22ND J A NUA RY 2017
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UNIT Y Vicar’s Blog
One of the best moments I ever witnessed in Christian ministry was the decision to run our very first Malmesbury Abbey Skate. After lengthy discussion, the PCC voted by majority to hold MAS 2009, but for some very thoughtful pastoral reasons two people voted against. They then both agreed to roll up their sleeves and serve on the skate team. They wanted the event to work, even though they didn’t want it to happen. We disagreed, but we were united. The first Malmesbury Abbey Skate made a £200 loss. This deficit was covered by our brothers and sisters at St John the Baptist, Brokenborough – not a renowned skating community. MAS 2010 was then proposed and seconded by the two people that voted against it the first time. I was beyond proud of the unity, humility and courage of the church. When I was appointed vicar at the
Abbey in 1938, the profile from the PCC suggested that the Abbey was not yet ready for a female vicar. I noted that, and after a few years here I invited the Revd Patricia Storey to come over from Londonderry to preside at Holy Communion. A number of people were struggling over the ordination of women and talked to me quietly before this. Yet they came to church, and after prayerful thought shared Holy Communion as Pat presided. We disagreed, but we were united and open to revisit how we understood and applied the scriptures. Last Christmas I preached my vicar’s message to about 1,500 people of all generations. As I reflected on the church presenting poorly on who was ‘in’ and who was ‘out’ in God’s Kingdom, one sentence received the most comment: ‘we are still hopelessly wrong and hopelessly slow
over the full inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the liturgy and leadership of the Church of England.’ I really liked the honesty of the very small number of e-mails objecting to this sentiment. Thank you. I believe the conversation needs to happen now and is vital for the mission of the church in our nation. I was also struck by the huge positive response from both within our church and our community about those words. The Abbey certainly disagrees on this issue; but we can remain united if we don’t seek to correct each other, but to understand each other. This has been the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity across our nation. Uniformity finds people that behave just like us and hangs around with them. Conformity welcomes people in then seeks to correct their false thinking and unholy behaviour. Unity, ultimately only to be found in Christ, is echoed on this earth by two people, in humility, saying to one another, ‘show me where I’m wrong’.
A B B E Y D I A RY THIS SUNDAY: January 22nd 9am BCP Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 4pm All-age Service & Thanksgiving THIS WEEK EACH DAY 9am Morning Prayer MON 23rd 10am Little Stars WED 25th 10.30am Communion THUR 26th 10.30am Time for Chat 7pm Choir Practice FRI 27th 2.30pm Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Betty Richards. NEXT SUNDAY: January 29th 9am BCP Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 4pm Informal Worship & Junior Church 6.30pm Choral Evensong
ADVANCE DIARY 7th Feb 7.30pm Glory! 12th Feb 10.30am Joint Service 13th& 14th Little Stars Soft Play 15th -17th MAS 2017 29th Feb 6.30pm Choral Evensong 1st March Ash Wednesday
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When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee. 13 Leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali – 14 to fulfil what was said through the prophet Isaiah: 15
‘Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles – 16 the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.’ 17
From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 18
As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19 ‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ 20 At once they left their nets and followed him. 21 Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, 22 and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. 23 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and illness among the people. Additional Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
DISCIPLESHIP 1. Take some time to discuss together the content of this week’s Vicar’s Blog on Unity. What is the difference between unity, uniformity and conformity? 2. Which denominations have been a significant part of your Christian journey? What has been distinctive about them, and what have been their blind spots? What are ours? 3. Read Matthew 4:12-17. Familiar words from the prophet Isaiah are quoted, ‘the people walking in darkness have seen a great light.’ In what different ways do we experience that light? 4. Read Matthew 4:18-23. In what way was the ‘fish for people’ imagery helpful to the first disciples? In what ways is it unhelpful to us? 5. Why did the disciples leave their nets and follow Jesus? How does their motivation inform our own discipleship?
D A I LY R E A D I N G S Monday Psalm 108 Hosea 2:18-3:end 1 Corinthians 9:15-end Tuesday Psalm 36 Hosea 4:1-16 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Wed: Conversion of St Paul Psalm 67 Acts 9:1-22 Matthew 19:27-end Thursday: Timothy & Titus Psalm 100 2 Timothy 2:1-8 Luke 10:1-9 Friday Psalm 65 Hosea 6:7-7:2 1 Corinthians 11:17-end
REGULAR GIVING If you would like to give regularly to the mission and ministry of the Abbey as part of your discipleship, please e-mail alan@malmesburyabbey.com. m
JOHN CHURCHER Our May Moore Chaplain, Revd Mandy Churcher, would like to thank everybody for their wonderful love, prayers and support at the loss of her father. John Churcher passed away peacefully on Sunday 8th January. His funeral will be on Wednesday 25th January.
C O F F E E AT 1 0 . 3 0 a m We would really appreciate two more people or couples to serve coffee after the 10.30am services. A few of the team need to step down and we need a few willing hands to offer the warmest of welcomes to the Abbey congregation and visitors. If anybody could serve once a month or so could the contact Jan Lester on 01666 823465 and then brief training for this important ministry of hospitality can be given.
VICAR OF DIBLEY The Malmesbury Fringe Theatre are raising money for the Abbey Roof appeal through their production of a Vicar of Dibley. The performances will take place in the Town Hall on the evenings of 2nd, 3rd and 4th of March at 7pm and there is also a matinee at 2.30pm on Saturday the 4th. Tickets are available from the Summer CafĂŠ and also via malmesburyfringetheatre.com . Please note, the show is not recommended for children under 14.
CHRISTIAN UNITY The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is the 17th to 24th January. There will be a united service at St Aldhelm’s RC Church at 6pm on Sunday 22nd January to which all are invited.
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NOTICEBOARD T H E M O N A GH AN S O F F TO WA LE S ! Many congratulations to Revd Alice Monaghan who has accepted the post of full-time Chaplain at Christ College School in Brecon, Wales. John, Alice and the children will be moving in the first week in April, and their last Sunday with us will be 2nd April. Please pray for God's blessing on their family as they prepare to move on and for provision of the right ministry for John in this next exciting season ahead.
Sunday 12th February 10.30am-5pm This is Festival Communion at 10.30am, and then an opportunity for all three Abbey congregations to worship together, stay for a bring and share lunch, and help setting up for Abbey Skate with the floor, the straw bales and the staging if you are able. Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th Feb, 10am-12noon Little Stars half-term special. Come and join the fun! Volunteers needed for set up on Sunday 12th (above), take down on Friday 17th, the welcome team, the cafe, the sound desk, first aid and the prayer team. Please sign up with Matt after the 4pm service any week, or by emailing john@malmesburyabbey.com T-shirt / Hoodie order deadline Sunday 29th Jan Please speak to Holly if you want us to order you a fantastic Abbey Skate Tshirt or Hoodie Book your tickets on-line before they sell out: www.malmesburyabbey.com/skate
ABBEY OFFICE Tuesday-Friday 9.30am-3pm 01666 826666 office@malmesburyabbey.com www.malmesburyabbey.com issuu.com/malmesburyabbey
ABBEY KITCHEN Monday- Friday (normal) 9.30am-4pm Happy hour (drinks £1) from 9.30am-10.30am. café@malmesburyabbey.com
Staff members can be contacted by name@malmesburyabbey.com MalmesburyAbbeyKitchen
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