New English Art Club Annual Open Exhibition 2015

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Annual Open Exhibition 2015

Peter Brown’s

next Exhibition is January 2016

We wish the New English every success this year. 28 C ork S t reet , L ondon W1S 3NG

MessuM’s Tel: +4 4 (0)20 7437 55 45

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COVER IMAGE: Charles Rake NEAC Church with Bulrushes (detail)

Annual Open Exhibition 2015 Exhibition open 18 to 27 June 10am to 5pm daily (closes 2pm on final day) Mall Galleries (nr Trafalgar Square), The Mall, London SW1 Works in the catalogue can be purchased from Mall Galleries Tel 020 7930 6844 Works are available to Browse & Buy at

Patron HRH The Prince of Wales KG KT GCB OM


Annual Exhibition Prizes

President Richard Pikesley

The Zsuzsi Roboz Prize: Awarded by The Alfred Teddy Smith and Zsuzsi Roboz Art Trust (£5,000)

Hon Treasurer David Corsellis

The Doreen McIntosh Prize (£5,000)

Keeper Charlotte Halliday 36A Abercorn Place, London NW8 9XP

The Prize of the Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers (£200)

Assistant Keepers Tessa Coleman and Melissa Scott-Miller Publicity Alex Fowler Drawing School Curator Michael Kirkbride Chairman of the Friends Bob Brown NEAC Friends Administrator Debbie Pikesley email:

The Arts Club Charitable Trust Award (£1,000)

The Dry Red Press Award: The winning work will be published as a greeting card by Dry Red Press The NEAC Critics’ Prize (£250) New Prizes starting 2015 The Winsor & Newton Award (£500) The Haworth Prize: Sponsored by The Haworth Trust (£4,000) Find out more:

The New English Art Club 2015

Note from the President For the New English, this year marks the migration of our Annual Open Exhibition from its accustomed home in November to a new date in early summer. Preparations began for the 2015 show the day after last year’s exhibition closed as artists from around Britain and beyond started to submit their entries online. From these one thousand or so submissions the Selection Committee requested more than 300 works to be brought into the gallery for further scrutiny, before 94 were placed in the exhibition to be hung alongside paintings, drawings, prints and watercolours by members of the NEAC. It is always a delight to see what my fellow artists send in for the New English. Each member assembles a group of up to five works which may be hung as a set, or split up around the gallery. As we hang the show, resonances between paintings by diverse artists will suggest where they might be placed on the wall in sight of each other, almost in conversation. Paintings are positioned, moved and re-arranged until the progression along the wall works. Try not to bury that quiet painting between two shouty ones, place that beautiful drawing where it will be seen and appreciated. We are especially grateful to the organisations and individuals who so generously donate awards. Prizes such as these can make a real difference to an artist, rewarding excellence and marking hard-won achievement. There are a number of prizes to be judged and awarded with prize money totalling some £16,000. A new award this year has been given by The Haworth Trust who support emerging talent from the North of England in the fields of music and now the visual arts. The winner and short-listed works for this award are displayed in the Threadneedle Space.


The New English Art Club 2015

Anthony Green

Jane Bond Š Christina Holka

Bob Brown 6

Peter Clossick

The New English Art Club 2015

Charles Williams

Jacqueline Williams

Michael Kirkbride and Louise Balaam

Julie Jackson

Michael Whittlesea 7

The New English Art Club 2015

The Drawing School Year by Mick Kirkbride, Drawing School Curator The ethos of the Drawing School is designed to encourage a flexible approach to the understanding of observational accuracy. It seeks to equip all levels of student for the difficulties and challenges in creating a coherent image, without recourse to formulaic solutions as a way of resolving the problems of representation. After all, there is no single correct way to describe an object, as drawing is by nature autographic. The year itself began with a two day life drawing workshop at Putney School of Art in early January. This popular venue has become a regular fixture in the Drawing School calendar, its archetypal surroundings enhance what is already an enriched and mutually supportive experience for our students. The dynamic is always energised, and the outcomes are a reflection of this. The sessions were taught by Peter Clossick and Arthur Neal, both of whom explore the figure as a dominant recurring structural motif within their own work. 8

The Putney workshop was followed by an intensive drawing day at Spitalfields Market in March. This distinctive location offers up a myriad of drawing opportunities, from the transience and ephemerality of the moving object, to the static linearity of architectural detail. The resulting outcomes were a worthy celebration of the resonance and challenges of the subject. Once again Peter Clossick was on hand to offer his unique

insight, together with Paul Newland, whose innate feeling for mixed media and empirical approach to his own work brought added value to the day’s teaching. Looking to our next event we are keen to extend Drawing School activities beyond the parameters of the Capital. With this in mind a landscape painting weekend in Whitstable will take place in mid May run by Sarah Spencer

The New English Art Club 2015

and Louise Balaam. Our weekly life drawing sessions continue to run at the Mall’s Learning Centre on Tuesday evenings during term time and offer a rigorous yet flexible approach to representing the human form. We welcome all levels of experience and ability with some basic materials provided. The impracticality of timescale between our last exhibition and moving to the revised summer slot has meant a temporary delay in appointing two new Drawing School scholars. We look forward with eager anticipation to announcing the names of the next recipients during our current exhibition. This will be a unique opportunity for two artists to gain unlimited free access to all our classes and workshops, as well as more direct and personal contact with members through a mentoring scheme and visits to their studio environments.

School administrator Piers Grizzelle announced his retirement from the role he has undertaken for so long. I would therefore, on behalf of all members, like to express our thanks and gratitude for all his hard work, good will, and patience. This often extended beyond the call of duty. He has for many years been the glue holding us together, and allowing us to function. We hope he will remain a part of the NEAC community for many years to come. Moving forward the Drawing School is now more attuned to social media having a presence on both Facebook

and Twitter – thanks largely to the efforts of Jess Miller and Cynthia Barlow Marrs, both of whom are regular attendees of Drawing School events and workshops and have a wealth of internet experience and knowledge. I am pleased to report that Jess is now the successor to Piers Grizzelle and is our new School administrator. You can follow us on NEACDrawingSchool and Twitter @NEACDrawSchool

This realignment within the Mall’s busy exhibitions programme is not the only significant change over recent months within the NEAC. At the turn of the year the Drawing 9

The New English Art Club 2015

William Bowyer RA HNEAC RWS RP (1926 – 2015) by Richard Pikesley, President Many of you will already know that William Bowyer died on 1 March this year. Bill will be remembered with great affection by all of us who knew him. Having been elected to the NEAC in 1960 he steered the New English for thirty years from 1968 – 1998 as our Honorary Secretary before we changed the title to President. He inspired and led the ambition to see the New English as artistically and financially independent and built a strong foundation for those who have followed. A fine and distinctive painter, Jason tells me he painted right up to the end. We will miss him very much and our thoughts go out to Vera, Jason, Francis and Emma and their wider family. He needed determination to get his art education, two years at the coalface as a Bevin boy were combined with attending Burslem School of Art where he would catch a little sleep on the firewatcher’s bed before joining the evening life class, having begun his 10

day down the mine at 4.30 in the morning. Recurring bronchitis rescued him from the mines and at the end of the war he moved on to the Royal College of Art where he was to meet and become friends with Ruskin Spear and Carel Weight. After leaving the College there were some years of combining painting with teaching until he became a Royal Academician in 1981 and was able to stop teaching and paint full time.

