur location (there are three others) is a favored spot for lunch as well as coffee and a sweet. 464 Magnolia Ave, 415.924.7478, rulli.com LEFT BANK RESTAURANT French Known for awardwinning French cuisine and a lively brasserie ambience, this corner spot on Magnolia Avenue has rated high with locals for well over a decade. 507 Magnolia

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3 Don’t forget the final touches. Fudge dipping and City Bees’ honey drizzle have quickly become favorites. “I never thought I’d enjoy this so much,” says founder Jeanine Samuel. “It’s such a fun and rewarding space to be in. Everyone loves a warm cookie!” Also look for ice cream sandwiches and dough-to-go offerings, coming soon. 25 Ward Street, Larkspur, moderncookieco.com LOGAN LINK

Ave, 415.927.3331, leftbank.com RUSTIC BAKERY California Organic mouthwatering pastries, breads and sandwiches are on the menu here, including Meyer lemon mascarpone danishes and a bacon, avocado and heirloom tomato sandwich with mesclun. 1139 Magnolia Ave, 415.925.1556, and now at the Marin Country Mart, rusticbakery.com

TABLE CAFÉ Indian/ American This Indiainspired café’s unique menu features entirely organic ingredients. Dishes include seasonal salads, incredible soups and fresh juices. 1167 Magnolia Ave, 415.461.6787, table-cafe.com THE TAVERN AT LARK CREEK American The next chapter in the 1888 Victorian Murphy House, formerly known as Lark Creek Inn, is being written by chef Aaron Wright. 234 Magnolia Ave, 415.924.7766, tavernatlarkcreek.com

YANKEE PIER American This family-friendly casual clam shack is harbored in a quaint house built in 1924 as a private residence. Though known for beerbattered fish ’n’ chips, clam chowder and tasty salads, Yankee Pier serves fresh seafood delivered daily from both coasts with special dishes by chef August Schuchman. 286 Magnolia Ave, 415.924.7676, yankeepier.com

MILL VALLEY AVATAR’S PUNJABI BURRITOS Indian A small and friendly place with only a few tables but myriad Indianinspired burrito dishes to choose from. Try the curry chicken or Jamaican jerk wrapped in warm naan. Cash only, but worth the trip to the ATM. 15 Madrona St, 415.381.8293, enjoyavatars.com BALBOA CAFE MILL VALLEY California The San Francisco institution has already become a place to see and be seen in Mill Valley, especially after the 142 Throckmorton Comedy nights. Menu items include pan-roasted Alaskan halibut and risotto and burgers. 38 Miller Ave, 415.381.7321, balboacafe.com BEERWORKS BREWERY AND BEER CAFE American With a beverage menu of handcrafted beers, imported and local microbrews and house-made kombucha and root beer, this Mill Valley brewery is set to keep the local palate pleased. 173 Throckmorton Ave, 415.336.3596, millvalleybeerworks.com

BOO KOO Asian Finally Mill Valley has an Asian street food restaurant and best of all, dishes are $10 and less. The menu offers something for every eater — vegan, gluten-free, vegetarian, carnivore. Menu items include chicken pho, vegan summer rolls, pad thai and fivespice pork satay — all made with organic, locally produced veggies and proteins from vegetarian-fed, sustainably raised sources. 25 Miller Ave, 415.888.8303, eatbookoo.com BUNGALOW 44 American Much like sister restaurant Buckeye Roadhouse, Bungalow 44 offers a mean dose of homey carbo- and lipid-laden dishes, such as the burger, fried chicken and truffle fries, as well as a few lighter items. The bar is a neighborhood favorite, known for tasty spirits and eye candy. 44 E. Blithedale Ave, 415.381.2500, bungalow44.com CANTINA Mexican The traditional Mexican fare honors the original menu: soups, salads, sandwiches and sizzling fajitas at lunch portions and prices. Happy hour drinks and appetizers are $5 and under. 651 E. Blithedale, 415.381.1070, thecantina.com CHAMPAGNE French Enjoy a croque-monsieur alfresco, linger over a flaky, buttery croissant with a cappuccino, or pick up chocolatedipped strawberries for your dinner party. 41 Throckmorton Ave, 415.380.0410, millvalley.champagne bakery.com

EL PASEO HOUSE OF CHOPS American The award-winning dining destination has been purchased and revamped (with House of Chops added to its name) by Mill Valley musician/ restaurateur Sammy Hagar and celebrity chef Tyler Florence. 17 Throckmorton Ave, 415.388.0741, elpaseomillvalley.com FRANTOIO RISTORANTE ITALIANO Italian Known for its in-house olive press, superior olive oil and excellent Italian cuisine, this spot is a great location for an intimate dinner, large groups and anything in between. Owned by Roberto Zecca and chef Duilio Valenti, both from Milano, the kitchen uses local and organic ingredients. 152 Shoreline Hwy, 415.289.5777, frantoio.com GRILLY’S RESTAURANT Mexican Both the Mill Valley and Fairfax locations offer “healthy Mexican food” like grilled chicken, steak or veggie-filled burritos with glutenfree and vegetarian options. 493 Miller Ave, 415.381.3278, grillys.com HARMONY Chinese Dishes here are an infusion of many flavors. The barbecue pork bun is fi lled with house-made roasted meat in a savory sauce; fresh mussels are accented with red chili and Thai basil. Pair your pick with wine, beer or tea. Strawberry Village, 415.381.5300, harmonyrestaurant group.com

PIATTI RISTORANTE AND BAR Italian The staff prides itself on capturing the warm and welcoming atmosphere of a traditional Italian trattoria. Try for a table at the window for a truly exceptional view right on the water. Take a peek at the impressive collection of Italian wines to go with your rustic seasonal Italian meal. 625 Redwood Hwy, 415.380.2525, piatti.com TONY TUTTO PIZZA Italian Tony has been pouring his passion for pizza into his cooking for two decades and is now sharing his family recipes. Mostly outdoor seating, so dress accordingly. Dine in or take out. 246 E. Blithedale Ave, 415.383.8646, tonytuttopizza.com TSUKIJI SUSHI Japanese Named for the largest fish market in world, Tsukiji is owned by Roy and Chanel Liu. The couple earned their sushi stripes operating Morpho in San Francisco and Akira in San Rafael. Helping them behind the sushi bar is former Sushi Ran head sushi chef Haruo Komatsu. 24 Sunnyside Ave, 415.383.1382, tsukijisushimv.com

NOVATO BOCA STEAK & SEAFOOD South American Bring a date or celebrate a special event at this classic steak house, which features chef George Morrone’s (Aqua, Fifth Floor) Argentinean heritage. The grass- and grain-fed steaks are cooked over oak and almond. 340 Ignacio Blvd, 415.883.0901, bocasteak.com

FINNEGAN’S MARIN American This pub-style restaurant features tasty appetizers, grilled flatbread pizzas and entrées such as New York steak, garlic herb chicken and a braised beef and pork ragu. Wine, beer and cocktails are available. 877 Grant Ave, 415.899.1516, finnegansmarin.com HILLTOP 1892 California Situated in a historic estate in Novato, with sweeping views, Hilltop 1892 offers traditional favorites with a California flair. Open from breakfast through dinner, as well as Sunday brunch. 850 Lamont Ave, 415.893.1892, hilltop1892.com TOAST American Sister to the popular Mill Valley location, Toast Novato features outdoor dining and architecture by Stanley Saitowitz as well as great dishes by executive chef Michael Garcia. 5800 Nave Dr, 415.382.1144, toastnovato.com

SAN ANSELMO COMFORTS CAFE American This cozy spot features local ingredients and serves breakfast, lunch and weekend brunch. Be sure to try the Philly cheesesteak and Chinese chicken salad, both classics. 335 San Anselmo Ave, 415.454.9840, comfortscafe.com

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M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 95

Out & About / DINE


Green Eggs and Ham SERVES 4

For the green garlic hollandaise: K pound green garlic tops, cut K inch thick 1 tablespoon canola oil 8 ounces vegetable broth 4 egg yolks O cup clarified unsalted butter, melted Dash of Tabasco 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste For the home-style breakfast potatoes: 6 medium unpeeled large red potatoes, diced in K-inch cubes 2 tablespoons salt (for blanching water) 2 tablespoons canola oil Salt and pepper for seasoning 1 red onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon paprika K tablespoon ground cumin N tablespoon ground coriander K tablespoon ground black pepper N cup chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives

Eggs on the Edge A garlic-inspired Earth Day treat


fter coming down the mountain from the PlumpJack Squaw Valley Inn in Lake Tahoe, chef Rick Edge picked up the spatula at Mill Valley’s Balboa Cafe, where he’s been since May 2011. Inspired by green garlic’s peak season in April, he developed this recipe in time for Earth Day. Edge uses sustainable and hormone-free sausage and breakfast hams from Caggiano Company in Petaluma, also available in local retail markets. The biggest challenge of this recipe? “Making the hollandaise,” says Edge. “The trick is to not add the butter too fast and to control the temperature of the eggs. If the eggs get too hot they can scramble, and if the butter is added too fast the sauce will break.” Edge suggests reading through the whole recipe first before starting. “This way you have an idea of what needs to be done and there won’t be any surprises.” MIMI TOWLE

96 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

To prepare: 1 Sear ham in a cast-iron skillet until caramelized and heated through and set aside. 2 Heat a small nonstick fry pan over medium heat and add the clarified butter. 3 Crack two eggs into the pan, cook eggs until the whites start to set, then jiggle the pan to make sure eggs are not sticking. 4 Flip eggs and cook for about 10 to 15 seconds.* 5 Place eggs on a plate, garnish with green garlic hollandaise and serve with ham and home-style breakfast potatoes. *This process will have to be repeated unless multiple nonstick pans are available.

