The Pastel Society Annual Exhibition 2015

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look again the pastel society

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Look Again The Pastel Society Annual Exhibition Exhibition open 24 February to 7 March 2015, 10am to 5pm (closes 3pm on final day) Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1 Tel 020 7930 6844

The Pastel Society 2015

The Pastel Society Sponsor Caran d’Ache President Cheryl Culver RBA Vice President Jeannette Hayes Treasurer Colin Murfet Honorary Secretary Jenny Halstead FMAA Past President and Trustee Moira Huntly RI RSMA RWA

Bankers Santander and National Westminster Bank plc Accountants Gibbons Mannington, Rye Companions of the Pastel Society: Patricia Patterson, Manya Igel, Greg Ladd, Anthony J Lester, Alec Reed CBE, William Packer, John Molony, Jack Clewer, Ken Gofton Photography Alex Mary Hughes

Exhibition Secretary Peter Vincent FCSD FRSA Membership Secretary Brian Plummer Publicity Secretary Jeannette Hayes Friends Secretary Ann Wilkinson RBSA Education Officer John Ivor Stewart ADAE FSBA Council: Glenys Ambrus ARCA Victor Ambrus ARCA RE FRSA Matthew Draper Bob Last MSIAD Brian Plummer Susan Relph ASGFA Antony Williams NEAC RP Roy Wright Archivist Felicity House AGBI Steward Jeannette Hayes Administration Office 17 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5BD Tel: 020 7930 6844 Email:


Pastel Society Presidents 1898–1899

G F Watts OM RA


Melton Fisher RA


H. Davis Richter VPROI RI RSW RBC


James A Grant RP


Aubrey Sykes RI


John Blockley NEAC RI RWA


Leigh Parry MA RBA


John Blockley NEAC RI RWA




Moira Huntly RI RSMA RWA


John Ivor Stewart ADAE FSBA

2012–present Cheryl Culver RBA

The Pastel Society 2015

Artist demonstrations and special events Wednesday 25 Feb, 2pm to 5pm

Susan Relph PS

Thursday 26 Feb, 11am to 4pm

Ann Wilkinson PS

Monday 2 March, 2pm to 4:30pm

Roger Dellar PS RI ROI

Tuesday 3 March, 2:30pm to 4pm

John Tookey PS

Thursday 5 March, 11am to 5pm

Peter Vincent PS

Art Event Evening Thursday 5 March, 6pm to 9pm This event is an exciting opportunity to work alongside Members of the Pastel Society. To purchase your ticket or reserve a place, please contact Mall Galleries on 020 7930 6844 or at Tickets are FREE to Friends of the Pastel Society, £5 to Friends of Mall Galleries and £8 to others. There will be a welcoming glass of wine or a soft drink served on your arrival and the Mall Galleries Cafe will stay open until 8pm. Prize for the best Non-Member work completed during the evening. Sealed Bid Paintings will be finalised during the evening also the Friends’ Draw.

Prizes & Awards There are a number of prizes and awards available to artists at the Annual Exhibition. These include: Caran d’Ache Sponsors Award

The Arts Club Charitable Trust An award of £1,000

Alfred Teddy Smith and Zsuzsi Roboz Award An award of £5,000 for an artist under 35 years old

Buzzacott An award of £750

Daler Rowney An award of a pastel box Derwent An award of pastel pencils Conté à Paris An award of art materials Unison Colour An award of art materials The Artist Magazine An award of a Feature article Artists & Illustrators Magazine An award of a Feature article and subscription Henri Roché An award of art materials

Faber Castell An award of art materials Frank Herring and Sons An award of an easel The Annie Longley Award An award of £200 PanPastel An award of art materials The Pastel Society Catalogue Award First and Second Prize An award of artwork featured in the exhibition catalogue The Pastel Society Young Artist Award Many thanks to Kirsten TofteJensen for her continuing support of The Pastel Society.

Schmincke An award of pastel pencils

Art materials, courtesy of Caran d’Ache will be on sale. Models, Still Life and entertainment. Music by David Buckingham Classical Guitar.


The Pastel Society 2015

President’s Foreword We are delighted to welcome John Russell Taylor, English critic and author to ‘Open’ our 116th Annual Exhibition. We would like to thank him for spending time with us at the Mall Galleries and we hope that he will enjoy our show. John Russell will also be presenting the Awards for 2015 including the new prestigious Alfred Teddy Smith and Zsuzsi Roboz Award for a Young Artist. This award is a bequest in memory of Zsuzsi Roboz who died in 2012. Zsuzsi was a distinguished member of the Pastel Society and a piece of her work can be seen in the gallery. We have the work of many young artists in our exhibition and I trust that they have all created masterpieces for the Pastel Society 2015. But to quote John Russell, ‘It is always disastrous to start your career with a masterpiece. No-one will ever let you live it down, or allow that you are living up to it’. We are sure that this exhibition is full of masterpieces and we thank all the non-members and young artists who have supported us by submitting their work. The exhibition benefits greatly from their input. The Society is also extremely fortunate to have excellent support from the Award Givers and our Sponsors Caran d’Ache. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them; their generosity both in the time they give and the prizes they donate is very much appreciated. Our Sponsors Caran d’Ache celebrate their centenary this year and we would like to wish them every success for the future and we all look forward to a long lasting relationship with them. During this exhibition members of the Society will be running Workshops and there will also be Demonstrations on the days shown on page 3 of the catalogue. Be sure to take note of the Art Event which is held on Thursday 5 March, 6pm to 9pm. This event is an exciting opportunity to work alongside Pastel Society members and to meet socially. For those who do not wish to draw or paint, please come along anyway and listen to guitarist David Buckingham whilst watching the artists at work. Spectators are very welcome. My thanks as ever to the Pastel Society members for their support and for producing such excellent work and of course to the FBA staff who keep the whole process on course and organise us all with amazing good humour. Finally forget the word ‘PASTEL’ with its associations and preconceived images. The Pastel Society is open to all dry media and that is its strength; strength in diversity and adversity. It stretches the boundaries and goes well beyond what is expected, inviting the visitor to ‘LOOK AGAIN’. Let us celebrate the enormous variety and skill represented on the walls of the Mall Galleries during this show and make this our best year ever. Cheryl Culver, President of The Pastel Society 6

