Book - Phase 3 3 - Final prototype

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Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum

Probe_4: Anchorage points for the open part of the structure 1:50 Method: The triangular open structure of steel represent the space of refuge and the hexagon shaped pieces of fabric is acting as the open part of the structure. Hyposis: What we wanted to investigate in this probe was how the open part of the structure could be attach to the ground so the extent of the transformation of this part of the structure is as big as possible but still make it possible to entrance the structure no matter how the wind transform the structure.

The open part of the structure attached to wires which are connected to poles that can be adjusted so the structure will be able to move as much as possible without being so low that you will not be able to get inside the structure and with three poles instead of only one it also eliminate the structure from closing when/if the two sides of the structure was moved towars each other.

The entrance-part of the structure with a construction inside connected to the membrane outline the stucture in a minimal way so it will be able to be transformed as much as possible but just outline that this small extent of space will always be open so you at least will be able to crawl inside the structure and into the space of refuge no matter how the wind transform the structure.







Probe_4: Anchorage points for the entrance of the structure 1:50 Timelaps - structures affected by wind

Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum







Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum

Probe_5: Anchorage points for the space of refuge of the structure Method: The space of refuge is made as a triangle and connected to the ground in 1,2 or 3 points in different ways Hyposis: What we wanted to investigate in this probe was how to connect the space of refuge to the ground so it will be able to be transformed by the wind but still be stabil and secure as it should act as a sort of shelter

The space of refuge in the structure hanging in the air - attached to wires which are attached to poles Make it possible to make the space vibrate in the wind

The space of refuge in the structure attached to two wires which are attached to two anchorage points This make the structure for the space of refuge able to tilt.

The space of refuge in the structure attached to one wire which is attached to one anchorage point This make the structure for the space of refuge able to tip in different directions - but it will only stay in the position while the wind is blowing it in the certain direction, contrary to the on above which when it tilt stay in the position even though there is no wind.


Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum

Probe_6: Manipulation of the transformation of the structure Method: We are adding extra props on the back of the fabric and in this way connect several rhombus-elements to bigger elements. Hyposis: What we wanted to investigate in this probe was how we by connecting rhombus-elements can be able to create a stabil construction of the structure in the area where the space of refuge should be.

Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum

Probe_7: Apperance of the structure/fabric with rhombus-elements - openings / shadows / reflections Method: A box with different kind of openings, shapes and materials tested with light from behind or from the front . Hyposis: What we wanted to investigate in this probe was how the elements could make shadows from inside the structure and be reflecting from outside the structure.

Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum

Probe_7: Apperance of the structure/fabric with rhombus-elements - openings / shadows / reflections

Light from behind - the appearance from inside the structure

Light/shadows Layer 1: Fabric Layer 2: Different opaque shapes - drawed on platic material (Polypropylene)

Light/shadows Layer 1: Fabric Layer 2: Different shapes of openings within the rhombus-elements - opaque material (cardboard)

Light/shadows Layer 1: Openings inwards and outwards - opaque material (cardboard) Layer 2: Fabric

Light/shadows Layer 1: Openings inwards and outwards - translucent material (Polypropylene) Layer 2: Fabric

Light/shadows Layer 1: Alternately openings (inwards and outwards) and opaque elements - transparent material and opaque elements(PVC and cardboard ) Layer 2: Fabric

Reflection Layer 1: Openings inwards and outwards - opaque material (cardboard) Layer 2: Fabric

Reflection Layer 1: Openings inwards and outwards - translucent material (Polypropylene) Layer 2: Fabric

Reflection Layer 1: Alternately openings (inwards and outwards) and opaque elements - transparent material and opaque elements(PVC and cardboard ) Layer 2: Fabric

Light from the front - the appearance from outside the structure

Reflection Layer 1: Fabric Layer 2: Different opaque shapes - drawed on platic material (Polypropylene)

