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19TH MARCH 2017

AN INTRODUC TORY MESSAGE Venerable Hedley Ringrose

As you know, Bishop Mike and Archdeacon Christine have asked me to exercise a ministry of oversight during the current period of the life of the Abbey benefice. I thought that it would be helpful firstly to share a little more background about myself, secondly to outline briefly what we have been doing since this announcement was made and finally to identify a few points of encouragement as we move forward together in worship, ministry and outreach in these communities. As you have been informed, my last full-time appointment was as Archdeacon of Cheltenham and prior to that I was Vicar of Cirencester. I was ordained in Bristol, moved on to Bracknell, Berkshire, in the Diocese of Oxford and then to a parish in the City of Gloucester where I was also later Area Dean. After retiring to Calne at the end of 2009 I was asked to help as Acting Archdeacon of Malmesbury,

during which time I represented Bishop Mike when Revd Mandy Churcher was appointed here. A short time later the Bishop of Oxford asked me to assist in a similar way while a review of archdeaconries in that large diocese was undertaken, and this resulted in me being Acting Archdeacon of Oxford and then of Dorchester over a period of almost three years. This means that unusually, I have not only served as an archdeacon in each of the dioceses in which I have been a parish priest, but also I have retired three times! My wife Rosemary, who also answers to Rosie, is a retired teacher and we have three grown up children as well as grandchildren. We look forward to meeting those of you who attend the 10.30am service in the Abbey this Sunday and others of you in due course. Your Area Dean, the Revd Christopher Bryan, and I know each other from his

time as Vicar of Lechlade. This is helpful as we work together in supporting your clergy, authorized ministers and, indeed, as far as possible, all of you during this period. Christopher is preaching at the 4pm service this Sunday. So far, we’ve met with as many of the licensed clergy, lay ministers and churchwardens who have been able to attend, first to get to know one another and secondly to make plans for the immediate future. In addition we have a meeting planned with the retired clergy and lay ministers with Permission to Officiate who have been helping out in the past and whom we hope will continue to do so. There will be no great changes but there’s still more planning to do, so please continue to pray for the continuing life and ministry, of which everyone here is a part. I should also add that my role is not to be either a replacement or an interim Vicar, so I will not be directly involved in the day to day life here or joining you for worship most weeks, but I am here to express the Bishop’s and Archdeacon’s concern and support for you all during this unusual period. Looking back, we give thanks for all that has been achieved here in the past, including, as you did last week, during Canon Neill Archer’s ministry. Looking (continued on back inside cover)

ABBEY DIARY THIS SUNDAY: March 19th 9am BCP Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 4pm Informal Worship & Junior Church THIS WEEK EACH DAY 9am Morning Prayer MON 20th 10am Little Stars WED 22nd 10.30am Communion THUR 23rd Abbey Bookshop & Café closed all day due to Abbey organ tune. 7pm Choir Practice th FRI 24 9.30am Preparation of Mothering Sunday posies 3pm Funeral of the late Brenda White SAT 25th 9.30am Refresh! Breakfast NEXT SUNDAY: March 26th 9am BCP Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 4pm All-Age Communion ADVANCE DIARY 3-5 April Labyrinth 10 April Phantom of the Opera with Anthony Hammond (organ) 11 April Prayer Afternoon (2pm) with Glory! at 7.30pm 12 April Illusionist 7.30pm


JOHN 4:5-42

Additional Reading: Romans 5:1-11

5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 6

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9

Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10

For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11

Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation

DISCIPLESHIP 1. Take five minutes to read the passage quietly. 2. Using a commentary, look up why ‘Jews do not associate with Samaritans’ (v9). 3. Why was this woman there in the middle of the day, alone? 4. Jesus seemed to indicate that this woman was ‘thirsty’ (v13). Do you think that she was trying to quench that thirst in unhelpful ways? Do we? 5. What is Jesus saying in verse 21? 6. How is this passage a good example of Jesus being full of ‘grace and truth’ (John 1:14)? 7. If you feel able, confess something that you are struggling with (James 5:16), and pray that Jesus might quench every thirst in you. .

D A I LY R E A D I N G S Monday Psalm 89:26-36 2 Samuel 7:4-16 Matthew 1:18-end Tuesday Psalm 9 Jeremiah 11:18 – 12:6 John 7:53 – 8:11 Wednesday Psalm 38 Jeremiah 13:1-11 John 8:12-30 Thursday Psalm 56 Jeremiah 14 John 8:31-47 Friday Psalm 22 Jeremiah 15:10-end John 8:48-end

REGULAR GIVING If you would like to give regularly to the mission and ministry of the Abbey as part of your discipleship, please e-mail alan@malmesburyabbey.com. m



Neill would like to thank everyone for their love and support in his last few weeks as vicar of the Abbey, particularly at his final services last Sunday and the celebration at The Old Bell in the evening. He has been overwhelmed by cards, gifts, messages and affection and is immensely grateful for all of them and the very generous congregational gift. Morecambe & Wise are still singing.

The next Refresh event will be a Breakfast at Malmesbury Abbey next Saturday 25th March at 9.30am. We will be serving bacon rolls, pastries, fruit, yoghurts and, of course, teas and coffees. There is a cost of £6. This year we are looking at Jesus’ miracles and at the Breakfast Adele Carnegie will be giving a talk - “The Miraculous Meal” from Mark 6: 35-44. We can cater for 30 people so it is important to book your place with Sandie 01666 826 666 or office@malmesburyabbey.com.



The funeral of our sister Brenda White, who passed away peacefully last Sunday 12th March in Hill House, will take place in the Abbey on Friday 24th March at 3pm. All are welcome to attend and celebrate her life. Please keep Brenda’s family and friends in your prayers at this sad time.

We will be celebrating Mothering Sunday in the Abbey by giving a small posy of flowers to each lady in the congregations. If you would like to help on the team preparing the posies please come to the Abbey on Friday 24th March at 9.30am. Likewise if you might be able to donate small flowers and/or greenery, it would be very much appreciated. Please contact Linda Sullivan (822281) or Jill Johnston if you need more information or to let them know that you can help.


NOTICEBOARD AN INTRODUC TORY MESSAGE cont’d./ forward, we must all work together to build on these foundations as we move into the future in a renewed relationship of trust with one another and with God. We are in Lent. In his recent book “The Way of ChristLikeness” Bishop Michael Perham writes, ‘The principal outcome we are

looking for in Lent is growth – growth in faith, growth in discipleship, growth in wisdom, growth in Christ-likeness, growth in love of God and one another, and in a particular sense, of self’. Pray that this may be true of us as we move towards celebrating the transformational experience of the Risen Christ at Easter.

Hedley C HU RC H ELE C TORA L RO LL In preparation of the AGM on Sunday 30th April, the current Church Electoral Roll (our membership list) will be at the back of the Abbey so that you can check that your details are correct. If your details do not appear on the Electoral Roll and you consider Malmesbury Abbey to be your regular place of worship then please complete a cream Application for Enrolement form and leave it in the folder or post to the Parish Office.

I L LU S I O N S I N T H E A B B E Y Steve Price is one of the UK's most established magicians. He is a Gold Star Member of the Inner Magic Circle and has won The Magic Circle's Originality Prize. He is also a Christian and will be using his tricks and illusions to share the Gospel so this is a great event to bring friends along to. Wednesday 12th April, 7:30pm. Bar and Cafe from 7pm. Tickets £5 (£3 for U18s/Students). Purchase from Abbey Bookshop in advance.

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