The Pastel Society 2015

Zsuzsi Roboz PS: Prize Bequest Her 2011 series, Face to Face, was devoted to notable British and Irish writers, among them personalities as different from one another as Anita Brookner, Tom Stoppard, Seamus Heaney and PD James. She always tried to give these likenesses something that went further than simple realism. Essentially she was a symbolist artist – she wanted to catch the creative aura of those she portrayed, many of whom have not otherwise been the subjects of penetrating works of art of this sort. Zsuzsi, who passed away in July 2012 aged 82, generously bequeathed an Award of £5,000. This first year represents a trial of the Award which we hope will continue each year at the annual exhibition of the Pastel Society, Mall Galleries. The Award named the Alfred Teddy Smith and Zsuzsi Roboz Award has been designated in Trust to recognise Zsuzsi’s enormous contribution to draughtsmanship.

Zsuzsi Roboz PS Self Portrait

Zsuzsi Roboz was a distinguished member of the Pastel Society with a gift for portraiture. Although she never regarded herself as being primarily a portrait painter, posterity will undoubtedly be grateful to her for her interest in portraying leading creative personalities of her time. These included figures from the worlds of dance, theatre, literature and music.

The Award will be presented to a young artist, under the age of 35 years, for their traditional skills used in an original way, at the Opening of the 116th Annual exhibition by John Russell Taylor, critic and author. The judges (appointed by Trustees of the Zsuzsi Roboz Trust) have been encouraged to award the Prize to the artist, submitting through the open entry to the Pastel Society annual exhibition, who demonstrates a particular excellence in draughtsmanship. The Pastel Society is proud to be associated with this lasting legacy that will bear her name.


The Pastel Society 2015

The Pastel Society Award for Non-Members

1st Prize Jaana Fowler Late Night Still Life Oil pastel on collage 54 x 43 cm ÂŁ650 8

The Pastel Society 2015

2nd Prize Amanda Palmer Ascension Graphite & carbon pencil 60 x 77 cm ÂŁ1,500


The Pastel Society 2015

Brian Plummer PS: Cover Artist These physical characteristics of the subject are referred to in the building of a low level construction on the panel I am to work on. My recent work made from studies in Japan show this very clearly. Until relatively recently I had not considered working in pastel. I have always worked in acrylic or watercolour. A member of the Pastel Society saw my drawing in an exhibition at the Royal Academy Summer Show and encouraged me to submit to the society. I continued to submit and eventually became a member. I was now surrounded by so many keen pastel painters that I felt I should investigate the medium. Pastel is now one of my ongoing interests.” Brian’s piece Red Gateway, Japanese Gdn, Kyoto is this catalogue’s cover image. “I was born in London, lived my childhood and spent my studentship there. Towards the end of my studies at the Royal Academy Schools, I decided to move away from the influences of urban landscape. This conscious decision took me to the landscape of the Pennines into the Three Peaks area of the Yorkshire Dales which is enclosed by the hills and dales of Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. The area exposes the underlying geological structures on which much of my work has been based. The prehistoric standing structures of the landscape of Cumbria have also been an important element in the development of my work. I begin the investigation of a subject by a series of drawings and colour studies which are made on the spot. In addition my observation of the components of what I am investigating are a major important consideration. 10

Brian Plummer PS Across the Landscape, Yorkshire Dales Pencil on cartridge

The Pastel Society 2015

Angela A’Court Five Things You Should Know Pastel, 29 x 47 cm £800 Glenys Ambrus Clare with Rose Pastel, 71.5 x 54 cm £1,250

Victor Ambrus Kathy - Country Girl Pastel & conté, 64 x 85 cm £2,500

Bess Avery Gulls at Leigh Pastel, 34 x 27 cm £850 11

The Pastel Society 2015

Caroline Bays Nude Portrait Pastel, 49 x 49 cm £650

Jason Bowyer Camp Bastion, Shade Pastel, ink & collage, 84 x 64 cm £1,750 12

Sarah Bee Warm Haze at Haytor Quarry Pastel, 80 x 80 cm £1,500

Patricia Cain Spring at Milnton Mixed media, 70 x 88 cm £1,650

The Pastel Society 2015

James Crittenden Landscape Axarquia Pastel, 72 x 97 cm £3,700

Pauline Clough Work of Sight is Done, Work of Soul Begin Pastel, 34 x 44 cm £850

Cheryl Culver Reflections Pastel 84 x 84 cm £1,700

Roger Dellar Sun Breaking Through Pastel, 98 x 123 cm £2,500 13

The Pastel Society 2015

Matthew Draper Sublime Adventure Pastel, 107 x 183 cm £10,500

Brian Dunce ‘Galloper Shadows’ Carrousel La Belle Epoque Isle d’Oléron Oil pastel, 94 x 87 cm £3,000

Anthony Eyton Evening Promenade, Rio Pastel, 48 x 128 cm £5,000

Sheila Goodman Down to the Cobb, Lyme Pastel, 56 x 56 cm £575 14

The Pastel Society 2015

Jeannette Hayes Pastourel Pastel, 81 x 113 cm £2,800

Jenny Halstead Half-Term Holiday Pastel, 70 x 68 cm £825

Felicity House Kitchen Herb Garden Pastel, 68 x 66 cm £950

Moira Huntly Harlech Castle Pastel, 85 x 70 cm £2,250 15

The Pastel Society 2015

Jill Jeffrey Pembrokeshire Harvest Pastel, 67 x 52 cm £850 Bob Last Blue Harmony Pastel, 72 x 66 cm £940

