welcome to
IF WE ARE FACING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS KEEP ON WALKING Can you believe that autumn is upon us and we are only a few months away from Christmas! Where has this year gone? We have had a very busy period with holidays and kids, work and life, and some days we forget what day it is. We are sure many of our readers will resonate. We have another fantastic issue that we have put together with lots of great informative and educational articles, which we can all relate to. Please remember we also have a Subscription for those that are not living within the Free Zone! You can subscribe through the Mama Life website, so please spread the word to your friends and family. Call us, Email us, Contact us through our social media channels. We would love you to interact and share your thoughts on our publication. Happy reading. Stay Safe & Keep Smiling. Our Christmas issue will be out 13th November 2017
Meral Mehmet & Natasha Inan Editors-In-Chief
No ordinary scarf. No fuss, no tying, simply button and go. CALL FOR YOUR CATALOGUE or call 01827 58006
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3 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
By Anika Vassell
By Wendy Capewell // What does ‘Back to School’ mean to you as a mum?
ADHD What is it?
10 - 11
12 - 13
By Rachelle Grimes
By Black Sheep Hair
// Problem Skin
// Autumn Trends
By Emma @ Stylissimo
By Simon Smith
32 - 33
family law
By Amanda Rudham
By Clare Wiseman
By Jan Kiermasz
// 5 Luxury Destinations on a Budget
// Coping with Divorce or Separation
// Is Instagram safe for your Child?
18 -19
INSOMNIA By Susan Leigh
Mama Life Magazine is also online:
By Jenny Bracelin
By Clare Jenkins
By The Secret Clairvoyant
// Spending - Wants v Needs
// 7 Ways to help treat Arthiritis
// September - October Forecast
MAMA LIFE magazine
Contact: Editorial : 01283 533 888 // 07956 643 433
BUDDY BAG BRIGADE BAG PACK Friday 20th October 2017 18:30 - 21:00 location : the little green frog, 16A bakers lane, lichfield, ws13 6nf
Mama Life Magazine and The Little Green Frog host a Buddy Bag Brigade an opportunity to help pack Buddy Bags for the Buddy Bag Foundation.
advertising: 01283 533 888 // 07816 861548
Helping to provide Buddy Bags for children who arrive in emergency accomodation without the essential items they need for their comfort and well being.
We will be packing 180 Buddy Bags with 12 essential items per bag. All items will be supplied.
Please arrive at 6.30 pm PROMPT for Team Brief.
Mama Life Magazine
The Buddy Bag Brigade relies on donations and fundraising. If you are in any way able to support BBF please let us know? Each Buddy Bag costs £25.00.
contributors relationships : Wendy Capewell FITNESS: Dave Hughes EMOTIONAL WELLBEING : Toni Mackenzie MONEY : Jenny Bracelin HAPPINESS : Jo Howarth SOCIAL MEDIA : Jan Kiermasz TRAVEL: Amanda Rudham ASTROLOGY : The Secret Clairvoyant RESIDENT JOURNALIST : Alex Sullivan
Sponsored walks etc, Raffles, Donations, Trusts and Wills, Fundraising Events, Quiz Nights, etc etc See our web site for A-Z fundraising ideas Please LIKE AND SHARE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE buddybagfoundation Bring a SMILE :) Live Love Laugh Karen Williams
GUEST contributors Anika Vassell Susan Leigh Claire Wiseman A V Turner Claire Jenkins
next issue is out on the 13 th november
Please let us know you are helping on
What does ‘Back to School’ mean to you as a mum?
Microblading is a semi permanent cosmetic tattoo. Using a needle we implant pigment into the upper layer of the skin to create the illusion of a hair stroke. Finished result... natural looking brow. You can have it as full or as sparse as you like. It’s tailored to you so it would be exactly what you want. We draw on first and perfect the shape together. There are 12 different pigment colours and we can work together to help choose the right one for you It lasts between 9-12 months or even longer depending on how well your skin holds the pigment then after that you just have a colour boost, which is half price of the Irvin treatment. The initial treatment can take anything up to 3 hours. then depending on your healing time (everybody is different) included in your price you come back for a re touch. During that treatment, we assess anything you may not like i.e colour, shape. Also if you have lost any pigment we will implant that back into the skin. Aftercare is extremely important with this treatment as it can affect the finished result. We will go through all the this at consultation/treatment and you have leaflets to take home that you can always refer back to. The blading will not take out any of your own brow hair. This treatment is to help enhance what you already have.
A consultation will take place before treatment and this will include sensitivity patch tests for pigment and numbing cream, a chat about what you expect from the treatment and handout for you to take home. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask them. Before I can book you in for a consultation, I need to assess that you are suitable for the treatment with the next 5 questions-
£ price
Microblading by Eve
By wendy capewell
Are you over 18? Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? Do you have any illnesses? Are you taking any medication including herbal remedies? Do you have any allergies? (All of the above can have an effect on whether you can have the treatment)
FOR BOOKINGS PLEASE CONTACT: Eve Griffths 07903 009224 (text or call) Evening Appointments : Tuesday - Sunday All day Appointments : Sunday & Monday Available in Beauty Boutique Lichfield 01543 252525
he holidays are over and time to get back into a routine for those whose children are starting school as well as those returning. With it will come all kinds of anxieties for them. A new school, class, teacher, friends, the list can be endless. So it’s important to allow your youngster to express their concerns and for you to reassure them, rather than dismiss them. They will feel even more anxious if you just tell them everything will be fine. Instead, work together to find the best solution to their problem. Separation anxiety can affect you both, which is hardly surprising. Children can feel worried about leaving mum, going somewhere strange, and for really young children scared you may not come back for them. As a mum, it can be really upsetting when you realise your baby is growing up and moving on, taking their next step into the world. I know it tugged at my heart strings. But do remember you are the adult and your child doesn’t need the worry of trying to comfort you. If they sense your anxiety it will lead them to feel guilty about leaving you, enjoying themselves, and worried about forming new friendships, in case you get upset. If they see you anxious and worried, they are likely to feel that school is frightening, and that isn’t something you want for them. And they certainly won’t share their news in case you get upset. Of course teenagers are less likely to want to do that anyway, as that is quite normal. Be confident and reassuring when you leave them and keep your tears for when you are alone, or have a cup of coffee with a friend. Routine and boundaries are really important. During the summer break, the kids have had more freedom and routines have been relaxed. Now they need to get back on track. It’s not about being harsh, it ensures they know what is expected of them, even though they will attempt to push boundaries at every opportunity. You may be tempted to give in at times, as it can be exhausting for you to hold your ground. But if you give in they will push harder to get more of their own way, until they are running rings around you. Bedtimes become a battle ground, tired youngsters get ratty, and then tempers rise, which has an adverse effect on your relationship. Kids don’t have respect for parents they can manipulate, and they will take that behaviour into other relationships in adulthood. I hear mums say so often they are worried their child won’t like them if they say no, and they want to be best friends with their child. I’m sorry, you can’t be their friend in that way. You are there to guide and support them, in a loving kind way. So they grow into confident adults who understand about respect for others as well as themselves. I really admire mums with school age children, especially those who have a job outside the home as well as running a household. It can be exhausting and I wonder whether you take care of yourselves. At this point, you are probably screaming at me……………
”I don’t have any time for me!“ However it’s important to take some time out for you, and recharge your batteries, as you can’t operate on a flat battery. Your family depend on you. Rushing around trying to fit everything into a busy day can raise your stress and anxiety levels, leaving you continually tired and irritable. As a result your partner and children are going to get the backlash, and those relationships will suffer, and deteriorate, with everyone feeling miserable. So if you feel there isn’t time in your busy day to do something nice for you, such as reading, listening to music, a relaxing bath etc. then at least prioritise things in your day. Learn to delegate, rather than doing it all yourself.
At the very least, stop and take a minute every so often during your day, take 5 really deep breaths, and relax your body, bring those stress levels down, before launching into the next task.
wendy capewell is the author of:
From Surviving to Thriving in a Romantic Relationship 9 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
A Product shared... is a Problem solved By Rachelle Grimes
A MAKEUP CORRECTION A total miracle cure for dark circles, age spots and grey complexions. Apply before foundation or over the top to counteract dark shadows, bring light to dark circles whilst also working to hydrate this problem area.
Prep your oily skin with this oil control primer which will make your skin feel healthy and balanced. The gel formulation absorbs excess oils whilst retaining the skin’s natural moisture levels, providing your makeup with a long lasting wear time.
Transform your dull complexion with this multi-action peel and polish, which will dissolve dull and dead skin cells to create a vision of radiance. It’s the perfect at home facial to get a youthful glow in moments.
Experience a new level of comfort and results. This oil free liquid toner is packed with functional ingredients for repair and healing, designed to calm razor burns and redness. £27.00
If you’re plagued by high colour then this redness serum works wonders to soothe reactive skin, bringing relief from redness by cooling and healing. Ideal under makeup. Price £57.00 (50ml)
1.Clinique Blemish Solutions Clinical Cleaning gel £15.50
Green people blossom exfoliator 50ml £15
2.Burt’s Bees Anti Blemish Targeted Spot Treatment 100% natural. £11.49 3.The Green People Company Zap and Clear Serum 10ml organic £12 4.Murad Blemish Spot Treatment £15
RMS beauty lip2cheek £28
5.Simple Rapid Action Spot Zapper £3.50
baby moisturiser
Award winning gentle moisturiser containing shea and cocoa butters. It’s specially formulated for babies and children with sensitive skin. Suitable for all over face, body and nappy area. Price £12.99
Dermalogica pore control scrub £15.75
high st
Neutrogena clear visibility black head eliminating scrub £2.66
Spots/Redness – Toothpaste Apply tooth paste (not whitening) to clean washed skin, squeeze a tiny amount onto spot avoiding surrounding area. Leave for 2 hours. Remove with water. Dry skin – Banana Mash a ripe banana and apply it on the face and neck, leave for some time and then wash face and neck with warm water.
Coldsores – Tea Bag Apply a hot tea bag to the area.Press until tea bag goes cold. This will stop the blister process of the coldsore. Dark circles – Potatoes Apply sliced potato over closed eyes for 10-15 minutes, remove and rinse with cool water. Repeat twice a day.
ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 10
£ 26.00
REN evercalm
Suvarna logona free unscented deodorant for sensitive skin £14.95
shav n e
g in
Eco by Sonya – face tan water 100ml £24
My pure PHB Ethical beauty all in one mascara £11.96
Post-shave repair
By menscience
Pixi Peel and polish
Top 5 anti blemish solutions
By Giorgio Armani
colour corrector
IllAmasqua matte veil
O N & RG
Treat your feet to a hydrating heavy duty foot cream. Don’t let rough skin be your problem, instead hydrate down to your toes with this everyday essential.
hemp hard working foot protector TREATME By BODY SHOP
Organic VEG
11 / SEPT 2017/ ISSUE 04
Autumn 2017 Trends
THE BOWL CUT The bowl cut is back from the 90s, which can be styled in lots of alternate ways with the fuller fringe or keep it a bit longer with some shape to frame your face. This can be worn messy and textured or sleek and straight
One of the star styles for Autumn/Winter 2017-2018 and we’ve already seen some models wearing it. Leaving hair chunkier and untouched gives it a youthful yet edgy effect. A sleek middle parting and tucked behind the ear sets off the chunky cut.
Use Superstar Queen for Day Thickening Spray from Tigi Bed Head range, spray on damp roots to get ultimate volume body and lift for thicker looking hair… Finish with Tigi Bed Head Hard to Get Texturizing Paste for the textured matte finish Recommended styling and finishing products both by L’Oreal… Use Pli Thermo Modelling Spray on damp hair to add shape memory, grip and hold for root lift and oversized blow dry. Finish with Wild Stylers Beach Waves to create intense texture with a matte finish for the ultimate sexy hair
THE SIDE PARTING A runway favourite, the side-parting was everywhere on the catwalk this year. Try it this autumn/winter with straight hair to softly frame the face. Or make it severe and make a statement by making it more asymmetric.
PLAITS Plaits have gone up a level this season, placed in rows for a tribal effect. The perfect way to get an effective alternate look. Plaits and braids are always a good way to get a textured wave to hair without having to use heat. If you are wanting to get a wave it’s best to plait the hair damp and leave it to set into the shape and when it’s loosened it will give you a loose beach wave
Add body and volume with Tigi Bed Head Small Talk. Use on damp hair for a thicker look, energizes and gives life to limp hair to create definition and control. Finish with Oh Beehive by Tigi Bed Head. A matte dry shampoo, the super fine powder creates massive body that also absorbs excess oils that weigh the hair down making it ideal to freshen hair inbetween washes.
Use L’Oreal Tecni Art Full Volume Extra Mousse to create extra strong hold to damp hair to hold plaits and braids and create the textured finish when loosened. Finish the look with Head Rush from the Tigi Bed Head range for a shine adrenaline the super fine super shine lightweight spray mist gives extreme gloss with all over coverage ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 12
FREE Hair Colour Consultation
0121 354 1441
45-47 Birmingham Rd, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1RH
Autumn Wardrobe
The Autumn Winter season is going to be anything but dull, cold and boring. With vivid colours, bold checks and florals as our go to patterns and jumpers that are big, bold and statement pieces we start to form an essentials list for your wardrobe. The colours of the season were very much led by red at New York and London Fashion week. But it’s best to identify the correct shade of red to suit your skin tone, and choose how and where you will wear this trend depending on what feels comfortable to you. Do you go bold in a midi overcoat or add accents of the colour through accessories, it’s up to you.
ats o C D L O B l a e Style or St Grenadine was a hot colour at New York Fashion week, a bold red with an orange undertone it’s a more muted red and better suited to those with fairer skin. My high street choices include these two bold coats, the Peacocks coat has great structure and hangs beauti fully whereas the Hobbs coat gives you the option to snuggle up and envelop yourself in this wrap coat best suited to those with a curved silhouette. Hobbs Arletta Coat £369 Peacocks £40
Style or Steal son a e s e h t f o s t Boo LIFE MAMAVES LO
Dune Salina £170
Peacocks Slouch Boots £35 ISSUE 04/ SEPT 2017 / 14
My boot of choice this season must be the Saint Laurent inspired 80’s inspired Slouch Boots that are everywhere from supermarkets to the high street. There is a boot to suit every price point ensuring that you can have a little designer inspired piece in your wardrobe. My top picks for Style or Steal would be these Peacocks boots which I’ve seen up close and I can assure you are great value for money and are really well made for their price point. But if you have a little extra to invest in your winter boot this season I adore these Dune Salina’s, available in a number of colours and fabrics.
Wish List
itwe n K l a e t S r o le y t S
Stylist Top TIP
Compare the colour of the item to your skin tone by holding it underneath your chin in day light, take a look at the impact it has on your face. If it reflects or highlights pigments in your skin, it’s not right for you. Ideally you are looking for the colour to enhance and complement your skin eliminating dark circles under your eyes and warming the skin without reflecting.
Style or Steal s Check Coat If you prefer pattern rather than colour for your Autumn outerwear then the check trend is a recurring trend ensuring that you will be able to wear this classic piece more than one season. Whether you opt for dogtooth, herringbone or tartan you will be chic this season channelling the masculine tailoring trend that featured on the runways of Stella McCartney and Victoria Beckham
Dorothy Perkins Check Over Coat £69
Marks and Spencer Autograph Coat £99
Style TIP
Your Autumn Winter shopping list should include your basic pieces to revitalise your wardrobe and bring it up to date for this season. I always advise looking for key pieces such as a coat, boots, wear everywhere dress, jumper and a trouser or skirt that ideally could be mixed and matched to maximise your price per wear and ensuring that you always have a look that works together whichever way you style it.
Style or Steal Neutral Trouser Stylist Top TIP
Primark Blue Jumper £15
Knitwear this season is bold, big and fun and far far from being a Stepford wives inspired cardi. You can style your jumpers the Victoria Beckham way, slouchy over your wear everywhere dress with tights and boots or with masculine tailored trousers and oversized blazer for a work appropriate look. If you’re looking for a more casual outfit then why not opt for styles in colour palettes that will work with other items within your wardrobe, choosing neutrals like grey or navy blue.
The trouser of the season has to be the burgundy culotte, smarter than jeans and an option for both a daywear or evening appropriate look. It’s the work horse piece of your Autumn wardrobe. An elegant and sophisticated neutral base colour, and much easier to wear than black for many people as black only really suits those with high contrast between their skin and hair colour. If you don’t have pale skin and jet black hair, Burgundy is the better base colour option for you along with this season’s other key neutral, Grey.
House of Fraser Jumper from Another Label £70, Culottes £55 & Shirt £39 Label Lab
Style or Steal Wear Everywhere Dress
A key piece for your Autumn Winter Wardrobe would be the wear everywhere dress, that can be layered up with a slouchy jumper for a chic day look or styled with the perfect heeled boot for an evening meal or cocktails with the girls after work. Velvet is a popular fabric at this time of year and is effortless chic, a great investment addition to your wardrobe. Florals are an all year round trend, wear this New Look piece with Slouch boots and tights for winter and sandals in the Spring. Personalised style advice is on hand whatever your budget or time constraints. Why not book in for a Personal Styling session or a Personal shop to get your wardrobe Autumn Winter ready. Quote Mama Life and receive 10% off Courtesy of Stylissimo For details go to or call 07712 048652
George at Asda Culottes £14 Hobbs Maddy Trouser £89
New Look Floral Maxi £29.99
Marks and Spencer Dress £59 available November
LIFE MAMAVES LO Prefer a skirt to trousers, this pleather skirt from House of Fraser brand Biba is on our shopping Wish List as an alternative. At £69 I’d be styling this with a blouse for work, slouchy jumper and boots for play and heels and a cami top for drinks with friends.
House of Fraser Biba Skirt £69
15 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
a day in thE life oF PERSONAL STYLIST...
l l e s s u R a m Em
Hi there my name is Emma Russell. I’m a personal stylist, you’ll know me through my company name Stylissimo and author of the Fashion Column here at Mama Life Magazine.
When two people dine during September & October receive a free bottle of house wine on us! Quote MAMA01 offer valid Monday to Friday 6.00pm-9.30pm.
C h r i s t o p h e r ’s & T h e P e e l A l d e r g a t e
13-14 Aldergate,Tamworth,Staffordshire,B79 7DL 01827 67676
I love my job as a personal stylist as I have the pleasure of working with ladies, advising them on choosing and styling their clothes so that they look good and feel great. To help a lady find her style voice and boost her confidence and self esteem in the way she looks and dresses is the reason why I started on this career path. My greatest achievement is and will always be, helping ladies feel comfortable and confident in their clothes. My Career Journey I have always had a passion for trends, fashion, clothes and especially shoes. After having my second son I lost confidence in how I dressed, what was appropriate for my age and role as a mum of two children. At the same time a good friend was encouraging me to start writing a fashion blog, she felt that how I put clothes together and styled my own wardrobe was inspiring and that others may be interested in knowing how and why I wear what I wear. I decided to retrain as a personal stylist as I wanted to offer factually correct information to my blog readers. What I learnt as part of my training helped my own style journey enormously and I felt passionate about sharing this knowledge with as many ladies as possible. Both my training and being a member of the Federation of Image Professionals International ensure that any potential clients are assured that I am trained to a high standard.
Where have you seen me? I had the pleasure of working locally at Coopers Square Shopping Centre in Burton Upon Trent, where some of you may have seen me back in June this year. I styled and presented a fashion event called Selfie Fashion, with the event company I freelance with called Moo & Goo. We presented the very best clothing from the centres retailers Spring Summer collections, the premise of the event was a choreographed dance routine which showcased the clothing to a captive audience followed by myself sharing my styling hints and tips on how the clothing and trends featured could be worn by the ladies of Burton.
WEEKEND PACKAGES Bed & Breakfast Contact us for more information My day to day As a personal stylist I work with ladies on a one to one basis from my studio in Lichfield, but I also travel to client’s homes to answer their personal styling questions. I establish your body shape, your individual body characteristics and your skintone and hair colouring offering you personalised style advice and ensuring that you choose the correct items of clothes that will truly complement and enhance how you look and feel. Many of my ladies also enjoy a personal shopping experience with me which can be both time and cost effective, ensuring that you shop quicker and find the exact look that suits you while saving money on costly mistakes. I also style and present fashion shows and events across the country, sharing my advice with groups of ladies in shopping centres. The content of the shows varies from advising ladies on how to wear certain trends for all the different body shapes, occasion wear masterclasses, how to put together a capsule wardrobe right through to finding the right swimwear for your shape.
Christophers Peel Aldergate
I love styling and presenting these events as I am able to speak to so many ladies and help them on their style journey, I hope to see you soon at one of my styling projects. Follow @stylissimouk on Facebook or Instagram and you can keep up to date on where you can next see me.
ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 17
The bad news is that there is no cure for PCOS, but the symptoms are (so they tell me) manageable. The use of certain contraceptive pills to control hair growth, regulate periods and to suppress the male hormones, are a popular treatment. Healthy eating and weight management are also ways of managing the side effects of PCOS, although personally I would argue that is easier said than done when erratic insulin levels cause sugar cravings that I would do time for, but which then have the compounding effect of making me gain weight like a stone gathering moss when it plummets down a hill. Did I mention high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and stroke, not to mention sleep apnoea (I should explain this to my husband to get him to stop complaining about my snoring).
