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21STJUNE 2015

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REACH Vicar’s Blog

Don’t tell anybody that I told you this, but preachers sometimes exaggerate; the odd bit of hyperbole creeps in. Apparently it is harder for a vicar to get to the end of a sermon without exaggerating than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Anyway a couple of Sundays ago I might have suggested that I leapt over two 7ft men at basketball and emerged as some sort of sporting legend in your eyes. Bless you. Well the basketball gods knew my opponents were a little under 7ft and punished me the next day. (Yes, I know they don’t exist – please don’t write in to correct me.) So this puppy of a 25-year-old leapt up and landed on my shoulders. Good news, I may be a lousy slam-dunker but it seems I’m a great landing mat. However for a week my shoulder has objected and reaching out for anything has produced a wince; at best.

I found myself reflecting on the woman who reached out to Jesus to touch him that she might be healed; you can find this in Mark 5. She had real life-diminishing physical issues; she didn’t just need a couple of Ibuprofen like me. And her awkwardness wasn’t mobility, but the social and spiritual exclusion brought about from 12 years of haemorrhaging. She reached out, she touched Jesus from behind, not eye to eye, and she was healed. I feel our primary understanding of God should always be of a merciful God that reaches out to us. I love the LORD’s words through the prophet Jeremiah: ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness.’ (Jer 31:3) God draws us. As St Paul puts it ‘God’s kindness leads (us) to repentance’ (Rom 2:4) Not the other way around.


A B B E Y D I A RY THIS SUNDAY: June 21st 9am BCP Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 4pm Informal Worship & Junior Church

But sometimes, often, we do reach towards God. I really like the boldness of this woman walking through the crowd, the reaching out to touch, and the realisation that simply nobody else is going to do, it must be this man from Nazareth. Her posture proclaimed the gospel. We know what she meant. Next week I go on retreat for a number of days; the Abbey will probably be a little quieter. And as I pack my bags to pray I take a question with me: who’s reaching out here?

THIS WEEK EACH DAY 9am Morning Prayer TUES 23rd 7.30pm Glory! WED 24th 10.30am Communion THUR 25th 10.30am Time for Chat 7pm Choir Practice th FRI 26 10.30am Creative Response th SAT 27 10am The Meeting Place 7.30pm Villages Community Choir NEXT SUNDAY: June 28th 9am BCP Communion 10.30am Holy Communion & Healing Ministry 4pm All-age Communion

ADVANCE June 29th Lifepath project June 30th Lifepath project July 5th Ordination as priest of Revd Linda Sullivan

JOHN 4:19-26 19

‘Sir,’ the woman said, ‘I can see that you are a prophet. 20 Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.’ 21

‘Woman,’ Jesus replied, ‘believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.’ 25

The woman said, ‘I know that Messiah’ (called Christ) ‘is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.’ 26

Then Jesus declared, ‘I, the one speaking to you – I am he.’

Additional Reading: Colossians 3:12-17

DISCIPLESHIP 1. Read John 4:1-26 in order to grasp the context of this account with Jesus and the Samaritan woman. 2. According to that culture, what was shocking about this conversation? What does that say about Jesus and his offer of salvation? 3. Jesus says that from now on, confining worship to any 'mountain' or any sacred place is misplaced worship. Discuss this from a theological perspective sharing other passages of scripture if possible. 4. God is calling us to worship him all the time and not just at one time or place? What 'mountains' have we built that can hinder our 24/7 worship? 5. As Christians, we worship in 'Spirit and in Truth' (v24). Discuss. 6. Jesus effectively makes the claim that God has climbed down the mountain of Jerusalem (out of the Temple) and has entered our day to day lives. How does that make us feel? How can we respond in prayer and in action (note this woman's response)?

D A I LY R E A D I N G S Monday Psalm 71 Ezra 7 Romans 11:25-end Tuesday Psalm 73 Ezra 8:15-end Romans 12:1-8 Wednesday (John the Baptist) Psalm 85:7-end Isaiah 40:1-11 Luke 1:57-66, 80 Thursday Psalm 78:1-39 Ezra 10:1-17 Romans 13:1-7 Friday Psalm 55 Nehemiah 1 Romans 13:8-end

REGULAR GIVING If you would like to give regularly to the mission and ministry of the Abbey as part of your discipleship, please e-mail alan@malmesburyabbey.com. m

SONGS OF PRAISE A final date, we think, for the transmission of Malmesbury Abbey Skate 2015 on Songs of Praise: Sunday 21st June. Apologies for the changing schedule. Also, Phil Williams, director of Christian Surfers & Skaters UK will be preaching at our 4pm service on July 12th. He mentioned that he would be including surfing lessons during the service.

GLORY ! Join us at the Abbey this Tuesday at 7.30pm for our Glory! prayer meeting. A time of extended contemporary worship and a chance to seek God, and be open to the Spirit’s leading us in intercession together. Led by John Monaghan and Mandy Churcher.



Have a look at Holly Bird’s new shelf of contemporary worship at the Abbey Bookshop, featuring many songs sung at our 4pm service. CDs to encourage you in your journey with God including Matt Redman’s ‘Sing Like Never Before’ featuring the hit song 10,000 reasons, and Rend Collective’s ‘The Art Of Celebration’ with our absolute favourite My Lighthouse. Come and have a look and support your local Christian bookshop.

You have probably noticed that the Abbey Café has relocated to the South Aisle and is gradually moving towards a more ‘monastic’ feel with long tables and a new name: The Abbey Kitchen. Opening hours are now Monday to Saturday, 9.30am 3.30pm. Please drop in and support Dan, Holly and the team, and, if possible, we’d love you to give a few hours each week to be a part of an important ministry of hospitality.

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NOTICEBOARD REFRESH The next Refresh is on Tuesday 7th July in the Abbey at 7.30pm. Continuing with our study on the book of Psalms we welcome Kate Dommitt from Christchurch, Clevedon as she talks to us about Forgiveness. The evening will also include a short communion. Soft drinks and nibbles will also be available. If you would like to invite a neighbour, family or friends please take a copy of the Refresh invitation available at the back of the Abbey. For more information please contact Sandie on 01666 82666 or office@malmesburyabbey.com.

CAFÉ SUPERVISOR The Abbey Kitchen is looking to appoint a second half-time CafÊ Supervisor. You will be an energetic, flexible and enthusiastic person with great people skills and totally committed to the Abbey ethos and community. Key to this new role will be managing and supporting volunteers, food preparation to a high standard, stock ordering and a massive smile for our 65,000 visitors. Approximately 21 hours a week, mainly Saturday and afternoons, reporting to the Catering Consultant or Manager. Please e-mail dan@malmesburyabbey.com for an informal conversation or leave your details at the Parish Office.

Enquiries 01666 826666 // Box Office 01666 824339 office@malmesburyabbey.com www.malmesburyabbey.com issuu.com/malmesburyabbey

breathe May 3rd May 10th May 17th May 24th May 31st June 7th June 14th June 21st June 28th

The Spirit & the Word of God (Acts 8:26-40) Receiving the Spirit (Acts 10:44-48) The Spirit & the World (Acts 1:1-11) The Power of the Spirit (Acts 2:1-21) The Community of the Spirit (Acts 2:38-47) The Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-13) The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) Worship in Spirit & in Truth (John 4:19-26) The Work of the Spirit (Acts 13:1-12)

Talks available online shortly.

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