Fish Fry 2025

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One man's old treasures is another man's new treasure. There is no better place to find new treasures than during Benton County's Bargain Highway, an annual 30 Mile Yard Sale that runs from one end of the county to the other. Holladay, Camden and Big Sandy are all chock full of yard sales with plenty set up along the way between each town.

Traditionally, the 30 Mile Yard Sale is held on Friday and Saturday of Labor Day Weekend. Many families set up even earlier and may yard sale until the holiday. The official hours for this year's Bargain Highway are dawn

to dusk, Friday, August 29th and Saturday, August 30th, 2025. Check in with those holding a Yard Sale or at the Benton County Chamber of Commerce for a map of local yard sales. It will lead you up Hwy. 641 thru Camden to Hwy. 69 towards Big Sandy. But check all along the way for sales on the side streets. Also, there are designated spots where you can register for a large cash give-away. Keep in mind that these are yard sales, so there will be a lot of used items. But with a little clean up and repair they can be like new again. Some vendors feature new items, too. Beautiful furniture, hand made

Travel the Bargain Highway to Find New Treasures

crafts and lots of delicious food will be for sale. Automobiles, boats and

even homes have been bought and sold during the 30 Mile Yard Sale. If you are a big fan of yard sales this will be the fun time you have been looking for. You may want to book a

hotel room early if you are attending from out of town. There are plenty of national franchise eateries available in Camden and a dozen or so of delicious home-cooking style restaurants, as well,

Don't even think about visiting Camden and not tour the Patsy Cline Memorial Site.

The Bargain Highway may bring you to town, but the charm of Benton County will keep you coming back. More information may be obtained by contacting the Chamber at (731) 584-8395 or visit their office at 266 Hwy 641 N,. in Camden.

Legend’s Car Club Hosts Monthly Cruise-Ins

The Camden Court Square is where you will find the Legends Cruisers Car Club Cruise-In. The fourth Saturday of the month, Downtown Camden is covered with beautiful classic cars and trucks from all over West Tennessee and Southwest Kentucky.

Classic automobiles are definitely the highlight of the day. Meticulously cared for vehicles are


Starting May 24th

sure to impress. Vendors are onsite with much needed services and accessories. Food trucks are selling delicious made to order snacks. There is always plenty of music to set the party mood. Last but not least, there are cash and prizes. There are plenty of givea-ways sure to please everybody.

The first Cruise-In of this year’s season will be 2 – 5 PM, Saturday, April 26th, on the Court Square in Camden. There is no charge for admission. Mark you calendar for the following dates for the Cruise-In: May 24th, June 28th, July 26th, August

23rd, September 27th and October 25th. There are no rain dates for these events.

It is easy to be a part of the Legends Cruisers Car Club Cruise-In. More information may be obtained by contacting Jerry at (731) 468-0763 or Ricky at (731) 441-4429. Visit their Facebook page at legendcruiserscarclub. Also, contact the Benton County/ Camden Chamber of Commerce for more info at (731) 584-8395. Attending local events is the best way to support your community and to ensure that quality events are here to stay.


The Paris/Henry County Chamber of Commerce’s Water Fun Run has grown to one of the biggest events on Kentucky Lake during the summer. Now, it is hard to imagine that the Fun Run started out with less than 30 participants all those years ago. The Fun Run has since boasted having as many as 800 participants. The Tennessee River is a massive body of water and can handle many boaters so set your calendar to be at the docks at Paris Landing State Park, Saturday, July 19th. There are many reasons why the Fun Run has gotten so popular. First and foremost there are very few things more fun than spending the day on your boat on the beautiful Kentucky Lake. The Fun Run is specifically designed to get you to travel to all the shores of Henry and Stewart Counties.

That is a lot of opportunity to eat lunch, gas up the boat, get some snacks and

visit the fantastic resorts. The Fun Run also awards lots of cash and fantastic prizes.

Every year the new Water Fun Run theme adds to the good times. Cheeseburgers in Paris-dise, Redneck Yacht Club and Gilligan’s Island have all been celebrated in year’s past. Look for the announcement in the next few months for this year’s theme. Dressing up and decorating boats are not only permitted

but encouraged. Some may wonder what a Water Fun Run is. It is a unique Poker Run on the water where you collect stamps instead of poker cards. You will first visit the Chamber of Commerce and purchase your Registration Packet in advance. The packet will include your instructions and your designated stops, which include the resorts on Kentucky Lake. You will also

East Wood Clinic

find your stamp sheet. That is very important to hold on to. This “Run” is unique because at each destination you will collect a stamp on your sheet instead of a card.

