With thanks to the Prep Boarders in Mount 2022

In Batsford we are home to girls from Year Three to Year Seven.
Our day starts at 7am. We get dressed, brush our teeth (and our hair!)

And make sure we have we need for school!

In Batsford we are home to girls from Year Three to Year Seven.
Our day starts at 7am. We get dressed, brush our teeth (and our hair!)
And make sure we have we need for school!
We all walk down to Breakfast together in the morning.
It’s only a short walk but it’s also very pretty.
We all have Breakfast together in the Alice Dining Room with the other Boarding Houses. There are always lots of options to choose from. Here are some of our favourite breakfasts
When we get to school we hang up our coats, put our bags away...
We say good morning to the Teachers and guinea pigs and then the day begins.
Sometimes we need to bring in extra things or dress up in fun costumes for our class assemblies.
Psst, make sure you smile, our Housemistresses come to all of our assemblies, book shares and School Productions!
Alongside English and Maths, we enjoy lots of different subjects including Science, Performing Arts, Humanities, French and P.E
We also have Bikeability, Music Lessons and Outdoor Education - so make sure you bring your wellies!
After School, there are lots of clubs to choose from...
Our Housemistresses pick us up from school and we head down to supper together.
Sometimes we have friends from school stay with us overnight too.
Back at Batsford, our Housemistresses help us to learn our spellings and times tables, and listen to us read aloud.
We practice our instruments and work on any homework set by our teachers.
Each evening we “family time”. Sometimes this is a craft activity, a homework night, a games night, and of course...
...we always have Film Night Friday!
But nothing beats hot chocolate with all your friends!
In the Boarding House, we share a bedroom with other boarders. We each have our own bed, desk and wardrobe. Don’t forget to bring your favourite bedding and teddy.
We each have our own pin-board next to our bed which we can fill with...
...artwork, photos, bunting and fairylights.
Our favourite bedtime stories are:
Isadora Moon
Double Act
The Truth Pixie
Giraffe, Pelly & Me
...but we are always on the lookout for new ones!
Our Housemistresses are just down the corridor if we need them in the night.
Weekends are for...
playing in the garden
Weekends are also for...
We hope you come and join us all in Batsford!
Here at Batsford, we are part of the MSJ boarding family. As a Junior Boarding House, we are home to the Year Three to Year Seven boarders, as well as any visiting day girls in these year groups. The Senior Houses are Mount, Benhams, Poulton and Greenslade. We spend time together at mealtimes and on the weekends.
Mornings, evenings and weekends in Batsford are busy and full of giggles. We treat each other like family and live by the MSJ values upheld in school.
In Batsford, we learn and play together. Here, you really can be anything as we help you to achieve everything.