As a painter, Bill’s life and work were always inextricably linked. He was the Bevin Boy who painted Arthur Scargill, the cricket fanatic who painted Viv Richards - both for the National Portrait Gallery, and will always be remembered for glorious paintings of the Thames at Strand on the Green and close to his home in Chiswick, and also in later years for wonderful pictures of the Suffolk coast around Walberswick where the family made their second home in 1993. In 2003, at the age of 77, he had his first one-man show at Messum’s, having previously avoided the spotlight of a major solo exhibition. These days, the NEAC presidency is for a maximum term of five years, a fact that caused Bill considerable amusement when set alongside his mammoth thirty year stint. We are particularly pleased to include a group of Bill’s paintings in the 2015 exhibition celebrating his life and work. Image: William Bowyer Self Portrait

The New English Art Club 2015

Diana Armfield Vineyard near Die Oil, 18.5” x 16.5” £6,500

Louise Balaam Cairngorms in Sunlit Cloud Oil, 16” x 16” £1,600

Julian Bailey Opening Night Gouache, 12” x 13.5” £580

Richard Bawden Tulips and Pineapple Watercolour, 30” x 31.5” £1,200 11

The New English Art Club 2015

June Berry Digging Oil, 20” x 19” £1,250

Jane Bond Cup and Dragon Oil, 14.5” x 14.5” £1,200 12

James Bland A Sea Painting Oil, 34” x 40” £2,900

Francis Bowyer By the Pier, Southwold Oil, 16” x 21” £1,350

The New English Art Club 2015

Jason Bowyer The Last Days of Bastion Oil, 98” x 32” £8,500

William Bowyer Spring in Hammersmith (1986) Oil, 44” x 35” £11,500

Bob Brown Shadows by the Museum, Morocco Oil, 25” x 30” £1,700

Peter Brown Poppies at the Tower I Oil, 20” x 25” £7,850 13

The New English Art Club 2015

Patricia Cain Street End Oil, 17” x 15.5” £1,200

David Carpanini Campagna di Montalcino, Siena, Toscana Acrylic, 21.5” x 25.5” £3,850 14

Diana Calvert Cattle in an Autumn Landscape Oil, 16” x 19” £875

Peter Clossick Juliet Yardley Mills Oil, 36” x 30” £3,200

The New English Art Club 2015

Tom Coates The Irish Instrument Maker Oil, 42” x 53” £4,500

David Cobley With Her Cygnets Oil, 14.5” x 13” £980

Michael Cooper Chalk Cliff Industrial Estate Oil, 11” x 25.5” £1,300

Jane Corsellis Grey and Silver Oil, 13.5” x 17” £4,500 15

The New English Art Club 2015

Patrick Cullen Sunset, Tuscany Oil, 12” x 15” £950 Bernard Dunstan Alice Coote at the Wigmore Hall Oil, 15” x 13” £6,000

Michael Fairclough The Thames - Wargrave I Oil, 20” x 21” £1,950 16

Paul Curtis Spring Flowers, St Ives, Cornwall Acrylic & oil, 30.5” x 30.5” £2,500

The New English Art Club 2015

Peter Fleming Press and Plan Chest, Morning Light Oil, 49.5” x 37.5” £3,200

Roy Freer Daily Items Oil, 22.5” x 26.5” £1,100

Alex Fowler Still Life with Blue Vase and Cyclamen Oil, 32” x 30” £3,900

Caroline Frood Copse Oil, 44.5” x 37.5” £4,800 17

The New English Art Club 2015

Judith Gardner Garden in Winter Snow Oil, 13” x 15” £790

Dennis Gilbert Sunday Morning on the Balcony Oil, 31” x 43” £4,400

Anthony Green A Pink Decorative Picture Oil, Diameter 30” £11,400

Paul R Gildea Skirting Boards Oil, 53” x 32” £3,300 18

The New English Art Club 2015

Charlotte Halliday Marylebone Parish Church Pencil & watercolour, 20” x 16.5” £950

Julie Held The Gift – The City Acrylic & oil, 72” x 48” £7,500

Charles Hardaker Still Life Structure - Forms within Forms II Oil, 28.5” x 40.5” £3,000

Ken Howard Sennen Evening Oil, 12.5” x 14.5” £4,000 19

The New English Art Club 2015

Mary Jackson Tom Painting Looking Towards Port Cygnet Oil, 24” x 27.5” £2,000

Pamela Kay Quails Egg in a Nest Oil, 13” x 12” £950

Peter Kelly The Somnambulist Watercolour, 17.5” x 14.5” £1,000

Michael Kirkbride Vintage Car Rally - Cap d’Agde Watercolour, 17” x 16” £475 20

The New English Art Club 2015

Andrew Macara The Orchard, Morzine Oil, 38” x 56” £6,750

Ann Le Bas Early Morning - Torri del Benaco Oil, 31.5” x 41” £1,000

Bridget Moore Two Girls Gouache, 14” x 16.5” £850

Anthony Morris Sand Dunes on Benbecula Oil, 26” x 30” £2,000


The New English Art Club 2015

Arthur Neal KT Summer Dress Pastel, 15” x 12” £850

William Packer At the Edge Oil, 20” x 17” £1,600 22

Paul Newland In the Downs Oil, 37” x 37” £4,000

David Parfitt Piers, Shadows and Stones Oil, 27” x 35” £10,500

The New English Art Club 2015

Melvyn Petterson Pyrenees Sun Etching, drypoint & mixed media, 36” x 54” £1,750 Richard Pikesley Summer Visitors, Weymouth Oil, 39” x 45” £4,400 Michael E Pullée Hope Cove Triptych - Sunset, Bolt Tail Oil, 22” x 16” £950

Salliann Putman Landscape - Warm Fields Oil, 31” x 31” £2,750 23

The New English Art Club 2015

Charles Rake Church with Bulrushes Oil, 24” x 32” £2,650 James Rushton Bus Stop Oil, 20” x 24.5” £2,200

Susan Ryder The Buffalo Chair Oil, 38” x 32” £5,800 24

Melissa Scott-Miller Bloomsbury Square Oil, 26” x 38” £3,500

The New English Art Club 2015

William Selby The Moon & Sixpence Mixed media, 28” x 24” £2,900

Dawn Sidoli High Summer Tor Cross Oil, 18” x 23” £2,100

Ann Shrager Bride Meeting the Bridegroom Oil, 18” x 18” £3,500

Charlotte Sorapure Liferoom Oil, 28” x 20” £4,500 25

The New English Art Club 2015

Richard Sorrell Carrying Dogs in a Seaside Town Oil, 35” x 29” £2,950

Sarah Spencer Suffolk Trees Oil, 21” x 16” £1,800

Nick Tidnam Out into the Night Acrylic, 20” x 24” £900 Ruth Stage Beachlife Croatia Egg tempera, 40” x 47” £6,000 26

The New English Art Club 2015

Toby Ward New Flat Screen TV Oil, 26” x 36” £4,500 Lorna Vahey Threshing with Flails Oil, 20” x 24” £1,000

Jenny Wheatley View of the Islands Acrylic, 28” x 36” £3,800

Michael Whittlesea Self 2015 Oil, 17” x 17” £1,500 27

The New English Art Club 2015

Antony Williams Eli in Theo’s Deck Chair Egg tempera, 72” x 54” £68,500

Jacqueline Williams Still Life with Nasturtiums Oil, 18” x 29” £1,800 28

Charles Williams I Think That’s Everything Oil, 34” x 48” £5,000

The New English Art Club 2015 Name



Size (inches)


18.5 33.5 11 18.5 11 13 12 13 9 13 16 8 8 20 8 25 25 18 22 30 20 6 19 8 10 19 16.5 20 20 32 34 40 12 32 22 6 17.5 14.5 16 19

