July/August 2014 Dog Issue

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JULY | AU GU ST 2014

Art / C ulture / Fashion / C ele b rity . . . T he I nner M aniac in A ll of Us


Dog Issue

Party at the Pointe!


The Canine Edition CELEBRIT Y DOGS





Mission to Rebrand & Rehabilitate Pit Bulls

Style Profile with e.b. Pepper

ZZ Ward


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when bella met sallie. Sallie and Bella met eight years ago when they both were very young, and have been inseperable ever since. Bella says sitting on the Sallie stool is a good way to practice her balance and position for her yoga meditation. Sallie says she loves feeling Bella’s weight, always changing her positions since it is a great way to do her strength training. So, I guess it is pretty easy to see that it will always be Sallie and Bella, Bella and Sallie for evermore. Sallie comes in black, green, orange and white. Bella is very happy where she lives and does not want to move. Sallie Stool $69.



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MANIAC What people are saying...

J U LY/AU GU S T 2 014 C O N T R I B U T OR S

MANIAC o n T w itt e r

Pub l is h e r / E d it o r in C h i e f April Hubal

@SashaaPieterse: SO excited for you guys to see this… Thank you @maniacmagazine for letting me be your cover girl xx

E d it o r

@heyypieterse: You couldn’t have chosen someone better to be the cover girl. Sasha Pieterse is incredible! Thank you! @maniacmagazine

Susie Meister

@vakdim: The new cover of @ManiacMagazine is a total masterpiece. @SashaaPieterse<3

OFF I C E M A N AGER Cody Nicole Wiegand

S e n d pa rt y i de as , c o m p l im e nts , c r iticisms , an d w itticisms t o :

D e si g n e r Martha Heatherington

@pietersely: @ManiacMagazine Congratulations! Sasha looks incredibly gorgeous in these pictures! Can’t wait to get my copy! :)

M A N I AC M ag a z in e 33 Terminal Way | Suite 533a Pittsburgh, PA 15219 cody@maniacmagazine.com

A dv e rtisin g Janet Wizig Fas h i o n E d it o r

www.facebook.com/maniacmagazine www.twitter.com/maniacmagazine

Helen Cestra P h o t o g r a p h y C o nt r ibut o r s Chapman Baehler, Brett Deering Global Assignment by Getty Images, April Hubal, Jenny Karlsson Karen Knauer, Albert Lee, Sarah Lolley, Karen Nicol, Laura Petrilla, Bill Schmitt, Mike Schwarz, Cody Nicole Wiegand, And photos courtesy of: Ashley Anne Photography, Best Friends Animals Society, Dreamworks Class, The Dog Stop, Hello Bully, Palermo Photography

O N T HE C O V E R P hoto g r a ph y b y Apr i l H u b a l W r i tten b y S u s i e M e i ster S h i rt a n d nec k l a ce f rom N a st y G a l V i nce C a m u to shoes

C o nt r ibutin g W r it e r s Julia Belechek, Katelyn Blough, Brittany Hoydich, April Hubal, Destiny Johnson, Sarah Lolley, Susie Meister, Doug Nueven, Maggie Stankaikis, Cody Nicole Wiegan, Noa Wolff-Fineout I nt e r ns Julia Beleck, Mike Schwarz Noa Wolff-Fineout, Shanna Miller

M A N I AC M AG A Z I N E 33 Terminal Way | Suite 533a Pittsburgh, PA 15219 info@maniacmagazine.com maniacmagazine.com 412.904.2281 l advertising inquries 10


the most MANIAC mutt We’re happy to announce Ginger as the winner of our fourth annual Maniac Mutt Facebook contest! Owner Georgina Lupin, of Athens, Greece, rallied her family and friends to get 630 LIKES, sweeping the competition away. Georgina adopted Ginger 3 months ago from a neighbor who brought puppies back from a Greek island because they were in danger of going to a shelter. Georgina describes her precious pooch, saying, “She’s stubborn, extremely energetic and adores people. As soon as she sees you, she jumps on you and starts licking your face. You simply can’t resist.” And we couldn’t agree more, this Maniac Mutt is irresistible. Congratulations, to Ginger and her human, Georgina! 11


BIgger BITe

MANIAC TA K e A B I g g e r B I T e oU T TA l I f e


CoNtENts July/August 2014

If you were to ask us at Maniac what we are most passionate about, nine times out of ten we will say our dogs. Due to this love of pooches, gearing up for this issue was no small task. It is larger than normal because of how many expert interviews we included. We are passionate about our pets, and this issue reflects that. We wanted to show our readers the very best of all things dog related, so we asked the best people in the business. This issue has information on everything including doggy daycare, diet, training, dog celebrities, dog-friendly hotels, and healthcare. We were happy to get the best advice to promote a happy, healthy, and long life for your dog. You name it, we‘ve got it covered it in this issue.

14/ bTS Chloe’s Favorite Things

16/ UNDERCOVER Chloe Hubal

We chose Chloe Hubal as our cover because she embodies the message we are proud to get across: shelter dogs are more than cool, they are infinitely interesting, and they make some of the most loyal companions. Not only are mixed breeds known to be more intelligent than pure breeds, they also have fewer health problems. Anyone can go to a breeder and buy a clone, but we think having a one-of-a-kind, mixed mutt is pretty neat. Chloe’s exotic mix consists of Bull Mastiff, Husky, standard schnauzer, all revealed through a doggy DNA test.

28/ FEATURE Dogs About Town


32/ ART

Wild about Art

Peter Clark



raw Food

Celebrity Dogs



Hello Bully

Puppy Love: The Dog stop



By adopting a dog, you know you’ve made a difference in the world by helping to limit pet homelessness. More and more celebrities like Amanda seyfried and Lenny Kravitz are walking around with their mixed breed too. It has become part of the green, environmental movement.

e.b. Pepper

shelter Love

46/ bEAUTY


Pawsitively Beauitful

PAGE 16 For this issue, we worked closely with a holistic veterinarian to dispel dietary myths and reveal the benefits of a raw diet for dogs. After reading Doug Knueven’s article, we think you will be convinced that this high protein diet is the way to go.

Doggy style


Because Chloe came with more street cred, she was able to advance through training ranks. she quickly completed rigorous training, became a therapy dog, and is now part of the Pet Friend’s Program at Children’s Hospital. she helps children at the hospital by putting a smile on their face as they face difficult health problems. When she is not brightening the lives of ailing kids, she is playing dress-up. Chloe has an appreciation for high fashion, and whether she is sporting new Marc Jacobs, high-top kicks, fetching my newest Alexander Wang bag, or just being her happy-go-lucky self, she has a sense of humor that can be seen throughout her cover story spread.

67/ DIY

zz Ward

Another highlight of the issue was meeting all the amazing dog owners in the Dogs About Town article. One of these owners is rober Fragasso, who has welcomed six shelter dogs into his home. He clearly puts actions behind his words in commitment to animal welfare. He also works privately to buy microchip scanners for police stations so they can locate owners of lost dogs as most police stations currently lack this affordable equipment.

Pooch Tags



Warhol 20th Anniversary

Bi-Coastal Canines




Adopting a dog is one of the most important decisions you could ever make--more important than buying a home or car. Although it’s sad to say, most people do not view it that way. We, here at Maniac, are spreading the word about the importance of pet adoption and the fulfillment of knowing that you gave a puppy a second chance at life.

Party at the Pointe



Jack sisterson


80/ FEATURE smash HLs

April Hubal

83/ FEATURE Grumpy Cat









44 77


Chloe’s on-set rider list for our shoot was a few pages long, but here are a few of her must-haves: 1) Fridge must be stocked with bananas at all times. 2) If providing greens, she prefers leafy Kale. 3) There must always be geraniums in her dressing room. 4) Her preferred transportation is a Lexus convertible in white. 5) Her doggy insurance is Healthy Paws,


as they are the only insurance that pays for emergency visits. 6) Halloween is her favorite holiday to celebrate (although she dressed up as a Christmas tree one year, and let’s just say it didn’t go well).


7) Bruster’s ice-cream is mandatory because it is made fresh every day. 8) Cartier sunglasses are a must. 9) Bark Boxes. 10) And finally, Brett reynolds, her trainer at Misty Pines, as they have had a special love affair.





5 Misty Pines Trainer, Brett reynolds



UNDERCOVER rE H A B v E s T F rO M N A s T Y G A L Bu B A LO N D O N P u r s E







MICHA CEHLA KO rL OT r sTsEHrO O EN s s O N JA C K E T W E A rE F I NHDAENrDs sKO EM E PEEC rO s vsEKru I rT P A N D svuI CNTO G LrI A sA’ssE ss EC rE T B I K I N I TO P WA N D E rLu s T + C O E A rrI N G s


aS I prepared for my interview with this issue’s cover model I was uncharacteristically nervous. I’ve interviewed awardwinning actors, chart-topping musicians, and pop culture icons, but this felt different—bigger. Usually we feature hot, Hollywood starlets and big names in entertainment on our cover, but when we were brainstorming for our Dog Issue, we knew there was only one person, er, pooch that would do the cover justice. Chloe Love Hubal is Maniac Magazine’s unofficial mascot, and inspires much of the dog-themed content you’ll find in our pages and on our social media. Our staff is made of up lots of animal lovers, and Chloe reminds us of how much we know you all care for your pets too. While she was the perfect choice for our cover, I was in the position of having to interview our unusually quiet model and resident fido fashionista. While I have known Chloe for many years, I can’t say we’ve ever sat down and had a proper chat. she is often in the Maniac office, and frequently monopolizes the couch during our meetings while the rest of us fight for a seat. she is full of affection, but so calm and sweet that she can be dwarfed by the big personalities that come in and out of our offices. But it was time I really got to know my canine co-worker. Even though Chloe lives a glamorous life, and can be seen hobnobbing at Pittsburgh’s biggest events, riding around in a convertible, and even wearing high-end accessories, she didn’t always live a life of luxury. Chloe was adopted by Maniac publisher/editor-in-chief, April Hubal, when she was only a few weeks old. While we do not know much about her before she came to the shelter, April saw a twinkle in Chloe’s eye and knew she was the one. Actually, that “twinkle” in Chloe’s eye, was a literal quirk in the form of an interesting birth trait. Chloe was amongst a litter of Mastiff/Husky mix puppies that all had two different colored eyes. Hubal says those beautiful eyes were part of the reason it was love at first sight. April thought she missed her chance to adopt Chloe, though, because another visitor beat her to the shelter, and she was devastated. Thankfully, it was a bad match with the other person, and April got to adopt her new “baby.” she ended up taking Chloe home that day, but it wasn’t exactly a match made in heaven from the start. Like a bright, but bored school student, Chloe found ways to satiate her curious spirit in the form of destructive chewing on April’s cell phones, vintage handbags, and designer threads. Chloe would gnaw her way through anything and everything, and Hubal had had enough. she took Chloe to Misty Pines Dog Park, Co. for doggie training—boot camp style.




It was at Misty Pines, that April learned it was Chloe’s intelligence that made her behave undesirably at times. so they taught Chloe how to channel her high Iq into something positive. It was there also that Chloe met “the love of her life,” a trainer named Brett, who helped foster her natural ability through his certified training and talent. Chloe began intensive training courses including a Children’s Hospital Pet Therapy program, and it was in this class that Chloe started to thrive. she completed the program, and is now a frequent guest at Children’s Hospital where she brightens the day of patients stricken with illness with her sweet spirit and gentle nature.

