MALVIE Magazine The Artist Edition Vol 462 June 2022

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So much happened in the last months, it’s almost hard to remember everything. But one thing is for sure: some things were great and some not so much, but we got through it all and we’re still here doing what we love, what we chose for our lifes. How great is that?

As creatives, we know working with our own minds and always try to get new ideas for new projects can be a big challenge; we’re not always on our best - but that’s okay. The most important thing is to not give up and keep on getting better and better, and if we’re still doing it is because we believed in ourselves every day - even if it didn’t feel like it sometimes.

I’m positive that there were times when you want ed to give up on whatever you were working on - I know I did - but I’m so glad none of us did. We did our best so far and we got to keep on doing that, the rest of the year will just get better from now on. Here’s to great achievements, they are yet to come.


Half of the year has passed already. I mean, where did the time go?

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INSTAGRAM: @creative.marius


INSTAGRAM:* @g_jagerr*


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Once images are approved for publication, you give us the right to correct/edit/retouch pictures if needed.

Valentina Roque @valentinaroque

MALVIE Mag is a one-of-a-kind Fashion, Beauty and Art Magazine based in France - WE ARE THE PEOPLE! Feel free to contribute with: Fashion, Beauty, and conceptual submissions.








IT'S YOURS, Wolff, Lady Collection

Model: Daria Sprintuga @ocmodels @_sprintyaga_ @eka.chizh


Makeup Artist: Elena Physis @elena_fizis Wardrobe Stylist: Elena Borisova @helen.borisoff Assistant/Model: Diana Deisner @dianadeysner

Photographer: Sony Shekik @sony_shekik


Zara, TJ Collection, Pollyconcept, Brauberg FRENCH FASHION AND BEAUTY MAGAZINE

Ushatava, ALLSAINTS, Postpost scriptum, Calzedonia, TJ Collection, Guarneri, Urban Revivo Bluebella, H&M, Miss Selfridge Shannon, Y2K, SiSi, Brauberg, Lady Collection

10 The Artist Edition | June 2022

Starlen, IT'S YOURS, Nothing but love, the TKANI, HOSIERY, Asos Design, Astra Premium Arket, Mohito, H&M, Crocs, Lady Collection, True Decadence, Gentleteam

Starlen, IT'S YOURS, Nothing but love, the TKANI, HOSIERY, Asos Design, Astra Premium

Photographer: Vladimir Model: Alexandra Martynova @alisa_sweet_photo Hair Stylist: Elenastylistanapa @elenastylistanapa Makeup Artist: Anna Eidman @ann_aidman


By moving to a circular system, the industry will be able to unlock a USD 560 billion eco nomic opportunity, but realising it requires new business models and collaboration across the value chain. A circular economy for fashion would create better products and services for customers, contributes to a resilient, thriving and more equal fashion industry, and best of all, it regenerates the environment. It also prioritises the rights and equity of everyone involved in the industry, and will create new opportunities for growth that are distributed, diverse, and inclusive –nothing like what’s happening now.


Millions of tonnes of clothes are produ ced, worn, and thrown away every year. The equivalent of a rubbish truck load of clothes is burnt or buried in landfill every second. The fashion industry is one of the major contributors of plastic microfibres en tering the oceans. These facts shouldn’t be considered normal, it should scare us, and to solve the problem, it will require industry and government to work together, along wih significant investment, large-scale innova tion, transparency, and traceability. But if we take these actions together and get started as soon as possible – meaning today – this new system can scale a lot faster.

Photographer: SidlauskasAurimas Model: ZybailatėIngaArranger:Flower KusaitėAurelijaStylist:Artist/HairMakeup NarmonteInga

fashion industry is track to

18 The Artist Edition | June 2022

Happily, conversations around fashion have already become synonymous with conver sations around sustainability, and even though fashion would like to be more eco -conscious, that’s not something o happen overnight. It is quite the opposite, actually, it could take years – a time that we don’t really have anymore. For that reason, many com panies have implemented progress plans to get their supply chains and products to be mostly sustainable within the next five to ten,

the USD 1.3 trillion clothing indu stry employs more than 300 million people along the global value chain; the production of cotton alone is responsible for almost 7% of all employment in some low-income co untries. Clothing represents more than half of the total textiles used and in the last 15

Circular ECONOMY

One question is still very recurring: how do you have sustainability and growth? The answer is not simple, but a recent report by Global Fashion Agenda revealed that the fashion industry can be 80 percent susta inable by 2030 with increased investment in existing recycling technologies and infra


years and clothing production has approxi mately doubled, caused by a growing mid dle-class population across the globe, also, it increased per capita sales in mature eco nomies, but at the same time, clothing use has declined by almost 40% in the last years. Both of these facts are mainly due to the ‘fa st-fashion’ phenomenon, with quicker turna round of styles and trends, increased num ber of collections created and lower prices.

