MALVIE Magazine NOIR Spécial Édition Vol. 78 September 2022

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Here in MALVIE we believe that everyone plays an important role in society.

MALVIE is all about creating a space where art and expression can be freely debated and showed by every person that wants to be part of our mission. We care about you and we want to help you make your voice heard.

That’s why we created this special edition. Our biggest goal with MALVIE Noir is to empower people of color through their art and to give everyone the opportunities they de serve. The opportunity to be heard, to be seen, and to be appreciated for their work.

We know we won’t end racism alone and we know that we have a long way till we are able to identify the high est-impact actions, but we want to start now. And we will do our best to be active in the making of a better society for everyone.

In the immediate term, we will be donating proceeds to a black-led organization that fights against racial injustice. MALVIE shares the sadness and the concern you are feel ing at so much injustice and unjustified treatment, and we want to let you know that you are not alone. Not today and not ever.

You deserve to feel appreciated, but most of all, you deserve to feel respected. And we want to make you feel both.

SEPTEMBER FRONT COVER BACK COVER 1206 2820 56 38 2022 *Noir Edition is a showcase volume. 44 50 8460

MALVIE Mag is a one-of-a-kind Fashion, Beauty and Art Magazine based in France - WE ARE THE PEOPLE! Feel free to contribute with: Fashion, Beauty, and conceptual submissions.


INSTAGRAM: @creative.marius



INSTAGRAM:* @g_jagerr




Valentina Roque @valentinaroque EMAIL:




For submissions, please visit

Once images are approved for publication, you give us the right to correct/edit/retouch pictures if needed.

Images will never be sold or used for any other purposes other than to promote YOU and MALVIE magazine.


Letter from Valentina

I don’t know about you, but I see September as my personal New Year – it's Fashion’s New Year so I guess it makes sense, right? So many things will be happening at the same time in the next days, I get overwhelmed with excitment and joy just thinking about it.

Things even tend to get a little crazy, but in the best way possi ble. And that’s what I was thinking about a few days ago when deciding what to talk about it in this letter: what if we embrace crazy? What if we really take this month – or any other given opportunity – and set up all the new begginings we are looking for?

Let me make myself clear. Sometimes life gets a little crazy and we feel like we’re lost and won’t make it this time. But what if we don’t have to make it in the way we first thought of? Let’s restart and re-do everything and anything accordingly to the circunstances we have at the time – and try not to overthink it, sometimes the best you can do is just to get it done.

Photographer: Jordan Johnson @jordanludajohnson Model: James Perry @lucid.james
9MALVIE Noir Special Edition | September 2022
A Fashion and Beauty Magazine based in France NOIR Special Edition September 2022
Photographer: Ken Robinson @eighteen76photography Makeup Artist: michelle cofield @changingfacezstudios Wardrobe Stylist: Jeanette Hill Retoucher: @Labstudioretouch Model: Poya Seck @ps.yourstruly Makeup Artist: Cayfield Beauty @cayfieldbeauty Glamour Zone
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SUBMIT NOW! We wanted to personally invite you to be part of our second Fashion and Beauty Magazine - L'ATTIRANCE. You can sumit your work via!

Hair Paola Sardo

Makeup Make-up:

Photographer: Dario Tucci
Sara Assistant:Agency:GiusyWardrobeFestineseStylist:CostagliolaModel:JenniferCarpeDiemMariaTucci

Red Senshi Jumpsuit @bam.bam.billa Gold necklace @naula_studio

Photographer/Retoucher: Oktavian Adhiek Putra @okta_puss

Model: Eva Alfadel @Castaway @darker_abuk

Wardrobe Stylist: Calista Sarah @calistasarah

Fashion Designer/Creative Director: Bam-Bam @bam.bam.billa

Accessory Designer: Naula Studio @naula_studio

Hair Stylist: Jane Arkhipova @braids_and_trends

Bra top, Shorts Gloves and Fans @bam.bam.billa Jewellery @naula_studio
Bra top, Shorts Gloves and Fans @bam.bam.billa Jewellery @naula_studio Shoes @bam.bam.billa