Reflection Layer 1: Fabric Layer 2: Different shapes of openings within the rhombus-elements - opaque material

Result - decision about the material of the final structure: We found that the material has to be opaque with full gloss surface in our structure to have the properties that we are looking for - we will both get shadows inside the structure and reflection outside the structure. The openings should be inwards to make the surface continuous outside and make the reflection of the outside room visible inside the structure

1968 1968







Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions


Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum

Probe_8: Openings in the structure standardization or alternating Method: The triangular open structure of steel represent the space of refuge and the hexagon shaped pieces of fabric is acting as the open part of the structure where there is attached platic rhombus-elements. And then there is sliced openings in the fabric with every other element - one half of the structure is the openings attach in the same line of the element in the upper line - the other half og the structure is the openings opened in different lines of the element in the left/right/upper/lower side of the rhombus-element. Hyposis: What we wanted to investigate in this probe was the difference in the apperance and behaviour of the structure if the openings are standardised or alternated.

Openings opened in the same line - upper line

Openings opened in different lines in the rhombuselements

1968 1968







Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum


Planning of the final model - decission of which parameters found in all of our probes we want to use in the final model The exact placement of the structure The back of the structure where the space of refuge is placed should open up to west because in that way it make lee for the wind which primarely comes from south and north-west

The anchorage points of the open part of the structure The fabric of the open part of the structure should be attached with a wire in two asymmetric points to a wire which are shaped in a circular shape connected by three poles so it is able to slide and be tranformed and the wire to the fabric should be longer than the distance from the fabric to the poles so it also is able to move upwards and downwards.

Dimensions Rhombus elements: 30 x 6o cm. Distance between elements: 5 cm. Size of the general structure: Space of refuge Hight: 150 cm., width: 150-200 cm., depth: 300-350 cm Open part of the structure The size of the fabric: hexagon with lenghts of 360 cm. Poles: hight: 350 cm , width: 5 cm The structure of the space of refuge The structure of the material should be scaffold with lists and should go down to this tip in the corner of the space. And thereby create this more dictated form which should be a triangular shape with a flat “roof� The apperance of the structure The material of the structure should be fabric with white opaque full gloss plastic rhombus-elements. There should be openings in a part of the structure in the opposite end of the structure than the space of refuge. The openings should open inwards to make it possible to see reflections of the outside and reflections of the light inside and make the structure outside homogenous.

The anchorage points for the space of refuge of the structure The anchorage points should be poles from which the structure is connected with wires which makes it possible for the structure to move and be affected by wind but still be in the same general position. And to make lee we will add more fabric so it will go to the ground and in the middle also attach the structure further with wires to the ground

1968 1968





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Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum

Final model 1:20

Transformation of the structure - Different shapes

1968 1968







Transitions // Dynamic><Static conditions Erik Christensen Martiny Malene Husum


Final model 1:20 Construction of the structure

Props connecting the rhombus-elements Angled props for the openings

Poles and strings

Shape of the fabric

The construction of the structure is very transparent on the inside as the props are visible and the elements are visible as they make shadows on the inside of the structure. Beside of the props the structure consists of three high poles, two low poles and two angerpoints which the structure is connected to with wires. The three poles are connected with one wire on which the structure can slide and thereby be transformed during the time by wind Transformation of the structure (three selected shapes) - hight Body ><Cover

Shape 1

Shape 2

Shape 3 The hight of the structure differs from very low to high when it transform. Thereby you will in certain situations be able to touch and see the structure very closely but it will be hard to get an overview. Other times the structure will be far away and make it easier to get an overview. Furthermore the structure will create a more open space when it is high and create closed space when the structure if lower. Light - shadows - reflection Environment >< Cover >< Body

The material of the structure is both opaque and glossy which makes the structure reflecting light on the outside and shadows of the elements on the translucent fabric on the inside. Furthermore does the openings it possible to see reflections and get direct light inside the structure

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