To make the green garlic hollandaise: 1 In a medium sauté pan over medium-high heat, cook the green garlic in the canola oil until the color starts to turn. 2 Add the vegetable broth and bring the liquid to a boil until liquid is reduced by half. 3 Transfer green garlic and liquid to the bowl of a blender and blend on high until smoothly pureed. 4 Over a double boiler* whisk the egg yolks along with the green garlic puree until the eggs have doubled in volume. 5 Being careful not to let the eggs get too hot, slowly drizzle the melted butter into the eggs while continuing to whisk. 6 Once all the butter is incorporated into the eggs and the sauce has doubled in volume, remove from the heat and whisk in the Tabasco, lemon juice, salt and pepper. 7 Cover sauce and place in a warm spot until ready to use. *If you do not have a double boiler, you may whisk the eggs in a stainless steel bowl over a sauce pot containing simmering water. Be sure not to let the bottom of the bowl touch the water or the eggs will get too hot. To make the home-style breakfast potatoes: 1 Place potatoes in a large pot, cover with salted cold water and bring to a boil. 2 Cook until tender but still slightly firm, about eight minutes. 3 Drain the potatoes, allowing them to cool and dry. 4 In a large skillet, heat the canola oil over medium-high heat. 5 Add the potatoes and let them sear for two minutes or until they start to color on the bottom. 6 Season the potatoes with salt and pepper. 7 Stir the potatoes to allow them to brown as evenly as possible. 8 Once potatoes are evenly browned and crispy, add the red onion and minced garlic, and stir mixture for about a minute to allow the onion and garlic to perfume the potatoes. 9 Add the spices and herbs, season again with salt and pepper and set aside.


Ingredients 8 large eggs 4 tablespoons clarified unsalted butter 4 slices Caggiano artisan ham (3–4 ounces each) 8 ounces green garlic hollandaise (recipe follows) 4 servings home-style breakfast potatoes (recipe follows)

Out & About / DINE CUCINA RESTAURANT AND WINE BAR Italian Relax with a glass of wine and have a slice from the to-die-for thin pizzas, topped with items like truffle oil and fontina cheese. 510 San Anselmo Ave, 415.454.2942, cucina restaurantand winebar.com INSALATA’S Mediterranean Awardwinning chef Heidi Insalata Krahling offers Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes prepared with local organic produce and artisan meats. 120 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, 415.457.7700, insalatas.com L’APPART RESTO French Owners Bruno Denis and Olivier Souvestre are offering a menu most Francophiles would be proud of, complete with items like smoked herring, bone marrow and cassoulet de legumes. 636 San Anselmo Ave, 415.256.9884, lappartresto.com

LOCOCO’S PIZZERIA Italian Worth driving to from all over Marin, and it’s an easy place to meet up with friends. The pizza crust is divine, as is the house salad. Good spot to come with the entire family. Closed Mondays. 638 San Anselmo Ave, 415.453.1238, lococossananselmo.com ORCHID THAI Thai Owners Peggy and Tom Thongnopneua create an inviting atmosphere with their warm smiles and helpful menu suggestions. The fare here has won “Best of Marin� awards many times over. 726 San Anselmo Ave, 415.457.9470, orchidthairestaurant. com TACO JANE’S Mexican Named after the owner’s mother. Don’t miss out on Jane’s handmade agave margarita or grilled plantains with crema. 21 Tamalpais Ave, 415.454.6562, tacojanes.com



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Peter Uzelac, MD

M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 97

Out & About / DINE W PANAMA HOTEL RESTAURANT American The tropical garden is a prime dining spot for people-watching and taking advantage of San Rafael’s warm weather. The Sunday brunch menu is a hit with kids, who can’t get enough of the Panama Waffle served with bananas, warm chocolate sauce and whipped cream. 4 Bayview St, 415.457.3993, panamahotel.com

SAN RAFAEL AMICI’S EAST COAST PIZZERIA California The array of pizzas includes gluten-free crust options and the new Siciliano, an enticing mix of mozzarella, slow-roasted garlic, sausage, broccoli and crushed red pepper flakes, sans tomato sauce. 1242 Fourth St, 415.455.9777, amicis.com

MI PUEBLO Latin Opened in 1991, Mi Pueblo offers not only tasty party trays and an authentic, affordable place for food-shoppers to buy unusual ingredients, but also a lunch (to take out or eat there) that has reached county cult status. Can’t beat the prices either: two veggie tacos for under $2, a two-enchilada plate with rice and beans for only $5.95. 330 Bellam Blvd, 415.578.3971, mipueblofoods.com

98 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

MULBERRY STREET PIZZERIA Italian Chef Ted Rowe won first place in the Food Network Television Pizza Challenge with his Mushroom Lover’s Pizza — sautéed mushrooms in a creamy garlic sauce atop a fresh pizza crust. Located across from the Smith Ranch Road movie theaters, it’s a great place to grab dinner and a movie. 101 Smith Ranch Rd, 415.472.7272, mulberry-streetpizzeria.com

SABOR OF SPAIN Spanish Opened in 2003, this tapas and wine bar is a great place for a romantic date or a big party (catering available). Old-world values and a healthy olive oil–based Mediterranean diet have preserved the authentic flavors found throughout Spain’s history. Enjoy wine tasting, eating and shopping for fine wines all under one roof. 1301 Fourth St, 415.457.8466, saborofspain.com

NAPOLI Italian This is a family-owned-andrun restaurant with a unique craft beer program; they keep the prices down and the libations flowing. About 45 wines and 25 beers (including some from Marin) are on the list at any given time. The pizza and pasta on the extensive dinner menu are a merge of East Coast Italian with Marin and Bay Area accents. 869 4th St, 415.459.3315

SAN RAFAEL JOE’S Italian Guido and Theresa Farina run this Marin institution, which has been famous for sophisticated yet casual Italian fare since 1947. Great for large parties, the dining room holds 240. The Pacific red snapper meunière and roast sirloin of beef are standouts. 931 Fourth St, 415.456.2425, srjoes.com

SOL FOOD Puerto Rican With south-ofthe-border treats like yellow rice, beans and plantains and authentic Puerto Rican specialties, this one-room eatery on Fourth Street just off Highway 101 can be hard to get into, but it’s worth the wait. No alcohol served. 903 Lincoln Ave, 415.451.4765, solfoodrestaurant.com

SUSHI TO DAI FOR Japanese Snagging a seat in this popular sushi spot can be a challenge, but patience will be rewarded with tasty and fresh sashimi, unique sushi rolls and great prices. 869 Fourth St, 415.721.0392 TAJ OF MARIN Indian Delicious North and South Indian cuisine, from the $8.95 lunch special to dinners that include goat curry, spinach, lentils and tandoori.

Gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options available. 909 4th Street, 415.459.9555, tajofmarin.com THERESA & JOHNNY’S COMFORT FOOD American Cooking like Mom used to make. Drop by for eggs Benedict, tuna melts, coffee and some of the best milk shakes around. 817 Fourth St, 415.259.0182, theresa-and-johnnys.com TOMATINA Italian Inspired by the “La Tomatina” festival in Bunol, Spain, Tomatina offers fresh pizza, pastas and more. For a classic Italian dish, try the five-cheese pizza, or think outside the box with eggplant parmigiana. 5800 Northgate Mall, 52, 415.479.3200, tomatina.com WHIPPER SNAPPER RESTAURANT California/Caribbean Owner and chef Bill Higgins serves reasonably priced and delicious tapas. Save room for delicious fish tacos and yummy chocolate bread pudding. On Sundays, try the $3 glasses of sangria. 1613 Fourth St, 415.256.1818, whipsnap.biz

SAUSALITO ANGELINO RESTAURANT Italian Father-and-son chefs Pasquale and Alfredo Ancona offer seasonal antipasti at this Italian restaurant, which has been featuring cuisine of the Campania region for the past 24 years. 621 Bridgeway, 415.331.5225, angelinorestaurant.com AVATAR’S Indian Looking for “the best meal of your life”?

