2023-2024 Middle School Curriculum Guide

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Middle School Leadership

Faculty Academy Leader: Lori Trexler | ltrexler@malvernprep.org

Student Academy Leader: Tony Del Pizzo | adelpizzo@malvernprep.org

Academic Coordinator: Chrissy Leonard | cleonard@malvernprep.org

Middle School Support Team

Middle School Counselor: Sierra Trainor | strainor@malvernprep.org

Middle School Learning Specialist: Kim Krause | kkrause@malvernprep.org


Lead of Curriculum and Interdisciplinary Studies: Kevin Quinn | kquinn@malvernprep.org

Arts: Emanuel Del Pizzo | edelpizzo@malvernprep.org

English: Jason Sammartino | jsammartino@malvernprep.org

Metty Vithayathil | mvithayathil@malvernprep.org

Physical Education & Health: Jay Schiller | jschiller@malvernprep.org

World Language: Teresa Lohse | tlohse@malvernprep.org

Math: Diane Giordano | dgiordano@malvernprep.org

Science: Lou Osinski | losinski@malvernprep.org

Social Studies: Steve Swope | sswope@malvernprep.org

Theology: Fr. Chris Drennen | cdrennen@malvernprep.org

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MP | MIDDLE SCHOOL CURRICULUM GUIDE 2023-2024 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Program Overview 4 Assessment Icons 6 Grade Level Course Offerings | 6th Grade 7 Grade Level Course Offerings | 7th Grade 9 Grade Level Course Offerings | 8th Grade 12 Grade Level Course Electives | 8th Grade 14 Middle School Ensemble 15 Counseling Coursework 16 2023-2024

Program Overview

Middle School classes are designed for students to develop and practice important skills needed for success in the classroom and beyond. Through project-based learning experiences, students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while reading and writing across the curriculum. In addition, there is an emphasis on study skills, organization, and time management. Throughout the Middle School experience, students build confidence as they create meaningful relationships with the faculty and their classmates.

Program Highlights

• Grade Level Experiences

Grade-wide, project-based experiences are intentionally designed so that students connect to their peers and the greater school community, as well as carry out a larger commitment to the common good.

• Prep Block

Prep Block is a daily time allotted for students to learn essential study skills and best practices in time management with faculty outside of a more structured learning environment. Students are encouraged to work on assignments and receive extra help and feedback from the faculty.

• Peer-to-Peer Learning Center

Peer-to-peer support and mentorship has long been identified as a way for participating students to increase their connection to their school community, enhance their cultural awareness, and increase self-esteem and confidence. Malvern’s Peer-to-Peer Learning Center seeks to help students become better at learning and at teaching. Students qualify to become mentors after a rigorous training program embedded in our Tutor and Mentor Curriculum. All students have the opportunity to access the Peer-to-Peer Learning Center, which is both a physical place as well as a very special program that is available in our community.

• Counseling Class

Students are supported throughout their Malvern career in myriad of ways, including formal Counseling classes all three years of Middle School. These sessions allow students to surface and discuss relevant topics in a small and supportive environment. The class addresses executive function skills, stress management, social/emotional learning, relationship management, and decision-making.

• Learning Specialist (LS)

The LS provides students with an understanding of their learning profile while offering strategies and accommodations at an independent and classroom level. Learning support offers differentiated instruction using curricular goals that align with students’ specific learning styles. Parent partnership & team collaboration become an essential part of this process. Areas covered include the development of reading/writing skills, study habits, time management, organization, self-advocacy, and executive functioning skills.

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• Ensemble (Jazz and Chorus)

All Middle School musicians have the opportunity to join an Ensemble. Ensemble occurs within the school day, so students can participate in other activities before or after school. Middle School Jazz Ensemble and Chorus perform two concerts throughout the year including a Winter and Spring Concert. All 6th grade students are required to participate in Ensemble during their first year at Malvern.

• Eighth Grade Electives

Eighth-grade students have the opportunity to select two electives during their final year of Middle School. Electives include Spanish, Media Production, Music Recording and Technology, Studio Art I, and Introduction to Computer Science. All 8th Grade electives mirror Upper School courses and will allow students to advance in those disciplines of study.

