Mandi Braga's Portfolio

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St u b Ma ga z ine La y out S p r e a d Stub is an Los Angeles based magazine dedicated to cinema aficionados and movie lovers. This magazine serves as an appreciation and destination guide for the local filmgoer by enrichening their experience through insight into the popular pastime.

St u b Ma ga z ine La y out S p r e a d s Stub is an Los Angeles based magazine dedicated to cinema aficionados and movie lovers. This magazine serves as an appreciation and destination guide for the local filmgoer by enrichening their experience through insight into the popular pastime.

An imal Fa rm Book Ca m p a i g n A redesign of George Orwell’s classic novel. The Constructivist style reflects the parallels of the Russian Revolution the book makes. The design was applied to various promotional media including a table tent, stickers, disposable coffee cups and bookmarks.

An imal Fa rm Book Ja c ke t a n d T a b l e T e n t B ac k V i e w A detailed look of the book jacket and table tent. The jacket summarizes the novel through the depiction of the dominate pig and the other animals in its casted shadow. The detailing of the table tent includes a diecut and a posting of the farm’s law.

Po lyNa tion Br onco L a g e r L og o The Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch at Cal Poly Pomona’s logo for their PolyNation Bronco Lager. The logo reflects their school’s identity by prominantly displaying their mascot and the restaurant’s own culinary garden.

L o go Designs [from top to b ottom ] Coquette upscale lingerie brand Commemorative logo for the Daily Titan’s 50th Anniversary Cal State Fullerton’s Elite Advertising Luncheon masthead Stub Magazine masthead

Th e Daily Tita n’s 50th A n n i v e r s a r y P r om oti o n al B an n e r In 2010, The Daily Titan newspaper of Cal State Fullerton celebrated its 50th Anniversary. To commemorate their acheivement, advertisements were made including this banner that is currently displayed in the school’s Goodwin Field and Titan Gymnasium.

Pro motiona l Postc a r d f or th e CS U F G r a p h i c D e s i gn C l u b Cal State Fullerton’s Graphic Design Club serves as an outlet for fellow students, faculty and alumni to come together and network, design and inspire .

Pro motiona l Twitt e r A d v e r ti s e m e n t f or T h e D ai l y T i t an One of the self-promotional campaign advertisements for The Daily Titan newspaper of Cal State Fullerton to follow them through Twitter. This ad won First Place for the Associated Collegiate Press Ad Campaign 2010.

Pro motiona l Ca mp a i g n A d s f or T h e D a i l y T i t an The Daily Titan newspaper of Cal State Fullerton runs self-promotional campaigns that feature a series of varied advertisements reaching their readers to become more actively involved with the paper and following them through social media.

Th e Daily Tita n’s Cl ub s a n d O r g a n i za ti on s G u i d e 2009 The Daily Titan is the campus newspaper for California State University of Fullerton. The annual publication guide features and advertises local clubs and organizations within the Cal State.

An ti- Smoking PS A P r i n t A d f or K i d s H e a l th f ro m N e m o u rs is a website sponsored by Nemours that educates parents, teens and children about children’s development and health.

Art Rumm a g e Sa le P os te r f or CS U F G r a p h i c D e s i gn C l u b Cal State Fullerton’s Graphic Design Club serves as an outlet for fellow students, faculty and alumni to come together and network, design and inspire. The Art Rummage Sale focused on artists buying, selling and trading art related items.

Blu ep rint Ca mpa ign a d f or L e v i S tr a uss & Co m pan y This magazine print ad focuses on the contemporary style of the infamous jeans company reaching out to the young adult demographic. This ad won Best of Show and Best Design for the CSUF Ad Club Competition 2010.

So ciety for E nviro nm e n t al G r a p h ic D e s i g n (SEGD) An n u a l C onvention 2 0 1 0 P os te r SEGD is an organization “concerned with the visual aspects of wayfinding, communicating identity and brands, information design, and shaping a sense of place.�

So ciety for E nviro nm e n t al G r a p h ic D e s i g n (SEGD) An n u a l C onvention 2 0 1 0 P os te r SEGD is an organization “concerned with the visual aspects of wayfinding, communicating identity and brands, information design, and shaping a sense of place.�

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