Kunstfabrik i Carlsbergbyen | Bachelor Project | 6th. semester
Philosopher’s Retreat | Exchange semester - University of Strathclyde | 5th. semester
A Catholic Chuch | Exchange semester - University of Strathclyde | 5th. semester
Transformation of Prora | Relation between volume and grid- volume | 4th. semester Transformation - Investigation | Moveable structures | 3rd. semester
Stand - Sit - Lie Down | Main project on 1st. year | 2nd. semester
Casa Malaparte | Analysis of Architecture and Abstraction | 1st. semester
“The black box” | Recalling and recreating a spatial experience | 1st. semester
EDUCATION AARHUS SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Aarhus | Denmark 09 | 2012 - 07 | 2015 Bachelor of Arts in Architecture UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE Glasgow | Scotland 09 | 2014 - 01 | 2015 Exchange semester (Courses in building technology + environment and design) NAME
Malene Husum
01 | 05 | 1991
husum1991@gmail.com +45 28 97 01 15
InDesign Phohoshop Illustrator Rhino Vray Revit MS Office
Advanced Advanced Basics Good Basics Basics Advanced
HERNINGSHOLM ERHVERVSSKOLE | HHX Herning | Denmark 08 | 2008 - 07 | 2011 High School Diploma JOB HISTORY SIEMENS WIND POWER A/S Brande/Aarhus | Denmark 04 | 2013 - current : Rehired as Student worker | Masterdata assistent (SEE TE PMD) SIEMENS WIND POWER A/S Brande | Denmark 09 | 2011 - 08 | 2012 : Full-time Masterdata assistent (Service Engineering - BIQ ISS) CAFE POULSEN Herning | Denmark 04 | 2004 - 08 | 2012 : Waiter, chef and dishwasher
Danish Native English Fluent German Basics
6. Semester 2015 ___________________________________
ANCHORING ___________________________________
“ART FACTORY” in CARLSBERGBYEN Creating an “Art Fabric” in Carlsberg-
byen - a cultural center in Copenhagen. A building which should enhance and connect result and production but still enhance the fact that it is an learning institution.
The building should although also enhance public facilities such as the exhibition area, café etc. The design with a starting point in an ar-
chitectural work: Villa Shodhan by Le Corbusier
6. Semester 2015 ___________________________________
ANCHORING ___________________________________ “ART FACTORY” in CARLSBERGBYEN Exterior of the “Artfabric” having staggering in the facade leading to the entrance which are facing South-East to enhance the urban spaces next to the building. The facade showing a transparency of the inside depending on the activity. Large openings where there is a high activity and small windows where we have small activity
6. Semester 2015 ___________________________________
ANCHORING ___________________________________ “ART FACTORY” in CARLSBERGBYEN
Ground floor
1. Floor
2. Floor
The plans of the “Art Factory” constructed and developed to create a clear division between private and public. Having the private placed higher in the building and the public facilities in the lower part. By then moving the private part towards East visually links between the private and public part could be created. Having two seperated atrium - the first when you enter the building which vi-
3. Floor
4. Floor
5. Floor
6. Floor
sually connects all the public levels and the other where the public area ends and the private begins which visually link the production with the result
6. Semester 2015 ________________________________ ___
ANCHORING ________________________________ ___
“ART FACTORY” in CARLSBERGBYEN The view when you have just entered the “Art Factory”. You stand in a triple high room with visual connection to the exhibition and café and have the ramp just in front of you which will lead you up to these areas. The material in a very rough apperance to create a industrial look which although with the big class openings and white cleans walls meets some contradictions.
5. Semester 2014 ______________________________
TO GATHER ______________________________ A CATHOLIC CHURCH To gather - to design a catholc church in the small city Inveraray just beside the Loch Lynne. A church which should be able to gather 80 people and include the facilities that a catholic church require.
View from the city
View from the Loch
View from the path at the Loch
5. Semester 2014 ______________________________
TO GATHER ______________________________ A CHATOLIC CHURCH A chatolic church in thecontext of the small city Inveraray.
The height of the church at the heighest point approximately the same height as the buildings in the near context. A selection of material which lives up to the strict order in the city
which primarly only use white and black materials. Having the highest point of the church facing outside the city - working as a landmark for the city which welcomes the visitors.