• Keystone Courses

All 6th and 7th-grade students take a different Keystone course each term. Keystone courses include Visual Art, Music, Film, and Life Skills. These courses allow students the opportunity to explore their creativity while learning essential project-building skills.



While navigating the curriculum guide you will notice courses labeled with the icons below. This is meant to be a simple visual reference to recognize courses that have largely been designed around an assessment of a particular skill or process.

Major Writing Evaluation

Courses with this tag will focus largely on student writing. Students should expect a significant writing assignment as a summative experience in this course.

Summative Traditional Test

Courses with this tag will prepare students for a traditional style summative test.

Collaborative Project

Courses with this tag will provide students with the experience of working on a long-format collaborative project with peers. Students entering these courses should expect to build communication skills, both among peers and through public presentation.

Public Performance / Showcase

Courses with this tag will result in some form of public performance or showcase of student work. This could vary from a scheduled group performance to the publication of an individual student’s work.

Creative Design & Production

Courses with this tag will provide students an opportunity to design and create through varying methods and the use of various media.

Service Opportunities

Courses with this tag will provide service opportunities, related to the coursework, to students enrolled in the course.

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Course Description


Sixth Grade English uses literature and a variety of modes of writing to explore deep questions about the world, develop creative thinking skills, and make students’ voices heard throughout the greater community. The study of grammar, literary devices, and vocabulary derived from literature inform students’ mastery of reading comprehension skills and writing skills - providing them with a strong foundation as they move forward in Middle School.

Social Studies

Sixth Grade Social Studies looks to examine the origins of the United States of America, from our very founding to our existence in the 21st century. The course will address the American Revolution, our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Civil War, the origins of our election system, and our system of limited government. Students will study the influences of past leaders and address topics and issues including war, politics, immigration, and government. Enhancing writing, research, critical thinking, and presentation skills is a focus throughout the year.


The Math I course focuses on the pre-algebra curriculum. In the course, students will focus on number sense mastery, integers, and expressions. They will learn through teacher instruction, collaborative work, and inquiry-based lessons. The purpose of using this model is to help the student take ownership of his learning experience and learn how to best work both individually and collaboratively, understand that mistakes are valuable learning tools, persevere when challenged, and learn to apply concepts to higher-level questioning, and most importantly, develop his curiosity of the world and be able to use skills learned when he leaves the classroom. The Extended Math I course takes a deeper dive into the pre-algebra curriculum.


Sixth Grade Science focuses on Life Science. Units include cell structure, animal structure and behavior, bacteria, protists and fungi, plants, human body systems, ecology, and interactions of life. The main goal of the course is to develop an understanding of modern science and technology through experimentation and inquiry. Students will participate in labs and projects that will develop the following skills: writing, math, inquiry, time management, cooperation, and presentation skills.

Introduction to Spanish

In 6th grade Spanish class, students will be expected to be able to perform various tasks pertaining to the Spanish language. The four basic language skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking will be demonstrated through the practice of oral, written, and reading activities on a daily basis. Students will also gain knowledge of different cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and conduct research about various cultural themes. As we advance through the curriculum, students will be assessed multiple times per unit of study in order to track their progress.


Sixth Grade Theology is designed to give students a general knowledge and appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures. Through the study of the Bible, students will come to encounter the living word of God, Jesus Christ. Throughout the course, students will learn about the Bible, authored by God through inspiration, and its value to people throughout the world. If they have not been taught this earlier, they will learn how to read the Bible and will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible and the books included in each section. The students will pay particular attention to the different sections of the Old Testament.

Content will include how the Bible came to be, Sacred Scripture in the life of the church, understanding scripture, unity of the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Creation story, the Major and Minor Prophets of the Old Testament, the use of foreshadowing in the Old Testament, and the Covenants of the Old Testament.

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All 6th grade students take a different Keystone Course each term.