Let owner Ashok Kumar order for you. One-room casual dining for lunch and dinner. 2656 Bridgeway, 415.332.8083, eatavatar.com BAR BOCCE American Food tastes better, your company becomes funnier and issues of the day seem trivial when you’re dining on a bayside patio with fire pits and a bocce ball court. Throw in sourdough bread pizzas and a glass of wine, and you’ll see why this casual eatery has become a local favorite. 1250 Bridgeway, 415.331.0555, barbocce.com CAFFÉ DIVINO Tuscan Locals come for the tasty pastas and salads as well as coffee drinks, served in a funky one-room setting. 37 Caledonia St, 415.331.9355, caffedivinosausalito.com CIBO Cafe Husbandand-wife team Alfredo and Tera Ancona offer a menu of tarts, croissants, cookies, paninis and soups. Every dish is made from scratch with local and seasonal products. 1201 Bridgeway. 415.331.2426, cibosausalito.com KITTI’S PLACE Thai/ California Try weekly specials like the Thai Toast: crispy sliced baguette topped with shrimp and chicken. 3001 Bridgeway #D, 415.331.0390, kittisplace.com LE GARAGE French The atmosphere is animated with light French music (think Amélie). The Kobe Burger, though not as Parisian as the other menu items, is to die for. And the


The dining room at Panama Hotel Restaurant in San Rafael

DEDICATED TO EXCELLENT, COMPREHENSIVE CARE much-adored croquemonsieur is under $10. Opt for indoor or outdoor seating. 85 Liberty Ship Way, 415.332.5625, legaragebistrosausalito. com MURRAY CIRCLE American Enjoy the sun on the deck of this Cavallo Point restaurant. Locals say they come back for the fresh seasonal specials like wild sturgeon and Wolfe Ranch quail. 601 Murray Circle, 415.339.4750, cavallopoint.com POGGIO Italian A great place to celebrate a special occasion or simply enjoy a night out. Executive chef Peter McNee cooks up delicious Northern Italian cuisine using fresh and local ingredients, including produce from the nearby Poggio chef garden. 777 Bridgeway, 415.332.7771, poggiotratoria.com SPINNAKER Seafood Chef Phil Collins excels at preparing seafood, and it shows in the beautiful plate presentations. Set right on the water, this romantic spot is great for an evening occasion. 100 Spinnaker Dr, 415.332.1500, thespinnaker.com

TIBURON DON ANTONIO TRATTORIA Italian The menu includes traditional courses with selections such as chicken piccata, organic roasted rack of lamb and housemade pesto. 111 Main St, 415.435.0400, donantoniotrattoria.com

MILANO Italian Located in the Cove Shopping Center, this family-owned neighborhood spot is known for its pasta and friendly service. A good place to take the kids — or catering option for your next birthday party. 1 Blackfield Dr, 415.388.9100, tiburonmilano.com SALT & PEPPER American This sun-fi lled, hardwoodfloored one room restaurant with bluecheckered tablecloths is a local favorite. Popular items on chef Abraham Monterroso’s menu include scallops, rib-eye steak, a beef burger and traditional crab cakes with jalapeno dipping sauce. 38 Main Street, 415.435.3594 SAM’S ANCHOR CAFE American Everyone knows Sam’s deck is the prime spot for brunch on a lazy sunny Sunday, and its bar is the town’s historic watering hole, but Sam’s is also a great place for lunch or dinner. Enjoy transfat-free calamari, fresh fish, seasonal salads and pastas. 27 Main St, 415.435.4527, samscafe.com

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SERVINO RISTORANTE Italian A member of Marin Organic and one of Marin’s first eateries to become certified as a green business, Servino uses fresh, local and organic ingredients whenever possible. Check the website for the live music schedule. 9 Main St, 415.435.2676, servino.com TIBURON GRILL California The atmosphere here is truly enchanting, with two outdoor patios, two indoor fireplaces and

M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 99

Out & About / DINE Peach with lardo at Murray Circle in Sausalito

candlelit tables at dinner. Happy hour is Monday through Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. 1651 Tiburon Blvd, 415.435.5996, thelodgeattiburon.com

WEST MARIN DRAKES BEACH CAFE American Fresh local ingredients are used to make the burgers, salads and soups at this casual spot (Inverness). 1 Drakes Beach Rd, 415.669.1297, drakesbeachcafe.com NICK’S COVE American Menu consists of the freshest available local seafood, oysters and bounty from nearby West Marin farms, including Bodega Bay Dungeness crab cake and Tomales

Bay clam chowder (Marshall). 23240 State Rte 1, 415.663.1033, nickscove.com OLEMA INN California Great destination lunch spot for a Sunday drive, or dinner every night. (Olema). 10000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, 415.663.9559, theolemainn.com PINE CONE DINER American Just off the main road, Joannie Kwit has re-created the ultimate neighborhood diner. (Point Reyes Station). 60 Fourth St, 415.663.1536, thepineconediner.com RANCHO NICASIO American Known for live music and an extensive menu featuring everything from

dungeness crab burgers to walnut-crusted goat cheese. 1 Old Rancheria (Nicasio) Rd, 415.662.2219, ranchonicasio.com SAND DOLLAR American Enjoy live music along with local barbecued oysters. (Stinson). 3458 Shoreline Hwy, 415.868.0434, stinson beachrestaurant.com SURFERS GRILL American Built right out on Stinson Beach, this casual lunch spot offers up tasty fresh organic salads alongside corn dogs, burgers and fries. Stinson Beach Park, Hwy 1, 415.868.1777, surfersgrill.com

Your medical care just got a lot more convenient. Sutter Pacific now provides online tools to manage your health. You can email your doctor, request an appointment, view lab results and renew prescriptions. Our doctors, who are part of the Sutter Health network, are affiliated with some of the most respected hospitals in the region and provide quality care at locations near you. U U U

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Doree Clark, owner and artistic director of Stage Dor Dance Studio & Performance Space

What makes you excel at what you do?

At Stage Dor we have a passion for

Some of our performing adults are asked to do some very funny things in

dance, and it shows in everything we

our shows, but it really is a family affair at Stage Dor, especially when the

do — from our range of traditional

kids dance side by side with their parents — even if they are each wearing

and contemporary disciplines to our

a space suit!

Because I have a real and genuine love for the arts, and specifically dance, I’m able to create original material that showcases a wide range of talent.

What is the funniest thing that’s happened recently in your business?

unique performances that showcase some of the community’s most

From a business standpoint, who’s your inspiration?

dynamic and diverse talent. Our

I’m inspired by the dance/storytelling style of Susan Stroman; the

vision is for all students to step beyond any preconceptions of their own

choreography of Mia Michaels; the technique and style of one of the

ability to find their own unique steps, at whatever level they aspire to.

greatest dancers who ever lived, Luigi Facciuto, whose method is as beautiful as it is therapeutic. These are all people who have incredible

What (or who) were you going to be when you grew up?

vision, and their art is so infused with feeling and inspiration.

For a long time I wanted to be Elizabeth Taylor because I loved National Velvet; I even made my mother call me Elizabeth for a year!



2012 Marin S onoma Concours d ’ Elegance Weekend


The Chairman’s Dinner & Auction Friday May 18, 2012 3BN T (BUF 8JOFSZ r 4POPNB







2012 Beneficiaries include Hospice By The Bay and Boys & Girls Clubs of Marin and Southern Sonoma Counties

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 101


DINE out


Deals on Meals Enjoy local restaurants and save 30 percent on meals. Check out the participating restaurants in our “Deals on Meals” section and experience big

savings. Spend only $35 for a dining certificate worth $50. Simply go to marinmagazine.com/dineout to purchase a dining certificate from a restaurant in this section and we will mail it to you. Try a new restaurant or purchase a certificate for an old favorite. A perfect gift for any occasion. Limited supply each month.

Dine local — save big time!

Amici’s offers a taste of the Northeast’s distinctive Italian fare, including authentic thin-crust pizzas, and freshly made pastas and salads. Amici’s offers dine-in and takeout as well as delivery of their entire menu to local homes and businesses. A Gluten Free menu is also available at the San Rafael location.

BooKoo is a funky hole-in-the-wall restaurant in downtown Mill Valley serving Southeast Asian-inspired street food. Think noodle and rice bowls, banh mi, soups and salads, beer and wine. We pride ourselves on fresh, healthy and flavorful food that is affordable and prepared quickly. Come visit!

Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria 1242 Fourth Street San Rafael, CA

BooKoo 25 Miller Ave Mill Valley, CA

415.455.9777 amicis.com

415.888.8303 eatbookoo.com

The historic Cliff House offers awesome views from every angle and one of nature’s best shows every day. Dine in the casual Bistro Restaurant or the elegant Sutro’s at the Cliff House. Sunday Brunch in the Terrace Room is a Bay Area tradition with free-flowing champagne and a delicious buffet.

Consistently rated “Best of Marin,” Comforts offers fine city and homestyle food. At Comforts Catering, we provide delicious, quality food that truly stands out, making your event as memorable as possible. For more information, please contact Catering Mon-Fri, from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Cliff House 1090 Point Lobos San Francisco, CA

Comforts Cafe 335 San Anselmo Avenue San Anselmo, CA

415.386.3330 cliffhouse.com

415.454.9840 comfortscafe.com



Frantoio tantalizes your taste buds with contemporary Italian cuisine. Family owned since 1995, the restaurant emphasizes fresh, sustainable and organic ingredients serving locally produced fruit, vegetables, seafood, and meats. Enjoy fantastic salads, housemade pasta, wood fired pizza, grilled entrees, and decadent desserts in an elegant yet relaxed setting.

