Mandi's 2017 Portfolio

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ST U B MA GA Z INE LA Y OUT S P R E A D Stub is an Los Angeles based magazine dedicated to cinema aficionados and movie lovers. This magazine serves as an appreciation and destination guide for the local filmgoer by enrichening their experience through insight into the popular pastime.

ST U B MA GA Z INE LA Y OUT S P R E A D S Stub is an Los Angeles based magazine dedicated to cinema aficionados and movie lovers. This magazine serves as an appreciation and destination guide for the local filmgoer by enrichening their experience through insight into the popular pastime.

L O GO DES IGNS [f rom top to b ottom ] Coquette upscale lingerie brand Commemorative logo for the Daily Titan’s 50th Anniversary Cal State Fullerton’s Elite Advertising Luncheon masthead Stub Magazine masthead

TH E D AILY TITA N’S 50TH A N N I V E R S A R Y P R OM OTI O N AL BAN N E R In 2010, The Daily Titan newspaper of Cal State Fullerton celebrated its 50th Anniversary. To commemorate their acheivement, advertisements were made including this banner that is currently displayed in the school’s Goodwin Field and Titan Gymnasium.

PRO M OTIONA L TWITT E R A D V E R TI S E M E N T F OR TH E D AI LY T I T AN One of the self-promotional campaign advertisements for The Daily Titan newspaper of Cal State Fullerton to follow them through Twitter. This ad won First Place for the Associated Collegiate Press Ad Campaign 2010.

PRO M OTIONA L CA MP A I G N A D S F OR TH E D A I L Y TI T AN The Daily Titan newspaper of Cal State Fullerton runs self-promotional campaigns that feature a series of varied advertisements reaching their readers to become more actively involved with the paper and following them through social media.

SO CIETY FOR ENVIR ON M E N TA L G R A P H I C D E S I G N ( SE GD ) AN N U A L C ONVENTION 2 0 1 0 P OS TE R SEGD is an organization “concerned with the visual aspects of wayfinding, communicating identity and brands, information design, and shaping a sense of place.”

BLU EP RINT CA MPA IGN A D F OR L E V I S TR A US S & CO MPAN Y This magazine print ad focuses on the contemporary style of the infamous jeans company reaching out to the young adult demographic. This ad won Best of Show and Best Design for the CSUF Ad Club Competition 2010.

CO YA C OLLEC TION P R OM OTI ON A L M A R KE T P OS TC ARD Coya Collection is a special occasion fashion wholesaler for women. The promotional postcard was sent to retailers to announce their participation and location in Chicago’s 2013 National Bridal Market.

CO YA C OLLEC TION V A R I OUS W E B S I TE B A N N E R S Coya Collection is a special occasion fashion wholesaler for women. Each banner was featured on the homepage of and represents a group of styles that follow a trend or theme.

CO YA C OLLEC TION R E TOUCH I N G Shown: Before (left) and After (right). These various model images were retouched to showcase the beautiful dresses by manipulating the lighting and coloring, smoothing and highlighting the models’ skin and bringing out the hightlights and shine of the stone/sequin details.

CO YA C OLLEC TION S E V E N TE E N P R OM /TE E N P R OM PRI N T AD Coya Collection is a special occasion fashion wholesaler for women. This full page spread advertisement was featured in the 2014 issues of Seventeen Prom and TeenPROM magazines.

L EVEL 99 SQUA R E BA N N E R A D S Level 99 is an upcoming denim brand. The concept of the banner ads were to promote their new Spring denim line that features a light airy feminine feel while showcasing their stretch and comfort.

L EVEL 99 SQUA R E BA N N E R A D S Level 99 is an upcoming denim brand. The concept of the banner ads were to promote their stretch denim line that has the same high quality leather jeans but for a fraction of the cost of other brands.

N EXT LEVEL A PPA R EL 2 0 1 5 S TYL E I N D E X P OS TE R Next Level Apparel is a leading fashion blanks manufacturer in the blank tee industry. This poster features line sketches that I created of their 2015 product line and organized by fabric and category for a visual style reference.