September, as you may know, is called ‘The Fashion Month’ along the industry workers and fashion lovers. The most important Fa shion Weeks are happening, new trends are coming and, of course, magazines are get ting a lot to work with. I’m not trying to say that fashion editors don't worry about the content of all issues – I can totally say that we do – but September is always something else, it’s bigger both in terms of editorial pic tures and advertising. But why? Let’s get de eper into Septemberit.

issues have historically been considered the biggest fashion moment of the year for all magazines and fashion plat forms. Always packed with super glamoro us editorial shoots, prime advertisements and trends that will soon debut in stores, it really holds a special space in the industry. The September issue acts a big reset mo ment for people, they actually being in the industry as a fashion editor, model, designer or just by loving fashion. It marks the end of summer and it’s almost like it’s the first step in the direction of returning to “normal” life and routine for people. It also forecasts what's to come in the rest of the year and get us prepared for the new trends, styles and aesthetics – as Gen Z is saying these days, it's a way to show off the pull magazines have with advertisers as it's to be believed that the more pages an issue has, the better a publication is doing financially. We can un derstand why September is a much awaited month for fashion brands advertising, as it marks the beginning of the fall-winter se

ason, the most luxurious season of them all, full of the most in celebrities – that turn into sales for most cosmetic and fa shion brands.

All brands, they being already big and fa mous or just starting to make its way into the fashion pack, know that September is the highest season of fashion, so, as expected, they allocate large amounts of their annual budget to advertising in this month’s edition. You’ll notice that in the first weeks of the month we will be bom barded with advertising and previews of digital campaigns, and then we’ll find everything in magazines. For all of these reasons, the September Issue is always published by all fashion magazines, which coincides with the fashion week in New York, Milan, Paris, and London, the most famous ones and in which the most re levant collections of the most known desi gners are presented. At the time, all of the big, famous and important stores begin to exhibit their autumn-winter collections. Going from hot to cold weather makes new trends begin to emerge, so all ma gazines – like ourselves here in MALVIE – work on delivering the most memora ble, extensive and innovative issue of the year. It’s supposed to make people want to get the actual issue, not just the virtual edition of it. To make people excited to get it and read the stories, see the editorials. It’s supposed to be a real object of desire. In the regular calendar, September may be the ninth month, but in the fashion calen

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dar it is the beginning of a whole new year, as it sets the mood for the next two seasons. We get to know which pieces are coming out, which ones are appearing, which colors will be must-haves during the spring of the follo wing year.

As it’s the end of summer, there's a back-to -school feeling in the air, summer holidays have ended and the mood shifts. It's a period of reinvention and fresh starts, both in fashion and in life – and your wardrobe must match your life, right? - when the summer dresses you wafted about in all season no longer feel like the right choice. It's the perfect time for shopping and getting new pieces for this new moment. Fashion at its best is a reflection of public desires, so consequently offers up more inspiration and style notes than usual this month to help you find what you need to reinvent yourself. Not that long ago, it t used to be normal that June, July and August issu es featured less fashion editorials because there were less new clothes in stores, and a lot was on sale as space was being made for the September collections, but it’s safe to say that this is changing as new drops land on shop floors throughout the year and with the rising popularity of seasonless collections, but still the power of the September issue re


as social media changed every thing we used to know, things are a little diffe rent today. Last year, The New York Post even declared September issues "dead," pointing to a lack of publishing funds. While it seems publishers stopped reporting on ad page co unts a couple of years ago, saying that reve nue comes through many different channels now, there's no denying that the issues aren't as thick as they used to be. Not to mention the many print magazines that have shutte red over the last few years. But we do have a lot of industry insiders that think of brand ad campaings to be as beautiful as the fashion stories inside the magazine, so although now some of these carefully-crafted images appe ar online before they hit print pages, we can’t say that the issue has lost its importance and impact in Fashion.

Though some of the original hype of a Sep tember issue has faded, a very important thing for it to mantain it’s level of interest is the choice of the cover. Cover stars are often chosen because they have a certain fashion kudos, whether a top level model or a well known fashion influencer. This, along with the new autumn/winter edits, makes for a ripe advertising environment that its definitely a real statement time for all ma gazines. We always aim for a cover star with fashion clout, but also someone that has something interesting to say, someone who's really having a moment. A good co ver will capture the attention of the internet and people will share the image with the ir followers, usually with accompanying praise. Even though it’s in rare cases that they will actually read the story and in ra rer cases go out and buy an issue, it's the initial engagement that's important and no teworthy. A magazine cover is all at once a cultural statement, a conversation starter, a negotiating asset, a digital selling point, and most important, a mood.