During the allotted time you need to travel to as many stamp stops as possible. When you return to the dealers at the Paris Landing State Park Dock you will receive a card for each stamp you collected. Out of your cards you will pick five to

create your best poker hand. Winners are announced at the end of each round and cash prizes are awarded.

The Water Fun Run Registration Packets are $20 in advance, available at the Chamber office. The Packets are $25 on the day of the event, available at Paris Landing State Park and the participating resorts.

Every event worth its while has a memorable commemorative tee shirt. The Fun Run’s tee shirts are almost considered collector’s items. You want to get one early, they always tend to sell out quickly. The Chamber office is located at 2508 East Wood St., Paris TN. You may also obtain more information by calling the office at (731) 642-3431 or visiting their website at

Save the date for the Water Fun Run. It is always the third Saturday of July. Packets usually go on sale around the first of June.

Reserve July 19th for the Paris/Henry County Chamber of Commerce’s Water Fun Run.

Golf Enthusiasts Have Plenty of Opportunities to Be Challenged

An easy and safe way to exercise and relax is with a rousing game of golf. The walking and swinging are great for cardio. The precision necessary to hit that hole is fantastic for concentration. With the right crowd, there is enough competitiveness to always keep it interesting. At the end of the day a visit to the “19th Hole” is always a treat, too. Our area has several challenging courses for the golfer to try out.

The Carroll Lake Golf Club is located at 1305 Carroll Lake Rd., in McKenzie, TN. According to their Facebook page on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays through Sunday you can play 18 holes with ½ Cart for $30. Tuesday and Thursday rates are $22 for all day. Winter rates for Tuesday and Thursday are $20 all day. All rates are per person. Contact the course at (731) 352-5998.

The Paris Landing State Park Golf Course Clubhouse is located at 285 Golf

Course Ln., Buchanan, TN. Paris Landing considers in-season from March 13th to October 31st. Out of Season is November 1st until March 14th. Fees in season with a cart are $45 for 18 holes or $27 for 9 holes, weekdays. Weekend and holiday rates are $49 for 18 holes and $28 for 9 holes. Out of season rates for weekdays, weekends and holidays are $40 for 18 holes and $27 for 9 holes including cart. Standard Greens Fess Walking are $26 for 18 holes and $16 for 9 holes during the week in season. Rates are $30 for 18 holes and $18 for 9 holes on week-

ends and holidays, in season. Out of season rates are $27 for 18 holes and $16 for 9. Senior rates with a cart are weekdays in season $34 for 18 holes and $30 for 9. Walking rates are MondayFriday $18 for 18 holes and $12 for 9. This is for golfers ages 62 and up. Paris Landing offers many other discounts, amenities and passes. Tax will be added to all costs. Tee times are required seven days a week. Call (731) 641-4459 to arrange times.

The Magic Valley Public Golf Course located at 2252 Eva Rd., in Camden, TN is open to the public and available as a club member.

Their green fees and cart rentals are affordable for golfers of all ages. Monday through Friday you can play 18 holes for $20. The fee is $25 if you include the golf cart. The weekday fee for 9 holes is $15. The rates for weekends and holidays are $30 for 18 holes and $20 for 9. Cart rental at that time is $20 for 18 holes and $10 for 9. Contact the Golf Club for tee times and membership information at (731) 584-9964.

The Paris Country Club, 195 Country Club Rd. Paris, TN, has long been one of the area’s favorite courses to play. Social members are welcome to use

the driving range, practice their short game and use the putting green. If you live in Henry County you may play a full round of golf once a month accompanied by a country club member. If you are from outside of Henry County you may play along with a member at any time. Tee times need to be booked eight days in advance for weekdays and 7 days for weekends. Contact a member of the Paris Country Club about giving it a try or call them direct for membership information at (731) 642-0591.

Willow Ridge Golf Course scenically tucked away in McEwen, TN offers a full 18 hole course with all of the amenities you could ask for. Located at 2065 Erin Rd., in McEwen, makes it the perfect setting for an afternoon on the green. Estimated fees are $35 for 18 holes including a golf cart. Contact them for pricing and tee times at (931) 582-9966. They are open every day with exception to specific holidays.