O P P O s I T E PA G E : P u C C I s C A rF sAM EDELMAN sHOEs

After Chloe excelled in the therapy dog program, April decided she would enroll her in the courses at Misty Pines that teach more complicated skills such as scent work. These skills can be used for serious purposes like bomb-sniffing or more practical jobs like finding lost keys (and who couldn’t use a helper with that?!). April just wants to keep her challenged and using her gifts for positive purposes. Even though Chloe might have gotten into trouble going into April’s closet before, for this shoot we decided to put her love of fashion to good use. During the photo session we pried her with Chobani yogurt, and convinced her to work her magic. she seemed to enjoy playing dress-up and gladly held the purses in her mouth. What other dog can pull off heels with such pizzazz? I can honestly say I did not expect to add “Dog Interviewer” to my résumé, but I suspect Chloe didn’t expect to add cover model to hers. she represents the way we all can reach higher and do better. And she is proof that with unconditional love from an adoptive parent, shelter dogs can not only make amazing additions to a family, but can also do great things for the community. Thanks to April’s commitment to excellence for her best friend, countless children have received the comfort of hugging a dog during their time of difficulty in the hospital. And I suspect Chloe has only just begun revealing what she is capable of. she’s not just a Maniac Mutt, we think she’s super Model Dog. visit Chloe on Facebook at www.facebook.com/chloehubal

P u C C I s C A rF sAM EDELMAN sHOEs 20


Top s hop s weate r Ski rt f rom N a s ty G al To ry Bu rch p u r s e


O P P O S I T E PA G E : J oy rich d re s s f rom N a s ty G al N a s ty G al chocke r Fo re v e r 21 s u ngla s s e s



E li z abeth and Jame s jacket f rom e . B P eppe r N o rman C hild s E yewea r by E yeti q u e S u ngla s s e s Valentino bag O P P O S I T E PA G E : Top s hop s weate r




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MANIAC feature


Jeff Mulert

Marketing Manager, Fragasso Financial Advisors

DOGS ABOUT TOWN By Susie Meister, Photography by Mike Schwarz

Maniac is a dog obsessed magazine with a dog-friendly office, so we searched the city for the most devoted dog owners to highlight the people and businesses in the area that have affection for our fourlegged friends. What we found were some amazing dogs and their humans, who make our city brighter. It turns out the area’s canines are just as colorful and fun as Pittsburgh’s people. Stop into these businesses and say hello (or woof!) to these adorable doggies.

Lauren & Justine Tesauro &Reina Vogliano

Owner, Feathers of Shadyside

Terra McBride’s 13-year-old Dachshund, Lola, is the perfect example of how if a shelter dog finds the right home, she will thrive. Lola had been labeled as an “aggressive chewer,” but thanks to Terra’s attention and love, Lola became a “model companion.” Terra adopted Murphy, a Lab, Shepherd, Husky mix, a few years later, and now the family is getting lots of exercise accommodating Murphy’s ball-fetching obsession. This shoot was the first time Lola and Murphy have been at Terra’s office, but they seem to be getting pretty darn comfortable there.

We at Maniac love a good dog quip, and Jeff Mulert, owner of linen and down shop in Shadyside, had a winner. He told us his dog, Haley “initiates and demands eye contact,” as if she were a person! Halle is a 1.5 year old Cavapoo, which is a mix between a poodle and a King Charles Spaniel. She loves draping herself over the couch armrest and sinking her booty into the cushion. Looks like she picked up on Jeff’s affection for fabric and textiles! If she does turn into a human as Jeff suspects she might, she’d make a great addition to the Feathers team.

Chapel Hills Jewelry

Adam Bauer

These ladies from Chapel Hills Jewelry get to be surrounded by beautiful treasures all of the time, and we’re not talking about the baubles at the store. Their dogs are just as lovely as their jewelry. Reina describes her puppy Weimaramer, Herman, as wild, while her 11-year-old Schnoodle, Chester, is calm. They balance each other’s personalities out. Lauren Tesauro and her mom, Justine, say their dog Boo is queen bee of the family, and their 11-yearold, Rocky, remains a puppy at heart. These ladies might work in a store filled with gems, but their dogs are the true treasures.

Director of Digital Marketing, Howard Hanna While lots of pets are always pestering their owners to take them for a walk, Adam Bauer, Director of Digital Marketing at Howard Hanna, has the opposite problem. His dog, Rugger, a Pointer mix, is a couch potato. Rugger loves to curl up and watch TV instead of venturing out into the world. (And we don’t blame him a bit!)

Robert Fragasso CEO, Fragasso Financial Advisors If adopting dogs is a sign of a big heart, Robert Fragasso, CEO of Fragasso Financial Advisors, must be one big sweetie pie with six lovely adopted pooches keeping him company. Mia, Riley, Baron, Buddy, Bear, and Little Bit fill up Robert’s house and his heart, and he is proud of how all six of them are well-behaved, gentle with children, and good with other animals. He is one lucky human!

Shannon Barr Creative Director, Howard Hanna Shannon Barr, Creative Director for Howard Hanna, rescued two Pitbulls, but she is getting back just as much love as she gives. She calls them both “luv-a-bull” and says 7-year-old, Romeo, is addicted to belly rubs and offers award-winning kisses in return. Scarlet, her 3-year-old, might be young, but she’s the boss of the house, and follows Shannon everywhere. Shannon is proud of her Pitbulls, and calls herself an “advocate for the breed,” which has received an unfair reputation in the public eye.

Debbie Donahue Public Reliations Director, Howard Hanna Debbie Donahue, Public Relations Director at Howard Hanna wasn’t satisfied having just one best friend, so she adopted four. Her two Golden Retrievers, Desi and Charlie, a Labrador Retriever named Baby Belle, and her Shepherd mix, Zoey keep her busy and on her toes. “I can’t even imagine life without the pups!” she says. Charlie has even been called the “George Clooney of Goldens,” so I guess he’s quite the ladies man, but I’m sure the others keep him in line.



The Burgh’s Best AWARD-WINNING All-Inclusive Dog Care Facility

CHrIs LAsKO Motoring Manager, MINI of Pittsburgh

Voted Best Pet Resort

Many of us have seen the famed “Dogs Playing Poker” painting series, where dogs take on human traits and play a round of cards. Chris Lasko, Motoring Manager of MINI of Pittsburgh, has a dog named Bella, who just might be joining the ranks of humans disguised as dogs. Bella is a Bulldog rescue of about 3-4 years of age, and she joins him 3 days a week at work where she snores behind his desk. If you stop in to MINI of Pittsburgh, be sure to see if Bella is on duty. Now that MINI customers have seen Bella, some of them bring their “fur children” when they stop in.

Pittsburgh Magazine Best of the ‘Burgh, 2014

Voted Best Groomer

Pittsburgh Magazine Best of the ‘Burgh, 2014

Super Service Award

Angie’s List, 2013, 2012, 2011

TANYA BrOOKs Owner, Whitehouse salon Tanya Brooks, owner of Whitehouse salon, is used to pampering others, but when she gets home she is greeted by her two dogs, Paris and London. These two playful pooches are the perfect pair to brighten her spirits after a long day in the salon. While Paris is only one and still in the rambunctious puppy stage, Tanya wanted London to have a playmate. Looks like Tanya is the one who got two playmates, and we have a feeling these will be the two best coiffed dogs on the block.

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JEssE MADEr Owner, ocreations LLC

Owners Perlora


The owners of Perlora, Perry and Lora sigesmund, have a swedish Poodle named Bella, but they’re convinced she thinks she is human. When they were socializing with friends and another dog got loose and went into the street, Bella ran to catch her, got the leash in her mouth, and brought the other dog back! sounds to me like this sweet girl is more like a super dog—it’s no wonder Perry and Lora don’t think of her as a pet, but as one of their “girls.” And we think Bella sounds like a lovely pooch and she deserves some quality time lounging on one of Perlora’s extraordinary couches.

Clean, Safe, & Fun All-Inclusive Dog Care Facility All photographs were taken on-site by Palermo Photography


Owner of ocreations, Jesse Mader, remembers his dog Oswald (Ozzi for short) lying under his desk at work when he was just a puppy. Now that Ozzy is 80 pounds there isn’t room under there anymore, but he is just as sweet and cuddly as ever. Named after one of Walt Disney’s early characters, Ozzi is known for his take on “playing dead” when Jesse does a finger gun and says, “Bang!” and Ozzi falls to the floor. This Black Labrador/Boxer mix was found starving and freezing in a parking lot, and is now spoiled with affection from Jesse. We bet Ozzi has inspired many of the beautiful designs of ocreations.

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Discount applies to one dog per family. Limit 1 coupon per family. Appointment required. Offer expires 10/31/14.

Maniac Magazine

Maniac Magazine

Maniac Magazine

Our 4 convenient facilities cater to letting dogs do what they do – whether it’s running in our backyards, playing with friends, or just lounging around. Pups who enjoy daily playtime and physical activity are better adjusted, less stressed, healthier and happier – so we focus on lots of exercise and playtime for every pup. Our trained canine companions are fully prepared for belly scratches, hugs ‘n kisses, and interactive games for all our visiting pups, ensuring that each visit to The Dog Stop® is a pawsitively perfect experience.

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we at Maniac first saw Clark’s beautiful work hanging in the halls of the Crosby Street Hotel in New York City, we were struck by the way he repurposes everyday items to create colorful and playful images of dogs. Clark says collage “crept into [his] work style,” and stuck.

Lucky Dog : T he A rt of Peter Clark By S u s ie M ei ste r

“Luck y! ” This is what artist Peter Clark exclaims when describing how he

gets to combine many of his passions and get paid for it. Lucky, indeed, but not just for him; the rest of us get to enjoy the whimsical artistry of this talented man, and we’re all better for it.


Clark began his artistic journey in a small village in Yorkshire in the North of England, where he drew many subjects and fell in love with the practice. His path took him to art school in Manchester and he specialized in graphic design and illustration. Ultimately, he landed his dream job as a TV graphic designer. Never satisfied to stick with just one thing though, he kept doing some cutout animation and illustration work, and even ended up working in Hollywood for a time. Ever on the move, Clark worked in Europe and Amsterdam, but his path to dog collages was a result of the enthusiasm the public had for a particular experimental piece of a pooch. His work featuring our four-legged friends kept growing as interest in these pieces drew more attention. This accidental directional change was a boon for Clark who said the dogs’ “varied shapes became interesting” to him and he fell in love with the work. While Clark insists his intricate designs are “just plain collage,” his admirers find them simultaneously playful and thought-provoking. He highlights some of the beautiful things we all see in our dogs, and he somehow adds even more color and depth. Clark says he is drawn to the printed image, such as tickets, wrappers and advertising, and uses these items to create the dog images. He says “recycling adds detail and interest within the big outline/shape of the objects and creatures” that he creates.

from his own mixed breed doggie named Peggy. She is a combination of Jack Russell, whippet, and possibly a poodle or schnauzer. She sounds as playful and fun as Clark’s work. He says she is “gentle, intelligent, fantastic, friendly, and loving…in fact, she is perfectly wonderful.” And Clark’s description of his dog confirms what we expected, he isn’t just good at creating doggie art, he is also good at being a doggie daddy. Peter Clark says he hopes his work brings a smile to those who see it, and it certainly does for us! He likes watching as people look closer and see the detail and jokes embedded in his collages. Because they are made of a variety of materials, Clark can include text and visual gags that add personality to the pieces.

C l ark say s h e i s dr a wn t o t h e pr i nt e d i m a ge , su ch a s t i ck et s, wr a ppers a n d a d ver t i si n g, a n d u se s t h e se i t em s t o cr e at e t h e d og i m a ge s.

The fun of Clark’s work is in the way they create the same feeling of joy and playfulness that we have when a dog is around. Watching people encounter a puppy on a busy sidewalk you’ll see faces light up in a childlike wonder. Clark’s work, elicits that same emotion. He does man’s best friend justice, so we think we’re the lucky ones. Peter Clark has a show featuring his dog pieces at the Rebecca Hosack Gallery, 62 Mott Street, NY, NY beginning November 12. See more of his work at peterclarkcollage.com.

