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Smart recycling

Buying clothes isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity, and as a parent it seems we can only blink and all of a sudden our kids have grown out of their jumpsuit, or their pants are total ankle bashers already. Sure we all have good intentions to see that these clothes get a second life, we want to send them to the op shop or sell some online, but it’s not always convenient and sometimes it’s just simpler to chuck them in the bin.

Whilst fashion can be gorgeous, the textile industry isn’t pretty when it comes down to numbers. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions (more than all international airline flights and maritime shipping trips combined... in a pre-COVID world). Every year, half a million tons of plastic microfibers end up in the ocean from washing our synthetic clothing.... the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles. And the fashion industry is the second-largest consumer of the world’s water supply... yikes, not pretty at all. Our local stats in Australia are not much better. We are the second largest consumer of textiles in the world, per capita, and we are dumping 6,000 kilograms of clothing in landfill every 10 minutes.


Scary hey? So what can we do to help minimise this impact?

With lockdowns, and the ongoing threat of COVID, popping down to the op shop has not been possible or convenient. But Sydney based recycling company Recycle Smart has the perfect solution. They come and collect what the refer to as “tricky recyclables” right from your door for free when you sign up for a regular monthly subscription. Simply book their Power PickUp and they will take care of your wearable clothes for you. How? They donate them to different organisations, such as Vinnies, The Red Cross, The Salvation Army who then give them to people in need they know or sell them as secondhand items in their shops. In non-COVID times they also collected worn or damaged clothes that weren’t good enough for donating, but due to NSW restrictions they are temporarily not collecting non-reusable items.

A few retailers have a specific recycling program where they accept worn or damaged clothing. They are then making new materials for other industry such as insulation for cars. Visit HandM.com or Zara.com to find your nearest store equipped with a bin. Sheridan is doing a similar thing, collecting your quilt covers, sheets and towels. More info available on their website as well.

But what about all the other stuff that won’t go in your usual yellow recycling bin, but you really don’t want to chuck it in the red bin destined for landfill?

20% of what goes in your household bin can be recycled so Recycle Smart take care of that for you too. They accept soft plastics, E-waste and lots of misfits like batteries, polystyrene, printer cartridges, and sealed paint cans. You can check out their full collection list here: https://www.recyclesmart.com/pickup

To date Recycle Smart have diverted 52,171 kg of waste removed from landfill… and counting!

For the curious cats out that are wondering “What happens to my stuff once it’s collected? What does it become?”, here’s what you need to know!

Soft Plastics – Right now, 85% of soft plastics used in Australia end up in landfill. They collect these and get them processed at a facility that then turns them into fitness trails, outdoor furniture, drinking fountains, bike stands, bollard fences, picket fences, road and speed humps, rumble bars and more!

Batteries – 95% of battery components can be reused and turned into new batteries. They drop them off at a recycling centre, where they get picked apart and ready to become new pieces of tech. E-Waste – Globally up to 80% of e-waste is illegally dumped. This is a huge problem as it often leaks large quantities of heavy metals into our oceans and waterways. After they collect your e-waste, they take them to a processing facility where materials are separated and processed into new products, such as asphalt, concrete building products, lead, new steel products and new batteries. Clothes – Your clothes will live on as clothes, just in someone else’s wardrobe! Simply book a Power Pickup via the app or website, leave your bag of recyclables on your doorstep for collection, and RecycleSmart will make sure all items go where they’re supposed to. The best bit? Each bag only costs $2. RecycleSmart currently serves eight council areas throughout Sydney: The City of Sydney, City of Ryde, Randwick City, Sutherland Shire, City of Canada Bay, Waverley, Camden and Mosman. Order your Power Pickup at www.recyclesmart.com

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