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A N O T E fro m t h e P U B L I S H E R The title of this issue’s stunning cover image is “Freedom.” The artist, Grace Shelley, explained to me that she created this art during a time of deep pain, loss, and transformation. She said, “This is a defiant painting. A visual fiery resolve that life’s circumstances would not get the best of me, no matter what - that I would rise out of the flames of my life and continue dancing.” Way back, in February 2020, which seems like a million years ago, I wrote about freedom in one of our newsletters: “Freedom is the ability to act or change without constraint. The constraints can be external factors, such as confinement in a hospital bed or being stuck in a bad marriage. Yet, there is another type of freedom that is even more powerful because you have complete control over it no matter your external circumstances, and that is freedom from inner constraint. Nelson Mandela experienced this type of freedom while in prison and made a conscious decision when he was released to maintain his inner freedom. “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.” I love the image of butterflies as a symbol of freedom on this cover, and on the cover of our May/June 2019 issue. In that issue, I wrote, “The gorgeous art on our cover, titled “Butterflies,” reminds me of this magical time here in our county, and, in my mind, represents hope and transformation. It tends to be hard to remember that in the midst of struggle there is always magic waiting right around the corner.” I am proud of our strong and powerful community and how we are all supporting each other during this time. Whether you are in need of support, or would like to give support, we are here for you. May we all leave bitterness and hatred behind, remember that there is always magic waiting around the corner, and continue dancing. In Gratitude,







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what's inside M AY / J U N E 2 0 2 0


The Decisive Action Guide to Awesome Relationships


Which Investment Account Is Right For You?


Build Your Courage to Speak and Be Heard

by Yoram Baltinester

by Lesa Artzberger

by Dana Bristol-Smith

7 Your Best Body is a Healthy Body 8 E.P.I.C. Health Tips 10 Events 12 Recipes The Hidden Meaning Within 14 Sacred Geometry by Tamilee Webb

by Dillon Forte

16 E.P.I.C. Sustainability Karma / 17 Good Community SOULutions 18 Directory 20 E.P.I.C. Recommends

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Chairman, Board of Advisors drjohnsand@yahoo.com 843-491-6060 E.P.I.C. - Empowering People, Inspiring Community ® – North County Conscious Living Magazine is published bi-monthly by North County Publishing, LLC 5205 Avenida Encinas Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92008, 760-666-0858. All rights reserved. Distribution is throughout North County San Diego. No part of this publication may be used without written permission of the publisher. © 2011-2020. Every effort is made to avoid errors, misspelling, and omission. If an error comes to your attention please accept our apology and notify us. Articles have been submitted from members of the community and the content reflects the ideas and opinions of those authors. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Thank you. Please send all submissions to hello@epicnorthcounty. com. For advertising, email hello@epicnorthcounty.com. For home delivery of E.P.I.C. - Empowering People Inspiring Community ® North County Conscious Living Magazine, email hello@epicnorthcounty.com, the rate is $22 per year.

COVER ART Freedom by Grace Shelley Grace’s personal art saved her life. Enhancing digital photos is her specialty—your photos or hers. She loves to make people happy by transforming their favorite memories into treasured pieces of contemporary art. A portion of every sale goes to local non-profits that support abused women and children. Grace@GraceShelleyArt.com • graceshelleyart.com PLEASE RECYCLE THIS MAGAZINE

The Decisive Action Guide to Awesome



e relate to everything. Part of being human is growing up with the concept of ‘me’ as opposed to ‘you’ or ‘it’. Where there are two there is a relationship. Our relationships can be great or not so great. What makes the difference? Think of your best friend – what makes that relationship great? What makes that person your best friend? With that in mind, let’s go through your top ten relationships.

Relationship #10, your Work You may love your work, hate it or be indifferent to it. The problem is that by default you will always see in it things that reflect how you feel about it. If you love your work you will tend to recognize what’s great about it. If you hate it you will see everything that’s wrong, and if you are indifferent, well, “it’s a job.” To make your relationship with your work the best ever, make it a point to find one thing that’s great about it every day and watch how your works becomes lovable.

Relationship #9, Your Money Who do you like to hang out with? Do you like to be around people who are constantly worried, feel lack and want to dominate and keep you just to themselves? Having people like that in your life isn’t a great experience. If you are constantly worried about 2 | EpicNorthCounty.com

By Yoram Baltinester money, live with a constant sense of scarcity and do your best to hoard it, it will start slipping away. Money wants to be useful and do great things. The more inspiring projects you give your money, the easier time you will have attracting more money. Money likes fun too!

Relationship #8, Your Time If you could meet Oprah Winfrey or Warren Buffet for just five minutes, how would you behave in that meeting? I would milk every second and make it count. You would too, right? Time is unique in that it cannot be renewed the same way money or energy can be regenerated. Time wants to be respected and spent wisely, just like Oprah would if she made herself available to you. Make every minute, hour and day count, and time will become your friend.

Relationship #7, Your Friends, Colleagues and Clients I’ve never had a client that did not become a friend. Maybe we did not go out and party, yet coffee dates, meals, golfing or even boating were certainly part of these relationships at times. When you don’t have a friendly relationship they don’t stay clients for long. Your friends, whether it is your besties, or just an acquaintance, or even a Facebook friend that you are unlikely to ever meet face-to-face

all make a difference. Treat them as you would like to be treated and you will find that your friendships go far and deep.

Relationship #6, Your Environment Your environment includes your office, home, your back yard and, your car. It also includes your backpack, the trunk of your car, your drawers and refrigerator. It includes your virtual space such as your computer desktop and your hard drive file storage. Your environment is a special relationship that induces emotions in you. If you live in a state of constant mess, do you feel confident and fluent, or hesitant and careful? When your environment is efficiently organized, how do you feel then? When it is downright beautiful, how does that make you feel? If your visible spaces are organized yet your private spaces such as your computer and garage are a mess, don’t you feel a bit like a fraud? Effective and organized environments will bless you with flow and confidence.