So what can you do? In the first instance, if anything in this article sounds like you, then I recommend a trip to your GP. Go armed with information. Most women only find out they have PCOS when they begin trying to start a family and struggle to conceive in a timely manner alongside all their yummy mummy friends, who seem to only have to think about becoming pregnant and HEY PRESTO, yummy mummy Junior appears 9 months later, which take it from me, is intensely irritating. For those of you like me who have had children but are experiencing some of the other symptoms such as erratic periods, mood swings etc, don’t just assume it’s that time of life and you’re a woman of a certain age. Discuss all your symptoms with your GP and discuss the best way forwards. The GP can refer you on to a gynaecologist or an endocrinologist who specialises in hormone imbalances. You may also be offered annual checks on your blood pressure and for diabetes, dependant on your age.
1 in 5 women are affected by PCOS
by Alex Sullivan PG Dip (SCPHN), RM BSc (Hons), RN Dip HE
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) has 3 main features as explained on the NHS Choices Website.
1.Irregular periods because the ovaries don’t ovulate regularly 2.Excess Androgen – high levels of male hormone which can lead to excess hair growth in areas that you don’t expect to have hair as a female, for example, facial, chest, back and buttocks. These hormones can also lead to hair loss.
Awareness Month September 2017
3.Polycystic ovaries – Ovaries become enlarged and contain many fluid-filled sacs (follicles) which surround the eggs. Despite the inclusion of the word “cystic” in the name, the ovaries do not actually contain cysts. According to the NHS, if a woman has at least 2 of these symptoms, she would be diagnosed with PCOS. The jury is out on what causes PCOS, but a popular thought is that it is related to irregular and imbalanced hormones and that there is in some cases thought to be a genetic link, therefore it is quite likely that if you have PCOS, your mother, sisters, aunts also have this condition. This is a condition close to my heart as I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 22 years old. Fortunately for me, my fertility was not greatly impacted upon and I conceived my daughter within 12 months of trying to conceive naturally. Statistically, this time frame would not be considered a “fertility issue”. I do however have extremely irregular periods and hair growing in places that I am sure shouldn’t be there. Hundreds of waxing appointments later, thousands of pounds spent on said treatments, and I finally have my body hair under some kind of reasonable control. Other symptoms of PCOS are hair loss, oily skin and acne. Some women are also more prone to depression and I for one would admit that my mental health and I have a love hate relationship at times, but again, through open and honest conversations with my GP, this is also relatively well controlled, unless someone takes food off my plate and then it’s gloves off. Which is a good time to mention that weight gain is also a delightful side effect of PCOS and one which where the more weight you gain, the more obvious your other symptoms may become. Obesity in itself can have an impact on mental health, fertility, self-esteem and also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease…. Which are also symptoms of PCOS. Now is also a good time to mention that the reduction in periods a woman with PCOS may experience in a year can also contribute to being at higher risk of endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the womb). However, this particular risk is still small and can be managed with the use of the contraceptive pill or having a coil fitted.
ISSUE 04/ SEPT 2017 / 18
One statistic available suggests that 1 in 5 women are affected by PCOS. Now whilst I am glad to be included in the top 20% of a category, I’d rather it be for being an award-winning nurse or editorial writer, NOT for being in the top 20% of women most likely to grow a beard by the age of 50. Most advice available strongly promotes the idea of “lifestyle” changes such as healthy eating and exercise to help reduce weight gain and testosterone levels which should promote better mental health and fertility. Many healthcare providers actively advocate the use of plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis and use of depilatory creams to deal with unwanted and excess hair growth. Whilst there are fertility treatments readily available dependant on your postcode or bank balance, there is little out there to deal with the lifelong issues caused by PCOS unless it is on a reactive level of treatment rather than prevention. My advice to you is: See your GP. Don’t be shy about challenging the ideas that you “just need to lose weight” or “it’s your age”. Be honest, not just with the healthcare professionals, but with yourself. Where has that depression and low self-esteem come from? Do you just have to put up with it? Quite possibly not. If all else fails, a cream cake and a pair of tweezers might do the trick, but I believe we’re worth more than resigning ourselves to a lifetime of plucking and increasing waistlines. As always, be healthy and be happy.
19 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
People are eating more calories than before... but pretty much all of the increase has come from processed foods. At the turn of the 20th century, people were eating mostly simple, home-cooked meals. Around 2009, about half of what people ate was fast food, or other foods away from home.
There was an epidemic of heart disease running rampant in the U.S. in the 20th century. A lot of scientists believed fat, especially saturated fat to be the main dietary cause of heart disease (although this has since been disproven). This led to the birth of the Low-Fat-Diet, which aims to restrict saturated fat. Interestingly, the obesity epidemic started at almost the exact same time the low-fat guidelines first came out. Of course, this doesn’t prove anything, because correlation doesn’t equal causation. But it does seem likely that putting the emphasis on saturated fat, while giving processed low-fat foods high in sugar a free pass, may have contributed to negative changes in the population’s diet. There are also massive long-term studies showing that the low-fat diet does NOT cause weight loss, and does not prevent heart disease or cancer.
2. Sugar Consumption Has Skyrocketed
5. Food is Cheaper Than Ever Before
Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet. Numerous studies show that eating excessive amounts of added sugar can have harmful effects on metabolism, leading to insulin resistance, belly fat gain, high triglycerides and small, dense LDL Cholesterol to name a few. There is also a plethora of observational studies showing that the people who eat the most sugar are at a much greater risk of getting type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Sugar is also fattening, partly because it doesn’t get registered in the same way as other calories by the brain, making us eat more. It also has adverse effects on hormones related to obesity. Not surprisingly, studies show that people who eat the most sugar are at a high risk of future weight gain and obesity.
One factor that has most likely contributed to increased consumption is a lower price of food. Food prices have dropped from 25% of disposable income to about 10% of disposable income in the past 80 years. This seems like a good thing, but it’s important to keep in mind that real food isn’t cheap... it’s processed food. In fact, real foods are so expensive that a lot of people can’t even afford them. In many poor neighbourhoods, they don’t even offer anything but junk food, which is often subsidized by the government. How are the less financially fortunate, supposed to stand a chance if the only food they can afford (and access) is highly processed junk high in sugar, refined grains and added oils?
3. People Gain Lots of Weight During The Holidays, Which They Never Get Rid Of
6. People Are Drinking More Sugary Soda and Fruit Juices
Most people don’t gain weight overnight... it happens slowly, over years and decades. Lots of tried & tired diets yo-yo from one diet this year to another diet next year. But the rate is uneven throughout the year and spikes dramatically during the holidays, a time when people tend to binge on all sorts of delicious holiday foods and eat much more than their bodies need. The problem is that sometimes people don’t lose all the weight. They might gain 3 pounds, but only lose 2 after the holidays are over, leading to slow and steady weight gain over time. So this could be 1-2 pounds weight gain per year and over 10 years can be 10-20 pounds weight gain. In fact, a large percentage of people’s lifetime weight gain can be explained just by their annual holidays.
The brain is the main organ in charge of regulating our energy balance, making sure that we don’t starve and don’t accumulate excess fat. Well, it turns out that the brain doesn’t “register” liquid sugar calories in the same way as it does solid calories. So if you consume a certain number of calories from a sugary drink, then your brain doesn’t automatically make you eat fewer calories of something else instead. That’s why liquid sugar calories are usually added on top of the daily calorie intake. Unfortunately, most fruit juices are no better and have similar amounts of sugar as soft drinks. Studies have shown that a single daily serving of a sugar-sweetened beverage is linked to a 60.1% increased risk of obesity in children.
We have more diet drinks than ever! We have more low-fat products than ever! There are more diets available than ever before. You have so much access to internet / social media as well as TV and newspaper media. So what is going on? OK, how many diets can you think of? 1,2,4,8? There are hundreds out there and there is too much of the wrong information. There are 12 reasons to why as a nation we are getting fatter. Here are the first 6...
1. People Are Eating More Junk Food Than Ever
Welcome to Meat 4 Less – we sell a massive selection of fresh meat at unbeatable prices. We are open to the public on Tuesdays through to Sundays, where we sell all of your pre-packed favourite cuts – or if you prefer, you can ask our experienced butchers for quality choice cuts that can be prepared while you wait. The concept behind Meat 4 Less is simple – we promote healthy living by providing our customers with quality meat and frozen products at massively discounted prices (hence our company name). We can do this because we have the same great relationships with local producers, but far lower overheads than most high street and retail-park supermarkets. So we can supply the same high quality meat, fish and other frozen produce at up to 40% less cost. We would love for you to come visit us and pick up a bargain or two. Please feel free to explore our website and contact us if you have any specific questions on 01827 59000, or you can send an email to Opening Hours : Wed-Thurs 8.30am - 5.30pm // Fri 8.30am - 7pm // Sat 8.30am - 5pm // Sun 10am - 4pm
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4. The Obesity Epidemic Started When The Low-Fat Guidelines Were Published
Sugar is bad... but sugar in liquid form is even worse.
I’m Dave Hughes, and I help people to transform their lives, body-shape and fitness so that they can feel more confident in everything they do. I will be continuing this article and outlining another 6 factors in the next issue of Mama Life Magazine. If you are struggling with motivation or want help to achieve a healthy new you then get in touch.
21 / SEPT 2017/ ISSUE 04
of ADULTS do not get enough SLEEP
• Introduce better balance in your life. Poor sleep can occur when you’re tired mentally but not physically, or vice versa. Some jobs require mainly mental effort, where you perhaps spend a lot of time indoors attending meetings or huddled over a computer. Try to schedule breaks for physical activity as well as time outdoors in the fresh air. Eat lunch in the park, start gardening, enjoy walking on the beach or in the countryside with friends or family, play sport. Conversely, a physically taxing job could be balanced through mental exertion like reading, puzzles and interesting, thought-provoking conversations. • Treat the time before bed as important. Wind down for an hour or two before bed. Turn off your computer and phone, arrange any stressful conversations for another time, avoid horror films and heavy meals late at night. Enjoy a walk or yoga practice, consider hypnotherapy, have a lovely bath to wash away the day’s stresses and concerns, use those lovely scented candles you’ve been saving for a special occasion. • Make your bedroom an oasis of calm, relaxation and personal space. If there’s a work-related area be sure to screen it off; avoid having your mobile phone or TV too close to the bed. Keep your bedroom free from clutter. Choose lovely, soothing colours, textures and fragrances and ensure it’s a pleasant, well-ventilated, relaxing room. For some people black-out blinds help them sleep, especially if they work shifts or are a light sleeper. • Your bed is important. It’s worth spending money on a comfortable bed, pillows, bedding. You spend a reasonable amount of time in bed so consider the money as an investment in yourself and your health. If you have a restless partner or someone who keeps different hours to you, might it be worth investing in separate beds to minimise disturbances and ensure a better night’s sleep? For some people separate bedrooms provide a welcome relief from a snoring, restless partner, and ensure that date nights are extra special! Use whatever works best for you and your life.
of ADULTS struggle with SUNDAY night Insomnia
by Susan Leigh
• Little touches can make a difference to your quality of sleep. Add lavender to the final rinse cycle of your sheets. Listen to relaxing music. Remember there are only two things that ‘should’ be happening in your bedroom! So resist the temptation to take food, work, knitting to bed. Allow your mind to calm and still, ready for a good night’s sleep. Then you’ll find the overall quality of your sleep and your life improves.
here’s been so much of late in the media about sleep, scary statistics reporting that 90% of adults don’t get enough sleep, £40 billion (or the equivalent of 200,000 days) of productivity were lost last year due to sleep-related issues like absenteeism, poor performance and accidents, and 25% adults struggle with Sunday night insomnia.
