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Berlin seeFashion
from MUD ART 2020

MUD Studio Berlin’s students and graduates teamed up again with one of the most prestigious fashion and art schools in Berlin.
Every year, the Department of Fashion Design at “Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin” presents their current graduate collections and design projects in a big show called SeeFASHION. For the second year in a row MUD was invited to provide the make-up and hair services at this high-profile event.
SeeFASHION brings together eighty designers and forty models for a three-hour runway show. You can imagine the buzz and high-energy vibes happening backstage. For many of the MUD students, this is their first experience in a real-life work situation. It’s a dramatic change from the classroom. Everything happens so fast! Models arrive late, designers change their minds about looks, and students have to change the lipstick color at the last minute.
The atmosphere at SeeFASHION can be intense. Thanks to the guidance of our senior team members, everyone pulls together to finish the task. All the hard work pays off when the students get to stand next to the runway and see their creations for the first time on such a big stage. •

Photo: Heike Overberg