Richard Marshall Springtime Pastel, 62 x 71 cm £850 16

Michael Norman Dusk at Turf Locks Soft pastel, 67 x 82 cm £1,600

The Pastel Society 2015

Ken Paine Self-portrait Pastel, 70 x 60 cm £3,000

Alexander Prowse View from White Horse, Westbury Oil pastel, 97 x 97 cm £1,800

Brian Plummer Red Gateway, Japanese Gdn, Kyoto Pencil on cartridge 63 x 63 cm £1,200

Susan Relph Antonia - Cap Reversal Pastel, 84 x 62 cm £890 17

The Pastel Society 2015

Keith Roper Fen Copse Pastel, 76.5 x 66 cm £680 Norma Stephenson Ridge Walk on Bowland Fells Pastel, 85 x 85 cm £2,200

John Ivor Stewart Souvenir of a Landscape (IMP, 3) Soft pastel on a 3D construction, 39 x 33 x 29 cm NFS 18

John Tookey Trumpington St, Cambridge Pastel, 51 x 63 cm £750

The Pastel Society 2015

Peter Vincent St Peter-on-the-Wall Pastel, 80 x 80 cm £950

Robin Warnes Red Table Pastel, 56 x 60 cm £1,650

Tom Walker Still Life with Exploding Glass Pastel, 72 x 85 cm £500

Ann Wilkinson Still Life with Flowers Pastel, 74 x 74 cm £850 19

The Pastel Society 2015

Roy Wright Japanese White Pine Charcoal, 95 x 140 cm ÂŁ4,200

Eiko Yoshimoto The Thames - London Pastel, 72 x 94 cm ÂŁ4,950

The works in The Pastel Society Annual Exhibition are all available to buy through the Own Art scheme. Own Art interest free loans make it easy and affordable to buy original, high quality contemporary art and craft. Representative 0% APR Subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Mall Galleries is a licensed broker of Own Art loans. Registered address: Mall Galleries, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5BD


The Pastel Society 2015 Name




1 Angela A’Court PS Bedding Plants Pastel £800 2 Angela A’Court PS First Thing Pastel £800 3 Angela A’Court PS Five Things You Should Know Pastel £800 4 Angela A’Court PS Time with Wilfred Pastel £800 5 Crawfurd Adamson Apart Pastel £3,200 6 Crawfurd Adamson Communication Pastel £2,300 7 Crawfurd Adamson Detached Pastel £2,300 8 Tony Allain Campanille, Venice Soft pastel £500 9 Tony Allain Red Brolly Soft pastel £500 10 Tony Allain Yacht Club Terrace Soft pastel £500 11 Glenys Ambrus PS ARCA Clare with Book Pastel £950 12 Glenys Ambrus PS ARCA Clare with Rose Pastel £1,250 13 Glenys Ambrus PS ARCA Natalie Pastel £1,250 14 Glenys Ambrus PS ARCA Still Life with Garden Flowers Pastel £1,200 15 Glenys Ambrus PS ARCA Still Life with Tea Kettle Pastel £1,200 16 Victor Ambrus PS ARCA RE Chef with Pheasant Pastel & conté £2,500 17 Victor Ambrus PS ARCA RE Girl from South Sea Islands Pastel & conté £2,500 18 Victor Ambrus PS ARCA RE Kathy - Country Girl Pastel & conté £2,500 19 Victor Ambrus PS ARCA RE Kindi Pastel & conté £2,000 20 Victor Ambrus PS ARCA RE Victoria Pastel & conté £950 21 Freda Anderson Protea Charcoal £400 22 Bess Avery PS Blue Garden Pastel £850 23 Bess Avery PS Fruit and Flowers Pastel £850 24 Bess Avery PS Garden 3 Pastel £850 25 Bess Avery PS Gulls at Leigh Pastel £850 26 Bess Avery PS Study of Daffodils Pencil £350 27 Max Baccanello Deadly Sin Pastel & conté £4,000 28 Janine Baldwin Frozen Pastel, charcoal & graphite £525 29 Janine Baldwin January Pastel £525 30 Liz Balkwill Bramely & Blackberries Pastel £595 31 Liz Balkwill Dutch Bowl & Lemons Pastel £595 32 Liz Balkwill Sunflowers Pastel £725 33 Liz Balkwill Teapot & Fortune Cookies Pastel £575 34 Carmel Bassan Nunhead Green Conté £750 35 Caroline Bays PS Nude Portrait Pastel £650 36 Caroline Bays PS Nude with Red Hair Charcoal & pastel £850 37 Caroline Bays PS Rock Star Charcoal £850 38 Sarah Bee PS Autumn in Cornworthy Pastel £975 39 Sarah Bee PS Gorse at Rushmore Pastel £975 40 Sarah Bee PS Jewel in the Woods Pastel £1,500 41 Sarah Bee PS Tree Trunks by The Dart Pastel £1,500 42 Sarah Bee PS Warm Haze at Haytor Quarry Pastel £1,500


The Pastel Society 2015 Name 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84





