New English Art Club Annual Exhibition 2021

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Annual Exhibition 2021

Patron HRH The Prince of Wales Officers

Prizes and Awards

President Peter Brown

The Doreen McIntosh Prize £5,000 for rigour, immediate engagement with the visual, and a searching attitude

Vice President Sarah Spencer

Chris Beetles Gallery Prize for Figurative Art Selected by Chris Beetles, £2,500 for a non-member artist

Hon Treasurer Colin Gardner

The Hermione Hammond Drawing Award £2,000 for a drawing by an artist aged 35 or under

Front cover: Bridget Moore, Waiting for a Treat; back cover: Charles Williams, Some New World 2

Keeper Charlotte Halliday

The Bowyer Drawing Prize £500

Publications Alex Fowler

The Winsor & Newton Award £500 of art materials

New English Education Programme Curator Paul Newland Daniel Shadbolt Friends Co-ordinator Patrick Cullen

The Peter Ashley Framing Prize A bespoke picture frame to the value of £500, presented by The Artistic Framing Company The Michael Harding Award £500 of art materials The NEAC Critics’ Prize £250

Membership Secretary Louise Balaam

Selection Committee Louise Balaam Peter Brown Peter Clossick Tessa Coleman Patrick Cullen Alex Fowler Benjamin Hope Julie Jackson Paul Newland Neil Pittaway Melissa Scott-Miller Sarah Spencer Toby Ward Charles Williams

The Dry Red Press Award Winning work published as a greeting card

Exhibition runs 25 June to 3 July 2021 at Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1 020 7930 6844 @newenglishart

How to Visit The exhibition runs 25 June to 3 July at Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1. Nothing beats seeing the paintings ‘in the flesh’ so do visit in person if you can. To ensure that the gallery environment is as safe as possible, at the time of going to press the safety measures include:

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You will need to book a timed ticket online at to ensure numbers in the gallery remain at safe levels Social distancing will apply. Please keep two metres apart from other visitors unless you are from the same household You will be required to wear a face covering (covering your mouth and nose) when inside the gallery There will be a one-way system in place There will be hand-sanitising points Toilet facilities will be open and cleaned more regularly The café and bookshop will remain closed for now Any payments will be by card, contactless where possible

This is all subject to change depending on the latest government advice and regulations so please check before you set off, and follow instructions when you arrive. Admission is £5, or free for Friends of Mall Galleries, NEAC Friends and under 25s. Concessions available. Recipients of this catalogue can visit for free by entering code NEAC-VIP when booking.

How to Buy • See more of the exhibition online where you can browse & buy the works at

• To purchase a work, please contact Mall Galleries at or on 020 7930 6844

• Every sale helps support not just the artist, but also Mall Galleries / Federation of British Artists (Registered Charity No. 200048)

• Many of the artists are available to commission. For details, please contact

• The works are all available to buy through the Own Art scheme. Own Art interest free loans make it easy and affordable to buy original, high quality contemporary art. Representative 0% APR. Subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.

Richard Bawden, Beside the Sofa Watercolour 52 x 46 cm £780

Note from the President by Peter Brown, President of the New English Art Club to exhibit and associate with those longer in the tooth, and the Club as a body is revitalised. This balance is reflected in the prizes we award each year which are given in preference to non-members, in our education programme of classes and workshops, and in the rigorous process of selection and election of new members from amongst those who have been chosen to exhibit with us. The New English is hugely grateful for all the support that enables us to fulfil our aims, in particular the generosity of Alison and Richard Chenevix-Trench which has been of such immense value over very many years. We are similarly thankful to all our prizegivers. This year we are delighted to reintroduce the Doreen McIntosh Prize of £5,000 and to offer a new prize of materials from Michael Harding.

As life begins to return to normal in the UK, it will be great to see faces back at Mall Galleries for the 2021 New English Art Club Annual Exhibition. In each of our exhibitions, a wonderful symbiosis can be seen at play. The NEAC’s more altruistic mission to help and nurture individual emerging artists works in parallel with its hunger to invigorate itself with new talent. The relationship is successful – those less recognised gain from the opportunity

We would also like to thank Panter & Hall for sponsoring our Annual Lecture which fittingly, in this year of theatre closures, is delivered by Alison Young on the theme of ‘Sickert and the Art of Music Hall’. Lastly, a huge thank you to Chris Beetles Gallery for all their support and to all the galleries and audiences that support our members, present and future. Since our last show, the Club has lost three much loved and respected members: Roy Freer, Josephine Harris and Michael Pullée. While we will deeply miss their physical presence, we are indebted to them for the input they contributed to the ongoing

development of the New English through their lives’ work. They are remembered in the following pages and on our memorial wall in the show. Art has been an inspiration and maybe a lifeline for many over the last 18 months, but it has been frustrating not to be able to see it for real. We have been forced by circumstance to select the exhibition this year entirely online. We can only hope we have done as good a job as possible, but one belief that runs through this Club is that painting, drawing and print should be viewed and judged in the flesh. So, as I write, I feel this exhibition will be great (the evidence in this catalogue implies as much) but honestly, I will not know until I see it ... and I can’t wait!

Events, Talks and Tours Every year, we run a series of events at our Annual Exhibition, including our Annual Lecture (see overleaf). At the time of writing, we are still finalising details of the rest of the events, but by the time you read this, a full programme should be available at

Sickert and the Art of Music Hall by Alison Young insight into Sickert’s developing style, and what it was like to visit London’s suburban music halls. They capture the excitement and anxiety of performance, which, as a thespian, he would have understood, as well as the thrill, vibrancy and camaraderie of being an audience member. When Sickert first exhibited at the New English Art Club in 1888, he displayed ‘Gatti’s Hungerford Palace of Varieties. Second Turn of Katie Lawrence’. The critical reception this work met was similar to that which had greeted the exhibition of ‘Le Mammoth Comique’ at the Suffolk Street Galleries the year before. These are some of the words that populated the reviews of both pictures: vulgar, eccentric, unexpected, astonishing, grotesque, roaring, coarse, commonplace and tawdry. Why were Sickert’s paintings so badly received at the time and why did they provoke such an indignant reaction? Walter Sickert, Gatti’s Hungerford Palace of Varieties. Second Turn of Katie Lawrence. Photo: Yale University Art Gallery

Walter Richard Sickert was many things in his eighty-one years – a German-born émigré, an artist, a writer, a teacher and also an actor. The stage was his first choice of career; one he relinquished after only a couple of years trying to climb the theatrical ladder. It was then that he enrolled at the Slade School of Art, leaving after only a few months to become an apprentice (and

general dogsbody) to J.A.M. Whistler. His love and interest in the theatrical world never left him and throughout his career, he often returned to the stage as the subject for his work. Whilst living in North London in the late 1880s and 1890s, he explored the music halls in his neighbourhood and produced a series of sketches and paintings which give us a wonderful

The negative critical response was mainly concerned with Sickert’s choice of subject matter – music hall – which was viewed as a working-class entertainment, completely unsuitable as a subject for art and therefore beyond the pale. The subject of that controversial NEAC exhibit, Katie Lawrence, was a popular music hall singer whose name endures only thanks to Sickert’s painting of her. Like many women from working-class backgrounds who went ‘on the Halls’ with some degree of success, she is largely forgotten today (in common with other subjects of Sickert’s

theatre paintings and sketches – Minnie Cunningham, Dot Hetherington, Ada Lundberg, Hylda Glyder, and Vesta Victoria). The song which Katie Lawrence popularised later in her career, ‘Daisy Bell’, endures to this day and was the earliest song ‘sung’ using computer speech synthesis by the IBM 704 in 1961, referenced in the film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (1968).

result, homes across the country were filled with the songs of the music hall. Many of those enjoying a singsong around the ‘old Joanna’ might not have deigned to set foot in a music hall building, such places being the haunt of prostitutes and alcohol, which created a great degree of anxiety amongst the middle classes. The Victorian public and art world was simply not prepared for scenes of modern city life such as those that were being depicted in France by Degas and Manet, and which Sickert had encountered through his travels there as Whistler’s apprentice. In my forthcoming NEAC lecture, I will be looking at the history of the music halls and Sickert’s interactions with them; examining the lives of some of the performers in his works; and the artists working in sheet music and black-and-white illustration, many of whom Sickert admired.