Specialties include mesquite-grilled steaks and fish, house-made pastas, fresh salads and soups, a wide variety of desserts, and fresh baked bread along with artisan cocktails and a Wine Spectator award-winning wine list. Each month, a special regional dinner menu is featured. Groups of all sizes are welcome!

Frantoio Ristorante 152 Shoreline Highway Mill Valley, CA

Il Fornaio 223 Corte Madera Town Ctr Corte Madera, CA

415.289.5777 frantoio.com

415.927.4400 ilfornaio.com

LoCoco’s Pizzeria has been a favorite in Marin for over 40 years. Our antique family recipe is the secret to our success, and our authentic pasta sauces reflect the traditional Sicilian style. Dishes such as cannelloni, seafood, and salads complete a picture-perfect comforting meal.

The Counter offers all-natural, humanely-raised beef and 312,120+ combinations to build your own burger. The Counter is a great place for family, friends, great music and a full bar. Voted best burger in Bay Area by SFGate.com readers on Baylist 2011. ‘LIKE’ us on www.facebook.com/ TheCounterCorteMadera !

LoCoco’s Pizzeria 638 San Anselmo Ave. San Anselmo, CA

The Counter 201 Town Center Corte Madera, CA

415.453.1238 lococossananselmo.com

Dining in? Try one of the great recipes in Organic Marin. Produced by Marin Magazine, this seasonal cookbook celebrates the organic farmers of Marin County and over 40 delicious recipes from local restaurants. 35% off with the code DINEIN. Go to themarinstore.com/organicmarin

415.924.7000 thecounterburger.com

Located in historic downtown Petaluma, Tres Hombres Long Bar and Grill offers unique coastal Mexican cuisine with spices and flavors from all over Central and South America. Come see us for lunch, dinner, our bottomless champagne Sunday brunch, or to sample one of our over 200 tequilas. Tres Hombres 151 Petaluma Blvd South #129 Petaluma, CA

707.773.4500 treshombresrestaurant.com


On the Scene S N A P S H OT S F R O M S P EC I A L E V E N T S I N M A R I N A N D S A N F R A N C I S CO


W DIAMONDS IN THE SKY Elisabeth Thieriot hosted Diamonds in the Sky, featuring the jewelry collection of fellow philanthropist and designer Sudha Pennathur. Nearly 100 guests gathered, with sales of the jewelry benefiting The Redwoods senior community.

Elisabeth Thieriot, Suzanne Badenhoop, Guy Lampard, Doug McConnell and Carol Ann Wentworth

Sudha Pennathur and Diana Adachi

S TIBURON MILE At the 12th annual Tiburon Mile Open Water Swim, racers braved the chilly waters to cover one nautical mile from Angel Island to Tiburon. KPIX weather anchor Roberta Gonzales, whose team swam to raise donations to support Hospice By the Bay, finished the race in 34 minutes.

Mark Fishkin, Emilio Estevez, Martin Sheen and David Alexanian

N RAFAEL FILM CENTER Theatergoers received an insider’s look at the new film The Way, with a special discussion and advance screening with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. The Way chronicles the story of an American who travels to France to collect the remains of his son and walk a 500-mile journey, known as the Way of St. James. 104 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

Stephen Thal, Roberta Gonzales and Sandra Lew


Grace Hughes, Spencer Michels and Roberta Michels

Marin’s Original Reclaimed Wood Company www.blacksfarmwood.com San Rafael Showroom • By Appointment 415.454.8312 M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 105

Mitchel Berman Cabinetmakers CUSTOM CABINETRY & FURNITURE

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106 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

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M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 107




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108 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

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Shahin Rug Gallery The beauty of our Oriental rugs can be your timeless treasure. Asghar Shahin

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M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 109


13th Annual



THURSDAY MAY 10, 2012 MILL VALLEY COMMUNITY CENTER - CASCADE ROOM Honoring individuals, businesses and organizations who have made a significant difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer, in our understanding of breast cancer and the healing process, and in the health of our community.

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M A R I N A P R I L 2 0 1 2 111

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FINDING VALUE IN VERISSIMO VALLE Time plus patience equals the perfect home for a Novato couple. BY PJ BREMIER • PHOTOS BY TIM PORTER

One of the fireplaces in the Mieritz home.

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 113

Clockwise from top: The 1980s home features a three-car garage; rustic mirrors add dimension to the breakfast room; a backyard play structure for the kids.


A KOB A ND A NIKO Mieritz searched

The house is big enough for the five of us, and there’s an eat-in kitchen, a three-car garage, an amazing pool, a large garden with a tire swing, and a guest house to accommodate my mother’s weekly overnights and visiting family from Denmark.

114 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N

for their dream house in their favorite Novato location, the desirable Verissimo Valle, located southeast of Stafford Lake, for six years. After two rejected offers on potential homes, the couple eventually decided to expand the home they were in — which was in the nearby Pleasant Valley neighborhood of Novato — to accommodate their expanding family, which included three young children. “We added a second story to our old home and made it close to perfect, but we kept our eye on the market,” Aniko recalls. Serendipitously, just as they finished construction two years later, their dream home in Verissimo Valle finally went on the market. It was the same house Aniko had first identified when driving through the neighborhood, telling herself, “That’s the house I want.” The almost two-acre property, located in an unincorporated area of Marin, is “quite the country setting, with the occasional sound of goats and a morning rooster,” she says. “The house is big enough for the five of us, and there’s an eat-in kitchen, a three-car garage, an amazing pool, a large garden with a tire

swing and a guest house to accommodate my mother’s weekly overnights as well as visiting family from Denmark. Perfect!” Verissimo Valle “is a little piece of heaven tucked away in the country,” confirms Jim Shroyer, the Mieritzes’ agent. “It’s known for being an upscale area with breathtaking views of hills and open space, with large lots and great schools.” These were the qualities that held the couple’s interest. “We watched the housing market change,” Aniko says. “We watched the house go in and out of contract and watched it go on and off the market. Finally, the timing was right for us, and now we are here and happy.” m

Marin Home / BACKSTORY

We watched the housing market change. We watched the house go in and out of contract and watched it go on and off the market. Finally, the timing was right for us, and now we are here and happy. THE DETAILS WHERE THEY PURCHASED Verissimo Valle, Novato WHAT THEY BOUGHT A fourbedroom traditional-style residence with guest house LISTING AGENT John Hammer, Frank Howard Allen SELLING AGENT Jim Shroyer, Pristine Properties STATS Average cost per square foot for homes in the neighborhood: $300

Left: The Mieritz family shares a pitcher of lemonade made from homegrown lemons. Below: A view from the television room into the family room.

M A R I N AP R I L 2 0 1 2 115

Close to Town and School...


Located on Ross’ premier street on which the most notable Estates can be found; this Country Manor is close to schools, Town, and Mt %DOG\ $ VHDPOHVV FRPELQDWLRQ RI WUDGLWLRQDO ZLWK FRQWHPSRUDU\ GpFRU DQG GHVLJQ HOHPHQWV WKLV (VWDWH UHĂ HFWV WRGD\¡V PRGHUQ OLIHVW\OH You can spend a busy weekend and not need a car because of the proximity to shops, parks, and trails, not to mention the delightful time spent in the garden where harvesting vegetables and fruit is an everyday delight. This Estate has 7 bedrooms/8.5 baths on approximately 1.71 acres, which includes 2 guesthouses, cabana with sauna, 2 pools, spa, fruit trees, ODUJH YHJHWDEOH JDUGHQ DQG SURIHVVLRQDO J\P 5HEXLOW DQG UHQRYDWHG E\ EXLOGHU GHVLJQHU 0LWFK :LHQHU WKH EXLOGLQJV DQG JURXQGV UHĂ HFW his signature masonry and innovative style. The acreage is fully landscaped with irrigation systems. Paths circumvent the property with many seating areas, destinations, gorgeous views, and extensive lawns. The weather is exceptional. It is truly a ‘wonderland’ for children and adults alike.