David Beech Dragonfly and Swallow Pastel £450 Diane Bellamy Messy Drawer Pencil £900 Diane Bellamy Reinforcements Pencil & Letraset £800 Victoria Blak For Me Only Pastel £8,000 Victoria Blak Quantum Dot Pastel £8,000 Victoria Blak Wrong Theory Pastel £5,000 Jason Bowyer PS PPNEAC RP Camp Bastion, Glow Pastel, ink & collage £1,750 Jason Bowyer PS PPNEAC RP Camp Bastion, Shade Pastel, ink & collage £1,750 David Brammeld RBA Looking Up Graphite £1,050 David Brammeld RBA Summer’s Coming Graphite £1,050 Chris Burdett Gathering It In Pastel £500 Patricia Cain PS NEAC Milnton Garden II Mixed media £1,695 Patricia Cain PS NEAC Spring at Milnton Mixed media £1,650 Mark Cazalet Winter Whiteness 1, Bethany Pastel £900 Mark Cazalet Winter Whiteness 2, Bethany Pastel £850 Qiaoxi Chen The Bird Charcoal £500 Mike Clapton Take Care Compressed charcoals £2,800 Jack Clare Fond Memories Charcoal £575 Peter Clayton Ilfracombe Beauties Pastel £450 Peter Clayton Netted Pastel £450 Patricia Clements French Tablecloth Pastel £1,200 Pauline Clough Hon Rtd PS Work of Sight is Done, Work of Soul Begin Pastel £850 Tom Coates Hon PS PPNEAC PPRBA RP Egyptian Dancer Pencil & chalk £650 Tom Coates Hon PS PPNEAC PPRBA RP Flamenco Pastel £1,800 Tom Coates Hon PS PPNEAC PPRBA RP Flamenco Dancers Pastel £1,800 Melodie Cook Nancy Trotter Landry and Bobby Pastel & Conté a Paris £2,000 Louisa Crispin Lichen on Birch V Graphite £750 James Crittenden Sen PS Landscape Axarquia Pastel £3,700 Cheryl Culver PPS RBA Last Light Pastel £1,800 Cheryl Culver PPS RBA Reflections Pastel £1,700 Cheryl Culver PPS RBA Stone Walls in the Valley Pastel £1,800 Cheryl Culver PPS RBA Wild Foxgloves in the Wood Pastel £1,700 Cheryl Culver PPS RBA Winter Birches Pastel £650 Merrie Curtiss-Fuller Asleep (Dad Age 85) Charcoal £580 Stewart Dakers Fair Game Pastel £400 Joseph Davey Tom Reading Charcoal £1,000 Roger Dellar PS RI ROI Pathway through the Wood Pastel £800 Roger Dellar PS RI ROI Snow in the Wood Pastel £1,200 Roger Dellar PS RI ROI Sun Breaking Through Pastel £2,500 Roger Dellar PS RI ROI The Allotment in Winter Pastel £1,100 Roger Dellar PS RI ROI Winter in the Wood Pastel £1,800 Louise Diggle Prayag Ghat, Varanasi Pastel £420

The Pastel Society 2015 Name




85 Louise Diggle Street Food, Varanasi Pastel £420 86 Louise Diggle Washing and Boat, Varanasi Pastel £460 87 Matthew Draper PS Sublime Adventure Pastel £10,500 88 Nick Dudding Sapeur (1) Pastel £4,250 89 Nick Dudding Sapeur (3) Pastel £4,250 90 Brian Dunce PS ‘Galloper Shadows’ Carrousel La Belle Epoque Isle d’Oléron Oil pastel £3,000 91 Robert Dutton Winter Trees and Pennine Snow Pastel, charcoal & ink £595 92 Anthony Eyton Hon PS RA ROI Eden Project Pastel £3,000 93 Anthony Eyton Hon PS RA ROI Evening Promenade, Rio Pastel £5,000 94 Howard Flanagan Colmers Hill Pastel £795 95 Jaana Fowler Late Night Still Life Oil pastel on collage £650 96 Barry Freeman Dusk - Spa Hill Oil pastel £2,100 97 Julia Gardner Later On That Night Chalk pastel £350 98 Sara Gasiorek Lemons on a Table Pastel £800 99 Sheila Goodman PS SWA Down to the Cobb, Lyme Pastel £575 100 Sheila Goodman PS SWA Dune Shadows Pastel £785 101 Sheila Goodman PS SWA Late Sail off Brownsea Pastel £475 102 Sheila Goodman PS SWA Studland Reeds Pastel £475 103 Sheila Goodman PS SWA Windsurfing, Poole Harbour Pastel £375 104 Martin Goold Gothic Pastel £750 105 Martin Goold Quai Pastel £750 106 Julie Graves Entanglement Oil pastel £3,500 107 Christopher Gray Self-portrait Pastel £700 108 Jenny Halstead PS Half-Term Holiday Pastel £825 109 Jenny Halstead PS In and Out Pastel £825 110 Jenny Halstead PS Life is Just Pastel £475 111 Jenny Halstead PS On Margate Sands Pastel £825 112 Jenny Halstead PS Underneath the Arches Pastel £825 113 Maxine Hart Panto-Time Pastel £450 114 Jeannette Hayes VPPS On Reflection Pastel £950 115 Jeannette Hayes VPPS Pastourel Pastel £2,800 116 Jeannette Hayes VPPS Pink Hills Pastel £650 117 Jeannette Hayes VPPS Pink Tree Pastel £1,200 118 Jeannette Hayes VPPS Red Olive Tree Pastel £1,800 119 Simon Hodges Rain Approaching Barmouth, North Wales Pastel £895 120 Benjamin Hope Self-portrait Pastel £500 121 Felicity House PS Chapelier Modiste Pastel £590 122 Felicity House PS Kitchen Herb Garden Pastel £950 123 Felicity House PS Oxfords The Bakers Pastel £850 124 Felicity House PS Picnic from the Deli Montebello Pastel £650 125 Felicity House PS Two Rooms Pastel £950 126 Moira Huntly PPPS RI RSMA RWA Clwyd Landscape North Wales Pastel £925


The Pastel Society 2015 Name 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168





