Malden Crystal Hi-Lites Fall 2013

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Malden Catholic High School Magazine

Crystal Hi-Lites

Vol. XX No. 3, Fall 2013

Today’s outstanding students... tomorrow’s outstanding leaders.

iPads Make the Grade p.


Malden Catholic High School is a private boys’ Catholic school sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers. Its mission is to create a community of faith that promotes the dignity of all through Gospel values and an environment that fosters the love of God, of self and of others. Dedicated to the spiritual, intellectual, creative, social, and physical development of its students, Malden Catholic offers a college preparatory curriculum, sensitive to individual needs in a Catholic, familial atmosphere. Malden Catholic is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

Dear Malden Catholic Community,

Headmaster’s letter

The holidays are fast approaching and as I mark my fifth rewarding year as Headmaster at Malden Catholic High School, I want to take this opportunity to share the renewed Lancer spirit. It is easy to be filled with pride when reflecting upon the many achievements and student performance that occurred during my time here. This issue of Crystal Hi-Lites will update you on terrific accomplishments of National Merit Commended Students, the Robotics Team and athletics, among other topics. Still, it is with a sense of excitement that I ask you to join me in looking at what lies ahead for Malden Catholic. Earlier this fall, we formally launched The Essential Malden Catholic Campaign, the first comprehensive campaign in the history of the school. With a fundraising goal set tentatively at $15 million, the campaign supports modernization of campus facilities, including both a new Science Wing and a Learning Commons, as well as the establishment of a strategic operating reserve fund. The next few years will be a time for Malden Catholic families to celebrate, as the building enhancements become a reality. In addition, the State legislature has approved easements and cleared the way for construction to begin at Maplewood Park. Malden Catholic students will ultimately benefit from tennis courts and a new turf field adjacent to the rear entrance. As you may know, we have made a commitment to 21st century technology in our classrooms. Freshmen are currently utilizing iPads with two e-text books. Next year, all students will use iPads, and the school’s curriculum will gradually migrate to an electronic format. Our classrooms are now among the most technologically advanced in the Boston area and are equipped with audio and projector systems that integrate with faculty iPads.

Contents Acknowledgements 4 Donor Profile: Robert Higgins ’64


Nobel Laureate: Eugene Fama ’56


Office for Advancement News


Clearly, we have a lot to be proud of and a lot to celebrate at Malden Catholic. It’s a great day to be a Lancer!

Alumni Profile: Mike Fitzgerald ’06



Faculty profile: Justin Fitzgerald ’01


On Crystal Street


Student Profile: Nolen Dube ’14


Alumni News


Edward C. Tyrrell Headmaster

RIP 25

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Headmaster Mr. Edward C. Tyrrell Principal Brother Thomas Puccio, C.F.X. Director of Institutional Advancement Mr. Robert J. McCarthy P2007 Director of Enrollment Management Mrs. Hazel Kochocki Director of Advancement Operations and Constituent Relations Mrs. Jean Campbell Assistant Director of Advancement for Annual Giving Ms. Carolyn Rolfe Archivist/Editor Brother Edward Bozzo, C.F.X. Advancement Assistant Ms. Lisa Schlosberg Advancement Office Volunteers Ms. Patricia Chisholm 1965 Brother Robert J. Green, C.F.X. Mrs. Ellen Guinee P2011, P2015 Mrs. Mary Kelley GP2015 Mrs. Nicole O’Callaghan P2014, P2015 Mrs. Cindy Silveira P2015 Mrs. Deb Walsh P2016 Design Graphic Details

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Crystal Hi-Lites A publication of Malden Catholic High School, a Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School since 1932. Comments and contributions to this publications, as well as updates, should be directed to: Advancement Office Malden Catholic High School 99 Crystal Street Malden, MA 02148 781.475.5332

Address Changes For parents whose son(s) are away at college or have new addresses, please send us a note if you prefer that future editions of Crystal Hi-Lites and other publications be sent to them directly. Please email address changes to or call 781-475-5334 and we will be sure to update our records.

Robert Higgins ’64 and Kristine Make an Impact Gift to The Essential Malden Catholic Campaign


ducation and values— these are the points Bob Higgins emphasizes when he talks about Malden Catholic and his support for the school’s $15 million capital campaign. Donor Profile

A 1964 graduate, Bob joined John ’57 and Richard ’59 as one of three Higgins brothers who came to Malden Catholic. “My parents were from Malden and Medford, and they were great believers in Catholic education and Malden Catholic in particular,” explained Bob. His mother, Catherine Grant Higgins, was a 1926 graduate of Girls Catholic, and his uncle, Bill Grant, was a Malden Catholic football coach. Malden Catholic was the natural choice for Bob. “Malden Catholic gave me a solid education, great friends, school spirit and clear values,” said Bob. “The school taught me the value of discipline and dedication. They have served me well ever since.” A graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Business School, Bob is a founding partner of Highland Capital Partners, a venture capital firm. He is a faculty member at Harvard Business School and recently founded a sports media firm called Causeway Media Partners with the CEO of the Boston Celtics and an owner of the San Francisco 49ers. Bob and his wife Kristine recently made a substantial, $1 million gift to The Essential Malden Catholic Campaign. “I feel that I have an obligation to give back, and I know that any resources I can provide MC will be well used,” commented Bob. “Giving to the Essential Campaign is critical to ensure that Malden Catholic will be around for the next generation and the generation after that.”