Relationship #5, Your Body Do you love your body? This is one of the most emotionally charged questions I know. Like me or dislike me for asking, I don’t mind, just consider the question and answer it for yourself. After all, you live in it and it hosts you for as long as you live. We all ask and pray that our bodies don’t quit on us. Think of it as a combination of a friend and your car. If you do not maintain your car properly, it will quit on you. If you mistreat your friend the same will happen. Maintain your body with healthy food and exercise, and love it as you love your best friend, and your friendship will last long.

Relationship #4, Your Family Here is the thing about family… we get used to having them around, and we start taking them for granted. We get a rude reminder when they leave us. We all got a rude reminder of the fragility of Life during this COVID-19 pandemic. Reminders like these come at a great cost of suffering, inflicted on

everyone. Celebrate your family every day as if it was your last.

Relationship #3, Your Significant Other Your significant other is the one you said or may soon say that you shall live with forever. That is a long time! I have been married to my sweet wife for 27 years, and we dated for a couple of years before that. Every day remember these three things: What you love about your significant other, what you love about the couple that the two of you make, and why he or she is the perfect match for you. Remember these three things, remind your partner of them often, and as a bonus, bring flowers home.

Relationship #2, Your Soul Chances are you agree that you have a soul. You know that you can lose your limbs, get a heart and liver transplant, lose parts of your brain and you will still be you. That ‘you’ is your soul. Your soul is sensitive to how you keep your promises and stay true to your values. When you say you will do something, your soul hears it as a promise. If you break your promise, you stop trusting yourself. It’s that simple. Stay in integrity with your soul, and you will experience self-trust, self-respect, and self-confidence.

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Relationship #1, God This is the most important relationship you will ever have. You may refer to God as Spirit, Life, or Nature. Whatever name you use, you may believe that there is something you are meant to do in this life, which is your life purpose. Since God chose you to do this, then (1) you can do it successfully (2) It is your job to figure out what it is, and do it. Let God lead you and your life will fill with meaning and success. Yoram Baltinester founded Decisive Action Workshops to partner with high-performing leaders. Together, they drive better business results, develop teams, and improve their leadership. Yoram helps these successful professionals to align purpose with decisive action and reach a next level of personal success. yoram@baltigroup.com, HeyYoram.com, 858.356.6751. E.P.I.C. | 3

Which Investment Account

Is Right For You?

By Lesa Artzberger

here you hold your assets is as important as what assets you actually invest in. There are three main investment account types you can invest in. Here is an overview of what they are and how to use these different accounts to minimize your taxes and maximize your returns.


enables you to invest some of your actively earned income now to receive a tax rebate. When you contribute to a retirement, pension, superannuation, or IRA account, in addition to the tax rebate, all growth and income generated by the investments within the account are also tax-free.


Many people tell me they don’t want to use tax deferred accounts because they perform badly.

Tax deferred investment accounts are called many different names but they are all essentially the same. They are pensions, retirement annuities, retirement funding, 401K’s, a SEP, an IRA, or Superannuation. A tax deferred account incentivizes you to invest and build up assets to use in retirement, through a tax deduction. Typically, corporations are given a tax break to offer these accounts to their employees. It is important to take advantage of this opportunity, to not leave money on the table and to contribute only what the company is matching. The government incentivizes you to put some money aside so that you can support yourself in retirement. Typically, this is in the form of a tax deferred allowance that 4 | EpicNorthCounty.com

My advice is that if your retirement account is underperforming, it’s not the account that’s the problem, the problem is how the money within the account is invested. Most tax deferred accounts invest in high-fee, poor performing actively managed funds. This is the reason they underperform. I call these TV dinner investments – bad for your wealth and great for the financial industry that rakes in massive fees. There are ways to protect this money from the roller coaster of the market, by rolling it into a tax deferred index account. This financial vehicle will avoid the high fees, and provide the upside of the market, without experiencing the down-side of the market. The most important thing to understand is that these accounts are tax deferred, not tax free. You still have to pay tax, you will just pay

The benefit of these accounts is that all income and capital growth produced by your investments are tax-free, you pay no taxes on withdrawal, and you are legally able to invest in these accounts at a higher rate. This is Super Juicy! Because you pay no income or capital gains tax on the investments within these accounts, your money works harder for you and you end up getting higher returns from the same amount of money invested within a tax-free account than outside of the tax-free wrapper. My advice is to max out your annual allowance and keep those funds invested year after year until you are ready to enjoy your retirement. The next big benefit of your tax-free investment account kicks in at this point, because you will not pay taxes on your withdrawals. By investing in a tax-free account in addition to a taxdeferred account, you can structure your withdrawals to minimize your tax base in retirement. While you are building your wealth, it’s important to use both your tax-deferred and tax-free accounts and allowances, which will help you to maximize your tax savings when you retire.


it later. When your money goes into the account, you get a tax benefit now, which means more of your money can work for you, instead of going to taxes, and when you start withdrawing from this account, you pay taxes on your withdrawals.


Tax-free investment accounts are super sexy, and my favorite investment account by far. Tax free investment accounts include indexed universal life (IUL) and ROTH IRA’s. A tax-free investment account is another way the government incentivizes you to look after our own financial wellbeing. With a tax-free investment account, the money you invest is post-tax money, so there is no tax benefit upfront.

The third type of investment account is a discretionary account. This is the account you use after you have maxed out your allowances on the first two accounts. This account has no tax benefits, yet it is the most flexible and has no restrictions on how much you can invest, when you can access the funds, what the funds can be invested in. Remember, your assets create your freedom, and it’s the quality of your assets, not the quantity that counts. Lesa Artzberger was in the medical device industry for more than 30 years, and lost half of her retirement in 2001, at risk of market. She learned some effective techniques, to protect/ grow her money, before the market drop in 2008. Lesa is a Financial Specialist and Fiduciary now specializing in assisting women, and their families, to protect and grow their retirement savings. benefitsbyarzberger.com


