Jan/Feb 2015

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April Hubal

@Indie_Lee: No More Winter Woes: Check out our Unscented Body Lotion in @ maniacmagazine

O F F I C E M A N AG E R Cody Nicole Wiegand

@Tommosser: A great night of wine, food, art, and house hunting at the open house thanks to @AlmartFineArt and @ManiacMagazine

E DI TOR Mia Bencivenga


DE SIGN E R Martha Ashley Heatherington

33 Terminal Way | Suite 533a Pittsburgh, PA 15219 cody@maniacmagazine.com

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@LexandLynne: Love working with you guys @ManiacMagazine @ianmellencamp !! #makingmoves #photobooth #style



Robert Ascroft, Ross Ferguson, April Hubal, Emily Lambert, Cody Nicole Wiegand, Courtesy of Altius, Magic Hat Brewing Company, Mister’s Grooming and Goods, The Kathy Wolfe, Washington Camera Club Greenbriar, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, Urban Cowboy B&B

@msdestinykay: Thank you @erichbergen so much for taking the time and talking with me for @ManiacMagazine @JerseyBoysNews #MadamSecretary #acting #TV



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Shady Badolato, Lindsay Bayne, Mia Bencivenga, Katelyn Blough, Änna Ciaccio, Emily Durham, Susan Dunhoff, Jordan Falcon, April Hubal, Destiny Johnson, Chrys Perkins, Rachel Sanzone, Stacy Skiavo, Nicole Widdowson, Cody Nicole Wiegand


INTERN Jordan Falcon

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Congratulations to our #ManiacSuperman Donnie Vasey, who won our Maniac Dad contest with 274 votes


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CONTENTS January/February 2015

Why hello there, my dear Maniacs.


My name is Mia Bencivenga, and I’ve been lucky enough to become the new editor here at Maniac. And truly, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. In some ways, this new issue feels like a first date. I’m doing my best to charm and impress you, yet all I can really focus is the sizable piece of lettuce I can feel stuck between my front teeth.

Ian Harding

20/ ART Ernie Pratt

22/ MUSIC Jamie Scott

24/ TV

How this happened when I did not order a salad remains a mystery.

Men in Black


I think it’s very fitting that I feel this way when this is our Men/Love issue. And if you’re anything like me, men and love have certainly given you issues. But also, a lot of joy and plenty of fodder for that novel you’ve been working on for the past five years.

Nomad Chic

Erich Bergen

26/ SEX & LOVE with Chrys Perkins

28/ JET SET Romantic Weekend Getaways

32/ SHOPS Products we <3



35/ FEATURE Jack Tesauro of Chapel Hills Jewelry

36/ STYLE PROFILE Loyal Martinez

38/ STYLE PROFILE Matthew Taylor

40/ FEATURE Perry of Perlora

50/ FOOD Altius

If you’re in a tricky spot and need some relationship advice, we’ve got not one but two advice columns for you. For those in a relationship, or singles who want to get some much needed TLC, we have a great jet-set section that doesn’t require a jet at all. All of the places you’ll read about are close enough to drive to, but give the feeling of getting away from it all.

56/ FEATURE Magic Hat Brewery


We’ve also raised the bar—literally—with our review of the restaurant Altius, which we think is the best place in town for a romantic dinner. Hint hint.

Local Barber Shops


To the gentleman who has picked up this issue (or perhaps have had this issue thrust into your hands by your significant other) never fear! We’ve got profiles on the best three barber shops in the city of bridges. Get down with your dapper self by reading our red carpet-inspired fashion advice, exclusively available on our website.

Eva of ESSpa Kozmetika

63/ FASHION Street Style

There are some amazing men in this issue whose stories will resonate with you regardless of who you are. That handsome guy you see on the cover is none other than Ian Harding, a talented actor who, in addition to playing the most attractive English teacher in television history on Pretty Little Liars, was thoughtful, funny, and a philanthropist to boot!

65/ EVENTS Labatt Prohibition Party


We also snagged interviews with masterful singer-songwriter/new dad Jamie Scott, and Jersey Boys actor Erich Bergen, who doled out some wise advice.

Lex & Lynne Grand Opening



Eddy Homes Champagne Soiree



If you didn’t get out much these past two months, this issue has coverage on some of the best events in town. From Sewickley boutique Lex & Lynne’s grand opening, to the survivor/models strutting their stuff for the American Cancer Society, Maniac’s got the scoop on everything you need to know. I for one am really hoping you like what you see—because I’m really banking on a second date with you. Seriously though, I put a down payment on the hot air balloon, and I’ve been told its nonrefundable.




Mia 11




Former Maniac cover girls & Pretty Little Liars costars Lucy Hale and Sasha Pieterse with Ian Harding



“Have you ever wanted some perspective on life, Hollywood, and the cost of living in Shadyside from an occasional bird-watcher who happens to have 2.1 million Instagram followers and a hit television show? I can’t see you, but I can feel you shaking your head yes. In which case, I recommend giving Ian Harding a call. To be perfectly frank, there’s no one else who could fit the bill—the bird kind or otherwise. (Editor’s Note: Could not resist poorly constructed bird pun—please forgive me.) In addition to his many talents, this Carnegie Mellon Educated 28-year-old also practices good hygiene. After exchanging hellos, he politely informed me that he was searching for his nail clippers, as he was going to the gym after our interview and thought that long nails would be unsightly. I assured him that Maniac applauds any man that takes appropriate nail-care seriously. My conversation with Mr. Harding was very fun, engrossing, and somewhat unexpected. We all make rash judgments about the people we see on the screen. When that screen is inhabited by the guy who plays the impossibly handsome English teacher Ezra Fitz on Pretty Little Liars, who doles out lines like “I don’t ever want you to say you’re sorry again” before hoisting up his co-star Lucy Hale on the stove so they can begin their impassioned make-out session, you tend to feel wary. Perhaps we worry that all hot guys have jediesque mind powers they use to trick the unsuspecting public into some nefarious act. But if our conversation can act as evidence to anything, it’s that whatever powers Ian Harding has, he certainly endeavors to use them for the forces of good. Maniac Magazine: You were raised in a military family, was that an usual way to grow up? 14

Ian Harding: There’s an idea that a lot of military families move around a lot—but for us that wasn’t really the case. My dad moved to Heidelberg, Germany before I was born, after that he got stationed in Virginia consistently. I was able to get the best of both worlds, I was around the military, my dad and mom had that mentality of discipline...But at the same time, I never called my dad “sir,” or had to shave my head or anything. My dad grew up in Southern California, so he was pretty liberal and adventuresome. MM: Did your parents encourage your love of performing, since it was a more liberal environment? IH: They did. On my mom’s side, they had all been involved in music in some way shape or form. My grandfather was a conductor who was fairly well-known in Massachusetts. So they encouraged me in a very practical way, not so much in a hippie-dippie “Color on the walls! Be free!” way. They were very even-keeled in their support. MM: You wrote a piece for The Huffington Post called “The Exact Moment I Decided To Become An Actor.” I thought it was interesting that the moment wasn’t born out of perfection, of everything going right in a performance. Rather, another actor had made a mistake, and you used improvisation to cover it up and were met with applause. Have you used that mentality in your life and your career? IH: I was listening to Amy Poehler’s audiobook, and I think she sums it up really well—improv kind of prepares you for life, in that the main tenet is “Yes, and...” I think there is something to be said for really preparing for things, but at the end of the day you need to be really flexible. Most of the joy and happiness that comes from life is having an idea of what you want, but then going with what happens in the moment. I’d like to think that I’m good at accepting the present—but I don’t know, actually I might completely refute that—but I think the idea I keep coming back to for myself is that most of the pain and suffering you go through is because you have an idea of how your life is supposed to go. So in the end, I try to go with “Yes, and...” MM: You went to Carnegie Mellon University for Drama, which is a phenomenal school, so you lived in Pittsburgh for a few years— what memories come to mind when you think back on that time? IH: I liked this kind of “off” feeling Pittsburgh had, you know, Pittsburgh was odd... it had a lot of culture, there was a lot of really great food... that wasn’t the best for you, but still, great. I loved its blossoming beer culture. It was the ideal city to go to college. I loved it. I lived in Shadyside, right off of Walnut Street in a wonderful, incredibly overpriced apartment, next to a place called “Bites and Brews”... I went there a little too often. MM: How soon after you graduated CMU did you go to Los Angeles? IH: I went to LA almost immediately after I graduated, I graduated around May 14, 2009 and then was in LA by May 18, or something like that. And that proved to be beneficial.

MM: Did you get your role in Pretty Little Liars soon after? IH: Yeah, about two months. I’m only realizing now just how astronomically lucky I was. I know that lucky is only preparation meets opportunity... but after I got the part, the show got picked up and shows never get picked up, and then the show got a second season and usually shows don’t make it to a second season. And here we are. MM: You’ve got a lot of projects lined up for this coming year! Can you tell us a little about that? IH: I find myself in an interesting situation which is, I’m on Pretty Little Liars for two more years, at least—supposedly. So it’s tricky trying to get other jobs that don’t overlap. I really love the independent film world, because there’s more leeway, not as many people you have to answer to. But I guess the other side to being in an indie film is that some of these films will never see the light of day. But I enjoy that because I got the show right out of the gate, I didn’t have time to do a bunch of different things. I say this not in a masochistic way—like, “Nah, I should have struggled more!” But it’s nice to do a film, and try out different stuff, and not have that pressure of a lot of people going to see it. MM: There’s a lot of freedom in that, as well. IH: There is! You get to work without consequences. I feel kind of bad for kids who get a huge movie out of the gate like Twilight or something of that nature, and they haven’t been able to grow into themselves. And people go to the movie and expect them to be a great actor, and if that’s not really the case...No wonder people go insane or completely alter their bodies. Because if you have enough people around you saying, “Listen, what really sells is how pretty you are...so you have to maintain that.” That seems logical, but after a while it kills any sort of spirit or personality you have. MM: It’s unattainable to always be the same. IH: We say these things to each other, like “beauty fades” that seem so obvious and cliché, but that’s a lesson some people never learn. I hope as I age I keep that in mind and don’t end up putting random crap in my face. MM: How do you keep away from that mindset? What keeps you grounded? IH: Raging nihilism! MM: That helps! IH: I do get wrapped up in it sometimes. I have a wonderful girlfriend, who also went to Carnegie Mellon, who I’ll say things to like, “I can’t believe I didn’t get an audition for Fifty Shades of Grey!” These are the things I freak out about and she’ll just say, “What is wrong with you?!” That stuff seeps in you know, and I think the best way to think about it is that at the end of the day, you’re playing make believe. MM: It’s important to not believe your own hype. IH: That’s it, believing your own hype...That moment when you’re


like, “I got two million Instagram followers dad!” And nobody cares. MM: You do a lot of work with the Lupus Foundation of America. Does this ground you? How did you get involved with that? IH: I’m involved in that because my mother was diagnosed with Lupus when I was seven. She’s had it for about twenty years, she’s doing well. It’s a very odd and tricky disease in that it takes many shapes and affects different parts of your body. My mother’s strain of Lupus affects her differently in that it is a daily irritation. But then she’ll have occasional flare ups, like last Christmas morning, it appeared like she was having a heart attack. We rushed to the hospital, and lo and behold nothing was wrong with her. I think it’s important, for when you’re doing well in life, to keep perspective. The way you can give legitimacy to all of these Instagram and Twitter followers you have is, instead of tweeting out pictures of your cereal with “hashtag still healthy” or “hashtag fiber,” is to let your fans know what is important to you.