Perhaps his ability to portray personality in his canine creations comes from the inspiration


MANIAC feature

blog/the-adventures-of-maggie-ellis/. Her acting work and strong social media presence attracts a strong following, and now she’s using her diva status to create a line of dog leashes for fellow canine adventurers called ZUMI. Even Hoda Kotb from NBC’s “The Today Show” was pleased to have Maggie Ellis on the show as well as drop by her Manhattan apartment. Even though Maggie could just put her paws up and enjoy the dog days like a typical pet, she gives back by working as a dog therapist. She is trained as an animal assistant and doggy actor, but the therapy work is her favorite. Since she was rescued from a shelter, Maggie loves to help others as well as their pets. Maggie checks in at children’s hospitals all over the United States to perform or make videos on Whistle. You can follow her every move by following her and her human, Nicole, on Twitter: @naellis

Pupparazzi: The Exciting Lives of Celebrity Dogs

Another dog that gives us hope and lives up to her name is Faith. Her autobiography, Faith Walks, is not just a book, but is her story of triumph over birth deformities, which forced her to learn to walk using just two legs. Faith was born with 3 legs, one of which was severely deformed, so Faith’s owner made the difficult decision to have the deformed leg amputated and taught her how to walk upright on her hind legs.

By Destiny Johnson

What is it that turns a typical dog into a celebrity dog? Is it an adorable personality? The way their ears hang or fall just right? Is it their love for adventure and style? The truth is, what turns an average mutt into a celebrity dog is often a story of triumph, talent, or tragedy. We searched all over for America’s most beloved Maniac Mutts, and we found three dogs that


have a paw above the rest. Maggie Ellis, a natural born adventurer, with more stories to tell than most people is the first on our list. Maggie is a beautiful mix of Bichon Frise, Miniature Poodle, Golden Retriever, and Border Collie, and was rescued from the North Central Animal Shelter. She has since had

exciting adventures all over the country and works as an animal actor and advocate. One of Maggie’s most exciting trips was to the Big Apple where she greeted the NYPD, went to Times Square, and hobnobbed with celebrities. Maggie even shared the fun details of her trip in an online journal: dogvacay.com/

Of course, accomplishing this feat was difficult, but after much practice Faith learned the art, and now she makes it look easy. Because of her miracle-like story and incredible talent, this Maniac Mutt has become a source of faith for everyone she meets, and she inspires dogs and humans all around the world. She was even on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” and

Oprah says she was one of her all-time favorite guests. Faith now uses her story to travel all over the country to inspire United States military amputees, children, and others who see her as a true tale of triumph over devastating tragedy. Along the way, she has built an enormous following, and her book was a best-seller.

on animal abuse and how to have fun with your human owners, and we couldn’t find Riley more adorable!

Faith does all her work for the love of people and pets, and to offer an example of victory, and she continued her charity work until the age of 11. She put in many hours of giving hope to others, but now she is taking things a little easier. Currently, Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics Clinic in Oklahoma City is working on creating a unique harness for Faith so that her retired years won’t be so hard as she grows older. Despite her age, Faith offers hope and inspiration to never give up no matter what struggles you face. Be sure to read up on her current story and how she spends her days now: www.faiththedog.info.

Riley’s profile provides his 25K followers with beautiful photography, lovely drawings, and pics of Riley simply being adorable and stylish. Along with his popular growing Instagram page,www.instagram.com/ichaity, Riley has also developed his own line of accessories. These items can be purchased on www. ichaity.com. While you’re on the site, besides buying items for your own four-legged friend, you can also purchase a printbook, which helps to fund ichaity’s #ourpearlywhites and #iorangeforanimals campaigns and part of the proceeds go towards World Society for the Protection of Animals.

The last Maniac Mutt in the spotlight is one you might have already seen in your Instagram newsfeed. Riley the Parson French Canadian Dog is well known online and has become the spokesdoggy for campaigns like #ourpearlywhites, which promotes doggie dental care. Really, Riley just wants to promote happiness and healthy lifestyles for other dogs.

We hope that when you read the stories of these amazing dogs that you’ll be inspired to adopt your own wonder dog or shower your pooch with tons of love because the truth is that all dogs are amazing—even if they’re not all celebrities like Maggie, Faith, and Riley.

Through his owner, Chaity, Riley encourages dogs and their humans to live healthy lives filled with fun activities and physical fitness. In addition to a focus on proper doggy dental care and fitness, Riley raises the awareness


MANIAC feature averaging 80 dogs per day. They were able to achieve such amazing results because of their commitment to safety, meeting the needs of their community, and offering peace of mind to the families entrusting them with their dogs. The faces of the dogs in their “doggie cams” on their website speak for themselves—The Dog Stop treats your canines with the utmost care and respect. The Dog Stop is more than just a temporary

are owned by Chris and Jesse and a fourth location, which is a franchise. The new location is in the Emsworth/Sewickley area and is owned by Chad Glick and Jennifer Ferris-Glick. The announced franchise is just the beginning of Chris and Jesse’s “aggressive plans” for continued expansion. A second franchise located in Monroeville is slated to open by the end of 2014. With so many dog owners looking for quality

boarding facility; in fact, it considers itself to be a one-stop-shop for dog owners. Whether you want daycare, walking, training, or retail items, The Dog Stop is the place to go. The owners pride themselves on their ability to meet the needs of pet-owners in the area. Additionally, The Dog Stop thinks of all of their customers as part of their family. What more could you ask for from the people caring for your doggies?

services for their pups, it stands to reason that The Dog Stop would be in high demand.

Puppy Love

The Dog Stop By Susie Meister, Photos courtesy of The Dog Stop

People with dogs often refer to their canines as their “babies,” and much like those of us with real (human!) children, sometimes it is just as difficult to leave pets in the care of someone else. You want to be sure that the caregiver will treat your dog like part of their family when you're away. Luckily for Pittsburgh residents, there is a locally-run business that has created a haven for your animal friend. Jesse Coslov and Chris Kane founded The Dog Stop in 2009 to 36

fulfill the needs of dog owners who have professional and personal obligations that take them away from their pets, but who still want the best care possible. After researching the industry and the needs of the community, Coslov and Kane created a place where “dogs would love to come and play, and pet owners would feel 100% confident in the superior care their dogs were receiving.” Initially, Chris and Jesse expected to average 20 dogs per day, but by the end of their first year in business The Dog Stop was

The success of The Dog Stop is evidenced in their ever-increasing locations including East End, Strip District, and South Hills, which

For more information on The Dog Stop’s locations and the plethora of services they provide: www.thedogstop.net.

In addition to the ways they provide for our canine pals, The Dog Stop is committed to serving the community through the financial support of over 50 charities every year. They see this support as the least they can do for the community that has facilitated their success and for the dogs in the area they love so much. There is never a shortage of dogs who need help, and The Dog Stop is happy to be there for them. 37

P hotog r aphy by A p r il H u bal Styled by K r i s tina C hanel H ai r by Sien r ee fo r C ele s tine A gency u s ing Unite M ake u p by L i z a Za r et s ky fo r E x cl u s i v e A r ti s t s u s ing N a r s L ighting A s s i s tant: J e r emy N el s on Styling A s s i s tant: F elipe Avalo s s hot on location at T he C hambe r lain W e s t H ollywood � F o r L o v e and L emon s s ho r t s B C B G s hoe s A gent P r o v ocate u r b r a P u blic B ewa r e r aincoat Vintage jewel s

Shelter love

Best Friends Animal Society is the only national animal welfare organization devoted to ending the killing of dogs and cats in America's shelters. Best Friends works collaboratively in Los Angeles with animal rescue groups, city shelters and passionate individuals who are all dedicated to the mission of making LA a no-kill city. As part of this mission, BestFriends hosts adoption and fundraising events such as Strut Your Mutt and NKLA Adoption Weekends, runs both the Best FriendsPet Adoption & Spay Neuter Center in Mission Hills and the NKLA Pet Adoption Center in West Los Angeles, and leads the NKLA initiative. For more info, visit www.bestfriends.org



Saint L au rent bla z e r Vintage teddy H e r v e L ege r s hoe s

Fo r L o v e of L emon s d re s s H e r v e L ege r s hoe s H aati C hai c u ff s



A laia top D olce & G abbana s ki rt H e r v e L ege r s hoe s N ecklace s tyli s t s own wo rn th ro u gho u t Vintage gla s s e s O P P O S I T E PA G E Lu dmila C o rlatean u d re s s H e r v e L ege r s hoe s A ma rilo ring Vintage jewel s K ri s tina S u kamto P ea rl ea rring s



H & M s u it Vintage Valentino hat A lice and O li v ia s hoe s

P o u r Pa s Toi d re s s P ea rl N ecklace , s tyli s t s own L a P e rla b r a 44


MANIAC beauty



2 3






Here at Maniac, we think of our pets as members of our families, which is why we think it is important to shower them with love and, every once in a while, pamper them with the best grooming products on the market. High-quality products don't have to just be reserved for ourselves--why not share some with our pets? We know you love your doggies as much as we do, so we did a little digging around and found some of the best all-natural products that will leave your furry friends soft and shiny. With ingredients such as essential oils, natural teas, and oats, these shampoos and grooming products are perfect for leaving your pup clean, healthy, and happy (and ready to make a mess all over again!). Our Maniac dogs are going to have the best smelling dog houses in town.

13 8









1. Bark Place Charlie Boy Dog Cleansing spritzer, available at www.lulodog.com 2. Bark Place Coconut Almond Cream shampoo, available at www.lulodog.com 3. Wolfe & sparky skin and Coat Moisturizing spray, available at www.lulodog.com 4. Nourish Conditioner available at AllPetNatutrals.com 5. south Bark Blueberry Facial available at AllPetNatutrals.com 6. HALO Purely for Pets shampoo 7. HALO Purely for Pets Cloud Nine Herbal Eye Wash 46

8. Earth Bath Puppy shampoo 9. Earth Bath Green Tea Grooming Foam 10. Earth Bath Mango Tango spritz 11.Pet Naturals速 of vermont soothe Oatmeal shampoo 12. Pet Naturals速 of vermont Citrus PN shampoo 13. Pet Naturals速 of vermont Daily Catch Wild Alaskan salmon Oil 14. Espree Dead sea Mineral Mud Bath 15. Espree Hot Oil Treatment 16. Espree Plum Perfect Cologne



Having just wrapped up performances at Bonnaroo and summerfest, you can still catch zz on the road this summer promoting her latest single “Last Love song” and delivering killer sets at festivals like Bunbury and Made in America. With a touring schedule that just won’t quit, it’s important that her time on the road feels a little like home. When asked what the one thing is that she can’t live without when traveling, zz answered like a true Maniac,“My bitch, Muddy Waters. I need my dog with me at all times.” It doesn’t get better than that! To learn more visit www.zzward.com. 48



Knowing the musicians that inspire her music, it is easy to see where the confident and soulful sounds of Til the Casket Drops originated. Like her role models, zz is an incredibly strong artist in both her vocal abilities and the emotions she invokes with her lyrics. One listen to songs like “Move Like u stole It” and “365 days,” and it’s impossible not to feel empowered by the lyrics. What’s even more impressive about her artistry and work ethic is the fact that she wrote almost her entire debut album before she was signed to Hollywood records in 2011. There is no doubt that zz is invested in showing only the most honest, raw version of herself through her music, as every move she makes is done purely out of her love for what she does. “That’s the beauty of being an artist because you don’t have to be a certain type of musician. You don’t have to get a certain grade in school,” she says. “It’s about artistry. It’s about creativity. It’s about being unique.” For zz, the best part of being a musician is the creative freedom that comes with it.




While zz’s whirlwind career has taken her all over the country, her love of blues music is rooted in the time she spent growing up in Oregon. Her town of around 6,000 people had no real music scene, so her exposure to live music was minimal, but thankfully, her parents exposed her to the blues. The power behind the voices of artists like Tina Turner and Etta James, made zz want to follow in their footsteps. Along with blues legends, she cites artists like Jack White and Kanye West as her musical influences. “I like innovators. I like people that continually put out songs that make you feel a certain way,” she says. “I think Kanye West is kind of incredible in that way, from his beginning stuff to his stuff he’s done recently. I think continually he’s very passionate about what he does.”

Live Jazz





How much can one person accomplish in two years? If you are bluesinspired singer-songwriter, zz Ward, the answer is – a hell of a lot. since the 2012 release of her undeniably soulful debut album, Til the Casket Drops, she headlined the very successful “Last Love” tour, opened for legend, Eric Clapton, and was featured in “Pretty Little Liars”. From the look of things, this multi-talented female powerhouse shows no signs of slowing down.