NFS NFS 1,250 6,500 420 580 580 580 1,200 1,200 1,600 750 750 2,200 750 420 875 320 850 1,200 345 325 500 800 900 875 995 1,250 750 2,950 2,900 1,900 500 2,800 1,500 400 1,200 1,200 1,350 1,450

The sizes given for works are approximate. They include the frame and are height by width in inches. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

HRH The Prince of Wales HRH The Prince of Wales Diana Armfield NEAC RA Hon PS RWA Hon Rt RWS Diana Armfield NEAC RA Hon PS RWA Hon Rt RWS Julian Bailey NEAC Julian Bailey NEAC Julian Bailey NEAC Julian Bailey NEAC Christopher Baker Christopher Baker Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Louise Balaam NEAC RWA Richard Bawden NEAC Richard Bawden NEAC Richard Bawden NEAC Richard Bawden NEAC Richard Bawden NEAC Denis Baxter RBA Angela Bell Keith Bennett Tim Benson VPROI Tim Benson VPROI June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS June Berry NEAC Hon RE RWA RWS James Bland NEAC James Bland NEAC James Bland NEAC James Bland NEAC James Bland NEAC Alice Boggis-Rolfe Jane Bond NEAC RP Jane Bond NEAC RP Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS

Ksar Douira, Morocco Watercolour Lochnagar from the Gelder Cottage - 17th April 2012 Watercolour San Gimignano Through the Vines Watercolour & gouache Vineyard near Die Oil Buying Art Gouache On the Creek at Lerryn Gouache Opening Night Gouache Windy Pier, Weymouth Gouache 64 Days: January 28th Oil Carrege Fran 3 Oil Cairngorms in Sunlit Cloud Oil Deep Blue Sky, Sunlit Field Oil Fresh Breeze, Kent Coast Oil Light on the Clouds, Ullapool Oil North Sea Coast, Pale Sun Oil Cerne Giant (ed. of 85, 50 avail: £300 u/f) Aquatint Indoor Jungle Watercolour The Albion Pen & ink Tulips with Jugs Watercolour Tulips and Pineapple Watercolour Studio Corner (ed. of 50, 45 avail: £275 u/f) Etching & aquatint Camp Oil Strings Rehearsal Acrylic Etella Oil Silly Self Portrait Oil A Day Dream Watercolour A Walk Across the Fields Oil Digging Oil The African Beantree in Autumn Watercolour The Great Lime Tree Oil A Sea Painting Oil Moonlight Oil Roses Oil The Table Oil Woman at a Table Oil Beneath the Trees Oil Burmese Puppet Oil Cup and Dragon Oil By the Pier, Southwold Oil Late Afternoon, River Blyth Oil

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

15 28.5 14.5 16.5 12.5 13 13.5 13 11 17 16 9 9 20 9 31 27.5 17 27 31.5 19 6 16 6 9 21 15.5 19 17 37 40 28 14 40 26 6 20.5 14.5 21 22


The New English Art Club 2015 Name 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82




Size (inches)

Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS Painting in Dunwich Oil 14 Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS Painting under Southwold Pier Oil 17 Francis Bowyer NEAC PPRWS Sunny Day by the Ferry Oil 19 Jason Bowyer PPNEAC PS RP Boiler House Light Oil 38 Jason Bowyer PPNEAC PS RP The Last Days of Bastion Oil 98 Jason Bowyer PPNEAC PS RP Tower Crane in Movement Pastel & ink 33 William Bowyer HNEAC RA RP RWS (1926 - 2015) Along the Blyth (2012) Oil 17 William Bowyer HNEAC RA RP RWS (1926 - 2015) Self Portrait (1994) Oil 55 William Bowyer HNEAC RA RP RWS (1926 - 2015) Spring in Hammersmith (1986) Oil 44 William Bowyer HNEAC RA RP RWS (1926 - 2015) The Back Garden, Chiswick (1976) Oil 42 William Bowyer HNEAC RA RP RWS (1926 - 2015) Towards Dusk, Walberswick (2014) Oil 16 Ilsa Brittain Judy Oil 12 Ilsa Brittain Liz Oil 12 Bob Brown NEAC Church and Vines, Georgia Oil 12 Bob Brown NEAC Garden in Fez Oil 10 Bob Brown NEAC Preparing for Meditation - Beijing (ed. of 30, 8 avail: £60 u/f) Etching 9 Bob Brown NEAC Shadows by the Museum, Morocco Oil 25 Peter Brown NEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP Immovable Dogs, Varanasi Street Oil 12 Peter Brown NEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP Notre Dame from Quai des Grands Augustins Oil 12 Peter Brown NEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP Poppies at the Tower I Oil 20 Peter Brown NEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP Smoke from Upstairs Window Outside the Varanasi Café Oil 24 Peter Brown NEAC PS Hon RBA ROI RP Sunrise from the Ghat Oil 12 Patricia Cain NEAC PS RGI ARWS Red Bunker Oil 18 Patricia Cain NEAC PS RGI ARWS Street End Oil 17 Rebecca Cains Jaguar E-Type in Scrap Yard Oil 24 Diana Calvert NEAC Cattle in an Autumn Landscape Oil 16 Diana Calvert NEAC Gooseberries in the Irish Pot Oil 16.5 Diana Calvert NEAC May Blossom Oil 21.5 Diana Calvert NEAC Spring Flowers in a Blue Pot Oil 10 Diana Calvert NEAC Winter Reeds with Seagulls Oil 15 Richard Caplin Portrait Female Study Pencil 17 David Carpanini NEAC PPRE RWA Hon RWS Approaching Storm, Bolsinina, Toscana Acrylic 23 David Carpanini NEAC PPRE RWA Hon RWS Campagna di Montalcino, Siena, Toscana Acrylic 21.5 David Carpanini NEAC PPRE RWA Hon RWS Gathering Storm, Monte Amiata, Toscana III Acrylic 19 David Carpanini NEAC PPRE RWA Hon RWS The Val d’Orcia, Toscana Acrylic 20.5 David Carpanini NEAC PPRE RWA Hon RWS Tuscan Morning (ed. 20, 15 avail: £250 u/f) Etching 18 Rosemary Clark Cymbidium Pencil 22 Colette Clegg The Two Amigos Oil 8 Colette Clegg Tulips in a Red Jug Oil 15 Peter Clossick NEAC Black Dog Oil 37 Peter Clossick NEAC Juliet Yardley Mills Oil 36 Peter Clossick NEAC L.J. McLeod Oil 22

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


16 1,050 18 1,250 22 1,450 32 3,800 32 8,500 32 2,000 17 3,500 43 14,500 35 11,500 42 11,500 20 3,750 9 800 9 800 10 950 8 660 10 120 30 1,700 16 3,850 30 4,850 25 7,850 8 3,850 6 2,250 14 1,200 15.5 1,200 22 2,000 19 875 13.5 620 25.5 1,500 8 390 17 750 13 750 24 3,500 25.5 3,850 19.5 1,550 23 1,950 16 325 15 550 8 495 15 595 30 3,200 30 3,200 22 1,400

The New English Art Club 2015 Name



Size (inches)