N EXT LEVEL A PPA R EL E M A I L B L A S T I N TR OD UCI N G CU ST OMIZA B LE DIGITA L CA TA L OG Next Level Apparel has a Customizable Digital Catalog App where customers can make their own catalog by selecting from a choice of covers, products and even adding an imprint of their own design. This email blast was sent to customers to introduce the new app and its use.

N EXT LEVEL A PPA R EL R E TOUCH I N G /R E COL OR I N G Shown: Before (top) and After (below). These lifestyle images were retouched to maintain brand standards. The shirts are to be kept clean by removing wrinkles but still maintaining fabric textures and the natural way it is worn.

N EXT LEVEL A PPA R EL R E TOUCH I N G /R E COL OR I N G Shown: Before (top) and After (below). These lifestyle images were retouched to maintain brand standards. The shirts are to be kept clean by removing wrinkles but still maintaining fabric textures and the natural way it is worn.

N EXT LEVEL A PPA REL 2 0 1 7 CA TA L OG S P R E A D S As the Art Director for the 2017 Catalog, I conceptualized and coordinated the shoots including model castings, finding the photographer, location scouting, styling, line preparation, scheduling, budgeting and directed the shoots. I also laid out the pages, retouched/recoloring and prepared files for print.

N EXT LEVEL A PPA R EL 2 0 1 7 CA TA L OG S P R E A D S As the Art Director for the 2017 Catalog, I conceptualized and coordinated the shoots including model castings, finding the photographer, location scouting, styling, line preparation, scheduling, budgeting and directed the shoots. I also laid out the pages, retouched/recoloring and prepared files for print.

N EXT LEVEL A PPA R EL R OL L UP B A N N E R S Various Next Level Apparel 33”w x 80” h roll-up banners used for trade shows and customer showroom signage.


[EDUCATION] California State University, Fullerton - Fullerton, CA Bachelor of Fine Arts, Emphasis in Graphic Design - Spring 2010 [EXPERIENCE] Next Level Apparel - Gardena, CA Marketing Graphic Manager - Feb. 2016 to Present Art Director for all photo shoots and 2016-2017 catalogs. Coordinated and planned shoots including model castings, finding photographer, location scouting, styling, scheduling and budgeting. In-house and distributor catalog design, retouching, file preparation, provide art direction and assets for new developing website, updating content for site and e-commerce marketplaces, assist product development by providing line sketches and line sheets, design artwork for trade show booths and sponsorships, merchandise showroom, review/budget ad contracts, develop and execute advertising and marketing materials to support the brand and distributors and Sales, managing marketing projects involving costs, distributor/vendor relations and project management in a fast paced environment. Next Level Apparel - Gardena, CA In-House Graphic Designer - Feb. 2014 to Feb. 2016 Photo retouching, design in-house and distributor catalogs, create print and online advertisements featured in over 10 monthly publications, assist the Marketing Department, updating website content, assist in photo shoots, creating various trade show media, providing trade show booth artwork and collaborating with other departments and distributors for branding and promotional projects. Coya Collection - Los Angeles, CA Marketing + Sales Coordinator - Jan. 2013 to Jan. 2014 Designing marketing collateral and catalog, image retouching, assist in photo shoots, updating web and graphic content, assisting Brand Director, social media management, organizing trade shows, maintain client relationships and day-to-day operations. Daily Titan newspaper - Fullerton, CA Advertising Production Assistant - Fall 2008 to Spring 2010 Creating and checking advertisements for print and web, arranging initial layout of the publication, designing in-house promotional items. [COMPUTER SKILLS] Expert in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint Familiar with CMS, HTML [RELATED SKILLS] Conceptual thinking, layouts, comping, photo retouching and manipulation, recoloring, typography, illustration, image making, photography, prepress, merchandising. [AWARDS & HONORS] CNBAM 2011 – 1st Place: Best Classified Page/Section (Art Director and Designer) Associated Collegiate Press - 1st Place: Ad Campaign 2010 Alloy Media + Marketing - 2nd Place: Newspaper Marketing Ad 2010 CNBAM 2010 - Best of Category: Special Section (Art Director and Ad Designer) CSUF Ad Club 2010 - Best of Show and Best Design [ 310.613.7753] w http ://

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