Prior to Sickert displaying his music hall subjects, the most visual exposure the middle classes would have had to these singers and comics would have been through illustrated sheet music covers. The arrival of cheap upright pianos in c.1840 coincided with advances in lithographic printing, which in turn led to the mass availability of cheaply produced sheet music with colour cover illustrations. As a

Alison Young is a former solicitor, writer and researcher of Music Hall (having been inspired by family connections to performers) as well as the Secretary of the British Music Hall Society. She blogs at and is working towards a book on the subject. Alison will be giving this year’s NEAC Annual Lecture ‘Sickert and the Art of Music Hall’, sponsored by Panter & Hall.

Sources: Wendy Baron & Richard Shone (ed), ‘Sickert: Paintings’ (London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1992); Kenneth McConkey, ‘The New English Art Club’ (London: Royal Academy of Arts, 2006); British Newspaper Archive; Ronald Pearsall, ‘Victorian Sheet Music Covers’ (Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1972)

NEAC Annual Lecture

Sheet music cover for ‘Daisy Bell’ (1892), British Music Hall Society Archive

Book your ticket at

Wednesday 30 June, 3pm Sickert and the Art of Music Hall

New English Education Programme 2021 by Paul Newland, Curator of the New English Education Programme The Education Programme this past year – well, not a bumper year, obviously. And yet, and yet ... The NEAC was well in the vanguard as the latest lockdown began to be eased, with three classes arranged for May. All were well subscribed, indeed, fully booked within a week or two of being announced. This indicates a faithful following, a dedicated student body, and the perennial desire of artists to get together with their peers to compare notes, experiences and aspirations. It is also an indicator of the importance of the Education Programme to the New English Art Club. We love it. You need only skim through the history of the Club, the biographies of many of its members, to see how much involvement there has been with teaching at many levels. From Philip Wilson Steer and Henry Tonks at the Slade School to recent members at the RA Schools and other august institutions.

Paul Wuensche, Alice

We are fortunate, and extremely grateful, that The Heatherley School of Fine Art made studio space available to us after the education suite at Mall Galleries was taken out of service a few years ago. Many students and tutors must be inspired by the ample – and amply lit – studios, as well as the splendid views of west London and beyond which appear when ascending a staircase. The New English Scholarship scheme continues after a pause last year to allow the scholars of 2019 to continue to this summer – inhabiting, after a promising and highly active first few months, what became a kind of COVID limbo.

Rebecca Guyver, Walking around the Island

The small selection of works on this page gives some idea of the vigour and abilities of a few NEAC Scholars from recent years. View our latest classes and workshops at

However, we are back! Recipients of our 2021 Scholarships will be announced at the prizegiving ceremony that launches our Annual Exhibition.

And find out more about the NEAC Scholarship application process at

Gabriella Marchini, Portrait

Eve Pettitt, Tender Space

Remembering Roy Freer NEAC RI ROI (1938-2021) Earlier this year, we received the sad news that our friend and colleague Roy Freer had passed away.

... masses appeared. Colour and tone were more important to Roy than the subject.

Roy studied at the Birmingham College of Art in the 1950s-60s, then after two years’ National Service, became a tutor at various art colleges. From the 1970s, he started to show his work in galleries across the country. Roy was elected to the New English Art Club in 2000 and was much loved and respected by his fellow members. Melissa Scott-Miller, for example, remembers him as “very kind and encouraging” when she first joined.

“Roy was an inspirational painter; he was very much a painter’s painter. I was privileged to attend a number of his courses and came away totally inspired.

Salliann Putman recalls, “I first met Roy in the late 1970s, about the time a group of us launched the Sunningdale Art Society. I had been so inspired by Roy that I invited him to run a weekend workshop.

Roy Freer, Plant & Pot Gathering

“Roy arrived in a small van which was packed to the roof. We had a large village hall which Roy transformed into a world of pure colour. He assembled three large white platforms and placed on, and around them, deckchairs, sunflowers, pots, fabrics, cubes, painted chairs and many other objects. It was a colourist’s paradise. “He then demonstrated his approach to painting and it was a revelation. From the very first mark, there was life and energy. He would mass in the big areas in wonderful colour. Then he would gradually move into smaller marks, mixing the colour and transferring it to his brush. He would then study his subject with a searching eye before making a mark. His work looks so free, but it is carefully considered.

Roy Freer, Table Expanse

“Roy really taught me how to look. I recall him showing a slide of an interior with the light flooding in through the window. Roy then adjusted the lens on the projector so that everything was out of focus. This was a moment of magic as the image was transformed into pools of light ... edges disappeared ... tones became all-important

“The art world has been enriched by Roy’s painting and his teaching. He will be so missed.” Paul Curtis shared these words, “Visiting an NEAC exhibition, Roy’s paintings softly tapped you on the shoulder as you walked by, pulling you back to look again at the quiet, close-toned colour with one accent of light. They reflected his personality and determination to take a chance with his work in order to get it right. “In the 60s, Roy and I, along with Tom Coates, were together at Bourneville College of Art where the gentle Arts and Crafts philosophy touched us all. “Roy and Sally’s riverside house in Suffolk has drawings and paintings by other artists who reflected their way of life and enhanced the thorough research that informed Roy’s creative practice. A weekend painting with Roy in his garden in September 2018 was a joy and something to treasure.”

Remembering Josephine Harris NEAC RWS (1931-2020) Schools, Josephine (Jo) Harris was a picture of calm and control when I turned up in 1970 demanding to see Mr Greenham, “I’m not going to leave until I do!” Taking two of my large oil paintings I had ‘walked out’ of the Painting School at Kingston College of Art and I was off to ‘stand up’ for figurative painting and my landscape art in particular. It was that key day in my life when I saw red and Jo was ‘in on it!’ “Jo became a friend when we met at the RWS. I always enjoyed calling into her workshop off Barnes, Church Road, where she put her drawing skills to work on engraving glass. She was a true Art Club Member. She knew the rule book and who worked for the RWS, the NEAC or the Art Workers’ Guild. She hid her own natural lyric drawing talent, though she was the first to peer over her spectacles at a candidates list and ask, “But can he draw?” Josephine Harris, In Anticipation (1950)

Long-serving NEAC member Josephine Harris sadly passed away in September 2020. As well as a respected and muchloved painter, Josephine was also a passionate and talented glass engraver.

time, she developed an interest in glass engraving and set up a studio in Barnes, London. She was a founding member of the Guild of Glass Engravers and elected Master of the Art Workers’ Guild.

From 1948, Josephine studied at the Plymouth College of Art before moving to London in 1958 where she worked as secretary to the Keeper of the Schools at the Royal Academy of Art. Whilst there, she continued to work on her own painting and drawing, exhibiting at the RA Summer Exhibition, and becoming a member of the Royal Watercolour Society and the New English Art Club in 1969. Around this

Diana Armfield remembers, “When I first joined in 1970, Josephine was the one who would warmly welcome new members into the Club. She was a committed member – showing year in, year out – and I really looked forward to catching up with her at our Annual Exhibitions.” Maurice Sheppard also shares his memories, “As Secretary to Peter Greenham, Keeper of the Royal Academy

“Her serious accident in 1986 at her home in Melville Road, Barnes, saw her take refuge for a long period in The Pearl Convalescent Home at Hartley, near Plymouth. She wrote good letters with a broad clear hand. Of her work, can I say that it would be good to set an examination question: ‘Compare and contrast the drawings of Josephine Harris and Charlotte Halliday and what do we gain from this experience?’ Just look and you will see.”