Course Description


In 6th Grade Art, students learn to understand and apply the elements and principles of the visual arts. Students will create and maintain a digital portfolio that displays images of all their work and can be accessed and updated through each year of Middle School into high school. Arts classes will introduce the student to techniques and skills required for creating Art in 2-D and 3-D mediums. Students will learn art techniques through the study of Art History.


Sixth Grade Music identifies and introduces the three pillars of music: rhythm, harmony, and melody. Students will demonstrate an understanding of rhythm, harmony, and melody on the piano and guitar. Students will also explore different music genres and will be asked to utilize their creativity to compose original music and perform their original compositions on piano or guitar.



Sixth Grade Media Production is an introductory class that exposes students to various forms of media. Students will experiment with sound, image, and video. Through the completion of mini-projects, students will learn about the foundational ideas of pre-production, production, and post-production.

Life Skills

In 6th Grade Life Skills, students learn and practice general physical skills and participate in team game play. The physical skills include jumping rope and base level calisthenics like push-ups, pull-ups, and air squats. The goal is to improve coordination and work capacity. Game play is centered around team sports and the goal is to improve teamwork, communication, agility, and decision-making skills.

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Course Description


In 7th Grade English, literature and a variety of modes of writing are used to probe more deeply into questions about the world, to expand creative thinking skills, and to make students’ voices heard throughout the greater community. The course helps students build on and further skills mastered in 6th Grade English, including reading comprehension, writing process, grammar, and vocabulary skills.

Social Studies

Seventh Grade Social Studies focuses on global issues that will challenge students to consider various contemporary issues (poverty, famine, immigration, civil war, politics, pollution, health/ disease, education, population, urbanization, genocide, religion, terrorism, etc.) while considering the role of the United States and the United Nations across the globe. Ultimately, the course aims to teach us all how to think globally. Research, writing, critical thinking, and presentations of learning are at the core of this course. The course will address themes across the globe, and address their root causes, often expanding generations.


The Math II course focuses on the first half of the Algebra 1 curriculum. In the course, students will focus on simplifying expressions via the order of operations, solving equations and inequalities, and graphing equations. Mastery of solving equations will be assessed throughout the year. Students will learn through teacher instruction, collaborative work, and inquiry-based lessons. The purpose of using this model is to help the student take ownership of his learning experience and learn how to best work both individually and collaboratively, understand that mistakes are valuable learning tools, persevere when challenged, and learn to apply concepts to higher-level questioning, and most importantly, develop his curiosity of the world and be able to use skills learned when he leaves the classroom.

The Extended Math II course takes a deeper dive into the Algebra I curriculum.

Accelerated students are eligible to take the full Algebra I curriculum in 7th grade. The topics of study include properties of equality and inequality, solving and graphing linear equations and inequalities, ratio and proportions, laws of exponents, exponential functions, polynomials and factoring, and quadratic equations. Students will use application-based problems while learning how to represent data algebraically, graphically, and verbally. The prerequisite for this course is a teacher recommendation and placement test.

Spanish I

Seventh Grade Spanish offers students an opportunity to develop authentic Spanish language communication skills that they can use in everyday situations. This course will deepen and broaden the student’s foundation in basic Spanish grammar, and vocabulary, as well as the skills and strategies necessary for communication in authentic contexts at the novice level.

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Course Description



Seventh Grade Science is an integrated course designed for students to explore processes that have shaped our Earth and beyond. Throughout the course, students explore physics and its connection to Earth and space science, while developing their scientific skills and building their understanding of the scientific process. Students will develop their problem solving skills as they participate in hands-on explorations to build their understanding of the world around them.

Seventh Grade Theology is designed to give students a general knowledge and appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures. Through the study of the Bible, students will come to encounter the living word of God, Jesus Christ. Throughout the course, students will learn about the Bible, authored by God through inspiration, and its value to people throughout the world. If they have not been taught this earlier, they will learn how to read the Bible and will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible and the books included in each section. The students will pay particular attention to the Gospels, where they may grow to know and love Jesus Christ more personally.

Some of the matters studied will be: how the bible came to be, Sacred Scripture in the life of the Church, understanding scripture, unity of the Old Testament and the New Testament, the formation of the Gospels, the content of the Synoptic Gospels and the content of the Gospel of John.

