March/April Luxury Issue

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M ARCH | APR IL 2 013

ART / C U LT UR E / FA SHI O N / C E L E B R I T Y . . . T HE I N N E R M A N I AC I N A L L O F US


luxury ISSUE



Discover the beauty of blossoms



Plus-size model.

New Orleans Jazz Brasserie.Nouveau Creole Menu

West Coast Kitchen and Wine Bar

Nuevo Latino Bistro with Seviche Bar




What people are saying...

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@SpectralLionness: Met the incredible mind behind Pittsburgh’s premiere fashion & lifestyle magazine, @ManiacMagazine, yesterday. Brilliant & inspiring publication! @EmilyTSutton: @susie_meister @ManiacMagazine really enjoyed the first podcast. Look forward to the next one! @kalshanahan: I did an internship at @ManiacMagazine when they were only six people strong. Now look at ‘em go! So awesome. @StephanieSomoo: @NikkiReed_I_Am you looking amazing on the cover of @ManiacMagazine #Holiday @chelseaasams: Been reading the @ManiacMagazine I picked up on my visit to their office yesterday with my boss. Can’t put it down! #Loveit

April Hubal


Bridgette Cunningham

Elizabeth Glaessner

Cody Nicole Wiegand

April Hubal, Richard Lohr, Cody Nicole Wiegand, Michael Johansson, Nate Hathaway, Tara Schmidt, Anthony David

Bridgette Cunningham, Bernadette Callaghan, Charissa Livingston, Susie Meister, Quinn Keaney, Zara Husaini, Alicia Krupa, Samuel Yamron, Cody Nicole Wiegand, Rachel Sanzone, Jordyn Christine, Christine L. Perkins

33 Terminal Way | Suite 533a Pittsburgh, PA 15219


1. bylangley 2. parisnicholson 3. fashion_ace 4. freshfactory 5. bec3225 6. jodihackett







O N T HE C O V E R Photography April Hubal Stylist Kelsey Panicco Skingraft Leather Visor, Paige Novick Gold Geometric Earrings, Chris Habana Cage Quartz Necklace, The Blonds Gold Mirror Corset, Erin Barr Beaded Skirt, Etienne Aigner Bag Right Hand: Tateossian Gold Bracelet Left Hand: Paige Novick Gold Sophia Bracelet

33 Terminal Way | Suite 533a Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412.904.2281 l advertising inquries 8

Instagram photos continue on page 83


CONTENTS March / April 2013 12/ BTS Cover Shoot

14/ UNDERCOVER Maggie Grace

26/ MUSIC Jessie Ware

28/ PROFILE Diane von Furstenberg at Claridge’s

30/ FEATURE Splash Kitchen and Bath

32/ FEATURE Piatt Properties

34/ FEATURE Bentley


Future Floral

38/ FEATURE Maniac Mom

42/ FASHION Uptown Girl



Lexus of North Hills’ Diamond Gala

54/ ART Art Basel

56/ STYLE PROFILE Mollie Lang

57/ SHOPS Mint, Gold, and Florals

60/ HEALTH Genetically Modified Foods

62/ FASHION Street Style


When I first think of luxury, I think of excess, of lust, of jewel-encrusted Louboutins, the ones so divine that they have only graced my feet when I indulged in taking them for a spin on Bergdorf Goodman’s shoe floor. I think of exotic locales, gold jewels, and a rich tan in the middle of a harsh winter. I’ve had my fair share of encounters with the luxurious, mostly working retail and selling gorgeous dresses for one-night affairs to those who could afford that kind of disposable wardrobe. I worked at Saks Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and quickly learned just how far people will go for a name that’s associated with luxury and superior quality. When we had our largest sale ever, women were throwing Gucci bags across the main floor and a fist fight ensued. The bottom line is this, though. We take our products seriously. We all want symbols of status and feel that when we’ve worked hard enough to pay for these things, we’re sort of entitled to splurge. I’ll never throw a handbag or a fist for a discount, because that takes away the pride in affording the fabulous. There’s something a little bit magical and fun about imagining all of the things that I can’t have right now. It gives me something to look forward to, it’s a motivation to go big. I can remember being a preteen and shopping at the flagship Ralph Lauren store in New York. There was a small leather motorcycle jacket hanging on the door of an armoire in one of the meticulously decorated rooms. I looked at the price tag. It was 25,000 dollars. I was shocked. That amount was unimaginable to me at that age. It might as well have been a trillion. My aunt who has lived there for years said to me, “Some day when you’re a career girl, you can buy that.” I never forgot it. There’s a Coco Chanel quote that keeps popping up on my Pinterest page. “The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive.” It immediately came to me when I was thinking of what to say to everyone in this issue. Without doubt, the best things in life are love and happiness and all of those other intangible wonders that make life so beautiful. However, there is something to be said of the joy that can come from things purchased. I may never be able to afford that leather jacket that I loved so dearly and can still picture from my adolescence, but I can afford the gourmet coffee each morning and the Tom Ford perfume that I’ve been wearing for years. This issue is a compilation of all of the luxuries that the MANIAC team has experienced over the past few months. Dream Downtown where we photographed Maggie Grace really was a dream with perfect furniture and sleek design. And what could be more glamorous than hitting the elevator button for the penthouse to go meet one of the most gorgeous actresses we’ve ever seen? As a last note, I want you to know that we intentionally kept a lot of our content local. You’ll find that a lot of our pages encourage you to find your own way to splurge right here in Pittsburgh. Discover your own little luxuries, and keep dreaming of the big ones with me. Love,