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Build Your Courage

to Speak and Be Heard


ourage isn’t the absence of fear, it is to willingly walk towards that which we would want to run away from.” - Eric Kaufmann • What prevents you from speaking up? • What holds you back from going after the job or business opportunity you dream of? • What stops you from saying “no” when you just can’t take on another task? The answer is probably fear. It could be fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure - or even of success. I’ve spent a good part of my career helping people walk through their fears. Notice that I didn’t say “conquer” their fears or “get rid” of their fears. Fear plays an important role in our lives. It keeps us safe. It prevents us from getting hurt. Fear keeps us aware of our surroundings, and when we are paying attention to feelings or sensations that tell us that danger is nearby, we take precautions to keep safe. When fear is coupled with self-judgment, criticism or feeling unworthy, it’s not so helpful. As a public speaking coach, many of the people I worked with had a fear of looking bad, or not being good enough, or smart enough in front of their peers, or their bosses. For some, fear paralyzed them, and limited their advancement and career growth. Those who were willing to take the risk to speak up at meetings, or give presentations built confidence and grew personally and professionally. Speaking up and fully showing up is risky. But there could be something inside of you that is calling you to step up in a more confident and empowered way. You might have a great idea for innovation and need funding, or you could have a burning desire to tackle a social problem. The only way to get your passion and message heard is to share it out loud--

6 | EpicNorthCounty.com

By Dana Bristol-Smith

and to do that you’ve got to speak through and walk through your fear. What I’ve learned is that when my desire for change is bigger than my fear – desire wins. And when my desire is connected to my purpose, or mission, I’m willing to put myself in uncomfortable situations and grow into them. I’m willing to walk through my fears and I bet that you are too. Here’s how to build your courage to speak and be heard: 1. Connect to your why - Why is this important to you? - Why will it be important to others? - How will others/society/our community benefit? 2. Develop your content - Write out your message either in full script or outline format - Use stories to connect to your listener’s emotions - Practice out loud until you are comfortable with the flow and delivery - Get feedback from colleagues/friends as a practice audience 3. Assess and acknowledge your achievement - Assess your delivery by recognizing what you did well and what you’d like to improve - Recognize your new level of courage - Celebrate your growth You deserve to be heard. Who you are and what you have to say is important. The world is waiting for your brilliant ideas. You’re now ready to go out and speak and be heard! Dana Bristol-Smith is the Founder and Executive Director of Leap to Success, a women’s empowerment organization. Leap to Success, a nonprofit, offers free programs to help women regain confidence and recover from domestic violence, homelessness, and other major trauma. Dana can be reached at dana@leaptosuccess.org

Your Best Body By Tamilee Webb


the outside.

is a

Healthy Body

ealth and fitness begins from the inside out, yet as a society, we tend to pay more attention to what we see on the outside, than how we feel on the inside. The irony is that how you feel on the inside determines how you look on

Your mind and thoughts create energy, and your body responds to these thoughts on a cellular level. You have private conversations with yourself many times a day, and most likely, it is not always positive. Studies show that the majority of women dislike their bodies, yet these thoughts are counter-productive to achieving their goals. Your body is a response to how you think about and talk to yourself and the actions you take in response. It’s important to tune into your thoughts and self-talk and to be mindful of patterns of self-sabotage.

• Moderate and low-intensity bike rides and brisk walks (think of them more as relaxing cardio activities to reduce stress). Endomorphs usually have larger bone structures with a higher total body and fat mass. Think football lineman or powerlifter. Endomorphs tend to be naturally less active and to more easily store fat. Strength training strategy: •

• Avoid heavy weight lifting with low reps. Best cardio: • Incorporate cardio a minimum of three times per week for 20-30 minutes in your target heart rate zone.

When I hear a friend, family member, or client use negative words toward themselves, I immediately say, "delete; let’s rephrase that statement.” If you need help with this, ask a friend, spouse, or your kids to use the 'delete and rephrase' tool. After a while, you'll catch yourself and correct it right away. Have you ever stopped to think about how amazing the human body is? It works for you, even when you don’t treat it well. It’s only when it becomes overloaded that it starts to show signs of distress to get your attention. The signs may be small and subtle at first, but if you continue on your path of destruction, the signs will get louder. Most diseases, if caught early, are curable. Are you listening to your body? The best way to take care of your body is with whole foods that give your body nutrients, exercise to support your muscles and bones, and time to relax to reconnect your mind, body, and soul. WHAT IS THE BEST EXERCISE FOR YOUR BODY TYPE? At birth, your parents genetically determine your body type: Mesomorph, Ectomorph, or Endomorph. You can also be a combination of two types. It helps to know what your body type is, which gives you an idea of which form of exercise is best for you. Ectomorphs are thin with smaller bone structures, leaner muscles, a faster metabolic rate and higher carb tolerance. Endurance athletes such as long-distance runners are usually Ectomorphs. Strength training strategy: • Train with heavy weights and lots of rest in between sets. • Take plenty of rest in between workouts and never train a muscle group that is sore. And if you’re feeling really sore, try out foam rolling for recovery. Best cardio training: • Very minimal cardio.

Total-body workouts with compound movements to burn the most calories. This can be a mix of bodyweight training as well as moderate weight lifting.

• Make your cardio training easy on the knees and low-impact (swimming, biking, hiking, walking, elliptical). Mesomorphs have a medium-sized bone structure, athletic body, and can quickly build lean muscle mass. Many explosive athletes like wrestlers and gymnasts are mesomorphs. Strength training strategy: • The more varied the training, the better the results. • Light, moderate and heavy weight training as well as bodyweight training. • Add in any other strength training activity that you think is fun and want to try out, like resistance band workouts. Best cardio: • Three days per week of cardio for 15-30 minutes. By understanding your body type and that your mind is a crucial partner to your body, you can begin to nourish the two together by being mindful of your thoughts and tailoring your exercise to meet your body's needs. Even if you’re not currently experiencing pain or disease, eventually, overwork, stress, and poor nutrition will catch up with you. Money can't buy health, but good health can bring you happiness and even increase your income because you have the energy and clear mind to know what you want. Feeling good through movement, and the positive power of your mind will help you to have more energy, and balance, experience less joint pain, and look and feel your best. Take care of your body, and your body will take care of you. Tamilee Webb MA, is a Hall of Fame Fitness Instructor in Solana Beach. Millions of fans worldwide have long admired her no-nonsense approach to mind, body, health and fitness that can be achieved within your home. She is the author of four bestselling books "The Original Rubber Band Workout," "Step-up Fitness," "Workout for Dummies," and "Defy Gravity Workout." tamileewebb.com, DesignYourFitPlans.com E.P.I.C. | 7