Moira Huntly PPPS RI RSMA RWA End of the Row Tan-Y-Grisiau Pastel £850 Moira Huntly PPPS RI RSMA RWA Harlech Castle Pastel £2,250 Moira Huntly PPPS RI RSMA RWA Hill Village, South Wales Pastel £995 Moira Huntly PPPS RI RSMA RWA Rapeseed Fields Worcestershire Pastel £995 Jill Jeffrey PS Hang Over Pastel £500 Jill Jeffrey PS Path to the Barn Pastel £500 Jill Jeffrey PS Pembrokeshire Harvest Pastel £850 Jill Jeffrey PS Welsh Summer Hills Pastel £800 Jill Jeffrey PS Westerly Hawthorns Pastel £800 Abel Kesteven Jam Night (Windsor Castle Pub) Pastel & charcoal £750 Abel Kesteven Sax Solo Pastel & charcoal £575 Christopher Knox Dunstanburgh Castle Graphite £950 Bob Last PS MSIAD Blue Harmony Pastel £940 Bob Last PS MSIAD Fallen Segment Pastel £940 Bob Last PS MSIAD Landscape in Relief Pastel £1,800 Bob Last PS MSIAD Orange Structure Pastel £1,700 Bob Last PS MSIAD Organic Forms Pastel £840 Joanne Last Almost There Pastel £890 Joanne Last Summer Walk Pastel £890 Andrew Leatherbarrow Bloom Oil pastel £699 Andrew Leatherbarrow Swirl Oil pastel £699 Kevin Line RBSA Horsework Charcoal £2,800 Kevin Line RBSA Workhorse Charcoal £2,800 Nicky Litchfield Bull Charcoal £895 Nicky Litchfield Sleepy Head Charcoal £895 Rebecca Lloyd Was That Thunder? Pastel £1,350 Ronald Maddox Hon PS Hon RBA Hon PRI Hon RWS Buoys, Kings Lynn Pastel & pencil £800 Richard Marshall Sen PS Springtime Pastel £850 Jan Munro Red Chair and Apples Pastel £750 Jan Munro Red Chair and Mushrooms Pastel £750 Jan Munro Red Chair with Salt and Pepper Pots Pastel £750 Elizabeth Nast Norwich Car Park Soft pastel £450 Michael Norman PS Dusk at Turf Locks Soft pastel £1,600 Michael Norman PS Exe Estuary Textures Soft pastel £1,600 Michael Norman PS Lakeside in Autumn Soft pastel £1,600 Michael Norman PS On the Common Soft pastel £1,600 Michael Norman PS The River Otter in Winter Soft pastel £750 Kelvin Okafor Within Plain Sight (Mana III) Pastel £18,000 Simon Page Black Dog Pastel £4,500 Ken Paine PS PVPPSF Self-portrait Pastel £3,000 Ken Paine PS PVPPSF The Joker Pastel £3,000 Amanda Palmer Ascension Graphite & carbon pencil £1,500

The Pastel Society 2015 Name 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210




Annie Phelps George Hogg, Storyteller Pastel £700 Lindy Phillips Puffinthink Pastel £415 Sophie Ploeg Two Cushions Pastel £1,650 Brian Plummer PS Across the Landscape, Yorkshire Dales Pencil on cartridge £800 Brian Plummer PS Dales Landscape, nr Ingleton Pencil on cartridge £800 Brian Plummer PS Garden Fence, Kyoto Pencil on cartridge £700 Brian Plummer PS Green Gateway. Japanese Gdn, Kyoto Pencil on cartridge £1,200 Brian Plummer PS Red Gateway, Japanese Gdn, Kyoto Pencil on cartridge £1,200 Alexander Prowse PS Looking Towards Newtown Oil pastel £1,800 Alexander Prowse PS View from White Horse, Westbury Oil pastel £1,800 Alexander Prowse PS Wellhead Valley Westbury Oil pastel £1,800 Richard Rees Chinon Roofs Oil pastel £850 Richard Rees Erice Roofs Oil pastel £850 Susan Relph PS SGFA Abike Looi-Samoye - First Study Pastel £890 Susan Relph PS SGFA Antonia - Cap Reversal Pastel £890 Susan Relph PS SGFA Brief Life Study Pastel & graphite £490 Susan Relph PS SGFA Life Pose in Winter Pastel & graphite £490 Susan Relph PS SGFA Life Workshop Assessment Pastel £740 James Reynolds March Number 9 (Drawing) Charcoal £650 Deborah Robins Ruby Pastel £350 Keith Roper PS Fen Copse Pastel £680 Keith Roper PS Harvest Fields, Irby Pastel £480 Keith Roper PS Winter Shoreline Saltfleetby Pastel £480 Keith Roper PS Wolds near Brinkhall Pastel £680 Jocelyn Rossiter First Date Oil pastels & gouache £360 Barbara Rousseau Dead Structure Pastel £825 Kalpna Saksena The Mall Pencil £650 Diana Savostaite Agne Pastel charcoal £750 Anna Jung Seo M372 Pencil £700 Halla Shafey Journey Through Egypt Soft pastel £4,000 Helen Simpson Floating Dawn Pastel £950 John Sims Paper Crowns Graphite & oil pastel £900 Jenny Smith Sequoia Charcoal £890 Norma Stephenson PS Autumn on Bowland Hills Pastel £1,450 Norma Stephenson PS Dusk Falls on The Dales Pastel £1,450 Norma Stephenson PS Farms and Barns, Bowland Hills Pastel £1,450 Norma Stephenson PS Field Barn Pastel £700 Norma Stephenson PS Ridge Walk on Bowland Fells Pastel £2,200 John Ivor Stewart PPPS FSBA ‘Queen of the Night’ & Other Tulips Soft pastel £460 John Ivor Stewart PPPS FSBA Souvenir of a Landscape (IMP, 3) Soft pastel on a 3D construction NFS John Ivor Stewart PPPS FSBA The Cane Chair Pastel on cartridge £1,525 Karen Stone Eighteen Pastel & charcoal £750


The Pastel Society 2015 Name 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252