With information like that, it’s easy to appreciate why sleep causes so much concern. Modern life requires many of us to regularly work from morning till night due to us having so many demands made of us. Family and work responsibilities, friends wanting a catch-up, plus a desperate desire for a little personal time can mean that every minute is accounted for. It’s no wonder that our minds are racing as we eventually collapse into bed, craving a good night’s sleep. Often though we may be restless, find it difficult to fall asleep or awaken during the night, wide awake and unable to drift back to sleep after only a few fitful hours. Let’s look at how even busy people can renegotiate their lives and find ways to support a deep, refreshing night’s sleep. • Being able to prioritise is a valuable skill in a busy life. Not everything is equally important and some tasks can be broken down into bite-sized chunks, where you work on one section, pass it on to someone else for their input and are able to divert your attention to something else. Poor sleep often occurs when we’re preoccupied, stressed or over tired. Prioritising allows for better control, introduces some order and allows us to maximise the use of our time. Lists can help introduce order and a sense of pride as each task gets ticked upon completion. • Get to know yourself and your personal warning signs of becoming stressed and over tired. I call them ‘amber lights’, the time when your mood changes and irritability, loss of sense of humour, poor concentration, feeling vaguely unwell start to occur. There are a documented 360 physical symptoms of stress, one for each day of the year! When you recognise the negative changes in your demeanour you can schedule effective ways to take better care of yourself, have a break and reduce the buildup of stress.
ISSUE 04/ SEPT 2017 / 22
23 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
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Natasha’s Blog There it was staring right at me my 7 STONE certificate, 7 STONE how the hell did I get this far ??? There had certainly been far few tears shed on this journey, so many days I had had enough, and the weight loss was dramatically slowing down.
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I was losing my patience with it all at times, and that led to me becoming frustrated with myself and beating myself up about how I had come to the size I had been. Why did I keep looking back? I should be focused on just moving forward and enjoying my achievement. Like I said in my previous post I was never bullied at school about my weight, in fact, my school days were some of the best memories I have. However, I have had some cruel comments made about my size whilst in my late teens early twenties. One comment I will share: Myself and my good friend had decided to book a holiday abroad, so I thought fab I’ll go on a sunbed first and get a slight colour before I go away, this was going to be my first time to use a sunbed. I got a token and headed to the sunbed, I then heard a comment from the owner
Maybe some would read this and find it “funny”, however, it completley crushed me, how I carried on and got on that sunbed I will never know. Maybe that’s the stubborn streak the determination I have deep inside? I don’t know, but I got on and to this day, I’ve never got back on a sunbed. Writing this now has brought it to the forefront of my mind and I sit here in tears. Most of us are guilty of making comments, judging people on their skin colour, clothes, hair, size etc. I try to raise my children never to judge anyone and take them for the person they are as I know first hand how hurtful it can be. If you have nothing nice to say DONT SAY IT! I made one of the biggest decisions ever, I would seek councelling I needed to deal with my trauma I had experienced at a young age. I booked in for my first councelling session with a lovely guy called Justin, I was optimistic could he really help? Only time would tell I suppose. I had so much love for everyone else, I desperately needed to find some love for myself.
“make sure you put some breeze blocks under her sunbed”
In the next issue… Follow Natasha’s journey of Highs & Lows 25 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
The symptoms of ADHD are unique to every child. This means that there can be no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach One method of working and addressing the needs of a child is likely to be very different from addressing the needs of another. Finding the right method will take partnership work between all of those who work and interact with the child.
Medical Advice There is no single test for ADHD, rather, it is assessed using information from a number of sources; namely interviews with the child, their parents, and reports from the school and other significant people in the child’s life.
by Anika Vassell
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a complex neurological disorder that is commonly identified through three distinct behavioural symptoms; namely inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The inattention component of ADHD is exhibited in a child’s inability to remain focused or on task and these children are easily distracted by occurrences that happen in the world around them. Hyperactivity is excessive activity which unfortunately, tends to lead to disruptive behaviours at home and in the classroom. It is experienced by the child as an internal restlessness which impacts on their thought processes as well as in the behaviours which they display. The impulsive element of ADHD often leads to children saying or doing things without consideration of the negative impact that it might have on themselves or others.
Prevalence ADHD is often identified in children before they reach the age of seven but it can be missed and/or misdiagnosed, going undetected until adulthood. Surveys of children in the UK aged between 5 and 15 years of age, show that the prevalence of ADHD in boys stands at 3.62% and in girls a much lower figure of 0.85%. In contrast, the worldwide prevalence of ADHD stands at around 5% .
Gender The symptoms of ADHD do appear to have gender differences. In boys their behaviour is more external and can be seen through
ISSUE 04/ SEPT 2017 / 26
behaviours such as running , jumping and being loud, whilst in girls the behavioural symptoms are often less obvious due to their subtle and internalised nature. This disparity may be more due to the differences in socialisation rather than the manifestation differing between boys and girls where social expectations of the genders impact on their behaviour. This difference in expression of symptoms could also be a reason for the lower diagnoses in girls as opposed to any real difference in prevalence between the two sexes. Whilst boys are more likely to display their frustrations of ADHD externally and act out physically, it is thought that undiagnosed ADHD in girls can lead onto further internalised mental health problems such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety issues and the development of eating disorders.
Medication can also be prescribed to help with the hyperactivity element of the disorder. For this, the child is usually referred to a child psychiatrist, a paediatrician or Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Under consultation and through careful observation of the child, the most suitable combination of medication can be found to help address the behaviour.
If you have concerns about your child If you suspect that your child has ADHD then speak to your child’s class teacher if at primary, or their tutor or Head of Year if at secondary school. As your child will have multiple teachers in secondary school, patterns in behaviour can be easily missed. Request a ‘round robin’ to be conducted, where each teacher writes a mini report with a focus on the key indicators of ADHD. The disorder may have gone undetected by teaching staff however, with a prompt from yourself they are certainly able to begin keeping an eye out for behaviours. Keep a diary with detailed descriptions and prevalence of the behaviours that are displayed at home and at school. This will serve you well if you then decide you have good reason to seek out expert support from the doctors. Most of all do not panic if you suspect, or if your child is given a diagnosis of ADHD. Detection is key towards your child’s future happiness and success.
o b e r 20 1 t c
What is it?
Doctors are also able to help with practical interventions, such as the ways in which a parent might be able to support their child to be organised at home and at school. The teachers may endeavour to seat a child at the front of the classroom so as to reduce the number of distractions that they can be exposed to in a busy environment.
An analogy would be a fast car that takes a bit longer to get going and bit longer to react and stop when given the red-light cue. The environmental factors impacting on development are also an area of research for ADHD as are studies into hereditary factors, where there is strong indication ADHD runs down the family line.
Strides are being made by activist groups such as The UK ADHD Partnership whom are vocal and making some headway towards getting ADHD recognised as a Special Educational Need (SEN). However, until then, so as to avoid a child being negatively and unnecessarily labelled as ‘a problem’ it is best practice for parents to work closely with the school.
In a seemingly contradictory way, some research evidence points to the brain’s abnormally slower transmission of messages between the different areas which cause the symptoms of ADHD. Research conducted on children with the disorder show, through brain-imaging scans, that there are several regions of the brain which are largely inactive or dysfunctional as a result of neurotransmitter imbalance.
Impact on Education According to Department of Education figures, there has been a tripling of children being taught in class sizes of 36 children or more since 2011. With talkativeness, loudness and the constant need to move around being a feature of ADHD, it can easily be deduced that this steady increase in classroom sizes could only add to the additional strain of teachers managing the needs of neurodiverse children and in particular the hyperactivity in ADHD children. This is also particularly worrying in light of the fact a Government White Paper, ‘Back on Track’, highlighted that 39% of children with ADHD have had fixed term exclusions from school.
27 / SEPT 2017/ ISSUE 04
BARLOW’S book reviewS
“YOUR” advert could be here
Can you believe September is upon us already? Let me tell you how to escape from the grey drizzly British weather, curl up, grab a coffee and read all of the fabulous books featured below. I’m super excited about this issue because my latest book The Cosy Canal Boat Dream was published by Harper Collins affiliate HarperImpulse in August, and I’m delighted to invite Lorraine Rugman from The Book Review Café to share her thoughts on it with you all. Not only was I spinning dizzy about such a fabulous review, but I couldn’t quite believe it when the uber-talented queen of fiction Katie Fforde said this about my latest novel, ‘The Cosy Canal Boat Dream by Christie Barlow is full of warmth, fun and has the feel good factor.’ Barlow’s Book Reviews @ChristieJBarlow
and people could be reading about your business right now
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The Cosy Canal Boat Dream by Christie Barlow is not your usual run of the mill RomCom. It is highly entertaining and certainly makes for an emotional read, so a word of warning have the tissues at the ready! Nell Andrews appears to have the perfect life; she’s living the dream on a narrowboat with the love of her life Ollie, but when he’s killed tragically all Nell’s hopes and dreams for the future are left in tatters. As she struggles to cope with her grief, life takes an unexpected turn when Guy Cornish, a gorgeous Irishman and a disused cinema comes into her life.