83 Tom Coates PPNEAC PS RBA RP RWA RWS Madonna Lilies Oil 22.5 84 Tom Coates PPNEAC PS RBA RP RWA RWS Mary Painting at Dartmouth Oil 26 85 Tom Coates PPNEAC PS RBA RP RWA RWS The Auction, Sotheby’s Oil 15 86 Tom Coates PPNEAC PS RBA RP RWA RWS The Irish Instrument Maker Oil 42 87 Tom Coates PPNEAC PS RBA RP RWA RWS Washing the Elephants, Thailand Oil 32 88 David Cobley NEAC RP Bunse Oil 14.5 89 David Cobley NEAC RP Daffodils Oil 14.5 90 David Cobley NEAC RP Scaffolder Oil 14.5 91 David Cobley NEAC RP With Her Cygnets Oil 14.5 92 Roy Connelly Above Blakeney Oil 5 93 Michael Cooper NEAC Chalk Cliff Industrial Estate Oil 11 94 Michael Cooper NEAC Early Morning Landscape Oil 11.5 95 Michael Cooper NEAC Evening Landscape Oil 11 96 Michael Cooper NEAC Night Landscape Oil 15 97 Jane Corsellis NEAC RWS Grey and Silver Oil 13.5 98 Jane Corsellis NEAC RWS Peeling Apples Oil 29 99 Jane Corsellis NEAC RWS Quails Eggs Oil 11 100 Jane Corsellis NEAC RWS The Washing Bowl Oil 15 101 Jane Corsellis NEAC RWS Wren’s Nest Oil 7 102 Belinda Crozier Street Entertainers Oil 22 103 Belinda Crozier Triple Pose Life Study Graphite 13 104 Ian Cryer PROI Lower Bristol Road, Bath Oil 10 105 Patrick Cullen NEAC Canes Against the Light, Tuscany Oil 36 106 Patrick Cullen NEAC Looking Towards the Carpathian Mountains Pastel 16 107 Patrick Cullen NEAC Storm Threatening, Tuscany Pastel 40 108 Patrick Cullen NEAC Sunset, Tuscany Oil 12 109 Patrick Cullen NEAC Village Seen Through A Thicket, Transylvania Pastel 24 110 Robert Cunnew The North Downs from Sandling Acrylic 20 111 Paul Curtis NEAC Beach and Sea, Spring, Cornwall Acrylic & oil 12 112 Paul Curtis NEAC Blue Sea, St Ives, Cornwall Acrylic & oil 14 113 Paul Curtis NEAC Last Primrose, St Ives, Cornwall Acrylic & oil 16 114 Paul Curtis NEAC Spring Flowers, St Ives, Cornwall Acrylic & oil 30.5 115 Paul Curtis NEAC Tete - Tete Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, Cornwall Acrylic & oil 30.5 116 John Dobbs Digger Oil 13 117 John Dobbs Still Life Oil 24 118 Bernard Dunstan NEAC RA RWA Alice Coote at the Wigmore Hall Oil 15 119 Bernard Dunstan NEAC RA RWA Early Morning (ed. of 50, 1 avail) Lithograph 18.5 120 Michael Fairclough NEAC At Sea - Dusk IX Oil 15 121 Michael Fairclough NEAC At Sea - Dusk XXXV Oil 18.5 122 Michael Fairclough NEAC At Sea - Dusk XXXVIII Oil 27 123 Michael Fairclough NEAC The Channel III Oil 15 124 Michael Fairclough NEAC The Thames - Wargrave I Oil 20

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


17 1,800 26 2,500 17 1,500 53 4,500 38 4,500 13 980 13 980 13 980 13 980 12 495 25.5 1,300 11.5 850 25.5 1,300 15.5 700 17 4,500 35 9,500 16 3,750 16 4,750 7 850 17 3,500 17 950 8 880 44 4,250 27 1,400 46 3,950 15 950 30 1,950 20 750 17.5 750 17 875 20 985 30.5 2,500 30.5 2,500 9 495 20 1,250 13 6,000 17 600 16 1,150 20 1,850 27 3,750 16 1,150 21 1,950


The New English Art Club 2015 Name 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166




Size (inches)


Peter Fleming NEAC Jarman’s Blue at The Chelsea Space Oil 60 x 36 2,800 Peter Fleming NEAC “Oetzer” Panorama Oil 41.5 x 49.5 5,400 Peter Fleming NEAC Press and Plan Chest, Morning Light Oil 49.5 x 37.5 3,200 Emily Fowke Quiet View in the Cantal Hills, Auvergne Oil 18 x 24 500 Alex Fowler NEAC Karn’s Geranium and Three Lemons Oil 16 x 20 1,300 Alex Fowler NEAC Magnolia Oil 17.5 x 13.5 1,300 Alex Fowler NEAC Still Life with Blue Vase and Cyclamen Oil 32 x 30 3,900 Roy Freer NEAC RI ROI Daily Items Oil 22.5 x 26.5 1,100 Caroline Frood NEAC Copse Oil 44.5 x 37.5 4,800 Mark Furse Desire and Want (or Famine Relief) Oil 51 x 46 7,500 Michael Gage Undershaft (ed. of 12, 8 avail: £225 u/f) Linocut 16 x 18 300 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Evening Landscape Oil 11 x 17 750 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Fields in Snow Oil 14 x 14 480 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Garden in Winter Snow Oil 13 x 15 790 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Landscape in Autumn Mist Oil 15 x 17 850 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Landscape Setting Sun Oil 26.5 x 27 1,200 Timothy Gatenby Tap Dance Oil 10 x 10 900 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Boat Repair Yard Pastel 12 x 15 500 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Mermaid - Monday Morning Oil 16 x 14 600 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Moroccan Market Pastel 12 x 15 500 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Pheasants Oil 14 x 16 600 Dennis Gilbert NEAC Sunday Morning on the Balcony Oil 31 x 43 4,400 Paul R Gildea NEAC Acre Lane Misty Oil 13 x 13 900 Paul R Gildea NEAC Brixton Morning Oil 23 x 11 900 Paul R Gildea NEAC Man with Glass Pipe Oil 21 x 21 1,900 Paul R Gildea NEAC Saint Boy Oil 40 x 25 2,300 Paul R Gildea NEAC Skirting Boards Oil 53 x 32 3,300 Tim Goffe Empty Book Shop Oil 24 x 35 2,500 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI A Pink Decorative Picture Oil Diameter 30” 11,400 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI A White Tureen of Blue Hydrangeas in front of a Green Painting Oil 29 x 28 12,300 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI Large Vase of Flowers on the Kitchen Windowsill Oil Diameter 24” 11,400 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI Vase of Dark Pink Flowers and an Orange Gerbera Oil 11 x 9 2,700 Anthony Green NEAC RA Hon RBA Hon ROI Vase of Mixed Flowers and Yellow Tulips Oil 32.5 x 25 9,300 Nicola Gregory Bud and Glass Watercolour 16 x 20 600 Hugo Grenville Winter Sun Oil 38 x 46 15,000 Charlotte Halliday NEAC RWS February Cyclamen Pencil & watercolour 15 x 13 700 Charlotte Halliday NEAC RWS Marylebone Parish Church Pencil & watercolour 20 x 16.5 950 Charlotte Halliday NEAC RWS Spring in St John’s Wood: Acacia Road Pencil & watercolour 18.5 x 14.5 750 Charlotte Halliday NEAC RWS Sussex Place, Late Summer Pencil & watercolour 16.5 x 12.5 750 Charlotte Halliday NEAC RWS Willow Gravy Boat Pencil & watercolour 13 x 14.5 700 Charles Hardaker NEAC RBA Egyptian Glass Oil 14.5 x 14.5 950 Charles Hardaker NEAC RBA Inner Light Oil 36.5 x 26.5 2,000

The New English Art Club 2015 Name



Size (inches)