Robert Higgins ’64

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Nobel Laureate


“Father of Modern Day Finance”


r. Eugene Fama, Malden Catholic graduate of the Class of 1956, has won the 2013 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel, along with professors Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller. Born and raised in Medford, Dr. Fama was a strong student and athlete at Malden Catholic, playing football, baseball and running track. Upon graduation from Malden Catholic, he went on to earn a B.A. from Tufts and both an MBA and PhD. from the University of Chicago. He became widely known for his research on efficient markets and has been recognized in the field as the “Father of Modern Day Finance.” “The Malden Catholic community is extremely happy with Dr. Fama’s tremendous success,” said Edward C. Tyrrell, Headmaster. “We commend him for his outstanding contributions to economics and stock price analysis.” Dr. Fama was inducted to the Malden Catholic Hall of Fame in 1992 and is a Distinguished Malden Catholic Alumnus. He was quoted in a past issue of Crystal HiLites, the Malden Catholic magazine, saying, “The Xaverian Brothers taught you how to concentrate, to be disciplined, and how to learn. I came to realize the importance of the skills they were teaching me for later life.” Dr. Fama is married to Sallyann Dimeco GC ’56.

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is Formally Announced

Joseph O’Donnell at SFX Society Dinner

Campaign, the largest donation ever received in the history of Malden Catholic. Joe has offered his gift as a challenge and will match all new money pledged by MC alumni, parents and friends up to $5 million.

Jim Donovan and Joe O’Donnell ’62 Co-Chair the Essential Malden Catholic Campaign


alden Catholic formally announced its first-ever capital campaign at the Saint Francis Xavier (SFX) Society Dinner attended by more than 150 benefactors and friends of the school in September. The SFX Society recognizes Malden Catholic’s leadership donors who contribute $1,000 or more to the school on an annual basis. “We have raised $12.3 million with the help of generous and forward thinking benefactors,” explained SFX

Society founder and co-chair of The Essential Malden Catholic Campaign, Joe O’Donnell ’62. “Still, there is an urgent need for all MC community members to join our efforts and provide investments to not only reach our tentative goal of $15 million but to surpass it! Only by working together will we solidify Malden Catholic as a leading edge, educational institution that is competitive in the 21st century.” Joe and his family made a $5 million gift to The Essential Malden Catholic

“We are so grateful for the incredible generosity of Joe O’Donnell and his family,” said Edward C. Tyrrell, Malden Catholic Headmaster. “His leadership gift opens the door to Malden Catholic’s future and ensures the mission of the Xaverian Brothers will live on in the Malden area.” The Essential Malden Catholic Campaign seeks $15 million for significant improvements to the educational infrastructure, academics, technology, faculty salaries and strategic operating reserve fund. Already, alumni, friends and members of the Malden Catholic community are supporting this initiative with time, expertise and financial resources.

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The Essential Malden Catholic Campaign

The Essential Malden Catholic Campaign

Office for Advancement News

Office For Advancement News The Annual Fund The Fund for Malden Catholic is part of a strategic advancement effort that is dedicated to securing financial support from MC community members to help offset operational costs, provide additional resources and enrich the outstanding education offered at Malden Catholic. Each year, Malden Catholic relies on the generosity of our donors to ensure the preservation of Xaverian education and to provide for the margin of educational excellence that goes beyond the value of the cost of tuition. These gifts are put to work immediately and help to balance the affordability of tuition with the growing cost of providing our students with a robust academic, athletic, co-curricular, spiritual and social program. The stronger our fundraising efforts are the better equipped Malden Catholic will be to provide a superior education to young men and remain a leader in private college preparatory education. To learn more about how you can participate in the Fund for Malden Catholic please contact Carolyn Rolfe, Assistant Director of Institutional Advancement, at 781-475-5332 or

MALDEN CATHOLIC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION HIGHLIGHTS In May MCAA held a successful Business Luncheon/Networking Event with guest speaker Joseph J. O’Donnell ’62. 2012 MCAA Legacy Scholarship recipient Matt Farrenkopf ’12 also attended along with this year’s scholarship recipient Marvin Balen ’13.

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Rich LeBranti ’94, Sean Hurley ’97, Jharem Crevecoeur ’14, Will Carreiro ’14, Hardy Jean ’14, Bill Brady ’88, Roberto DiMarco ’91, Mike Ververis ’89, Dan Passacantilli ’90

On September 12, 2013, MCAA hosted its quarterly Supper Club at LaRosa’s restaurant in Andover, MA. On October 12, 2013, MCAA members took part in a service activity to help rebuild Joey’s Park in Belmont, MA. Joey’s Park was originally built in memory of Joey O’Donnell, son of Joseph J. O’Donnell ’62 and his wife Kathy. Follow us on our Facebook page MaldenCatholicAlumniAssociation

The Theodore James Ryken Society The Theodore James Ryken Society recognizes those who have provided for future generations of Malden Catholic students by making significant gifts through bequests, life income arrangements, or other planned gifts.

You can become a member of the Ryken Society by:

1. Including Malden Catholic in your will, revocable trust or other financial plans.

2. Entering into a life income arrangement or charitable trust for the benefit of Malden Catholic such as a charitable remainder trust, a charitable lead trust or a pooled income fund.

3. Naming Malden Catholic as the owner and/or beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

4. Making a gift to the school of a residence or other tangible property.

For more information on how you can benefit Malden Catholic through a planned gift, please contact Bob McCarthy, Director for Institutional Advancement, at 781-475-5333, or

Students Benefit From State-of-the-Art Technology

Ipads make the grade


ast summer, Malden Catholic embarked on a project to implement state-ofthe-art educational technology school-wide. This ambitious project, made possible in-part through a generous gift from a current Malden Catholic grandparent, includes upgrading the school’s network infrastructure to support more than 1000 wired and wireless devices; equipping all faculty with iPads; training teachers in the effective classroom use of the iPad; upgrading classroom technology to work seamlessly with Apple devices; and phasing-in student use of wireless devices. Malden Catholic students and teachers now enjoy true, 21st century classrooms, complete with wireless projector systems, whiteboards and audio systems that integrate with faculty iPads. “The environment in which we teach contributes greatly to learning,” explained Edward Tyrrell, Malden Catholic Headmaster. “Our students live in a world of technical advances we would never have anticipated a decade ago. We owe it to them to keep pace with their world.” Current freshmen are the first Malden Catholic class to utilize iPads. In addition to utilizing Theology and Biology digital textbooks, students are using the iPads for note-taking, online research, and writing papers. Malden Catholic will phase in the iPad with remaining graduating classes over the next few years.