Raw with a Twist



MANIAC music

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MANIAC jet set


Bi-Coastal Getaways:

Canine Edition

pond. With an impressive art collection and a commitment to luxury and style, the Crosby Street Hotel embodies elegance. What you might not expect is that this hotel also caters to the finer tastes of man’s best friend too.

Crosby Street Hotel In 2009, the Crosby Street Hotel became the first luxury boutique hotel from the famed London-based Firmdale Hotel group to open in New York City. In a city where individuality and class are expected, the Crosby Street Hotel fits right in. With 86 individually designed rooms, the Crosby Street lives up to the reputation husband and wife team Tim and Kit Kemp have created for themselves across the

Kit Kemp has a deep love for dogs, and she also realized that the Crosby Street Hotel’s SoHo neighborhood is in love with canines too, so she wanted to embrace the spirit of the area, and make sure to consider pooches when designing the hotel and its amenities. Kemp says, “I think the hotel should offer a different world to the outside one, however, they should be part of the village community. Even in a city, hotels should reflect where you are, but with that added element of glamour. That is why we have the dogs in the Crosby Street Hotel. Everywhere I looked in the streets of SoHo I saw neighbors walking their dogs. It was an inspiration.”

This inspiration is evident from the moment you enter the hotel until you check out. In addition to the welcoming atmosphere the hotel creates for two-legged and fourlegged guests, amazing dog-themed art can be seen lining the hallways and in the elevators. When we Maniacs were shooting one of our spreads here we came across this issue’s featured artist, Peter Clark, and his incredible depictions of dogs. These whimsical nods to man’s best friend add personality to the hotel. The Crosby Street Hotel prides itself on honoring all living things and to complement their commitment to people and pooches, the hotel has a vegetable garden on its rooftop (complete with chickens!) and was

Dog lovers need to get away sometimes just like everybody else, and we found the best getaways for you and your pooch on the East and West Coasts. The Crosby Street Hotel has all the elegance and sophistication you expect from an East Coast hotel and the Chamberlain West Hollywood offers the cool, laid-back West Coast vibe--and they both do so while making sure your four-legged friends are happy and taken care of. If you need a place to stay with your dog on either coast and don't want to sacrifice style and comfort, we've got you covered. b y susi e M e ist e r 50




Chamberlain Hotel

one of the first hotels in New York City to receive the coveted LEED award for its environmentally conscious building and practices. The natural light that floods its lobby and rooms is another nod to the hotel’s love of the earth and all of its creatures—great and small. The interior combines modern and traditional, and manages to maintain elegance and comfort simultaneously. We know you and your doggie will feel right at home at this quirky, yet sophisticated boutique hotel.

Described as an “urban oasis,” The Chamberlain Hotel in West Hollywood, California is one of the West Coast’s best dog-friendly hotels. In addition to the hotel’s welcoming attitude towards animals, it is situated in one of the most doggie-centric neighborhoods in the country. Chamberlain West Hollywood is a cosmopolitan boutique hotel with the comfort and ambience of a residential Pied-a-Terre. The hotel is steps away from the Sunset Strip and is located at the end of a roundabout with a beautiful fountain that gives the hotel and the neighborhood a European flair and sense of refinement. The hotel’s all suite accommodations, with subtle and dramatic design, cater to style conscious business and pleasure travelers from all around the world. The Chamberlain’s staff makes every effort to accommodate their guests—both of the


four-legged and two-legged variety. The staff is committed to caring for the needs of those with pets. In fact, Director of Marketing, Margit Haut, has rescued three pets from shelters, and she says most of the staff has pets as well, which makes them particularly sensitive to the needs of their dog-loving guests. The Chamberlain doesn’t sacrifice style in order to make the hotel amenable to dogs. A large number of their guests are seasoned travelers, tend to work in creative industries, and appreciate a unique and eclectic designer driven, quiet and service-oriented hotel in which to stay. The hotel c o mb i n e s t h o u g h t f u l b e au t y with functionality for the perfect Hollywood experience.

make it easy to walk with your canine while enjoying the Los Angeles weather, shopping, and restaurants.

The Chamberlain’s elegant architecture and high-end amenities are not intimidating to the many dogs that visit though. Our furry friends make themselves right at home. And if the hotel’s dog-friendly policies weren’t enough there is a doggie day care just up the street to accommodate owners that need to leave their pooches while they work or play. The doggie bag stations throughout the neighborhood also

Whether it’s the rooftop terrace with 360° view of Los Angeles’ cityscape or the Bistro Patio right outside, dogs and owners will enjoy the comfort and beauty the Chamberlain provides. Its centrality allows guests to enjoy the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, yet its private neighborhood location provides a respite from the hustle and bustle. We’re sure your doggies will love the Chamberlain Hotel for a West Coast getaway perfect for them and their humans. For more on the Chamberlain Hotel v i s i t : w w w.ch amb e r l ainw e s t h o ll y w o o d. com. For more on the Crosby Street Hotel visit:w w w.firmdalehotels.com /new-york / crosby-street-hotel


MANIAC feature

OPerATION POTCakE “Spend all your time waiting, for that second chance.” –SARAH MCCLAugHLIN

of the veterinary Medical Association of the Bahamas, met us at the entrance to the Humane society and took us on a tour. Peter is a brilliant man and dedicated activist, who donates his time to helping what the islanders refer to as “potcakes.” A potcake is a mixed-breed dog found in the Turks and Caicos Islands and the Bahamas. Its name comes from the congealed rice and pea mixture that local residents traditionally feed dogs. Although their appearance varies, potcake dogs generally have smooth coats, cocked ears, and long faces. Potcakes, which have recently been recognized as their own breed, are known for being incredibly loyal, smart, and loving. It has been said that potcakes rival German shepherds in intelligence and cool temperament, but have a longer lifespan and tend to not experience the hip dysplasia common in German shepherds.

daily to coexist with humans. In New Providence, the most populated Island, there are estimated to be over 20,000 stray dogs, making it a full-blown epidemic. Factors such as lack of government funding and resources, coupled with a society that has accepted this situation as the norm have perpetuated the problem.

With heavy hearts, we wrapped up our tour, and bid Peter and our new four-legged friends farewell.


is a mixed-breed dog found in the Turks and Caicos Islands and the Bahamas. Its name comes from the congealed rice and pea mixture that local residents traditionally feed dogs.


e’ve all seen the heartbreaking animal adoption advertisements featuring the emotional music of sarah McLaughlin. some people even joke that they can’t bear to watch the ads because they pull so strongly at the heartstrings. Despite the moving nature of these pleas for our help, when was the last time you bent down to talk to a stray dog in the street? Have you ever gone to the pound and toured the grounds, looking into the eyes of these animals as if they were old friends to send them messages of comfort? Maniac Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, April Hubal, and I recently visited the Islands of the Bahamas, and we got the chance to do just that.



When we pulled up to the Bahamas Humane society, we weren’t sure what to expect. April tried to prepare me for a challenging experience that would be difficult emotionally, and she wasn’t kidding. Dr. Peter Bizzell, president

To donate to Operation Potcake, or inquire about adopting a Potcake of your own visit operationpotcake.com or baarkbahamas.com. Potcakes can be transported to any major airport in the us.

Potcakes are also generally very social and great with other pets and children.


and foreign veterinarians joined forces to reach a common end goal: spay and neuter 14,000 dogs in underprivileged areas through trapping and door-to-door pickups. Those who participated have described the semi-annual event as a “magical” dance, uniting doctors and volunteers with these sweet animals. According to experts, spaying and neutering controls population, keeps animals healthier, and prevents the spread of disease. since 2011, spay and neuter clinics have been working to control potcake population on the islands. The Bahamas Alliance for Animal rights and Kindness (BAArK!), a non-profit with no paid staff or government funding, fights daily to alleviate the problem of animal overpopulation and suffering.

As we strolled through the seemingly endless cages of dog, after dog, after dog, all wagging a tail or begging for a pat on the head, we spoke with Peter about the potcakes’ history and what’s being done to help. Potcakes today are in crisis and face an incredibly difficult battle. Life for these dogs is not the fun-filled experience tourists to the islands might imagine. It’s a harsh existence, and the animals are often left to fend for themselves and their pups. visit the Bahamas and you will be faced with the real and obvious suffering of the stray dog populations. The lack of care most of these animals receive on the islands is tragic, but this treatment of stray dogs happens in other parts of the world as well. As was widely reported about the dogs of sochi during the Olympics, strays are frequently starving and abused, and struggle

These dogs need help, and islanders need support to resolve this issue. In 2011, animal activist Emma Clifford worked with the Bahamas Humane society to launch “Operation Potcake.” volunteers came from all over the world to donate their time and supplies to help the animals. Local 55

MANIAC feature should get the local companies involved. Lo and behold, we raised $12,000 and got tractor-trailers full of food. In 20112012 we started to formalize PAART.

Flying to the Rescue PA ART By Cody Nicole Wiegand Photography by Jonathan Plesset


or nearly 18 years, Brad Childs and Jonathan Plesset have been close friends who were always looking for new adventures. Each Sunday they participated in stunts like skydiving, whitewater raf ting, and flying model airplanes. They then decided to go a step further and got their pilot’s licenses. These best bud businessmen went from flying as a hobby to making a difference by going on an exciting journey together that they never imagined. Pi t t sb ur g h Av i at i o n A nim al Re s cu e Team (PAART) is dedicated to providing transportation for at-risk animals, and it plays a big role in the community. The nonprofit is responsible for rescuing animals (mostly


dogs) and placing them in no-kill shelters and homes. They serve a wide range of areas including Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Buffalo, Erie, Harrisburg, parts of West Virginia, and more. Before PAART was an official organization, Brad and Jonathan were running their own businesses and arranging missions on the side. Brad is Vice President of Eyetique, and Jonathan is owner and CEO of Shaydside Inn, but on weekends, they work on this separate endeavor together saving the lives of our furry friends. Maniac Magazine: Reading about the history of your organization--it all started with Bulldog Monte, correct?

Jonthan Plesset: You know, we were always looking to do something new, and in 2006, one of the partners of our plane said, “Hey guys, would you want to go rescue a dog?” Brad took the flight and he came back and said, “Oh my god, this is the greatest thing ever, we can do this!” PAART really started to solidify in 2009. There was a thing called the Georgia Puppy Caravan. In Georgia, there is a huge pet population problem, they don’t really spay and neuter, they don’t really have a plan in place, and they have a very, very high euthanasia rate with their animals. Brad and I found out about it, and one of the big issues was that they were euthanizing dogs for a lack of food. So we pulled our resources and thought we

MM: What was your first rescue like? JP: The first one that really clicked and got me excited was in Georgia. Just seeing the dogs, maybe you are projecting as a human, but you could just tell that these dogs knew that something was happening. They knew that they were going to a better situation. They just have that look and from that moment on, I just had to do this. MM: From what types of situations do you rescue animals? JP: Most of the dogs have a day or two or three until they will be euthanized. So these shelters will say, “Look, we don’t have a home for these dogs.” Its usually a rural area, and then we will fly down, grab them, bring them up, and transfer them to a shelter up here that promises not to euthanize them. Usually there are two organizations trying to coordinate, and we bridge the two and offer transportation from one site to another. We realize that they need help and we can help them. MM: Walk me through the stages that you must go through in a typical rescue? JP: The last couple of years we have grown our Facebook presence, and the rescue community is very small, so once we started posting things everyone found out about it. It all starts there. We will email them the form that outlines what they need to do. Most of the time it is a rescue that we already know, and if we don’t know them we will research the organization to ensure that it is real and legitimate. Once they have been approved our flight coordinator will contact both

the receiving and the delivering party and coordinate who is going to do which part of this mission, all of which will be transcribed upon the run sheet. From there we pick which mission we each want to do. Recently, we have been doing multiple rescues in a single weekend. MM: What is the average cost of these missions and how do you raise the funds? JP: It costs about 50 dollars per dog. We are [now] able to transport three to eight dogs at a time. Two weeks ago there were thirteen puppies. It costs roughly $400 to fly a mission. Shadyside Inn and Eyetique fund the majority of this. We will fund it privately, and we do raise money for other things as well.

