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Maleny Service Centre

16 Lawyer Street, Maleny. Ph 54943444 http://www.malenyservicecentre.com.au

One Stop Mechanical Services Shop

Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises

Teen Driver Technology

The coming models of new cars will feature a bundle of tech features that are aimed squarely at parents with younger drivers in the house.

Teen Driver serves as a safeguard for new drivers, putting parents’ minds at ease.

Some of the features include a curfew alert, car finder, geofence alert, and a speed alert. The system can notify you if the car is driven over a certain speed, ca disable the audio if seat belts aren’t in use.

You can also tell what time of day (or night) the car is on the road, and where it’s driven. You can also restrict who can drive the vehicle.

Need a Roadworthy Certificate?

Maleny Service Centre have a Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises and we know only too well what it takes to make your vehicle safe and roadworthy.

All vehicles (including trucks, motorbikes and trailers) must have a Safety or Roadworthy Certificate (RWC) if being sold, registered for the first time or being re-registered in Queensland. Registered Vehicles cannot be solid without a RWC.

Your One Stop Shop for Automotive Repairs – you don’t need to do the running around, we do it for you!:. http://www.malenyservicecentre.com.au/ https://issuu.com/Maleny-Grapevine-Community-News

We are dedicated and passionate about servicing, repairing and maintaining one of your most valuable assets, your Motor Vehicle.

Locally & with


Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to deliver free, world-class health care services, capacity building and sustainable development aid to those without access in the developing world. Founded in 1978, Mercy Ships has worked in more than 70 countries providing services valued at more than $1.3 billion, with more than 2.56 million direct beneficiaries.

In June 2023 at the Maleny Women’s Ecumenical Breakfast held at the Maleny Catholic Church heard from guest speakers about the work of the Mercy Ships Organisation.

Mercy Ships: Delivering Hope and Healing through Floating Hospitals

In a world often plagued by inequalities in healthcare access, Mercy Ships stands as a beacon of hope and healing. This remarkable international organisation has been transforming lives and communities for over four decades by providing free medical services on board floating hospitals. With a mission to bring hope and healing to the forgotten poor, Mercy Ships has become a symbol of compassion and solidarity, showcasing the power of humanity to make a difference.

The story of Mercy Ships began in 1978 when Don and Deyon Stephens founded the organisation with the vision to utilise floating hospitals to serve some of the world's most impoverished regions. Their Anastasis, set sail in 1978, equipped with state-ofthe-art medical facilities and a team of dedicated volunteers. Since then, Mercy Ships has grown exponentially, expanding its fleet and operations to reach more people in need.

At the heart of Mercy Ships are its dedicated essly offer their time, skills, and expertise to serve those without access to adequate medical care. Surgeons, doctors, nurses, dentists, and various other healthcare professionals from all corners of the globe come together to form a multidisciplinary team.

They work tirelessly to provide life-saving surgeries, dental care, eye treatments, and other vital medical services to patients who would otherwise go untreated.

Mercy Ships operates on a model of partnership, collaborating with local governments, healthcare providers, and communities to maximise their impact. They work hand in hand with local healthcare professionals, providing training, mentoring, and capacity building to ensure a sustainable healthcare legacy.

By empowering local communities, Mercy Ships ensures that their impact extends beyond the duration of their visit, creating lasting change in the regions they serve.

Over the years, Mercy Ships has provided lifechanging treatments to millions of patients in more than 55 countries. The organisation has conducted over 100,000 surgeries, including procedures to correct cleft lips and palates, remove tumours, repair debilitating burns, and treat conditions like clubfoot and obstetric fistula.

In addition to providing surgeries, the volunteers on the Mercy Ship also provide medical capacity building training courses to African health care professionals. These interventions not only improve individual lives but also uplift entire communities, enabling people to regain their health, return to work, and contribute to the local economy. The impact of Mercy Ships extends far beyond medical care. The organisation also addresses long-term healthcare challenges by focusing on the improvement of healthcare infrastructure in the countries they visit. They provide training programs for local healthcare workers, equipping them with the skills needed to deliver quality care long after the ship has departed. Furthermore, Mercy Ships invests in community development projects, such as clean water initiatives and agricultural programs, which address underlying causes of poor health and promote self-sufficiency. was so grateful for his new lease of life that he became motivated to not only become a better farmer, but passionate about helping his local community of peanut farmers too.

Baba, from Senegal had a kitchen accident at his home when he picked up the lid of a pot. Minutes later his hands and arms caught on fire, leaving him with burns so severe that he could no longer use his arm.

Two years later, in 2021, Baba enrolled in the Mercy Ships ‘Food for Life’ program. This program has trained more than 800 people in nine countries since 2007. The 22-week course covers sustainable agriculture and food processing, helping community members become independent growers and distributors of healthy, nutritional products. Today, he is capable of producing ginger syrup, yoghurt, and infantfeeding porridge to alleviate severe malnutrition issues in his community - all using natural resources.