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Young Alumni Profile

Mike Fitzgerald ’06


ichael Fitzgerald ’06 and his family moved to Wilmington from Malden when he was seven. He recalled, “Once the high school decision came around, it seemed like a no-brainer for me to go to MC, especially since I had a couple of older cousins who had gone to MC and had a great experience.” Nevertheless, leaving the friends and teammates he had made in Wilmington was a challenge, “…but I always thought that it was worth the sacrifice.” He and classmate Nick Yeomelakis carpooled together from there and have remained in touch ever since then. Mike noted that he always had an interesting mix of friends from his classes as well as from Lancer sports teams. “Brother Timothy Hoey’s AP European History class was probably one of the most valuable classes I’ve ever taken,” Mike reflected, “and the irony of that statement lies in the fact that my grade in that class was the lowest grade I ever got at MC. The class, however, taught me a lot about being efficient with my time and finding a process that works for me in terms of tackling a heavy workload, and those are two skills that I continue to use in my life today.” In Mike’s opinion, math teacher Mr. Richard Hickey “epitomizes what MC is all about. Even now, seven years after graduation, I still know that I can show up to MC an hour and a half after the last bell has rung and still find him sitting up in one of the second floor classrooms working with students to give them extra help.” He continued, “I feel like he took a genuine interest in the lives of his students, both past and present. Anytime a teacher can show that he cares about the person continued on next page >

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Young Alumni Profile

Mike enjoyed catching up with friends at the recent SFX Society Dinner. (Left to right): Jeff Turco ’89, Marc Scarpacci ’91, Shawn Reddington, ’91, Rich Tartarini ’83, Dan Passacantilli ’90, Mike Fitzgerald ’06, Steve Byrne ’95, Rich LeBranti ’94, Chris LaMarca ’92, Roberto DiMarco ’91

more than he cares about the student, he becomes a teacher you want to work hard for and you want to excel for. I think Rich Hickey is a great example of that.” Mike played football all four years, ran indoor track three of the four, and outdoor track all four years. He recalled the impact of football coaches Joseph Gaff and Jeffrey Smith ’95. “They helped give me a relentless attitude and approach, both on the field and in other aspects of my life, and because of the opportunity they gave me to excel on the field, I was able to experience the gains of hard work firsthand. As a result, several doors opened up for me down the road, including the opportunity to go to MIT.” Since graduating from Malden Catholic in 2006, Mike attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he enjoyed four more years of playing football and worked towards building a foundation for his career. Mike currently works in

Pittsburgh as a quantitative analyst for the Pittsburgh Pirates in their baseball operations department. He noted, “I’m fortunate enough to have a job that I genuinely look forward to in the morning, and it’s a great feeling to know that I’m part of the team here that’s dedicated to bringing championship baseball back to Pittsburgh.” Mike commented on the Malden Catholic experience that he shares with his brother Dan ’12. “I get genuinely excited to meet fellow Lancers, both past and present. If you’re an MC student, then I know what motivates and guides you. Regardless of what decade you went to MC, there were teachers, coaches, staff and students there who took it upon themselves to make sure that you got the most out of your experience. Anyone who walks away from MC having gotten as much as they could out of their four years there will be more than equipped to tackle any challenges they may face later in life.”

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Justin Fitzgerald ’01

Returns Home to Teach

Faculty Profile


hen Justin Fitzgerald graduated from Malden Catholic in 2001, he did not expect that he would return to MC in just ten years as a member of the faculty. He has been a Spanish teacher here for the past two years, serves as the assistant cross country coach, and the freshman lacrosse coach and feels he is back home. After graduating from Malden Catholic, Justin attended Norwich University in Vermont. His MC experience taught him the importance of paying close attention to teacher’s expectations. At Norwich, Justin was a member of the Corps of Cadets, and the regular workouts helped him to stay in shape while he focused on his studies. One summer break, Justin studied Spanish in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, where he lived with a Mexican family and took five hours of Spanish class a day. During the first semester of his senior year, he studied in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, taking five courses conducted entirely in Spanish and living with a Costa Rican family. Justin recognizes that Malden Catholic had an impact on who he is today. “I got to meet new friends, play sports, join clubs, and learn new things, but there were a lot of challenging experiences,“ he recalls. “The academics were difficult.” He observed that MC students not only receive a great education, but are encouraged to become part of the community. He continued, “Malden Catholic makes good students better and good young men great. It will always do that.” He concluded, “Malden Catholic graduates always have a place to call home.”