Janette Summerfield Geometry in Nature Pastel £480 Judy Tate Yorkshire Dales Pastel £350 Malcolm Taylor All Stitched Up Pastel £480 Malcolm Taylor Fishing for Compliments Pastel £600 John Tookey PS In the Gallery Pastel £470 John Tookey PS The Thames from Trinity Wharf Pastel £500 John Tookey PS Town Steps, Sheringham Pastel £500 John Tookey PS Trumpington St, Cambridge Pastel £750 John Tookey PS Winter Lothersdale Pastel £800 Richard Turner November Shadows Pastel £700 Richard Turner Seasons Change Pastel £700 Peter Vincent PS Marsh Mellow Pastel £800 Peter Vincent PS Misty Morning - Nymans Pastel £950 Peter Vincent PS Red Sky….. Pastel £800 Peter Vincent PS Shepherds Warning - Nymans Pastel £950 Peter Vincent PS St Peter-on-the-Wall Pastel £950 Alina Antonela Voinov The Sin of Life Pencil £550 Tom Walker PS Hillside Pastel £300 Tom Walker PS Still Life After A Storm Pastel £500 Tom Walker PS Still Life with Bottled Cloud Pastel £500 Tom Walker PS Still Life with Exploding Glass Pastel £500 Tom Walker PS Weighing the Fate Pastel £1,200 Robin Warnes PS Looking Out To Sea Pastel £850 Robin Warnes PS Polystyrene Cup Pastel £650 Robin Warnes PS Red Table Pastel £1,650 Robin Warnes PS Snowbound 2 Pastel £1,850 Robin Warnes PS World in a Box Pastel £1,550 Christine Watson Purple Shutter Pastel £350 Stephen Whatcott A Roar and Then Silence Pastel & acrylic £1,345 Ann Wilkinson PS RBSA Red Apples on a White Cloth Pastel £600 Ann Wilkinson PS RBSA Still Life with Flowers Pastel £850 Ann Wilkinson PS RBSA Still Life with Pears 1 Pastel £850 Ann Wilkinson PS RBSA Still Life with Pears 2 Pastel £850 Ann Wilkinson PS RBSA Still Life with Vegetables Pastel £850 Antony Williams PS NEAC RP Study for Antonia Looking Up Pencil £2,500 Roy Wright PS After the Blizzard IV Charcoal £1,500 Roy Wright PS In September… Charcoal £3,500 Roy Wright PS Japanese White Pine Charcoal £4,200 Roy Wright PS Towards Central Park, New York Charcoal £2,500 Eiko Yoshimoto PS Ballerinas in Orange Pastel £2,850 Eiko Yoshimoto PS The Thames - London Pastel £4,950 Eiko Yoshimoto PS Water Bearer Dancers Pastel £1,850

The Pastel Society 2015

Members of The Pastel Society Honorary Members

ARMFIELD, Diana, Hon NEAC RA RWS, 10 High Park Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4BH COATES, Tom, PPNEAC PPRBA RP PPRWS, Bladon Studios, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Nr. Andover, Hampshire SP11 0AH DRAPER, Kenneth, RA, Carrer Gran 55a, Es Castell, Menorca, Spain 7720 DUNSTAN, Bernard, NEAC RA, 10 High Park Road, Kew Gardens, Surrey TW9 4BH EYTON, Anthony, RA Hon ROI, 166 Brixton Road, London SW9 6AU HEMINGWAY, Andrew, The Old School House, 15 Radcliffe Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 9AF MADDOX, Ronald, FCSD Hon RBA PRI Hon RWS, Herons, 21 New Road, Digswell, Welwyn, Hertfordshire AL6 0AQ PACKER, William, NEAC Hon RBA, 60 Trinity Gardens, London SW9 8DR PARRY, Leigh, MA RBA, 6 Wharf Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2DU PHILLIPS, Tom, CBE RA Hon RP, 57 Talfourd Road, London SE15 5NN REGO, Dame Paula, Marlborough Fine Arts, 6 Albemarle St. London W1X 4BY

Honorary Retired Members

CLOUGH, Pauline, ‘Sundown’, 103 Allington Road, Newick, Lewes, Sussex BN8 4NH STEWART, Barbara, RBSA RWA, 29 Meadowcourt Road, Oadby, Leicestershire LE2 2PD

Senior Members

CRITTENDEN, James, 100 Alliance Road, London SE18 2AY DUNCE, Brian, The Studios, Wonersh Court, The Street, Wonersh, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0PG ELLIOTT, Walter A, Sollake, 2 Warfield Villas, Highfield Road, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 9NZ MARSHALL, Richard, 17 Harsfold Close, Rustington, Sussex BN16 2QQ RICHARDSON, Robert, 8 Cranford Road, Flixton, Manchester M41 8PR SPENCER, Claire, RBSA, 10 Sandbourne Drive, Bewdley, Worcestershire DY12 1BN


A’COURT, Angela, 134 East 92nd Street, New York, USA 10128 AMBRUS, Glenys, ARCA 52 Crooksbury Road, Farnham, Surrey GU10 1QB AMBRUS, Victor, ARCA FRSA RE, 52 Crooksbury Road, Farnham, Surrey GU10 1QB ARNOLD, June, 24 Old Manor Close, Holne Cross, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7JF AVERY, Bess, 47 Long Riding, Basildon, Essex SS14 1JY BAYS, Caroline, The Cottage, 8e Windsor Street, Chertsey KT16 8AS BEE, Sarah, 22 Brooklands, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5AR BOWYER, Jason, PPNEAC RP, Studio 7, London Water and Steam Museum, Brentford TW8 0EN BROWN, Peter, NEAC Hon RBA ROI RP, 52 Combe Park, Bath BA1 3NH CAIN, Patricia, NEAC, Milnton of Tyrone, Thornhill, Dumfries & Galloway DG3 4JY CULVER, Cheryl, RBA, 9 Stone Cross Lees, Sandwich, Kent CT13 0BZ