Persimmon Hills Golf Course is a public course located in Sharon, TN. This course describes itself as nestled in the hills of Northwest TN, and sporting 18 holes is located at 1696 Rock Hill Rd., Sharon. Visit their fully stocked Pro Shop and set your tee times today. They say their course offers fun for all experience levels. Contact them by calling (731) 456-2323. Some love the challenge, some love the exercise, some just like riding in the cart. Whatever your reason for wanting to golf there are plenty of excellent opportunities to enjoy this sport in our area.

Sunday 8am-3pm

One Man’s Vision Feeds Hundreds of People

Shepherd’s Table is truly a mission of service to people of this area that was conceived by the late Rev. Arthur Lodge. Along with his wife, Mary, and a team of willing volunteers, they started serving monthly free meals to anyone wanting to join them. He set out to create something that the whole family could enjoy without them worrying about the added expense.

The First Presbyterian Church in Huntingdon wanted to establish a restaurant experience for the whole fam-

ily free of charge. Families were greeted by a host and seated. Drink orders were taken and the entrees and desserts were served by wait staff. Word quick;y spread about the Shepherd’s Table experience and grew from serving four patrons the first night to more than 100 people at times.

Covid restrictions changed the course of Shepherd’s Table, making it a take out experience. But it never slowed down the need for free meals. The restaurant atmosphere is still available, as well as, carry-out. Each meal is a

delicious homemade treat prepared by hard working volunteers. Spaghetti, meat loaf, chicken and dressing and chili are some of the patron’s favorites. Every meal includes a variety of side dishes, bread, a drink and dessert. There is never any charge for your meal.

A few years later, The First Presbyterian Church in Paris joined in serving supper monthly. It quickly became a positive experience for Henry County. Since the beginning of Shepherd’s Table more than 10,000 meals have been served. 10,000 times

people were feed who needed help. All because one man saw the need and called on his friends and family to help.

Shepherd’s Table continues to serve at both locations. The First Presbyterian Church in Paris serves on the first Thursday of each month beginning at 5 until 6:30 PM, unless the food runs out earlier. They are located at 105 S. Market St., in Downtown Paris, next to the Post Office. The First Presbyterian Church in Huntingdon serves their meals on the third Tuesday of the month, from 5 to 6:30 PM or until they run out of food. They are located at 19835 E. Main St., Huntingdon.

“As a church, we believe sharing a meal is a sacred act of hospitality and community. The Shepherd’s Table embodies Christ’s love, welcoming all who come, whether they seek nourishment, companionship or simply a place to belong. At the table, there are no requirements, no questions, only an open seat and a warm meal because everyone deserves to be fed both body and

spirit,” said Melissa Worthey, Supply Pastor for First Presbyterian. The two churches are working together now planning their Spring Gala. This is an evening to show appreciation to the volunteers for all of their hard work.

The Spring Gala will be held at 7:30 PM, May 9th, at the Krider Performing Arts Center. General Gus Radford, known for his Mark Twain impersonation will be the featured entertainment. There will also be music, fun and lots of fellowship.

“Our community kitchens have served with the love of Jesus one meal at a time,”

says Communications Director for Huntingdon, David Carter. Interested parties that want to attend the Spring Gala or want information about volunteering opportunities or attending a meal can email fpcsheperdstable@ gmail,com.

The Irish Celebration Is Bringing Friends and Family Together

Amiddle Tennessee tradition that never fails to bring friends and family together is the Irish Celebration in Erin. The Houston County Area Chamber of Commerce even made that their theme for this year’s event. Start looking for your lucky green and get ready for the 2025 63rd Annual Irish Day Celebration!

The Irish Celebration is made up of several different days with tons of fun activities. The Irish Kick Off Breakfast will begin at 9 AM, Friday March 7th at the Erin City Hall. Besides a delicious breakfast, everyone looks forward to the announcement of the Lord High Mayor. The Lord High Mayor is an honor bestowed on a Houston County resident recognizing their service to the community. The Emerald Awards for community service are also announced at this time. The breakfast

is sponsored by Rye Engineering & Reynolds Insurance Co.

Saturday, March 8th is the Irish Golf Scramble at the Paris Landing State Park Golf Course. Tee time starts at 8 AM. This event is sponsored by the Erin Rotary Club and Ty Mitchell is the contact at (931) 721-6579. Get your team together and come have some fun.