Remembering Michael Pullée NEAC (1936-2021) and we had a long chat. He told me he had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and was so disappointed that he would find it impossible to come to the show as he took such delight from being a member. With a very shaky hand, he wrote me a delightful letter of thanks. He was charming and a gentleman to the core.”

Michael Pullée, Hill of the Gypsies 2003

Sadly, early in 2021, we learned of the death of New English artist Michael Pullée. He was elected a member of the New English Art Club in 1978, following in the footsteps of his father Ernest Edward Pullée and mother Margaret Pullée who were both NEAC members before him, clearly passing their talent and passion for painting on to the next generation. Michael studied at Leeds College of Art and the Royal College of Art before working as a designer and teacher, becoming Head of the School of Art and Design at Huddersfield Polytechnic and Head of the Department of Art and Design at York College of Arts and Technology.

Michael’s work developed from personal observation and responses to the South Devon landscape, the sea and ships. Travel to the Mediterranean – Italy, Greece, Turkey and Egypt – widened his range of subjects. Drawings in a variety of media formed the basis of most of the paintings. Wherever possible, he preferred direct observation of the subject, painting or drawing out of doors, on-site, in the studio, or from a boat or ship. Mary Jackson recalls bumping into Michael in 2016, “I noticed he had great difficulty negotiating the steps to hand in his work for the Annual Exhibition. I gave him a hand

Peter Brown remembers, “In 2019, the New English staged a wonderful show with the St Ives Society at their Mariner’s Hall in the town. It was a joy to hang and to bring members’ work to that wonderful artistic community. And while it was well-received, sadly sales were not ground-breaking. Of the small number we did sell, however, one was a Michael Pullée – a real beauty of a stormy sea, rich in his signature Prussian blue and dark greys. It was wonderful to inform him and I remember him being utterly delighted. Michael was keen to remain very much a part of the Club in the last year or two of his life. His death marks the end of the Pullée dynasty’s relationship with the New English. Though their work lives on and we are all the richer for it.”

Diana Armfield Summer Bunch on the Easel Oil 36.5 x 29 cm £4,250

Louise Balaam Soft Grey Sky, March Light Oil 38 x 44 cm £795

Richard Bawden Roses from my Garden Watercolour 47 x 45 cm £750

Tim Benson Daphne, Haringey Resident Oil 103 x 75 cm £7,000

June Berry Hungry Birds Oil 31 x 35 cm £3,000

James Bland The Pearl Oil 65 x 60 cm £1,500

Jane Bond Rainbow Portrait 1 Oil 35 x 25 cm £1,200

Francis Bowyer Pathway through the Veg Patch Oil 48 x 46 cm £1,250

Peter Brown London Begins to Come Back, Trafalgar Square, April 2021 Oil 89 x 89 cm £13,500

Patricia Cain His Wings Shadow II Pastel & acrylic 75 x 105 cm £4,750

Diana Calvert Violets Oil 28.5 x 28.5 cm £600

David Carpanini They'll miss us when we've gone Acrylic 60 x 50 cm £4,250

Peter Clossick Little Angel Oil 84 x 60 cm £1,400

Tom Coates Overlooking Tinder Box Cove, Tasmania Oil 71 x 86 cm £5,000

David Cobley Interconnected Oil 34 x 30 cm £980

Tessa Coleman Mahjong Oil 145 x 114 cm £8,500

Michael Cooper Passing Shower with View of Hamsey Oil 45.5 x 101.5 cm £2,850

Jane Corsellis The Nevern Estuary Pembs Oil 99 x 94 cm £9,500

Patrick Cullen Hay Bales, S.W. France Mixed media 79 x 94 cm £4,250

Fred Cuming Bonfire, Angel of the South Oil 57 x 57 cm £9,900

Paul Curtis Studio and Orchids, St Ives Acrylic & oil 88 x 88 cm £2,150

Saied Dai Industrial Townscape Oil 111 x 81 cm £9,500

John Dobbs The River Chess in Spring Oil 30 x 36 cm £850

Alex Fowler Peonies and Patterns Oil 85 x 73 cm £2,300

Caroline Frood The Avenue Oil 68 x 93 cm £3,800

Judith Gardner Two Trees in the Snow Oil 49 x 49 cm £950

Dennis Gilbert Punt Pastel 34 x 44 cm £700

Paul Gildea Overcoat over Coalsack Oil 138 x 86 cm £12,000

Anthony Green (c/o Chris Beetles Gallery) 1949, Doing Donald I Oil 28 x 13 cm £4,500

Charlotte Halliday Primroses in Beatrix Potter's Jug Pencil & watercolour 31 x 31 cm £650

Paul Handley Piccadilly Line, Russell Square Oil 49 x 56 cm £1,100

Clare Haward Self Portrait Oil 25 x 31 cm £900

Julie Held Threshold Acrylic & oil 183 x 122 cm £7,500

Benjamin Hope Paint Tubes #1 Oil 38 x 42 cm £1,800

Ken Howard The North Door, Westminster Abbey Oil 122 x 101.5 cm £32,500

Julie Jackson Where the River Meets the Sea (Tasmania) Oil 28 x 33 cm £850

Mary Jackson Tom Painting in Randalls Bay Oil 71 x 86 cm £3,850

Andrew James Romney Marsh Oil 44 x 60 cm £2,250

Craig Jefferson Waving Figure Oil 86 x 128 cm £4,300

Victoria Jinivizian Teenage Room Anarchy Oil 50 x 52 cm £1,250

Pamela Kay Shells Oil 33 x 36 cm £1,450

Michael Kirkbride Mid-Century Shoppers Oil 147 x 100 cm £7,000

Peter Kuhfeld Lockdown; Still Life Oil 46 x 37 cm £3,850

Andrew Macara The Tunnel, Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby Oil 102 x 112 cm £6,500

Bridget Moore Wait for the Treat Gouache 39 x 41 cm £760

Anthony Morris Autumn, River Usk, Wales Oil 70 x 90 cm £2,800

Arthur Neal Katie Oil 40 x 35 cm £1,650

Paul Newland Town at Dusk: Headlights Oil 44 x 54 cm £2,000

Richard Pikesley Eggardon, Cattle and Western Sky Oil 74 x 78 cm £2,800

Neil Pittaway In the Shadows, Dakshin, Moditse South Annapurna, Nepal Acrylic 66 x 119 cm £3,500

Salliann Putman Relationships 1 Oil 80 x 80 cm £2,250

Simon Quadrat Street Organ Oil 70 x 84 cm £5,200

Charles Rake Night in a Small City Oil 69 x 89 cm £2,850

Jacqueline Rizvi Summer Sea 3 Oil 24 x 30 cm £695

Susan Ryder The Lunch Table Oil 80 x 94 cm £5,800

Melissa Scott-Miller London Cherry Tree in Sunlight Oil 70 x 70 cm £2,300

Daniel Shadbolt Flowers Oil 68 x 68 cm £2,100

Ann Shrager Elephant and Mahouts in the Pool Oil 69 x 69 cm £5,600

Charlotte Sorapure Flora Oil 89 x 76 cm £12,500

Richard Sorrell Crowd Oil 90 x 105 cm £2,250

Sarah Spencer Whitstable Wide Seascape Oil 67 x 116 cm £5,200

Ruth Stage St James's Park Lake Egg tempera 84 x 104 cm £3,500

Nick Tidnam Night Hillside, Lagrasse Acrylic 35.5 x 32 cm £650

Lorna Vahey The Road to Bari Oil 66 x 66 cm £1,100

Toby Ward The Kitchen Cat Oil 100 x 85 cm £7,850

Robert E Wells 4 Marina Crescent Oil 108 x 80 cm £3,950

Jenny Wheatley Never Far From Home Acrylic 76 x 76 cm £2,600

Michael Whittlesea Vaccine One Oil 53 x 53 cm £1,750

Antony Williams Umbrian Swimming Pool Study Egg tempera 26 x 19 cm £2,500

Charles Williams Some New World 2 (detail) Oil 120 x 105 cm £9,000

Jacqueline Williams Late Afternoon Winter Sun Oil 105 x 88 cm £3,800

Neale Worley Artist Looking for a View Oil 48 x 58 cm £3,850




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Catalogue List Michael Kirkbride NEAC The Curious (detail) Name