to expand the number of pilots we have and gain access to more planes. Long term, we would like to grow it to the point in which community outreach becomes one of the bigger motivating factors for us. PAART continues to grow. They now have two planes, which helps them rescue more and more dogs each weekend. Follow the organization’s journey and learn more about them and how you can help! www.pittrescue.org www.facebook.com/pittanimals

MM: Tell me about PAART’s Community Outreach Programs. JP: We have gone to a few schools and brought a few kids to the hanger. What we’re trying to do is educate children early, because there may not be a future for us. We are seeing that this is where we can truly have an impact because the more kids learn about dogs and how to be a responsible pet owner, we might reach some kids. We are trying to find a new volunteer teacher that will open that help us with this. MM: What are your hopes for PAART in the future? JP: In the immediate future we are looking 57

MANIAC feature

Wild aBout Art

B y M Ag g I e S TA N K A I K I S


ndy Warhol isn’t the only famous artist who hails from Pittsburgh. Maggie and zoey, female sea lions at the Pittsburgh zoo, are two Pittsburgh artists you should know about.

several years ago, zookeeper, Kesha Phares heard that teaching sea lions how to paint was a great activity for developing relationships between the animals and the keepers. such enrichment is one of the ways that the keepers can interact with the different animals living at the zoo, and can observe the animals’ behavior in different scenarios. Engagement between keepers and animals is different for each species. For example with the tigers, lions and bears, keepers teach them to show their paws, lay down, and present their hip with commands. Teaching animals new skills such as these lessens the stress the animals may have if a veterinarian needs to pay a visit. Frequent enrichment activities with the animals also helps to highlight or help the keepers spot any problems, injuries, or sicknesses in the animals.

After a few painting sessions, it became a favorite enrichment activity for Maggie and zoey. All Phares has to do now is dip the brushes into the paint, point to the canvas, and the girls do the rest. They touch the brushes to the canvas creating lines, dots, or whatever they may be inspired by at that moment. The green and blue paintings (sea lions only see green and blue) could give Andy Warhol a run for his money. The sea lions have a gift for art unlike many of the other animals at the zoo. Although some of the penguins, tigers, and rhinos also have an interest in painting, they keep their talents behind the scenes. some of the goats and donkeys also paint in front of the public to see, but we think the happy and gregarious sea lions are the greatest competition for Andy Warhol. They are hands down the must-see painting performance at the Pittsburgh zoo & PPG Aquarium. If you’re lucky (the sea lions aren’t always in an artistic mood) you can catch Maggie and zoey painting during the sea lion shows daily at 12:00 and 4:15pm. For more on the zoo and its attractions visit: www.pittsburghzoo.org 58

Leigh with her terrier mix, Carrie Bradshaw

Much like humans, the intelligent and sensitive sea lions gain enrichment through more creative means—come on, who doesn’t love to paint? Phares found the sea lions thrived through discovering color and using creativity. The first time Phares introduced Maggie and zoey to paint, step one was to teach them to simply hold the brush. After Kesha presented the sea lions with different sized paintbrushes, it was time to begin learning. right away, Maggie was a natural. she was receptive to the learning and gladly experimented with the different sized brushes. zoey, on the other hand, was less intrigued and preferred to use only one brush. Next Phares introduced the canvas. At first, the sea lions were hesitant and unsure what to make of it, but once they got a little more comfortable, Kesha added paint to the mix. The sea lions had an obvious and immediate knack for painting.

Start Living. Townhomes • Condos • Homes • Apartments With pet-friendly sidewalks, front porches on every home, and communal spaces like the Community Center and the pool, it’s easy to get outside. Take a stroll around the neighborhood or walk the trails in nearby Frick Park with your favorite canine. Summerset at Frick Park: City Living. Redefined.


Call Melissa Reich 412-215-8056


MANIAC feature


The idea that “you are what you eat” is just as true for our pets as it is for us. Every animal needs all of the appropriate raw materials to build a healthy body. We all want what is best for our pets, but the majority of dog caregivers rely on processed pet foods to nourish their companions. I think it is time to ask if that approach really makes sense. Imagine seeing a Tv commercial for a product called People Chow. The announcer says, “This new, complete and balanced diet is going to make your life so easy. Now, when you go to the grocery store you can bypass the fruits and vegetables and ignore the fresh meats and fish. Just go to the People Chow aisle and pick out your favorite flavor such as savory salmon or T-Bone Delight. At each meal time, simply take a scoop of People Chow, put it in your bowl, and eat it up – every meal, every day, for the rest of your life.” seriously? The case for whole, unprocessed food for pets starts with a look at evolution. Although dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years they have been fed processed kibble for less than 100 years. It takes hundreds of thousands of years for significant evolutionary changes to happen. It is true that the appearance of pets generally does not resemble that of their wild counterparts, however, their digestive systems do. Lift your dog’s lip and take a close look at her teeth. Notice the long fangs for ripping flesh off a carcass? see all those sharp premolars and molars behind the fangs? Those teeth are made to cut meat. They are not the flat teeth of an omnivore (like us) that are meant to grind vegetation. The mouth is the most visible part of the digestive tract. If dogs had evolved away from their carnivorous ancestors enough to benefi t from currently popular pet foods then their teeth would have changed too. Dogs are carnivores. sadly, pet food manufacturers treat dogs like omnivores. Conventional pet foods are loaded with starch – a food component that is quickly converted to sugar in the body and can cause health issues for dogs. Excessive dietary starch has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Dogs are simply not equipped to handle it well. Meanwhile, the processing of pet foods helps to extend their shelf life and make feeding easy. This fi ts with the modern, active lifestyles of humans. unfortunately, processed foods are no healthier for our pets than they are for us. High-heat processing of food destroys vital nutrients. Pet food manufacturers recognize this problem and add synthetic vitamins back into the food. The problem is that manmade vitamins are not identical to the nutrients in whole foods, and the body does not always recognize them as food. Also, pet food companies can only balance diets based on our current, incomplete understanding of nutrition. Food formulation based on partial knowledge leads to deficient diets. Besides destroying nutrients, high-heat processing of meat and carbohydrates creates carcinogens called heterocyclic amines. These toxins have been documented in processed pet foods. since currently half of all adult animals die of cancer, the possible link between what we feed and cancer needs to be seriously considered. Truly healthy diets for dogs are designed for based on canine anatomy, which is meant to eat and digest meat-based, raw food. The only way to provide them all the nutrients their bodies truly need is through meat that has not been processed or cooked. It is important that the diet be balanced in nutrients and that is why I recommend commercially made, raw pet foods for my patients. If you try this unconventional, but beneficial approach, your four-legged best friend will thank you! 60


Pit stoP: BY N OA W O L F F- F IN EO u T

hello Bully’s

MIssION TO rEBrAND & rEHABILITATE PIT BuLLs pit Bull’s have received a bad reputation. These sweet dogs acquired this negative image over the years due to irresponsible owners, abusive practices, and media portrayals. The Hello Bully organization is trying to change all that. Hello Bully is on a mission to reverse the negative stereotypes unfairly cast upon the fundamentally loyal and compassionate Pit Bull breed. hello Bully’s goal is to change the way people see these dogs, rehabilitate those that have been abused, and find loving homes to foster their spirits. The volunteers at Hello Bully realize that rehabilitating an animal is not a quick job, and is a practice that should be maintained to ensure adoptions. For this reason, days, weeks, and months are devoted to each animal that enters the doors of Hello Bully’s “halfway house” in order to teach these dogs that they deserve to be loved, and to instill the principles of confidence and trust within their hearts. And Hello Bully’s influence is expanding throughout the region and

country thanks to their commitment to these special dogs. Kelley Baumgartel, Director of Grants and Funding at Hello Bully, said, “The reason that a Pit Bull-specific organization is so necessary is that the breed is so misunderstood and targeted.” she went on to say that by making Pit Bulls the “other” in the dog community makes them the victim of unfair negative schemas. The most disheartening aspect of the breed’s subjection to neglect, prejudice, and isolation is that “it is their loyalty and love that is exploited because Pit Bulls will do whatever they need in order to show their owners that they love them.” It was Daisy Balawejder’s interaction with the Pit Bull breed while a volunteer with the influential Western Pennsylvania shelter, Animal rescue League, which inspired her creation of Hello Bully. Many of the strong and persevering Pit Bulls with which she worked were survivors of unspeakable cruelty and learned to silently endure incredible terror. In response, Balawejder developed the shelter’s star rehabilitation Program, but she realized that in order to limit the influx of Pit Bulls entering the shelter every week there needed to be an advocacy group for the breed. Advocacy still provides the foundation upon which Hello Bully’s many facets and programs were built. Kelley Baumgartel emphasized that the organization “lives in the present, attempting not to dwell on the negative,” and instead promotes equality through positivity. By training “spokesdogs,” the organization helps reconstruct the public’s understanding of the breed. Further, the organization offers free training services to Pit Bulls so their actions mirror their hearts. Hello Bully does not limit its advocacy to enforcing the breed’s positive image, but also actively works to eliminate influences that cast the breed in a negative light. Fortunately, Pennsylvania retains laws, which prohibit Breed-specific-Legislation (BsL); however, some states still allow for the unfair legislation of Pit Bulls, many of which prohibit the animals’ existence in certain geographic locations. Teaming with lawyers and legislators, Hello Bully combats BsL


throughout the country, writing letters that inform governmental officials of its negative effects. similarly, Hello Bully is dedicated to providing free spay and neuter services to Pit Bulls. This medical necessity aids in the elimination of the illegal sale and purchase of dogs for inhumane practices such as

“I think Hello Bully’s mission speaks to our community as people. If we can’t help the most vulnerable individuals, then who are we? This is what it’s all about isn’t it? This is what it’s all about.”

relationship with the animal, assisting the family with training and ensuring the dog is loved and receiving the care he or she deserves. Hello Bully “is a completely volunteer driven non-profit,” and would not exist if not for the generosity of the community. The shelter’s incredible success stories, in which brutally abused Pit Bulls are nursed to a state of assuredness and adopted into forever homes, encourages the volunteers to continue in their work. Baumgartel said, “I think Hello Bully’s mission speaks to our community as people. If we can’t help the most vulnerable individuals, then who are we? This is what it’s all about isn’t it? This is what it’s all about.” If you want to learn more about Hello Bully visit: www.hellobully.com

dog fighting, and limits the number of dogs whose fate will lead to a homeless and unhealthy life. In the past year, Hello Bully opened the doors to its shelter, but unlike most shelters, theirs only admits five dogs at a time, as the volunteer team believes that this small number allows the degree of devotion necessary for the dogs’ growth and improvement. Many of the dogs admitted to the shelter have histories of abuse. When kept in a kennel, many decline rapidly due to a lack of enrichment. In order to ease the transition to a new home and keep the animals stimulated, the shelter is uniquely equipped with a living room and kitchen where the dogs can learn what it is like to live in a home, as most only have experience being chained to concrete slabs. Most importantly, Hello Bully is committed to finding its dogs a home, and perfect family match. Therefore, even after the dogs are adopted, the volunteers continue their 63

MANIAC style profile e.b. pepper

MANIAC shops Andrea Garland Lip Balm In vintage Inspired Pill Box available at AsOs, $28.58

While most women probably don’t look to Johnny Depp for fashion inspiration, it certainly hasn’t steered boutique owner, e.b. Pepper, in the wrong direction. In her trendy Central Park West top and Calvin Rucker jeans, the Pittsburgh native sat down with Maniac Magazine to talk about her stylish journey in the fashion industry.