Tips for a strong



his spring humanity has been challenged more than usual, by COVID-19, loss of income, and unusual situations that have threatened our comfort zones and have forced us to adapt quickly. Whatever is happening in your life and in the world, It’s important to keep your immune system strong. A healthy immune system fares better with any kind of pathogen than a compromised immune system. If your body is dealing with underlying health conditions, an additional challenger like SARS-CoV-2 will face less resistance because your immune system is already weakened. Having a clean lymphatic system is key to a strong immune system. You may have recognized that your lymphatic system becomes clogged during an infection, when your body becomes overloaded with toxins, and your major lymph nodes, such as those found under your armpits, in your groin, or on your neck, begin to swell. Your lymphatic system acts as your second circulatory system. It can be referred to as the garbage disposal system in your body. A congested lymphatic system reduces its ability to detoxify your body. A biologically inappropriate diet of too much animal protein and too many starches leads to your lymph becoming sticky and congested. Sometimes your body tries to rid itself of the increased toxic load with discharges from your nose and airways, as happens with the common cold. Your lymphatic system is an important part of your immune system. Here are some ways to keep it clean and strong. EAT A HEALTHY, NUTRITIOUS, BIOLOGICALLY APPROPRIATE DIET A plant based diet with plenty of fresh local organic fruit and vegetables is best. Minimize

8 | EpicNorthCounty.com

grains and animal protein, which can congest your organs and lymphatic system, and can lead to a whole array of diseases over time. INTERMITTENT FASTING Your body can digest and it can detox, but it can’t do both at the same time. Giving yourself additional time to detox after rising in the morning is a great way to stimulate your kidneys and other detoxification organs. A good length of time to fast daily is 16 hours. You can do this by not eating after 6pm and consuming your first meal at 10am, or whatever 16-hour time frame works best for you. EXERCISE Exercise is the best way to stimulate your lymphatic system, especially if you work up a sweat and help your body detoxify through the skin. MEDITATION Stress has a huge impact on your immune system. A regular meditation practice that helps you lower your blood pressure and slows down your nervous system induces a hormonal healing response in your body and stimulates your immune system. Corry Lang is a certified nutritional detoxification specialist, a Life and Emotional Health Coach and a Yoga and meditation teacher. For more information about her programs please visit her website at www. CorryLang.com, 858-205-2633


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Wednesday May 13 Wine Women & Wealth 6pm, Zoom. Join our free monthly Wine Women & Wealth monthly networking events, enjoy laughs over good wine and light bites and learn about the information you need to make better financial decisions in a fun and engaging book club format. RSVP with Lesa Artzberger, LaMonaLesa@ gmail.com, 858-401-9026. Tuesday May 19 Carlsbad Business Awards Day 1 – Education noon, online. Join the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce in honoring companies and individuals in North County. Hear from inspiring leaders and network with your community while supporting local businesses. Celebrate the Teacher of the year and the School Administrator of the year. Free or by donation. Wednesday May 20 Carlsbad Business Awards Day 2 – Business noon, online. Join the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce in honoring companies and individuals in North County. Hear from inspiring leaders and network with your community while supporting local businesses. Honoring best new business, best place to work, and workplace MVP. Free or by donation. Thursday May 21 Carlsbad Business Awards Day 3 – Community noon, online. Join the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce in honoring companies and individuals in North County. Hear from inspiring leaders and network with your community while supporting local businesses. People’s Choice Awards. Free or by donation. Thursday May 21 Wine Women & Wellness 6pm, Zoom. Networking and RelationshipBuilding Group for Purpose-Driven and Soul-Inspired Women! Wellness is a total package, including finances, health, nutrition, healing, spirit, mind and body. Spend time on yourself

10 | EpicNorthCounty.com

with like-minded women and professionals who share a passion for living a full and enlivened life. RSVP homebytristen.com. Friday May 22 The Pain Integration Experience, Free introduction Workshop with Dr. Anne Jenkins. 11am, Zoom. Learn about the four types of pain and how you can unlock the wisdom, gifts, and freedom available to you in this experiential and interactive journey. Limited space, sign up at WellBeingForLifeCarlsbad.com. Friday May 22 Carlsbad Business Awards Day 4 – Networking and More noon, online. Join the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce in honoring companies and individuals in North County. Hear from inspiring leaders and network with your community while supporting local businesses. Celebrate the Teacher of the year and the School Administrator of the year. Free or by donation. Friday May 29 The Pain Integration Experience with Dr. Anne Jenkins. 11am, Zoom. Learn about the four types of pain and how you can unlock the wisdom, gifts, and freedom available to you in this experiential and interactive journey. Limited space, sign up at WellBeingForLifeCarlsbad.com.


Friday June 5 Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce First Friday Breakfast 7am9am online. Carlsbad’s Premier Networking Event – Register at Carlsbad.org. Wednesday June 10 Wine Women & Wealth 6pm Zoom. Join our monthly Wine Women & Wealth monthly networking events, enjoy laughs over good wine and light bites and learn about the information you need to make better financial decisions in a fun and engaging book club format. RSVP with Lesa Artzberger, LaMonaLesa@gmail.com, 858-401-9026.

EVENTS Thursday June 11 Exploring Abundance Workshop Series 6-8pm, Zoom. Hosted by Lori Wilson and a special guest copresenter. Our goal is to support women on their journey to live their full potential in all aspects of life and for you to uncover fears and replace them with a positive approach to a healthy and wealthy lifestyle. These intimate events are free, fun, and offer an enlightening, enjoyable and educational experience. RSVP lori.wilson@axaadvisors.com (619-850-2262) Friday June 12 20th anniversary Cool Women program with Girls Scouts San Diego noon, online. Everyone is welcome to attend this nocost event by pre-registering at sdgirlscouts.org/cw. In 2000, Girl Scouts began honoring distinguished women who make our community and the world a better place. From scientists, artists, and athletes to entrepreneurs and military officers, these remarkable San Diegans are consummate role models for girls. This heartwarming and inspirational program will include conversation with several Cool Women alums; a look at how Cool Women are taking action during the pandemic; and an introduction to teen girls whose courage, confidence, and character embody the Girl Scout mission. CEO Carol Dedrich will also share how new and innovative virtual programs are helping Girl Scouts connect during isolation and develop critical life skills like resiliency, problem solving, and relationship building. Thursday June 18 Wine Women & Wellness 6pm, Zoom. Networking and Relationship-Building Group for Purpose-Driven and Soul-Inspired