and I don’t think becoming a man means exterminating that other person inside of you. It’s just knowing when it’s acceptable. Truly, what being a man is, is being able to yo-yo between responsible and steadfast adult, and wonder-filled giddy child.

or anything, but it’s entertaining, and one of the things I’m really proud of is that it’s about four young women. They’re the four leads, and there’s peripheral male characters, and on top of that we have a lesbian character that’s a lead and it’s not just for titillation. There’s something awesome about when she

MM: Speaking of giddy—to prepare for this issue I started watching Pretty Little Liars, and I realized I had made a terrible mistake because I could not stop and I had a magazine to edit. What aspect of the show has made it such a huge phenomenon? IH: First of all, thank you for watching. Most

goes to prom with her date and it’s not a big

of my friends haven’t even seen it! Which is fine, if it’s not your cup of tea I get it. Its success is due to a combination of things...

IH: We actually just finished the fifth season.

deal. So its combination of that, the constant “who-dun-it”, social media, and the girls dialogue being very clever. MM: Are you working on the show now?

romantic gestures, the ones that always stuck with me, involved something I was passionate about... oh, this is going to sound weird... I feel like I’m coming out of the closet or something... but I’ve always bird watched. The reaction to that is either “awwwww” or you just hear the sound of someone collapsing on the ground in laughter. In college I had a girlfriend who took me to the National Aviary in Pittsburgh, and I loved it. And the fact that she was like, I’m going to go here and watch a grown man hang out with a bunch of kids who are feeding penguins, and am still going to want to sleep with him afterwards...That’s pretty good.

So we’re off for two months, and then we’ll go on to the sixth, ideally. MM: I don’t know how much you can reveal, but should fans of the show hunker down and emotionally prepare themselves for the next season? IH: I should be back one way or another—

You can keep up with all of Ian’s upcoming projects by becoming one of his millions of twitter followers by using the twitter handle @IanMHarding. To learn more about the causes Ian is involved with, please visit Lupus.org, HumaneSociety.org, and ChildrensNational.org.

we only get a contract that says that you’re employed for this amount of time. So I should be back, but I don’t know in what capacity

I’m also involved in the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington D.C., as well as the Humane Society. Those are the things I work for, try to raise money for, because I have family and friends who work in the “saving the world” industries. They go to Africa and help refugees, and then my mother helps disabled GI’s...And I make out with someone for a living, and I make a lot of money. I think the best thing to do is to better the world in whatever ways that you can. The microphone I have is great, because I can’t do some of the things the people around me do—they have degrees, and are more culturally in tuned with the places they work in. So my piece of this machine is to make as much money as humanly possible, to give money to the rights places. That’s what I can do as an actor. MM: Since this is our men’s issue, when do you really think you really grew up? When did you stop feeling like a boy as opposed to a man? IH: I think when I feel the most like a man is when I’m able to see the boyish qualities in things. You will always have that child in you, 16

yet. MM: Maybe at some point you’ll be a ghost! IH: If it was revealed that I was a ghost the






phenomenal. MM: For the sixth season, I think you should just wear a sheet with holes cut for your eyes and make spooky noises. IH: I prefer if I was just super pasty. It started to take off as Twitter and Instagram became a force to be reckoned with. All of the cast members, writers, directors can directly communicate with fans. We were one of the first shows that got fans involved using the hashtag. When I first saw it I thought, “What is this? It’s so distracting!” But then you look on your twitter feed and you taking your shirt off is trending world-wide—which is weird. MM: That sounds like my worst nightmare! IH: It’s my worst nightmare too! I can’t drink beer anymore! So I think it’s that, and— listen, I understand the show isn’t Chekhov

MM: I’m not suggesting that we should write the show for the sixth season...but we’ve got some good ideas. IH: Some real gold nuggets for the writers! MM: Before I let you go, since this is our Love issue as well, what would you say is the most romantic gesture one person can do for their significant other? IH: Just consistently being there. A romantic gesture is taking an interest in what the other person does. Sure, surprising them with a trip to Fiji is pretty awesome! The biggest 17





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geometry. If you can hone into this, you can pretty much draw any face.


MM: Can you tell me about forensic art? EP: When it comes to forensic art it covers basically five parts. It covers, first of all, scar facial reconstruction. Like when a person would find a skeleton in a bush. If they don’t know who it is I can put a face to it. Then you move on to the post mortem. That’s if a body is found and it’s badly damaged or decomposed. We can, or I can, reconstruct the face. The third one would be aging. So that’s if a person, say, commits a crime today, then I can age him to see what he would look like in twenty years. The fourth one would be composites. That’s the one where if you were robbed you describe how the person looks and I draw it. I use the official catalog that the FBI gave me when I was there. The last of the five would be crime scene reconstruction. Once I get to a crime scene, I can do a rough sketch of the area, do some measurements, put it into the computer, and make a 3D model of it.

Ernest Pratt is one of the most uniquely talented individuals Maniac has ever had the pleasure of meeting. Born as the 15th out of a whopping 16 children to a family living in North Andros in the Bahamas, Ernest (or “Ernie” as he is often called) joined the police force in 1995, and four years later became the Bahamas’ first ever forensic sketch artist. Ernest later was trained in forensic art by the FBI, where he mastered 2D and 3D facial reconstruction—and oh, just happens to make some of the most beautiful art we’ve ever seen. Maniac Magazine: Ernie, how did you first become a sketch artist? Ernie Pratt: Well, I got into art first and then I got into sketch artist work after I joined the police force. I started off drawing just things I see: buildings and trees… flowers… After being on the force about three years, they sent me off to Miami Dade Police Department. While I was there I met up with this doctor by the name of Robert George, who is also a professor at the Florida International University. He taught me that the whole face is made up of circles, triangles, and squares, everything has its own 20

MM: You’ve recently branched into fine art. On that end, has there been a defining moment for you? EP: I did a painting for my dad for his birthday. It was an old picture that he had of him in front of the first boat that he had ever built. I had a picture of him standing in front of it, and the same year I gave it to him that picture ended up being destroyed. So now he has this painting of him, and the photo that I did it from no longer exists. So that was my finest moment. MM: Where does your inspiration come from? EP: My inspiration comes from where I grew up, from watching kids play on the streets. The way we do things here on the Island is different from anywhere else.

MM: Do you think being a Bahamian artist sets E: What makes me different is I guess the type things to be too abstract; I like to draw things I need to start writing storylines to accompany have a special meaning.

you apart? of art that I do. I don’t like that has a story behind it. each one, because they all

Visit www.nespraart.wix.com for more information on Ernest Pratt.

MM: Does your process differ from when you paint a portrait versus when you paint the sketch art? EP: It’s not much different. I cannot draw something that I cannot see. If you told me to draw a horse or something without a picture, I couldn’t do it. The process is the same as when I am acting as a sketch artist, I have to pick out specific features to draw. If I am going draw something for art, I take pictures of a person to go on, and then try and do different things with the background.


MANIAC music


dmit it, despite your age, gender, and political affiliation, you’ve jammed out to One Direction’s “Story of My Life” or “You & I” at least a few times since they’ve been released. And, maybe, just maybe, you’ve gone around the house unintentionally serenading the plants you’re watering with their tunes of bouncy-pop-boy-band-love. You may say that you’re not a fan of those tunes because of your “cool person” reputation (as displayed by your collection of vintage records and knock-off designer sunglasses), but if you’re belting out love songs to your fern, it still counts.

worrying about things I never knew existed – trying to deal with the idea of growing old with someone, and the losses I might face in my lifetime.” His hope for the album is that fans can relate in a positive way. After all, isn’t the beauty of music the connection we feel to the lyrics as we belt them at the top of our lungs?

So who is the mastermind behind these catchy lyrics? British singer-songwriter Jamie Scott who has been writing and producing for artists such as One Direction, Christina Perri featuring Ed Sheeran, and Enrique Iglesias for the last halfdecade. If that list just made you freak out, good. It should.

You can purchase Jamie’s new album on his website, jamie-scott.com

However, Jamie is a down-to-earth, humbled guy who isn’t worried about the success of his album. “It either will or it won’t. I’m just happy to play in front of people and do what I love.” His hit single, “Unbreakable” is already available for pre-order, and trust us, you will love it! The rest of the album promises to be just as wonderful. Hint: Jamie’s favorite song is “Carry You Home,” and the song does just that.

Don’t be thinking this rising star is a rookie either—he has certainly paid his dues. He was songwriting at age fifteen and signed by the time he was twenty. “My mother was a musician and my father was a big fan of music, so I’ve always had a lot of music in my life, and that’s how my passion began,” Jamie explained. He is known in the States mostly through his work with soul/ indie-pop band Graffiti6, a collaboration between him and producer Tommy “D” Danvers. They spent the better part of four years producing the bluesy, indie rock album Colours that would be released in the United Kingdom in 2010. A year later, Capitol Records signed and released the album in America. This opportunity to do promotional work here in the United States left fans with an undeniable conclusion: they needed Jamie Scott’s music in their lives.