167 Charles Hardaker NEAC RBA Interior with Black Cube Oil 26 168 Charles Hardaker NEAC RBA Still Life Structure - Forms within Forms II Oil 28.5 169 Charles Hardaker NEAC RBA Still Life Structure - Tower (White Triangle) Oil 41 170 Clare Haward View Across the Valley, Civita Castellana Oil 15 171 Nicki Heenan Stonehenge Dark Materials Oil 16 172 Julie Held NEAC Bouquet Watercolour 30 173 Julie Held NEAC Notting Hill Florist Acrylic & oil 43 174 Julie Held NEAC On The Street - The City Acrylic & oil 72 175 Julie Held NEAC The Gift - The City Acrylic & oil 72 176 Gillian Hills Shoreham Harbour Mixed media 29 177 Paul Hipkiss RBSA Inclined Planes Dinorwic Quarries from Llanberis (ed. of 50, 45 avail: £250 u/f) Relief print 26 178 Benjamin Hope Almost Spring-Like, Blackheath Oil 25 179 Felicity House PS Dog at the Fish Market Venice Pastel 11 180 Ken Howard PPNEAC OBE RA RBA RBSA ROI RWA Dora Reflecting Oil 29.5 181 Ken Howard PPNEAC OBE RA RBA RBSA ROI RWA Essaouira Oil 15 182 Ken Howard PPNEAC OBE RA RBA RBSA ROI RWA Sarah at St Clements Studio Oil 56 183 Ken Howard PPNEAC OBE RA RBA RBSA ROI RWA Sennen Evening Oil 12.5 184 Ken Howard PPNEAC OBE RA RBA RBSA ROI RWA Venice Evening Light Oil 10 185 Tom Hughes Balmoral with Ice Cream Van Oil 20 186 Tom Hughes Clifton Suspension Bridge, Contre Jour, January Oil 20 187 Tom Hughes Studio Corner with Suncream Oil 31 188 Davina Jackson Woman Washing, Nepal Oil 15 189 Mary Jackson NEAC RWS Sizzling Day in Portugal Oil 26 190 Mary Jackson NEAC RWS The Birthday Present Oil 20 191 Mary Jackson NEAC RWS The Young Ornithologist at Wisley Watercolour 19 192 Mary Jackson NEAC RWS Tom Painting Looking Towards Port Cygnet Oil 24 193 Frank Johnson Mounts Court Oil 10 194 Frank Johnson Outing Oil 10 195 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA RWS Cherries Oil 17 196 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA RWS Quails Eggs in a Nest Oil 13 197 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA RWS Redcurrants on a Shelf Oil 12 198 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA RWS Sketchbook Study: Mt. S Victoire, Provence Watercolour 11 199 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA RWS Two Tea Bowls of Primroses Oil 13 200 Peter Kelly NEAC RBA Evening Light, Kings Bench Walk, Inner Temple Watercolour 25.5 201 Peter Kelly NEAC RBA Morning Mist, Rouen Docks Oil 22 202 Peter Kelly NEAC RBA Sunlight, Shadows, and Still Water Oil 25 203 Peter Kelly NEAC RBA The Memphis Bagman Watercolour 19 204 Peter Kelly NEAC RBA The Somnambulist Watercolour 17.5 205 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Pandemonium at Putney Oil 55 206 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Setting Up Oil 12 207 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Vintage Car Rally - Cap d’Agde Watercolour 17


x x x x x x x x x x

26 40.5 31 16 16 19 27 48 48 22

1,850 3,000 2,750 800 650 1,875 3,750 7,500 7,500 350

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

19 320 20 3,800 8 490 17.5 7,000 17 4,500 48 35,000 14.5 4,000 12 2,000 11 575 11 575 27 1,950 13 650 30 2,500 16 1,500 19 800 27.5 2,500 12 350 12 350 16 1,850 12 950 13 950 27 1,250 13 950 20 1,500 28 3,000 20 3,000 14.5 600 14.5 1,000 37 4,000 9.5 675 16 475


The New English Art Club 2015 Name 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249




Size (inches)

Michael Kirkbride NEAC Wash and Spin Oil 10 Ann Le Bas NEAC RE A Suffolk Barn Oil 13 Ann Le Bas NEAC RE Early Morning - Torri del Benaco Oil 31.5 Ann Le Bas NEAC RE On the Way to the Coast - Walberswick Oil 10.5 Ann Le Bas NEAC RE Tree Stumps (ed. of 75, 20 avail: £170 u/f) Line engraving 13 Andrew Macara NEAC Mannequin I Oil 40 Andrew Macara NEAC Mannequin II Oil 40 Andrew Macara NEAC Quayside Fishing, Looe Oil 21.5 Andrew Macara NEAC The Orchard, Morzine Oil 38 Kate Marsden Self Oil 7 Graham Martin Canning Town Acrylic 20 Jessica Miller Standing Male Life Sketch Carbon pencil 13 Sarah Jane Moon Studio III Oil 17 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA ARWS Blossom Tree Gouache 24.5 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA ARWS Lady with the Dogs Gouache 15.5 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA ARWS Two Girls Gouache 14 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA ARWS Wisley Bottom Gouache 22 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Early Snow on the Black Mountains Oil 24 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Portrait of Fred Oil 24 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Sand Dunes on Benbecula Oil 26 Anthony Morris NEAC RP St Mary’s Church, Oxford Watercolour 26 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Wells Cathedral Oil 15 Arthur Neal NEAC Corner of the Studio II Oil 26 Arthur Neal NEAC Head Oil 20 Arthur Neal NEAC KT Summer Dress Pastel 15 Arthur Neal NEAC Studio Wall II Oil 23 Arthur Neal NEAC Study for KT Oil 19 Paul Newland NEAC Evening - Edge of Town Oil 11 Paul Newland NEAC In the Downs Oil 37 Paul Newland NEAC The Edge of Town (Sussex) Oil 11 Paul Newland NEAC The Ouse Valley Oil 11 William Packer NEAC At the Edge Oil 20 William Packer NEAC Keeping Watch Oil 18 William Packer NEAC Look Out Oil 37 William Packer NEAC Pink & Purple Oil 14 Alan Palmer CBeebies Acrylic 11 Amanda Palmer World Behind the Walls Graphite & carbon pencil 39 David Parfitt NEAC August Island Oil 50 David Parfitt NEAC February Twilight Oil 25 David Parfitt NEAC Island at Sundown Oil 50 David Parfitt NEAC Piers, Shadows and Stones Oil 27 David Parfitt NEAC Sun and Shadow, March Morning Oil 21

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


7 375 19 500 41 1,000 15.5 500 17 200 44 6,500 44 6,500 23.5 1,800 56 6,750 5 2,000 28 1,200 9 345 17 650 28 1,900 16 875 16.5 850 28 1,800 30 1,800 18 2,000 30 2,000 18 1,000 11 950 26 3,950 17 1,250 12 850 19 2,450 13 1,250 15 850 37 4,000 15 850 15 850 17 1,600 14 1,100 37 4,200 14 850 14 400 55 3,000 42 14,850 36 10,500 42 14,850 35 10,500 17 3,850

The New English Art Club 2015 Name 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291



Size (inches)