DAKAKNI, Susan, Carmel Cottage, 33 Church Street, Steyning, West Sussex BN44 3YB DELLAR, Roger, RI ROI, Nutcombe Hill Cottage, Hindhead Road, Hindhead, Surrey GU26 6AZ DRAPER, Matthew, 15/5 Chancelot Terrace, Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 4SS GILKES, Averil, Maggie Tosh, Bendarroch Road, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, Exeter EX11 1JX GLASS, Margaret, Hill Cottage, Needham Road, Barking, Suffolk IP6 8HP GOODMAN, Sheila, SWA, Chapel House, Kingston, Ringwood, Hants BH24 3BJ GRIDNEV, Valeriy, ROI RP, 88 Drapers Court, 59 Lurline Gardens, London SW11 4DF HALSTEAD, Jenny, FMAA, 85 Christchurch Road, Reading RG2 7BD HAYES, Jeannette, Southcot, Little Coxwell, Faringdon, Oxon SN7 7LW HOFFMANN-GÜTH, Willi, Roentgenstrasse 17, D - 66123, Saarbrueken 3, Germany HOUSE, Felicity, 22 Saxonhurst Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH10 6JH HUNTLY, Moira, RI RSMA RWA, ‘Alpha’, Collin Close, Willersey, Broadway, Worcestershire WR12 7PP JANUARY, Libby, Hazebrook, The Pound, Harbury, Warwickshire CV33 9HH JEFFREY, Jill, The Hayloft, Crockwell Street, Long Compton, Warwickshire CV36 5JN LAST, Bob, MSIAD, 27 Tate Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 2SY LEE, Geoffrey, 8 Blue Granite Park, The Green, Mountsorrel, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 7AG LONGUEVILLE, James, The Studio, Shocklach, Malpas, Cheshire SY14 7BW NORMAN, Michael, 1 Claredale Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 2EE PAINE, Ken, 8 Spring Gardens, West Molesey, Surrey KT8 2JA PLUMMER, Brian, 89 Palmerston Road, Bowes Park, London N22 8QS PROWSE, Alexander, The Garret, 25 Bitham Mill Court Yard, Alfred Street, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3DB RELPH, Susan, ASGFA, Curlhawes, Village Road, Thorpe, Surrey TW20 8UF ROPER, Keith, 10 Heath Close, Welton, Lincoln LN2 3JY ROWBOTHAM, Mark, St. Michael’s House, Dell Close, Mickleham, Nr Dorking, Surrey RH5 6EE SMITH, Norman, Field House, Childrey, Wantage, Oxon OX12 9UT STEPHENSON, Norma, Jack Beck House, Keasden, Clapham, via Lancaster LA2 8EY STEWART, John Ivor, ADAE FSBA, Wootton, Sandheath Road, Beacon Hill, Hindhead, Surrey GU26 6RU TOOKEY, John, 46 Ross Close, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4AY VINCENT, Peter, 28 The Green, Newick, East Sussex BN8 4LB WALKER, Tom, Ferndale, Cooksbridge, Lewes, East Sussex BN8 4SL WARNES, Robin, 77 Rosehill Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 8ET WILKINSON, Ann, 1 Knighton Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6EH WILLIAMS, Antony, NEAC, RP, The Cottage, 8e Windsor Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AS WRIGHT, Roy, 4 Rosemont Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6QL YOSHIMOTO, Eiko, SPF, SWA, Hermitage Lodge, The Hermitage, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6SH


The Pastel Society 2015

Become a Friend of The Pastel Society As a Friend you help support the Society in its remit to encourage and promote the pastel medium within the contemporary art world. Join as a Friend of The Pastel Society and receive the following benefits: • • • • • • • •

FREE admission and catalogue to The Pastel Society Annual Exhibition You will receive The Pastel Society Newsletter The chance to participate in some workshops at a reduced rate FREE workshops for Life Members Priority booking on all workshops Social Events with Friends and fellow artists A chance to meet and work with Members of the Pastel Society One Friend chosen by random selection will receive a painting donated by a member of the Society.

Annual Subscription £30 Joint Annual Membership £45 Life Member £1,000 Registered charity No. 296479

Enrolment Form Application forms can be downloaded from the Pastel Society website Payment can be made by cheque, Standing Order or by BACs. Or complete this form and return it to: Ann Wilkinson PS, 1 Knighton Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6EH Please enrol me as a Friend of the PS. I enclose my subscription of £30 / £45 / £1,000 (delete as required). (Cheques should be made payable to The Pastel Society) Name .......................................................................................... (in block letters) and title, if any Address ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... Signature ........................................................ Email .................................................................................. Date ........................... 28

The Pastel Society 2015

Friends of The Pastel Society Janet Addison James Anderson Tessa Armstrong Derek Michael Arnold Elizabeth J Astill Vicky Barrett-Webb Ron Best Antonia Black Jennifer Bush Jean Campbell Elizabeth Carey Janice Carrera Gillian Chapman Norma Cherrington Margaret Clayton Jack Clewer Sylvia Clewer S A Clowes Janet Clucas Robert P Cohan Anne Cole Diane Complin Christopher Cox Robin Crouch Melvyn Curtis Vera Curtis Annette Dall’Oglio Bob Davis Lyn Dellar Eileen Dimmock Gini Drake Andrew F Duckering Graham Dunthorne Jane Duppa-Miller David J England Peter Evans Joan Finch Colette Fowler-Marson

Michael Frost Lynne Frost Vikky Furse Susan Goddard Ken Gofton Margaret Griffiths Wendy H. Marjorie Hart Colin Hayes Kim Hendry Sylvia Hopkinson Ann Horne Ruth Howard Rosemary James Mary Janaway Elizabeth Le Fanu Gina Lee Stephen Legate Nicky Litchfield Catherine Anne Lockwood Ronald Lucking Vivian Manthel-French Martin Matthews Gillian McCallum Lynne McCartney Carole Anne Moore Ann Morton-George Colin & Betty Murfit Walter Nicholls Linda Nicholls Vivien O’Donnell Marilyn Ogden Rosemary Palmer Colin Pendry Linda Pescod Tatyana Petrenko Valerie Jean Pettifer Christopher Prentis