No one can ignore the sheer numbers po wer that online offers, but advertisers still want in on the prestige. And that’s why the trend forecasting purpose of the Septem ber issue can never become irrelevant, even with the immediacy of digital and social media. The traditional point of a Septem ber print issue is to reveal that year's fall fashion, and even now that people no lon ger need a physical magazine to tell them what's about to be trending, the feeling of having it in our hands and being able to take a break and make our sceen times go down is unmatched. A publication can al ways tell them that they don't already know and make them think about what they are reading in different ways. For now, the re putation of the September issue remains.

Valentina RoqueArticle by

Photographer: RAFI BENATAR @studio1203rb Model: Eghahiko @eghahiko
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Racism goes against everything we believe here in MALVIE

Whether it comes in big gestures, like bullying and name-calling, or disguised as “jokes”, racism is violent. It is always aggressive and has the only purpose to oppress people. And that is something we can no longer tolerate.

As we live in a world where people are being discriminated and even murdered for their skin color and genetic features, it is our mission to try to make life a little less scary.

You are not alone!

You deserve to be respected and appreciated for who you are, and nobody has the right or the power to say otherwise.

We know we cannot change everything on our own, but we are doing our best to help in any way possible and to show our support in the making of a society in which everyone is safe, respected and gets ev ery opportunity they deserve.

We know it will take time for us to make big chang es with worldwide im pacts, but we can try and start somewhere. That’s why we created MALVIE Noir, a special edition des tined to empower people of color and make their voices heard through the art. Also, in the immedi ate term, we are donating proceeds to a black led or ganizations that fights ra cial injustice.

Photographer: Keith Major @keithmajor

Actor: Danielle Moné Truitt @daniellemonetruitt

Publicist: Katrina Boswell @katwalkmedia

Wardrobe Stylist: Marcus Blassingame @marcusblassingame

Makeup Artist: Shaun Gibson @shaunthomasgibson

Hair Stylist: Patrick Slaygod @__slaygod

Dress - Edwing D'Angelo - @edwingdangelo Body Chain - Sultry Affair - @sultryaffairstyle Shoes - Ron Dyce - @rondyce__

Danielle Moné Truitt

First of all, we are very happy to have you, thank you for talking to us! Can you start by telling us a little bit about yourself? How did you start acting?

Thanks for having me! I was born and raised in Sacramento CA. I have two very amazing sons whom I love deeply. I've been performing since I was a young child. Singing and dancing. Talent shows. The whole nine. I did a play in the 6th grade but didn't start acting until I was 19 and in col lege. After college, I worked in profession regional theatre until I made the move to Los Angeles to pursue a career in film and television.

About the new season of Law & Order: Or ganized Crime, premiering September 22, we are all dying to know what's next for Sergeant Ayanna Bell. Can you anticipate anything for us?

I am hoping this will be a season where audi ences will get to see more of who Ayanna re ally is. What drives her. What the true weight of her responsibilities are as a mom, and Ser geant. She will go through a divorce this sea son and anyone who knows anything about divorce knows it's one of the most traumatic experiences for someone to go through. Bell is a woman of true grit. You will see her chal lenged but you will also see her winning!

Ayanna Bell is a powerful woman that brings such great representation to the screen. How is it for you to give life to a character like this?

It's an honor and it's fun! Each season I learn more about her and have a deeper connec tion to her. I love storytelling and helping to create a character that people can relate to and be inspired by.

What would you say is the biggest chal lenge in telling Ayanna's story?

I don't find telling her story challenging at all. I understand Ayanna and I open myself to tell ing her story without any judgment. That way I can always be authentic in portraying her.

You felt strongly about Sergeant Bell wear ing natural and textured hairstyles in the series. Can you tell us why is it so important to you?