As well as developing from high to low from the street to the loch to enhance and protect from the trafic and give a framed view directly to the loch.
5. Semester 2014 ______________________________
TO GATHER ______________________________ A CATHOLIC CHURCH A church which opens up towards the altar. You walk into a small entrance hall
where you turn right and walk along with Loch Lynne where you meet the baptismal font. Then to walk into the gathering space the user takes two step up through the columns which are taking into the room. Above the head having these incred-
Interior - Plan
ible beams that are done in same size detemined by the largest span which thereby underline the development of the height of the room.
Light studies
5. Semester 2014 ______________________________
TO GATHER ______________________________ A CATHOLIC CHURCH A minimalistic church with the spa-
ou Gr
o flo
tial development as the main focus and what the user primarly should experience. The number of materials is therefore also kept at a minimums . only using wood, nature stone and white ceiling and walls. The private space and gathering space with a small difference in material as it has different requirements.
5. Semester 2014 ______________________________
TO GATHER ______________________________ A CATHOLIC CHURCH Technical section - A construction using a wood frame structure of glulam timber. Five details of the construction and environmentally strategies (ventilation, heating, lighting).
Details Ridge
Environmental strategies
Zinc 0.8 mm (drawed thickBreather membrane Plywood 150 mm Cavity 50 mm
Heating Strategy
Insulation 600 mm Zinc 0.8 mm for visibility) Breather membrane Plywood 150 mm
Insulation 150 mm
Insulation 150 mm Gutter 200 x 250 mm
Vapour control layer Ceiling finish - plasterboard Insulation 100 mm
Note!: the studs are going between the beams so this is the visible beam behind the section.
Window steel lintel
Vapour control layer Insulation 100 mm Plasterboard 12.5 mm
Light reflective materiality Water source heat pump
Wood window frame Double-glazing: 6mm - 18mm - 6 mm
Technical room Smaller windows towards North
Window steel lintel Drip edge Wood window frame Double-glazing: 6mm - 18mm - 6 mm
Seperate entrance lobby minimizing heat loss
Double-glazing: 6mm - 18mm - 6 mm
High insulation minimizing heat loss
Artificial light
Big windows towards South - solar heat gain
Wood window frame Wood windowboard Precast concrete sill DPC
Underfloor heating
Ventilation strategy
Wall finish - plaster 12.5 mm Wall tie Concrete block work 130 Vapour control layer Insulation 300 mm Breather membrane Cavity 50 mm Brick work 125 mm
Steel plate carved into the column Dowls fastening the steel plate to the column
Steel foot connection to the concrete slab
Cross ventilation with stack effect
Cool air from outside
Floor finish - tiles 20 mm Underfloor heating Screed 100 mm
Warm extract air
Vapour control layer Rigid Insulation Weep hole
Concrete slab thickened locally under column. NOTE: Pile foundation can be added if requested
Natural ventilation distriubuted through window openings and gate valves in the window frame
Concrete slab 150 mm DPM Well-compacted hardcore 150 mm
Cool stale air exhaust air
Mechanical ventilation Natural ventilation
Warm fresh incom-
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery
5. Semester 2014 ______________________________
TO WONDER ______________________________ PHILOSOPHER’S RETREAT A site in the small town Kilmartin on a steap slope. The common and private divided into different housing units. The small carbins for two philosophers each on levels created into the slope with a direct link to the graveyard just next to the site. Having the common house towards East as a protecter for the private area towards the main road.
5. Semester 2014 ______________________________
TO WONDER ______________________________ PHILOSOPHER’S RETREAT The common house - entering from the heighest point of the slope where you step into the balcony looking down to the next two levels. Walk down along the stairs outside and comes down to the main level where kirchen, discussion area/living room and library is placed whereafter you walk down to the big discussion area which takes form as big steps to sit on facing out to the view of the beautiful open llandscape just in front of the site.
Ground floor
1. Floor
5. Semester 2014 ______________________________
TO WONDER ______________________________ PHILOSOPHER’S RETREAT The philosopher’s private carbin Ground floor
1. Floor
A carbin where you step under the roofed entrance whereafter you enter the small hallway that lead to the private room and the shared bathroom. The private room with a bed loft, a study area and an enclosed terrace also facing to the beautifull view of the open landscape.
