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ney MEETLeCourt


LeCourtney Harness is a wife, professional actress, motivational speaker, philanthropist, owner/director of a performing arts company and private tutoring company who stumbled upon what she calls a little blessing, and that blessing is Rodan+Fields Skincare. In 2014, after years of trying many different brands of products to correct her personal skin issues and concerns, she was introduced to Rodan+Fields. She discovered that not only were the products created by the same Doctors who developed ProActiv; but, that they also offer men and women the opportunity to invest in the company to operate their own skincare business using the prescription based products the Doctors formulated. Two years later, LeCourtney has successfully managed to grow her own R+F Skincare Business by helping other men and women have healthy flawless skin and helping others to successfully operate their own skincare business. LeCourtney operates her business under Christian values and principles seeing her business as a vessel to bless others as R+F has blessed her. She doesn't see herself as someone who sells products but one who help others have their best skin and their best life ever. Her desire is to continue to share with others that R+F exists and truly does what it says it will do. Whether you are one who wants to maintain great skin or get great skin the products are for men, women, boys and girls. For questions and skin consultations LeCourtney can be emailed at lharness@myrandf.com To stay updated on skincare tips, information, discounts, giveaways and more follow her business pages: LeCourtney the R+F Skincare Guru on Facebook and @theskincareguru on Instagram To purchase products visit www.lharness.myrandf. com To learn more about the business venture visit www.lharness.myrandf.biz




With a beloved sporting season well underway, the closing of an election year, and so much more, many people are either resting in, leaving or approaching a transitional phase. Regardless of your position, this issue will give insight on how you can stand in your threshold of your current situation and reflect over where you’ve been and make decisions about where you are heading. In this issue of LOVE, MARRIAGE & PARTNERSHIP – THE REVIEW, be inspired to refine your focus on your goals, or endeavor to launch a new project. Here’s a list of features highlighted for September, and set the expectation of things to come. COUPLES IN PARTNERSHIP: This feature is the heart of the publication, so become acquainted with phenomenal couples from all over that are building businesses and serving their communities through a loving partnership. DAY OF APPRECIATION: We have all missed an occasional opportunity to show appreciation to those that are deserving. Get great insight and tips for ways to show appreciation that will suggest the upmost gratitude. DATE NIGHT IDEAS: Do more than flirt with the idea of Date Nights, make a commitment. These sweet notions will spark dedication for that much desired QT whether you’re single, just having fun, or in a committed relationship. WIFE APPRECIATION: Getting to a place of true harmony in a marriage requires decisions and work. Despite the amount of effort, there is a great deal of joy that comes in showing a loving wife that she is appreciated. As a matter of fact, join us for an awesome 21 Day Journey to appreciating your wife. WELCOME TO THE WINNER’S CIRCLE: Find inspiration in a success story of love and determination as a wife and mother shares her experience with committing her work towards helping others identify their purpose in life.

MORE THAN A CHEF’S LIFE: Packing a powerful punch of more than flavor, this entrepreneur shares insight on how she has been able to move beyond the position of working for someone else to fulfilling a life of purpose. FINANCIAL EDUCATION: Understanding how money works is a venture that many tirelessly stumble through. A dynamic team shares their story and mission as proof that this does not have to be the case for those that seek help. PICTURE THIS: If you have ever wondered how models and actors make their transition from desire to working in their respective fields, you may want to check out this notable photographer and branding coach. With a wealth of expertise and other services, he is surely the man fit for the frame.


2016 Love, Marriage & Partnership - The Review is a monthly publication sponsored by M & M R Marketing, LLC that focuses on married couples that are in partnership with each other through service and/or business to their communities and abroad. The goal of the Love, Marriage & Partnership – the Review is to inspire readers to look at the essence of partnership in marriage as shared by exemplary couples, ultimately moving readers to actively define, develop, and devote to their purpose as a couple.




WHO ARE YOU AS A COUPLE? We are imperfect people (aren’t we all?) who come from slightly different worlds, loving each other through our struggles and victories. Our marriage is founded upon godly principles, open communication, partnership, and commitment to family and community. WHAT THINGS DO YOU ADMIRE ABOUT YOUR SPOUSE? CJ: I admire Allison’s big heart. She will go a thousand and one miles for anybody. In our relationship, she is a constant strength to me and our sons, and I am blessed to have a “ride or die” woman in my life. ALLISON: I admire CJ’s confidence in God. He goes through a lot as a pastor, mentor, and leader, but doesn’t complain and take his frustrations out on his family. He’s committed to me and our sons and I trust him to be there for us.