Women! Wellness is a total package, including finances, health, nutrition, healing, spirit, mind and body. Spend time on yourself with likeminded women and professionals who share a passion for living a full and enlivened life. RSVP homebytristen.com. Friday June 19 The Pain Integration Experience, Free introduction Workshop with Dr. Anne Jenkins. 11am, Zoom. Learn about the four types of pain and how you can unlock the wisdom, gifts, and freedom available to you in this experiential and interactive journey. Limited space, sign up at WellBeingForLifeCarlsbad.com. Friday June 26 The Pain Integration Experience with Dr. Anne Jenkins. 11am, Zoom. Learn about the four types of pain and how you can unlock the wisdom, gifts, and freedom available to you in this experiential and interactive journey. Limited space, sign up at WellBeingForLifeCarlsbad.com.


Coffee and Conversation With OMA Artist Alliance Noon First Sunday of the month @ Oceanside Museum of Art, free. oma-online.org

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INGREDIENTS 2 cans 15oz black beans, drained and rinsed 1 Tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil ½ yellow, white, or red onion, diced 3-6 cloves garlic, minced ½ cup mashed sweet potato (cooked) or cooked quinoa ¼ cup oat flour ¼ cup ground flaxseeds ¼ cup BBQ sauce, ketchup, or coconut aminos ½ 1 Teaspoon ground cumin ½ 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 cup of chopped vegetables (optional) DIRECTIONS Put all items in Food processor and process until mixed, scrapping down the sides. You can choose to sauté the vegetables, garlic, and onions first or just add to food processor with other ingredients.

12 | EpicNorthCounty.com

If you add the beans last, after processing all of the other ingredients, they will be firmer. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Once mixed, form into patties and set on parchment paper lined baking sheet. Place in oven for about 15 minutes, then using a spatula, flip them over gently and bake for another 5-10 mins until cooked to the desired texture. Serve warm. These bean burgers can be stored in an air-tight container in the refrigerator and reheated to eat with any favorite toppings, on top of salad greens, or on a gluten free bun. Enjoy! Elaine is a holistic nutritionist, certified holistic cancer educator, and registered yoga teacher. She teaches whole food plant based meal prep and wellness education classes. She offers nutrition consults/plans, flower essence consultations, hormone and adrenal balancing, yoga, breathwork, reiki, Heartmath and growing your own food on vertical tower gardens. Find her at bodyandsoulnourishment.com 760-845-9459

SUNFLOWER CABBAGE POWER SALAD From the Kitchen of Elaine Bryan INGREDIENTS SALAD 1 Large head red or green cabbage, shredded 1 pound spinach 2 cups packed sunflower sprouts (optional) 1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped 1 cup toasted sunflower seeds BASIL-CIDER VINAIGRETTE ¼ cup apple cider vinegar ¼ cup olive oil 2 Tablespoons water 1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 Garlic clove, pressed 2 Tablespoons fresh basil, chopped Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS Preheat over to 350 degrees. Place sunflower

seeds in a rectangular glass dish and toast in oven for about 10 minutes. Combine and mix all of the dressing ingredients in a separate bowl. Place the cabbage, spinach, sunflower sprouts and cilantro in a large bowl. Mix with dressing and toasted sunflower seeds. Serve immediately. Elaine is a holistic nutritionist, certified holistic cancer educator, and registered yoga teacher. She teaches whole food plant based meal prep and wellness education classes. She offers nutrition consults/plans, flower essence consultations, hormone and adrenal balancing, yoga, breathwork, reiki, Heartmath and growing your own food on vertical tower gardens. Find her at bodyandsoulnourishment. com 760-845-9459


From the Kitchen of Sandi J. Star These Energy Bars are loaded with Heart Healthy fats.

INGREDIENTS 1 cup almonds ½ cup sunflower seeds ½ cup flax meal ½ cup pepitas 2 T chia seeds ¼ Cup unsweetened shredded coconut (optional) 2 T maca powder (optional) Great for hormone balance ¼ cup maple syrup or honey ¼ cup coconut oil 1/3 cup almond butter ½ tsp sea salt

DIRECTIONS In a food processor, grind the almonds into a course consistency. Add them to a bowl with the sunflower seeds, maca powder, flax meal, coconut, pepitas, chia seeds and salt. In a saucepan, combine the maple syrup, almond butter and coconut oil. Mix until all are well combined. Add to the bowl with the dried ingredients. Tear a sheet of parchment slightly bigger than an 8X8 pan. Line an 8X8 pan with the paper. Spread in the mixture and pack down tight. Place in the fridge to set for about 1 hour. Store them in the fridge or even freeze them for longer storage. Enjoy! Sandi’s primary focus is treating and preventing disease with a holistic approach to wellness. Sandi incorporates naturopathic therapies, lifestyle and nutrition counseling. Sandi Star Wellness sandijstar.com This recipe is in Sandi’s book, Beyond Gluten A Healing Transition, available on Amazon.

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The Hidden Meaning Within Sacred Geometry By Dillon Forte


ince the dawn of our recorded history, humanity has ascribed sacred symbolism to the geometric shapes and patterns observed in nature. It has long been understood that our seemingly random and chaotic universe actually follows strict mathematical laws that make up the foundation of, well, everything. From the division of a cell, to the radial patterns of a flower, the ways in which any given thing manifests are predetermined by geometric blueprints. Not only do these blueprints construct our physical reality, they also have, and continue to influence artistic trends around the world.