I believe it's important for Black women to be able to wear hair styles on TV and in films that are authentic to them. Our hair is beautiful and versatile and deserves to be celebrated. It helps educate audiences on standards of INTERVIEW WITH

beauty. It challenges production companies in the sense that they can no longer just cater to certain people and hair types. They have to hire hair and makeup department heads that are knowledge able and sensitive to all hair and skin types. They have to hire artists of color who understand our hair and skin types. For many years Black wom en have had to manipulate their hair in ways that are not healthy in order to be considered beautiful and gain opportunities in media. I'm grateful that things are changing and that I am able to be a part of that change.

Still on this topic, can you also tell us a little about your own beauty routine? You look so good I feel like we need to know!

I just wake up looking like this! You didn't know? [Laughs!] I'm kidding, but seriously I have a pretty simple routine. I drink a lot of water and I try to eat healthy foods. That truly makes a difference. I use Khiels facial products to cleanse and hydrate my skin. And I try not to wear makeup when I don't have to. I care for my hair and braids with different kinds of oils and I wear a bonnet or scarf to bed to protect my hair.

We see you have great style too. How would you define it?

Thanks! I would define my style as one that is very fluid and passionate. I wear what I feel like. Some times I'm a bit of a tomboy and other times I'm a glamour girl; or anything in between.

And for closure, what would you say are the biggest differences and similarities between you and your character?

Well, our styles are definitely different. Sergeant Bell looks good, but she is definitely more re served than I am in her taste for fashion. I could never be in law enforcement in real life. But we are the same in that we are driven, resilient, and are passionate about what we do. We find great purpose in it.

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Fashion and Beauty Magazine based in France NOIR Special Edition September 2022


- Edwing D'Angelo - @edwingdangelo Hat - Anthony Maxwell - @anthonymaxwell_ny Earrings - O"Lolly Jewelry - @o.lollyjewelry Bracelet - Chee Lee Designs - @cheeleedesigns

Photographer: Amasia Shadric @amasiamonet

Model: Shayla Towner @shaylaalayyee

Model: Lataja Monae @lafonduh_

Model: Marob M' Mchel @marobmchel

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Photographer: Evgenia Muzheva @emuzheva_temporary Wardrobe Stylist/Model: Antonin Vadim @antoninvadim Cloth and shoes @keymanby Hat Valium Hats
Photographer: Deseri Ameatta Rice @au.courag Model: Kiki Nicole @therealkikinicole Wardrobe Stylist/Creative Director: Samantha Sinclair @whereissamanthasinclair
A Fashion Beauty
Magazine based in France NOIR Special Edition September 2022

Photographer: Katerina Medvedeva @katerinamedvedeva_photo

Model: Iliana Sanchez Ballar @iliana.sanchez92

Fashion Designer: Katerina Medvedeva @katerina_medvedeva_dresses

Makeup Artist: Natalia Medvedeva @nataly_muah_lashes

63MALVIE Noir Special Edition | September 2022
The Main ISSUE is a SINGLE and UNIQUE ISSUE that contains the most creative and editorials.well-executed!WorkYourSUBMIT Photographer/Retoucher: Yury Romanov @yury_romanoff Stylist: Olena Romanova Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Julia Dzhulay @juliadzhulay Model: Viktoria Apanasenko @crystal.viktoria
Photographer: Mariia Korotyshova @mariispace Model: @Sirasrt
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Joseph Simpson @jrsimpsonphotography Model: Slay In Ur Lane @slay_in_ur_lane
A Fashion and Beauty Magazine based in France NOIR Special Edition September 2022
Wardrobe Stylist/Creative Director/Publication/Makeup Artist/ Hair Stylist/Retoucher/Photographer: Arno AlDoori @arnoaldoori Model: Sphinx @SMC Sunglasses: DOLLSKILL Jacket: SUGAR THRILLS Dress: Zara Tights:Heels:WOLFORDZARA
Dress: XUAN WANG Jacket: MIU MIU Tights: Fogal
Sunglasses : BAG:Dress:necklace:DOLLSKILLZARARE:NAMEDPOSTERGRLTights:WOLFORDHeels:CASADEI81MALVIE Noir Special Edition | September 2022

A Fashion and Beauty Magazine based in France

NOIR Special Edition September 2022


To Our Artist Edition

The Artist Edition is an Open-Themed ISSUE.

We accept fashion, beauty, art, studio, fitness, tattoo, sensual (implied nudity only) and more. You can submit your work here:

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