And his time to shine has finally come. On January 20th, Virgin Records will release his first solo album, My Hurricane. When I asked Jamie about the main difference between writing songs for others versus writing music for himself, he said, “They’re just completely different things. When I write for others, everyone has to like the song. When I write for myself, I am my own judge.” And he’s a very good judge, to say the least. His emotional lyrics tug on your heartstrings, and his graceful voice (insert British accent here!!!) combine to create a sophisticated album. He’s learned from some of his most treasured inspirations too, including the renowned singer-songwriters Ron Sexsmith and Ryan Adams. My Hurricane was greatly influenced by his experiences with the difficult act of growing up (let’s be honest – we’ve all felt that struggle) and becoming a father to his sweet little boy. “I started 23

MANIAC television If Erich Bergen’s name and handsome face isn’t familiar to you yet, just wait—it will be very soon. He broke out last summer playing the Four Seasons’ keyboardist and songwriter Bob Gaudio in Jersey Boys, giving an electric and swoon-worthy performance. If you haven’t seen the Clint Eastwood-directed adaptation of the intensely popular jukebox musical, you need to. Its throwback feel and slick dialogue make for an instant classic. Bergen has been on stage, literally, for almost all of his life. From a young age Bergen found his place in the spotlight, attending the Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Training Center in Loch Sheldrake, New York for seven years. Before landing Jersey Boys, Bergen also was featured on shows such as Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives, Person of Interest, and Franklin & Bash. When I asked what his favorite project has been, he confessed, “Jersey Boys. It’s made some of my biggest dreams come true and where I’ve found a lot of my lifelong friends.” A heartthrob with an actual heart, Bergen also admitted that he’d never imagined that he would one day be working under Clint Eastwood, describing the opportunity as completely surreal. “He’s such a legend, but is also one of the nicest most professional people I’ve ever worked with. It was shocking how collaborative he was.” This is impressive, considering there was certainly plenty to keep up with. The cast and crew of Jersey Boys worked constantly, and Bergen noted the importance of keeping your health and stamina up during such a grueling production.



But he wouldn’t want it any other way. This actor/musical performer truly loves what he does, saying, “I’ve only known being on stage and performing all my life.” When faced with the question of ever thinking what he would be doing if not on the stage, Bergen admits that based on the current journalist roles, and travel, he would love to write. Although I’m sure we’d all agree he’d be great at that too, we’re happy he chose to be in the spotlight!

voice for the animated fruit roll-up commercials in the ‘90s? His entrancing voice must be the reason we begged our parents to put them in our lunchboxes! Currently, you can find Erich applying his dramatic acting skills to his project, Madam Secretary. He plays Blake Moran, a personal assistant to the Secretary of State. The political drama has been a huge success, so much so that Mr. Bergen has recently signed a seven year contract for the show. That’s right, Secretary Elizabeth (played infallibly Tea Leoni) will get to keep her downright hunky assistant. Which is really what the country needs. When asked about the differences of working on a television series rather than a musical, Bergen admits, “You’re not really in control, there’s no time to stop and think about what you’re doing. You mentally have to trust yourself and everyone around you.” Whether it’s trust, or the sheer talent of the cast, Madam Secretary appears to have a great future ahead. Besides working on the set of Madam Secretary, Bergen recently moved into his new apartment in NYC and couldn’t be happier about not having to sleep on the floor. In his free time he loves walking around the city and ingesting all of its “manic energy.” He also confesses his love for attending concerts, plays, and movies stating that, “I’m always trying to see other things to inspire me.” As a parting note, this up-and-coming star gave some advice how to make it under the lights for aspiring actors. What he said can be for anyone, no matter what their aspiration; “I think the killer of successful careers is comparing yourself to others. We all do it, and I still do it, but it’s the one thing that can hurt people the most in terms of growing in their career. You need to figure out that there are things that you can do, that no one else can do. Your only competition is yourself.” If Erich Bergen’s only competition is himself, he’s got a tough act to follow. But we here at Maniac know that he’ll rise to the occasion, and knock everyone out while doing it.

But Erich’s talents aren’t confined to that of singing and dancing to the hits of yesteryear. Fun fact! Did you know Erich was the





It might be good to also consider the length and frequency of your conversations. If when you do reach out to him and he has very little to say, replies sporadically, and is hard to make plans with, let’s get real, he isn’t interested in dating. Although you can make these observations through texting, chatting on the phone, etcetera, in a face-to-face meeting, you also get to observe the physical moves that accompany the conversation. And they themselves can speak volumes.


If in the midst of your conversation he tends to touch your lower back or thigh, or he leans in frequently to get close to you, take that into heavy consideration. Does he take every available opportunity to whisper in your ear? If so, this might be the way he is communicating his intentions, whether he means to or not.


Let me begin with a quick, helpful fact; most men are fairly direct. It doesn’t take long to figure out what they are interested in when you know what you’re looking for. In today’s dating world, you can meet someone just about anywhere and in so many ways: in person, on websites, or using cellphone apps. After you’ve connected, you now have the challenge of communicating through texts, emails, chats, and, yes, even on the phone or face-to-face. And trying to decipher what a man is really interested in – dating or just sex – has become infinitely more difficult. One way you can navigate this tricky subject is through the simple act of observation. Just in the conversation alone there are ways to tell what a man is interested in. How are your conversations going? What kinds of moves is he making when you meet face-to-face? You’ll want to keep a keen eye (and ear!) on how deep or shallow the conversation is. If a man is out just for sex, the conversation will most likely be more playful than meaningful. Look for questions that lack substance, for avoided or changed subjects, and for frivolous topic choices. This might indicate that he doesn’t really want to get to know you, but wants to give you just enough to intrigue you. Another helpful tip is noting which one of you is steering the conversation. If he is letting you take the lead, and asking for details about you, he is likely looking for something more. The conversation would give you plenty of opportunities to talk about your genuine interests. It should lead to the two of you getting to know each other, and making a meaningful connection. However, if he’s commandeering the conversation, that’s a sign his goal may be more sex-oriented. This is fine if that’s what you’re after too, of course, but if it’s not, you want to be mindful of who’s doing the talking, and about what. 26

If he’s looking for more than just sex, he should pump the breaks on the touching. He should be talking more than finding random excuses to whisper in your ear or graze your leg. If you see his behavior as more reserved, but he still appears engaged in conversation, he is likely interested in dating.















Maybe the encounter will end with a kiss or a hug, or a promise to see each other again. His goal is to leave you interested in more than just sex, because he’s interested in more than just sex. In the end, people often express what they themselves would like to receive. So if you’re looking to connect with someone, know what you’re looking for and how his behavior matches up to what you want. And always, if you’re thinking about using website or dating apps, do your research until you feel comfortable making a decision. Remember, when in doubt, trust yourself, and never settle for anything less than what you want, or deserve. 9

Chrys Perkins has been the go-to person for relationship advice for years. She is finishing her M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy at NorthCentral University. What fascinates her most about relationships is how and why humans connect with one another. Her best piece of advice: “Communication is everything!”


1. @baron_batch 2. @fairmontpittsburgh 3. @brushfootwear 4. @jonharp1103 5. @seviche 6. @dion_wiegand 7. @miniofpittsburgh 8. @nemacolin 9. @perlorapgh 10. @pghkids 11. @pghtacotruck 12. @spajema 13. @reneepiatt 14. @saraht305 15. @spaggy517 16. @vallozzispittsburgh


MANIAC jet set


THE GREENBRIER Since 1778 The Greenbrier has hosted guests who are looking to be pampered amongst lavish accommodations. Over two centuries later, the awardwinning resort is bigger than ever and continues to carry a high reputation for its hospitality, luxury, and outstanding amenities. Located in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, just four and a half hours outside of Pittsburgh, The Greenbrier sits on 10,000 acres surrounded by the beauty of the Allegheny Mountains. The estate’s classic style can be found everywhere; from the white, columned exterior to the bold prints and patterned wallpaper, even down to the detailed molding and archways leading to the lobbies. It’s clear to see the estate’s colonial past is modernized for today’s guests. Are you and your significant other looking to unwind for the weekend? Then the world-renowned mineral spa is where you should be. With an extensive list of treatments including signature services, massages, hydrotherapy, and even meditation and healing, you may never want to leave.



With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, everyone’s got love on their minds. There’s a million and one ways to celebrate the Hallmark holiday, but we here at Maniac believe that there’s no better way to rekindle the romance than to escape with your special someone. Of course, you could travel far and wide to famed love-infused spots like Rome and THE GREEN BRIER


those engines ready and hop in the car for a weekend getaway that’s closer to home.

For the more adventurous, lively couple, The Greenbrier offers over 55 activities you two can share together, including culinary demos, ice skating, off-road driving explorations, sleigh rides, bowling, bunker tours, and more. If you can’t make it in time for Valentine’s Day, the summer months offer a whole slew of recreations like whitewater rafting, championship golf, horseback riding, canopy tours, and other activities unparalleled to many resorts. Calories don’t count when you’re on vacation—it’s a time to eat, drink, and be merry. Let your palate crave new tastes and be sure to save room for dessert. The collection of dining options is vast, including six full-time restaurants and five bars or lounges. This of course doesn’t factor in the three seasonal restaurants and 24-hour room service, which is always a must-have after a late-night date. With an astounding 710 rooms there are plenty of accommodation choices. From single rooms to suites and even estate houses, your love-filled weekend can be as intimate or as playful as you choose. If you’re looking for a restorative getaway, visit www.greenbrier.com and book your Valentine’s Day weekend now!





MANIAC jet set


If you’re looking to get away for a long weekend with your loved one, but can’t go far, we recommend getting on the highway and heading northeast. Tucked away on a quiet residential street in Williamsburg, NY is the Urban Cowboy B&B. This Brooklyn retreat allows travelers to experience a different side of New York—free from the concrete jungle and sardine-like tourist attractions The Big Apple is famous for.

NEMACOLIN Nemacolin Woodlands Resort and spa is one of the most unexpected surprises you will find close to Pittsburgh. Located only an hour and a half outside of the city, this 2,000 acre oasis does an unbelievable job at catering to the needs of the young professional, or the young and in love.

Over the last few years Brooklyn has become the hottest place for young professionals to reside and visit. The area is perfect for those with an appreciation of culture, music, and the arts. Lyon Porter, the owner, developer, and designer of Urban Cowboy, says that it was his travels that led to the idea of opening his own B&B. Years ago, Porter fell in love with the town of Williamsburg and knew it was where he wanted to be. Then, in May of 2014 the Urban Cowboy B&B was established.