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All 7th grade students take a different Keystone Course each term.

Course Description

Art In 7th Grade Art, students learn to understand and apply the elements and principles of the visual arts. Students will create and maintain a digital portfolio that displays images of all their work and can be accessed and updated through each year of Middle School into high school.

Arts classes introduce the student to techniques and skills required for creating Art in 2-D and 3-D mediums. Students will learn art techniques through the study of Art History.

Music Seventh Grade Music furthers the students’ understanding of music theory and harmony through the introduction to songwriting and song form. Students will be introduced to the technology aspect of music and will use the program Logic Pro X to explore different musical sounds and genres. Each student is provided the opportunity to do the following: pick a genre of music from the 20th Century, research that genre, re-create a song from that genre using Logic Pro X, and present their research and song to the class.

Media Production

Seventh Grade Media Production is a continuation of learning about the various forms of media. Projects will become more complex and more creative. Students will have a good understanding of how to use media in other classrooms to demonstrate learning.

Life Skills

In 7th Grade Life Skills, students will continue to build basic strength and coordination using basic calisthenics. The “hinge” movement pattern is introduced at this level and taught using the kettle bell dead lift and the kettle bell swing. Game play remains an important part of the class as students continue to improve throwing, catching, running, and quick decision-making skills.

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Course Description


In 8th Grade English, students continue to grow as writers and readers as they prepare to move into the Upper School. Through academic and creative writing, students will master writing conventions, develop research skills, and experience writing as a vehicle for self-expression. Students will focus on writing as a process, including drafting, editing, and working with Upper School writing tutors. By reading classic and contemporary literature, students will develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension while exploring how experiences and aspirations shape individuals and communities.

Social Studies

Eighth Grade Social Studies focuses on Post-Civil War American History (Reconstruction, Westward Expansion, the Industrial Revolution, World War I, the 1920s and 1930s, and World War II). Students closely follow social issues during these time periods. Students will gain an understanding of how the past shapes the present while developing empathy and becoming better readers, writers, and thinkers. Students will collaborate, problem-solve, and analyze while connecting real-world issues of the past and present.


The Math III course focuses on the second half of the Algebra 1 curriculum. In this course, students will continue to improve their level of mastery and will work to be able to solve linear equations, solve linear inequalities, graph and write linear functions, solve systems of equations, explore and apply properties of exponents, evaluate expressions containing radicals and rational exponents, solve exponential equations, perform operations with polynomials, factor and solve polynomial equations, and graph and solve quadratic equations. Students will learn and develop skills according to their own pace and learning styles. Assessments will be differentiated according to each student’s level of mastery in each content area. In this way, students will begin to understand and appreciate Algebra as seen through their own eyes and experienced using their own unique talents.

Students who successfully complete and show mastery of a full Algebra 1 course in 7th grade will have the option to take Geometry during their 8th grade year.


Eighth Grade Science is an integrated course designed for students to explore the world around them and develop a better understanding of how humans are connected to their environment. Throughout the course, students explore chemistry and the environment, while developing their scientific skills and building on their understanding of the scientific process. Students will look at real-world problems from a local and global perspective, use technology to gather and analyze data, and apply problem-solving skills.


Eighth Grade Theology introduces the students to the study of the Church, covering the origin and nature, and structure of the Mass. Religious holidays, specific prayers, and verses from the Bible will be reviewed and discussed. The class looks at the sacraments, the saints, and the priesthood. The course addresses the works of Saint Augustine in the world and how his teachings apply to Malvern’s campus today. The course is written to help the student to desire to imitate the saints of the Church.

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Course Description

Life Skills

Eighth Grade Life Skills begins the introduction to weight lifting exercises with a barbell and cooking skills in the kitchen. The bench press and dead lift are taught and practiced frequently. An introduction to a variety of strength training exercises and training principles are introduced to prepare students for more intensive strength training in the future. Students are introduced to the school’s strength and conditioning software and are required to record their work in the app to teach the importance of keeping track of progress. Team game play continues to be essential for further athletic and social development.