Offered at $11,500,000 Your San Francisco Connection: Isobel Wiener and Danielle Chavanon are San Francisco Sotheby’s International Realty agents who ‘major’ in Marin. Isobel lives in Marin, Danielle is from France and lives in San Francisco! We work at Sotheby’s International Realty in San Francisco for its International Reach. Combined we have 50 years experience and DUH NQRZQ IRU EUHDNLQJ UHFRUGV 9LVLW XV DW 6DQ )UDQFLVFR 6RWKHE\¡V ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HDOW\ EURNHUDJH RIĂ€FH E\ WKH %D\ &OXE 2U ZH ZLOO JODGO\ FRPH WR \RX

ISOBEL WIENER DRE#: 00707023 415.730.5556 Isobel@IsobelWiener.com www.IsobelWiener.com


DANIELLE CHAVANON DRE#: 0113068 415.706.5804 Danielle.Chavanon@SothebysHomes.com www.LiveModernInMarin.com

Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. | An Equal Opportunity and Equal Housing Opportunity Company. | Sotheby’s International Realty does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage or other information. *Village Houses used with permission

Luxury Estates and Properties

TIBURON VIEW ESTATE 99 SUGARLOAF DRIVE | $7,500,000 Here is a rare opportunity - a 5-bedroom, 5-full & 3-half bath estate in Tiburon. The estate sits on nearly 2/3 of an acre and features 8,000 square feet of living space and countless thoughtful touches. The sweeping World Class views of San Francisco combined with the exceptional indoor-outdoor living make this a sanctuary from the stress of life for the discerning homeowner. Upon entering you are immediately inspired by the grand two-story foyer with walls for art. There is a gourmet chef’s kitchen with high-end appliances. Attached to the kitchen are the family and breakfast room, as well as a fabulous formal dining room and living room for entertaining. There is an expansive master suite, spacious media entertainment/ bonus room with bar, kitchen, sauna and steam rooms, wine cellar, and custom home RIÀFH <RX ZLOO HQMR\ WKH UHVRUW OLIHVW\OH TXDOLW\ RI WKLV KRPH DV \RX ZDON RXW RQWR D ODUJH SDWLR DQG UHOD[ SRROVLGH HQMR\ WKH FDVFDGLQJ ZDWHUIDOOV DQG VSD DQG WDNH LQ the panaramic views of the San Francisco skyline and both bridges. The grounds include a level lawn area, stone patios, organic vegetable and cutting gardens and dramatic outdoor lighting. Only twenty minutes from San Francisco, close to the IHUU\ EXV KLNLQJ DQG ELNLQJ WUDLOV RWKHU UHFUHDWLRQDO IDFLOLWLHV DQG WZR <DFKW &OXEV This is a lifestyle worth living!

www.TiburonViewEstate.com CO-LISTED BY:

DECKER BULLOCK SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY REBECCA BRUCIA 415.269.3170 | DRE#: 01895012 rebecca.brucia@sothebysrealty.com | RebeccaBrucia.com

SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY SAN FRANCISCO BROKERAGE ANNA K. PENNINGTON-BOUCHER 415.860.1399 | DRE#: 1136504 Anna@WorldClassProperties.com | WorldClassProperties.com

Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. | An Equal Opportunity and Equal Housing Opportunity Company. | Sotheby’s International Realty does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage or other information.

THE “M&M� TEAM The Classic Marin Edition YO CO AS UR LLEC YO MO T U NE PA Y SS






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a p r. c o m

A tuxedo. Caviar. The little black dress. Alain Pinel Realtors.


Woodward Avenue, Sausalito

Goodhill Road, Kentfield

Lagoon View Drive, Tiburon

Extraordinary, Mediterranean, 5bd/4.5ba, Bay view home. Stunning designer finishes throughout, formal living room, dining room, great room and exceptional master. Stylish outdoor kitchen, fire pit and a 3-car garage.

Timeless, mid-century modern, 5bd/4ba designed by renowned architect William Wurster. Private, gated, .75+/-acre located in the coveted “flats” of Kent Woodlands. Open floor plan perfect for indoor/outdoor living.

See America’s Cup from this distinctive home with sweeping views of Angel Island, SF, Golden Gate Bridge, Sausalito Hills and Mt Tam. Unique, Japanese-style, 4bd, 3ba, Tiburon treasure on 0.5+/-acres.

ChrisDeNike.com $2,750,000

204Goodhill.com $2,695,000

Chris DeNike 415.250.8052

Marti J. Grossman 415.250.3446

$2,300,000 Virginia Brunini 530.263.2554

Square footage, acreage, and other information herein, has been received from one or more of a variety of different sources. Such information has not been verified by Alain Pinel Realtors. If important to buyers, buyers should conduct their own investigation.

CORTE MADERA 415.755.1111 | ROSS 415.755.1111 NOVATO 415.798.8111 | TIBURON 415.889.2000 | MILL VALLEY 415.384.1111

a p r. c o m

What Our Clients are Saying. . . “My APR agent was A+. Culloden Park Road, San Rafael Grand, gated estate in the coveted Forbes neighborhood. Enormous value for 4500+/-sf, 6bd/4ba, renovated home on a large private lot backing to open space. Spectacular Mt. Tam views, all day sun, gorgeous gardens. 88CullodenPark.com $2,050,000 Stephanie Lamarre 415.806.3176

Very responsive, very good communicator. Brochures & marketing were outstanding. Very professional.”

Atwood Avenue, Sausalito World class, 3bd/3ba residence plus separate, legal unit with an elegant, open floor plan and unobstructed SF and Bay views. Perfect view of America’s Cup race course. 4-car, off street parking. 26Atwood.com $1,780,000 Suzanne Shelhart 415.613.0100

Coming Soon!

Geldert Drive, Tiburon

Country Club, San Rafael

Olympia Way, Novato

Four bedrooms, two full & one half-bath. Large level lot with lawn, brick patios and gardens. Beautiful bay views. Master suite on main level, bright family room opening out to private yard.

Exceptional Country Club estate on over 1 acre of elegant gardens, lawns, mature landscaping, sheltered patios, solar heated pool and cabana. This remodeled home is 4500+/-sf, offering tranquil hillside views.

Beautiful, 6bd/3.5ba, custom home at the top of the desirable Marin Country Club with spectacular panoramic views including water. This unique home is 5265+/-sf on a 1.17+/acre lot.

40GeldertDrive.com $1,600,000 Dennis Naranche 415.496.2927

Price Upon Request

Price Upon Request

Lindy Emrich 414.717.4005

Lorraine Watkins 415.328.6797

Square footage, acreage, and other information herein, has been received from one or more of a variety of different sources. Such information has not been verified by Alain Pinel Realtors. If important to buyers, buyers should conduct their own investigation.

CORTE MADERA 415.755.1111 | ROSS 415.755.1111 NOVATO 415.798.8111 | TIBURON 415.889.2000 | MILL VALLEY 415.384.1111

The Heart of Mill Valley!


This fabulous 4 bedroom, 3 bath home located in the desirable Sycamore Park neighborhood of Mill Valley offers the best of all Mill Valley has to offer! www.183locust.com SOLD!


Brookside Charmer!


Beautifully renovated 4 bedroom, 2 bath home SR WYRR] ž EX PSX www.115meadowcroftdr.com

Palm Hill Opportunity! $1,195,000 Amazing opportunity to build your dream house with this fantastic Mt. Tam view‌

Melissa Crawford 415.302.0057 m.crawford@deckerbullocksir.com

Stunning Storybook Estate Located in the desirable Seminary neighborhood of bucolic San Anselmo is a one-of-a-kind storybook Tudor estate. Formerly owned for 27 years by Lee Bunnel of the band America, the current owners purchased in 2003 and have lovingly renovated and restored the 1930 estate with the utmost integrity and meticulous attention to detail. Features include: s #USTOM DESIGNED %NKEBOLL KITCHEN WITH 3UB :ERO &ISHER 0AYKEL AND 7OLF APPLIANCES s 'RAND CATHEDRAL LIVING ROOM WITH RECLAIMED &RENCH CHATEAU lREPLACE s (AND CARVED MARBLE AND GRANITE BY LOCAL ARTISAN *EREMY -AJOR


$4,495,000 The home boasts over 5,300 sq. ft. with 6 bedrooms, 5 full and 1 half bath, legal in-law/au pair, wine room, 2 laundry rooms, and 2-car garage. The gated property is 1.4 acres of gorgeous grounds with pool and breathtaking sweeping views of Ross Valley This truly special property offers privacy yet is so close to San Francisco and wine country.

Jenny Mattson 415.786.6183 jennifer.mattson@sothebysrealty.com SanAnselmoEstate.com



70 Century Drive, Mill Valley Coveted Strawberry Waterview Neighborhood Offered at $2,895,000

4STPEV (VMZI /IRX½ IPH Mid-Century Modern Design and Character Call for Details

Well appointed and large contemporary style home boasting captivating views of San Francisco, Sausalito and Richardson Bay from nearly every room. 4 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, the grand living spaces are accented F] YRMUYI QSHIVR HIWMKR JIEXYVIW ERH PY\YVMSYW ½ RMWLIW 7YR WSEOIH PE[RW TEXMSW HIGOW XLVSYKLSYX



MARIN COUNTY MARKET TRENDS AT A GLANCE (Single-family Homes) Median Sale Price: Average List Price: Average Sale Price: Number of Home Sales: Sale/List Price Ratio: Days on Market: Homes in contract:


Feb 12

Jan 12

Feb 11

$695,000 $1,009,913 $966,732 115 95.7% 125 44%

$700,000 $1,075,276 $1,006,441 117 93.6% 114 38%

$605,000 $926,427 $873,791 113 94.3% 145 N/A


Looking for the latest news on real estate trends in Marin County? Be sure to visit my website at www.westbayre.com and subscribe to The Marin Report.

Ron is a member of the Marin Platinum Group and Top Agent network, an exclusive group of the top agents in Marin County.