Whether you and your special someone want a peaceful weekend at the spa, or an outdoor adventure, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort has something for every couple. ZARA COMBINED GLOVES, $59.90

The Nemacolin Field Club has many opportunities for relaxation and excitement. If you like to fish, there are plenty of streams and creeks to visit. If you’re an aspiring sharp-shooter you have access to 30 sporting clay stations spread across three courses, towers and a five-stand pavilion. Our ski-bunny readers can rejoice, the resort’s Mystic Mountain has seven different trails ranging from easy to advanced levels of difficulty. They also have want downhill, cross-country, snowboarding and snow tubing and snowshoeing. For those couples who are less enchanted by the winter, there is an indoor pool (they have two other pools for use in the summertime) that you can access year round, complete with whirlpool tubs and saunas to keep you tranquil and toasty. If you are in need of some serious TLC, you should check out their Holistic Healing Center, which is staffed by medical professionals, therapists, and educators. Your trip won’t be complete without experiencing their internationally acclaimed Woodlands Spa, complete with hydrotherapy and a full-service salon.

As guests enter the rustic yet luxurious townhouse they’re greeted by friendly hosts who escort them to one of five bedrooms. Upstairs you’ll find four quaint, private bedrooms, which are simplistic with western-influenced décor, with throw pillows and artwork that tie the theme together.


The main level’s open concept layout allows guests to interact with each other and the B&B staff. Feel free to simply sit back and relax with your boo while admiring the beautiful wooden beams and exposed brick found throughout the space. There’s an unspoken comfort at the Urban Cowboy with its warm, oversized couches, pot belly stove, and antique-looking decorative accessories. Gather in the all-white kitchen with gorgeous butcher-block countertops, farmhouse sink, and an island where breakfast is served each morning. Or spend time chatting with the other housemates around the sun-soaked dining room and bar area. If privacy is what you’ve ordered for this trip, you should check out the “cabin”. It not only looks like you’ve left Brooklyn, but also gives the impression that you have ventured deep into the woods for total seclusion. The king-sized bed, cozy, masculine furnishings, faux-fur rug, and claw foot tub are ingredients for the perfect romantic weekend getaway recipe.



For further reflection, you can visit their substantial art collection, which happens to be one of the largest private collections in the world. Of course, the activity that we at Maniac always keeps a keen eye to how we can hang out with some playful pooches. Luckily, Nemacolin has dog sledding available, and their Alaskan Husky Kennel has over 25 sled dogs. The best part of all is that guests are welcome to pet all of them. If you don’t plan on stopping by the resort in the winter, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to get your ride through the beautiful Laurel Mountains. Dog sled rides are offered all year long. See what awaits you at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort by visiting www.nemacolin.com!



If you’re looking to find a cozy rustic retreat with someone sweet, look no further than www.urbancowboybnb.com!




Éminence Pink Grapefruit Vitality Masque brand available at Spa Jema

ModCoth Wlth Only a Wink Dress in Ruby, $149.99 A. Jaffe Cathedral Open Bridge Halo Cushion Engagement Ring brand available at Frost and Company Diamonds

Aldo KAAEN Ankle Boots, $89.99

Zoya Nail Polish in Blair available at ESSpa Kozmetika, $9

Linkasink Swarovski Crystal Stripe Sink brand available at Crescent Baths & Kitchens, price upon request



If the winter blues have got you down, brighten up your New Year by falling in love with these amazing Maniac-approved products...

Brother Wolf St. George-Chivalry available at Chapel Hills Jewelry, $400 without chain

Fendi Dégradé Pochette bag available at Barneys New York, $1,700

Herrin Earrings available at dannijo. com, $148

Calligaris Parisienne Chair available at Perlora in many colors, $250 Ruthie Davis Love Sneakers, $689

Nila Anthony Red Lips Clutch Bag, $67

This Is The World Book available at anthropologie.com,$35

Tela Beauty Organics by Philip Pelusi Smoother Operator Anti Frizz Serum, $32

Vintage Marque Lights, $329

Angel Jackson Starlet Envelope Clutch, $388

J Brand Leather Super Skinny brand available at e.b. Pepper, $950


Happy Wife Happy Life Framed Art available at House 15143, $49

Urban Outfitters Foil Heart 18 Inch Party Balloon, $4 33

MANIAC feature have a history of jewelers? JT: When we worked in the hospital we’d get calls from people who needed something for birthdays, holidays, you name it. Neither one of us had a jewelry background, but we liked the entrepreneurial aspect to it a lot. We started realizing that we should start taking the idea of opening our own business seriously, just from how the small venture was going. So we opened our first shop in Aspinwall, in a different location from where we are now, and within six months we had a second location in down town Pittsburgh. MM: How did you decide on an aesthetic for your shop? JT: After a while, we decided we wanted a much more upscale approach to our business. So we consolidated both shops, and began to change the focus of the store to sell more high-end jewelry. We became very diamond focussed—you can find things with color too, as well. But diamonds I think are our specialty. We tend to focus on bridal as well, and we’re always honored when people choose us to make a piece that commemorates such an important event.


Diamonds ARE A


If you’re looking for a timeless piece for a loved one that’s custom made to your exact liking, there’s no other place in Pittsburgh that will deliver like Chapel Hills Jewelry. I spoke to Jack Tesauro about his one-of-a-kind, family owned and operated business. Maniac Magazine: Chapel Hills began in 1989, what caused you to open up your own business? Jack Tesauro: The story of how we started is very convoluted. My wife and I were both working in health care at the time, we had been working in that field for about 23 years. When we worked at the hospital our friends were involved in the wholesale jewelry business, and our first “shop” was a four by four cotton box that we carried around. MM: What drew you to open up your own shop? Did your family 34

MM: I hear you do a lot of custom pieces, which must be quite a draw when people are picking out jewelry, especially in regards to weddings. JT: Customization plays a huge role in our business, but there are a lot of players involved to make it work. I myself do a lot of the design work, which is what I think I do best. I’m able to really interpret what a customer sees in their mind. I’m also able to render digital 3D models of their piece, where they can see every angle so they will be able to see what it will look like finished. MM: What advice can you give to someone who is looking for a piece for themselves? Anything you recommend investing in? JT: Maybe I’m a little biased, but I think diamonds are the best gem to purchase. However, you can purchase whatever you like, whether it be vintage or contemporary, as long as it suits your personality. MM: What newer lines or pieces have you gotten in that you’re particularly excited about? JT: We’ve recently acquired the Brother Wolf Company. We’re having an unbelievable level of success with them. It’s a totally different element for us. These are pieces that are created using historic relics, so when we are selling these pieces, we’re selling a piece of history, that comes with its own story. Because of this, people find a special connection with these pieces— we see it happen in our shop every day. If you’d like to learn more about the different lines, services, and hours of Chapel Hills Jewelry, please visit their website: www.chapelhillsjewelry.com 35

MANIAC shops

MANIAC Style Profile Mawi Crustal Lead and Spike Necklace, $933


Roberto Cavalli Lion Ring, $560


Loyal Martinez is the definition of calm, cool, and collected. He’s quiet, but confident, gifted, but humble. He’s a gentle, lively spirit whose smile is contagious. And so are his moves. Loyal’s dance career began in New York teaching ballroom dance, but a few years later he ventured into a salsa nightclub and instantly felt connected and comfortable with the genre. That feeling turned into a passion to teach others, which led to his goal of bringing a more vibrant dance scene to Pittsburgh. Salsa412 was founded by Loyal and is a full-service dance instruction and entertainment company. Loyal works as director of the business but also carries the title of Salsa Director at Absolute Ballroom Dance Center. While on set at the Maniac studio this dancer-turned-entrepreneur couldn’t help but bust out some smooth moves—showing off his precise technique and style.

H&M Dinner Jacket, $34.95 Honey Rose & K Modern Girls Ring, $40

Obey No. 89 Heather Grey Sweatshirt available at lulus.com, $65

Mango Three Pocket Trousers, $49.99

American Eagle Outfitters Message Graphic T-Shirt, $24.95

Steve Madden Trackk Sneakers available on Piperlime.com, $80

Mango Cut-Out Leather Ankle Boots, $149.99

Maniac Magazine: How would you describe your personal style? Loyal Martinez: My style is a little classic with a comfortable, modern twist. I’ve always loved fashion and style since I was a kid. In this salsa lifestyle it has to be functional at the same time. I use blazers to dress up any outfit and I love playing with vests to cover any sweating that might come through a shirt during a night of dancing. MM: Who is your style icon? LM: My style icon of today’s time has to be Kanye West. I love how he can take a comfortable everyday look and create a chic look with one amazing piece. He carries a wide range of styles, which makes his approach very fun and unpredictable. MM: Who is your favorite designer and why? LM: There are so many designers that I’ve admired throughout the years but one designer who has really caught my attention is Marc Jacobs. The simplicity fused with a classic fashionforward timeless look is what makes his style stand out for me.

Bebe Pearl & Stud Baseball Cap, $39


Zara Trousers with Zips, $79

Nila Anthony Quilted Studded Backpack, $75

Dorado Crystal Bib Necklace available at anthropolgie.com, $68

MM: What is one piece in your closet you could not live without? LM: I love my timepieces. On those days where you want to dress down and be comfortable yet present a strong look, if you slap on a power watch it’ll give [the outfit] a more serious appearance. We here at Maniac think that you should take Mr. Martinez’s advice and add some dance into your life. Not only will it improve your moves, but your style too. And let’s face it—we could all stand to be just a little smoother. 36

Mawi Love Bug Crystal Pendant, $324

Elizabeth and James Sade Tunic, $375

Topshop Bonded Jersey Contrast Parka Jacket, $180

Topshop Leather Borg Biker Jacket, $136 37

MANIAC Style Profile


MANIAC shops Elizabeth and James Sam Jacket, $595 Mawi Rose Noir Necklace with Crystal and Studs, $1,037 Angel Jackson Zip Top Purse, $78

B Y C O DY N I C O L E W I E G A N D , P H O T O G R A P H Y B Y A P R I L H U B A L

Matthew Taylor has a truly unique look. He doesn’t strive to conform to the type of man you would see in GQ magazine. Instead he prefers to channel and celebrate his Irish heritage. Matthew first started to wear his signature piece, the kilt, to Irish and Renaissance Festivals but then he decided to break away from the norm and began incorporating them into his everyday wardrobe.

Polo Ralph Lauren Farrell Denim Shirt, $225

ModCloth Hearts and Stripes Forever Sweater, $49.99 Belmont Shades - Tiger available at Nastygal.com, $20

Queen Bee Distressed Medium Wash Ankle Skinny Jeans available at lulus.com, $58

He credits the Art Institute’s creative environment for unleashing his true self, which was caged up for so long. When we sat down with him, he told us more about himself, his unique style, and how it was developed. Maniac Magazine: Tell me a bit about your background. How did you get into the fashion industry? Matthew Taylor: I became involved in fashion when I attended an open house at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I applied for the Fashion Merchandising program and the rest is history. I was always creative and had an eye for fashion so I decided to take two classes to see if I wanted this to be my new career path, or go back into finance. After taking Fashion History I knew fashion was the direction I wanted to take my career.