What follows is a heart-warming, soul-searching story and you can’t help but fall in love with each and every character at Little Rock Marina. This was such an outstanding exquisitely written tome; it was wellpaced, an absolute joy to read and full of surprises I wasn’t expecting, leaving my emotions all over the place as I reached yet another poignant scene in this charming tale. What I adore about Christie Barlow’s writing is that she has a knack of bringing her characters to life, friendship and humour play a big part in this novel and you quickly become attached to Nell,
best friend Bea, and the adorable Jacob who despite only being five has a huge personality. Barlow always gives you that something extra, romantic confusions, humour and draws on real life issues which she writes about with such sensitivity that you can’t help but become involved in each character’s story. I simply adore all of Christie Barlow’s books and in my opinion she is one of the best writers in this genre. The Cosy Canal Boat Dream is one not to be missed. Lorraine Rugman aka The Book Review Café (@ReviewCafe)
MY SUMMER OF MAGIC MOMENTS by Caroline Roberts When a seaside escape spells a little romance … In the first chapter we meet Claire Maxwell who is currently taking a short break from work. After splitting up from her husband Paul and surviving cancer her past year has been inevitably painful but she has the feeling that change is about to happen. She is ready for a bright new chapter in her life when she winds her way to the coast for a cosy cottage retreat in the seaside town of Bamburgh. She prays that three weeks
of blissful peace and summer sunshine will wash away the pain of last year and put the sparkle back in her life. After pondering what to do with her break she begins to make a list, make bread, have a bath, dance in the rain but her plan for peaceful solitude goes awry when a handsome but grumpy guy called Ed turns up in the cottage next door. Will a little summer romance prove the worst distraction? Or might it be the perfect remedy?
The story was beautifully written with gorgeous descriptions of the perfect setting, sun, sea and romance. Roberts tackles serious issues within the story line and executes the plot with such sensitivity and honesty. Reading My Summer of Magic Moments was like eating a box of delicious chocolates, I savoured every moment, every chapter and I wanted more. A simply scrumptious story.
This is all Pippa has ever wanted… if only husband Jason could show just a little excitement. Imogen… A baby is the icing on the cake for Imogen and Alice – proof that their love for each other can overcome any obstacle. But when Imogen starts receiving malicious texts, it’s clear that not everyone is thrilled about the girls’ good news. And Ellie… A drunken one-night stand and Ellie’s life is ruined! Pregnant, jobless and the relationship with her best friend, Chris, over- forever. Because Chris just happens to be the father of Ellie’s baby…and potentially the love of her life!
The story is woven between three first time pregnant mums that join a club at the local café. I found each of their individual stories engaging and Wheeler draws you into their lives like they are your new best friends. I especially adored Ellie whose outspoken attitude kept me amused at every situation, if I’m honest she reminded me a little of myself! This book captured my heart, everything about it was perfection. It had the right amount of giggles, girl power moments and genuine friendships. There is definitely not a dull moment in The First Time Mums’ Club!
THE FIRST TIME MUMS’ CLUB by Lucie Wheeler Is it possible to fall in love with a book as much as I did with The First Time Mums’ Club by Lucie Wheeler? Firstly, just look at the cover … stunning … gorgeous … in fact utterly fabulous! The minute I spotted this book I knew I just wanted to jump inside, and I couldn’t download my review copy quickly enough! But, I need to tell you something … as soon as you open the book it just gets better and better! Meet Pippa… After years of trying and a failed IVF attempt, Pippa is thrilled to see two little lines appear on a pregnancy test. Finally a precious baby to call her own.
29 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
food By simon smith
Autumn Delights
As the summer draws to a close I have done a couple of recipes using late English fruits with a second crop. In the autumn we will have some great English fruits to work with as we grow an abundance of apples in this country and each with their own use.In the next issue we will be doing some easy, child friendly recipes after some feedback I have had. If anybody would like to ask for any recipes for future issues or pass comment on the articles.
Sea bass with summer vegetable casserole 4x Fillets of sea bass Ix Head broccoli 1x Bunch asparagus 2x Shallots 6ozs Fine beans 6x Broad beans 5x Stamens saffron 1x Glass white wine 6ozs Butter
Strawberry and Nutella Crepes
Method •Whisk the eggs into the milk •Sieve the flour into the milk and eggs •Add a dash of vegetable oil •Whisk together and pass through a sieve to remove the lumps •Heat a small non stick pan and wipe with oil •Add the pancake mixture and spread over the pan •Cook until golden on each side •Fold into quarters and keep warm. •When all the pancakes are finished add the quartered washed strawberries to the pan •Add the double cream and sugar and simmer for 1 minute •Serve the crepes with a teaspoon of Nutella on each and the strawberry sauce over the top ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 30
2x Peaches 1 punnets Blueberries 3 ozs Caster sugar 4 slices Brioche ½ pt Double cream 4 x Egg yolks 1/2tsp Cinnamon ½ glass Crème de cassis 8ozs Mascarpone Dash Vanilla essence
Grilled king prawns with smoked bacon jam 8x Rashers smoked bacon 1x Shot Espresso coffee 12x King prawns 2tbsp Maple syrup 2x Red onions sliced 1x Clove garlic 1x Chilli 1x Sprig Rosemary
Method •Trim green vegetables and take broad beans from the pod •Put a large pan of water to boil and cook each type of vegetable individually •Once cooked drop into a bowl of iced water •When broad beans are cooked and cooled they need to be shucked •To shuck broad beans squeeze at the bottom until two green halves pop out •Peel and finely slice shallots •Put shallots into a pan with saffron and white wine and simmer for two minutes until reduced by half •Add the butter in knobs and stir gently in •Either gently fry or grill the sea bass fillets •Fold green vegetables into the butter sauce and heat until warm •Serve in a dish with sea bass fillets on top 5ozs Plain flour 3 Eggs ½pt Milk 1x Punnet strawberries 1/2pt Double cream 2ozs Caster sugar 4tbsp Nutella Dash vegetable oil
Roast peach and blueberries with brioche French toast
•Halve peaches •Put Crème de cassis, caster sugar, blueberries and halved peaches in oven dish •Put in to pre heated oven at 180 for 10 minutes •Soak brioche in mixture for 10 minutes •Heat unsalted butter in frying pan •Place brioche in butter and cook for 2 minutes on each side •Top with roast peaches, blueberries and roasting syrup •Add a dollop of mascarpone •Mix sugar and cinnamon together For Eggy bread •Put Double cream in bowl with 4 egg yolks •Add caster sugar and cinnamon then whisk together •Soak brioche in mixture for 10 minutes •Heat unsalted butter in frying pan •Place brioche in butter and cook for 2 minutes on each side
Method •Grill bacon until crispy and retain the fat •Chop 2 red onions and half a clove of garlic •Fry in 1 ounce of salted butter •Chop chilli, garlic and sprig of rosemary, add to onions •Chop bacon and add to the pan •Add 2 table spoons of maple syrup •Add espresso •Blend ingredients in a food processor •Skewer king prawns and grill until cooked to liking •Bacon jam is an ideal extra for any BBQ and can be kept for quite a while in the fridge
Stories from Abroad...
In years gone by when I used to work as a chef on Super yachts which were hired by those of exceptional wealth guest eccentricity was almost compulsory. For those who can afford to spend an average of £250,000 per week to hire a yacht with fuel, food and berthing charges, high demands are very usual. We took one guest who was an international lawyer accompanied by his ‘nurse’. His rider stated ‘we are to go no nearer than 1 mile to shore as I am afraid of assasination and this should keep the boat out of range of a sniper’s bullet. This also means that we are never to berth in a port. In addition I will only eat fresh fish that we must take from fishing trawlers whilst out at sea so I can guarantee the freshness’. One day off St Tropez I was told that he wanted fresh lobster for dinner and I was to take the tender into town and buy two live lobsters. I was given today’s equivalent of £200 to cover the cost. Being a chef rather than a sailor I was not wise to the ways of tidal flow but took the tender nonetheless (before the days of licenses and tickets). I tied the tender to the dock and went off around town. Having bought the lobsters some while later and without a shopping bag I returned to the tender with lobsters in hand. I had obviously tied the tender too tight as it was hanging off the dock with quite a slope. Wondering how I would get onto it holding a lobster in each hand I asked several passing tourists to hold them for me while I clambered aboard. Nobody would hold them as they were wriggling too much and the only thing left was for me to jump onto the tender whilst holding them. Of course the inevitable happened and as I landed I slipped on the deck, fell over and dropped both live lobsters back over the side to watch them float to the bottom. The news was not well received back with the guest and I’m not sure to this day if he ever believed I had bought the lobsters in the first place.
31 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
5 Luxury destinations that make the most of your holiday budget
VIETNAM - From mouthwatering Vietnamese dishes to the beautiful coasts to colonial buildings steeped in history, Vietnam is an ideal spot if you’re hoping for luxury and adventure. The scenery is breathtaking, with cities, beaches and rolling plains across the country, so you can explore culture and architecture, as well as relaxing on picture-postcard beaches. Whether you prefer luxury boutique hotels in the city or a resort on the beach, there are some exquisite luxury options in Vietnam – and they represent excellent value, too.
When you think about a luxury holiday, what do you picture? Perhaps it’s five-star service, your every whim taken care of. Maybe it’s incredible facilities, from yoga at sunset to deep sea scuba dives. Or, simply, a breathtaking location– dazzling white sands lined with palm trees and bright blue waters. If you’re dreaming of a luxury paradise but aren’t sure if your holiday budget will stretch that far, read on to discover five destinations I think you might enjoy. These exotic spots offer picture-perfect beaches as well as sumptuous resorts. Though the long-haul flights might take up part of your holiday fund, costs for accommodation, food, drinks and excursions generally tend to be lower. And, you might just find that they fit nicely within your holiday budget!
THAILAND – For dreamy island paradise with culture and incredible food that makes the most of your holiday budget, try Thailand. The twinkling turquoise waters, pristine white beaches and luscious jungle are hard to beat, and the luxury resorts and hotels are truly sumptuous. Whether you’re hoping for a spa and wellness retreat or a relaxing base for an action-packed trip with scuba diving, treks and island hopping, there are plenty of affordable 5* options in Thailand.
MEXICO -Looking at a photo of one of Mexico’s dazzling beaches, it’s not hard to see why this spectacular destination is such a popular holiday spot! And the luxury resorts here offer everything from adultsonly to all-inclusive, with some hotels set within sprawling acres of tropical plants and other resorts nestled on the beach. Hoping to make your holiday fund stretch a little further? Try going to an all-inclusive resort. You’ll find a variety of restaurants, including fantastic a la carte options, and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks all included for the duration of your luxury holiday.
SOUTH AFRICA – is a beautiful country with plenty to see and do, whatever your interests are. Foodies will be amazed by the incredible restaurants – and the value for money you’ll find at some of the country’s top eateries. Nature-lovers, meanwhile, can spot birds, the Big Five, and whales, and spectacular scenery from beaches to botanical gardens. And if you’re hoping for luxury, there are some exquisite hotels, from boutiques to retreats on vineyards.