CJ and Allison met at Mt. Helm Baptist Church, where CJ pastors, in 2010. After a year-and-a-half courtship, CJ proposed to Allison at the church following Lord’s Day worship. They wed at Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church on June 23, 2012. CJ is a native of Hazlehurst, MS, and received his education at Hazlehurst High School, the University of Mississippi, Duke University Divinity School, Princeton Theological Seminary, and is currently pursuing his Doctor of Ministry at Wesley Biblical Seminary. A lifelong resident of Jackson, Allison graduated from Lanier High School, Jackson State University, and Belhaven University. Allison is the assistant director of Human Resources at Madison County Schools. In addition to pastoring Mt. Helm, CJ is the director of Religious Life at Alcorn State University and is a print, radio, and television personality. Together, they are the loving and blessed parents of their twin sons, Carroll Edward III (“Duke”) and Cornelius Josiah (“Jozy”) Rhodes.

HOW DO YOU PREPARE YOURSELF TO FUNCTION AS YOUR BEST SELF IN YOUR ROLE AS A SPOUSE? CJ: I pray constantly. As an introvert, I try to think through my answers, especially when I’m frustrated. And I’m constantly learning how to be a better husband, father, man. You have to know what you don’t know and get to know what you need to know. ALLISON: I pray a lot too. Being married and being a mother has made me a prayer warrior. I sometimes know I can be difficult, so I watch my words to make sure I speak to my husband in love.


HOW DO YOU UTILIZE YOUR DIFFERENCES INDIVIDUALLY AS ASSETS TO YOU AS A COUPLE? CJ: As I stated earlier, I’m an introvert. I’m also a visionary, and visionaries aren’t always great at planning and follow through. My wife absolutely challenges me to make things happen, and I appreciate that. She’s also much better at social etiquette than I am, so I lean on her to help me deal with social respectability. ALLISON: I prayed that God would send me a godly husband. I was really just coming back to God when I met CJ, so I’m thankful for how he models godliness and how he stretches my faith. He’s also the only man who’s ever really told me “no,” and I was attracted to that and to his discipline. WHAT DOES PARTNERSHIP IN MARRIAGE MEAN TO YOU? Partnership means we’re in this to the end, until death parts us. We press through our difficulties knowing that divorce is not an option, because CJ grew up as a child of divorce. We want our home to be happy and holy. We partner together and lean on each other for what we’re both good at. CJ is the cook, Allison is the business manager. CJ leads us in prayer and discipline, Allison deals with street sense. We know what works for us and always rely on God’s strength, wisdom, and direction. AS PARTNERS IN MARRIAGE, WHAT IS YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL? WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE TO OBTAIN IT? Our ultimate goal is to grow old and happy together, to train up some great kids, and give back as much as we can to those who helped us and those who need our help. We have determined to make family decisions based on these things. Whatever we do, we want God to be pleased and therefore don’t concern ourselves as much with people’s opinions. We have purposed to make decisions about where we live, what we do with our resources, and other things based on principles.

WHO IS THE MR AND MRS THAT PEOPLE DON’T GET TO SEE? We are goofy. CJ often looks very serious but he’s a clown. He can impersonate almost anybody. Allison is real laid back and will laugh until she snorts. We’re really just everyday people who love each other and love people. WHAT IS A SCRIPTURE THAT YOU BOTH USE AS YOU FUNCTION IN A PARTNERSHIP? Ephesians 5:22-33







Mitch Davis is a photographer and branding coach working with individuals in all stages of career development. He specializes in helping people make career transitions and has had success working with models, actors and career changers. Helping individuals build their personal brands to become the stand out candidate or professional in their chosen field is what he does best. Davis is committed to inspiring people to connect their passions, purpose, and potential, and integrating those things into life and work to add results-driven value that leaves a mark and makes a difference. His success is experienced by joining innovative strategies and solutions that stem from more than five years of photography experience, training, and branding, life, image and etiquette coaching. Davis asserts, “My clients, inspiring models, actors, executives, college students, and entrepreneurs gain a comprehensive approach to strengthening their leadership presence by building a clear, consistent, and compelling personal brand.” As a notable photographer and branding coach who has helped Mississippians seek out roles in modeling and acting, Davis has been granted much opportunity from extra to speaking roles such as (Jurassic World (2015), Terminator Genisys (2015) and Fantastic Four, Django Unchained, The Help, American Horror Story, The Butler and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), commercial (Nike, Puma, UMC), and print magazine. According to Davis, “I give opportunities to people who might not have them. I’m working to help bring more productions to Mississippi and cast locals, so we can show the world that Mississippi can be a big part of entertaining industries.”