Susan Rayward Jean Reddaway Alec Reed CBE Norman Robertson Barbara Rousseau Diana FE Routh Ian Royle Ernst Rupprecht Lesley Sangster Eileen Sellers Doreen Seward Jean Simonson Susan Skinner Tomoko Smith Clifford/Lynda Smith Susan Smith Serena Stevens

Pam Stevens Sonia Taylor Margaret Tobey Kirsten Tofte Jensen John Tomczynski Corinne Tournay Paulene Tunnicliffe Carole Verstringhe Ursula Newell Walker Trudi Warner Eileen Watson Clare Weatherill Ruth Weeden John Whistance Anil Wijetunge Ingrid Wilkins Malcolm S Williams

Artists’ General Benevolent Institution Patron HRH The Prince of Wales President Christopher Le Brun PRA For over 200 years the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution has provided assistance to professional artists and their dependants in times of need. Funds are urgently needed for the continuation of this work. Please send subscriptions of any amount to the Steward for the Pastel Society: Jeannette Hayes VPPS Southcot, Little Coxwell, Faringdon, Oxon SN7 7LW Office of the Institution: Burlington House, Piccadilly WIJ 0BB Telephone 020 7734 1193 Registered Charity No. 212667


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PEARL MEDIUMS new PanPastel Pearlescent Colors & Mediums. Introducing Introducing new PanPastel new PanPastel Pearlescent Pearlescent Colours Colours & Mediums. & Mediums.

ediums have all the properties of the original 80 colors, which means they are: These new colours These&new mediums colourshave & mediums all the properties have all the of properties the originalof80thecolours, originalwhich 80 colours, meanswhich they are: means they are: ble - mix like paint with original PanPastel colors for an infinite palette of pearlescent l Super-blendable l Super-blendable - mix like paint- with mix like original paintPanPastel witheffects. original colours PanPastel for an infinite colours palette for an infinite of pearlescent palette ofeffects. pearlescent effects. nted - for rich pure colors. l Highly Pigmented l Highly-Pigmented for rich pure -colours. for rich pure colours. on almost any surface, great for mixedlmedia. Versatile -luseVersatile on almost- use anyon surface, almostgreat any surface, for mixedgreat media. for mixed media. Order Now or- nowater l preparation eparation or drying time required - nolsolvents water needed. Instantor- no Instant - noorpreparation drying timeorrequired drying time - no solvents required solvents needed. or water needed. ~eraser.with any eraser. Erasable -lvery Erasable forgiving- very - correct forgiving / remove - correct with/any remove y forgiving - correct / remove with anyleraser. l Low Dust l - “no Low mess” Dust alternative - “no mess” to pastel alternative sticksto&pastel powders. sticksCleaner, & powders. less waste. Cleaner, less waste. Stock Available mess” alternative to pastel sticks & powders. Cleaner, less waste.


1stcolours 2014 PanPastel Pearlescent PanPastelColours Pearlescent are rich Colours lustrous are colours richJuly lustrous which can bewhich mixed can withbeeach mixed other withandeach alsoother withand the also with the original PanPastel original Colours. PanPastel They create Colours. beautiful They create shimmer beautiful without shimmer appearing without glittery. appearing glittery.

PanPastel Pearl Mediums are the world’s first true pastel (dry color) mediums. Create a variety of effects from a soft pearl sheen (fine) COLORLESS BLENDERMEDIUMS METALLICS METALLICS PEARLESCENTS PEARLESCENTS MEDIUMS to a shimmering sparkle (coarse). Use the white mediums to tint colors and the black mediums to create darks and shades for rich, jewel-like effects.

PANPASTEL PEARL MEDIUMS: 910.5 Light Gold 910.5 Light Gold 920.5 Silver 920.5 Silver Apply Pastel Like Paint. 951.5INTRODUCING Pearlescent 951.5Yellow Pearlescent Yellow 20014 Pearl Medium 20014-Pearl BlackMedium COARSE - 20012 Black COARSE 956.5 Pearlescent 956.5Green Pearlescent Green Pearl Medium 20012-Pearl White Medium COARSEColor - White COARSE PanPastel Pearl Mediums are the world’s first true pastel (dry colour) mediums. PanPastel Pearl Mediums alter how colours work, extending 911.5 Rich Gold 911.5 Rich Gold 921.5 Pewter 921.5 Pewter Pearlescent 952.5Orange Pearlescent Orange 955.5 Pearlescent 955.5Blue Pearlescent Blue 20013 Pearlmediums Medium 20013-Pearl Blackcan Medium FINE 20011 - BlackPearl FINEMedium 20011-Pearl WhiteMedium FINE - White FINE the952.5 techniques and finished effects that are possible. The be mixed with PanPastel Colours for custom Pearlescent colours or used The first colorless blender for soft pastels. with Pastel sticks and other mixed media. Blend with PanPastel Colors to create a variety of transparent 930.5 Bronze 930.5 Bronze 931.5 Copper 931.5 Copper Pearlescent 953.5Red Pearlescent Red 20010edges. Colourless 20010 Blender Colourless Pearlescent Violet Pearlescent Violet effects.954.5 Also great for954.5 softening and–blending With953.5 all be the characteristics of PanPastel Colours mixable, erasable, low Blender strous colors which can The new pearlescent colors & mediums join our recently he original PanPastel Colors. dust, lightfast and professional artist’s quality, they open up a whole launched metallic colors - making the perfect combination out appearing glittery. new world of creative possibilities. for creating a wide variety of beautiful & lustrous effects.



Pearlescent Green

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