Topshop Faux Leather Western Jacket, $116

Herschel Supply Co. Little America Backpack, $100

MM: What made you decide to wear the kilt every day? MT: I was tired of always blending in. I realized that I am a unique individual and for the longest time I had wanted to stop looking like I stepped out of the Gap. It was time to branch out and get more creative with my style. MM: How would you describe your personal style? MT: My style has a unique Celtic flair to it. I don’t limit my wardrobe based on a certain genre. Lamont Jones (fashion critic and stylist) described me as “Eclectic Modern Dandy” and I agree with him. MM: Who is your style icon? MT: My style icon is David Bowie. That man has rocked so many different styles over the years. He’s a very unique individual, which I admire.

TOP GUN Elizabeth and James Aaren Skirt, $365 Alex and Ani Hyacinth Energy Sacred Stud Post Earrings, $28

MM: Who is your favorite designer and why? MT: Samina Munghall. I was introduced to her 2 years ago and I have been continually impressed with each new collection she showcases. MM: What is one piece in your closet you could not live without? MT: I can’t live without my Kilts and my Irish patch caps; they are an integral part of my style. Matthew’s love for fashion is practiced every day as a full-time sales associate in the men’s clothing and furnishing department at Nordstrom. He is also a stylist on the side, recently doing a photo shoot with Alpaca Fiber Clothing, working with Dress For Success. His next styling project is working for an online Irish clothing store—where we’re sure his talents will really shine.


Topshop Moto Ripped Denim Shirt, $65

H&M Pilot Jacket, $129

Angel Jackson Grey Abstract Leopard Mini Petra, $432

Native Knit available at www.modekungen.se. $68

American-Eagle-OutfittersAmerica-Beanie, $19.95


MANIAC feature

Emporio Armani

PERRY SIGESMUND of PerLora Dishes on his favorite home furnishings and how any man can add his touch to a home.

ASOS Pocket Square With Bandana Print, $11.37 H&M Wool-Blend Suit Pants, $59.95

Zara Leather Oxford Shoe with Detailing, $99.90 Mondaine Classic Gents Polished Watch available at urbanoutfitters.com, $215

Shannon Clark Stargaze Throw Pillow, $45

Zara Velvet Blazer, $249 American Eagle Wide Leather Belt, $29.50


Giorgio Fedon 1919 Life Leather Messenger Bag available at Forzieri.com, $428


“GREY IS THE NEW BLACK,” Perry says, as he points out PerLora’s beautifully vast grey-based home products.

Maniac Magazine: How can men sprinkle in a masculine touch to a home decorated primarily by women? Perry Sigesmund: With artwork and home accessories. MM: How would you describe your interior style? PS: I’m definitely contemporary across the board. The only antiques I have are some things that I saved from my family. My parents loved to mix antiques with contemporary [pieces] so I did grow up in a more modern home which is rare, especially growing up in Steubenville, Ohio. My mother had a more contemporary style, but she also loved to take off on Sunday and go to antique shows all over Pennsylvania and Ohio. MM: What is one of your favorite pieces here at PerLora? PS: This spiral glass cocktail table from Cattelan. You know it’s funny; we actually have this table in our living room. It’s an amazing piece that comes in frosted glass, clear glass, black glass. We carried it in PerLora 20 years ago, and we just recently got more in. But we’ll have to order them again because they are all already gone! It’s amazing when you pick these kinds of pieces that people can still relate to 20 years later and still have it in your house.

Urban Outfitters Plum & Bow Pug Table Lamp, $69

Soulland Space Print T-Shirt available at Farfetch.com, $56.91

Smathers & Branson Martini Needlepoint Cufflinks available at Lex & Lynne Men’s, $55

MEN IN BLACK ASOS Alien Clear iPhone 5 Case, $15.16

MM: What is it about this particular piece you love so much? PS: I just think that it’s an exceptional piece. I can never figure out how they make it. 20 years later and still it’s still ticking! It’s amazing when you see something timeless like that because you aren’t going to see the same designs used for 20 years—they constantly change. To us, it’s one of our classics here at PerLora. Visit Perry at PerLora and the rest of their amazing team at 2220 East Carson Street and PerLora Leather at 2837 Smallman Street. www.perlora.com 40

Tom Ford Rock Sunglasses available at Barneys New York, $395

J. Crew Men’s Ludlow Pleated Tuxedo Shirt, $98

Arne Jacobsen Egg Chair available at hivemodern.com, $6,751

Mango Men Wool-Blend Straight-Cut Overcoat

saint laurent spring 2014 runway look

J. Crew Men Ludlow Plain-Toe Bluchers, $298




Diane von Furstenberg Dress Will Leather Good Handbag Lex & Lynne Bracelets All available at Lex & Lynne 43

Eberjey PJ Set Lex & Lynne Jewelry White + Warren Hat All available at Lex & Lynne 44

Eberjey Bra Lex & Lynne Jewelry Bra and Jewelry available at Lex & Lynne Garcia Skirt available at Serendipity Boutique 45

Diane von Furstenberg Jumper J. Shoes Boots Lex & Lynne Bracelets Rudsak Gloves All available at Lex & Lynne


Willow & Clay Dress available at Serendipity Boutique Lex & Lynne Jewelry J. Shoes Boots Jewelry and Boots available at Lex & Lynne


Myne Dress White & Warren Travel Wrap Shaw Lex & Lynne Necklace J. Shoes Boots All available at Lex & Lynne

Myne Dress Lex & Lynne Bracelets Artemis Design Co. Shoes All available at Lex & Lynne 48


MANIAC feature


red carpet mainstay. However, if you are looking for the Hollywood look right now, look no further than loafers. Think the old school, 007 kind with a tassel embellishment.

ear dapper gents of the world, we get it. We understand the fact that you can simply throw on a well-fitted black tux and a crisp white shirt and look sexy as heck. However, as the “it” guys of Hollywood are showing, great style isn’t just black and white.

All in all, the big lesson to be learned by the “it” guys of today is to step out of your comfort zone. Women are not the only ones who can make a fashion statement. You too can wear hot pink,

First, let’s start with the tux, suit, or blazer and pants combo. As far as

a floral, or a velvet statement jacket. When it comes to personal style, no fear comes with so many rewards.

“proper attire,” anything seems to go. If Hollywood is wearing a classic tux in black and white, they are switching it up with a white jacket and black pants. Leading men are also leaning toward unique color choices like burgundy, deep brown, or even hot pink tux jackets. Color is not the enemy. In fact, you should let color be your best friend. Think of all the fun things you’ll do together! The blazer and pant combination is another great way to make a statement. There are a lot of stars wearing rich velvet jackets in great jewel tones like emerald, navy, and oxblood. Another great look is taking a suit jacket and pairing it with its complimentary color in pant. If you are unfamiliar with the color wheel, take a second and do a quick google search; it will definitely be worth your efforts. The color wheel will help you coordinate your entire ensemble without looking matchey, match-ey. Remember, color is your friend—as long as you get to know it. Another great way to stand out from the crowd is by utilizing patterns. Floral and plaid are very on trend. That’s right, gents. Just because the print isn’t classically masculine doesn’t mean you can’t rock it! Some leading men are wearing patterns head-to-toe. However, if you aren’t feeling so bold, a great way to incorporate the trend is by making it a “pop of pattern,” such as a suit vest or dress sock. Don’t shy away from bold prints. Right now, bigger is better. 54

Hats off to Michael Bastian’s Fall 2014 Runway


Don’t scoff at wearing a bold suit vest or dress sock—they can make or break an outfit. On the red carpet, celebrities are able to show their personal sense of style AND pull together their ensemble by properly accessorizing. Neckwear is also a great place to pop your ensemble with a bright color or pattern. But gentlemen, please, if you are going to wear a bow tie (a popular choice these days), do not cop out by using a clip-on! Learning to tie one is a great life skill to have-and you can tell the difference. Square skinny ties are also current, modern, and hip. These days, they are available in a variety of textiles including cotton and wool and work well no matter the occasion. The stars know well not ruin their awesome outfit’s mojo by wearing boring shoes—and you should take this to heart, too. Footwear can tip a look over the edge from great to killer. Wing- tips have always been popular on the red carpet and will continue to be popular forever. However, two tone wingtips are on their way up. High-end sneakers, or plain old Converse, are also a 55

MANIAC feature While Pittsburgh has its share of upscale fare, nothing beats the dining experience being offered atop Mt. Washington.

cream cone. A different type of this little dish is offered each day, and it was delectable and delightful, and peaked my anticipation for my favorite “scene” of them all—dessert.

Altius, Latin for “Higher,” has replaced Mt. Washington’s old Georgetowne Inn in May 2014. Josephine “B” DeFrancis, along with Executive Chef and Partner, Jessica Bauer of Bistro 19 in Mt. Lebanon, are the masterminds behind this dining destination. When they arrive, hungry patrons are greeted by a completely redesigned, stylish, modern décor of rich shades of silver and grey, accompanied by a view of the city like no other. Altius promises, and delivers, a truly higher-level culinary experience. Upon our arrival, my date and I were escorted to the upper level, which is a glass-enclosed private dining room, large enough to accommodate 25 of your closest friends. Our server, Maria, began her dynamic introduction and illustrated the intricate details of every aspect of the establishment, down to the stainless steel salt and pepper shakers. She also explained that the vision of the restaurant is to create a “theater” feel for each meal.



Choosing which restaurant to eat at can be as challenging as deciding which skirt & heels combination to wear on date night. Depending on my mood, I may opt for a quaint little diner, nestled on a backcountry road, or perhaps a chic and classy spot in the city.