Right now, recycling happens for less than 1 percent of textile waste into new fibers or clothing, not even close to ideal, so it’s a gre at thing that textile recycling is one big part of the circulatory picture that can get the fashion industry to be 80 percent sustainable by 2030. But it’s not great that these recycling techno logies would need to be fully scaled to get to that goal as technologies to deliver recycling across color cotton, cellulosics, synthetic fa brics, and solutions for blended fibers are all still burgeoning.

The circular economy will certainly change the industry for the best. In that system, products are designed and sold in a way that they are used for longer and can also maintain their va lue for longer. The transition to a circular eco nomy is the best option for both fashion and the environment, we don’t have to lose one to have the other. Progress is slow but steady.

/Photographer: VivasCayleth @cayleth

There are ways to to reduce these emissions, they include scaling circularity, extending the use-life of products and materials, and en suring post-life that components break down and are reused or recycled.

big problem is that manufacturing fa cilities often incinerate cotton waste for ener gy, and of course the fashion industry needs to move away from this and start using affor dable, clean alternative fuels to shift incenti ves toward recycling and away from this in cineration nonsense. Also, recycling capacity is also still very small in most manufacturing markets. Still, there are some good news: the post-industrial textile waste offers volumes of quality, consistent textile feedstock, making it more recyclable than post-use waste. To at tract investment to scale this capacity, inve stors need greater transparency and more in formation to believe that this feedstock exists and can be reliable.


Valentina RoqueArticle

overshoot its 1.5-degree pathway target al most twofold, with emissions of 2.1 billion tons of CO2 equivalents in 2030, compared to the 1.1 billion tons required to stay on the pathway.

Director/Photographer: GonzalezBernettiDoménica

Community/Producer:Creative CCreative @ccreativelabStylist/Retoucher/ArtArtist/HairDirector/MakeupStylist/CreativeWardrobe

The biggest challenge is providing conditions for scaling, which include collection and sorting infrastructure, and investment in the recycling sector. The informal waste management sec tor also needs regulation and formalization. The thing is: moving from downcycling to re cycling will be a big help in putting the fashion industry in the right path towards sustainabili

According to Global Fashion Agenda, there are

three key components beyond post-production recycling that are a priority for pre-completive action: standardized consumer labeling, infra structure for collection and shorting, and sha red logistics. In addition, there also needs to be a reduction in the use of virgin materials, knowing that material production accounts for 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, with oil-consuming textiles being the biggest contributor. While the technology to guide the fashion industry toward a more sustainable future exists, the infrastructure needs to be di scussed and put in place.

Model: JoachimGuivenson @guivensonj by


Photographer: Anastasia Shamanaeva Model/Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Anna Bachina @bachinanya


25The Artist Edition | June 2022

Makeup Artist: Daria Emelyanova @emelyanovdaria

model agency: IMA LEMLE Agency @ima_lemle_agency

Stylist: Angelina Montrealnaya @montrealnaya

Photographer: Adilya Khabibulina @adilya2211

Model: Guzel Ohezina @IMA LEMLE Agency @ohezina_guzel

Dress: chic.dress

Fur Coat: Trousers:Corset:Shoes:shik.dressZARA2verve2verve Kokoshnik: fox_flisa

Suit, shirt: 2 verve Shoes: Jewelry:PAZOLINIua_store


Whether it comes in big gestures, like bullying and name-calling, or disguised as “jokes”, racism is violent. It is always aggressive and has the only purpose to oppress people. And that is something we can no longer tolerate.

As we live in a world where people are being discriminated and even murdered for their skin color and genetic features, it is our mission to try to make life a little less scary.

Racism goes against everything we believe here in MALVIE

The Main ISSUE is a SINGLE and UNIQUE ISSUE that contains the most creative and editorials.well-executed!WorkYourSUBMIT Photographer/Retoucher: Yury Romanov @yury_romanoff Stylist: Olena Romanova Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Julia Dzhulay @juliadzhulay Model: Viktoria Apanasenko @crystal.viktoria

Photographer/Creative: Sommer Nicole Photography

Styling/Creative: Rohan

Hair: Kee Glam Hair

Makeup: Camille Thomas

PR: Divine Influence PR

Model: Sierra Gates @sierra_glamshop_

Studio: Kissworks Studio Atlanta, GA

Sierra Gates

A lot of times girls come up with this fake “girl pow er” stuff and it's not really girl power they’re just doing it to get people's money. I really don’t have those problems because this is truly my passion. I really want to see girls be successful because I was counted out. So many people told me I was going to be on welfare, and they told me I wasn’t going to be anything. I don’t have a high school diploma, or a GED, but it’s something that I want to work towards. Many counted me out. So, for me to be as success ful as I am today, it really is a pleasure for me to push other girls to succeed.