S e n d In q u i r i e s t o :


Celebrating 1460



L O V E . M A R R I A G E . PA RT N E R S H I P



T W E N T Y- T W O






N I N E | T W E N T Y- F O U R | S I X T E E N









Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Champion in God’s Army, Tameikia Michelle Smith is reshaping lives all over the world by extending an invitation for people to join her in the winner’s circle of life! Tameikia is a firm believer that everyone, (yes, EVERYONE) has a story. But more importantly, she believes it’s how we handle those situations that truly allows us to win! Tameikia hasn’t always been surrounded by winning situations. In fact, she is someone who has experienced failure firsthand. Primarily, it was through her trials and tribulations that she was able to uncover God’s truths and the actual keys to winning and living a successful life. Helping others to discover their purpose has now become her life’s mission. In 2015, she launched her company, Tameikia Michelle Enterprises LLC (TME) where her focus is to deliver the blueprint to ultimately living the God designed life that each of us was created to live! Tameikia travels the country sharing her own triumphs in an effort to encourage individuals to overcome their struggles. She also teaches people how to effectively apply winning principles in business, relationships, faith and other areas of life. Through seminars, conferences and a host of other platforms, Tameikia is changing lives by ultimately transforming hearts and minds! Author of the upcoming book series entitled: Welcome to the Winner’s Circle, Tameikia is using her talents to motivate and encourage others as she leads them down the path to winning and obtaining Godly success! Tameikia is happily married to her husband, Kasey Smith and they have two beautiful children, Jordan and Kaiden. Change your mind and change your life! Accept Tameikia’s invitation and join her in the Winner’s Circle Today!

w w w. t a m e i k i a m i c h e l l e . c o m | i n f o @ t a m e i k i a m i c h e l l e . c o m | ( 2 8 1 ) Y O U - W I N 2 F A C E B O O K : tameikimichelle | F A C E B O O K G R O U P : Welcome to the Winner’s Circle I N S TA G R A M : @ t a m e i k i a m i c h e l l e

Rebecca MeetPOWELL

Rebecca "RP3" Powell, is a single mom, soon to be wife, friend, mentor, chef, and consultant. Since 2011, she started her journey as a business woman and entrepreneur. Living to work and not working on living, she knew that she had more to offer her family and herself. For Rebecca, deep in her heart she knew she was here to make a difference and fulfill her purpose. She shares that in order to do this she had to make an extreme change in her life. With sincerity Rebecca explained, “I had years of experience in being an employee, but felt that I had more to offer in business and food consulting industry. Given the opportunity to acquire and gain the knowledge needed to move forward in my career with each position as an employee, I was missing something. Not only was the income missing, but also a feeling that I was not walking in my purpose.” With the positions she has held in the past, she has been able to gain experience in the following areas of business and food consulting: specialist in planning, developing, implementing and customer operational strategies, staffing strategies and programs that improved operational outcomes and maximized the available staff resources. These are just a few areas that a business would need in order to succeed, but more importantly make an impact on the world. From the moment Rebecca took the first step, she found that same opportunity would open the doors to a world that would give her the chance to impact the industry of the consulting world and beyond. “Never allow anyone to tell you that your dreams are too big or that you cannot accomplish them, as long as you have a burning desire and a reason why, you will move mountains to accomplish them.”