Students also complete 12 at-home asynchronous cooking assignments using eggs as the main ingredient. They are required to keep a Cooking Skills Progression that documents the dishes created during the two terms.

Eighth Grade Counseling Class is integrated into this course and will take place once a week while a student is scheduled for Life Skills.




Eighth grade students will select two of the following courses.

Course Description

Studio Art

The arts in the classroom are always striving to develop and enhance a student’s creativity through art production and through solving design problems. Students will learn to understand and apply the elements and principles of the visual arts. Students will create and maintain a digital portfolio that displays images of all their work and can be accessed and updated through each year of Middle School into Upper School.

Arts classes will introduce the student to techniques and skills required for creating Art in 2-D and 3-D mediums. Students will learn art techniques through the study of Art History.


Recording and Technology

Music Recording and Technology introduces students to the art of contemporary recording techniques using Logic Pro X. The students are required to learn and develop the skills and creativity necessary for song composition and recording. Through exploration of different genres of music, students will have the opportunity to establish their own unique ‘sound’ and produce a professional sounding final composition.

Spanish II

Spanish II offers students an opportunity to develop authentic Spanish language communication skills that they can use in everyday situations. This course will deepen and broaden the student’s foundation in Spanish grammar and vocabulary, as well as the skills and strategies necessary for communication in authentic contexts at the novice high to intermediate level.


Production Students will learn about and develop the skills associated with the design, creation, distribution, and analysis of digital media. Through a focus on marketing and communication, students will identify content worthy of publication, determine the appropriate media (audio, video, etc) to connect with the desired population, and use the appropriate technical processes to create digital communication, deliver it, and measure the impact on the community.

Students will select guided project pathways that will allow them to learn and create simultaneously. Projects may focus on them physically, such as robots or automated devices, or live completely in the digital world, like video games or web applications. Students will have access to curated resources, including tools and materials such as 3D printers, RGB lighting/LED displays, Raspberry Pi/Arduinos, and assorted electronics. Upon completion of the course, students will have developed computational thinking skills and will have a completed project that demonstrates what they can do with those skills.

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Introduction to Computer Science
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All Middle School musicians have the opportunity to join an ensemble. Ensemble occurs within the school day so students can participate in other activities before or after school. All 6th grade students are required to participate in Ensemble during their first year at Malvern and will select either Jazz or Chorus.


The Middle School Jazz Ensemble is an organization for the purpose of learning, practicing, and performing different styles of Jazz music. The course offers two on-campus concerts, Winter and Spring Arts Festivals, opportunities to audition for All-Catholic Jazz and Concert Band as well as District and Regional Concert bands. Grades will be based on participation, preparation for class and concerts, and general musical improvement.


The Middle School Men’s Chorus performs at a variety of public events including the annual Winter and Spring Arts Festivals, school liturgies, and other public functions. Students will refine sight-singing skills and learn proper vocal techniques.



6th Grade

The goal of our 6th grade counseling class is to lay the foundation for a successful educational experience at Malvern Prep. In 6th grade counseling, students will build on their social and emotional skills by covering topics like growth mindset, empathy, conflict resolution, and social media. In addition, students will also improve upon their academic skills by focusing on key elements of executive functioning which include topics such as time management and organization.

7th Grade

During 7th grade counseling, we will continue to improve upon our social, emotional, and academic skills, while diving deeper into our own individual interests and talents. Students will work to strengthen concepts of themselves while also learning to understand the effect they have on those around them. Topics covered include the multicultural self, decision making, the use of language, stress management, and career exploration.

8th Grade

Eighth grade marks the transition phase for students as they prepare to enter into high school. While we will continue to build on the social, emotional, and academic skills that form the backbone of success in school and in life, we will also focus on topics that are age appropriate for our 8th grade students. Topics covered in 8th grade counseling class will include identity (who you are), healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, drugs and alcohol, and diversity, equity and inclusion.

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418 S. Warren Avenue Malvern, PA 19355-2707 www.malvernprep.org 484-595-1100

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