Size (cm)


1 HRH The Prince of Wales Brecon Beacon from Llwynynwermod Watercolour 51.5 x 60.5 NFS 2 Hashim Akib Orange Acrylic 66 x 81 1,100 3 Jennifer Anderson Cusp Oil 40 x 80 2,600 4 Kayoon Anderson Studio Scene Oil 88 x 63 2,000 5 Kayoon Anderson Svet’s Scene Oil 80 x 106 4,000 6 Diana Armfield HNEAC RA RWS Growing Sunflowers in Gwynfryn’s Polytunnel Chalk & pastel 48 x 16 1,750 7 Diana Armfield HNEAC RA RWS Summer Bunch on the Easel Oil 36.5 x 29 4,250 8 Thomas Arthurton Study of Girl in Red Jumper Oil 110 x 80 3,800 9 Michael John Ashcroft ROI Wood Green High Street, London Oil 33 x 31 600 10 Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Moorland, Hanging Cloud Oil 38 x 44 795 11 Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Pink Cloud over the Marshes Oil 38 x 44 795 12 Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Priest’s Cove, Bright Sky Oil 50 x 60 4,250 13 Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Soft Grey Sky, March Light Oil 38 x 44 795 14 Andrew Barrowman Tree Study Charcoal 40 x 40 545 15 Richard Bawden NEAC RE RWS Beside the Sofa Watercolour 52 x 46 780 16 Richard Bawden NEAC RE RWS Gaye’s Bunch (edition of 85. £240 u/f) Etching 32 x 38 300 17 Richard Bawden NEAC RE RWS Lockdown Cats (edition of 85. £240 u/f) Etching & linocut 32 x 38 325 18 Richard Bawden NEAC RE RWS Roses from my Garden Watercolour 47 x 45 750 19 Tom Benjamin Last of the Evening Sunlight Oil 77 x 108 3,000

Name 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68



Size (cm)


Tom Benjamin Rocks at Hope Gap, Into the Light Oil 46 x 54 850 Tom Benjamin The Seven Sisters from Hope Gap, Into the Light Oil 76 x 82 2,500 Tim Benson NEAC PROI RP Daphne, Haringey Resident Oil 103 x 75 7,000 Tim Benson NEAC PROI RP Hugh by Lamplight Oil 61 x 51 4,500 Tim Benson NEAC PROI RP Man with Glasses Oil 30 x 30 1,500 June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS Hungry Birds Oil 31 x 35 3,000 June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS Moonrise Oil 41 x 46 600 June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS The Lake in Autumn Oil 69 x 59 2,800 June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS The Open Window Watercolour 56 x 69 950 James Bland NEAC Crimson Roses Oil 34 x 38 600 James Bland NEAC Green Island Oil 61 x 56 1,400 James Bland NEAC Stegosaurus Oil 51 x 82 1,600 James Bland NEAC The Pearl Oil 65 x 60 1,500 Alexandra Blum Thames Barrier Graphite 54 x 71 850 Alice Boggis-Rolfe Snowdrops in a Christening Cup Oil 40 x 20 825 Daria Bogoslavtseva Simbols Oil 64 x 69 2,400 Jane Bond NEAC RP Rainbow Portrait 1 Oil 35 x 25 1,200 Jane Bond NEAC RP Rainbow Portrait 2 Oil 36 x 25 1,200 Donna Borg Between Me and Myself Pastel pencil 42 x 30 850 Anastasia Borodina Mila Oil 88 x 57 2,550 Nick Botting Camber Sands, Early September Morning Oil 43 x 55 2,500 Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS Afternoon Shadows Oil 43 x 47 1,200 Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS Sunflowers Oil 87 x 95 3,500 Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS Pathway through the Veg Patch Oil 48 x 46 1,250 Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS Towards the Harbour Oil 98 x 98 4,500 Julienne Braham Flowers in the Corner Oil 57 x 67 1,900 Julian Bray Adolf at the Pleasley Vale Arboretum NG19 8FB Watercolour 82 x 98 2,400 Julian Bray Pinxton Terrace NG16 Watercolour 82 x 98 2,400 Peter Brown PNEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP Charing Cross Road, Lockdown 3 Oil 45 x 40 3,250 Peter Brown PNEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP London Begins to Come Back, Trafalgar Square, April 2021 Oil 89 x 89 13,500 Peter Brown PNEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP Studio Mantel, February 2021 Oil 36 x 66 4,500 Peter Brown PNEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP Sun after Rain, Afternoon, The Studio Oil 102 x 89 15,000 Alan Brown Bonfire on the Allotment Oil 38 x 43 650 Maddy Buttling Goodbye Mitsubishi! Oil 16 x 21 480 Daniel Byrne Doc Price Oil 87 x 79 2,000 Patricia Cain NEAC PS RGI ARWS His Wings Shadow II Pastel & acrylic 75 x 105 4,750 Patricia Cain NEAC PS RGI ARWS Nullarbor Landscape Pastel & acrylic 75 x 105 4,750 Diana Calvert NEAC Pears Oil 35.5 x 43 720 Diana Calvert NEAC September Flowers Oil 29 x 26 500 Diana Calvert NEAC Shallots Oil 21.5 x 25 400 Diana Calvert NEAC Violets Oil 28.5 x 28.5 600 Dea Campbell Out Acrylic 33 x 33 350 Mathieu Cardosi Overlooking Town, Snowfall Watercolour & ink 41 x 51 635 David Carpanini NEAC If we but let our dreams fly Acrylic 53 x 36 2,950 David Carpanini NEAC It is not the people who meet but rather the shadows cast by their imaginations Acrylic 62 x 75 4,750 David Carpanini NEAC The Gelly Hill Etching 30.5 x 28.5 325 David Carpanini NEAC They’ll miss us when we’ve gone Acrylic 60 x 50 4,250 Jonathan Chan Athena Oil 64 x 54 1,000 Jonathan Chan David & Sef Oil 44 x 61 1,000




Size (cm)


