Documentary essay

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Documentary Essay In this essay I will be talking about what a documentary is, the different codes and conventions, giving some examples of different types of documentaries and the purpose of them. In this I will also talk about the accuracy, factual and non factual types of documentaries there are. What is a documentary? The dictionary definition of a documentary is ​ a film or television or radio programme that provides a factual report on a particular subject. This is an accurate description of a documentary but I feel that it is also a more interesting way to tell an audience about something. A documentary can also be classed as a very creative alternative to a blog post or report. What is the purpose of a documentary? The purpose of a documentary depends on the messages or themes of the documentary in question.​ Most filmmakers use their documentaries as a platform to change or improve society. The main messages of these types of documentaries is to expose injustice or show a certain cause with the hope that public will be shocked into doing something about it. I would call these types of documentaries “eye­openers” because the main element of them is the shock value. A example of this would be a documentary on the devastation in Sierra Leone, focusing on the families and children. Not all documentaries are created with the intentions to shock their audiences, some are made for entertainment reasons. These documentaries are referred to as human interest stories as it’s about an profile on particular character who may be interesting. These types of documentaries are mainly left to interpretation, so they are shot in an unbiased fashion. An example of this would be “Advanced Style” which is a documentary that ​ examines the lives of seven unique New Yorkers whose eclectic personal style and vital spirit have guided their approach to aging. Human interest stories are often mistake for educational profiles as they are both based off of particular characters. These educational documentaries are usually about a certain character like a historical figure and their life. An example of this documentary would be “Martin Luther King Jr ­ The Man and the Dream”, this documents Martin’s life and how he became what he is now. Some other documentaries are created with the intention of unfolding a mystery or hidden truth on camera. “Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer” is a perfect example because it discovering and getting into the actually life of this serial killer in hopes of finding out why they are the way are. These are only a few of the many different purposes that documentaries have.

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