Instagram: @RP3Marketing Facebook: Facebook.com/rp3marketing Persicope: @rpowell916 | Twitter: @rpowell916 Google+: rp3marketinggroup@gmail.com Linkedin: Linkedin.com/in/Rebecca-Powell-a2634265



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APPRECIATION So you’ve got yourself a wife; How about that? It is certain that you consider yourself favored. Wife Appreciation is recognized on the Third Sunday in September, but we urge all men not to wait until a specific day to show their beloved wife how much they are appreciated. To be honest, most men are clueless about Wife Appreciation Day (so are their wives), and consider themselves in good order when they remember The Big Important Days of celebration. When showing appreciation, remember that there is an art form to doing so: Be AUTHENTIC: your motives, words and actions should be genuine, sincere, and done in your own way Be READY: have an eagerness for what you are doing and/or saying Be TRUTHFUL: properly identify the things that the person deserves appreciation for To give a little assistance this month, whether there is a significant date or a random act of kindness, the following ideas can give you a little direction. If you are up for the challenge, select any three to express over a 21 day period.


Verbally during a private moment Written in a card Electronically through audio or video Publically through social media, news, radio, newspaper, etc.



- Complete a task that she doesn’t find favorable - Complete a task with her that she usually does alone - Make extra allowance for her to do a task that she enjoys





- Sentimental - Inexpensive - Elaborate - Favorite thing - Spontaneous - THE. SKY. IS. THE. LIMIT!

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Pray for areas she does well Pray for areas that she struggles to get better at Pray with and for her




ALTERNATIVE!! Teach the Children Academy is a not-for-profit organization created to provide homeschooling to students who have problems in conventional classrooms due to hyperactivity, limited attention spans, and other often medically treated illnesses. These students and their families are provided an opportunity to receive comparable teaching in a smaller and more personable setting offering them a standard quality education at rates affordable to their own personal budgets. The purposes for which the organization is established are educational, spiritual, and charitable within the meaning of Section 501©3 of the Internal Revenue Code.







Please call for more information! VIRGINIA JAMISON, DIRECTOR



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MeetTaurea V I S I O N AVA N T

VISIONTips Author, Business Accelerator and International Speaker Impacting the lives of business owners independent distributors in mind body and soul. Taurea has an extensive amount of history with being an entrepreneur. More than 15+ years with 10 of those being very unsuccessful. Taurea went from Foreclosure in 2009 to producing millions in sales in the home based business industry. Her true testament to how she was able to get to the other side of success she believes comes from the amount of personal growth that she went through in the year of 2009 and up to today. She is the creator of The System Mastery and Show Your Success Workshops, and 9 Time Author of books on personal self-development, education and more. Her major focus is to show entrepreneurs how to build multiple streams of income in their current businesses. She has been seen on ABC News, Sheen Magazine, Successful Women Radio Show, IHeartRadio and more! Today, Taurea’s focus is on helping small-based business owners & independent distributors to develop, master, and remain committed to growing their businesses by providing valuable leadership and interpersonal skills. She offers timeless tips that support in real world interactions and discoveries on what it takes to be successful in today’s entrepreneurial world. She is a living example of creating a lifetime career and wants to help you get prepared for the journey. She knows what it takes to break through a multitude of challenges and focus on the future.

When it comes to success in being an entrepreneur there are a few tips that I personally recommend.

First you must understand 3 areas in your life that will directly affect your success. 1. YOUR ENVIRONMENT: where you spend most of your time will affect your beliefs and actions 2. YOUR CIRCLE: The saying that if you take the average incomes of the 5 people that you spend the most time with and compare it to yours, you will come within $10,000 of theirs still holds true today. Your circle will always affect your income because just like your environment, it does affect your beliefs. 3. Your Words: The most crucial weapon against “unsuccess” starts with the words that you are speaking. Your words control your beliefs which control your actions. Pay attention to how successful people speak about life and pay attention to how unsuccessful people (whatever you determine success) and pay attention to how they speak. You will notice conversations are totally different.

Here are also four things that I have done to help with these 3 areas in my life. 1. Hang out where people I aspire to be like. 2. I read books everyday on personal development. One I would recommend would be my book of course, “A Vision to Freedom”, to start with. 3. Take awareness to the conversations that people you spend the most time with have. If you notice a lot of negativity, I would encourage you to reduce your time with them. 4. Hire a coach/mentor. One of the best things I could have ever purchased was the time of a mentor. To learn more about these steps you can visit my site and I’ll give you the full break-down of how to get these things done.