If you enjoy pageants, Saturday afternoon will be a busy day for you. All pageants will be held at the

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Big Sandy Spring Festival & Car Show Is Memorial Day Weekend

The small town of Big Sandy knows how to throw a big party. The town kicks off the summer season with the Big Sandy Spring Festival and Car Show during Memorial Day weekend. Crowds of people head out to Benton County for a day full of music, food, games, a parade and fireworks. The Spring Festival is held every year on Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. This year that date will be Saturday, May 24th. 2025.

The cars start arriving early to Downtown Big Sandy for the Car Show.

The exhibit features both classic cars and trucks along side the detailed and

accessorized new automobiles. Around the downtown area and in the City Park you will find all types of arts & crafts tables, local vendors, lots of delicious food, all kinds of games & prizes and small carnival rides.

The Grand Parade lines up in the Big Sandy School parking lot starting around 8ish. The streets close after 9 AM and the judging begins then, too.

The parade starts at the Big Sandy School on Hwy 69 and ends on Jay Street

in Downtown Big Sandy. Beautiful floats and decorated automobiles are the stars of this parade. Prizes are awarded for the best floats and decorated wagons and bikes.

After the parade, the concerts begin. If you enjoy southern rock and popular country music you will not want to miss a moment.

All around the downtown area you will find games to play, activities to do and carnival thrills to ride. There is always lots of good food to eat too. Vendors and food trucks will be attending and the local restaurants will be glad to serve you.

The Big Sandy Spring Festival always finishes with a big finale. Popular bands play awesome music at the stages in the City Park and in Downtown Big Sandy. When darkness falls that is when the sky comes alive with fireworks. Big Sandy puts on one of the best fireworks shows you can find on Memorial Day Weekend. Usually beginning around 9 PM.

Get your Season of Fun kicked off right with a Grand Parade, Car Show, food, games, live music and lots more. Bring your family to Big Sandy, Tennessee on Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend for the Spring Festival. More information may be obtained by calling the Big Sandy City Hall at (731) 593-3213.

The World’s Biggest Fish Fry Is Right Here in West Tennessee

If you want to be remembered for doing something you want to do it big and you want to do it right. The Paris Henry County Jaycees have both of those covered when they plan the World’s Biggest Fish Fry. If you are a fan of delicious fried catfish, you want to be in Paris, Tennessee the last full week of April for this family friendly event. The official dates of the 72nd Annual World’s Biggest Fish Fry is Saturday, April 19th to Sunday, April 27th, 2025.

This is a one of a kind of event that includes, a big parade and a little parade, a rodeo, a fishing rodeo, a demolition derby, a street dance, a county dance, a carnival, a 5K run/walk, a concert, catfish races, a car and bike show, arts and crafts and of course, a huge fish fry. Travelers keep in mind, Fish Fry events are all week long, but they don’t start frying catfish until Wednesday night. But come on into town, there are plenty of places to eat around Henry County and plenty to do at the Fish Fry.

Here is a quick rundown of what you can expect during the World’s Biggest Fish Fry Week. Registration for the Hush Puppy Dash 5K Walk/Run will begin at 7 AM, Saturday April 19th, at the Henry County Fairgrounds. The race begins at 8 AM. Registration for the 5K Walk/Run is $15 in advance or $20, the day of the race. The event includes two classes - Runners/Walkers 10 and younger, and Runners/ Walkers 11 to 69 years old.

The Car & Bike Show gets started at 8 AM, Satur-

day, April 19th. The event was held in the parking area of the Krider Performing Arts Center, on Volunteer Drive last year. The location has yet to be determined for this year so check with the headquarters closer to time.

Gates open for the Demolition Derby at 5 PM, on Saturday. That is when you want to be there to register and to ensure you get a seat. The stands filled quickly last year. The Derby begins at 7PM, at the Henry County Fairgrounds.

People who love to fish fry also love music and dancing. The live music and dancing begins on Monday, April 21st, in Downtown Paris. The Kick-Off Street Dance will be 7 to 9 PM, around the Court Square in Downtown Paris. This is free and open to the public. The Country Dance is held on Tuesday, April 22nd, indoors at the Henry County Fairgrounds. The music begins at 7 until 10 PM, Seating, as well as, concessions and souvenirs are available. There is a $5 cover charge. The Christian Concert is held at the Henry County Fairgrounds

on Wednesday, April 23rd, 7 to 8:45 PM.