BALI –With a mesmerizing landscape that includes bright green rice paddies, tropical forest, and white, sandy beaches, Bali has something to delight everyone, from explorers to sun-seekers to art-lovers. And the luxury hotels are enchanting. Expect everything from 5* resorts designed to resemble Balinese villages to elegant hotels perched on the edge of the beaches to opulent spa and wellness retreats.
Ready to indulge in a little luxury this year? Get in touch to plan your tailor-made luxury holiday. Amanda Rudham is an Independent Travel Agent and can help with any holiday enquiries. Email : or call 01244 456160.
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The White Room
Most local education authorities will have their own websites which are hopefully easy to navigate and in themselves do not require you to possess a Doctorate in worldwide web triangulation. For the purpose of this piece, I have utilised the Staffordshire website which you can find on www.staffordshire. It hosts all manner of information such as term dates, catchment information and OFSTED reports for the surrounding schools for your perusal, when making that all important choice for your child/ren.
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Top tips for choosing the “right” school
Search and Compare schools: The days of a child simply attending the school nearest to them is long gone. Yes you heard right. We have choices now as parents and we are permitted and indeed encouraged to exercise those choices by listing them on applications for schools, both primary and secondary.
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f you are anything like me, you will have spent hours poring over the nightmare that is your child’s education. How do I pick the right school? DID I pick the right school? What is this homework they brought home? I thought chunking was a word to describe weight gain, not a mathematical strategy!!! Well fear not, because there is hope AND indeed help out there, readily available at your fingertips.
Acne Before & After 5 treatments
Check the schools admission criteria: Catchment is often key and for particularly popular schools where nearby residents buy for the postcode, you may find that the numbers are annually over subscribed simply by the numbers of children residing in the catchment area. Having an older sibling in the school is helpful, but there are other criteria most of us would not consider, such as a child’s religion if opting for a school of a particular denomination, or specific health needs of a child. Most importantly, NEVER assume your child will automatically get a place in your chosen school, so maybe consider a “back up plan”.
Is it a practical school: If the school you prefer is located 5 miles away through dale and valley, can you get your child/ ren to school on time or through adverse weather conditions. Sounds ridiculous I know, but there is nothing worse for a child than persistently being the one who always turns up after the bell when their classmates are already settling into their seats and the class teacher is not so subtly looking at the clock and marking your child as LATE.
Does it suit your child’s needs?: This is particularly pertinent if you have a child with quite specific needs such as learning needs or disabilities. Never be shy to ask whether a school has the facilities to cater to your child. I mean this is their foundation for life we’re talking about and their key to the future.
Check the OFSTED results: This is a bit of a contentious issue as an Outstanding school may not necessarily provide an outstanding experience for a child. Read the reports carefully and consider what the school offers as a whole package. Our children are not one dimensional. They are 3D, HD, multifaceted, sometimes unpredictable bags of fun and miracles, so look at the whole and not just the grades achieved in Numeracy and Literacy.
Go and see the school: Keep your ear to the ground for open days, or even just contact the school directly and make an appointment to look around. If possible and appropriate, take advantage of opportunities to speak to the children, for example my daughter is an ambassador for her school and as such is integral to showing prospective parents around and answering any questions parents have from the perspective of the pupils. And finally……. There is no such thing as the perfect school. Have realistic expectations. Rest assured you’re not on your own. Good luck!
The White Room @NewStreetBurton
35 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
Coping with Divorce or Separation This is the first in a series of articles on coping with a divorce or separation. Relationships don’t always work out the way we want: statistically, a divorce or separation is considered to be the second most stressful life event you will ever experience in your life after the bereavement of a close relative or loved one. One thing is for sure - it is not going to be easy. Those leaving a relationship will undoubtedly have different experiences compared to the person being left but the emotional fall out and turmoil is about the same. How you deal with it has a lot to do with how well you can cope and come out the other end which ~ I can assure you ~ you will. Having supported clients through this traumatic process for over 20 years, I am most frequently told they “don’t know where to start”. I spend a lot of time reassuring people that the sense of being on an emotional rollercoaster is perfectly normal; I often describe it as feeling like they are “jumping off a cliff not knowing where or how they are going to land”. What is important is ensuring that you have people there to catch you when you fall. The most important advice I can give is to identify and organise your support network as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid to go and see your GP and seek medical advice (and treatment, if need be). It is not to be seen as a weakness and it cannot be used against you. Counselling and/or psychotherapy are nearly always essential in my opinion before then lining up sound legal and financial advice. Don’t try and “go it alone”. It helps to talk things through not only to understand what went wrong but more importantly to ensure you are strong enough to cope with the often unpleasant journey ahead. Emotionally disentangling yourself from your former partner can be very difficult but is important to recognise and deal with your emotions so that you are better equipped to deal with the practicalities of the divorce. Accept the reality of your situation and manage it. Don’t focus on regret or worry about what other people might think. The decisions you are about to
until you can take steps to start to separate your affairs. If you are still in the same house make sure you have a confidential postal address, email address and do not plaster your news or feelings on social media.
make practically and emotionally will require enormous courage and adjustment. We need to work on ensuring that you do not harbour feeling embarrassed, lonely, depressed or angry; only then will you be able to make and take the important decisions to re-build your future. At the end of this series I aim to try to demonstrate how the end of your marriage/relationship really does become the beginning of the rest of your life and will hopefully ensure that you are better equipped mentally, emotionally and financially to rebuild your future. You need to act wisely but there is no suggestion that it is appropriate to do that alone. Make sure you find a lawyer who is on the same “wavelength” as you. It is rarely good to find one that is “going to take your other half to the cleaners” as you do that at your peril ~ both emotionally and financially. Remember that during the course of any financial settlement you are likely to have to disclose your financial dealings, assets and documents from prior to separation and beyond. Spend carefully and wisely. Keep a note of anything that seems unusual (for you and/ or your partner) and gather as much information as you can about your financial and practical affairs to date. If you have not been used to running your family finances, don’t worry ~ the team to be built around you will include financial advisors, mortgage brokers and other experts as necessary. Keep a diary covering significant events as they develop regarding you, the children and/or the finances - anything that you think is important is likely to be helpful further down the line. Try to persuade your other half to keep financial arrangements just as they are
One of the major challenges with divorce and/or separation is that you are likely to have to make some pretty big personal and financial decisions at a time when you feel most ill-equipped to do so. That is why sound and trusted advice is essential. You may have to make decisions about moving home, going back to work or changing your lifestyle. This can be very difficult when you see your other half “living it up” or in a new relationship or acting with blatant disregard of the emotional debris they are leaving behind. It is essential not to seek revenge but to keep a clear head – the better you handle these big decisions, the greater your chance of a successful post-divorce life. Focus your attention on ‘self-care’ ~ by eating well, maintaining (or starting) some regular physical exercise, taking time to relax and continuing to go out and socialise with friends and family. Don’t hide - don’t feel ashamed - it’s all normal. The most important thing is to give yourself time to grieve what you have lost. You have not just lost a spouse, a friend, a lover (or in fact, maybe actually someone you in fact did not like much at all) but you may also feel you have lost your identity, your dreams and your future. It is that we need to work on to rebuild your life in small, carefully built, pieces. In the next edition of Mama Life I will focus on your children and how best to equip them with the upcoming changes in their lives. If this article has prompted any queries or questions please feel free to email me at clare.wiseman@irwinmitchell. com ~ please indicate whether your question requires a confidential answer or one which (anonymously of course) you don’t mind sharing in the magazine
37 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
Happiness Mantra
Everyone Loves a The words, ‘I’m having a party’ are enough to make all of us smile. After all, everyone loves a party, don’t they? Certainly as a child the thought of going to someone’s party was exciting, if perhaps filled with a few anticipatory nerves.
Hello folks, hope you’re enjoying a lovely day.
come out when it was good and ready.
The girls and I went to an impromptu screening of a wellknown children’s film last night with some friends. During the film, my friend’s little girl was fiddling and pulling at one of her teeth, which was obviously starting to wobble. She is 6, and they get very excited when one of their teeth is about to come out. She kept coming over to her mum asking her to help her wobble it and get it out. Her mum very sensibly told her not to force it, that the tooth would
It got me thinking. If you force a tooth out, it hurts a lot more than if you just let it happen. If you force a tooth out there is often a lot more blood and gore than if you just let it happen. If you force a tooth out before it’s ready, then often it takes longer for everything to calm down properly. And so it is with life. If you keep fiddling and pushing and pulling at something that
you want to happen, if you try to force a result out of a situation then very often, it hurts a lot more than if you just let it happen; there is more blood and gore than if you just let it happen and it can take longer to calm down than if you just let it happen.
Back in the day children’s parties were fairly straightforward affairs. You turned up, played pass the parcel, musical chairs, ate salmon paste sandwiches, downed lashings of jelly and ice cream and then left with a goody bag containing a balloon, colouring book, plastic toy and some penny chews. These days children’s parties have upped a level or two from that. They’re now big business, with parents agonising for weeks about the right type of party to throw to maintain their beloved child’s status. There’s often an underlying concern about their child fitting in, learning what’s expected, connecting with the ‘right’ children. Granted, many parents both work, have had to overcome divorce or have evolved into nuclear families. These factors can make organising a party at home a little complicated and besides, who has the time or inclination to deal with the mess!
The tooth will come out when the time is right, when it’s good and ready.
Just let it happen.
Gone are the days of fish fingers and mini-burgers at the local café too. As sophistication levels rise you’re far more likely to find themed parties at the local football club, ice rink, petting zoo or farm, with face-painting, magicians, tractor rides and baby animals in the mix.
The Tudor House Art Cafe
Verity Art
Young teenagers expect themed discos, make your own pizza or go-karting competitions with any travel requirements provided by stretch limos or fancy buses. They’re into mocktail mixing classes, makeup and stylish clothes. Adult parties have become more elaborate too, Yes, you may find the occasional barn dance or hoe-down with a meat and potato pie to follow, but the invite’s often accompanied with costume requirements, so the fringed jacket, cowboy hat, gingham shirt and boots are all requested to make an appearance.
Verity Art The Tudor House Art Cafe 111 Lichfield St, Tamworth, Staffs B79 7 QB
The Tudor House Art Cafe 111 Lichfield St, Tamworth, Staffs B79 7 QB
tudorhousebakery111@gmail .com
Tel: 01827 703081
Tudorhouse art Cafe The Tudorhouse
Throwing an adult party can sometimes necessitate the services of a party planner if things start to escalate. In lavish cases ice sculptures, table dancers, acrobats, ‘naked butlers’, photo booths, choreographed dance routines for guests and acts flown in from overseas are provided to ensure a good night is had by all.