If you are like most individuals, you have at some point wondered “how does money work.” Co-founders Toni Sanders and LaShonda Johnson are a passionate financial team of out of Houston that have made it their mission to educate their community on just that. In particular, what makes Houston Housewives & its Chapters unique is its dual mission to educate individuals, families and businesses through interactive and progressive mediums as well as help women in the financial services industry to brand themselves and build their client and agent base. Toni, with former success as a hairstylist and entrepreneur for over 18 years, and LaShonda, who served for a combined 25 plus years of business in corporate management and as a successful independent capitol medical equipment distributer each of us came to develop their craft through a personal pursuit of understanding how money works. Both ladies state that a strong desire to behave differently with money and leave a legacy for their families are the motives for their new career paths as financial professionals. FULFILLING OUR MISSION OF “NO FAMILY LEFT BEHIND” THROUGH MULTICULTURAL FINANCIAL EDUCATION. With reluctance to say that their story is common or familiar, it is fitting to coin it as impactful. Toni and LaShonda expressed sentiments that are quite obvious in the work that they do. “Our clients mean the world to us! To be able to change a life financially is a very rewarding mission. Each of us started like everyone else, letting our finances manage our lives. We all knew how to work hard for money and how to spend money. As we embraced the powerful impact of learning how to manage our finances, we each realized that we wanted to teach others how to accomplish what we have – a solid financial foundation!” We look forward to having the pleasure of working with you and yours.



info@houstonhousewivesoffinance.com Facebook: Houston Housewives of Finance Instagram: hhoffinance twitter: hhoffinance LinkedIn: Houston Housewives of Finance



People often struggle to forgive because they think it releases the other person from accountability. Shift your perspective and heal yourself. FORGIVENESS is for YOU, not for them. Choose to see forgiveness as a stepping stone to your greater. Here are some of the ways forgiveness can make a difference in your life: Helps you to live in love | Helps you to release judgments Helps you to accept what happened | Helps you to live with compassion and grace Helps you to feel more hopeful and peaceful | Helps you to find resolution and move forward Helps you to better understand and accept yourself | Helps you to release the pent up anger and bitterness AND MUCH MORE!

www.IAmHealingOne.org | www.amazon.com Get your copy today and start your journey of forgiveness and healing.

CONTACT INFO | 205-419-7079 | info@IAmHealingOne.org | www.IAmHealingOne.org TWITTER: www.twitter.com/IAmHealingOne | FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/IAmHealingOne YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/user/IAmHealingOne 23 | LOVE MARRIAGE & PARTNERSHIP | THE REVIEW


w w w. t h e m i c m a g a z i n e . c o m


Have you prepared yourself for a number of job interviews, only to be followed by a correspondence that was not in your favor? Orlando Haynes, founder of The Inside Recruiter LLC and co-creator of Your Inside Career Call, suggests that now is the time to invest in yourself and prepare for the next level in your career. A speaker and veteran with over 13 years of corporate and agency recruiting experience, Haynes has successfully coached hundreds of professionals towards interview success. He understands what hiring managers are looking for and knows how recruiters think. Author of “Inside 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Hired”, Haynes provides the tools, tips, and techniques that will position you for career success. With a job market that is constantly changing, he poses the question, “Are you?” Poised with confidence and compassion, he says taking you from the job seeker to the sought after is not just some catchy slogan. It’s about transforming you, the job seeker, into a well-rounded Career Achiever. Those seeking Haynes’ expertise will find services that include resume writing, job search assistance, interview coaching, LinkedIn profile, and small business hiring consultant. “Our thoughts can be the highlight of our day, but our actions will shine the spotlight on them.” #growthisdeterminedbyyourgrind t h e i n s i d e r e c r u i t e r. c o m

CONTACT INFO | 8 1 3 - 3 7 9 - 9 6 9 6 | I n f o @ t h e i n s i d e r e c r u i t e r. c o m 11 | LOVE MARRIAGE & PARTNERSHIP | THE REVIEW