69 Rosie Clark Studio Pencil 66 x 55 525 70 Tomas Clayton The Serpent Oil 70 x 70 3,850 71 Peter Clossick NEAC Leegate Lockdown Oil 86 x 76 1,600 72 Peter Clossick NEAC Little Angel Oil 84 x 60 1,400 73 Peter Clossick NEAC Tiziana Oil pastel 85 x 66 950 74 Peter Clossick NEAC Triptych Oil 214 x 62 9,500 75 Tom Coates HNEAC Hon PS PPRBA RP RWA RWS Breezy Day on the Estuary Oil 71 x 81 4,500 76 Tom Coates HNEAC Hon PS PPRBA RP RWA RWS Enjoying a Pint Oil 38 x 38 1,500 77 Tom Coates HNEAC Hon PS PPRBA RP RWA RWS Overlooking Tinder Box Cove, Tasmania Oil 71 x 86 5,000 78 Tom Coates HNEAC Hon PS PPRBA RP RWA RWS Rocky Path, Randalls Bay Oil 57 x 67 3,500 79 David Cobley NEAC RP Hope Oil 30 x 34 980 80 David Cobley NEAC RP Interconnected Oil 34 x 30 980 81 David Cobley NEAC RP Making Love Oil 30 x 34 980 82 David Cobley NEAC RP Side Effects? What Side Effects? Oil 34 x 30 980 83 Austin Cole RBA Borough Market 3 (edition of 30. £290 u/f) Etching with aquatint 29 x 56 360 84 Austin Cole RBA Namdaemun Market Seoul (edition of 30. £290 u/f) Etching with aquatint 27 x 54 360 85 Tessa Coleman NEAC Chiara in Green Oil 85 x 65 3,500 86 Tessa Coleman NEAC Crushed Milk Bottle and Lid Oil 46 x 35 1,100 87 Tessa Coleman NEAC Crushed Milk Bottle and Paper Bag Oil 45 x 37 1,100 88 Tessa Coleman NEAC Mahjong Oil 145 x 114 8,500 89 Roy Connelly The Last of the Snow Oil 40 x 45 650 90 Michael Cooper NEAC Distant View of Newhaven Oil 40 x 43 750 91 Michael Cooper NEAC Lone Tree Oil 40 x 45 1,450 92 Michael Cooper NEAC Passing Shower with View of Hamsey Oil 45.5 x 101.5 2,850 93 Michael Cooper NEAC Top of the Hill, Light Snow Tracks Oil 51 x 61 1,850 94 Michael Corkrey Fallen (III) Oil 130 x 220 8,000 95 Jane Corsellis NEAC Breaking Wave Oil 30.5 x 40.5 1,200 96 Jane Corsellis NEAC Sea Colours Oil 53 x 63.5 3,250 97 Jane Corsellis NEAC Surf and Sand Oil 48 x 53 1,500 98 Jane Corsellis NEAC The Nevern Estuary Pembs Oil 99 x 94 9,500 99 James Crittenden PS Orchids 1 (edition of 10. £495 u/f) Etching 48 x 56 595 100 James Crittenden PS Orchids 2 (edition of 10. £495 u/f) Etching 48 x 56 595 101 Belinda Crozier Dordogne Landscape Oil 98 x 191 8,000 102 Ian Cryer FROI The R Letter Oil 73 x 84 1,450 103 Patrick Cullen NEAC Above and Below, Annapurna 3 Charcoal 84 x 102 1,950 104 Patrick Cullen NEAC Andalucia Landscape Watercolour 100 x 90 5,000 105 Patrick Cullen NEAC Hay Bales, S.W. France Mixed media 79 x 94 4,250 106 Patrick Cullen NEAC Storm over Poni, Tuscany Pastel 79 x 94 4,250 107 Fred Cuming NEAC RA Autumn Sky, Romney Marsh Oil 57 x 67 10,450 108 Fred Cuming NEAC RA Bonfire, Angel of the South Oil 57 x 57 9,900 109 Fred Cuming NEAC RA Breaking Wave, Hythe Oil 57 x 57 9,900 110 Fred Cuming NEAC RA Surf, Dungeness Oil 57 x 67 10,450 111 Sean Cunningham 11/12/2020 Oil 22 x 18 350 112 Sean Cunningham 22/6/2020 Oil 34 x 44 1,100 113 Sean Cunningham 30/1/2021 Oil 34 x 44 1,100 114 Paul Curtis NEAC Early Morning Light, Porthmeor Beach, St Ives Acrylic & oil 36 x 54 875 115 Paul Curtis NEAC Open Window, Studio, Porthmeor Beach Acrylic & oil 58 x 72.5 1,450 116 Paul Curtis NEAC Studio and Orchids, St Ives Acrylic & oil 88 x 88 2,150 117 Paul Curtis NEAC Summer Flowers, Studio St Ives Acrylic & oil 38 x 36 575

Name 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166



Size (cm)


Saied Dai NEAC RP Industrial Townscape Oil 111 x 81 9,500 Hugh Dalzell Jason in a Bowyer Oil 79 x 60 2,900 Leigh Davis After the Waters Recede Oil 42 x 72 3,200 John Dobbs NEAC SWLA Cock and Rabbit Oil 30 x 41 950 John Dobbs NEAC SWLA The Pink Flower Oil 30 x 20 700 John Dobbs NEAC SWLA The River Chess in Spring Oil 30 x 36 850 John Dobbs NEAC SWLA The River Chess in Winter Oil 30 x 36 850 Mark Draisey Spring Oil 46 x 56 1,700 Charlie Eden Luke Oil 20 x 15 970 Elisha Enfield 2102 - 2103 Oil 15 x 20 700 Jonathan Farningham New Year Oil 40 x 30 460 Anne-Lise Firth Poppy, Rhododendrons and Foxgloves Oil 54 x 44 650 Anne-Lise Firth Still Life with Cherry Blossom Oil 44 x 54 650 Cherryl Fountain After Morning Milking Watercolour 72 x 90 2,000 Cherryl Fountain At Home with Waggis Watercolour 90 x 55 1,800 Alex Fowler NEAC Peonies and Patterns Oil 85 x 73 2,300 Alex Fowler NEAC Still Life with Apple and Red Coffee Pot Oil 44 x 49 1,500 Alex Fowler NEAC Still Life with Pewter Mug and Bottles Oil 39 x 42 1,500 Alex Fowler NEAC Still Life with Plums and Black and White Bowl Oil 51 x 40 1,700 Roy Freer NEAC RI ROI (1938-2021) Boats Ashore (c.2009) Oil 50 x 60 1,500 Roy Freer NEAC RI ROI (1938-2021) Plant & Pot Gatherings (c.2008) Oil 50 x 60 1,500 Roy Freer NEAC RI ROI (1938-2021) Pleasures & Treasures (c.2006) Oil 70 x 80 3,500 Roy Freer NEAC RI ROI (1938-2021) Table Expanse (c.2007) Oil 70 x 60 2,360 Caroline Frood NEAC The Avenue Oil 68 x 93 3,800 Gavin Garcia Padre con su hijo (Study) Oil, graphite & pastel 75 x 55 640 Inma Garcia-Carrasco Hiruyasumi (Lunch Break) Oil 37 x 37 1,800 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Empty Beach at the End of the Day Oil 39 x 44 850 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA March Late Afternoon Snowscape Oil 28 x 44 700 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Pink Light Late Afternoon Snowscape Oil 25 x 39 680 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Two Trees in the Snow Oil 49 x 49 950 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Evening Stroll Watercolour 36 x 31 600 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Left Bank Patrol Watercolour 31 x 36 600 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Punt Pastel 34 x 44 700 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Water Frolics Pastel 34 x 44 700 Paul Gildea NEAC Bobby and Emily Oil 28 x 28 800 Paul Gildea NEAC Hula Hooping Oil 40 x 38 800 Paul Gildea NEAC Milo with Lights Oil 78 x 78 1,800 Paul Gildea NEAC Overcoat over Coalsack Oil 138 x 86 12,000 Natalia Glinoer Portrait of Bernadett Timko Oil 106 x 77 1,200 Jenny Godlieb Cyclone Oil, acrylic & pencil 82 x 125 2,145 Sarah Godsill Spring Lockdown Oil 100 x 120 14,700 Judi Green The Head in the Mirror Oil 36 x 30 950 Judi Green The Self in Private Oil 53 x 42 1,200 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI 1944, Maître de Moulins/Croix de Lorraine Oil 41 x 41 7,500 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI 1949, Doing Donald I Oil 28 x 13 4,500 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI 1959, Soldat à la médaille - mais pas d’étoile pour notre jeune artiste Oil 47 x 37 8,500 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI 1962, Doing the Vosges - on to Colmar Oil 18 x 44 4,500 Charlotte Halliday HNEAC RWS Breakfast with Maltese Friends Pencil & watercolour 32 x 34 625 Charlotte Halliday HNEAC RWS Primroses in Beatrix Potter’s Jug Pencil & watercolour 31 x 31 650

Name 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215



Size (cm)