Melvyn Petterson NEAC RBA Blacksmiths Cottage (ed. of 30, 27 avail: £450 u/f) Etching & drypoint 12 Melvyn Petterson NEAC RBA Clouds and Shadows (ed. of 30, 30 avail: £450 u/f) Etching & drypoint 12 Melvyn Petterson NEAC RBA Landscape (ed. of 30, 30 avail: £450 u/f) Drypoint 12 Melvyn Petterson NEAC RBA Pyrenees Sun (ed. of 30, 29 avail: £1,350 u/f) Etching, drypoint & mixed media 36 Melvyn Petterson NEAC RBA Summer at Hainton (ed. of 30, 29 avail: £250 u/f) Drypoint 6 Richard Pikesley PNEAC RWS Bathers & Watchers, Lyme Regis Oil 11 Richard Pikesley PNEAC RWS Dinghies Coming In, Lyme Regis Oil 13 Richard Pikesley PNEAC RWS Edge of the Sea - Lyme Regis Oil 11 Richard Pikesley PNEAC RWS Pink Sail, Lyme Regis Oil 16 Richard Pikesley PNEAC RWS Summer Visitors, Weymouth Oil 39 Neil Pittaway Shakespeare’s Globe Pen & ink 27 Neil Pittaway The Good Day Shakespeare (ed. of 12, 6 avail: £695 u/f) Etching 26 Michael E Pullée NEAC Hope Cove Triptych - Sunset, Barney Bank Oil 22 Michael E Pullée NEAC Hope Cove Triptych - Sunset, Bolt Tail Oil 22 Michael E Pullée NEAC Hope Cove Triptych - Sunset, Harbour Breakwater Oil 22 Michael E Pullée NEAC Outer Hope Beach - Low Tide Oil 16 Michael E Pullée NEAC Ramillies Cove Pen & ink 26 Salliann Putman NEAC Landscape - Warm Fields Oil 31 Salliann Putman NEAC Landscape Layers Oil 31 Salliann Putman NEAC Rape Field Oil 13 Salliann Putman NEAC White Fields Oil 13 Salliann Putman NEAC Yellow Sky Oil 13 Simon Quadrat PPRWA Sunday Oil 14 Simon Quadrat PPRWA The Empty Street Oil 24 Simon Quadrat PPRWA The Fish Porters Oil 31 Lawrie Quigley The Get-In Oil 36 Charles Rake NEAC 2 Figures Passing Ruined Abbey Oil 11 Charles Rake NEAC Church with Bulrushes Oil 24 Charles Rake NEAC Evensong - The Gardener Oil 11 Charles Rake NEAC Moon over Ruined Abbey Oil 24 Charles Rake NEAC Spanish Street, Night Charcoal pencil 30 Richard Rees Valletta Street Oil pastel 19 Chris Rigby Dance Derby No. 2 Watercolour, acrylic & gouache 16 Chris Rigby Trampoline 2 Oil 25 Donald Ritchie Border Landscape, March Oil 25 Donald Ritchie November near Kelso Oil 25 James Rushton NEAC Bus Stop Oil 20 James Rushton NEAC Hanchurch Wood Oil 24 James Rushton NEAC Roe Lane Oil 16.5 Joseph Ryan Blind Rhymes No. 1 Oil 47 Joseph Ryan Chatter Oil 31 Susan Ryder NEAC RP Oak Room Lamps Oil 24

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


1 550 18 550 16 550 54 1,750 8.5 300 18 750 18 1,050 22 1,050 30 1,850 45 4,400 35 1,950 33 795 16 950 16 950 16 950 22 850 36 720 31 2,750 13 2,750 13 950 13 950 13 950 18 1,200 30 2,600 39 4,200 47 8,500 14 550 32 2,650 15 600 32 2,650 38 1,250 13 700 13 1,000 38 3,500 29 950 29 950 24.5 2,200 28 2,200 20 1,800 39 6,000 31 3,000 22 2,000


The New English Art Club 2015 Name 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333


Susan Ryder NEAC RP Susan Ryder NEAC RP Susan Ryder NEAC RP Helen Samuels Glyn Saunders Glyn Saunders Charlie Schaffer Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RP Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RP Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RP Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RP Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RP William Selby NEAC RBA ROI RSW RWS William Selby NEAC RBA ROI RSW RWS William Selby NEAC RBA ROI RSW RWS William Selby NEAC RBA ROI RSW RWS Daniel Shadbolt Daniel Shadbolt Ann Shrager NEAC Ann Shrager NEAC Ann Shrager NEAC Ann Shrager NEAC Dawn Sidoli NEAC RWA Dawn Sidoli NEAC RWA Dawn Sidoli NEAC RWA Dawn Sidoli NEAC RWA Dawn Sidoli NEAC RWA Norma Silverton Michael Sofroniou Charlotte Sorapure NEAC Charlotte Sorapure NEAC Charlotte Sorapure NEAC Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA PPRWS Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA PPRWS Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA PPRWS Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA PPRWS Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA PPRWS Claire Sparkes Sarah Spencer NEAC Sarah Spencer NEAC Sarah Spencer NEAC Sarah Spencer NEAC


The Buffalo Chair The Ironing The Red Shawl Self Portrait as Souvenir Birch Trees SW2 Folding Chair The Artist’s Father Bloomsbury Backgarden Bloomsbury Square Browning’s Pool Joey’s Nighttime Walk Two Cats & A Cherry Tree Red Goblet The Moon & Sixpence Three Coins & A Fountain Pen Wheel Vase Interior with Figure Winter Still Life Bride Meeting the Bridegroom Diwali Festival Elephant Elephant in the Pool Ladies in Saris Carrying Grass Ebb Tide, Autumn Helen High Summer Tor Cross Snow, Portishead Still Life with Lemon Trees for Life 1 (ed. of 9 with 2 A/P, 11 avail: £320 u/f) Still Life with Classical Head Liferoom Monte Castello Via Baldini Carrying Dogs in a Seaside Town Evening by the Pool Going Down Through the Town Jetty Three People in front of a Window Louie Holkham from the Dunes Lemons Suffolk Trees Walking to the Sea, Holkham


Size (inches)


Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Gouache Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Mixed media Mixed media Mixed media Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Linoprint Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil

38 22 38 20 11 11 24 33 26 15 26 23 31 28 33 13 48 21 18 18 38 18 16.5 27 18 11 17 11 21 28 18 22 35 18 33 29 41 13 30 10 21 11

5,800 1,800 6,300 3,000 450 450 3,200 4,500 3,500 1,500 3,300 2,300 3,600 2,900 3,800 950 2,500 2,000 3,500 3,500 7,500 3,500 1,400 2,500 2,100 350 1,850 400 1,200 4,500 2,850 6,850 2,950 1,550 2,750 2,750 3,185 550 3,100 650 1,800 700

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

32 18 40 20 9 9 18 43 38 33 38 33 31 24 37 15 48 31 18 18 38 18 23 25.5 23 12.5 25 10 24 20 14 34 29 21 29 35 29 11 39 11 16 13

The New English Art Club 2015 Name



Size (inches)