He was used to manual labour as his family were peanut growers. After the accident, he was unsure how he would continue to work and take care of himself financially, let alone his family.

Baba was able to receive free reconstructive plastic surgery on board the “Africa Mercy” in 2019. After the operation, he regained the use of his arm and hand so that he could resume farming. He

Every graduate from the ‘Food for Life’ program is given the resources and tools to go back in to their communities and share their knowledge with other aspiring farmers. This helps to develop and strengthen sustainable health systems.

The work of Mercy Ships is made possible through the generosity of donors and partners who share their vision.

To find out more about this life changing organisation or to donate to assist their work simply visit: https://mercyships.org.au/

Police warn about Sunshine Coast Scams

Police are warning members of the public to be vigilant after several people fell victim to a scam which appears to be targeting elderly residents. People claiming to be from their banking institutions call victims and advise them to withdraw money for a representative from the bank to collect in cash from their home address as an employee is emptying customer accounts internally.

The victims are told its to safeguard them, and the bank representative will deposit the cash in a safe account while internal investigations identify their own employee who is stealing.

Several people across southeast Queensland have already fallen victim to this heartless scam.

A man has since been charged with three counts of money laundering and one count possess tainted property and is due to appear in the Magistrates Court, Maroochydore on the 15th September, 2023..

If you are cold called or emailed, never provide personal, bank account or credit card details and do not open links.

For further information on how to stay safe, visit either www.police.qld.gov.au/programs/cscp/fraud or www.scamwatch.gov.au for updated scam information.

Maleny SES Volunteer group

Be Prepared for severe weather events

What to do if you need assistance

For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000)

For storm and flood related property damage call the State Emergency Service on 132 500.

For a quick reference to all other emergent situations visit the Sunshine Coast Disaster Hub website at: https://disasterhub.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ #Dashboard

To keep up to date with Emergency Warnings

Tune into warnings and updates from your local ABC radio and TV stations Follow Maleny SES Group via their Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MalenySES

An Old Codger’s Thoughts & Opinions

A rich father who wanted his son to know what it was like to be poor brought him to live with a farming family for a few days.

The child stayed there for 3 days and 3 nights. Back in the car on their way to the town, his father asked him:

"And your experience?"

"Fine," replied the boy.

"Did you learn anything?"

The boy then explained:

"1 We have a dog and they have four of them.

2 We have a pool with treated water. They have a river with crystal clear water, fish and other good things

3 We have electric lights in our garden, but they have the stars and the moon to light them up.

4 Our garden extends to the fence. Theirs up to the horizon.

5 We buy our food; they cultivate, harvest and cook it.

6 We listen to CDs ... they hear a sustained symphony of birds, crickets and other animals ... ... all this, sometimes accompanied by the singing of a neighbour who works on the farm.

7 We use the microwave. What they cook tastes much better cooked on a slow fire.

8 We are surrounded by alarm fences to protect ourselves ... They live with open doors, protected by the friendship of their neighbours.

9 We are connected to the telephone, computer and television. They are in communion with life, sky, sun, water, fields, animals, friends and families. "

The father was impressed with his son's feelings. Then finally the son comes to the conclusion:

"Thanks for showing me how poor we are! Every day we get poorer because we no longer look at nature !!! “

Oh! how things in our lives have changed in the term of just one or two generations!

Truthful Jones says And he swears that it 100% true - No Bulls##t”

Truthful tells us that he knows a woman who decided to give herself a big treat for her 70th birthday by staying overnight in a really nice hotel.

When she checked out the next morning, the desk clerk handed her a bill for $250.00. She demanded to know why the charge was so high "I agree it's a nice hotel, but the rooms aren't worth $250.00 for just an overnight stay - I didn't even have breakfast!”

The clerk told her that $250.00 is the 'standard rate,' and breakfast had been included had she wanted it. She insisted on speaking to the Manager. The Manager appeared and, forewarned by the desk clerk, announced: "This hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference centre which are available for use.”

"But I didn't use them.”

'Well, they are here, and you could have." He went on to explain that she could also have seen one of the inhotel shows for which they were so famous. "We have the best entertainers from the world over performing here.”

"But I didn't go to any of those shows.”

"Well, we have them, and you could have.”

No matter what amenity the Manager mentioned, she replied, "But I didn't use it!" and the Manager countered with his standard response.

After several minutes discussion, and with the Manager still unmoved, she decided to pay, wrote a check and gave it to him. The Manager was surprised when he looked at the check. "But Madam, this check is for only $50.00”

"That's correct I charged you $200.00 for sleeping with me.”

"But I didn't!" "Well, too bad, I was here, and you could have.” said the woman.

Only in Australia

Only those who live in the country would understand the benefits of these “bogan shoes”. They are an essential item in an Australian winter.


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