4. Semester 2014 ______________________________
RECOVERING ______________________________ TRANSFORMATION OF PRORA (KdF resort) A 4.5 km. long building complex consisting of a various of repititions both in a big and small scale. Giving a homogenous apperance of the building working as a whole. Repition of 8 blocks - each 11 courtyards, 10 wings and a repitition of different type of windows for different situations. Although it seems totally homogenous there is still found small variety and unique traits. A project that takes this homogeneity as the focus point - how to work with and against the homogenous structure of the building.
4. Semester 2014 ______________________________
RECOVERING ______________________________ TRANSFORMATION OF PRORA
Relation beween grid and volume
(KdF resort) Transformation of Prora - A building segment was chosen and a strategy of the transformation. Using the existing grid structure of the building and intertwining the different levels. Turning out in a project which makes
Ground floor
1. Floor
2-4. Floor
5. Floor
this gap around the columns which functionally should work as light shaft - bringing light through the building which has limited light especially in the low part of the building.
3. Semester 2013 ______________________________
COVERING ______________________________ INVESTIGATING MOVEABLE STRUCTURES Investigation - wind and frost and how a light structure could be affected by these weather phonomenons. A structure which could be transformed and changed by the wind and fasten and changed to a rigrid structure by the frost. So that the structure would change the spaces within doing the years. The result of our investigations was a structural module which can be done in several variations: A structure suspended in a frame (= a module) so we can predict/dictate the axes of how the structure will move. And different variations and number of attachment point as well as shape of props in the structure which can manipulate with this movement.
3. Semester 2013 ______________________________
COVERING ______________________________
Shape of props tested
INVESTIGATING MOVEABLE STRUCTURES Different shapes of the props as well as different attachments to the frame of the structure was systematically investigated. This lead to a small design of a building installation on Iceland. Taking the specific wind factors into the design proces using different modules according to the space and effect that should be obtained. A shelter that developed from being inclosed and rigrid to open and moveable.
Combination of attachment points tested
Ligh Studies - fabrik with props
3. Semester 2013 ______________________________
Studies of strategies of manipulating a moveable strukture - Fabrik
Prior to the in-depth investigation of the modules some other investigations leading to this was done. Three different ways of manipulating with the fabric structure. A light study that shows the different effects that can be obtained with different materials of the props. As well as a introductory of the possiblity of a structure moveable and rigrid when frozen/unfrozen.
introductory test of a structure exposed to wind frozen and unfrozen
Props manipulating the structure to transform to different shapes
2. Semester 2013 ______________________________
INHABITATION ______________________________ PLATEAUS: TO STAND - SIT - LIE Transformation of one room in the
closed Tulip Fabric in Brabrand with an installation which encourage to stay.
Plateuas created so that it fits to the human body - stand, sit and to lie down.
Prior to this development the whole building and specifically the room
affected was analyzed with the sub-
jective subject - where do you feel comfortable in terms of different el-
ements affecting the space such as light, noise, open/closed etc.
And with this prior the most “save” space was lifted up from the ground so that you are hitten, from a standing
person. Beside the change in heifht also the columns under the plateaus
was extended to be protection walls
from the many door openings in the room
1. Semester 2012 _________________________________
EXPERIENCE ARCHITECTURE _________________________________ CASA MALAPARTE A analysis of the work of architecture: Casa Malaparte. A building built into the mountain where the building is located and following the lines of the mountain. Representation both in drawing and model of what is found the essential in the building design. Which leads to the abstraction of this which leads to the abstraction where the building becomes into one with the mountain.
Ground floor
1. Semester 2012 _________________________________
EXPERIENCE ARCHITECTURE _________________________________ “THE BLACK BOX” Recalling and re-establish/communicate a spatial experience. My childhood room - a very narrow, claustrophobic room with a dominating sloping wall and two tremendous objects taking up a lot of space but in the other end an open space with a lot of light which both gave the room quality and character. The
changed this view but what still remained was this idea of a better space in the opposite end of the room. Looking inside “The Black Box”it should create the
feeling of being
trapped in a narrow dark space but be able to see and be attracted by the light and a space which seems bigger in the other with no change to see if that actually also is the case.