The curtain went up, and the first act was a stainless steel cone full of gourmet truffle popcorn, which was warm and loaded with flavor and deliciousness, down to the last kernel. The second act starred Domenic, the Sommelier, with an extensive list of organic, sustainable wines. I was easily persuaded to have the Riesling, as it was described as “the best in the United States.” While enjoying my first-class glass of wine and a panoramic view of the city, an assortment of housemade breads delicately prepared by Pastry Chef Heather Deraway was presented, accompanied by a butter and sundried tomato pesto spread. While the curtain closed on our carb over-indulgence, the third act began and featured another charming touch: an apple butter chestnut mousse with strawberry jam, served in a miniature ice




However, we didn’t want to rush to the last act, so we continued onto the savory starters. We were soon presented with a charcuterie full of house-made and local cured meats and artisanal cheeses, served on slate. Too difficult to pick just one, a bowl of Sweet Potato Bisque was also ordered, and served tableside. Sustainability threads the entrées, such as Grass Fed Beef Short Rib, Colorado Lamb Rack, and Skuna Bay Salmon. Maria recommended the Berkshire Pork Chop, prepared with crabapple mostarda and served with smoked Gouda smashed fingerling potatoes, grilled Brussels sprouts and candied pistachios. “It has become our most popular dish,” she said. “Our guests love it – it’s almost like a work of art, really.” Maria was right again, and her knowledge and passion for both the restaurant and the cuisine were obvious and much appreciated. The entrée was the perfect choice: a symphony of flavor that blended the perfect harmony of sweet and savory. Large enough to share, I couldn’t help but fantasize about leftovers the next day for lunch. With full bellies and happy palates, it was time for the curtain call. The dessert menu offered an array of generously portioned confections, including Rum Raisin Pudding, Baked Chocolate Mousse, and the Malted Vanilla Bean Pot De Crème. While my instinct told me to try them all, my new, body-hugging LBD hanging in my closet at home, convinced me otherwise. We decided to share the Pot De Crème-a different spin on the popular Crème Brulée. The dish was somehow better than I expected, cool and sweet, containing homemade shortbread cookies and traces of real vanilla beans at the bottom. Dessert is like a pair of shoes that you know you don’t need, but it looks so wonderful and feels so right that it’s just too good to pass up. 52

With the beautiful city view acting as the set, and the dishes as the cast of characters, Altius is a theater production that truly deserves a standing ovation. www.altiuspgh.com

Sweet Baby Jesus:

Great Lakes:

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale:

First brewed in 2011, Sweet Baby Jesus Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter is a complex, robust porter. It is jet black in color with a tan, rocky head, full body and creamy, luxurious mouthfeel. Its lightly sweet, malty flavor is accented by strong notes of chocolate, coffee and peanut butter, and balanced by a subtle hop character and moderate 6.5% abv. Sweet Baby Jesus finishes smooth, dry and roasty with notes of chocolate, espresso and peanut butter so tasty, you’ll have no choice but to exclaim the name!

Named for the infamous 1969 Cuyahoga River fire that sparked the Clean Water Act of 1972, Burning River Pale Ale can be a bit unpredictable. Under his bold layers of bitter hops, there’s a softer side — a sweet, caramel backbone that he longs to share. And everyone loves a bad boy with a heart of gold. Should you bring him home to Mom? Why not? After all, it’s rude to show up to dinner empty-handed.

Pale Ale is a medium-bodied beer packed with flavor and complexity from the use of premium malt and whole-cone Cascade hops. It has a bright, flowery, and citrus flavor balanced by a toasted and slightly sweet malt body. The aroma is big and fragrant in what has become known as the “Sierra Nevada style.”

more craft beer guide 53



Bluepaw Blueberry Wheat Ale: A unique contribution to the fruit ale category features the nutty quench of wheat ale combined with the delightful aromatics and subtle fruit flavor contributed by Maine wild blueberries.


Magic Hat #9:

Brooklyn Lager:

Lagunitas IPA:

Vanilla Java Porter:


An ale whose mysterious and unusual palate will swirl across your tongue & ask more than it answers. Brewed clandestinely & given a name whose meaning is never revealed. Why #9®? Why indeed. A sort of dry, crisp, refreshing, not quite pale ale, #9 is really impossible to describe because there’s never been anything else quite like it. Available year round.

In the late 1800’s Brooklyn was one of the largest brewing centers in the country, home to more than 45 breweries. Lager beer in the “Vienna” style was one of the local favorites and displays a firm malt center supported by a fine bitterness and floral hop aroma. Caramel malts show in the finish. The aromatic qualities of the beer are enhanced by “dryhopping”, the centuries-old practice of steeping the beer with fresh hops as it undergoes a long, cold maturation. The result is a wonderfully flavorful beer, smooth, refreshing and very versatile with food.

This homicidally hopped version of the classic style has been our main flagship beer since 1995. It has huge hop character, but enough malty richness to keep things insane, flavorous, and dangerously drinkable. ABV 6.2%. In 6-pakcs, 12-packs, and 22-ounce bombers

Detroit roasted coffee beans and vanilla extract come together with a unique chocolate finish to create a trusly satisfying brew that’s good to the last drop.

India Pale Ale kicked up a notch to form a true Double IPA: feverishly hoppy with a malty backbone and higher-than-standard alcohol content. Citrusy hops tease the senses with aromatics and lingering bitterness, while just the right balance of malts disguises 2XIPA’s extra gravity. Double your expectations, this is an ale that demands reverence.


MANIAC feature



You’re driving in heavy snowfall, and despite your heater giving out and your eyelashes turning into icicles, you continue to take the I-89 North towards Burlington, Vermont, merge onto I-189, turn left, then right… Upon reaching this mysterious location, you’ll throw open the door to shake layers of flakes from your shoulders. You’ll lift the furry hood from your face, absorbing all at once the splendor that is the Magic Hat Artifactory, saying to yourself, “Ah yes, the Artifactory, the center of our brewniverse, the place where all things Magic Hat are created.” Magic Hat Brewing Company was the early-90s love child of Alan Newman and Bob Johnson. Today, the South Burlington-based brewery boasts a production level of 400 bottles of beer per minute, and is a destination for beer connoisseurs. Head Brewer Chris Rockwood oversees the entire brewing process at the Burlington facility. “It’s certainly a challenge I embrace,” he tells me. “At the end of all the days, we’re here making beer, which is pretty wonderful.” Chris’s entrance into the “brewniverse” was, as he describes, “somewhat wayward”. Chris began on the sales and promotional side of Magic Hat just a few months after his college graduation. But his first experience with Magic Hat beer was actually in his junior year of college. It was spring break, and one of his buddies had bought a small keg of #9. “I was young and didn’t have a very developed palate. I remember tasting it and kind of being like, “This is not really what I wanna drink right now,” he laughs. “I think one of the funny things about flavors and the human palate in general… the day, the setting, the time, the mood—all these kind of affect how you experience stuff… But it’s become one that I thoroughly enjoy.” Described as “Not quite a pale ale,” #9 is Magic Hat’s flagship. It’s the beer Chris would recommend for curious beer drinkers new to Magic Hat. “To be at a brewery whose flagship is a very different take on a pale ale with notes of citrus and fruit is kind of a good opening for the rest of our portfolio. Because if you come in and try any one of our beers… they’re all going to be slightly different or slightly off from the basic style. Starting with our flagship gives you 56

a very good introspective of what the rest of them could or might be like, and can kind of throw away any preconceived notions.” Craft beer generally lends itself toward keeping an open mind, and Magic Hat effectively illustrates this mentality. Characterized by flexibility as opposed to strict style guidelines, Magic Hat has pushed some serious envelopes. It’s all about trying to find the delicate balance between yeast, malt, and hops. And, of course, a little experimentation. “I think that almost anybody associated with Magic Hat will tell you that the strangest ingredient, or the strangest beer we’ve ever done, was probably the garlic beer,” Chris says. I can’t help but burst out laughing. Garlic beer? “It was called Night of the Living Dead Ale” he laughs. It turned out to be a massive flop. “But that’s kind of the chance you take when you start playing with some weird ingredients,” Chris says. “Experimenting with some very different ingredients can either lead to great things or can lead to a not-so-great response from the consumer. Obviously, our goal is always to strike that balance.” Chris counts himself extremely fortunate to have fallen into an industry which he is so passionate about, and a company which promotes individuality. And when asked what’s to come for Magic Hat and him in the future, I swear I can hear him smile over the phone. “Anything and everything,” he replies. “This has been where I’ve grown up, in terms of brewing and the beer industry… I look forward to helping push the brand and to find new ways to continue to excite and surprise consumers wherever we may be found.” But it’s my turn to smile when Chris shares a long-running joke he has with his dad. With Chris living in Vermont and making beer for a living, his dad loves to ask his son, “Can I be you when I grow up?” I was wondering the exact same thing. www.magichat.net 57

MANIAC’S Best Barber Shops in the Burgh plane hanging from the ceiling, and a Jack Sparrow Lego figurine on the shelf. In addition to the quirky, bohemian atmosphere, guests are offered a complimentary beer or bourbon, saying, “For some of these guys it’s the most relaxing part of their day, or their week, or their month,”


He does his best to please his clientele, by asking them questions about their life, personality, and career in order to give them the cut just right for them.

If the salon experience for a girl can be an all-day affair, why shouldn’t a day of manscaping be just as involved, and most importantly, fun? The crew at Mister Grooming & Goods have finally made it happen for the hipster, bearded, tattooed, or appearance-conscious man of Pittsburgh.

People of all kinds of backgrounds, interests, and careers enter the shop. In fact, Alder Street Barber represents 36 different nations of clientele.

“We always knew we wanted to open something that catered to men,” said co-owner Heather Shurina. “We thought, Pittsburgh needs a full service barbershop. It needs a place where every haircut should have a straight razor neck shave. It should offer hair coloring, every hair cut available, and offer manicures and other spa treatments.”

In addition, men are not his only customers. In fact, his female clientele come to the shop for mohawks, halfshaves, and pixie cuts.

Heather and Michael Shurina, the husband and wife duo and owners of Mister Grooming & Goods, did just that when they opened their shop in the trendy Pittsburgh neighborhood of Lawrenceville in October 2013. By offering men an array of services to choose from off of their playful menu, like “Mr. Clean”, a straight razor head shave, “Sweeny Todd”, a straight razor shave, or “Man Hands”, they have officially put the “man” back in “manicure.” Oh, and each service comes with a complimentary beverage. Are you an espresso or Pabst Blue Ribbon guy? Take your pick! A towel wrapped around your neck, cracking open a beer, all

while chatting with your barber, is an experience that has been missing from men’s lives for a while now. “Because the barber experience died out in the 80s and 90s, a lot of guys may not have been able to have the education on hair and style that they deserve,” Heather explained. “That’s why consultation is so important. When they get a haircut that’s tailored to them, they feel amazing.”

Mister Grooming & Goods Favorite Products 1


For now, the word-of-mouth promotions and social media interactions have been spreading the word about the barber business nicely. “There’s possible expansion for this place. But if it ain’t broke, I’m not fixing it,” Castleforte said. Surely his clients think it’s perfect just the way it is. And we couldn’t agree more.