334 Sarah Spencer NEAC Whitstable Clouded Evening Oil 13 335 Ruth Stage NEAC Beachlife Croatia Egg tempera 40 336 Ruth Stage NEAC Beech Tree Egg tempera 19 337 Ruth Stage NEAC Blue Daisies Egg tempera 12 338 Ruth Stage NEAC Frost Edged Morning Egg tempera 28 339 Kate Steenhauer Grampian Talisker and the Cherry Picker (ed. of 40, 40 avail: £750 u/f) Etching 26 340 Natalie Stewart-Clark Into the Forest Mixed media 12 341 Haidee-Jo Summers View with a Room Oil 15 342 A Lincoln Taber Wasp Oil 6 343 Jacqueline Taber Hon RBA Winchelsea Beach Winter Oil 16 344 Karl Terry Across the Rooftops, Marrakech Oil 6 345 Margaret Thomas NEAC Sen RBA Copper Leaves Oil 36 346 Margaret Thomas NEAC Sen RBA Gravesend Boatyard Oil 18 347 Margaret Thomas NEAC Sen RBA My Dogs Oil 36 348 Margaret Thomas NEAC Sen RBA Studio Corner Oil 30 349 Nick Tidnam NEAC RBA Interior at Dusk Acrylic 14.5 350 Nick Tidnam NEAC RBA Night Room with Flowers Acrylic 10 351 Nick Tidnam NEAC RBA Out into the Night Acrylic 20 352 Nick Tidnam NEAC RBA Snow Fields Acrylic 14.5 353 Nick Tidnam NEAC RBA Winter Forms Acrylic 10.5 354 Delia Tournay-Godfrey Out to Sea Oil 35 355 Simon Turner Captain Nemo Acrylic 6 356 Lorna Vahey NEAC Falling Cows Oil 12 357 Lorna Vahey NEAC Making Frocks at Closing Time Oil 26 358 Lorna Vahey NEAC The Kids of Papamoa Oil 19 359 Lorna Vahey NEAC The Swimming Lesson Oil 10.5 360 Lorna Vahey NEAC Threshing with Flails Oil 20 361 Toby Ward NEAC 1976 Oil 26.5 362 Toby Ward NEAC New Flat Screen TV Oil 26 363 Michael Weller Late January Pears Oil 11 364 Alan Welsford Dockside Early Evening Oil 22 365 Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS Morning, Marrakech Oil 20 366 Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS The Black Friar Mixed media 38 367 Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS Veranda Oil 48 368 Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS View of the Islands Acrylic 28 369 John Whitehill Jacob’s Ladder Oil 20 370 John Whitehill Three Houses Oil 24 371 Michael Whittlesea NEAC Self 2015 Oil 17 372 Michael Whittlesea NEAC The Family Oil 10.5 373 Michael Whittlesea NEAC The Rabbit Hutch Oil 9 374 Michael Whittlesea NEAC Winter Evening Oil 13


x x x x x

22 47 22 14 31.5

1,000 6,000 1,900 1,100 3,300

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

22 950 12 600 23 795 4 450 12 850 16 650 25 4,000 12 2,000 30 4,000 12 2,000 18 750 12 400 24 900 18 750 13 400 35 3,250 4 500 14 750 19 1,000 18 950 12 650 24 1,000 46 5,950 36 4,500 14 400 22 475 24 2,400 26 3,600 24 4,500 36 3,800 16 900 20 1,100 17 1,500 23 900 8.5 500 15 875


The New English Art Club 2015 Name 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387



Size (inches)

Michael Whittlesea NEAC Winter Garden Oil 13 Antony Williams NEAC PS RP Eli in Theo’s Deck Chair Egg tempera 72 Charles Williams NEAC RWS I Think That’s Everything Oil 34 Charles Williams NEAC RWS Jolly Fucking Roger Oil 12 Charles Williams NEAC RWS Small Still Life Oil 5 Charles Williams NEAC RWS Still Life with Blue Fruit Bowl Oil 16 Charles Williams NEAC RWS Still Life with Skull Oil 12 Jacqueline Williams NEAC Blue Still Life Oil 27 Jacqueline Williams NEAC Still Life with Nasturtiums Oil 18 Jacqueline Williams NEAC Still Life with Vermeer Oil 30 Sue Williams A’Court Liminal Space Form Graphite & mixed media 9 Martin Yeoman NEAC Portrait of Gini Oil 48 Martin Yeoman NEAC Woman Bending Over Oil 66

x x x x x x x x x x x x x


17 925 54 68,500 48 5,000 12 950 8 375 18 1,300 16 1,300 22 1,800 29 1,800 18 1,600 10 700 36 17,000 84 NFS

The Haworth Prize The Haworth Prize, worth £4,000, is for a young artist from the North of England (Cumbria, Northumberland, Durham, Tyne and Wear, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Cheshire), creating works inspired by their surroundings. The Prize is generously sponsored by The Haworth Trust. Below are the shortlisted works. 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399


Janine Baldwin Cropton Forest I Charcoal, graphite & pastel 35 x 28 975 Janine Baldwin Cropton Forest II Charcoal, graphite & pastel 35 x 28 975 Carmel Bassan Mining for Potash, Boulby Oil 21 x 21 1,200 Stephen Campbell View from Studio Oil 24 x 16 1,100 Barry Charlton Aysgarth Falls Oil 24 x 36 2,500 Radu Chirila Town Hall Leeds Graphite 17 x 23 450 Tom Harforth Behind Preston Silkscreen on Washi paper & map 15 x 10 340 Simon Lewis The Headrow (ed. of 27, 20 avail: £200 u/f) Screenprint 18 x 20 300 Rob Pointon Portland Street, Manchester Oil 31 x 43 2,200 Narbi Price Untitled Well Painting Acrylic 36 x 48 12,000 Fraser Scarfe Field near Cottingham Oil 28 x 40 6,275 Helen Stokes Untitled (Street Furniture) Mixed media 5 x 7 750

The New English Art Club 2015

The New English Art Club Honorary Life Members ARMFIELD, Diana, 10 High Park Road, Kew, Surrey TW9 4BH BROWN, Bob, 29 Park Road, Worthing BN11 2AS DUNSTAN, Bernard, 10 High Park Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4BH HALLIDAY, Charlotte, 36a Abercorn Place, St John’s Wood, London NW8 9XP HOWARD, Ken, OBE 8 South Bolton Gardens, London SW5 0DH THOMAS, Margaret, Ellingham Mill, Near Bungay, Suffolk NR35 2EP Members BAILEY, Julian, The Old Vicarage, Stinsford, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8PS BALAAM, Louise, 81 Brittains Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2JS BAWDEN, Richard, 72 Benton Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5AT BERRY, June, 45 Chancery Lane, Beckenham, Kent BR3 6NR BLAND, James, 44 School Lane, Blean, Canterbury, Kent CT2 9JA BOND, Jane, 8 Ceylon Road, London W14 0PY BOWYER, Francis, 12 Gainsborough Road, Chiswick, London W4 1NJ BOWYER, Jason, 35 Clifden Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW18 0PB BROWN, Peter, 52 Combe Park, Bath BA1 3NH CAIN, Patricia, Milnton of Tynron, Thornhill, Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland DG3 4JY CALVERT, Diana, The Lawn, Walsham-le-Willows, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 3AW CARPANINI, David, Fernlea, 145 Rugby Road, Milverton, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 6DJ CLOSSICK, Peter, 358 Lee High Road, Lee Green, London SE12 8RS COATES, Tom, Bladon Studio, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hants SP11 0AH COBLEY, David, Bath Artists’ Studios, The Old Malthouse, Comfortable Place, Bath BA1 3AJ COLEMAN, Tessa, The Priory, Ditcheat, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 6RB COOPER, Michael, 2a Chapel Hill, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2BB CORSELLIS, Jane, Naylor House, 54 Strand-on-the-Green, London W4 3PD CULLEN, Patrick, 19 Mount Pleasant Crescent, London N4 4HP CUMING, Frederick, The Gables, Iden, Rye, East Sussex TN31 7UY CURTIS, Paul, 47 Brokesley Street, Mile End, London E3 4QJ DAI, Saied, Rose Bank, Upper Swainswick BA1 8BU DENYER, Stuart, 50 Lilford Road, London SE5 9HX DOUGLAS, Brian D, 26 Whitestone Drive, Huntingdon Road, York YO31 9HZ ESPLEY, Tom, 24 Duncan Terrace, Islington N1 8BS FAIRCLOUGH, Michael, Tilford Green Cottage, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey GU10 2BU FLEMING, Peter, Flat 3, 55 Crewdson Road, London SW9 0LH FOWLER, Alex, 37 Parma Crescent, London SW11 1LT FREER, Roy, 5 Bridgefoot, Cross Street, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2DG FROOD, Caroline, Quakers, Membury, Axminster, Devon EX13 7AH GARDNER, Judith, 41 Willowbank, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9QA GILBERT, Dennis, The Coach House, 25 Blandford Road, Teddington TW11 0LF GILDEA, Paul R, 41 Ballater Road, London SW2 5QS GREEN, Anthony, 40 High Street, Little Eversden, Cambridge CB23 1HE HARDAKER, Charles, Studio 1, St Oswald’s Studios, Sedlescombe Road, Fulham, London SW6 1RH HARRIS, Josephine, 19 White Hart Lane, Barnes, London SW13 0PX HELD, Julie, 48 Barrington Road, London N8 8QS