Ronald Parks &VSOIV ERH '4%


Lovely Larkspur Location


European inspired villa located in a prestigious area of Larkspur close to downtown and Marin Primary. Sun, views and professionally landscaped grounds feature viewing areas and pathways nestled among the majestic Oaks that abound the property. Fruit trees and an organic garden grace the grounds, providing a lovely fragrance to the air most times of the year. Currently used as a three FIHVSSQ LSQI [MXL E JERXEWXMG SJ½GI XLEX GSYPH FI XLI JSYVXL FIHVSSQ MJ HIWMVIH +YIWX LSYWI MW WMXYEXIH EX XLI JEV IRH SJ XLMW expansive gated property providing privacy from the villa. This property allows one to take full advantage of the professional wine cellar and al fresco dining on warm Larkspur summer evenings. www.66Ardmore.com

Majestic Mill Valley


Coming soon . . . gated Tudor estate with large custom designed guest house. Located in the most desired, quiet, sunny location of this IRIVKM^IH GSQQYRMX] +IRIVSYW ]EVH EVIEW TVSJIWWMSREPP] PERHWGETIH gardens and guest house make this large property an opportunity that comes along once every few decades. Throckmorton area of Mill Valley. Please call for website information.

David is a member of the Marin Platinum Group and Top Agent network, an exclusive group of the top agents in Marin County.

David Ogden 415.308.5025 d.ogden@deckerbullocksir.com

A Few of Our Current Listings:

Tiburon $11,950,000 This premiere estate is located in one of Tiburon’s most exclusive neighborhoods and boasts lavish interiors and spectacular gardens with awe-inspiring 360-degree views of the entire Bay Area. 6 BD, 7.5 BA. 1PlaceMoulin.com

Tiburon $9,950,000 Coming Soon! The best view home in the whole Bay Area! Walls of glass. Panoramic views of San Francisco and the East Bay. Lovely courtyard pool. 4BD/7BA. Perfect for entertaining. Call us for *Landscape with Woman and Dog used with permission details/showings.

Tiburon $3,900,000 First time on market. This lovely Mediterranean-style home, custom built in 1997, offers beautiful Bay views from the deck, master, and much of the first level. Adjoins Ring Mountain Preserve. 4 BD, 5.5 BA. 4MiddenLane.com

Sausalito $2,695,000 or lease for $13K/mo. The ultimate retail bldg. in an premium location! 1,468 sq. ft. of prime retail showroom on ground level plus mezzanine level RIIHUV WZR RIĂ€ FHV Z VT IW RI RIĂ€ FH VSDFH PLQXWHV WR WKH Golden Gate Bridge/San Francisco. 675Bridgeway.com.

Tiburon $1,995,000 Panoramic views spanning the Golden Gate Bridge to downtown SF from this 33,000+ sf lot. In one of Tiburon’s most exclusive neighborhoods. Rare opportunity to build your 5000+ sf dream home. 24Venado.com

Sonoma $1,695,000 or lease for $6,300/mo. Two homes on nearly 11 acres ideally located off coveted Lovall Valley Road. Offers 4 BD/2.5 BA, a sparkling pool, hot tub, and a À UH SLW 6HFRQG SULYDWH KRPH RIIHUV %' %$ KDUGZRRG à RRUV and a large deck. LovallValleyEstate.com


Tiburon $1,688,000 Get into this prestigious Mt Tiburon neighborhood at a great price! Fix up or completely remodel this home with Bay & city YLHZV 2Q D DFUH PRVWO\ Ă DW ORW 1RWH WKH KLJK YDOXH RI WKH homes in this neighborhood and the excellent school system.

Recent Solds:

Sausalito $1,395,000 This lovely home is perched high atop Wolfback Ridge on a lot with ample flat space and over 1/3 of an acre of land. Mere minutes from San Francisco for a quick and easy commute! A quick walk to Golden Gate National hiking trails. 5Cloudview.com

Kouros Tavakoli 415.518.2439 k.tavakoli@deckerbullocksir.com


Jennifer Tremblay 415.902.1726 j.tremblay@deckerbullocksir.com ExclusiveMarinHomes.com

Represented Buyer Represented Buyer Represented Buyer Represented Seller Represented Buyer Represented Seller Represented Buyer Represented Buyer


Tiburon Sugarloaf Estate


This remarkable property sits on over 8 acres of natural splendor and captures spectacular views. Newly constructed in 2006, contemporary MR HIWMKR ERH VMGLP] ETTSMRXIH JSV XLSWI GSRRSMWWIYVW SJ PMJI [LS HIQERH I\GIPPIRGI VIZIVI REXYVI ERH WIXXPI JSV SRP] XLI ½ RIWX



Knoll Top Privacy and World Class Views

$5,900,000 Gold Coast Contemporary Estate on Almost 2 Acres of Privacy

8LMW XMQIPIWW PSHKI WMXW SR EGVIW SJ QEKRM½ GIRX REXYVI JIEXYVMRK panoramic views from just about everywhere. 5 Bedrooms, all upstairs, ERH E JSVQEP ¾ SSV TPER [MXL E LMKL HVEQE WXSV] PMZMRK VSSQ 2SX JEV from downtown and all Mill Valley has to offer.


Stately and Traditional Colonial

415.816.2256 k.plastiras@deckerbullocksir.com.com

High lux home with breathtaking views has been extensively & meticulously VIQSHIPIH 7MRKPI WXSV] SJ ” WU JX [MXL MRXIVMSV GSYVX]EVH MR½ RMX] TSSP spa with solar for the discerning buyer. Perfect for grand scale entertaining.


$2,775,000 Feels Like Brand New Construction in Paradise Cay

Located on Tiburon’s spectacular Gold Coast, this New England Colonial home boasts almost 6,000 sq ft with pool, sport court, views & privacy. Surrounded by nature & beautifully maintained, this gated sanctuary exudes warmth & elegance.

Karen Plastiras



This one level, 3,300 sq ft impeccable home is über-sophisticated. Formal ¾ SSV TPER MRGPYHIW FIHVSSQW TPYW ER SJ½ GI *EQMP] VSSQ STIRW XS ¾ EX backyard and boat dock. Gorgeous newer chef’s kitchen.

Colleen Fitzpatrick 415.602.0553 c.fitzpatrick@deckerbullocksir.com.com



MV founder Eastland’s estate, spacious rooms, redwood paneling, 7 bd, 3 ba… $3,495,000

Wtrfront parcel on ±1.24 ac, SF/GGB/Tam vws. Boundaries approx depicted… $6,995,000

Wrld-class wtrfrnt contemp, GGB/SF vws, 5 bd, 5.5 ba main res + 2 bd, 1 ba gst hse… $22,250,000

3-stry contemp w/ skylights & tall windows captures bay vws, 3 bd, 3.5 ba… $3,395,000

Classical Japanese meets American Techno-Luxe. Bay vws, 3 master suites, 5 bd, 5 ba… $6,900,000

Unobstructed SF skyline/GGB vws. 5 bd, 4 ba main res + sep 1 bd, 1 ba guest qrtrs… $21,950,000



Remodeled, Mt Tam/GGB views, view-side pool, 7 bd, 5 full & 2 half ba… $3,125,000


Lot 3, ±3.28 ac: $3,750,000 Lot 4: ±2.62 ac: $2,995,000 Lot 5: ±7.5 wtrfrnt ac: $6,800,000

Stun vws GGB/SF, 10,000+ sf, pool, 5 bd, 7 full + 2 half ba main res + sep 1 bd, 1 ba gst apt… $19,880,000

7+ ac, beaut grounds & tidelands, pool, dock, boat garage, sep gst hse, 4 bd, 5.5 ba … $5,995,000

Bayfront Italianate w/ GGB/SF vws. Remdld, pier, dock & boat lift, 4 bd, 4 full & 3 half ba… $18,250,000


$4.75M $4.5M

±1 ac home site w/ spect vws of SF skyline/GGB apprvd plans for ±6,000 sf home… $1,995,000









Spac, peacefl, vaulted ceilings, gourmet ktchn, pool, SF Bay/Tam vws, 4 bd, 4 ba… $2,525,000

$6M $6M

3 sep wtrfrnt lots on west side, w/ vws of Tam, GGB, SF skyline... $4,500,000 - $5,000,000

±1 acre, mostly lvl, Tam/GGB/SF views, boat hse & dock, potential for grand estate… $11,950,000

Beautifully appointed, views from Belvedere Cove to SF & GG Bridge. 3 bd, 3.5 ba… $4,750,000

Parklike estate, Tam vws, ±7736 sf, ±1.42 acres, pool, level lawn, 4 bd, 5 full & 3 half ba… $7,995,000


Light, bright, remodld, w/ Belvedere Lagoon, Bay & Mt. Tiburon vws, 4 bd, 3 ba... $1,775,000

BILL BULLOCK (415) 384-4000

LYDIA SARKISSIAN (415) 517-7720




Stun renov. Eleg indr-outdr lvng, pool, spa. 4 bd, 3.5 ba + 1 bd, 1 ba pool house… $3,500,000

Private, 2-acre, gated, pool, sport-court, Bay vws. 4 bd, 3 full & 2 half ba… $7,995,000