Alder Street Barber’s Favorite Products

If you’re looking for a great haircut, head down to Alder Street Barber, and see how it’s on the cutting edge of barbershop culture. Pun possibly intended.



“The hair cut trends we’ve noticed are that guys are doing really tight on the sides, longer on the top. They’re keeping it very tight on the sides, very faded out. This actually works well with a full beard, giving the whole look balance.” Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, restore balance in your life by giving Mister a call or text to book an appointment. Once you step into their boldly colorful shop and greet their obligatory shop poodle, you’ll wonder why you haven’t gone to the Groomers sooner.



Mister Grooming & Goods is on busy Butler Street with premier restaurants and a heavy cultural scene in the arts and music. Naturally, the men that stroll down to this one-of-a-kind barbershop have a certain look in mind.

If you’re curious what the most popular style looks like, think David Beckham, as his picture is the most common example clients bring to Castleforte. Other trends include undercuts, comb-overs, pomps, temple fades, and hardparts.

In 2013, Adam Castleforte, Pittsburgh native and owner of Alder Street Barber, opened the business in a small garage on Alder Street in Shadyside. “I had this vision of what I wanted to do,” said Castleforte. “I had my doubts at first and just started cutting hair, but it was a success.” Castleforte attributes a lot of his success from this previous career as a photographer, which has clearly honed his eye for style.




In addition to his photography background, Castleforte was influenced by his long family history of barbers, explaining, “My great grandfather and my great-great uncle were barbers. They both owned barbershops within five blocks of here, 100 years ago.” 5 1. Can You Handlebar Beard Oil Flask Wisdom 2. Can You Handlebar Moustache Wax Primary 3. Suavecito Pomade Shaving Creme 4. Maestro Classic Modest Blend Beard Wash 5. Parker Shaving Sandalwood & Shea Butter Shave Soap

Upon entering the cozy shop, guests are seated facing the window wall that looks out toward the city. Music ranging from soft jazz to rock-n-roll plays in the room filled with plants, Buddha statues, and other knick-knacks that reflect little facets of Castleforte’s personality. If you look carefully, you can see a toy


6 4 1. get groomed finishing cream 2. Proraso Blue After Shave Balm 3. Proraso Green Shaving Foam 4. Proraso White Shaving Soap in a Bowl 5. RFM firm grasp 6. RFM Mint Clean Shampoo 59

MANIAC beauty


When stepping into South Side Barber Shop, you’ll find it’s a combination between a boys club and half therapists couch. The shop was founded by John Caputo, who has been cutting hair for fourteen years. Caputo has put all of his expertise into the shop, which is thriving. If you’re lucky, Kona the Pomeranian will be first to greet you when you walk into the shop. Although the shop has a young, fun vibe, it still carries an air of professionalism. The shop does about 40 haircuts a day, and offers a variety of stylish cuts. However, as of late most customer requests have been for fades. But even if that’s not the cut you’re hankering for, the shop offers everything pertaining to hairstyles. From shaves to color, they have you covered from the shoulders up. “We do everything but plastic surgery,” says Eron Gonze, one of the shop managers. Gonze has 30 years under his belt as a barber. When it comes to his favorite parts of his profession, getting to know people and being a part of their life tops the list.

South Side Barber Shop’s Favorite Products 1



“You get to know all sorts of different types of people,” says Gonze, “from people who are homeless all the way up to professional athletes.” There is a unique aspect to the barbers that work at the South Side Barber Shop; many are reformed ex-felons. In fact, teaching inmates how to become barbers is one of the programs that the correctional systems regularly offer to inmates. The idea of teaching someone a trade in order to help pave a new path for them on the outside has only been reinforced by the gentlemen who are currently working at Southside Barber Shop. “When I was 17 I went to prison,” says Gonze. “I didn’t want to waste time by doing something where you can’t be part of society, I wanted to better myself.” South Side Barber Shop continues to pay it forward by making a point to hire ex-felons. If this seems surprising or unusual, consider this: Pennsylvania has 40 barber schools and 35 of them are in correctional facilities. Also, consider the fact that South Side Barber Shop has won awards in service in hair cutting—and has near perfect reviews from very satisfied customers.

1. Style Sexy Hair Holding Gel 2. v76 Control Balm Strong Hold 3. v76 Holding Spray Dry Finish


If you’re looking for a cut from some of the best barbers in town, look no further than the guys down at South Side Barber Shop. 61


f you ask Eva Kerschbaumer, co-owner and co-founder of ESSspa Kozmetika, a Hungarian Health Spa, she won’t just give you the date, but the exact time and day of the week, telling me, “I was born on October 1st, 1974, at 8 o’clock on a Tuesday morning.” Apparently, Eva’s mother would always tell stories about her easy birth, and that all of the nurses were joking around and having fun when she came into the world. Although it makes sense that she was born into a joyful environment and would go on to create a similar one in her two spas (located in Aspinwall and State College), it appears that there’s an even greater cosmic connection between her birthday and her profession. As a young girl in Hungary she met an astrologist who did her astrological entire chart. The astrologist noted that Eva was governed by Venus, the planet of beauty and love, and emphasized that she was going to do great things. She insisted Eva was going to move out of the country, urging her, “Promise me you are going—I’ve never seen stars like this!” “I was eighteen, nineteen,” Eva began, “So I thought, this old lady needs help. But she knew! She even told me I was going to meet celebrities, and I treated Julianne Moore for eight weeks! Then there was Anne Hathaway, and Jake Gyllenhaal...” She also told Eva that the beginning of her endeavors would be intensely difficult, but if she pushed through, she would be a huge success. Eva came to the United States in 1996, and she worked for another spa for seven years. Over time her husband, Scott Kerschbaumer, who co-founded and co-owns ESSpa, noticed that she was unhappy and suggested that they


open their own Spa. Eva was hesitant, but eventually agreed with her husband. When telling her boss she was quitting to start her own business, she was met with a cold response; “Don’t ever think that you can’t be replaced. And don’t you ever think that you’ll be my competition.”



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However, Eva does not harbor any bitterness, saying, “She gave me an opportunity. I encourage young people to work for someone else, because it makes you who you are, whether you like them or not, it gives you experience—it gives you knowledge. And no one can take that away from you.” They opened their very first spa in 2003, in a space just big enough for a receptionist, Eva, and a massage therapist. Three months after, Eva discovered she was pregnant. Despite being scared and overwhelmed, her clientele was growing at a rapid rate. Soon, they were booking more appointments than the small space could afford, “My husband started looking and we got ambitious. We found a great spot, partners...” She also had the support of her amazing clients, which made a world of difference. “They would come up to me and offer help. One woman gave me a $500 check to buy a washing machine for the spa!” But just what is Eva’s secret to such loyal and happy clientele? “People don’t come to a spa to relax—you can relax at home. They come for advice. Advice on how to relax, on how to feel better.” She elaborates, “We want what you want. You want to listen to classical music while we get out your blackheads? Okay! If I see you have brown spots and blackheads, but you don’t care about blackheads, or don’t notice them, why would I poke and pinch your skin and make you feel worse about them? Then you won’t come back to me.” “I treat what the client wants me to treat,” she says. It’s clearly working. ESSpa Kozmetika is one of the most acclaimed Spas in the country, and the only accredited organic day spa in Pittsburgh. It seems success was truly written in the stars.


C ONSTANTINOS TZACHAS www.stylentonic.com H&M Varsity Jacket Sandro T-shirt Cheap Monday Pants Zara Backpack, Gloves, & Belt Nike Air Max Lunar1 Sneakers #ManiacStyle: Vibrant


ALEXANDER ATKINS www.mressentialist.com Givenchy Biker Jacket Maison Kitsune Shirt Acne Jeans #ManiacStyle: Luxe


FRANKO DEAN www.FrankoDean.com H&M Blazer Zara Pants and Shirt Steve Madden Shoes Bows ‘N Ties Bow Tie and Pocket Square Ray-Ban Sunglasses #ManiacStyle: Classy


MANIAC online exclusive


ey—hey you, get over here. Seriously, get over here. Take a seat, let me buy you a drink. What’ll you have? Never mind I’ll order for you. Trust me, I’ve got a signature drink. Bartender! Another vodka and cranberry! Hold the cranberry, and put the vodka in a tiny little glass, no ice. What do you mean no more shots? I just asked for a vodka and cranberry! GOSH. So, how’s life, hot stuff? Oh, it’s “fine” huh? Gooooood for youuuu. Hey everyone, check out this guy over here, with his “fine life” and not inside out clothes! No one call the “fine life” police because this guy has broken no laws! Weeewooooweeewooo.... What? Naw, never mind. In fact, I’M fine. Yeah. I’m doing just GREAT. Thanks for not asking. Oh, you did ask? You’re very nice, and so pretty, like really pretty. Like Dave Franco levels of pretty. Can you call a man pretty? Gender man. What a trip. Seriously, the male


M Y feelings O N M E N gender is a trip. Trips you up I mean. Testosterone man! What’s up with that stuff? What’s that? Oh, you think I’m all bent out of shape because of a dude, huh? You are like, super wrong. Pssht. One guy bringing this chick down? Please. They don’t even matter. They are just little blips on my life’s radar. Tiny little blips, blipping around, totally not affecting me emotional wise. Well, if you really want to know—Hey! Sit down! I see you standing up to leave and I haven’t started my story yet! Gosh you’re rude...If you really want to know, I’ll tell you all about it. “It” being my life’s struggle. It’s not just one dude that’s gotten me down, it’s...the “men.” I hate all of them. And by hate I mean I like them so much. Just so, so much. It’s confusing, one day you’re playing with your My Little Pony dolls, making them do battle with your Lord of the

Rings action figures, and the next you’re spending the better part of your afternoon staring at Brad Pitt’s shirtless body on the back of your brother’s Fight Club DVD. Dude. Man...They’re just the best. But like, why god? Why did you make the best thing also the worst thing? With their shoulders and hands and stuff. It’s not fair. Have you ever looked at a man’s hands? They’re so great. They’re super awesome for opening bottle caps and knitting Christmas sweaters and shooing me away at the bar. Hold up—let me just knock this one back...You sure you’re good? ‘Cuz it’s like only 6:30, we got plenty of time to get hella crunk. HEY BARTENDER. DON’T THINK I DON’T KNOW THIS IS JUST CRANBERRY JUICE MIXED WITH SPRITE. I know because I used to drink LOTS of these at parties and pretend it was alcohol because I have a real delicate tummy, but I wanted people to think I was rebel/general cool person. Hey, psst. PSST. Come a ‘lil closer I got a real secret-y secret for you. I said closer. It’s okay ‘cuz my breath smells like Shirley Temple’s. Some days I just close my eyes and say a little prayer to whatever deity is up there/science. I say, “Please make me not like the men folk today. Amen, mazel tov, and may the force be with you.” I only say that because, ugh, they make things so much harder for me. But then it’s like, they make things so much better too. So then I say another prayer to secure a man who shares my love of swords and headdresses. And now I’ve got two conflicting man prayers floating around up there and it’s gotta be confusing for whoever I’m sending them to. Okay—okay wait, listen honey, my point is—men make me so happy, even when they drive me cray-cray. When you’re in the company of a good one, whether he’s a brother from another mother, or your lover, or something other, he’s like an elixir of life. And I’ll always drink to that. Speaking of which—BARTENDER!