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Brother Timothy Hoey, CFX Inspiring & Mentoring Students


Brother Hoey taught social studies and English and was an assistant track coach at St. John’s Preparatory School in Danvers for thirteen years before joining Malden Catholic in 1987. He commented, “Usually on the first day of class at MC, I will introduce myself to my students. The MC students perk up when they hear I taught at the Prep. I use the occasion as a teachable moment to tell the students that St. John’s is our rival on the athletic field, but they are our brothers in the Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School network.” Brother noted that he sometimes has to field the tough question, “Which school do you like better?” Brother says he never answers that question directly, but he reminds students that he was at St. John’s for 13 years and this is his 27th year at Malden Catholic. In 2007, Harvard University named Brother Hoey as a Teacher of Excellence who “inspires and powerfully motivates students.” Today, Brother Hoey is Chair of the Social Studies department and currently teaches World History, Global Studies and AP European History. He also serves as Mock Trial coach and

Faculty Profile

rother Timothy Hoey was a resident of New Jersey when he met the Xaverian Brothers in Montvale. His relationships with the Brothers there inspired him to consider becoming a member of their Congregation. In 1969 he entered the St. Joseph Novitiate in Newton Highlands, and in 1974 he graduated from Boston College with a bachelor’s degree in history, minoring in English. In 1979, he earned a master’s degree in American History from Salem State College.

moderator of the Model United Nations program. Over the past decade, he has focused his professional development on East Asian studies and was a participant on three study tours to China, Japan, Vietnam and Cambodia. In 2010, Brother Hoey received a Korean Society Summer Fellowship and spent two weeks in South Korea learning about Korean culture and history. This past year, Brother Hoey led a teachers’ seminar on East Asia sponsored by the National

Consortium for Teaching About Asia. Brother Hoey’s sister-in-law, Eileen Hoey, established the Patrick Hoey Memorial Scholarship fund in memory of her husband, Patrick, who was killed in the World Trade Center attacks on September 11. The Patrick Hoey Memorial Scholarship has assisted many students at Malden Catholic High School. Brother said, “My brother, Pat, knew the value of Catholic education, so this scholarship is truly a beautiful way to remember him.”

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On Crystal Street

On Crystal Street

Malden Catholic celebrates THE CLASS OF 2013

Malden Catholic celebrated Commencement on May 18, 2013, graduating 135 members of the Class of 2013. The Valedictory Address was presented by Nicholas Holmes (right), of Revere, who will attend Harvard College and the Salutatory Address was presented by Daniel Esposito (left), of Stoneham, who will attend Wesleyan University.

TWO SENIORS NAMED AS COMMENDED STUDENTS IN 2014 NATIONAL MERIT PROGRAM Peter Melendez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melendez of Malden, and Zachary Zahner, son of Drs. Evan Zahner and Lea Fasano of Melrose, were recently named as Commended Students in the 2014 National Merit Program.

Peter Melendez ’14 and Zach Zahner ’14

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Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the competition by taking the Preliminary SAT/

Daniel Esposito ’13, Brother Tom Puccio, Nicholas Holmes ’13

National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. “The two young men named Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding academic potential by their strong performance in this nationally competitive program,” said Edward C. Tyrrell, Malden Catholic Headmaster. “This recognition is welldeserved, and we know that these young men will continue to diligently pursue their educational goals and make their parents and communities proud.” A Letter of Commendation from the school and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, will be presented to these scholastically talented young men.

On Crystal Street

On Crystal Street National Honor Society: Brother Tom Puccio, Stephen Di Mauro ’14, Kyle Cunningham ’13, Patrick Allen ’13, Joseph Penta ’13, Michael J. Ahearne ’13, Zach Zahner ’13 and Mrs. Angela Lee

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION More than 50 Malden Catholic High School students were inducted into the Brother Gilbert Chapter of the National Honor Society this past Spring. The National Honor Society (NHS) was established in 1921 and recognizes American high school students who exhibit extraordinary achievement in scholastics, service, leadership and character. The Brother Gilbert Chapter of NHS is led by faculty moderator and English Department Chair Ms. Angela Lee.

FOUR ATHLETES RECEIVE MIAA STUDENT ATHLETE CITIZENSHIP AWARDS The following four MC students were awarded the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association Student Athlete Citizenship Award this past May:

Patrick Allen ’13 from Wilmington, for his participation in football

Matthew McHugh ’13 from Peabody, for his participation in basketball and track

Zachary Coles ’14 from Revere, for his participation in baseball

Ryan Tarby ’14 from Woburn, for his participation in football

These outstanding athletes are honors students at Malden Catholic, members of the National Honor Society, and members of the Malden Catholic Campus Ministry Program.

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On Crystal Street

On Crystal Street


SFX Scholars with Mayor Gary Christenson

In recognition of their talents, incoming freshmen with entrance test scores at the 90th percentile or higher are invited to be members of the St. Francis Xavier Scholars Program. SFX Scholars participate in a four day summer institute that is developed by English department member and SFX Scholar Moderator Mr. Dave Murray. The SFX Scholars visited Malden City Hall where they had the opportunity to meet with Mayor Gary Christenson, Strategy and Business Development Officer Kevin Duffy ’86, Chief of Police Kevin Molis ’75, Chief of Fire Jack Colangeli ’71 and Executive Director of the Malden Redevelopment Association Steve Wishoski ’68. The SFX Scholars also visited Boston College and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library where they met with Gerard Doherty ’46 and member of the Board of Directors of the JFK Library.

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On Crystal Street

Students Explore Biotech at CityLab a researcher and problem solver through an inquiry based methodology.”

Malden Catholic students in Advanced Placement (AP) Biology recently went to Bridgewater State University to learn about topics in biotechnology at BSU CityLab. CityLab is a fully equipped biotechnology laboratory located at Bridgewater State University in the Science and Mathematics Center. Students and teachers at CityLab explore topics in health, disease, and industry through an inquiry-based methodology.