Charlotte Halliday HNEAC RWS Primroses in Pale Willow Pencil & watercolour 31 x 31 650 Charlotte Halliday HNEAC RWS Sun on Stucco, Queen’s Grove Pencil & watercolour 28 x 28 675 Clementine Hanbury Self (Composition II) Charcoal & graphite 47 x 36.5 900 Paul Handley NEAC Piccadilly Line, Russell Square Oil 49 x 56 1,100 Paul Handley NEAC Victoria Line, Warren Street Oil 45 x 61 1,100 Josephine Harris NEAC RWS (1931-2020) 1st Catch on a Blue Dish Gouache 43 x 52 760 Josephine Harris NEAC RWS (1931-2020) Blooms in Abundance Charcoal 57 x 67 2,500 Josephine Harris NEAC RWS (1931-2020) Plants in a Flower Shop Charcoal 68 x 41 850 Michael Harrison Choir Practice Keble College Oil 18 x 19 850 Clare Haward NEAC Plant in a White Pot Oil 16 x 12 600 Clare Haward NEAC Plant on a Blue Table Oil 33 x 24 900 Clare Haward NEAC Self Portrait Oil 25 x 31 900 Clare Haward NEAC Self Portrait in the Studio Oil 90 x 70 3,500 Julia Hawkins ROI Night Self Portrait Oil 30 x 36 800 Julie Held NEAC RWS Iris Acrylic & oil 183 x 122 7,500 Julie Held NEAC RWS Summer Pastel 8 x 14 975 Julie Held NEAC RWS Threshold Acrylic & oil 183 x 122 7,500 Julie Held NEAC RWS Valley Pastel 17 x 12 1,250 Ronald Hellen Derek Jarman at Prospect Cottage Acrylic 86 x 66 925 Andrew Hitchcock Brushing Teeth Ritual Oil 19 x 25 480 Tom Hoar Last Light, Tregardock Oil 54 x 79 3,450 Ruth Holt Dad Oil 28 x 24 1,200 Ruth Holt Danny Oil 28 x 24 1,200 Earthenware with Mirror Oil 49 x 46 2,300 Benjamin Hope NEAC PS AROI RSMA Benjamin Hope NEAC PS AROI RSMA Paint Tubes #1 Oil 38 x 42 1,800 Benjamin Hope NEAC PS AROI RSMA Self Portrait in Studio Oil 108 x 56 4,500 Benjamin Hope NEAC PS AROI RSMA Tranquil Vale, March, 8AM Oil 51 x 41 1,700 Felicity House PS Green Mug in the Kitchen Oil 32 x 27 450 Ken Howard HNEAC OBE RA Hon RBA RBSA FROI RWA Harmony in Grey and Yellow, Steingletscher Oil 43 x 61 14,000 Oil 122 x 101.5 32,500 Ken Howard HNEAC OBE RA Hon RBA RBSA FROI RWA Interior at Oriel Ken Howard HNEAC OBE RA Hon RBA RBSA FROI RWA Lake and Mountain, Switzerland Oil 30.5 x 25.5 5,000 Ken Howard HNEAC OBE RA Hon RBA RBSA FROI RWA The North Door, Westminster Abbey Oil 122 x 101.5 32,500 Owain Hunt Overture to Temptation’s Way Oil 75 x 55 1,850 Owain Hunt The Painter at Work (Self Portrait Fragment), 2021 Oil 30 x 25 850 Barry Jackson Bernera Monotype & acrylic 50 x 60 750 Julie Jackson NEAC Clelia Renaldi 2021 Oil 63.5 x 53 2,250 Julie Jackson NEAC Life Moving Forward Oil 53 x 63.5 1,950 Julie Jackson NEAC We Could Steal Time (Tasmania) Oil 79 x 104 2,850 Julie Jackson NEAC Where the River Meets the Sea (Tasmania) Oil 28 x 33 850 Mary Jackson NEAC March Primrose Oil 32 x 32 850 Mary Jackson NEAC Philippa’s Sweet Peas Oil 35.5 x 40.5 850 Mary Jackson NEAC Tom Painting in Randalls Bay Oil 71 x 86 3,850 Mary Jackson NEAC Under the Trees Oil 56 x 71 3,000 Martin Jacobs The Black Flag of Himself Watercolour 25 x 40 695 Andrew James RP NEAC End Times Oil 60 x 44 2,500 Andrew James RP NEAC Exhausted Shoe Oil 22 x 18 750 Andrew James RP NEAC Romney Marsh Oil 44 x 60 2,250 Andrew James RP NEAC Solitude Oil 53 x 48 2,500 Craig Jefferson NEAC Daffodils Oil 46 x 35 1,500

Name 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264



Size (cm)


Craig Jefferson NEAC Figure Composition Oil 67 x 98 3,500 Craig Jefferson NEAC Three Figures Oil 122 x 165 6,500 Craig Jefferson NEAC Waving Figure Oil 86 x 128 4,300 Victoria Jinivizian NEAC Teenage Room Anarchy Oil 50 x 52 1,250 Victoria Jinivizian NEAC The Old Portrait Studio at Juliet’s Pencil 58 x 62 550 Janet Johnson Snowy Skyline in February, South East London Oil 25 x 56 600 Alexander Kai Rhyme Oil 52 x 42 560 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA RWS Freesias and Fruit Oil 42 x 37 1,850 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA RWS Hyacinths Oil 41 x 44 2,000 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA RWS Shells Oil 33 x 36 1,450 Peter Keegan Back to School Oil 84 x 64 3,000 Jeannie Kinsler Laura Reading - Tuscan Series Oil 90 x 100 2,700 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Doing a “Tacita” Distemper 39 x 41 700 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Mid-Century Shoppers Oil 147 x 100 7,000 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Plenary - RADA Distemper 39 x 41 700 Michael Kirkbride NEAC The Curious Distemper 39 x 41 700 Peter Kuhfeld NEAC RP April Morning, Raven Drawing Oil 31 x 28 2,850 Peter Kuhfeld NEAC RP Lockdown; Still Life Oil 46 x 37 3,850 Michael Lang Seated Female Study Charcoal 72 x 52 450 Kenneth Le Riche Space as Artifice with Durer’s Rhino Acrylic & mixed media 73 x 95 1,750 Kenneth Le Riche The Tower of Babel II Oil 100 x 132 2,300 Cheng Liao Studio Oil 158 x 194 1,800 Jason Line Chair Meeting Charcoal 74 x 94 1,500 Jason Line Interior with Lloyd Loom Chair Oil 38 x 33 1,200 Jason Line Studio Window Oil 54 x 82 2,400 Norman Long Bookish and Splayed Oil 65 x 65 1,850 Norman Long Lindsey Illuminae Oil 28 x 28 525 Norman Long Tea with Mushy Peas Oil 38 x 38 845 Andrew Macara NEAC Fun in the Sea, Rovinj, Croatia Oil 56 x 61 1,800 Andrew Macara NEAC Snowboarding, Dove Head, Hartington, Upper Quarter, Derbyshire Oil 61 x 71 2,500 Andrew Macara NEAC The Swing, Rhodes Oil 61 x 71 2,500 Andrew Macara NEAC The Tunnel, Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby Oil 102 x 112 6,500 Nia Mackeown The Sun Room Chair Oil 38 x 32 395 Cesar Mammadov London Oil 60 x 90 8,999 Quentin Martin Self Portrait from Zoom Oil 44 x 57 600 Coll McDonnell Reflection in my Study Door Oil 25 x 20 1,500 Coll McDonnell Under the Westway at White City Oil 20 x 25 1,200 Howard Milton Cornishware No.6 Pears in a Bag Oil 70 x 80 2,500 Howard Milton Harvest Pumpkin, Figs and Pears Oil 70 x 80 2,500 Howard Milton The Empty Studio Window Oil & acrylic 94 x 120 4,000 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA RWS Hat’s Off Gouache 39 x 41 760 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA RWS Ticket Gouache 37 x 45 790 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA RWS Wait for the Treat Gouache 39 x 41 760 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Autumn, River Usk, Wales Oil 70 x 90 2,800 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Brecon Cathedral Oil 74 x 59 2,600 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Cattle Round-up, Winter Oil 60 x 76 2,500 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Winter, Shropshire Hills Oil 36 x 42 950 Ali Mulroy Sunlight on the 6 Train Oil 57 x 79 2,500 Nigel Murray Loch Ewe Oil 80 x 106 1,750