14 | EpicNorthCounty.com

“The knowledge of which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal. Then, my noble friend, geometry will draw the soul towards truth, and create the spirit of philosophy, and raise up that which is not unhappily allowed to fall down.� - Plato ARCHITECTURE Sacred geometry is found everywhere, including within architecture from cultures all over the world. It can be seen in the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Parthenon of Ancient Greece, the United Nations building

in New York and more. Each of these examples are unique in their shapes and sizes, but what they have in common is that they all follow the golden ratio and are composed of Platonic solids. What are Platonic solids you may ask? They are the five perfect shapes that make up the foundation of everything tangible. The Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron, Cube, and Dodecahedron. What makes them “perfect” is that the number of sides that comprises each face, is the same number of faces that construct the polyhedron. Take for example a cube, which consists of four squares and each of those squares is made up of four sides. ART One of the most famous examples of sacred geometry in art is Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. A beautiful epitome of the ancient understanding of symmetry in man and nature is best explained by Leonardo himself; “For the human body is so designed by nature that the face, from the chin to the top of the forehead and the lowest roots of the hair, is a tenth part of the whole height.” He continues his explanation in deeper and incredible detail, and to this day this remains my favorite explanation of how sacred geometry design and art can also be traced to the human body. From our minds then come all art created for personal and mass

actually uses art to mirror the mathematical principles found in nature and through research can be traced back to early Egyptian cultures. A recommended book on the subject that inspired my fascination and career in sacred geometry design is ‘The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life’ by Drunvalo Melchizedek. MUSIC In many instances geometric congruencies are as obvious as the direct relation of a spiral galaxy to a nautilus shell. As most of our readers may guess, Sacred Geometry actually goes beyond what we can see and behold. It also makes up the many laws of music. One example being the Pythagorean scale of harmonic fifths, which is a musical theory coined by Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagorus. Upon observing that dividing a string in half it is realized that it would double its pitch, aka, double its “Octave”. This discovery was a stepping stone for furthering our understanding of the numerical ratios of vibration. Ratios that continue to influence music to this day.

est-selling Authorwhich and Master Life Coach Ken D Foster observation, can be Business found onand canvas, walls, clothing, sculptures and of course, the skin. It is said that sacred geometry

Renowned artist Dillon Forte is known for his contemporary style of Sacred Geometry tattooing. Forte views the body as a whole, creating harmonious designs to flow seamlessly with the skin. He operates his Sri Yantra Tattoo studios in California and has developed an incredible online following and highprofile international client base. www.dillonfortetattoo.com

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By Kathy Moore pring is in full force, and with it, spring cleaning. We’re throwing the windows open, dusting off dressers, and revisiting seemingly endless piles of “stuff” stowed away for winter. Sometimes this can feel insurmountable, too.

While it may seem easier to throw everything away or ignore it until next season, there are a few simple ways you can tackle your spring cleanout in an eco-friendly way. Here are five tips to consider for cleaning - and living - more sustainably: 1. Don’t wing it. If you’ve ever gone grocery shopping without a list, you know the trip can quickly turn into a disaster. When spring cleaning, make sure you plan ahead to avoid stress and frustration. It can be emotionally draining to decide which items to keep and which to throw out, so develop a system and keep your end goal in mind. As you’re sorting, create piles of items to donate, keep, and what must be thrown out. 2. Think outside the box. Most of us have closets and dressers full of clothes we know we can donate when we’re ready, yet did you know most donation centers are also interested in dressers and other furniture? Some places even take leftover construction and renovation materials like tile, brick, faucets, and more. Instead of keeping items because “you never know when you could use it,” consider how these unique items could have a second life and be put to good use elsewhere. 3. Know what can’t be donated or recycled. Chemicals can’t be recycled or donated, and some electronic components are detrimental to the environment if left in the landfill. Educate yourself on the proper disposal of these materials and identify local centers or organizations that accept 16 | EpicNorthCounty.com

them. Many cities often sponsor e-waste recycling days, for instance. 4. Think before you buy. As you’re sorting you may think, “how did we get all this stuff?” Remind yourself of that before you buy something new. Ask the following questions: Do I have something like it? How long will I use it? Can I get it used through Facebook Marketplace, or a secondhand store? This thought process could not only reduce your carbon footprint; it could save you time and money in the long run! 5. Consider the additional benefits. Beyond regaining space, decluttering and living more sustainably can boost your pocketbook and your health. Selling gently used items or getting a tax write-off for donations can put some extra cash in your pocket, and you’ll feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally by not having to navigate towering piles of stuff. A study from Offers.com noted 35% of all respondents were motivated to declutter in order to boost their mood. Starting this process can be difficult but stick with it and it’ll get easier to live (and shop) more sustainably. It's a learning process, so start small and remember you don’t have to go through it alone - friends, family, and professionals are available to help. Ultimately, by following these five tips, your household will be clean, tidy, and running more efficiently, and you’ll help others and the planet in the process - what could be better than that? Kathy Moore is the co-owner of JDog Junk Removal & Hauling, an eco-friendly junk removal franchise that recycles and reuses 6080% of everything collected. Kathy and her husband, Jon, have won numerous awards including the 2018 Carlsbad Chamber Sustainability Award and the 2019 JDog of the Year Award for service to the community. Jdogvista.com

GOOD KARMA · Community SOULutions A Reason to Survive (ARTS) areasontosurvive.org A creative youth development organization, ARTS is a space of inspiration for the next generation to become innovative, empathetic, and visionary creators whose work and values make the world a better place for all of us. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation – Discovery Center aguahedionda.org Inspiring people through education and outreach to preserve the Agua Hedionda Lagoon as an accessible and healthy watershed. Assistance League of North Coast alnc.org Providing a positive starting point for academic success, primarily of children, in the communities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista. Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation batiquitosfoundation.org Designated a Marine Protected area, and one of the few remaining tidal wetlands on the southern California coast. Beacons, Inc. BeaconsNorthCounty.com Low-ratio postsecondary progress-monitored vocational workshops for individuals with intellectual disabilities with customized curriculum, assistive technology, and collaborative hands-on instruction. (Credentialed instructors). California Center for the Arts Escondido artcenter.org Bringing people together to discover, create and celebrate the visual and performing arts, the California Center for the Arts, Escondido is the cultural center of North County. Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation carlsbadlibraryartsfoundation.org The mission of the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation is to seek, cultivate and provide financial support for our library and cultural arts facilities and programs. Girl Scouts San Diego/North Coastal sdgirlscouts.org Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

other major life challenges to reach their greatest potential.

girls, in local communities and throughout the world.

Mana de San Diego manasd.org Developing, nurturing and empowering Latina leaders through Education, Leadership Development, Advocacy and Community Service.