By Susan Leigh Or a safari supper, where everyone who lives nearby cooks a course and the dinner party moves from one house to the next throughout the meal, ensuring less individual expense and a fun, varied evening. I’ve been booked for ‘WeTalk’ parties where the host or hostess provides drinks and nibbles and I introduce topics for discussion, allowing guests the opportunity to talk about relevant, poignant matters, share ideas and come away feeling they’ve had a pleasant, engaging time with the benefit of some added mini-therapy. For me, at my last two decade birthdays I invited family and friends to a sit-down meal, the last one with ‘George Michael’ providing the entertainment. It was great fun with lots of positive feedback, so much so that I was tempted to repeat it the following year, rather than wait another ten years. That was until I realised how quickly one year passes. Repeating something too soon or too often can lessen the excitement, potentially making something special become quite jaded. Are the best parties so good because they occur infrequently? Are we in danger of entering a ‘how will I/they improve on last year’ mindset, where it all becomes pressurised and competitive? Also, are parties becoming more about the venue than the occasion, more about the paraphernalia than the people and relationships? Remember those old-style parties where everyone gravitated towards the kitchen, drinking beer and warm wine, balancing the odd sausage roll or cheese and pineapple on a stick! Everyone had a lot of fun. Have we lost the essence of what parties are for, the reasons why we enjoy them? The important motivating factor is meant to be a desire to get together and celebrate, whilst taking the pressure off the host(s), so that they too can enjoy them. Whilst your life may not always be a party, your party certainly should be!
Far more usual though are specially themed evenings, like cooking parties, cocktail-making, fancy dress parties with Star Wars, James Bond or a specific decade being featured. Save the date cards may be sent out in advance. Printers, florists, make-up artists, caterers and costumiers are all on speed-dial, as are the venue managers who are expected to dress the event and provide gifts for guests at every table. But what about other less extravagant ways to ensure an excellent party experience? I know of people who, having bought their new home, provided paint and asked friends to come round and write messages or graffiti on their bare walls. Afterwards everyone ate a hotpot supper as they laughed about their handiwork, the walls providing a long-term acknowledgement of those friendships.
Come along and enjoy our Freshly made homemade Cakes,Traditional Breakfasts & Freshly made Sandwiches & Panini’s whilst indulging in some amazing works of art.
39 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
Taking Responsibility for your Feelings
By TONI MACKENZIE f you’ve read my earlier columns you’ll have learned about how our minds become negatively programmed early on in life with selfdoubts, fears and limiting beliefs. In the last issue I wrote about how to start changing the negative voice in your head that’s been holding you back and re-programme your mind with positive thoughts and beliefs. Now it’s time to look at how you can take full responsibility for your emotions, rather than giving your power away and feeling that you’re at the mercy of other people’s opinions and attitudes.
How many times have you blamed others for the way you feel, saying things like “He really upset me when he did that” or “She made me so angry when she said that”. The fact is, no-one can make you feel anything. People may do things that you don’t like or agree with, they may be critical or harsh, and you may feel angry or upset, but how you react depends on your own personal beliefs and life experiences. Let me give you an example… Imagine a group of women, sitting in a room waiting for a presentation to begin. The male speaker walks in and begins by making a contentious and somewhat derogatory remark about the role of women in business. Now, some of the women sitting there are going to feel insulted, angry, and may even react so strongly that they feel like they want to punch the man for offending them! Some will feel inferior, upset and hurt by the comment and may even feel tearful, some will inwardly laugh in disbelief that anyone could be so arrogant, and others may just remain calm, not take his remarks personally and be completely unaffected by the words he said. That imaginary pompous individual did not have the power to create anger, hurt, amusement or indifference within the people he was speaking to; people react according to what’s going on inside of them. If you have a fragile sense of self or you lack self-esteem and believe that you’re inferior, you’re likely to react to such a remark defensively, feeling angry, hurt, or both, but if you feel secure and comfortable within yourself, you’re more likely to find the remark vaguely laughable or of no significance whatsoever. Similarly, if someone says to you “Don’t be stupid”and you know you’re certainly not stupid, you won’t take it to heart, but if you grew up being called stupid at home or at school, even though you’re an intelligent person, the remark will press buttons within you and your feelings will be hurt. Get the idea? When you take things personally, rather than understanding that other people’s opinions, preferences, expectations and reactions are all about them and not about you, you can easily make yourself feel unhappy. Whatever anyone thinks of you is their business, not yours. If you go for an interview and you’re not chosen for the job or if you go on a date with someone you like and he/she doesn’t ask you for a second date, it doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. We all have preferences and if you’re not considered to be the most suitable person for a particular job or the most compatible partner for someone, don’t beat up on yourself. Accept that it wasn’t meant to be, move on, and find the job or partner that is right for you. To help yourself become more self-aware, whenever you have a negative reaction to anything someone says or does, just notice how you’re feeling and instead of blaming them for how you feel, ask yourself, “What is it in me that caused me to react in that way?” If you have ‘buttons’ that can be pressed, accept that they are your buttons and you need to decide whether you want to keep them or not. Realising that no-one is responsible for your unhappiness and no-one is responsible for your happiness is very empowering. Happiness really is an inside job!
Is INSTAGRAM a safe place for your CHILD?
nstagram has become a very popular platform for both Adults and Kids lately. It has undergone many changes since it was bought by Facebook. Although my daughter isn’t really interested in Instagram she does have an account and posts occasionally. Her preferred option is still Snap Chat. If you aren’t familiar with Instagram then it is a very visual platform. You can post regular photos (including collages), video (up to 1 minute long) and ‘boomerangs’ which are a 2 second video on a loop (it automatically repeats itself). Part of the appeal to your kids is the ability to edit photos (add filters, change brightness, adjust contrast) and build a following of fans. I think a lot of the problem too is the challenge to be ‘popular’, getting a lot of likes for your photos! This leaves kids open to bullying. Other danger points could be the ability to ‘check in’ to show where you are at a particular time.
Do you really want strangers knowing where you or your kids are hanging out? Best make sure your account is set to ‘Private’. And while we are there you have the ability to un-tag yourself from a photo BUT not the ability to stop that tag happening in the first place – another opening for the bullies.
Toni Mackenzie is the author of the best-selling self-help book Your Flight to Happiness: A 7-Step Journey to Emotional Freedom, available to buy from Amazon at Toni is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Mindset-Coach working with people to help them change the way they feel by changing the way they think. ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 40
I feel the fact that you can message a ‘private’ profile you aren’t following exposes kids to unnecessary dangers from those who prey on children. Even if you aren’t sharing your
photos publically that doesn’t stop the bad people exploiting this security hole. The fact that you can’t see if your photo has been bookmarked or shared worries me too. I don’t think Instagram goes far enough to protect our privacy and that’s doubly true for our kids. On top of that, as if it isn’t enough, the search page opens up a whole new can of squidgy worms. You can search through username or visible name as well as hashtag! The search page is populated by images based on accounts you interact with, photos you’ve liked or people you follow. Great. The problem here is once Instagram get a hook into what you are viewing they continue to show related images. This means your kids could be exposed to inappropriate material by accident then continue to be exposed to it. Since kids are naturally curious creatures you can bet they are going to get into trouble with Instagram at some point without proper education and supervision. Even the best behaved kids are at risk of seeing images you would prefer they didn’t. It doesn’t mean they were being naughty. If they liked a photo from their favourite show of somebody in their underwear or swimwear then there is a high likelihood of similar images appearing in their search page. It does not mean they actively searched for these. If you ask me the direct question would I recommend Instagram for your kids then I personally would have to say no – stick to Snap Chat. I’m sure that Facebook will be gradually tightening up the privacy settings on Instagram to come into line with their Facebook ones but meantime keep an eye on your kid’s activity on Social Media and little more thoroughly on Instagram.
ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 41
my way out of
Book a 2 night stay between October 2017 & March 2018 and you can choose between a complimentary one pot meal for two or wood for the hot tub. QUOTE: MAMALIFE
By a.v. turner
mama life
Nine years ago, when yet another crippling bout of depression threatened to plunge me underwater and hold me down, I turned to my trusty friend, the anti-depressant. They had been my safety blanket since I was 17 years old, and at 41, I couldn’t see an end to the cycle of behaviour I had developed. I was a new mum. The child I had waited so long for was now a reality, and despite being filled with a love I had never known possible, the old black dog had inevitably come knocking at my door once again, this time in the form of Post Natal Depression. My prescription safety net now in place, I started to see improvement slowly, but I was desperately wanting to break the cycle of depression-pills-depression-pills after so many years. One particularly difficult afternoon, when my Health Visitor stopped by, she casually mentioned how I felt about running as a hobby. It had been proven to alleviate depression in long term sufferers, she said. Too enveloped in my grey cloud to consider it, I dismissed the idea as ridiculous and pushed it to the back of my miserable mind.
Fast forward three years. My much-adored daughter is now three, and I am still taking my medication.
01283 533 888 @mamalifemag
Mama Life Magazine
One of my closest friends is a keen runner. She looks in amazing shape and seems to have a permanent glow to her skin. I notice that when she comes home from her run she smells of the fresh air, the outdoors, and with it comes a kind of purity, a cleanse. I take a deep breath, and a switch in the back of my mind clicks ON. A stone and a half overweight, I am naturally self-conscious about the physicality of stepping out of the front door and running along the road where people will inevitably see me. My friend is there to help and gently persuade, giving me valuable tips and advice about starting. She says that the correct running kit is essential, a substantial sports bra, comfortable trainers and non-cotton running tops.
After a week of training runs in the privacy and comfort of my lounge on the WiFit, I feel I’m ready to brave it. My nerves get the better of me, and my husband suggests he lead the way on his bicycle, with our daughter happily riding pillion. Finally, one Sunday afternoon, I make it to the next village only one mile away, in 45 minutes. The time didn’t matter to me. The fact that I had done it, did. It turned out to be a momentous day. Six years later, and I still run. I have lost a stone and a half in weight. I no longer take the anti-depressant tablets that I relied on for so many years. I have a new found freedom as I step out the door. I am also the proud owner of 10 race medals and have further races lined up until the end of the year. I have raised over £1,000 for charities close to my heart. But the most important thing of all is that I found running, and it found me. Not only has it been my saviour mentally, but my physical fitness has benefited also. One of the great things about running is that I learn something new about it every day, it is an enigma that will continue to fascinate me until I can run no more. One of my favourite quotes is from the author and long distance runner Haruki Murakami
“I’ll be happy if running and I can grow old together”. It would be an honour.