JACKSON, Julie, 134 Brooke Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 7RS JACKSON, Mary, Bladon Studio, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hants SP11 0AH KAY, Pamela, 19 Northdown Avenue, Cliftonville, Margate, Kent CT9 2NL KELLY, Peter, The Chestnuts, The Square, Stock, Essex CM4 9LH KIRKBRIDE, Michael, 62 Hatley Close, Friern, Barnet, London N11 3LN KUHFELD, Peter, The Corner House, Upper Bridge Street, Wye, Kent TN25 5AW LARUSDOTTIR, Karolina, 28 Tenison Road, Cambridge CB1 2DW LE BAS, Ann, Winsford, Nr Minehead, Somerset TA24 7JE MACARA, Andrew, 32 Farley Road, Derby DE23 6BX MOORE, Bridget, 18 Cotmandene, Dorking, Surrey RH4 2BT MORRIS, Anthony, Church House, Clodock, Longtown, Herefordshire HR2 0NY NEAL, Arthur, 32 Duke Street, Deal, Kent CT14 6DT NEWLAND, Paul, 14 Garden Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1TJ PACKER, William, 60 Trinity Gardens, London SW9 8DR PARFITT, David, 20 Strand-on-the-Green, London W4 3PH PETTERSON, Melvyn, City of London Almshouses, Flat 3, Ferndale Road, Brixton SW9 8AN PIKESLEY, Richard, Middlehill Farm, Marrowbone Lane, Bothenhampton, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4BU PULLÉE, Michael, 48 Wray Common Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0ND PUTMAN, Salliann, 3 Pinecote Drive, Sunningdale, Berkshire SL5 9PS RAKE, Charles, 9 Avington Close, London Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1SL RIZVI, Jacqueline, 81 High Street, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3EL RUSHTON, James, 17 Gower Street, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffs ST5 1JQ RYDER, Susan, 48 Stratford Road, London W8 6QA SCOTT-MILLER, Melissa, Flat 3, 2 Hartham Road, London N7 9JG SELBY, William, Stonehaven, 11 Green Bank Road, Brixham, Devon TQ5 9ND SHEPPARD, Maurice, 33 St Martin’s Park, Crowhill, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 2HP SHRAGER, Ann, 3 Maids Of Honour Row, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1NU SIDOLI, Dawn, Grafton Lodge, Battery Lane, Portishead, Bristol BS20 7JD SORAPURE, Charlotte, Rose Bank, Upper Swainswick, Bath BA1 8BU SORRELL, Richard, Higher Hellangove Farm, Badgers Cross, Gulval, Penzance, Cornwall TR20 8XD SPENCER, Sarah, 9 Cromwell Road, Whitstable, Kent CT5 1NW STAGE, Ruth, 304 Crystal Palace Road, London SE22 9JJ SULLIVAN, Benjamin, 8 Duddery Road, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 8EA TIDNAM, Nick, 16 Roebuck Road, Rochester, Kent ME1 1UD TODD, Daphne, OBE, Salters Green Farm, Mayfield, East Sussex TN20 6NP VAHEY, Lorna, 145 Emmanuel Road, Hastings TN34 3LE WARD, Toby, Westward House, Hartley Road, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 3QP WHEATLEY, Jenny, Bristol House, Portloe, Truro, Cornwall TR2 5RG WHITTLESEA, Michael, 98 Defoe House, Barbican, London EC2Y 8ND WILLIAMS, Antony, The Cottage, 8e Windsor Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AS WILLIAMS, Charles, 37 South Road, Faversham, Kent ME13 7LS WILLIAMS, Jacqueline, Garden Flat, 73 Bath Road, Cheltenham, Gloucester GL53 7LH WOOD, Duncan, York House, Baslow, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1RY WORLEY, Neale, Acme Studios, Studio 37, 165 Childers Street, Deptford, London SE8 5JR YEOMAN, Martin, 101 West Street, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 8JZ

Companions of the New English Art Club Jon Armitage · Karen Armitage · Graham Barclay · Elizabeth Callender · The Rt Hon Lord Carrington KG · David Corsellis · Kerrie Cunningham · Lord Hindlip · Manya Igel · Gregg Ladd · Sir Ronald McIntosh · William Packer · Patricia Patterson · Rosemary Parkes · Jans Ondaatje Rolls · Peyton Skipworth · Birgitte, Countess of Stockton · Marc Winer · Susan Wolff


THE RUSSELL GALLERY Richard Pikesley PNEAC RWS 24 September - 10 October 2015 Portrait Drawing by Rado Topalov


Study with the London Atelier tutors and learn professional drawing and painting techniques during the summer holidays. Please visit our website for more information: NEW_ENGLISH_ARTS_CLUB_AD.pdf





The Art Academy Mermaid Court 165A Borough High Street London SE1 1HR Coming in, Weymouth (detail) 10” x 24” oil on board











12 Lower Richmond Road, Putney SW15 1JP Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5:30pm T: 020 8780 5228 E:



w w w. a r t a c a d e m y. o r g . u k Russell Gallery.indd 1

30/04/2015 12:12



The Finest Quality Handmade Artists’ Brushes


Peter Brown – The Penylan Pantry and Blenheim Rd, Cardiff 12x16ins, oil on board


SUMMER EXHIBITION 25th June – 5th September DAVID TRESS 8th October – 31st October 50th ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION 5th November – 31st December 74b Albany Road, Cardiff, CF24 3RS T: 029 2048 7158 E: Gallery open: Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm, Sundays and Bank Holidays 11am-4pm

Russell Gallery.indd 3

28/04/2015 16:45

FIGURATIVE ART TODAY THE COLUMBIA THREADNEEDLE PRIZE 2015 The Columbia Threadneedle Foundation is pleased to support Mall Galleries and The Columbia Threadneedle Prize, a leading competition for ďŹ gurative and representational painting and sculpture. Since its establishment in 2008 The Columbia Threadneedle Prize has become recognised as one of the country’s major art prizes and a vibrant and engaging forum for creative talent. As well as supporting new techniques that stretch the potential of young, emerging and established artists, it provides an exciting and varied exhibition for everyone to see. Important information: Columbia Threadneedle Asset Management Limited (TAML) registered in England and Wales, no.3701768, 60 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8JQ. TAML is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Threadneedle Investments is a brand name and both the Threadneedle Investments name and logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Threadneedle group of companies. J23187

We acknowledge with gratitude the generous sponsorship of Richard Chenevix-Trench Registered Charity No. 295780

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