“CityLab is a fantastic program for students,” said Dr. David Chuckran, chair of the Malden Catholic High School science department. “Students are given a specific problem, and through various activities, go about solving the problem. The problems vary from sickle cell anemia, to bacterial transformation, to DNA analysis. All the labs are ‘hands on’ with students working as laboratory researchers. The focus is on the student as

The students conducted an additional lab where they again conducted a gel electrophoresis experiment. This module, “Mystery of the Crooked Cell,” involved different hemoglobin samples from individuals with sickle cell anemia, carriers of sickle cell, and normal hemoglobin. The students were given hemoglobin samples and through the use of gel electrophoresis were able to determine the hemoglobin type of the individual. Bridgewater State University CityLab investigations are defined in a mystery context and consist of a pre-lab activity, laboratory investigation and post-lab activity. Students from Malden Catholic have explored biotech at CityLab for several years, and it has become a high point of MC biology classes.

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On Crystal Street

Malden Catholic’s AP Biology class worked on the module, “Lab Larceny,” a hands-on investigation and analysis of chromosome fragments leading students to determine the DNA fragments from a “crime scene.” Students conducted a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis to amplify and visualize a portion of DNA from human chromosome # 9. The Malden Catholic students amplified the fragments on chromosome #9 and analyzed their results. They then compared the patterns of DNA fragments on the gel from suspects, victims, and DNA isolated from the cells found at the “crime scene.”

On Crystal Street

On Crystal Street

ROBOTICS TEAM PARTICIPATES IN GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS Under the direction of Malden Catholic moderator, Mr. Steve Caristinos, the robotics team travelled to Norman, Oklahoma for this year’s international competition. The engineering/robotics students who worked throughout the school year in preparation for this event were: (Back Row) Mike Gugliotti ’13, Chris Dixon ’14; (Front Row) Steven Caristinos — moderator, Vincent Giudice ’13, Grant Simpson, ’13, Giuseppe Barletta ’14, Chris Monteiro ’14.

CAMPUS MINISTRY UPDATE The Campus Ministry team provides opportunities for the young men of Malden Catholic to reach out to others in need. Students are encouraged to take leadership roles by joining the Campus Ministry Team in developing and coordinating many of our school-wide service projects.

Campus Ministry: Andrew Cardarelli ’13, Joshua Ouelette ’14, Brian Bialock ’14, Christopher Dixon ’14, Patrick Allen ’13, Nick Rolli ’14, and Jonathan Dodard ’13

In late September, 150 Malden Catholic students participated in the Light the Night Walk in Wakefield to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). Senior Ryan Tarby was the “Lancers Against Leukemia” team captain helping the team raise nearly $4,000. continued on next page >

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On Crystal Street

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In the month of November the Malden Catholic community prayed for all its deceased community members and their families. The community was invited to write the names of loved ones in the Book of Remembrance while members of the alumni and greater community are invited to mail in cards with the names of their loved ones. A Memorial Mass was celebrated on November 16th.

MALDEN CATHOLIC LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Malden Catholic recently held its annual Malden Catholic Leadership Institute (MCLI) for the Class of 2014. The 4-day event was a wonderful success with over sixty members of the Class of 2014 participating. MCLI provides the opportunity for members of the senior class to plan and put into practice leadership skills helping lead the school in the Xaverian Brothers’ tradition during their senior year and beyond. The students were joined by many faculty and staff member and many alumni and friends of Malden Catholic who helped to lead groups and activities and served as featured speakers.

Greater Boston Food Bank: Dan Szymczak ’14, Nick DeSouza ’14, Tim Guinee ’15

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On Crystal Street

Throughout the early Fall the Malden Catholic community collected hundreds of pieces of baby clothing and other items for The Children’s Closet at St. Thomas Parish in Peabody. The Children’s Closet is a nonprofit organization that supports mothers and children in need.

Nolen Dube

Student Profile


olen Dube, a senior at Malden Catholic, had an experience of a lifetime this past summer when he travelled with an elite music ensemble made up of twenty-five Filipino musicians from the cultural school Iskwelahang Pilipino (IP) where he has been a student for the past twelve years. In addition to the musicians, Nolen travelled with his father Vincent and his mother Nora, who is Filipino. “As a member of the IP Rondalla ensemble for the last eight years, I play banduria, a stringed instrument much like a mandolin.” explained Nolen. The ensemble plays traditional Filipino folk music but also includes popular American songs. “We played Pink’s ‘Just Give Me a Reason’ and it was a big hit. Everybody loved the American music we played. “ As part of the tour, Rondalla played for colleges, TV and radio shows, and for the local communities. They played a total of twenty shows in three weeks and travelled to four islands of the Philippines. When asked what the most memorable part of the trip was, Nolen replied, “We met President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III. He invited us to the Malacañang Palace (the nation’s executive offices) in Manila where we played four songs for him.” Not only has Nolen been a dedicated student of the Iskwelahang Pilipino cultural school, he is also one of the top members of Malden Catholic’s Class of 2014. A resident of Saugus, Nolen came to Malden Catholic from St. Pius V School in Lynn. Knowing that he wanted to continue high school in a Catholic setting, he decided to apply to several Catholic schools in the area but when it came time to choosing a school the choice was easy. “I knew I wanted to come to Malden Catholic because of the Shadow Program. I shadowed

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Nolen Dube ’14 (right)