Solutions for Change, Inc. solutionsforchange.org Solutions for Change transforms lives and communities by permanently solving family homelessness. Providing complete and sustainable solutions driven by accountability.

New Village Arts Theatre newvillagearts.org Creating adventurous artistic experiences to awaken the human spirit. Providing a collaborative and inspiring home for performing and visual artists, a forum for laughter, discussion, and deeper thinking within our community, and a training ground for future generations of art-makers and art-lovers. North County Philanthropy Council ncphilanthropy.org North County Philanthropy Council brings nonprofit professionals, volunteers, donors and business together for one purpose – to change lives. Rancho Coastal Humane Society rchumanesociety.org Dedicated to the care of animals and the people who love them. Our private, nonprofit organization rescues, shelters and adopts more than a thousand companion animals annually. The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) sandiegoarc.salvationarmy.org The ARC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides a free 6-month rehab program to men and women battling drugs and alcohol addiction. The ARC is here to help – regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other factor. The Samuel Lawrence Foundation samuellawrencefoundation.org Promoting human interaction in communities and encouraging broader access to science, education, and the arts. San Diego Botanic Garden SDBGarden.org Inspiring people of all ages to connect with plants and nature.

The Elizabeth Hospice elizabethhospice.org The Elizabeth Hospice provides medical, emotional and spiritual support to children and adults faced with the challenges associated with a life-threatening illness.

San Diego Habitat for Humanity ReStore sandiegohabitat.org San Diego Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. SDHFH is an autonomous, nonprofit organization that is governed and builds locally.

The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank/North County Food Bank northcountyfoodbank.org The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank and our North County Food Bank chapter comprise the largest hunger-relief organization in San Diego County.

The San Diego Women's Foundation sdfoundation.org Educates and inspires women to engage in collective philanthropy, and are catalysts for change, investing in innovative solutions that benefit underserved communities in the San Diego region.

Leap to Success www.leaptosuccess.org Educating and empowering women who are overcoming domestic violence, homelessness, and

Soroptomist International Oceanside/Carlsbad sioceansidecarlsbad.com An organization for business and professional women working to improve the lives of women and

Surfrider Foundation San Diego sandiego.surfrider.org Champions of surf and sand on a mission to protect San Diego's 72 miles of coastline. Fights for clean water, coastal preservation, ocean protection, beach access and to reduce plastic pollution. The Swell Collective swellcollective.org Working with marginalized communities on ethical collaboration, effective communication, and resiliency & wellness. Tea3Foundation tea3foundation.org Giving time, talent and treasure for children, military, and animals TERI Campus of Life teriinc.org Serving over 850 children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families in San Diego County. Veterans Association of North County (VANC) vanc.me A one-stop resource center for active duty, retired, veterans and their families. We centralize services from diverse agencies to assist with jobs, education, benefits, health, and wellness. We also support our local community by providing an exceptional space perfect for meetings, banquets, workshops, presentations and more. Voices for Children speakupnow.org Voices for Children transforms the lives of abused children by providing them with volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs). Wagging Dog Rescue waggingdog.org Grassroots animal rescue servicing southern CA. We save dogs and cats who’ve run out of time at shelters and need a miracle. Women’s Resource Center Wrcsd.org Dedicated to providing the highest quality counseling, shelter and education to North County women, children and men involved in or threatened by domestic violence or sexual assault. Wounded Warrior Homes woundedwarriorhomes.org Wounded Warrior Homes is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides affordable housing and resources for Veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI.

E.P.I.C. | 17


Attuned Soundscapes – p. 19 attunedsoundscapes.com 909-910-9944 Girish Music – BC girishmusic.com Grace Shelley Art Grace@GraceShelleyArt.com 401-622-8038 graceshelleyart.com


d’anna@epictransformations.net 858-692-0917


FINANCIAL SERVICES Benefits by Artzberger – p. 9 lamonalesa@gmail.com 858-401-9026


Vanguard Culture – p. 10 vanguardculture.com

Gita K. Nassiri, Attorney/CPA



Rumeur Lingerie 12843 El Camino Real, Ste 102 San Diego CA, 92130 858-523-9980 rumeurlingerie.com


Acosta + Partners teresa@acostaandpartners.com 760-456-5439 acostaandpartners.com Keep Them Loyal lucy@keepthemloyal.com (619) 884-3335 keepthemloyal.com KOCT – p. 15 koct.org John D. Sanders john@johnsanders.com 843-491-6060 johnsanders.com Stan’s Web Design stan@stanswebdesign.com 858-481-9370 www.stanswebdesign.com

Capital Legacy Law, Inc. (760) 979-1280

Cathy Fitzpatrick

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

Cj.fitzpatrick@fairwaymc.com 760-473-0109

Lori Wilson – p. 19 619-850-2262



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855.588.2442 (855.LUV.CHIA) mammachia.com

Mendocino Farms – p. 11 mendocinofarms.com

Territory Foods – p. 10 territoryfoods.com


Sunset Bay Candy

Anita@SunsetBayCandy.com 760 295-2833


18 | EpicNorthCounty.com

HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY Ann Photography – p. 9 760-610-6263 annphotography.com

Body and Soul Nourishment 760-845-9459 bodyandsoulnourishment.com Embrace Infinity Akramer8@yahoo.com 858-531-6123 embraceinfinity.com Carol Fehr MaryKay Cosmetics marykay.com/carolfb 760-490-5270 carol@carolfehr.com Mind Oasis – p. 15 mindoasis.org Rodan+Fields, Lisa Perlmutter – p. 5 & p. 15 lgperlmutter@gmail.com 858-442-1666 lperlmutter.myrandf.biz Salon Amour – p. 9 salonamourcarlsbad.com Sandi Star Wellness www.sandijstar.com 760.685.3154 Self-Care for Entrepreneurs - IFC selfcare4entrepreneurs.com Well Being For Life – p. 3 7220 Avenida Encinas Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92011 760-692-0252 wellbeingforlifecarlsbad.com Wealth Alliance – p. 3 wealthalli.com 858-793-0513




Hera Hub Carlsbad 5205 Avenida Encinas Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92008 855-437-2482 herahub.com/Carlsbad