Name 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313



Size (cm)


Arthur Neal NEAC April 21 Oil 40 x 35 1,500 Arthur Neal NEAC Katie Oil 40 x 35 1,650 Arthur Neal NEAC Little Violinist 8 Oil 40 x 35 1,500 Arthur Neal NEAC Study for the Blue Coat Oil 70 x 54 1,800 Paul Newland NEAC RWS Another January Afternoon Oil 38 x 48 950 Paul Newland NEAC RWS Chalk Pit, House, Railway Oil 28 x 38 900 Paul Newland NEAC RWS The Deanery by the River Oil 41 x 81 2,850 Paul Newland NEAC RWS Town at Dusk: Headlights Oil 44 x 54 2,000 Charlotte O’Sullivan Secrets Acrylic 32 x 32 1,095 Shanti Panchal Hon RBA Isolation, Covid-19 Watercolour 100 x 80 11,000 Oliver Pearce Ms. Lamb in Camberwell Oil 180 x 90 3,000 Robin Perko I Ran Out of Lemons Oil 50 x 50 1,250 Eve Pettitt (NEAC Scholar) Lockdown Reading Oil 77 x 57 1,050 Eve Pettitt (NEAC Scholar) Professor Mary Beard Oil 35 x 31 900 Eve Pettitt (NEAC Scholar) Tender Space Oil 56 x 46 1,100 Eve Pettitt (NEAC Scholar) The Colour of Light Oil 30 x 36 700 Richard Pikesley PPNEAC RWS Cows on the Path, View to Portland Oil 33 x 35.5 800 Richard Pikesley PPNEAC RWS Eggardon, Cattle and Western Sky Oil 74 x 78 2,800 Richard Pikesley PPNEAC RWS Night Coming, Eggardon Oil 28 x 46 800 Richard Pikesley PPNEAC RWS Winter Floods and Big Sky, Frome Valley Oil 74 x 78 2,800 Neil Pittaway NEAC RE RWS Hope on the Mountain Acrylic 66 x 127 3,500 Neil Pittaway NEAC RE RWS In the Shadows, Dakshin, Moditse South Annapurna, Nepal Acrylic 66 x 119 3,500 Neil Pittaway NEAC RE RWS Rainy Day, Trafalgar Square, London Acrylic 66 x 127 3,500 Neil Pittaway NEAC RE RWS Vienna Dreaming Pen & ink 62 x 76 1,200 Chris Polunin British Countryside Scene Oil 34 x 44 1,250 Chris Polunin Space Oil 44 x 34 1,250 Michael Pullée NEAC (1936-2021) Hill of the Gypsies 2003 Oil 88 x 114 2,500 Michael Pullée NEAC (1936-2021) The End of the Pier, Brighton (2003) Oil 42 x 50 1,500 Salliann Putman NEAC Relationships 1 Oil 80 x 80 2,250 Salliann Putman NEAC Relationships 2 Oil 38 x 38.5 775 Salliann Putman NEAC Relationships 3 Oil 33 x 33 850 Salliann Putman NEAC Relationships 4 Oil 41.5 x 41.5 750 Simon Quadrat NEAC PPRWA Street Organ Oil 70 x 84 5,200 Simon Quadrat NEAC PPRWA Waiting at a Street Corner Oil 64 x 75 4,400 Charles Rake NEAC Café Continental Oil 43 x 34 750 Charles Rake NEAC Night in a Small City Oil 69 x 89 2,850 Charles Rake NEAC Nightfall Oil 47 x 58 1,850 Charles Rake NEAC Southern Town Station Oil 47 x 58 1,850 Adam Ralston Ocean Boulevard Oil 48 x 58 750 Adam Ralston South Pier Promenade Oil 48 x 58 750 Michael Riddle Tangled Oil 27 x 21 700 Jacqueline Rizvi HNEAC RBA North Atlantic Oil 65 x 75 2,950 Jacqueline Rizvi HNEAC RBA Summer Sea 2 Oil 24 x 30 695 Jacqueline Rizvi HNEAC RBA Summer Sea 3 Oil 24 x 30 695 Jacqueline Rizvi HNEAC RBA Winter Sunset Oil 24 x 30 695 Andrew Roberts Richmond Hill Cloudy Spring Day Oil 22 x 22 750 Elaine Robertson Distancing Oil 79 x 50 850 Maria Rose Evening Sky over Dartmoor Oil 25 x 40 525 Maria Rose Quiet Sunset Oil 25 x 40 525

Name 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362



Size (cm)


Joseph Ryan Red Bandana Oil 31 x 24 500 Joseph Ryan Sleeping at Scholes Oil 23 x 31 500 Susan Ryder NEAC RP Garden Chairs Oil 51 x 61 2,100 Susan Ryder NEAC RP The Green Tablecloth Oil 53 x 38 2,200 Susan Ryder NEAC RP The Herend Collection Oil 37 x 45 1,250 Susan Ryder NEAC RP The Lunch Table Oil 80 x 94 5,800 Zuzanna Salamon I’ve Been Looking for Someone to Share my Light Charcoal 104 x 74 900 Jennifer Schamotta The Sea Has Many Voices… Oil 33 x 40 475 Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RBA RP Dusting of Snow on an Islington Garden Oil 50 x 50 1,400 Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RBA RP Hilmarton Road at Night Oil 80 x 100 4,000 Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RBA RP London Cherry Tree in Sunlight Oil 70 x 70 2,300 Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RBA RP Magnolia and Cats in an Islington Street Oil 50 x 70 2,000 Daniel Shadbolt NEAC Afternoon Sun Oil 39 x 49 775 Daniel Shadbolt NEAC Flowers Oil 68 x 68 2,100 Daniel Shadbolt NEAC Hello Oil 36 x 31 525 Daniel Shadbolt NEAC Portrait of a Man Oil 78 x 68 1,925 Maurice Sheppard HRNEAC Moorland Track - Pembrokeshire Oil 38 x 33 450 Ann Shrager NEAC Elephant and Mahouts in the Pool Oil 69 x 69 5,600 Ann Shrager NEAC Elephant in Pink Oil 38 x 38 2,600 Ann Shrager NEAC Lady and the Mimosa Oil 35.5 x 46 2,950 Ann Shrager NEAC Parading in Saris Oil 59 x 59 4,600 Christopher Slater The Old Throne Oil 50 x 30 585 Laura Smith We Fell across each other’s Skies Oil 100 x 120 2,950 Laura Smith You Placed Me in a Gold Light Oil 65 x 81 1,750 Hanie Soltani Daily Reflection Oil 85 x 85 2,500 Hanie Soltani Still Life in Motion Oil 99 x 49 2,000 Charlotte Sorapure NEAC Flora Oil 89 x 76 12,500 Charlotte Sorapure NEAC Squashkin Oil 36 x 29 2,850 Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA Crowd Oil 90 x 105 2,250 Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA Ravine Oil 105 x 85 2,250 Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA Sofa Watercolour 72 x 54 850 Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA Waiter Watercolour 77 x 7 950 Sarah Spencer VPNEAC Cup and Saucer Oil 30 x 30 1,000 Sarah Spencer VPNEAC Framlingham Cup Oil 31 x 26 975 Sarah Spencer VPNEAC Norfolk Seascape Oil 83 x 97 5,200 Sarah Spencer VPNEAC Whitstable Wide Seascape Oil 67 x 116 5,200 Ruth Stage NEAC Incoming Tide Wales Egg tempera 84 x 104 3,500 Ruth Stage NEAC Shoreline North Yorkshire Egg tempera 49 x 64 1,900 Ruth Stage NEAC St James’s Park Lake Egg tempera 84 x 104 3,500 Ruth Stage NEAC Surf Party Egg tempera 39 x 47 1,200 Tom Stevenson ROI Winter Light and Thawing Snow Oil 36 x 36 550 Tom Stevenson ROI Yachts Just After Dark Oil 36 x 36 550 Adam Stone Lobby Oil 88 x 110 2,900 Gideon Summerfield WWII Veteran Eric Strange Acrylic, oil & pencil 77 x 57 7,500 Gideon Summerfield WWII Veteran Harry Billinge MBE Acrylic, oil & pencil 77 x 57 7,500 Haidee-Jo Summers ROI RSMA Morning Light on the Plan Chest Oil 48 x 51 1,095 Haidee-Jo Summers ROI RSMA Ruby Chard and Self Sown Pansy Oil 48 x 68 2,495 Lotta Teale Interior, Lamu Oil 26 x 22 800 Efua Thomas Travelling Along Oil 26 x 14 350