Forever 21 The Original BFF PJ set, $12.80

B y J U l I A B e l e C h e K , p h o T o g r A p y B y C o dy N I C o l e w I e g A N d

e.b. Pepper is a trendy Shadyside boutique that has been a go-to spot for the women of Pittsburgh for nearly 20 years. With brands such as Save the Queen, D. Exterior, and Clover Canyon, a trip to e.b.Pepper is always a success. MaNiaC MagaziNE: When did you first open e.b. Pepper? e.b. PEPPER: I first opened my doors on April 1st, 1987.

and torn. It’s new and exciting. MM: Who is your favorite designer and why? E.b: Alexander Mcqueen. He just has beautiful clothing. He’s an incredible designer with fabrics and silhouettes, and just has the most beautiful pieces I have ever seen. MM: Who is your style icon?


AsOs Cropped Blouse in Dog Print, $47.64

Arlette Ess sleeping Dogs Large silk square scarf, $298

MM: What are some of the brands that you carry exclusively to the Pittsburgh area? E.b: save the queen, strom Jeans, Calvin rucker, D. Exterior, DWP, and Angelys Balek.

scully & scully Herend Poodle Figurine, $555

MM: What is your favorite piece at E.B. Pepper right now you secretly want for yourself? E.b: I like anything Clover Canyon makes right now. Clover Canyon is so innovative with their prints. They engineer them so well that they flatter a woman’s body every time. They really put neoprene fabric on the map.

Ostwald Helgason T-shirt with Black Poodle Print available at AsOs, $205.78

MM: What are the key pieces that make up your closet? E.b: Leather jackets, jeans, and leather leggings.


MM: What is the ultimate piece in your closet? E.b: My AG Jeans. Cuffed skinny jeans, light washed.

MM: Why did you choose shadyside as e.b. Pepper’s home? E.b: I’m from Pittsburgh, and always dreamed of opening a boutique in shadyside. In high school I worked at small boutiques there, and I fell in love with retail and fashion. shadyside has always been the hub of Pittsburgh’s fashion culture.

MM: What about women’s fashion do you love most? E.b: I love the beginning of each new season. I like to see what new styles and colors are in store each season. sweaters seem to be the main focus this fall. The look is cozy, fuzzy,

MM: What trends over the years are you happy to leave behind? E.b: shoulder pads. I like everything in the moment when it’s in style, but I’m happy I don’t have to worry about shoulder pads anymore. MM: Are there any fashion faux pas have you’ve been guilty of? E.b: I would hope not!

MM: Why did you want to start your own business? E.b: I always wanted to open up my own boutique. In high school, I worked for a unisex boutique chain in Pittsburgh called scoop. It was the coolest, most directional boutique chain around. As soon as I graduated from college, I became an assistant buyer and then a buyer for scoop. It was a very exciting time. We traveled to New York every other week to bring back the trendiest fashions that we could find including roller skates, European fashions, and designer jeans. I did that for 6 years until I was hired by Joseph Horne’s to develop and buy for their first contemporary designer department. I always dreamed of my own boutique, and fi ve years later I found the opportunity to open one on Walnut street – my dream came true. The culture and the vibe fi t in with what I was all about.

MM: How would you describe your personal style? E.b: Boho Chic. It is a little bit of a leftover hippie vibe that I have mixed in with a sophisticated, clean eye.

Irish Linen House Cocktail Napkin available at Barneys New York, $15

E.b: I love the prints— Clover Canyon prints especially.

H&M sweatshirt Top, $17.95

MM: What key piece of fashion advice can you lend our readers? E.b: I think women should try to wear clothes that flatter them and not try to wear things that are trendy just because they are in style.

E.b: This is a funny one. My style icon would be Johnny Depp in a female version. His style is revamped hippie and new Boho chic. I love his messy hair, his eyeliner, his worn jeans, and all his hanging and wrapped jewelry. I love his style. He just always looks cool. MM: What is your favorite fashion trend this season and why?

Oscar de la renta resort $2015 Crypton Doodle Dog Kermit Tote available at www. bitchnewyork.com, $39

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ebpepper1 Twitter:EbPepperPgh 5411 Walnut street, Pittsburgh, PA

Lindsay Wristlet available at lolobag.com, $33

Poodle Keychain available at www. bitchnewyork.com, $20 White Poodle reversible Pillow available at www. purehome.com, $50 Cast Iron Gomez the Poodle Bookends set available at www.lampsplus.com, $69.91


MANIAC shops


Bottega veneta Woven Dog Bowl available at Barneys New York, $ 640

PooCh taGs By

Serina Jones


In this issue we are celebrating our shared love of dogs, pups, and, to be put perfectly, our best friends. And no matter how much we might want to, we can’t always be attached at the hip or, in this case, the tail with our doggies. Even though we can’t always keep our canines around, we should always have a reminder of them.

Bowsers Contour Lounger Dog Bed in Marine stripe available at PupLife.com, $ 278.99

Dog of Glamour Bling Diamond Tee, $34.95

so what do you do when you’re at work or out with friends and want a playful reminder of your pooch? We’ve come a long way from the ‘90s keychains our parents would keep our pictures in to show us off. There is a new handcrafted, artistic tag that recreates the look of your dog using textiles and innovative material to allow you to feel close to your dog in a creative, modern, and stylish way.

Jax & Bones rope Elephant $14 & $16 available in two sizes

urban Pup Bedtime Pyjamas, _25.65

Dukes small Ecuador Guadalupe Dog Collar available at Barneys New York, $188

These handmade custom ID tags for your canine pals are constructed with copper, brass, bronze, leather, and aluminum, and Jones tries to use new and innovative shapes that make the tags unique and that will add some flair to the collar of your pup or your key ring.

Fetching Tags Wiggle Butt Dog Tag available at PupLife.com, _34.99

Dog of Glamour Check & Chain in black, $59.95

Pooch Outfitters Aruba swim Trunk, $24

After deciding to leave veterinarian school, serina still wanted to express her love of animals, and discovered her real passion was the construction of metal tags to accessorize the dogs instead. Choosing not to enroll in an art institution, serina considers herself a self-taught graphic designer.

Jax & Bones Pillow Bed in Navajo, $109-$199


Dog of Glamour Paw Jersey shag , $44.95

Luckily, selina had many doggie volunteers that helped inspire her custom pieces during the learning process. slinky, Dox, Blaze, zeus, star, and Dash, who has since passed away, all were able to aid her in her self taught art lessons. since then, selina has crafted over 12,000 products for her customers on Etsy and the Pooch Tags webpage.

Pooch Outfitters sparky Bow Tie, $22

Dog of Glamour I heart Diamonds tee, $39.95

Jax & Bones rope Octopus $14 & $16 available in two sizes


Pooch Tags by serina Jones use a layered, handcrafted approach in creating custom dog tags, which are produced to look like your very own doggie. Plus, your dog can wear one too in the dog lovers’ version of a matching best friend necklace. A true dog lover, rescuer, and tag enthusiast, serina created the latest trend in pooch paraphernalia. Not satisfied with fabricating dog tags, Jones also created fashionable earrings, pins, and bracelets to pay homage to your dog.

“I dabbled around with different metals, tools, connection solutions, etc, and finally was able to find the correct products that worked. This took a lot of time and experimenting, and I still continue to increase my designs, tools, and metals as I make more and more tags daily.” serina accommodates custom orders because customers always want to add new features to their tags to add personality (such as tongues, bows, sunglasses) to more accurately depict their own dogs. Here at Maniac, as dog owners and dog lovers, we appreciate this one-of-a-kind representation of our best friends. With a custom expression as unique as your own pooch at home, what’s not to love about these adorable miniature puppy replicas? visit serina’s website for more information: www.pooch-tags.com. To purchase your own Pooch Tag visit: www.etsy.com/shop/PoochTags or www.artfire.com/ext/shop/studio/ PoochTags, and check out serina’s Facebook page for posts of all of her most recent tags www.facebook.com/poochtags

Dog of Glamour Check & Chain in black, $59.95

Dog of Glamour Check & Chain Harness in black, $ 59.95


in WearWoof’s first year alone. In the store’s beginning stages, Lee was haunted by the “what ifs” that so many of us grapple with when taking a professional or personal risk. “What if” the shelters weren’t interested in collaborating? “What if” nobody donated or purchased items? such doubts could have stopped many people from giving their time, money, and energy to such a huge undertaking, but Lee carried on. Like so many of our worries, they turned out to be unfounded. volunteers, donors, and shoppers overwhelmed Nancy with their generosity and helped kickstart her incredible project. Making it to WearWoof’s first anniversary was a big milestone for Nancy. so many small businesses don’t make it to that occasion, and to do so with a charitable business plan makes this accomplishment even more remarkable. In addition to its incredible monetary success, WearWoof has also received public charity status, facilitated the adoption of numerous cats, and received thousands of items to resell ranging from Prada handbags to Target costume jewelry. Nancy believes in making the most of all donations to help the animals.

W E A rW O O F

upscale Resale for a Cause BY susIE MEIsTEr, PHOTOGrAPHY BY ALBErT LEE

They say that animals have a keen awareness of the people and things around them. They are known to sense weather events before humans do. They also are known for their intuition about the emotions of their human companions. Nancy Lee reciprocated this empathy towards the animals in her life from a very early age, and she says she “began to see a connection between respect and compassion for animals and a healthy society.” It was this love for animals and a sense of duty to our pooches friends that inspired what Nancy calls an “obsession” for the plight of homeless animals, and she wanted to do something about it. Of the 6-8 million animals in shelters every year, only about half will come out alive, and knowing this compelled Lee to do something about it. That “something” was creating WearWoof, an upscale resale boutique in the North Hills. Lee got the idea after volunteering at a cat shelter in Florida that was sponsored by a local thrift shop. she decided to use the idea and add a high fashion spin to it. she says she took it up a notch “to suit [her] own fashion interests.” she also decided to broaden the scope of her reach by attempting to help as many shelters as she possibly could. Thanks to hundreds of generous people who donated their new and gently used fashion items, Lee was able to provide over $15,000 to help local shelters and animal welfare organizations 68


After owning her own petsitting business for nearly 8 years, Toni shelaske became increasingly concerned with the health of the pets she encountered on a day-to-day basis. Having met numerous dogs and cats with irritated skin, allergies, ear infections, and other health concerns, Toni began researching the causes to these health problems. she discovered that, much like humans, animals are what they eat, and many of the health problems she frequently saw among her animal friends were directly connected to the food they consumed. After making this discovery, shelaske decided that she needed to be proactive. After testing an all-natural, raw food diet on her own dog, Meg, she saw incredible improvements in Meg’s health, and knew that it was time for her to help other pet owners become knowledgeable about what they feed their pets. In 2008, she had the opportunity to purchase a local doggy grocery store that sells all-natural pet food and treats. since then, shelaske branched out and works with numerous pet owners in the Pittsburgh area to help them understand how better nutrition helps their pets’ health tremendously. Toni’s store, Healthy Pet Products, has two locations, in the North Hills and the south Hills, that sell all-natural pet products, while offering consultations to pet owners ManiacMagazine:Layout 1 6/22/14 9:08 PM also Page 1 about the nutrition of their precious animals.

WearWoof’s biggest problem now is just how successful they’ve become—they are already starting to outgrow their retail space and are looking to open a second location. Nancy continues to be inspired by the animals that need homes. she notes that only 3% of charitable giving is related to animal welfare, while the pet industry is second in consumer spending behind electronics. This incongruity motivates her to keep working to end pet homelessness in our area. Nancy is especially interested in supporting the work of smaller animal welfare organizations that often care for animals sacrificially as the owners live paycheck to paycheck on a hope and prayer. By supporting them, Lee feels the whole community benefi ts, as many more shelters are then able to stay open and help the community. In addition to the high-end fashion items you can pick up for yourself at WearWoof, you can also buy something for your animal friend to wear as they accept gently used and new animal accessories as well. At this rate, Nancy is going to be saving and styling all the area’s animals, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. For more information about WearWoof visit: www.wearwoof.org or visit them in person at 1105 rochester road, suite 103, Pittsburgh, PA 15237.


Find us on

e are a retail store that sells only all natural and organic dog and cat food. We have scrupulously chosen the brands that we carry. You don’t need to do your homework because we’ve already done the research to assure that every food, treat and toy that we carry is not only safe for your pet but also the most healthful. All of our foods are free of by-products, wheat, corn, soy, chemical preservatives, food dyes or any artificial ingredient what so ever. We specialize in raw feeding and have a very knowledgeable staff to assist you in choosing the right food for your pet.


