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Makenzie McNeill Writing Assignment #1 What makes Wales, Wales? Spending two nights in Wales was a great experience that was full of surprises for someone who barely knew anything about the country beforehand. I was familiar with a couple of things about Wales like the fact that they have their own language, that the weather isn’t usually very nice and that there are sheep everywhere. It turns out that all of those things are true along with some other interesting dynamics. The Welsh language is quite odd to look at. Sometimes it just looks like a random jumbling of letters with several consonants in a row. One of the things that I picked out was that “dd” makes an “f” sound which doesn’t really make sense to me. I noticed this on Cardiff University signs that had both the English spelling and the Welsh, which was “Prifysgol Caerdydd.” During my stay, I learned that only about 20% of the people in Wales speak Welsh and the rest choose to speak English. In fear of the Welsh language becoming less prominent and eventually dying out, many schools in Wales have compulsory Welsh classes. I really like this practice because the idea of the Welsh language fading away is upsetting. It seems like these classes are already getting the desired result. After looking at some numbers from BBC, the 1991 census said that only 18% of people in Wales spoke Welsh and it went up to the aforementioned 20% in 2001. Because we stayed in the heart of downtown Cardiff during our trip to Wales, the sheep sightings were limited to the train rides to and from London. There was beautiful green scenery the entire ride with hundreds and hundreds of sheep and baby lambs. When we visited Golley Slater, the importance and prominence of sheep in

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