The Carnival opens on Tuesday, April 22nd. The Carnival hours are 5 to 11 PM on Tuesday admission is $25, ($5 off with coupon from school), Wednesday, April 23rd and Thursday, April 24th ($25 armbands both nights). The weekend hours are 11 AM to Midnight on Friday, April 25th, and Saturday, April 26th ($30 armbands). The hours on Sunday are Noon to 6 PM ($25 armband). The Carnival is located at the Henry County Fairgrounds.

All the bell and whistles are great but everyone comes to the World’s Biggest Fish Fry for one thing. Delicious. Fried. Catfish. The Fish Tent, as it is traditionally called, opens on Wednesday, April 23rd. After a few announcements and a welcome from the General Manager and the Hush Puppy Toss from the Hostess Princess, serving begins at 5 PM. The Fish Tent expands its hours for Thursday, April 24th, Friday, April 25th and Saturday, April 26th to 11 AM to 9 PM. Allyou-can-eat catfish, white beans, cole slaw, french fries,

and 26th at the arena in the Henry County Fairgrounds. Gates open both nights at 6 PM. Advance tickets can be purchased at the Fish Fry Headquarters, located at 219 Tyson Avenue. Tickets are $12 for adults and $7 for children ages 6 to 12. Gate tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for children ages 6 to 12. Free admission for children under age 6 accompanied by an adult only.

hush puppies and soft drinks are enjoyed by the masses. There is plenty of seating available and the lines move quickly. To-go plates are available. The Fish Tent is located at the Henry County Fairgrounds. Adult plates will be $20 and children ages 6 to 12 will be $12. You will be able to pay with either cash or a card.

The Arts & Crafts Show opens on Wednesday, April 23rd. The Vendors open at 5 PM til 8:30 PM. The Arts & Crafts Show runs thru Saturday, April 27th at the Henry County Fairgrounds..

Friday of Fish Fry Week is known as Fish Fry Day, and for good reason. There are a whole lot of activities going on. The Grand Parade starts moving down East Wood Street at 10 AM, Friday, April 25th. Line up begins before 9 AM at the East Wood Church of Christ and Ogburn Park. East Wood Street closes at 9 AM, as well. Bands, floats cars and walking units all compete for trophies and bragging rights.

The Championship Bulls & Barrels Showdown begins at 7:30 PM on Friday and Saturday, April 25th

All of the Fish Fry Events wrap up on Saturday, April 26th. The day begins with the Small Fry Parade at 10 AM, at Barton Field in Paris. The Small Fry parade is a fun-sized version of the Grand Parade.

Following the Small Fry Parade are the exciting Catfish Races at 11 AM on the Courthouse Lawn in Downtown Paris. This is a real event that has to be seen to be believed. Last but not least is the Jr. Fishing Rodeo for the young fishermen, 11 AM at Williams Lake. Prizes will be given to the boy and the girl that catches the biggest fish and the most fish in age brackets: 4 and under, 5 to 8 and 9 to 12. Don’t forget your pole and bait, chairs and blankets and plenty of sunscreen and bug spray.

The official Fish Fry Events end on Saturday. The Carnival is open for limited hours on Sunday, April 27th. The Jaycees do such an excellent job coordinating the World’s Biggest Fish Fry. The best way to thank them is to attend and enjoy the results of their efforts. You can find out all you need to know by visiting their website at www.worldsbiggestfishfry. org. The Headquarters will open in March. You may call or visit there for more information.

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Houston County High School Forum. Admission will be $10. The pageant times will be, Emerald Queen at 3:30 PM, Glamour Ms, at 4:15 PM, Mrs. Houston County at 5 PM, Ms. Houston County at 6 PM and the grand finale, Miss Houston County will be at 7 PM.

The Nashville Irish Trio Concert and Jam Session is whimsical and exciting. It adds a true Irish flair to the Irish Day Celebration. The concert is free and begins at 6:30 PM, Monday, March 10th at the Erin United Methodist Church. This concert is sponsored by the Houston County Arts Council.

It’s not an official festival until the Carnival opens and the rides and games begin. The Carnival opens Tuesday, March 11th and stays open thru Saturday, March 15th. Discounts are available on Family Night, Wednesday and Thursday, and Dollar Night on Friday. The Carnival is made possible due to the sponsorship of the Houston County Recreation Club. There will be rides for children of all ages, games with super prizes and lots of yummy goodies.

Don’t eat a big breakfast and bring your appetite to the

Irish Potato Bar at Signature Healthcare, 278 Rocky Hollow Rd., on Friday, March 14th, starting at 10 AM, until 2 PM. A plate is only $12 and includes a potato and all kinds of toppings, a drink and a delicious dessert.