North Hills | 9805 McKnight Rd., McCandless, PA 15237 | 412.366.0700 Monday-Friday: 9am - 8pm; Saturday: 9am - 6pm; Sunday: 11am - 5pm

South Hills | Crossgates Plaza, 1742 Washington Rd., Upper St. Clair, PA. 15241 | 412.831.370069 Monday-Thursday: 9am - 8pm; Friday-Saturday: 9am - 6pm; Sunday: 10am - 4pm

MANIAC feature


o one knows for sure how many companion animals are euthanized each year in Allegheny County and surrounding counties. There are no laws requiring comprehensive reporting by the agencies that euthanize animals picked up by animal control or turned in to shelters. The best-educated compilation for the county points to over 20,000 dogs, cats, and other companion animals being killed this way each year. Whatever the actual statistic, the saddest fact is that most of those are good companions who deserve a loving home, but they got caught up in a web of human frailty, bureaucratic processes, and uncoordinated community resource application.

OvErPOPuLATION The first and potentially most effective method for controlling the pet population is spaying and neutering our pets. The solution comes down to recognizing and employing the basic economic law of supply and demand. spaying or neutering all companion animals helps eliminate the overpopulation problem. Increased demand by loving homes can absorb the displaced animals caused by original owner illness, death, divorce, and inhumanity. Too many animals overwhelm demand, and, thus, many are killed. This can be improved by preventing multiple litter births via spaying and neutering. We can’t keep bailing the boat and ignore the rushing water coming in—it has to be plugged. MuNICIPAL POLICE & ANIMAL CONTrOL The police and animal control are generally 70


Making our Region Better for Companion Animals BY rOBErT FrAGAssO, CFP, AIF CEO, FrAGAssO FINANCIAL ADvIsOrs

good people who try to deal with the problem humanely, but the absence of adequate funds and other pressing problems make for non-uniform handling of collected animals. Consider, for example, that many police departments do not have microchip scanners. This means that a dog has a microchip, but without a city or county license will go directly to animal control. The dogcatcher has no obligation to scan, and often does not. If the dog has no municipal license, it may be killed, under law, within 48 hours. A license requires animal control to notify you in writing that your dog is being held. so the absence of a microchip scanner at the police department level starts this lethal chain of events. The existence of a scanner at the police department would mean that the owner would be contacted first before animal control. sOLuTIONs 1. spay and neuter your dogs, cats, domesticated bunnies and other companion animals. This is the most important action you can take to eliminate overpopulation and the suffering of companion animals.

2. Microchip your pets. Animals travel far, and chipping often gets them home again. use a chip in conjunction with licensing. 3. Get dogs an annual license. It is inexpensive and will protect them from immediate euthanasia by animal control. There is currently no system to license cats. 4. support your local animal shelters. They need your funding, your time, and your community influence. 5. voice your concerns and wishes to your local municipal officials. They care about and will react to your input. Tell them you want humane treatment of collected animals and to install remedial steps, like scanners, at the police level to head off unnecessary killing. 6. report cases of animal cruelty and neglect to local authorities or to the humane agents of local shelters. 7. spread the word. Freely reproduce and distribute this and similar articles. Bob Fragasso sits on the board of Animal Friends, a no-kill shelter in Ohio Twp and is working on a no-kill initiative for our region.


A dog may not be the typical member of a symphony, but Pittsburgh symphony Orchestra resident Conductor, Lawrence Loh found a special way to incorporate a few furry friends to help create musical magic at the Dollar Bank Three rivers Arts Festival. During the hour and a half show, the Pittsburgh symphony performed one number in particular that really got tails wagging. simphonia di caccia in G Major, “Jagd sinfonie by Leopold Mozart gives classical music a doggy twist. After the symphony’s music director, principal horn player, and conductor sat down and collaborated on a creative idea for an unconventional concert to perform at the festival, the idea for playing “The Hunting symphony” was born.” The dogs were treated no differently than the thousands of aspiring classical musicians when it came to the competitive auditioning process. All of the prospective dogs and their owners were initially asked to send in videos of them barking (and not barking) on command. Once the finalists were chosen, the pups were invited to Heinz Hall for a final-round audition on the Pittsburgh symphony stage. With the help of Dan rossi from the Animal rescue League

and Kristen Lane from the Western Pennsylvania Humane society, four dogs were chosen to be honorary members of the Pittsburgh symphony at the concert. The four pooches, Grizzly, Jetty, sonny, and sergeant Preston, practiced with their owners for weeks before the concert, working on their barks and being rewarded with numerous hotdogs. And although they weren’t rewarded with treats, a group of four Pittsburgh symphony horn soloists also began practicing their part weeks prior to the concert. On the day of the concert, the full symphony met for a practice run before performing for hundreds at Point state Park. Though the Pittsburgh symphony does not normally include pups in their concerts, Loh says, “We were so excited to have a chance to include these canine friends in our concert and hope to do it again soon!” visit pittsburghsymphony.org for more information. 71

MANIAC events

Maniac Magazine

Warhol Museum’s 20 th Anniversary Gala

Vintage Celebrity By Sarah Lolley, PHOTOGRAPHY BY laura petrilla

What would I wear to meet Andy Warhol and Halston? My mother’s fring y disco Indian dress, of course, adorned with feathers and gold leggings that gravitate past my derriere. While international art collectors bidding for rare Warhol pieces donned Versace and Halston originals at The Andy Warhol Museum’s 20th Anniversary Gala, I wore my mom’s polyester. Opening that night, Silver and Suede is dedicated to Halston and Warhol. Formerly the president of BCBG, Malka is excited to promote Halston’s American Glamour brand to places like China and Dubai. This event was the first time I have seen men dressed more colorfully than the women. Benji Randall wore his own bunny taxidermy pendant and Brett Kropp, Warhol protégée Jane Holzer’s assistant and the event’s co-chair, wore a black tux that made them look fashionably spooky. Many of the items featured were Intimate and never-before-seen artifacts from the Warhola family collection. It was marvelous to see such iconic fashion collectors donating for the Halston floor, and they all were all in attendance wearing the real thing, looking like a trillion bucks. Prancing through the throngs of collectors from Toronto to China, Tara Rieland and Tori Mistick wore matching chainmail Azzedine Alaïa mini’s from the local purveyor of high fashion Emphatics. They stuck with Halston’s rule of no underwear allowed. The airline themed party culminated with a performance by Gloria Gaynor who sang “I Will Survive” to a ballroom of people who sang with her. After opening the floodgates to the public for free at midnight, the evening’s celebration kept going until 5 a.m. For more visit www.AccidentalMama.com/am



MANIAC events


THE POINTE By Cody Nicole Wiegand, Photos by Bill Schmitt and Mike Schwarz

There is much to celebrate during the summer season. We have survived yet another cabin fever-filled winter. People are finally out and about. It’s the time of new beginnings, experiences, and adventures. It’s also peak season for house hunters and homebuyers. With our city and suburbs continuously growing there are many living options, but one in particular caught our attention this past May. Maniac teamed up with Howard Hanna and Shaner Capital to showcase the beautiful O’Hara Township property of Chapel Pointe. The luxury condominium combines relaxed living with a classic style and modern conveniences, like high-end finishes, lake-view spaces, and shopping and dining just steps away. A property as pristine as Chapel Pointe calls for a celebration. On May 14th over 300 people came out for the Party at the Pointe event and enjoyed an array of food, drinks, and live entertainment. Guests were greeted with a refreshing Pinnacle Vodka signature cocktail and posed with one another for photographers. They flocked to the tented porte-cochere and entryway, which were transformed into a lively, picturesque setting. LUXE Lighting & Atmosphere beautifully lit the space and highlighted Chapel Pointe’s features, while gorgeous jewel-toned bouquets from McCandless Floral sat atop dozens of white-linen tables that guided guests to the elegant lobby. An elaborate display of desserts from Bella Christie and Lil’ Z’s Sweet Boutique were a hit, as was the beauty room, where people were being pampered with manicures and massages from the talented Esspa Kozmetika. Event-goers signed up with Howard Hanna for guided tours of the property and its much anticipated, luxury Penthouse. The two-story suite featured high-end furnishings from Weisshouse and bedding from Feathers of Shadyside. The opulence continued throughout with a designer jewelry showcase from Chapel Hills Jewelry and courtesy champagne from Perlé. On the main level, attendees let loose to the sounds of DJ Sam and danced alongside the sultry Salsa dancers from Salsa412 (Loyal Martinez, Ryan Mitchell, Nicole Pristera, Tabitha Aghaebrahim, Anastasia Martin, Jorge Candiotti, Michael Thornhill, Becky Clarkson, Candace Dawn, Stephanie Mosco). When guests weren’t posing with Howard-Hanna green vehicles from MINI of Pittsburgh, checking out the selection of premium cigars from Smoke Cigar Shop, and admiring the sculpture made by Ice Creations, they were enjoying an array of delicious food. Seviche, Sonoma Grille, Mallorca, Ibiza, and Social at Bakery Square provided small plates and hors d’oeuvres, which paired perfectly with Great Lakes beer and Verdi champagne that were available. The CW Green Team and Visit Pittsburgh were also on site. The grand finale of the night was the fashion show, which was styled and put together by Brittney Thieroff. Local models from the Docherty Agency walked down the red carpet runway in a variety of fashions from neighborhood boutiques. Whitehouse Salon and Philip Pelusi provided hair and makeup and took the show to the next level with beach wave hair, bold braids and summer-ready makeup. The young men and women looked chic as they strutted in fashions from e.b. Pepper, byLangley, Moda, Kristi Boutique, One Brilliant, and Diana Misetic. 74


MANIAC events


Sh dy s ide B y S usi e M e ist e r , p h o t o g r a p h y b y J e nn y K a r l ss o n

Anyone who has been to Shadyside has surely seen dozens of adorable dogs accompanying their owners. Whether it be for shopping or socializing, Shadyside serves as one of Pittsburgh's most dog-friendly neighborhoods. To celebrate this commitment to dogs, the Second Annual Bark Shadyside Pup Walk was held there this April.

First Fridays Event

This event, sponsored by Petagogy and Think Shadyside, attracted 139 dogs and raised $1,755.00 for the Animal Rescue League. Among the pack were dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes, including a Mastiff named Bonecrusher, weighing in at 190 lbs. and a Chihuahua named Cinco, weighing only 4 lbs. The variety and enthusiasm of the people and their pets made for a playful day in Shadyside. The walk was designed to highlight Shadyside as Pittsburgh’s most dogfriendly neighborhood. Over fifty businesses in the area allow dogs on the property including boutiques, galleries, banks, offices, and restaurants. In addition to information about the gathering, the Bark Shadyside website lists Shadyside dog-friendly businesses so dog owners can readily navigate the area with their pooches.

Written and photographed Mike Schwarz

Recently Shady Grove acquired the upstairs location, formerly UP Modern Kitchen, for use as an additional bar and event space. They kicked off the expansion with First Friday, a series of parties, events, and celebrations taking place on the first Friday of each month in Shadyside this summer. The event proved to be quite successful, and was sponsored by brands such as White Diamond Vodka, Mini Cooper, and Shady Grove Restaurant. Taking advantage of the elegant space, promoter Robert Fitzpatrick ensured an evening full of fine food, quality drinks, and the latest music from DJ X-Man.

Since nobody wants all those canines leaving “presents” around the neighborhood, the event organizers were happy to showcase five new bag dispensers placed throughout Shadyside to make picking up after your dogs convenient. The Second Annual Bark Shadyside Pup Walk was a huge success with lots of area residents and their dogs enjoying a beautiful spring day while also helping the Animal Rescue League along the way. For more information on this annual event or the businesses that cater to dogs and their humans in Shadyside visit www.BarkShadyside.com

As I walked up the stairs, a warm glow was cast on my feet from the beautiful light fixtures hanging above me. Emerging into the restaurant, I was greeted by the owner and promoter. I weaved my way through the crowded bar area and joined my friends who were dining on some of the Shady Grove Restaurants delicious hors d’oeuvres. Drinks were being passed out in all directions as guests mingled through the bar area and on to the dance floor. White Diamond Vodka did not disappoint, providing high-end drink options long into the night. Situated high above the street, the ideal size, beautiful lighting, and modern design served as the perfect space to spend a Friday night. The party was a great start to what will surely be an exciting summer in Shadyside. The next First Friday event will take place in July, so mark your calendars, and get ready for another memorable season in Pittsburgh.



