6 minute read
The way of tomorrow
Whether you’re a working woman or a stay-at-home mum, we can all attest to the pressure society has placed upon us to chase a career and become a mother.
Many women have sacrificed starting a family or spending time with their loved ones in pursuit of titles, recognition and money, while others say they’ve lost their identity by leaving the workforce to raise children. Women have been led to believe that they can “have it all”, but while this is not totally impossible, the ability to commit yourself 100% to both is. I’ve held many conversations with friends in my network, and one thing is for certain: women want purpose and flexibility. According to an annual survey conducted by MBO Partners in 2017, 74% of women state that flexible work conditions are far more important to them than earning high sums of money. As the founder of Spotz – the marketplace to sell and find products, services and resources that enhance mums’ lives, I am constantly in awe of how much women are able to manage in their careers while fulfilling the demanding role of mother. But is this the only way?
Jobs are costly!
Are you a mum who’s gone back to work so you can contribute to household expenses? Have you calculated how much you are spending each week just to maintain your position? When you do the math and discover much of your salary is being spent simply on the ability to work, the reality can be jarring. For many, living near to work or in an area that offers sufficient public transport means residing in a suburb close to the CBD; this of course means higher rent and house prices if you’re looking to buy.
That second car you bought so both you and your partner can travel to work daily is an expense. Now add tolls, petrol and parking costs. Don’t forget the necessary CTP and comprehensive insurance. But if you’re not a driver, you’re more than likely spending a lot on public transport. Childcare is by far the biggest expense in many family budgets. With the fee for long day care averaging around $129 per day per child, and a typical household raising two children, I leave it to you to do the math! Calculating these expenses made me realise I was paying to work! While this will vary from family-to-family, I do strongly advise women to work out the numbers on this one. Unless you’re earning a decent salary that makes it worthwhile to be a working mum, you may feel differently about working when, like a close friend of mine, you realise you’re only earning $60 per week once childcare costs are deducted.
Work requires sacrifice
Regardless of where or how you work, you’ll be familiar with feeling drained at the end of your work day, with little left for your family come hometime. And if there’s no time for your loved ones, when will you ever find time for you? Sometimes it feels our dreams are impossible to achieve, and this is if we even have time to formulate them in the first place! The rat race can make us feel like we’re living to work, and forgetting what life is really about. For many women and mothers, the only time to work on a Plan B with regards to your career is late at night once the kids have fallen asleep… when you’re typically exhausted. It feels like the only thing you can do is switch off your brain and consume Netflix and Instagram for hours on end. It’s time we questioned whether the sacrifices we make are actually benefiting us and our loved ones. According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace, 85% of employees say they are not engaged with their work, which tells me it’s time to start questioning the status quo. It’s time that women and mothers are granted their deserved place in society - one that empowers them to create a world where they can thrive, achieve their purpose and positively impact the next generation instead of what is offered to women in our current society. This is not what life is about and we have the power to change this for ourselves.
We can do better
I envision a world of tomorrow that is ripe with opportunity; where people become entrepreneurs, freelancers and contractors, selling specialised services at their will. While at first being your own boss can cause great anxiety when you suddenly realise you are entirely responsible for the income you generate, every person I know that dared taking the leap of faith has been 100% happy with their decision, because taking control of how they earn their income and discovering the flexibility a 9-5 job does not provide is definitely an empowering experience. My dream in this 9-5 world is that all women and mums in need of better alternatives have the ability to earn money on their own terms, and in turn have time, flexibility and purpose drive them towards a life where they can thrive and not only survive. With Spotz, women can work towards regaining control of their lives while supporting other mums to do the same. If you feel that you are living to work and not working to live, it is time to take your power back. Regain control of how you earn money and enjoy the flexibility of working how and when you want - join the Spotz tribe! By Oriane Juncker. A loving Sydney mum to two Orinane has harnessed her lifelong questioning and curious nature to create Spotz - a platform connecting and empowering mums. spotz.com.au
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