The Irish Banquet & Auction begins with a Social Hour at 5 PM and dinner served at 6 PM on Friday, March 14th, at the Griffin’s Chapel Church Annex. Tickets are $35 and available in advance at the Erin City Hall. This evening of delicious food along with an auction of high quality items is sponsored by the Houston County Area Chamber of Commerce.

Irish Day is Saturday, March 15th, and there will be a lot going on.

The Irish love their pancakes. There will be two Pancake Breakfasts going on that morning. The first breakfast begins at 7 AM at the Erin United Methodist Church. Your stack of pancakes will be $6 per plate. This breakfast will serve until 11 AM. The Erin Church of the Nazarene will begin their Pancake breakfast at 8 AM.

Adult plates are $10, Children ages 4 to 12 will be $5 and children under 4 eat free, Also at 8 AM, Saturday, March 15th, is the Joshua 1:9 Run For Recov-

ery Irish 5K. The starting point is the Houston County High School and the ending point is Traditions First Bank. The entry fee is $30 and includes a tee shirt. Contact Emily Mead at (931) 980-3221 for more information.

The Food Vendors, Arts & Crafts tables and the Beer Garden can be

found all throughout downtown. You will want to do your best to see everything. This event sponsored by the Houston County Area Chamber of Commerce begins at 9 AM.

Everyone loves a parade, the excitement gets underway at 9 AM. Parade line up and float judging begins at that

time. Main Street closes at 10 AM. The Grand Parade begins at 11 AM and is sponsored by the Houston County Area Chamber of Commerce.

So popular from last year, Sam Jennings and the Flatbeds again take the Music on the Square Stage at 12 PM, at Betsy Ligon Park. This concert is open to the public and there is no charge. The Irish Day Celebration finishes the big day with music from Legacy, beginning at 2:30 PM, at Betsy Ligon Park. Look for your four leaf clover at the Irish Day Celebration. Come and join the good times and make

true this year’s theme, “Bringing Friends and Family Together Since 1963.” The 63rd Annual Irish Celebration is just around the corner! More information may be obtained by contacting the Chamber at (931) 289-5100 or visiting their website at


It’s time to get excited! The Eiffel Tower Splash Park will be open soon for the spring and the summer. Water slides, fountains and all kinds of fun obstacles are just waiting to splash your kids with fun. The Splash Park is located at The Eiffel Tower Park off Volunteer Drive in Paris. Everyone is welcome to make a big splash and have an amazing time.

The Eiffel Tower Splash Park opens on Tuesday, April 22nd, 10 AM to 6 PM. The Splash Park will be open every day. There will be no charge for The Splash Park up to Memorial Day Weekend, May 24th. As always the park remains open with weather permitting.

The hours and price of admission change on Memorial Day Weekend, beginning Sunday, May 25th. The Splash Park will still be open every day from 10 AM to 6 PM. Availability from 6 to 9 PM will depend on private rentals. Admission will be $2 per person, per

day, with children under age 3 entering for free. Children 8 years old and younger must be supervised by an adult at all times. These prices and hours will be in effect thru Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd. There are a few rules to keep in mind. The Splash Park is open weather permitting. No animals are permitted. Children that are not potty-trained must wear swim diapers. No glass containers or water balloons are permitted. Water wheelchairs are available for use.

The Eiffel Tower Splash Park may be reserved for parties and special events online or by

phone. Visit www. or call (731) 641-1402.

The Eiffel Tower City Pool will open on Saturday, May 24th, of Memorial Day Weekend. Pool hours are Monday thru Saturday, 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM and Sunday, 1 to 5:30 PM. Admission is $6 per day per person. There is a senior and military discount of $5 per day. Children under the age of 3 swim for free.

If you are planning on spending a lot of time at the pool this summer, Season Passes are available. A pass for an individual is $90. A Family Pass with five

members or less is $200. A Family Pass with six or more members is only $225. The Eiffel City Pool and City of Paris Parks and Recreation offers swim lessons during the summer too, There are specific times and separate fees for this service. Visit www.paristn. gov/swim-lessons for more info. Swim rain or shine in Paris. The Civic Center also has an indoor swimming pool for your convenience. Don’t let the cold weather or a rainy

day mess with your work out. Contact the Civic

Center about water aerobics classes and open swim times. Call (731) 644-2517 for more information.

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