Labatt’s Prohibition Series:


When the Eighteenth Amendment went into effect on January 1, 1920, the intention was to improve American society. Gone, they thought, would be the adverse effects of alcohol—a new, more righteous people would be born, free of temptation from that flighty mistress known as intoxication. Little did they know that Prohibition would only usher in a new, more fabulous way of partying, made all the more alluring by its being driven underground. An era so famous for its visions of those secret entrances into speakeasies, that we still clamor to go to events that let us dress in our flapper dresses, holding a long cigarette in one hand and a martini in the other. Labatt’s Prohibition Series, a traveling event going from city to city, hosts parties for “flappers and gangsters” only—requesting everyone come in their best Jazz-Era inspired attire. On the eightyfirst anniversary of “Repeal Day” on December 5, Cavo Night Club, one of Pittsburgh’s swankier retreats residing in the Strip District, hosted the epic celebration. When doors opened at 9, it was clear that there was no shortage of pinstripes and pearls, as patrons danced under a shimmering chandelier while music thumped. The purple light show above illuminated the scores of drinks in everyone’s hand, including Labatt’s Bourbon Barrel and Apple Harvest Ales, which were created as a nod to the beer that Labatt served during America’s most famous partying era. When the Repeal Day celebration ended in the wee hours, the roaring twenties seemed to begrudgingly shuffle out along with the exiting patrons. Perfectly coiffed hair a little disheveled, and jackets removed once outside to cool off, many partygoers chose to go home after a long night out. But others, like their Prohibition predecessors, leaving only a trail of sequins and drops of Labatt in their wake. MIKE’S IS HARD. SO IS PRISON. DON’T DRIVE DRUNK.® Premium Malt Beverage with Natural Flavors ©2014 Mike’s Hard Lemonade Co., Chicago, IL. ® is 64 a registered trademark and ™ is a trademark of Mike’s Hard Lemonade Co.


MANIAC event


A good boutique is a hard find these days. With chain retailers taking over, it’s a rare treat to go to a local boutique and find something unique that stands apart from the usual merchandise. Lex & Lynne, located in Sewickley, is one of those hard to find boutiques, selling apparel for men and women, in addition to home décor, and of course, shoes. On November 18th, they celebrated the grand opening of their men and women’s store, making it apparent that they focus on providing customers with the one-of-a-kind experience that make boutiques a cut above the chain retailer. Festivities started off at 6pm at the men’s store where patrons shopped and enjoyed hors d’oeuvres from local restaurant Vivo Kitchen. Sewickley’s mayor, Brian F. Jeffe, spoke about the importance of local businesses in the community while presiding over the ribbon-cutting ceremony. More food and drink awaited guests as they made their way to the women’s store at 7:30. Catering was provided by Café de Amis and also featured wine in addition to Wigle Whiskey, Sea Dog Pumpkin Ale, and Woodchuck Cider. While some browsed beautiful clothing and jewelry, others took fun snapshots using the Traveling Photo Booth. Meanwhile, the upstairs of the boutique showcased local art collections from Tom Mosser, Anthony Mastromatteo, Gerard Tonti, Lindsay Corry, Nicole Mangin, and Riley Roberts. Model and artist Ian Mellencamp provided a beautifully intimate acoustic performance to conclude the event. And as a parting gift, each guest received a special party favor provided by Soyil Candles. The event boasted a bright future for Lex & Lynne, and certainly enticed guests to come back for more.



MANIAC event



On December 3rd, Maniac Magazine and Eddy Homes teamed up to host a Champagne Soiree to kick off the holiday season. The lavish event celebrated an open house for the newest opulent home built by Eddy Homes, who help families find their dream homes. Located in the luxurious Copper Creek community in Wexford, PA, this 3.2 acre home is on the market for over 2 million USD and features a large layout of 5 bedrooms, 7.5 bathrooms, a 4-car attached garage, and a spacious backyard area. Guests were welcomed to the SoirÊe by complimentary valet services before entering the beautiful house. In front of the home, brand-new luxury cars were displayed courtesy of Mini of Pittsburgh and P&W BMW. With vibrant music courtesy of DJ Pete Butta, guests had the chance to walk around to experience the extravagant home’s architecture and landscaping while also browsing various vendors. Inside, the house features styles by Peyton Tocchet Designs and furnishing by Antiquarian Shop. Brother Wolf and Wanderluxe Designs displayed their nature- and spirituality-inspired jewelry, while Aveda treated guests to hand, neck, and shoulder massages. Rutz Skincare also featured samples of their organic line of skincare products, and local artisan Soyil Candles lit up the house with their beautiful line of soy wax candles. The event was catered by the best Italian restaurant in all of Pittsburgh, Alla Famiglia, and hosted a wide selection of red & white wines, champagne, Woodchuck cider, and Great Lakes Brewing Company beer. And of course, what is any event without dessert-infused architecture? A beautiful Eiffel Tower filled with cupcakes towered over the serving tables and provided decadent satisfaction for those guests with a sweet tooth. Guests and vendors alike wished the event would never end as they made their way back to their cars to conclude the beautiful and lively night. With the taste of cupcakes and champagne still on their tongues and memories of the pampering evening, they can only wait until the next event hosted by Maniac Magazine and Eddy Homes to fulfill their desire for more.


For more information about finding your dream home visit www.eddyhomes.com.


MANIAC event



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The American Cancer Society held their 33rd Annual Holiday Fashion Fare at the Hilton Garden Inn at Southpointe in Canonsburg on Saturday, November 22nd to aid in their fight against this deadly disease. The event began at 10 a.m., featured a craft show and Chinese auction, and was emceed by Jennifer Antkowiak from KDKA TV News. This year’s theme was “Snowbody Stands Alone in the Fight” and featured clothing from local branches of Ann Taylor, Brooks Brothers, and Saks 5th Avenue. The fashion show, which featured real-life ‘models’ who were cancer survivors, spouses, caregivers, or anyone who has been personally affected by cancer, raised around $38,000, exceeding the goal by $4,000. In addition to watching the models strut their very fashionable selves on the runway, the 500+ attendees participated in the silent auction, live auction, and waist raffle, with fabulous prizes donated by very generous sponsors. Some of the prizes were two tickets to James Taylor with a $100 Gift Certificate to the Carlton Restaurant and overnight stay at the Renaissance Hotel in Pittsburgh, signed Penguins and Pirates Jerseys, as well as a golf outing at the Tampa Palms Resort. Fashion and philanthropy went hand in at this year’s Holiday Fashion Fare, getting everyone in the holiday spirit of giving, and proving that “Snowbody Stands Alone in the Fight.”


squeezed orange juice! Cook dinner together and be playful in the kitchen! Book a private professional suggestive photo shoot and surprise him with the album!

BE COMPASSIONATE Picture this: Your boyfriend has finally climbed the corporate ladder to find out his job has been eliminated without any notice. Your girlfriend just talked you into paying for her permanent makeup and returned home with uneven eyebrows. You and your significant other join an expensive travel club and find out they are being investigated on 60 minutes.


Make this your best year yet! Find your perfect match and keep the excitement in your love life flourishing. A truly compatible significant other enhances all aspects of your life. At work or at play, feel the positive energy and embrace it.

BE THOUGHTFUL It’s the little things that count. Send him a romantic card for no reason at all! Send flowers to her workplace just to let her know how special she is! Bring one perfect red rose to dinner! Send chocolate covered strawberries to his workplace—enough for co-workers to share! They will all completely envy him. Buy her a silk nightgown and robe for her birthday. Even the shyest woman will feel like a confident model!

BE ROMANTIC Surprise her with champagne and chocolates! Plan an impromptu romantic weekend getaway! Bake him a heart-shaped cake and ice it; even a rum cake can be sexy! Give him a framed photo of the two of you for his desk! Surprise her with matching shirts! Buy new lingerie and feel sexy! Buy a slinky evening dress and invite him out for a change! Surprise your boyfriend with a hug when he is working at his computer! Whisper in her ear how much you care about her while she is sleeping!

BE CREATIVE Surprise him and cook a romantic dinner for two! Comfort food, texture, color—food is sexy! Add candles and romantic music, and you’re set! Surprise her with front row seats to her favorite concert group! Pack a gourmet picnic for two complete with a bottle of wine and real stemware—make it special!

You should never blame one another—no one is perfect. Be extra supportive, caring, and understanding. Tackle the problem. Trust each other. Work it out.

BE REALISTIC If you make a mistake, readily admit it, and discuss how you can prevent making the same mistake twice. Do not sweat the small stuff. Life is too short. If you are on a date and your boyfriend comments on how beautiful the woman at the next table is—tell him that you agree—and laughingly let him know that that same woman would not want him. Be secure with yourself. Loving yourself will let you love him all the more. If you have a disagreement: kiss, hug, and make up quickly. Good communication is the key. Discuss small problems rationally before resentment builds, leads to a huge fight, and culminates in a break up.

BE CONFIDENT Everyone needs their space. It is not healthy to be joined at the hip 24/7. If you have a life today, you are busy and your private time should be respected. If your significant other wants to play golf with the guys, so be it—trust him. If you want to go to the spa—just do it. This is your time to relax and you will be a better partner feeling energized and ready to move on. Then couple time becomes more important and is not taken for granted. It is quality as opposed to quantity. Make it special.

BE A BEST FRIEND The phrase “for better or worse” holds true in dating as well as marriage. It is nice to always think the glass is half full, not half empty, and have a positive outlook on life. But life is not always a bed of rose petals or candy canes and fairytales. Sometimes disaster strikes: the loss of a loved one; an impending surgery; a relative who is critically ill. This is the time when you really need a lover to be your best friend.

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