Spanning over 14.5 acres and approximately 2,000 feet of San Francisco Bay shoreline, this extraordinary parcel of undeveloped land within minutes to downtown Tiburon and the Golden Gate Bridge, provides an offering unprecedented in recent history. Having changed ownership only once in the past 100 years, this forested and entirely private estate site is now fully entitled, with approved plans for an approximately 15,000 square foot main residence, situated on the Bluff’s point, an approximately 2,200 square foot separate guest quarters and an approximately 700 square foot caretaker’s cottage. This rare opportunity offers the largest remaining undeveloped residential waterfront parcel in Marin County and possibly the entire San Francisco Bay Area. Extremely private and serene, with up-close water views and sandy


beaches, this is the last and only waterfront parcel of this size and entitlements…

BILL BULLOCK (415) 384-4000

LYDIA SARKISSIAN www.globalestates.com

(415) 517-7720



One of the original Ross homes, now beautifully improved and restored to its original grandeur. Gated, private, and situated on one acre of beautifully manicured lawns and gardens, this home combines wonderful family living and opportunity for gracious entertaining. Formal living and dining rooms and sunny kitchen with informal dining, large island, butler’s pantry and Miele, Viking and Sub-Zero appliances. Adjacent family area and den with French doors to pool and lawn area, perfect for indoor-outdoor living and entertaining. Upper level with three large guest bedrooms, hall bath, and wonderful master suite with lavish bath and balcony overlooking the pool and lawn area. Downstairs level with large recreation room with separate entrance and full bath serves as the ideal “hang-out” room. Wonderful outdoor living with sparkling saltwater pool and spa, sunny patios, barbecue, level lawns and gardens and the majestic oaks. Four large bedrooms, three and one half baths, beautiful kitchen/family area, study, rec room and stunning outdoor living…

BILL BULLOCK (415) 384-4000

Price Upon Request

LYDIA SARKISSIAN www.globalestates.com

(415) 517-7720



Poised atop of the tip of the Tiburon peninsula, this stately property boasts elegance, privacy, and world-class views. The unobstructed panoramic view encompasses Angel Island, the San Francisco skyline, Golden Gate Bridge, and Marin Headlands. The resort-like property boasts a new outdoor kitchen pavilion with a secluded salt-water pool, spa, outdoor “living room” with fireplace, level lawn area, and spacious terraces provide for grandscale entertaining with all of the accommodations for family living. This recently completed, fully remodeled and expanded home offers 6 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, paneled study, formal living and dining rooms, spacious sunny kitchen, walk-in pantry, family room, and media room complete with two temperature controlled wine rooms. The home combines architectural details with old-world European charm, French and Italian inspirations and custom finishes throughout. The 6,100± sq. ft. of living space has a 4 car garage, a mini-fruit orchard, a children’s play structure or “Kid Zone” and is fully fenced with a gated entry and long driveway…

BILL BULLOCK (415) 384-4000


LYDIA SARKISSIAN www.globalestates.com

(415) 517-7720

WORKING TO PROVIDE THE BEST LOANS FOR OUR MARIN COUNTY NEIGHBORS Purchase Loans • Refinancing Existing Loans Home Equity Loans/Lines of Credit • Private Money Loans NO FEE LOANS 30-year-fixed Conforming to $417K • 3.875% (APR 3.900%) 30-year-fixed Super Conforming to $625K • 3.990% (APR 4.024%) 30-year-fixed to $2M • 4.625% (APR 4.650%) Rates quoted as of February 27, 2012 with 45-day locks. “No fee loans” include Appraisal, Title, Escrow, and all other third party fees. Rates are subject to change as conditions improve or decline without notice.

EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST—Deciding to buy your first home, a second home, an investment property or to refinance an existing mortgage is a big step. You can trust us to find the loan program that is best for you. Our high funded loan volume in this tough mortgage market puts us in the distinguished top-tier relationships with local and national lenders. These relationships ensure our borrowers the best rate and terms for their specific loan scenario.

GENE SIEGEL PRINCIPAL MORTGAGE ADVISOR NEIGHBORHOOD LENDING GROUP (415) 310-8769 c gene@neighborhoodlendinggroup.com 1505 Bridgeway, Suite 128 Sausalito, CA 94965 www.neighborhoodlendinggroup.com DRE #01128533 • NMLS #256759 • NMLS #240921 Neighborhood Lenders: DRE #01353784


RETIREMENT LIVING REDEFINED 1400 SQ. FT. PENTHOUSE Lovely penthouse with a Southwest exposure from the large wraparound deck. This condo features a large master suite with walk-in shower and custom built-ins, plus two more bedrooms and another full bathroom. Asking $1,225,000. $3,559 monthly fee for one person $4,973 for two.

LIVE THE LIFE YOU CHOOSE IN MARIN’S ACTIVE, VIBRANT HILLTOP COMMUNITY! With on-site healthcare, meals, transportation, housekeeping, an indoor pool, library and social and cutural events, Villa Marin is one of the greatest values in retirement living anywhere. At Villa Marin, you own your home with 100% equity.

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321 Summit, Mill Valley • $4,495,000 321SummitAvenue.com This beautiful gated estate combines quality craftsmanship with a comfortable, well-designed 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath floor plan. Situated on a south-facing lot with spectacular views, the home features a formal living room, dining room, family room, TV room, office and solarium. Dramatic features throughout.

93 Dipsea Road, Stinson Beach • $2,000,000 93Dipsea.com Enjoy beautiful sunsets, days of entertaining, swimming and boating all from your own dock in this wonderful waterfront home on the Seadrift Lagoon. Open floor plan, secluded garden and patio, waterside decks and views from both sides of home. An ideal coastal retreat.

Judy LeMarr 2012 Secretary, Marin Association of REALTORS 415.793.5030 • judy@marindreamhome.com www.MarinDreamHome.com

Enchantment in Mill Valley • Offered at $1,085,000 805Spring.com Charisma awaits you in this fantastic Mill Valley home! Built in 1930, it has been extensively remodeled with wonderful attention to detail including wainscoting, box beam ceilings, lovely wood floors, stylish finishes, well-appointed appliances, skylights, lush landscaping, decks, a hot tub, and a level lawn. This home offers warmth from the moment you walk in the door. A delightful enclosed sun porch welcomes you with views of the verdant setting and hills of Mill Valley. The formal living room features a stone, wood-burning fireplace and a lovely space to entertain as well as an adjacent dining room with tons of light. There is also a cozy family room with built-ins for your media system and library. The romantic master suite features French doors that open out to the spacious yard with decks and a level lawn. There are two additional bedrooms and two other bathrooms. There is a large storage room and a detached 1-car garage. Enjoy the views of Mt. Tamalpais and the convenient location near trails.

Chelsea E. Ialeggio 415.300.6881 • cialeggio@fhallen.com ChelseaInMarin.com DRE #01394011 Redefining Service in Real Estate

Fall in love with Loma! • $1,595,000 280Loma.com Tucked into an ideal spot in Old Tiburon, this lovely home offers exquisite views over Lyford Cove to Angel Island and the East Bay. The welcoming entry space leads to the main living area which features a spacious kitchen, dining area, and open living room, all with eye-filling views. There is an adjacent terrace, the ideal spot for dining al fresco. The dining area is large enough to handle your holiday gatherings and the kitchen is a chef’s delight with slab granite counters, an abundance of storage and work space. This level is completed with a large bedroom with its own bath, an office, now being used as the third bedroom, and a powder room. The upper level is dedicated to an expansive master suite with an office alcove. The private terrace is the perfect place to hang out with a good book and enjoy the view. There is a level, grassy front yard and gardens in the rear. Awaken to dramatic sunrises in the morning and watch the rising moon turn the bay to moon water. Includes approved expansion plans.

Karen Z. Hardesty 415.265.3344 • kzhardesty@fhallen.com KarenZHardesty.com DRE #00684137 Committed to Extraordinary Service

Chelsea E. Ialeggio 415.300.6881 • cialeggio@fhallen.com ChelseaInMarin.com DRE# 01394011 Redefining Service in Real Estate

608 Seminary Drive, Mill Valley • $5,800,000 World class Tuscan-style estate offers stunning views and is ideally sited on a coveted coastline location. The property consists of approximately 6,000 sq ft of carefully designed living spaces that seamlessly blend both a formal lifestyle and the casual California experience. There are five spacious bedrooms, including a luxurious master suite, five bathrooms, a formal living and dining room, Chef’s kitchen, family room and library/billiard room. The gorgeous one-half acre lot offers lush gardens, sunny patios and pool areas for gracious entertainment and relaxation. Rarely is this quality of real estate offered for sale. Please visit 608SeminaryDrive.com

Emy Cosio-Barron 415.990.0729 ecosiobarron@fhallen.com DRE# 00760962 Randi Brinkman 415.602.0300 rbrinkman@fhallen.com DRE# 00997180

258 Reed, Mill Valley • $1,995,000 Mesmerizing views of San Francisco, the Bay Bridge and Mt. Tamalpais are the focal points from almost every room of this lovely home. Extensively remodeled five years ago, it offers an open floor plan, high-end finishes and top-ofthe-line appliances. The main floor has a living/ dining room combination, chef’s gourmet kitchen with family room and guest suite. All these rooms lead out to level front and back patios and lawns. Upstairs is a master suite with lovely limestone bath and sitting area to enjoy the amazing views. There are two additional bedrooms with a Jack and Jill bath. This location offers close proximity to shopping, Hwy 101, cafes and excellent schools. Please visit 258ReedBlvd.com

Randi Brinkman 415.602.0300 rbrinkman@fhallen.com DRE# 00997180

F r a n k H o w a r d A l l e n R e a lt o r s



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Quality tenants. Quality homes. Exclusively in Marin. Whether you own a singlefamily home, condominium, or townhome, you can turn to PRANDI Property Management, Inc., CRMC for over 30 years of experience. Consistently offering professional services including residential leasing, full-time property management and specialized relocation.