Fashion is


Who is Styles by Stella of Shoppers Solutions? First and foremost Stella R. Henderson is a Woman of God that has a passion to see people, especially women, feel and present themselves in a positive manner. Being the youngest of five beautiful fashion-forward sisters and one phenomenal mother, as she describes them, Stella was raised in Detroit, MI for most of her youth. She humorously recalled that she was a “straight up tomboy, the boy my Mom always wanted and never had.” Track, basketball, softball, volleyball, anything a boy was supposed to be able to do, Stella was determined to do better. In her late teens, Stella and her family transitioned to the small town of Alexander City, Alabama which she depicted as a traumatic experience. After graduating high school, she took on a part-time job at a small retail clothing store where her journey began. Shortly after getting married at a young age, and having her only daughter, Stella left her retail position and took another job at a textile manufacturer. Recalling the day she sat in her living room, attending to her newborn, Stella received a knock at her door. It was the manager from her old retail position that had tracked her down, saying that she needed Stella back! Amazing right!!! Looking back, that's how it all began. Some 20 odd years later after many positions, opening many locations and achieving many accomplishments, she is still there. Stella experienced divorce and hard times but fashion and serving always gave her a source of joy. Through the years she always heard the questions “Why don't you have your own store, Why are you not modeling, Why are you not doing your own thing, you’re so good at what you do?” It was not until Stella heard a preacher ask the questions “What is your ministry, What is it you have a passion for, and What is it you have in your hands?” that she did a lot of praying and a lot of selfevaluation. Hence, Shoppers Solutions - Styles by Stella was born in 2013. Now when asked, “What is your business?” she gracefully replies, “I am a personal shopper and stylist serving all aspects of shopping. From clothes, to home décor, to weddings - any occasion. If it involves spending money, it involves Shoppers Solutions Styles by Stella. Last and most importantly, it's a way to Teach, Encourage, Show Love, Re-instill Self Worth and MOST OF ALL GIVE BACK.”

Dating IDEAS


Dismiss every misconception that you have about Dating, be open-minded, and expect to have fun! Who says that Dating has to be anything other than what you want it to be? No one- it’s up to you how creative you want your predetermined moment of eminence to be! It is also important to note that Dating is for anyone: married, engaged, and yes, SINGLE.



IDEAS of the MONTH • • • • • •

Agree to set this time aside together. Determine frequency and be consis tent (once a month or every week). Decide who gets to choose the date (deciding together is best). Anticipate it. Be THERE while you’re on the date. Have FUN.

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Avoid making independent plans and expect the other to be as excited as you are. Steer clear of allowing your Date Night to take the back seat of things that appear to be more pressing.

GO TO THE BEACH Whether you live by an ocean or a lake, a day out on the sand is always a calming date spot if the weather’s playing along. Soak in some sunshine near the water and as the day draws to a close, take a romantic stroll with the setting sun as an Instagram-worthy backdrop. HEAD TO THE AQUARIUM No place exudes romance quite like a soft-lit aquarium. Stroll through the hushed, darkened rooms while you point out your favorite creatures behind the glass. GO BOWLING Whether you’re a strike machine or a ten-pin novice, there’s so much fun to be had at a bowling alley, from the drinks and cheap pizza to the rush of the game itself. Set up the bumper guards if you want to avoid utter embarrassment or go no-holds-barred for a competitive one-on-one match. TAKE A NATURE WALK More adventurous types can embark on a low-level hike, but any nature lover should try a scenic walk or a bike ride in nature with plenty of sights as food for conversation. Hey, it beats sitting inside on a day with perfect weather.

Many people may choose to celebrate the day that they got married, but how many choose to celebrate the journey? Anniversaries can be seen as wonderful moments where a couple graciously stands in a threshold to reflect back on where they have been and to look forward to what is ahead of them. Whether a fragrance, a feeling, a frustration, or a funny moment, glimpses of a wedding day can bring to remembrance the freshness of a solid decision or a clammy nervousness that triumphed year after year, progressing into a thriving relationship. The joy of an anniversary comes from the gratitude a couple shares for the entire journey, even the portion that is to come. As we celebrate our anniversary this month, we do so with great humbleness and gratitude. This fourth year of commitment has been filled with so much promise- most of which has not even come in tangible form! We have enjoyed growing our friendship, and tremendously humbled by the partnership that we are continuously learning to build. The harmony that we work to achieve each day through love has blessed not only our home, but has permeated through to so many others. If you are married, have you found yourself looking forward to celebrating your anniversary as an intimate evening or trip, a large festive gathering, or a simple evening at home? Perhaps you’ve grown weary in your marriage, and the thought of your anniversary is a reminder of better times. It could also be possible that you have yet to enter into matrimony, and you have the slightest clue as to what you truly should expect in an anniversary. As a fairly young, yet very ambitious couple, we encourage all that have not done so, to view the anniversary as celebratory time of reflection and resolution. Be thankful for the journey, but set goals as a couple and make a fresh commitment to work towards them!

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