Nat Mooney Class of 2013. He seemed so in tune with the community. It was as if he were already friends with everyone even though he had just started his freshman year. When you shadow at MC you feel very comfortable and that is important when you are choosing a high school.” Nolen tried out for football as an incoming freshman, even though he had never played. Today he is part of the team playing the positions of linebacker and running back. “I think playing football helped a lot with my transition to high school. I met friends during summer practices before school had even started, so that made the first day easier.” For the last four years, Nolen has been a very successful member of the Lancer Community. A member of the St. Francis Xavier Scholars Program, a program for students who score a 90% or higher on the entrance exam, he is in all Honors

and Advanced Placement classes and is a member of the National Honor Society. He is active in Campus Ministry, participates in the Music Ministry that serves at Malden Catholic’s Liturgical Services, and was chosen to attend the annual Xaverian Brothers’ Sponsored Schools retreat. This retreat is for a hundred students from the thirteen XBSS schools and has the theme of “Falling in love with the service of God.” Here students have the opportunity to learn about the Xaverian Charism, Global Awareness and Stewardship. “The whole experience was unbelievable. To meet people who share the same values and experiences, to get to know students from St. John’s Prep, St. John’s Shrewsbury and even places as far away as Maryland and Kentucky was amazing. We are all part of one brotherhood and sisterhood.” Now in his senior year, Nolen truly appreciates the broad range of experiences he has had. He plans on attending college and he hopes that he will be accepted to Notre Dame’s Class of 2018 where he would join his older sister Karina, a junior. Regardless of what Nolen does after high school, he will continue to think of MC as an extension of his own family. “People like Mr. Alex Kissel, Mr. Michael Driscoll, Mrs. Mary Driscoll, and many others have made a big impact on my life. I think of Malden Catholic like a second home and I will always remember the important lessons I learned here.” Editor’s Note: In November 2013, Nolen initiated and led a clothing drive to aid typhoon victims in the Philippines. Malden Catholic applauds his leadership and commitment to service.

Alumni News not a one-man effort; it takes a lot of people.”


Lt. Kevin Molis ’75, who has served 33 years as a police officer in the city of Malden, was appointed Chief of the Police Department by Malden Mayor Gary Christenson early last April. Lt. Molis ’75 speaks to SFX Scholars

1950s Richard Connolly ’57 is the subject of an article in North Shore Golf (Spring, 2013). Written by Bob Albright, the article, “18 Questions with Dick Connolly” covers Dick’s views on greats who played the game, what the sport has meant to him, and how it has enabled him to help others. A 1961 graduate of The College of the Holy Cross, Connolly was also a recipient the 2013 Sanctae Crucis Award, presented to him by his alma mater “for his extraordinary professional achievement, for his great generosity and even greater spirit and for being a man for and with others.”

1960s Robert Conceison ’69, former MC

coach, now coach of Burlington High hockey team was proud to see his Red Devils win their second straight MIAA Division I championship at TD Garden in March. Congratulations to Bob who, in years past, coached at MC as well. Richard Cullen ’66 was one of five coaches inducted into the state high school football association’s hall of fame at the annual awards banquet on April 28th. Rich was the varsity football coach at MC from 1991-1998, and coached football, hockey and softball at Malden High School. Now a high school football official for the Northeastern/Cape Ann conference, Rich noted, “Obviously an individual honor in a team sport is nice, but it also honors everybody who worked with you and played for you. It’s

Steven Smoot ’77, as a 12-year-old wrote three notes, sealed each in an empty soda bottle, and tossed them into the waters off Salisbury Beach. The notes asked the finder to let Steven know where and when they landed. One was found within a month at Plum Island. Now, forty-one years later, the second bottle was found down the coast at Wingaersheek Beach, after Hurricane Sandy. Boston Globe columnist Yvonne Abraham ran this story on November 11, 2012. The TV show Chronicle (WCVB) covered the story in April 2013. John Gallagher ’79, having completed all training requirements, has earned the status of Certified Worksite Wellness Specialist (CWWS). John is Director of Health and Welfare Compliance Services at Sentinel Benefits and Financial Group. A 20-year group insurance industry veteran, John earned his BA in continued on next page >

Crystal Hi-Lites 21

Alumni News

Paul Worth ’71, veteran North Shore Tech/Essex Aggie football coach was named the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association’s Football Coach of the Year for 2013. The award, given for excellence of character, impact upon students and community as well as coaching quality was presented to Worth on May 29 at a banquet in Franklin.

Alumni News

Alumni News

Economics from Fairfield University, an MS in Health Care Administration from Simmons College and an MS in Human Resources Administration from Emmanuel College.

participants in the PMC/Dana Farber’s Pedal Partner Program, where they are paired with a pediatric oncology patient. The Pedal Partner program offers the child and their family an exciting distraction from their treatments, while introducing them to new friends.


Fr. Ronnie Floyd ’99 was recently appointed Chaplain of Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis and at Pope John Paul II High School in the same town by Bishop George Coleman of Fall River. Fr. Ron is in residence at historic St. Francis Xavier Church. This church has served as the summer church of the Kennedy family.

Kenneth Lynch ’86 has been promoted to Global Program Manager for SAP’s leading in Memory Database HANA. He currently resides in Tampa, FL. John Pippy ’88 is CEO of the newly formed Pennsylvania Coal Alliance, a trade organization representing the interests of over 250 member companies and 41, 500 workers in the coal industry. Prior to this position, John served in the Pennsylvania General Assembly for 16 years. He retired from the Senate after serving nine years as Senator of the 37th district and eight years in the House of Representatives. Patrick Skerry ’88, in his second year as coach of Towson (MD) basketball, led the team to one of the biggest turnarounds in NCAA history. Towson went 13-5 in the CAA, placing second in final league standings; the most wins and best finish for the Tigers since joining the league in 2001. Towson swept longtime rivals Drexel, Hofstra and Delaware—the first time the Tigers have done so in the 27 seasons.

1990s John Scenna ’92, superintendent of the Melrose Department of Public Works was featured in the Melrose Free Press (6/13/2012) as his department implements capital improvement plans for the city.