Renovated Victorian Home on Belle Avenue San Rafael Victorian home renovated for modern conveniences while preserving the historic details. This beautiful 3,000 sq ft property is complete with 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, a freshly landscaped yard and a wrap-around porch. Gorgeous hardwood floors throughout the main living space, including formal dining and additional sitting room. The updated kitchen has granite counters, stainless steel appliances, a gas cook-top and a large pantry. Up the grand staircase, discover the spacious bedrooms and 2 of the bathrooms restored with vintage charm (including a claw-foot tub). Custom features throughout include high efficiency dual zone furnaces, detached 1 car garage for parking, as well as bonus workshop. There are multiple mul decks, as well as a hot tub. Charming neighborhood, convenient shopping and freeway access. One year lease preferred. Please enquire to sh for p for pricing.

M Melissa Prandi, RMP®, MPM® President & CEO P

Christine Goodin, RMP®

Senior Property Manager & Leasing Agent

5IJSE 4USFFU 4BO 3BGBFM $" t (415) 482-9988 #SJEHFXBZ 4VJUF * 4BVTBMJUP $" t (415) 331-9200

DRE# 00980159


8 Pomeroy Road, Ross 8Pomeroy.com Offered at $2,595,000

65 Ridgecrest Road, Kent Woodlands 65Ridgecrest.com Offered at $2,450,000

231 Poplar Drive, Kentfield 231Poplar.com Offered at $2,655,000

Gorgeous three-plus bedroom, three and two half bath home on private, gated lot with den/media room, separate studio/office, twocar garage, pool, lawn, landscaped grounds and amazing Bay, valley and East Bay views.

Stunning four bedroom, three and onehalf bath home on nearly one acre in prestigious Kent Woodlands featuring spacious rooms, floor-to-ceiling windows and excellent Mt. Tam views.

Beautiful three bedroom, two and one-half bath elegantly remodeled home located in the desirable Del Mesa area of Kentfield in the distinguished Ross School District with pool, lush gardens and bocce ball court.


210 Lagunitas Road, Ross 210Lagunitas.com Offered at $5,500,000

6 Duff Lane, Ross 6DuffLane.com Offered at $5,295,000

15 Morrison Road, Ross 15Morrison.com Offered at $4,400,000

400 Upper Toyon Drive, Kentfield 400UpperToyon.com Offered at $3,595,000

Come by anytime to visit us at our new location.


Susan Bowman and Dana Johnson Park

Estate Specialists TheBowmanGroup@coldwellbanker.com www.MarinRealEstateGroup.com DRE#s 01707450 | 00905409

415.710.0208 Susan 415.306.3824 Dana

©2012 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker®, Previews® and Previews International® are registered trademarks licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. All rights reserved. This information was supplied by Seller and/or other sources. Broker believes this information to be correct but has not verified this information and assumes no legal responsibility for its accuracy. Buyers should investigate these issues to their own satisfaction. If your property is currently listed for sale, this is not intended as a solicitation. DRE License #01908304.

The Richmonds Pr esent

17 Katrina Lane San Anselmo

Gated and private on 2/3 of a level landscaped acre, this fabulous 5BR/3.5BA home personifies the “indoor/outdoor� California lifestyle. Enter a remarkable “see through� world with floor to ceiling panes of glass that transport you through the inner atrium to the dramatic backyard.

17Katrina.com | Offered at $1,585,000

13 Cypress Rd Pt Reyes Station

Vacation all year in this beautifully renovated single level 4 BD/2.5 BA home. Set on a gated private and sunny level acre on the Mesa, this stunning home, in the California Spanish Hacienda style, has been extensively remodeled with high end finishes and attention to detail.

13Cypress.com | Offered at $1,595,000

G IN D N PE 13 Overhill Rd. Mill Valley

Located in a prime Mill Valley neighborhood, this single story home with smart architectural details and stunning views of San Francisco, the Bay and Horse Hill is waiting for your style and vision.

13OverhillRd.com | Offered at $1,360,000

Peter & Jane Richmond /8;85< 3523(57< 63(&,$/,676 '5( SMULFKPRQG#SDFXQLRQ FRP 3DF8QLRQ FRP 0LOOHU $YHQXH ‡ 0LOO 9DOOH\ &$


Joan L. Kermath Presents




Strawberry Waterfront Mill Valley

75 Monterey, Tiburon

Waterfront beauty with deep water dock, San Francisco views & expansive yard! Featuring 3750+/-SqFt. 4BD/3.5BA with separate Au-Pair/In-Law Suite in the prestigious Strawberry neighborhood.

Custom designed by acclaimed architect Mohamad Sadrieh, this 4700+/-SqFt Tiburon Estate, the site of many fashionable fundraisers, embodies elegant living with stunning SF Skyline views. Sold in 21 days, 4 offers.

283EastStrawberry.com Offered at $2,995,000

75Monterey.com Offered at $2,695,000




16 Escalon, Mill Valley 16Escalon.com Offered at $1,495,000



34 Loma Vista, Larkspur represented the Buyer Offered at $1,300,000 LD SO


60 Seafirth, Tiburon represented the Buyer Offered at $2,295,000

49 Bellevue, Belvedere Represented the Buyer Offered at $1,795,000


90 Rancho, Tiburon Represented the Buyer Offered at $1,195,000


123 Baltimore, Corte Madera represented the Buyer Offered at $1,695,000

Joan L. Kermath mba LUXURY PROPERTY SPECIALIST 415.233.3031 DRE #01308538



Top 1% in Marin County | Member of “TAN” & “MPG” - Top performing Marin agent networks | jkermath@pacunion.com

V I C TO R I A LO VE Spring Collection 2012 JUST SOLD

27 Eye Street, San Rafael Multiple Offers. Represented the Seller

Listed at $2,995,000

COMING SOON T i m el e s s F or be s Be a u t y

Once a part of the original Fairhills Estate, this 1908 light-filled Craftsman is rich in history, elegance and style. The Ralph Lauren inspired 4+ bedroom, 4 bath home (approx.4200 sq. ft.) has been beautifully renovated blending magnificent scale with warm and inviting spaces. Imbued with classic details that include high ceilings, generously proportioned rooms, period detailing and a traditional floor plan, this property is the ideal synthesis of refined heritage and modern lifestyle. A spacious swimming pool with views of Mt Tam, wrap around porch and numerous patios make this Forbes property a rare find. Close to Marin Academy and downtown.

M a g ic a l L a r k sp ur E s tat e

This fresh, stylish & chic 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath beauty is a beloved Larkspur icon. Gated and on a large sunny level lot, this vintage home is steps to historic downtown Larkspur. A very special offering.

Victoria Love Luxury Property Specialist 415.377.4370

DRE# 01327745 Victoria.Love@PacUnion.com | VictoriaLoveMarin.com


Looking Back CIRCA 1971

Remember Dr. Hip Pocrates? In the ’70s, a Sausalito doctor’s advice column reflected the times. BY JIM WOOD

146 AP R I L 2 0 1 2 M A R I N



revolutionize medicine in early Greece, so did “Dr. Hip Pocrates” in Marin during the 1970s. “Basically, I wrote a newspaper advice column on sex and drugs,” says mildmannered Dr. Eugene Schoenfeld, who now practices psychiatry in Sausalito. Forty years ago, he wrote responses to wisdom-seeking flower children — and their parents — from a Tiburon office using the “Dr. Hip Pocrates” nom de plume. Yet Dr. Hip was not what many might call outrageously hip. After a summer of providing drug counseling at the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic, he felt that Timothy Leary (in white, with Schoenfeld to the left, at a 1971 “be-in”) was often reckless with young people’s lives: “Many took his ‘turn on, tune in, drop out’ literally and wound up quitting college,” says

Schoenfeld. “I thought he was a megalomaniac, extremely self-centered.” Things weren’t all negative. Schoenfeld points to the effort to save West Marin from development as one positive result of new ways of thinking that came out of the ’60s and ’70s: “There might be condos and hotels in the Marin Headlands were it not for the idealism expressed by young people in the early 1970s.” Remembering 1967’s Summer of Love, he says, “You’d walk down a street and people, not just the young ones, would always say ‘hi!’ and ‘have a nice day’ to each other. That was nice.” These days, in addition to psychiatric counseling, Schoenfeld is providing expert witness testimony on the adverse affects of drug use. He also announces, that at age 77, he is about to become, of all things, a father: “My 28-year-old wife is five months pregnant,” he says. m

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