The market is oversaturated and there are so many competitive brands out today. What do you feel sets you apart from other brands? For one, I feel my genuinity, my love for God, and wanting to see His people do great sets me apart. So, it's always going to be a million people doing a million things, but there’s enough money for all of us. My motto is to just say let your work be good and speak for itself, and you’ll shine bright. So, it’s really no competition. If you’re really doing some thing good, and it's genuine and it's coming from your heart, and you’re really helping people, then you will soar. Also, word of mouth is everything. Before Instagram, I was very successful, and it was always by word of mouth. It’s important to leave a good im pression, and make sure that you’re genuinely help ing people and doing what you say you’re doing.

Tell me your story, and how you evolved into becoming this highly successful serial entrepreneur and millionaire?

What inspired you to launch Money Monsters Academy? My story is what actually motivated me to launch Money Monsters Academy. I remember when I used to want help from other people to start up my busi ness. Not even financially, just knowledge wise. I didn’t know how to get a business license; I didn’t know where to start with launching a business. So, when

Exclusive Interview with

She stayed two minutes away from the South DeKalb Mall in Decatur, Georgia. And I walked up to the make up kiosk, and I was like: ‘I need a job.’ The owner asked me if I did makeup, and I was like: ‘Yeah, I know how to do makeup.’ I was always into beauty growing up, and I always made sure my eyebrows were good. I re ally didn’t know how to do makeup but what I quickly learned was that if you have a baby, you can do any thing. Those mom superpowers kick in. So I ended up doing makeup for this random girl who went to my school. I did her makeup and the lady at the makeup kiosk hired me on the spot. And it’s been on since then. I worked there a couple of years, and I even worked in the back of a strip club, doing makeup. I got my own spot inside of a flea market, and that was when I start ed building my relationship with God really strong. So I did makeup in the flea market and then I ended up just meeting other people, and then started doing different celebrities’ makeup and it just took off from there. That is how I got my start in the beauty world, and then I launched my infamous Sierra Glam Shop.

It all started when I had my daughter at fifteen years old. Growing up, I was an only child for a long time. My mom was a great mother. I was a very spoiled child, and I was raised in a good family. My mom was very stern about me not bringing boys into the house. So I ended up getting pregnant and my mom put me out. I always tell people that ‘my mom put me out into the jungle, and I came back like a lion.’ I feel like when she put me out it was the best thing she could've ever done for me. I had my daughter when I was so young, and I feel like seeing my daughter was what gave me that motivation to go forth and be great. So I ended up getting a job in the middle of the mall at a cosmet ics stand. I was about sixteen or seventeen years old. I went from place to place, couch to couch, me and my baby, and I was staying at my cousin’s house at this particular time.

the pandemic hit, I had extra time cause everybody knew I did my Microblading the Sierra Way classes, where I travel the world, teaching girls the six and seven figure technique of microblading. But when the pandemic hit, I wasn’t able to go on my tours anymore. So during the time I was off on my tours, people would always ask me how I became so suc cessful at a young age, and they would ask me if I could help them. And I never really had a chance to help them because I was always filming, being a mom, or either on tour. So, when I had that down time, I created Money Monsters Academy. I have so many different connections in China, and I just started sharing my connections and resources to my supporters. I would show them how to get their business license and show them how to create their website, where to start, how to post on Instagram, Twitter, and how to utilize these platforms so that they can monetize.


Keep up with Sierra Gates: @sierra_glamshop_

Being as though you are full speed ahead again with your “Microblading: The Sierra Way Tour,” what is your major goal with your tour experi ence, and what do you hope to accomplish?

43The Artist Edition | June 2022

How does it feel knowing that you are receiving your happy ending in both aspects– career and personally? It feels so great. It reminds me that God answers prayers and that He’s real and that He will literally give you what your heart desires. I did go through a lot to get here, it wasn't just peaches and cream. I had to sort out the bad apples and then I finally got my good apple, and I can’t lie, it’s so exciting. It’s like: ‘Wow you’re really waking up to the person you want to be with, and yall are both successful, and yall both doing God’s work and yall are both growing and building together.’ It really feels so good.

It is my mission to teach more girls, so that they can change their tax bracket and their situations and change their family’s lives like I said before. There are so many different techniques that I teach on the microblading tours–you have microblading, micro shading, and lash extensions. I know that these are all six figure techniques and can change peoples lives. And I just hope to God that He con tinues to put the right people in my class and I pray that it takes off for them just like it did for me. I know how it feels to want to master a craft. It felt so good making my first hundred thousand, it felt so good when I made my first ten thousand, twen ty thousand, I was able to do different things for my kids and my family, and other people around me. It feels so good to be a blessing, so I am super excited to see these young girls be able to reach their goals and build their empire with the different techniques that I am teaching them.