Crystal Hi-Lites 22

Matthew O’Neil ’99 and Macie

Steven Ultrino ’94 who served on the Malden School Committee for eight years and is now a city councilor, has been awarded life membership in the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, the highest award provided to former members of school committees in the state. Steve was recognized for years of volunteering to benefit children and families through his service on the School Committee and the association’s board of directors. He also is a longtime board member of the Malden YMCA. A former teacher and principal, Steve is director of education for the Middlesex County Sheriff ’s Office. John Pericolo ’95, Steve Galante ’95, Kevin Reid ’95, Steven Gentzler ’95 and Thomas Finn ’97 have raised over $36,000 as a PMC riding team named “Lancers Against Cancer” since 2011 as

Matthew O’Neil ’99, MC’s Associate Director of Admissions and Lacrosse Coach, and his wife Erin welcomed the birth of their beautiful daughter, Macie, born June 14, 2013.

2000s David Aufiero ’02 was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Timothy McDonnell for the Springfield Diocese in early June. He is the first ordained priest from Revere in a long time. After continued on next page >

Lancers Against Cancer: John Pericolo ’95, Steve Gentzler ’95, Steve Galante ’95 and Thomas Finn ’97

Alumni News

Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, will be the new Worship and Liturgy Coordinator at Georgetown University in DC.

Dario Pizzano ’09, former Columbia University baseball star, is now playing for the Clinton Lumber Kings, the Seattle Mariners’ Single A team in the Midwest League.

Michael Mattera ’06 in the lab at Tufts

graduating from MC, he attended UMass Amherst, receiving a degree in civil engineering in 2007, after which he entered St. John’s Seminary in Brighton. Sean Endicott ’04 married Ann Hunt of Barrington, RI on May 11, 2013. They met while attending Quinnipiac University. Ann is a Physical Therapist at Mass General Hospital, and Sean is a Manger for Enterprise Rental. They live in Winthrop. Joseph McCarthy ’05, a graduate of Boston College and currently a member of Suffolk Law School’s Class of 2015, has been awarded the prestigious Rappaport Fellowship in Law and Public Policy. Rappaport Fellows are chosen for their demonstrated leadership and dedication to public service. He will intern for the general counsel of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Administration and Finance.

Timothy Endicott ’06 received a Master’s Degree in Education Administration from Providence College, RI. (Our last issue mistakenly read Thomas Endicott). Timothy teaches Social Studies at Bishop Feehan High School. Michael Fitzgerald ’06 was the subject of a profile detailing Fitzgerald’s career moves leading to his present role as analyst for general management and coaching staff of the Pirates. The article was titled “Wilmington’s Mike Fitzgerald: MIT to Pittsburgh Pirates’ Front Office,” and was written by Craig Forde ’93. Michael Mattera ’06, an Assumption College grad, 2010, received a Master’s Degree in Chemistry from Tufts University where he continues now as a doctoral candidate on full scholarship.

Garrett Shay ’09, currently a UMassAmherst engineering student, left his Melrose home on a solo bicycle journey at the beginning of June and headed for the Santa Monica Pier in California which is a distance of approximately 5,000 miles. A profile of Garrett, detailing his planning, his spirit of adventure, and communication with home and through web site while en route, appeared in the Melrose Weekly News (7/14/13). Tony Brunco ’10 was elected as President of the Student Government at Merrimack College for the 2013-2014 school year. Matt Massone ’13, a member of the United Stated Marine Corp, will soon be entering Combat Training at Camp Geiger in North Carolina. Ryan Fitzgerald ’13, son of former Bruin Tom Fitzgerald, was drafted by the Boston Bruins at No. 120 in the fourth round of the NHL draft on June 30 in Newark. He was one of 12 New Englandborn players selected in the seven rounds. Ryan is headed for Boston College.

Brian Lewin ’07, a recent graduate

Crystal Hi-Lites 23

Alumni News

Richard Giovino ’08 was featured in both the Globe North section (6/13/2013) and Malden Evening News (6/3/2013) for his work helping to organize a golf tournament to benefit cancer research.

MC Vets

MC Vets

on the web The list of MC alumni who served our country in various branches of the United States military is now posted on the alumni section of our website. As of this writing we have 1046 listed. If you know anyone who should be on it and is not, please let us know. We also welcome the names of veterans from Girls Catholic.

Contact: Br. Edward Bozzo, CFX Malden Catholic Alumni Office 99 Crystal St. Malden MA 02148 E-mail:

Matthew Massone ’13, USMC

MC Archives Acknowledgements: Many thanks to Francis E. Sensale’43 for sending us thirteen issues of the HiLite from the 1940s, all in superb condition. New to our collection is a composite class picture for Girls Catholic Class of 1945 donated by Margaret (Sullivan) Eisenhaur GC’52, for which we are most grateful. Needs We are interested in issues of the Hi-Lite, MC’s first newspaper. We are also interested in issues of the Ricardian, Girls Catholic newspaper. We are also interested in sports banquet programs. In the 30s they were titled Football Banquet Programs. We are interested in:

1941, 1943 to 1948, 1950, 1951, 1955, 1957, 1968 to 1971 inclusive, 1973, 1974, 1979 If you have a copy of the composite graduation class photo for any one of these years to donate, or to lend us for scanning, we would appreciate hearing from you. When we first published this request, we were missing 26 photos. We are grateful to the 17 alumni who contributed to this project. If you wish to donate, or to lend us for copying, any of the missing publications specified, please send them to: Malden Catholic High School 99 Crystal Street, Malden, MA 02148 Attn: Br. Edward G. Bozzo, C.F.X. Girls Catholic Yearbooks needed are listed on our website. Our most notable gaps are from 1931-1938 and 1942-1947, years for which we have no yearbooks (assuming they were issued). Class Graduation Pictures For a display of composite class photos of each of the classes from 1936, we are missing these nine classes:

1945, 1954, 1946,1955, 1947, 1965,1948, 1966, 1949

Crystal Hi-Lites 24

RIP Robert J. Lang ’48, brother of Walter ’46 Marion C. (Ryan) Horning GC ’49 Robert J. Prudhomme ’49 Margaret M. (McEleney) Kelley GC ’52

James M. Keohane ’53, father of James ’77, grandfather of John ’15 Anthony E. Palladino ’54 Doris M (Tallent) Byrne GC ’55 Patrick B. Mahoney, Jr. ’55

Margaret G. (Foley) Small GC ’28, mother of Carol (Small) Fazio GC’67

Catherine (Howard) Finn ’44, sister of John Howard ’38 (D) and Ellen (Howard) Durant GC’42 (D)

Mary (Reardon) Gaffney GC ’36 Bernard C. Vacon ’37, brother of Paul ’36 Edward J. Kierstead ’42, brother of the late William ’48 John C. LaBossiere ’43, brother of Norman ’55 and the late Donald ’49

M. Ceretha (LeBlanc) O’Loughlin GC ’44 Matthew J. Sheedy ’46, brother of Paul ’51, Francis ’54, Mary (Sheedy) Pynn GC ’55, and the late John’47 and William’49 and son of the late Mary (Conway) Sheedy GC’16

Joseph J. Mayne ’43, father of Dennis ’68, brother of the late Thomas ’45

Walter E. Lang ’46, husband of Anne (McCarron) Lang, GC ’47 (D), brother of Robert ’48 (D)

George O. Fall ’44

Peter E. Bogdan ’48

Joseph E. Mahoney ’56 father of Joseph ’82 and Charles ’86, former MC Trustee John F. Turner ’56, father of James ’79, John ’80, Joseph ’82 and Christopher ’88 Mary J. Baker GC ’57 James W. Collins ’57, husband of Rosemary (McNeil) Collins GC ’57 Bernard [Patrick] Donoghue ’57 James A. Dunn ’57 John P. Keane ’57 Claire G. (Gorman) Bowley GC ’58, sister of Patricia Cooper GC ’63 and Robert Gorman ’65

Crystal Hi-Lites 25


Nicholas A. DeMasse ’53


Richard G. Higgins ’59, brother of John ’57, and Robert ’64 and son of the late Catherine(Grant) Higgins GC ’26 and John E. Higgins.

Thomas E. Convery, brother the late Edward ’46

Chace R. Ruvido, son of Deidre and Daniel Ruvio ’92

Mary D’Agostino, mother of Carl ’81

Robert P. Scapicchio, father of Peter ’88

Richard J. Dowling ’60

Stanley Fierimonte, brother of Frank’38


John J. Healy ’60 Eleanor (Bretta) Pappone GC ’60 Charles L. Callen ’62, brother of Mary GC ’62 and Paul ’64

Carl L. Francesconi, grandfather of Christopher ’92, Ryan Costigan ’99, John Costigan ’08 and Kevin Costigan ’02 Helen M. Green, mother of former headmaster Bro. Robert Green, CFX ’64

Madelyn (Tumenas) Donato GC ’62 Paula Marie (Kelley) Woods GC ’67 Robert E. Gustin ’73

Charles R. Schille, grandfather of Eric ’00 Natalie E. Skaare, grandmother of Robert ’92 and Jonathan ’94 Gladys L. Skerry, mother of Thomas ’74, grandmother of David ’09 and Peter ’14

Edward M. Higgins, grandfather of Edward Higgins ’88

John F. Stack, father of Bryan ’85

Barbara Manganaro, grandmother of Jonathan ’04

Alexander J. Vigliotti, father of David ’84

Joseph A. Mavilio, father of Joseph ’76, David ’78 and Peter ’80

William O. Snowdon, grandfather of William ’03

James E. McLaughlin ’74 Frederick C. Buckley Jr. ’86 David C. Wilson ’95 Ritarose Biagioni, mother of John ’64, Paul ’68, Thomas ’69 and Mark ’78 Louis F. Bortone, father of David ’81 Mary L. Cargill, grandmother of Peter ’92 and Philip ’98 William H. Carnes Sr., father of William ’88 and Stacey GC ’86

Ralph Mazza, brother of Salvatore ’64, William ‘70, Joan Morrissey GC ’55, Anna Youngman ’58, Lena Gloshinski GC’59, and Dorothy Dukes GC ’61 Alfred E. Morabito, brother of John ’80 Terri Ann O’Brien, wife of James ’81, mother of Brendan ’13

Philip X Carr, grandfather of Philip ’07

Michael O’Connor, father of MC faculty member Michael O’Connor and grandfather of Thomas ’13.

Ninetta Ciampa, mother of Frank ’80 and Gregory ’82

Michael J. Pawlak, brother of Kevin ’82

Crystal Hi-Lites 26

Upcoming Events December 31 Lancers Hockey at Frozen Fenway January 30 Scholarship Donor Recognition Celebration April 10

8th Annual Gala

May 6 Senior Parent Reception May 14 Senior Awards Banquet May 16 Baccalaureate May 17 Commencement May 21 Young Alumni College Fair May 21, 22 Seventh Grade Shadow Days June 18 Golden Plus Reunion

Malden Catholic High School Advancement Office 99 Crystal Street Malden, MA 02148-5994 Address Service Requested

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The 8th Annual Gala honoring

Jim Donovan

MALDEN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Celebrating over 80 Years of Educational Excellence in the Xaverian Tradition

Today’s outstanding Students... Tomorrow’s Outstanding leaders Crystal Hi-Lites 28

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