Summer Term 2023

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Ambition | Independence | Responsibility

As a busy school year comes to a close, we should pause for a moment to reflect on all that has taken place during this term: from academic achievements to extra curricular activities and the wonderful array of additional opportunities, the list is fabulously long! I am delighted to share some of the highlights of Summer Term 2023 here in this newsletter, which comes to you from Year 12 & 13 pupils themselves. Each and every pupil has contributed through their involvement in all aspects of school life, and are to be congratulated on their curiosity for learning and zest for school life!

Best wishes,

Tutor Group Debates

Year 12 have been debating! Tutor groups were paired up to argue for and against diverse motions: “ This house fears AI”; “This house believes free speech has been unduly curtailed” and “Social media sites should filter out fake news”. Prior to the speeches, pupils voted in favour or not of the proposal, and afterwards too, to see if opinions had been swayed. Whilst the statements appear straight forward at first, it rapidly became apparent that each of the arguments is very nuanced: that which initially appeared black and white, when dissected revealed significant shades of grey. We all were reminded how important it is to listen carefully to different points of view, regardless of what we initially believe, as this is how learning progresses, and with it our understanding of wider issues which affect us all. Well done to all the pupils for building such persuasive arguments, and delivering their speeches so confidently.

UCAS Exhibition

Mr Jackson

On Wednesday 26 April, Year 12 travelled to the 2023 UCAS Discovery Exhibition in Newport which hosted over 130 exhibitors from universities and employers from all over the UK. A selection of talks were available for pupils to help them make future career decisions and to aid them with the UCAS application process. UCAS is the University and Colleges Admissions Service and provides pupils with advice on their educational progression, as well as the service to enable them to apply to universities in the UK. At Malvern St James pupils receive bespoke support from a highly experienced higher education team throughout the application process, though the groundwork is begun a lot earlier and ranges from tailored careers advice, Unifrog tracking, work experience and a community of working professionals who are always willing to come in and share their experiences. Several pupils commented on the range of universities that were

present at the exhibition, many of which were previously unknown to them. One of the top tips from the UCAS Application talk was to make your application stand out by demonstrating a thorough interest in your chosen course and its subject material. There were plenty of other takeaways from the day, not forgetting the freebies which left everyone leaving with a smile!

The UCAS exhibition has been very useful to me as I am aspiring to study a medicine related course at university. I gained a lot of information about studying medicine careers from different universities, even from universities I have never thought about. The event gave me a clear vision on what I should achieve in the near future and in my A-level studies and what I should do more of to increase the strength of my personal statement.


This trip got me thinking; what other things could university possibly give me - apart from their brilliant academic courses - as I would love to maximise my 3 years of experience before entering the world of unknown.


Outgoing Prefect Supper

Jemima, Year 13

On the evening of Wednesday 3 May, the outgoing prefect team gathered together for one final celebration. An enjoyable evening was had by all, filled with laughter, stories of our best memories at MSJ, and delicious food. A quiz about the school was prepared for the event, and really tested our knowledge on all things MSJ. Who knew there were 1002 steps in the main school buildings! Conversation ranged from the Met Gala to Geography trips, and from pets to potential Ships competitions, and it was a lovely opportunity to reflect on our time together and celebrate our achievements as a prefect team and a year group.

Finding Your Future

Nicole, Year 12

Approaching the end of Year 12, it is the time when the new cycle of the UCAS application starts. On 10 May, all Year 12 pupils were given a talk, “Finding your Future” by our Sixth Form mentors. The talk initially focused on the steps involved in UCAS application and possible apprenticeship pathways we might be able to take. We were then introduced to the structuring of our personal statement. Our current Year 13, who were soon starting their A-level examinations, also kindly shared their tips and advice to Year 12 pupils during the session. Their suggestions have enabled us to reflect on our mindset and approaches. Wrapping up, we all found it extremely helpful and reassuring that we had the support from mentors and teachers at such an early start. This was helpful in terms of giving us chance to gather our thoughts after immersing ourselves in a busy year as Year 12 pupils.

veterans and their families. Both teachers and pupils attended and it was lovely have everyone together again for the first main whole school charity event prior to Covid. We had paint extinguishers, handheld bottles of paint, plastic pouches as well as LOTS of refills, to help decorate participants much to the runners, and marshals delight! It was received greatly by all, from prep to sixth form: a unique experience that raised money for a great cause. Everyone had lots of fun and the sunglasses were put to good use, especially due to the sunny weather conditions! Many thanks to all who took part with such enthusiasm to add to the wonderful riot of colour!

Grace and Lottie, Year 13


£400 raised for

Curry & Ceilidh Celebration Evening

Isabella, Year 12

On 9 May, Years 12 and 13 attended the annual Curry and Ceilidh where we were also joined by a live band. The evening started off with a curry in York Hall followed by a delicious chocolate bomb cake. Then we pushed the tables and chairs back ready to start the ceilidh.

It was wonderful to spend the night celebrating the Year 13’s hard work as they headed into Study Leave but also to reflect on memories that had been made throughout Sixth Form.