Jenny Karlsson Photography

We’ll Have Another Written By Morgan McCollum Photo Credit Barbara D. Livingston

By all definitions, May 5, 2012 was a good day for Jack Sisterson. A long shot horse, I’ll Have Another, trained by Jack and his mentor Doug O’Neill, soared past frontrunner Bodemeister with 15-1 odds and won the 138th Kentucky Derby; arguably the greatest two minutes in sports. I’ll Have Another went on to win the Preakness, and his fans followed him to the Belmont Stakes in New York with hopes of witnessing a Triple Crown winner. I’ll Have Another was scratched at the last minute due to a finicky leg injury. There hadn’t been a Triple Crown in horse racing since Affirmed won in 1978. Horse racing is an unpredictable sport, filled with triumphant highs and devastating lows. One thing is clear, though; Jack Sisterson knows horses. At a young age in his quaint hometown of Durham, England, Jack’s passion for equine began with his pony, Casper. He affectionately recalls their trips to compete in show jumping events. Unfortunately for Jack, being a jockey wasn’t in the cards when he grew to be over 6’ tall. He came to America to attend the University


of Louisville on a soccer scholarship and studied Equine Management. The school’s close proximity to Churchill Downs also landed Jack in the heart of horseracing country. In 2010 Jack had a horse racing in the prestigious Breeders’ Cup at the Santa Anita racetrack in California. He decided to fly out with him, and enjoyed California so much he moved out West on a whim while he was still young. A mutual friend introduced Jack to acclaimed trainer, Doug O’Neill, who offered him a job. The rest is history. As a young trainer, at the age of 29, and member of one of the most elite horsemanship programs in the world, Jack Sisterson is fully immersed in the fast-paced thoroughbred training lifestyle, which is full of risk and a hell of a lot of hard work. They say the average horse only gets two full hours of sleep a night, and I don’t think Jack gets much more than that either. On a typical day he’s up and headed to the track by 3:00 a.m., transforming yearlings into racehorses, prepping for the day’s workouts, and scheduling riders. As a trainer, one has to keep a watchful eye on both the mental and physical development of each of the horses. I had the opportunity to speak with Jack and asked if he’ll ever train a Triple Crown winner. His answer came without hesitation, “Yes. I’ve got my eye on one.” I asked what the horse’s name is, and Jack said, “Well right now he’s an unnamed little baby. But he’s special.” When he’s not juggling the relationship between horse, trainer, and jockey, Jack enjoys cooking, salsa dancing, and singing, “Call Me Maybe” in the shower. He’s quite easy on the eyes, with a thick, charming British accent, and yes, ladies, he is single. Although he hasn’t had time for a girlfriend, he would like to get married, have children, and find a partner who can socialize with him and his family. Ronald Reagan once said, “There’s nothing better for the inside of a man, than the outside of a horse.” Although he’s hesitant to go on dates in fear of getting sidetracked from his career, I can imagine Jack will have no problem finding a beautiful wife.

“ It is not best

that we should all think alike; it is a difference of opinion that makes horse races. For now, Jack says he plans to stay in America, “unless they kick [him] out.” He keeps in close contact with his family “across the pond,” and sees them about twice a year. Jack’s horse G o l d e n s c e n t s r e c e n t l y finished an impressive 2nd in the Metropolitan Mile at the Belmont Stakes Day at Belmont Park.

- Mark Twain

He describes his greatest personal accomplishment as making his family proud. “Professionally, it’s got to be the Derby win with I’ll Have Another.” We’ll keep our eye on Jack Sisterson, Team O’Neill, and the upand-coming Triple Crown prospects out of Santa Anita. Good luck to our new friend Jack in both horseracing and love.


smasH Hls animal aCtiVists IT’s NOT JusT MONKEY BusINEss BY susIE MEIsTEr

Founder Gary serignese was involved in activism for many years, but felt the efforts were not producing the results for which he hoped. He thought south Florida lacked the kind of activism that actually changed the ways animals were being treated. He didn’t want to just give out leaflets—he wanted to “challenge the status quo.” As a result, he created smash HLs to create a higher degree of efficacy. He said, “Smash hLS was going to directly confront the animal exploiters in our area and actually close them down.” serignese wanted to target facilities that would result in the most liberated/protected animals. While most of us think of rats and mice as the animals most affected by laboratory testing, Florida’s climate mimics the natural habitat of primates, making it ideal for the housing and testing on these animals. smash HLs decided they could have the greatest impact if they focused their work on these holding centers because they are not as prevalent in other areas of the country. He says, “Our job is to work most on those campaigns that are likely to win and bring substantial strategic results,” and these primate facilities provide that opportunity for success. Furthermore, they represent the supply aspect of the supply/retail relationship; so shutting them down means retail shops lose access to the primates as well.

We’ve all seen the work of animal activist organizations that protest animal mistreatment, consumption, extermination, and testing. some organizations take a mild approach while others go to extremes to fight for the protection of animal life. south Florida’s, smash HLs, founded in 2010, falls somewhere in the middle with vocal protests as their primary means of activism in response to the imprisoned animals in testing laboratories.


smash HLs is not haphazard in their strategy to close the primate housing centers. Gary researched successful animal rights campaigns, and found some themes emerge that were predictors of success. First, he found persistence to be highly effective. He says, “In order to shut down an animal abuse establishment one must protest them repeatedly. That means that one or two protests a year just won’t do it. It will take that many and more per month.”

Another discovery Gary made through his animal activism research is the importance of the “home demo.” This highly controversial strategy stages protests outside the homes of people associated with the labs. serignese says the home demos are not surprisingly very effective in encouraging lab employees to quit their jobs. In limiting the available workforce for the labs and housing facilities, smash HLs is handicapping them, thus making it harder for them to run effectively. smash HLs does not limit these demos to lab employees, however, and has received attention for protesting the homes of family members of the lab employees and primate importers including a 93-year-old mother of a known primate dealer. As with any activist group, smash HLs receives a wide range of responses. some people are hostile, others offer a thumbs-up or honk in support, and still others join the ranks of protesters when they find out their neighbors are associated with animal testing. He says, “That’s the type of inspiring support we often receive. I am pleased to know, all types of people, from all walks of life, can be completely opposed to animal abuse and exploitation.” Even though animal activism can have a stigma associated with it, smash HLs’s founder is inspired to press on due to the 150 billion animals that he says are slaughtered every year. He says he wants to end their suffering, and yearns for a world that is safe for all animals. The only way to do that is for people to fight for it. Gary’s good intentions do not spare him from punishment, and he has been imprisoned and ended up in court “countless times.” As a result, he says this is more than just his job as it affects every aspect of his life, but says, “None of these negative experiences mean much to me.” He believes it is a small price to pay in order to live according to his conscience. “Morality demands action, and a real attempt to transform the world according to the moral law,” he states. For all its efforts, smash HLs has seen some success in their four-year existence. They convinced five airlines to stop transporting primates into the country for use and abuse in experimentation. These airlines were slated to bring monkeys to Florida from the Caribbean, but thanks to smash HLs, 2013 was the first year in at least two decades that no monkeys were exported from certain Caribbean islands. The activism of smash HLs also spurred the closing of the Primate Products, Inc. quarantine facility, which imported and bred monkeys for experiments. such tangible victories makes it all worth it for the organization’s founder and volunteers. If serignese has his way, these successes will be just the beginning. He wants to work toward a world where animals are protected from humans. For more information on smash HLs visit www.smashhls.com or visit www.facebook.com/southfloridasmashhls 81

Barre by Day, Bar by Night Written and photographed by Cody Nicole Wiegand

Pure Barre Wexford and ByLangley recently teamed up for a Ladies Night that went off without a hitch. Barre by Day, Bar by Night took place on June 12th and brought a group of stylish women together for a fashion-filled evening. The fitness studio was transformed into the perfect venue space where women gathered and enjoyed tasty cocktails and lively conversation. Catering was provided by You’re Invited and Bartrams Bakery cupcakes were on display, which spelled out “Happy Birthday Marissa” to celebrate a Pure Barre’s instructor’s special day. And there was much more to celebrate. Models flaunted chic, comfortable looks from ByLangley, who specializes in contemporary, casual loungewear. The fashion show was styled by Brittney Theiroff, and Harmony Salon provided hair and makeup for the models. The Wexford salon also offered services onsite for guests. Audi of America was also involved with the event, and had one of their gorgeous luxury vehicles on display out front. Throughout the evening, ladies lined up to purchase tickets for the raffle, which included must-have items like a Pure Barre package offering two private sessions and one month unlimited classes. Premier Laser Spa, Harmony Salon, and Embody Juice Café and Studio also donated items for the auction. ByLangley also donated a percentage of sales from the night. The gorgeous, vibrant bouquets from McCandless Floral were also being sold at the end of the night, and all proceeds from the event benefited Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. The event was a huge success and a great time for an even greater cause.


Top Ten

Reasons Grumpy Cat Is Mad about Maniac’s Dog Issue

10 9 8 An entire issue, 7 Maniac? 6 5 4 no “outdoor 3 dogs”? 2 I’m grumpy about 1 everything!

You guys know that dogs eat their own poop, right? Every time you pretend to throw the tennis ball those dumb dogs fall for it. EVERY TIME . We groom ourselves. With our tongues. What more do you want?!

How many toilet bowls do dogs have to drink out of before you realize they’re disgusting?

There is a media bias in favor of dogs. When is the last time you saw a cat on a sitcom? It’s time for equality in the arts.

When is the last time you actually saw a dog go fetch the newspaper? That’s what I thought.

That’s fine—it would’ve cut into my napping schedule anyway .

Have you not seen my impressive stamina in chasing laser pointers? You know why there’s

They can’t be trusted, that’s why.






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thanks to shaWnDa & Barry sMoKer who helped Whitehouse Salon raise $6,000 for Animal Friends



July 17

July 25

stayin’ alive

A Symphonic Celebration

One night of the Bee Gees

July 19

Music of John Williams

Resident Conductor Lawrence Loh conducts a ˇ summer symphonic celebration featuring Dvorák’s Carnival Overture. Enjoy a breathtaking performance of Rachmaninoff’s Concerto No. 2 for Piano featuring Olga Kern and Brahms’ Symphony No. 3.

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August 2

Summer with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

July 23

Boyz II Men The iconic R&B group returns to perform live with the Pittsburgh Symphony.

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Howard Hanna

Homes of Distinction

Very grand & exquisite Tyburn Woods Estate. Completely renovated over past 12 years with attention to every detail. Gorgeous woodwork and lighting and grand rooms. McCandless $3,250,000 Maggsie Sliger 412-963-6300

Mediterranean estate on 2.3 Acres of majestic and private grounds, governors drive, dramatic foyer with soaring ceiling. Murrysville $1,800,000 Deb Kane 412-856-8800

Nestled on a quiet cul de sac, this gorgeous Georgian Colonial boasts every possible modern amenity. Totally renovated from top to bottom with the finest craftsmanship and details. Shadyside $2,300,000 Roz Neiman 412-361-4000

Dream kitchen serves as the heart of this contemporary architectural masterpiece. Originally designed by architect Louis Astorino for his own residence. Churchill $850,000 Ilona Tassone 412-271-7600


Magical 24 acre estate is home to the main house with three finished levels, three cottages, a two-level car barn and in-ground swimming pool. Sewickley Hts $1,650,000 Kathe Barge 412-741-2200

Party at the Pointe was a huge success! We hope you enjoyed a night of luxury living and beautiful fashion! Visit Sundays from 12-5 pm or schedule a private tour.





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