Name 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409



Size (cm)


Nick Tidnam NEAC PPRBA Garden 1 Acrylic 37 x 32 650 Nick Tidnam NEAC PPRBA Night Hillside, Lagrasse Acrylic 35.5 x 32 650 Nick Tidnam NEAC PPRBA West Highland Landscape Acrylic 29 x 24 500 Stephen Todd Eruption of Waders (Humber Estuary) Mixed media 67 x 88 950 Alison Trask Alongside the Water Trough Oil 25 x 40 470 Colin Twinn The Joy of Rust Oil 35 x 45 600 Philip Tyler Resident XI Oil 40 x 40 600 Lorna Vahey NEAC Creosoting the Furniture Oil 33 x 30.5 550 Lorna Vahey NEAC The Road to Bari Oil 66 x 66 1,100 Lorna Vahey NEAC Tricks on Conker Oil 25.5 x 46 800 Lorna Vahey NEAC Under the Red Gate Oil 28 x 33 600 Richa Vora Confluences Oil & pastel 76 x 106 850 John Walsom ROI ARSMA Between the Palazzi, Venice Oil 88 x 73 3,200 John Walsom ROI ARSMA Whitechapel High Street Oil 88 x 73 3,200 Toby Ward NEAC Alta Badia Oil 110 x 154 12,500 Toby Ward NEAC Drawing in New England, Evening Oil 154 x 130 12,500 Toby Ward NEAC Fish Market Oil 80 x 100 6,750 Toby Ward NEAC The Kitchen Cat Oil 100 x 85 7,850 Daryl Waters Self Portrait Acrylic 42 x 30 300 Jeanette Watkins Self Portrait 2021 Oil 33 x 27 600 Grant Watson Daisy in Lockdown Oil 32 x 27 1,200 Grant Watson Fish Pile Oil 51 x 41 2,250 Michael Weller A Packet of Coffee, Jar of Marmite and Three Satsumas Oil 32 x 74 750 Robert E Wells NEAC RBA 3 Children, One Deckchair Oil 26 x 46 1,200 Robert E Wells NEAC RBA 4 Marina Crescent Oil 108 x 80 3,950 Robert E Wells NEAC RBA Chiara in Red Top with Green Blanket Oil 32 x 27 995 Robert E Wells NEAC RBA Dungeness Lighthouse Oil 57 x 47 2,800 Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS Looking Towards the Dobman Acrylic 76 x 76 2,600 Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS Never Far From Home Acrylic 76 x 76 2,600 Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS Punt Oil 35 x 40 1,200 Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS The Wedding Party Oil 56 x 66 2,400 Max White On the Sofa Oil 16 x 16 300 Michael Whittlesea NEAC Vaccine One Oil 53 x 53 1,750 Michael Whittlesea NEAC Vaccine Two Oil 53 x 53 1,750 Antony Williams NEAC PS RP Umbrian Pool Study II Egg tempera 16 x 23 2,500 Antony Williams NEAC PS RP Umbrian Swimming Pool Study Egg tempera 26 x 19 2,500 Charles Williams NEAC RWS Cathy Wilkes Fan Oil 40 x 30 950 Charles Williams NEAC RWS Some New World 2 Oil 120 x 105 9,000 Jacqueline Williams NEAC Green Jug Oil 74 x 43 1,400 Jacqueline Williams NEAC Late Afternoon Winter Sun Oil 105 x 88 3,800 Kate Wilson Structure Pencil 46 x 46 600 Juliet Wood Joyson’s Break, The Brunel Oil 98 x 83 1,500 Neale Worley NEAC RP Agata Oil 40 x 35 2,600 Neale Worley NEAC RP Artist Looking for a View Oil 48 x 58 3,850 Paul Wuensche Bath Portrait, 2020 Oil 108 x 84 3,950 Yuxin Yang Blackfriars Twilight Oil 37 x 37 1,200 David Youds Canine Club Oil 22 x 28 320

N.B. Sizes are provided by the artist and should include any relevant framing

Driven by innovation, a synthetic brush that performs at a professional level Using our unique brush making expertise to provide artists an innovative alternative: the new Professional Watercolour Synthetic Sable brush range. Available in a range of sizes across seven shapes, this range was curated by artists for artists and handmade at our brush factory in England, which has been producing fine art brushes by hand since the 1850s. Uncompromising quality and performance, now in a synthetic.


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Artists' General Benevolent Institution Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BB 020 7734 1193 Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales

Founded in 1814 by J. M. W Turner, the AGBI provides help to professional artists who cannot work or earn due to illness, accident or old age. Funds are always needed and donations of any amount are gratefully received and acknowledged. Cheques should be sent to the Secretary made payable to the AGBI at the above address. Registered Charity Number 212667



01935 815261 Tuesday – Saturday


Between two storms Gower coast (detail) 10” x 12” oil on board

THE RUSSELL GALLERY Richard Pikesley PPNEAC RWS “Grounded” 4-20 November 2021 020 7407 6969 Mermaid Court 165A Borough High St. London, SE1 1HR

Early spring, home (detail) 12” x 16” oil on board

12 Lower Richmond Road Putney SW15 1JP 0208 780 5228 | Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5:30pm


The Heatherley School of Fine Art Founded in 1845, Heatherleys is one of the oldest independent art schools in London and is among the few art colleges in Britain that focus on portraiture, figurative painting and sculpture. The Heatherley Diploma in Portraiture is a two year, full time course with an average attendance time of three days per week. Work from the model is an integral part of the course activity. The aim of the course is to prepare students for professional practice as portrait and figurative painters. Members of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters work closely with Heatherleys as tutors and as advisors to the course and current and past students regularly exhibit in the Society's annual exhibition.



Also: Part Time Day & Evening Classes

The Heatherley School of Fine Art 75 Lots Road Chelsea London SW10 0RN Telephone: 020 7351 4190 Email: PATRONS Lady Anya Sainsbury CBE Sir Christopher Howes KCVO, CB Heatherley’s is controlled by an educational charity: The Thomas Heatherley Educational Trust Registered in England No 977615 Registered Charity No 312872


PATRICK CULLEN NE AC 1 – 20 November 2021

Chris Beetles Gallery is delighted to present an exhibition of new work by Patrick Cullen NEAC, eighty oils, pastels and drawings. A fully illustrated catalogue will be available from the gallery for £15 (free p&p UK). 8 & 10 Ryder Street, St James’s, London SW1Y 6QB • Image: Red Vine, oil on canvas, 33 x 40 inches 020 7839 7551

Thanks to Richard and Alison Chenevix-Trench for their generous sponsorship and to Chris Beetles Gallery for their ongoing support.

To view the exhibition online visit @newenglishart Registered Charity No. 295780

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