The word ‘Ceilidh’ descended from the Gaelic word for ‘gathering’ or ‘party’ where people spend time dancing, listening to folk music and enjoying each other’s company. During a Ceilidh one band member, who is the caller, will walk through the dance and explain each sequence and the participants practise before going full out with the music. The caller cues you in and counts throughout the dance to keep the pace.

We started by learning some simple swings and the Dosey Doe before progressing to longer dances like ‘strip the willow’. It was an incredible night filled with laughter and celebration that everyone enjoyed!

George Orwell & Cancel Culture

Michaela & Lily, Year 13

During our weekly PSHE lesson, English lecturer Professor Waddell, from the University of Birmingham came in to give us a presentation on George Orwell’s ethos and related it to the topic of ‘cancel culture.’ He expanded on Orwell’s life and how his experiences shaped his writing and perspective, such as his time serving as an officer in Portugal. He related Orwell’s works to ‘cancel culture’ as they mainly centre around political ideologies, including fascism and totalitarianism that all enforce censorship and dictatorship, and discourages individuality. The most evident example of this in Orwell’s Animal Farm, which condemns the actions taken by politicians during the Russian Revolution. Overall, we found the session to be very engaging, particularly when he asked for our own perception of passages he selected from Orwell’s writing. His encouragement of our interpretations is reflective of Orwell’s own humanist values, such as the encouragement of human agency. The session has given us a taste for our future University seminars that await us.

Valete 2023 Dr Bowdrey

The Year 13 pupils were treated to an afternoon of celebration as their formal academic lessons ended, and Study Leave for the summer examination season commenced. The Valete service is specific just to MSJ, during which each pupil hears a dedication, crafted for them personally by their Form Tutor, reflecting on their moments both big and small throughout their school careers. We heard about a few of their lesser known exploits such as counting shrimp on the Biology A Level Field trip and being expert jigsaw puzzlers in Boarding! Some of this particular cohort have been pupils at the school since they were tiny tots back in PrePrep, and others joined as recently as the start of Year 12.

Each and every pupil has a made a tangible contribution to the school community through their efforts in their academic studies, as well as extra curricular activities, which has to be roundly applauded, especially given the COVID pandemic interrupting their whole GCSE course during Years 10 and 11. The pupils are given a single white rose and this year also, an MSJ tartan rose to remind them of their time at school, as well as a piece of an MSJ jigsaw puzzle to remind them that they are both individual and part of a bigger whole school picture. All the pupils, parents and staff enjoyed the too short afternoon, resplendent with a wonderful MSJ afternoon tea. We wish them all the very best both through the examinations and beyond the school gates as they prepare for life beyond MSJ.

On Friday 12 May we bid a fond farewell to the Class of 2023 in a very special Valete service

Somerville Supper

Javis, Year 12

The subject for this Somerville academic dinner was ‘consciousness’, and it was guided by both Dr Jones, Head of Enrichment, and Mr Morris, Head of English. At the start of the discussion, we gave our own interpretations of consciousness. Some suggested that it’s part of the brain which overlooks the whole body’s mechanism and helps us to be aware of our external world and internal selves.

During the dinner, I was intrigued by topics like lucid dreams, a hybrid stage of consciousness of surreal dreaming; and hypnosis, our disassociated state of awareness without actually falling asleep. I contributed to the conversation by making links to the speculations revolving around AI gaining consciousness, and whether or not AI will imitate self-awareness and dominate human civilisation.

We also had a discourse on how sensory deprivation could have a direct impact on consciousness. While having all 5 senses able enable us to connect with our environments, lacking essential stimuli like our vision and hearing, would make responding to the outside world more challenging.

By the end of the event, we reached a consensus that consciousness is a complex concept that couldn’t be fully answered, but this has opened our window of curiosity to something that has yet to be completely understood.

Summer Social

Liv, Year 12

On Thursday 22 June, the Sixth Formers gathered with the staff to enjoy a sunny afternoon with a rounders tournament, to finish the year. After a few games, we enjoyed hot dogs and ice cream, whilst chatting and relaxing in the warm sunshine. Once we finished, we participated in a lively staff vs pupils rounders game! Although the teachers got the better of us, the game was thoroughly entertaining to play, and exciting to watch. The weather was gorgeous, and there were high spirits all around. After the hard work put in the year, by both students and teachers, it was a lovely way to end the academic year on a high note!

Practice Expedition

Apphia, Year 12

From 19-21 May, 20 Year 12 pupils went on a practice expedition for Gold Duke of Edinburgh at the Brecon Beacon (Black Mountains). We demonstrated different skills including navigation, cooking with trangias, teamwork, and map reading skills. On the second day, we even did wild camping next to a dam, which was something we haven’t done before and we were all captivated by the amazing view after a long day of walking. Whilst it was challenging, through our team’s perseverance, motivation, and determination, we were able to accomplish the practice and overcome different challenges. This practice expedition was more than just an exercise; it was an unforgettable journey of stepping outside of our comfort zone and resilience; I am sure that we are all very proud of ourselves!

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