An Employee Spotlight on Malvern’s Art and Sculpture Teacher, Mr. Rob Muntz P’26 By: Sarah Ravenfeld Rob Muntz P‘26 has been at Malvern
Muntz is an engaging force in the class-
could be colored, and he built a box with a
for 20 years as a staple in our Arts
room. He is comfortable with the students
colored epoxy stripe.”
Department. He has taught both Middle
and meets them where they are. But, he
and Upper School art classes during his
also understands the importance of feed-
time, as well as helped out with Stage Craft,
back and walking with the student along
producing sets for the Malvern Theatre
the path, particularly in a creative field.
Society’s three productions each year.
“Art class is all about the one-on-one with
“This spring [Rock of Ages] is my 27th
a student. I’m able to ask them questions
production that I have been a Stage Craft
about their piece and sometimes it can
designer for since the Duffy Arts Center
take the kids aback, but once you break
opened,” reflected Muntz, as we recalled
down those first few feedback sessions, it
the opening of the Duffy Center.
gets easier and they get better. They learn
“Having the space to put on performances with such a large design output, as well as
how to defend their work or accept the feedback,” shared Muntz.
having a large space for ceramics, studio
He also encourages his students to think
art, sculpture, graphic design … it was a
outside the box and try new things.
bold move in Malvern’s history. The school
“Students will see something online and
showed that they are committed to the arts
they’ll want to try it in the classroom. For
and providing that outlet for our students.”
example, Keith Maguire ‘19 saw a class-
Muntz is a Chester County native,
mate using epoxy and found it interesting.
growing up in Downingtown and attending
So, he searched online and found out it
Arts On Campus
SETTING THE STAGE Muntz believes that art is inherently Augustinian, and he models that teaching in his classroom. “Art class allows me to learn right alongside my students,” shared Muntz. “They’re receiving feedback about why their project might not work, and they have to defend it. That cross-banter is very Augustinian.” Why should students take an art class? Muntz believes creativity is the key to success later in life and gives the students an opportunity to reflect on themselves. “Art allows students to get to know themselves better than anything that I have seen. When you tell students they have to make something and spend time with themselves, they ultimately create or build something that is all them, all their own self-expression.”
Downingtown High School. He studied art at Muhlenberg College and returned to the area working for Bentley Systems selling architecture software, but he quickly realized he wanted to do something different. “I went back to school at University of the Arts for my master’s degree in Arts and Education. I had this goal of working and living in the city, but the job at Malvern showed up in The Inquirer, so I applied, interviewed, and was offered the job a day or two later,” he shared.
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