America'sJanitorial Service – p. 20 info@americasjanitorial.com 760-473-9069 americasjanitorial.com

Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 5934 Priestly Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-931-8400 carlsbad.org

Ken D Foster – p. 15 couragetochange.us SoulCollage® Discover Your Wisdom. Change Your World.™ An expressive arts process using Imagination, Intuition and Images that reflect aspects of our self and soul as we create meaningful cards in a warm community. 760-703-9941 judyannfoster.com/ soulcollage


Women's Wisdom Purpose Driven Networking for Female Entrepreneurs Since 1991 judy@womenswisdom.net 760-703-9941 womenswisdom.net

REAL ESTATE Home by Tristen 760-310-0166 realtortristen.com

Self-Care for Entrepreneurs selfcare4entrepreneurs.com Solana Beach Chamber of Commerce 210 West Plaza Street Solana Beach, CA 92075 858-755-4775 solanabeachchamber.com

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E.P.I.C. | 19

E.P.I.C. RECOMMENDS Rise. Amazing Woman. Rise By Marsh Engle

Compiled and Written by Marsh Engle alongside some of today's most inspired and influential women teachers, speakers, authors, entrepreneurs and change-makers. The feminine heart is the source of true power, intelligence, insight, and understanding. Tap into this power and you access the ability to transform your views of money and success, happiness and fulfillment. You are able to unlock hidden talents, uncover new meaning and amplify the significance of your purpose. In essence, accessing the power of the feminine heart moves you beyond old, outdated concepts about your capacities to create and to lead, becoming less about rules and expectations; and more about expressing your authentic voice, at home and at work. To lead from the feminine heart means to stand strong for creating from the core of your true worth, and to feel a sense of connection while you get things done. You can accomplish what is meaningful and create the transformation you know you can make. Throughout the pages of this book you will link arms with influential mentors, entrepreneurs and change-makers who guide you into the essential powers of the feminine heart, giving way to a more empowered destiny, and liberating the core of your unbridled potential to rise as the amazing woman you are meant to be.

The Guide To A Happy Pet: Creating A Loving Bond By Kelly O’Tillery

This informative and easily accessible guide explains how pets are connected to us on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. For many of us, sharing our lives with a beloved pet enriches us on these levels as well. Our lives are intertwined in significant and important ways, and we influence and enhance each other's lives every day. By approaching the bond with your pet in a very practical and timehonored way, you can create an agreement to make both of you happier spending your lives together. Exploring this concept will bring you to an understanding of your own needs and hopes in connection to your pet, your ability to provide what your pet will need from you, and clarity about the amount of commitment you can bring to your relationship. Becoming aware of how important you and your pet are for each other enhances and strengthens your bond with your pet. This book offers an essential tool for readers who want to relate harmoniously with the animals they love.

Chicana Tributes: Activist Women of the Civil Rights Movement – Stories for the New Generation By Rita Sanchez and Sonia Lopez

This book documents the experiences of sixtyone women who flourished in the civil/ethnic/ women’s rights movements of the late twentieth century and beyond. While each life is unique, collectively they demonstrate the benefits gained when a community and a society unleashes and fosters the potential of women who create, organize, and lead. When women come together with a collective intention, powerful things happen. This collection may be considered a starting point as it does not represent the entire Chicana/Latina community in San Diego. Hopefully there will be a future edition. All women deserve to be recognized and honored for their contributions to society.

The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection By Michael A. Singer

Michael A. Singer, author of The Untethered Soul, tells the extraordinary story of what happened when, after a deep spiritual awakening, he decided to let go of his personal preferences and simply let life call the shots. As Singer takes you on this great experiment and journey into life’s perfection, the events that transpire will both challenge your deepest assumptions about life and inspire you to look at your own life in a radically different way.

Protect and Grow Wealth: 5 Steps to Financial Freedom so You Can Have a Lifetime of Income, a Safety Net and Thrive! By Robin Rascoe Kemp

In this book Robin Kemp reveals the key educational points that were not taught in school, including how to grow wealth with as little as $5 a day, and how to leverage and protect your nest egg. This is an easy and informative book that will help readers get the education they need to plan ahead and thrive.

The Thriving Code: A Guide For Healing And Energy Protection By Dariel Roskie Archer

Is Negativity holding you hostage? What is negativity costing you? Overcoming negativity is easier with the energy approach in this book, and the practical empowering and nurturing advice to help and support offered. Readers can explore various methods of psychic self-protection from negative people. The author infuses her book with engaging techniques, expanding skill sets, intention, visualization, affirmations, use of color, food, and even the days of the week. With a step by step powerful roadmap filled with techniques, you can discover how to use food, colors, gemstones and Feng Shui for protection. You can learn how to be prepared, and to feel safe and relaxed in these situations and break free from harmful negativity. 20 | EpicNorthCounty.com

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Experience Music and Mantras Live: Ashland, OR June 19-21, 2020 RelaxPansion Festival Jackson Wellsprings Hot Springs Resort relaxpansionfest.com Lenox, MA July 2-5, 2020 Spiritfest: Chant, Dance, Drum With Dan Leven, Aimee Gelinas,and Girish Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health Sign up at Kripalu.org Monticello, NY Oct 24-25, 2020 Ahimsa Yoga and Music Festival YO 1 Wellness Resort and Spa 420 Anawana Lake Rd. Monticello, NY 12701 ahimsayogafestival.com Santa Ana Pueblo, NM March 4-8, 2021 Gregg Braden Five Day Intensive Retreat – Extended Program! From Cell To Soul Unleashing the power of the uncharted heart Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa 22up | EpicNorthCounty.com Sign at shalohaproductions.com

Ostrava, Czech Republic July 14-17 Melting Pot, Festival of Colours of Ostrava Dolní Oblast Vítkovice (DOV) meltingpotforum.com/en Beskydy Mountains, Czech Republic July 20-24 Meditate in the Mountains, a Melting Pot Meditation & Yoga Retreat meltingpotforum.com/en/retreat India November 16-30 A devotional exploration into mantra, meditation, and flow yoga at the epicenters of yoga (Rishikesh) and Buddhism (Dharamshala). www.AtOmYoga.com contact asa.atomyoga@gmail.com for more information

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