AV Turner is a regular blogger for She is also the author of “Snow on the Road” and “Snow’s Angels” available now on Amazon. Http://
43 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
OCTOBER SEPTEMBER Spudfest at National Forest Adventure Farm
Now in its 9th year, this memorial ride to the National Memorial Arboretum, and service of Remembrance, is a moving tribute to remember the 16,000 people named on the Armed Forces Memorial.
SCAREFEST From Sat 7th Oct 2017 2017 - 10:00 am - 9pm
Date: 16/09/2017 - 17/09/2017 - 10.00 am - 6:00 pm 23/09/2017 - 24/09/2017 - 10.00 am - 6:00 pm 30/09/2017 - 01/10/2017 - 10.00 am - 6:00 pm Postern Road, Tatenhill, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire,DE13 9SJ Dig up your own potatoes for free! Take the Spud Shuttle tractor and trailer ride to our potato plot.
An Audience with Katie Price at The Regent Theatre Fri 22 Sep 2017 @ 19:30
Ride to the Wall at National Memorial Arboretum Sat 7th Oct 2017 2017 - 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
FAMILY FUN DAY - MASCOT RACEDAY Sunday 24th September 2017 Uttoxeter Racecourse
Alton Towers Resort’s Scarefest 2017 promises to offer the most terrifying event to date! Two brand new spooky attractions are set to join the lineup for Scarefest 2016 at Alton Towers Resort. ‘Altonville Mine Tours’ will see the re-opening of a dis-used mine with a dark secret to host spine chilling tours and a family ‘scare’ maze is being launched for the very first time in ‘House of Monsters’. There really is something for all thrill seekers and families this Halloween, with tons of terrific rides, blockbusting attractions, amazing live shows, and weird and wonderful costume characters. Join us for our terrifying Scarefest event and ride your favourite rides after dark!
Come see your favourite Mascot’s Race in our Mascot Raceday This spectacular race is organised by The Children’s Trust Charity, the UK’s leading charity for children with brain injuries. There’ll be 7 races and plenty of entertainment for the kids in the Centre Course, plus all under 18s go FREE!
SCREAMFEST at National Forest Adventure Farm Thu 12 - Sat 14 Oct 2017 - 7pm - 11:00 pm Thu 19 - Sun 22 Oct 2017 -7pm - 11:00 pm Tue 24 - Sun 29 Oct 2017 -7pm - 11:00 pm Tue 31 Oct 2017 - 7pm - 11:00 pm Postern Road, Tatenhill, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE13 9SJ Prepare to be scared this Halloween season. Screamfest is back and more terrifying then ever with 5 thrilling scare attractions chill your bones. Find your perfect match in Love Hurts, enter the realm of Demonica, explore an abandoned hotel in Soul Seekers, evade the clowns in Freakout and escape the maize maze in Dia de los Muertos. Enjoy freaky entertainment including zombie paintball shoot out, street theatre, side show stunts and our live DJ.
Oktoberfest Beer Festival at The National Brewery Centre Fri 13th - Sat 14th October Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 1NG Taste around 50 real ales and keg beers sourced from small independent brewers from across the UK. SIBA represents over 600 independent brewers in the UK. This Festival will feature around 30 of the best and most unusual of their members. Live music on Friday and Saturday Nights. DJ/Compere Saturday day time. Hog Roast/BBQ all weekend.
Join us this Autumn for an An Audience with Katie Price.
FIREWORKS DISPLAY at Drayton Manor Park Sat 28th - Sun 29th October 2017 7pm - 9pm
Formally known as Jordan, Katie Price is an English TV personality and glamour model who is currently appearing on ITV’s Loose Women. Katie also made a name for herself appearing in ITV’s I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! as well as her own reality shows. This special evening will consist of Katie Price talking about her life stories and she will also be performing her brand new single I Got U. Not only this, there will also be the opportunity for a VIP meet and greet and photo opportunity with Katie herself!
ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 44
A weekend of spectacular fireworks marks the end of Drayton Manor Park’s 2017 season! The display will be accompanied by music and will set the night sky alight with all the colours of the rainbow.
Please visit or call 0844 472 1950 for information on our great value ticket prices, including season passes and group tickets.
45 / SEPT 2017 / ISSUE 04
BY jenny bracelin
Spending is all about CHOICE Buying stuff you want is fabulous. Spending money you don’t have isn’t. Every time we handover a card to pay for something, we are making that choice. How do you know where you are, without tracking your spending?
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If you have money in your account at the end of the month, it’s fabulous. If your overdraft or credit cards are expanding, it’s probably stopped being fun.Life changes all the time and adapting our spending to match, is the key to happiness with money. Whether it is a holiday with your bonus or reducing your spending, now you are working part-time. Both are your choices to be enjoyed.
your credit card bill. The idea being, you cover all your needs first and then only spend what you have left on wants. It is not all doom and gloom, often just cutting down spending for a couple of months will secure your fortune. No one wants to be told no but we all press the brake pedal on our car when the traffic lights are red! What are your favourite priorities?
Many of us are asking for time with our families AND unlimited spending. Hoping our business will be one that generates millions of pounds, working only 4 hours a week, obviously! Until you reach that goal, a more pragmatic approach is recommended.
There are also opportunities available for spending if you’re willing to re-evaluate your situation and your priorities. I will never forget the disappointment on the faces of lottery winners trying to buy a home on the TV Programme ‘Location, Location, Location’. Even with millions to spend, they still had to compromise, between the house they wanted and the location they needed! An interesting trend is the rise of ‘tiny houses’ in America. People prioritising technology and travel over the high cost of housing.
Basic money education is now taught in many primary schools.
What is your priority?
For those of us who missed it, here is a quick re-cap on
Your home, health, education, holidays, technology or something else? Spend your ‘want’ money on your priorities and enjoy them. Knowing you can easily cut out spending in other areas, without compromising your lifestyle. Every time we handover a card to pay for something, we are making a choice.
‘Needs and Wants’ When we have money, we focus on our wants. I want that, I like it, it saves time, or just because. You get into the habit of handing over a card because it is so simple and easy. ‘Wants’ are eating out, entertainment, toys/gadgets, holidays and luxuries.
To enjoy what we spend our money on and give ourselves peace of mind, or building up debt for the future?
‘Needs’ are water, food, clothing and shelter When times are tough, we focus on our needs. The minimum we need to survive. We need food to survive but steak and dessert would be wants, rather than needs, sadly. ‘Being sensible’ and shopping with a list, may not satisfy your instant gratification! However it will bring down
To create a new story about money, book an appointment with Jenny Bracelin, Business and Money Coach at
ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 47
MAMA LIFE COMpetition Win a fabulous luxury cut and blow dry at Obsession Salon & Spa worth £80. To enter the competion simply Like, & Comment on our Competition on Facebook for a chance to WIN
7 Ways to Help Treat Arthritis in Pets this Winter
Mama Life Magazine
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Have you noticed your aging dog or cat slowing down? Is she / he slower to rise in the morning or after a nap? Maybe your elderly cat can’t quite jump up on the window sill like she / he used to? These are signs your pet may be suffering from arthritis. Also known as degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis, this common disease is caused by simple wear and tear of the joints over time. The signs of arthritis can range from mild discomfort (this might not be obvious to an owner or vet) to debilitating joint pain that severely limits the animal’s mobility. Cold and damp winter days can make arthritis worse. If you are not sure if your pet is in pain, the veterinarian can examine its limb joints and spine to detect pain. There are many things that can be done to help slow the progression of arthritis in pets. These include:
Special prescription diets: Hill’s JD and Royal Canin Mobility are just two examples: they include supplements and nutrients proven to improve and support joint health.
Good nail and foot care: keeping the toe nails clipped properly and the hair trimmed so the pads do not slip, to help ensure a normal gait and remove stress on the joints.
Soft bedding and carpeting over slippery floors: added traction can also prevent paws form slipping and legs from splaying out and stressing sore joints.
Cartrophen injections: The veterinarian can administer a once-weekly injection over four weeks which has many beneficial actions. Just a few actions are that it acts to thicken joint fluid, increases activity of young joint cartilage cells and helps improve mobility of all joints.
Oral supplements may reverse cartilage damage and decrease pain in the joint. There are many brands and types of supplements to suit even the fussiest sore pet.
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Heating: Keeping pet’s warm with heated beds and blankets can definitely improve mobility.
Drugs: Just like you and me, sometimes our pets need some anti-inflammatories and pain-relief medicines, to get them through their bad days. The veterinarian will help you choose the right drug for your pet’s requirements. This list is just a start; there are many things that can be done to help an aging pet who may be suffering from arthritis. If you think your pet may be showing signs of arthritis, please contact your local vets.
Believe it or not...
Grooming during the winter time is even more important to the health and wellbeing of your dog than at any other time of the year. Wet, knotted and matted hair can leave your dog uncomfortable and susceptible to skin infections.
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ISSUE 04 / SEPT 2017 / 49
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Right from the start of September there is a major trine between Saturn Mars and Uranus which will help things immensely. The feeling of slow progression in all important matters has been constant throughout 2017, and now the world eventually starts to move forward. Some may feel a lot of pent up frustration from mid- month onwards and get in a muddle over minor things. Give others a wide berth now if you find that to be the case. Careful thought and preparation will go a long way to achievement and a focus on the long- term future as opposed to the short term will be of benefit. Mars trine Saturn will inspire most and things start to manifest in curious ways, the energy we feel that it is flowing for the first time in 2017 will finally manifest. Use this time to put things in place for the future and all will work well. However, a revisiting of the opposition between Jupiter and Uranus at the end of the month will bring a flash of heightened emotions but keep cool as this is an illusion. On the 21st and upon the autumn equinox a finding of balance is in the making and the reality of difficulties may well come to light. Take most things with a pinch of salt…just remember to throw it over your shoulder.
The month starts off in an unusual way and you may find yourself going over old ground. Don’t be put off by others’ despair as there may be a resurfacing of past anxieties from March earlier in the year.
There is a good aspect between Mars Venus and Pluto that gives a strong indication of getting rid of the old and bringing in the new. Old ways of doing things that have not worked up to this point need thoughtful consideration and a possible change of direction. Do not worry, rather see this as a second opportunity to make things happen. Whether it be work, home, family and relationships things will need to be reassessed in all areas to make personal progress and move forward. Listen carefully to what others are saying and read between the lines as there will be a strong inclination that others might not say what they mean, or will be hiding hidden truths. The opposition between Jupiter and Uranus needs to be watched and this aspect occurs between the beginning of October until the 20th October. Hold your horses at this time as emotions may run high and people may confuse the issues at hand with general frustrations that are not expressed properly. On the upside Saturn stimulates Uranus with a trine all throughout the month and the best action to take will be to plan ahead with big changes. Reach out for what you want and if you focus on this for the next coming months your efforts shall be rewarded.
ISSUE 04/ SEPT 2017 / 50