Do both you and your fiancé plan on taking more indepth endeavors when it comes to working together? Yes! So, Eric has his businesses, and I have mine. As a wom an that’s just a headstrong woman that has a great entrepre neurship mindset herself, we just flow. Of course we want to do things together. We have mutually decided to come into our new marriage acknowledging that my businesses are mine, his businesses are his, and whatever we build to gether under the Whitehead tree, is ours together. We are still talking about owning a restaurant together as well. So, I'm super excited to build new empires with him.

Honestly, it's so much fun. Eric and I, we’re equally suc cessful. So, it’s like when he’s working, I’m working. When I’m cooking dinner, he’s in his office working all day. And when he comes out, we have our little loving time and then he goes back to work. And when I’m working, he comes and checks on me. So, it's actually really fun, we definitely make it work.

So pre-orders for the palette are now available, and the palette released on Valentine’s Day. The con cept for the Boss Up Babe palette came from my daughter, Paris. One day she began motivating me, telling me to boss up. She turned seventeen on Val entine’s Day, so I decided to drop it on her birthday. The palette is just the beginning of an entire line of cosmetics. As you know, I was a makeup artist for thirteen years. and there is a lot of stuff that I’ve seen, in the beauty industry of what I like, and I just want to give it to the world. You only need a dime size amount of foundation to really cover your whole face. People don’t know how to do those things, so I’m going to come out with different products to create the perfect flawless glam. The Boss Up Babe Palette is such a beautiful eyeshad ow palette– it’s soft, subtle, but with a pop of color.

What message would you give to someone who wants to one day become a serial entrepreneur, a beauty mo gul like yourself?

You have to stay consistent, that’s one of my biggest mottos I live by. If you want to be successful, you’re going to have your hard days, and you’re going to have your good days. That’s why I’m very transparent with my following. It's not always peaches and cream, money doesn’t always solve every problem, you really have to get on your knees and pray and trust God to work it all out. So, you have to stay consis tent in whatever you’re doing to become successful. Stay consistent with your prayer life, stay consistent with getting up, making sure that you are exercising, eating right, and working on your business plan. Staying consistent overall, it may sound cliche, but it really is the key to success.

How has it been balancing your empires while being newly engaged?

Congrats on your engagement! That ring is gorgeous! How did you and Eric meet? Eric and I met when he dropped my truck off that I ordered from his luxury car dealership, PTG365. He dropped my truck off to me– I bought a brand new 2021 Bentley truck from him. And it was over for me, it was like love at first sight.

Let’s talk about beauty! Tell me about your Boss Up Babe palette?

You are not alone!

We know it will take time for us to make big chang es with worldwide im pacts, but we can try and start somewhere. That’s why we created MALVIE Noir, a special edition des tined to empower people of color and make their voices heard through the art. Also, in the immedi ate term, we are donating proceeds to a black led or ganizations that fights ra cial injustice.

You deserve to be respected and appreciated for who you are, and nobody has the right or the power to say otherwise.

We know we cannot change everything on our own, but we are doing our best to help in any way possible and to show our support in the making of a society in which everyone is safe, respected and gets ev ery opportunity they deserve.

Photographer: Steve Marshall @dallascreativestudio Model: Alicia Post @noname_ap

52 The Artist Edition | June 2022


Director of Photography: Marco Castellani @mark.castellani

Art Director: Riccardo Carrapa @riccardo_carrapa

Producer: Ferrari Fashion School @ferrarifashionschool

Makeup Artist: Chiara Mambella @chiaraasmakeup

Photographer: Francesco Sala @iamsalafrancesco

Makeup Artist: Diadema Academy @diademaacademy

Stylist: Beatrice Serafini @beatrice_serafinii


Photographer: Navin Thakur @navin.portraits Wardrobe Stylist/Model/Fashion Designer: Parul Goyal @groovingtofashion_ Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Laxmi Thakur @thakur_laksh Makeup Artist: Vinali Pal @mua_blissvinali


Photographer: Wilfrid Etienne Jr @wil_juniorphotography Model: Ayzia Toledo @ayziajxo Wardrobe Stylist: Skum @skumby_

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Tralane Hanif @belakphoto Model: Shonda Gaines @_totalpackagee

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Photographer: Alexandra Boyarkina @ksandraaleksa_offi Model: Yuliana Volobueva @iulianvelikii

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To Our Artist Edition


The Artist Edition is an Open-Themed ISSUE.

We accept fashion, beauty, art, studio, fitness, tattoo, sensual (implied nudity only) and more. You can submit your work here:


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