Yacht Week British Virgin Islands


Bridgette Cunningham Editor

Luxury in Pittsburgh

PAGE 57 10






Behind the Scenes of MANIAC’s Luxury Cover Shoot

Dream Downtown Presidential Suite

W H O Maggie Grace W H E R E The Presidential Suite at Dream Downtown in New York City W H A T We channeled Julia Roberts as the soundtrack to Pretty Woman played throughout the suite and Maggie modeled gorgeous gowns from Escada and accessories from Etienne Aigner and Paige Novick. Shot exclusively by Maniac Magazine’s own April Hubal.


Being that my concept was Pretty Woman, my goal was to transform Maggie into an eclectic, chic Vivian Ward, representing sophistication straight out of Hollywood in the 90s.”

MANIAC caught up with Tom Michael of Larrimor’s at the Escada showroom

gold geometric earrings and gunmetal 12 phoebe triangle earrings by Paige Novick


Maggie Grace



Maggie Grace has most often been cast as the damsel in distress, a role that’s not so true for her character in real life. At 5’ 9”, the blonde beauty could be a young Charlize Theron with her somewhat raspy voice and legs that go for miles.

Mango Heels, Paige Novick Gold And Garnet Ella Tricolor Short Earrings, Monika Chiang Handcuff Charm Necklace, The Blonds Lipstick Belt, Skingraft Red Leather Jacket, Erin Barr Red Zipper Pencil Skirt Left Hand: Etienne Aigner Red Double Wrap Leather Bracelet, Tateossian Gold Bracelet





Grace is hardly hapless like her characters, earning roles in the cult series Lost and the blockbuster Taken flicks alongside Liam Neeson. In person, Grace’s presence was commanding, her long pauses and deliberate answers left me wanting for more. She didn’t want her belly showing like other twenty-something blondes, and she’s more of a bookworm than a socialite. So while her name isn’t in every household yet, it’s probably better for the long run. At twenty-nine, things are just heating up for her career. Grace spoke in a low tone, with a hint of a British accent, and bounced between excitement and reserve at our photo session at the Dream Hotel in New York City. As you can see in our pictures, she was most alive when the camera was turned on her. She toyed with hats and showed off her glistening legs, alternating between smiles and seduction. What was strange was how reluctant she was to talk about herself in an interview. While performing my research on Grace, half-naked pictures of her were circulating the internet (taken from a scene in Showtime’s raunchy series Californication) and I had expected something different. Each question she answered was calculated and direct, with long pauses. She deeply elaborated on her characters, but didn’t offer much about her personal life. It’s this mystique paired with traditional Hollywood beauty that makes her sensational, and an unlikely heroine against the sea of the overexposed stars. She has a pretty standard Hollywood story - coming from a somewhat broken home, a young girl leaves it all behind with bigger dreams. She hails from a small town in Ohio and she’s got relatives in Pittsburgh. The small town girl attitude was left behind a long time ago though, and now she’s all Hollywood. She dropped out of high school and moved to Los Angeles with her mother at only sixteen, after her parents divorced. Grace and her mother struggled, shuffling apartments and working odd jobs with little stability. When I asked her if the experience left her stronger and pushed her to success, she was silent for a few seconds before replying, “I think I didn’t really have a plan B. I really love what I do, even when its been hard, I’ve been quite committed to it. I’ve always worked just enough. I haven’t had another job. This has always been my job. Just in the nick of time, I’d get a check in the mail from some TV commercial and didn’t have to move back to Ohio.” Before her days in LA, Grace spoke of a different childhood, before her teen struggles, that was full of light in Worthington, 16

Ohio. She called the small town a “really sheltered, wonderful place to grow up” and she reminisced about hay rides and community theater there. “I fell in love with community theater as a kid, and in adolescence it became my whole life,” she said. “I went to theater festivals as a theater geek when I was thirteen or fourteen. That’s when I realized I could maybe do this for a living, and I went to LA to try my luck.” It seemed only appropriate that Grace would go back to the stage if given the opportunity. At the time of our interview, she was performing daily on Broadway as Madge, the star of William Inge’s Pulitzer-Prize winning 1950s play, Picnic. “It’s been a dream come true,” she says. “The thirteen-year-old drama nerd inside of me is doing backflips daily.” She was hailed as the unexpected Broadway debutante, but that doesn’t mean she was without insecurities. “It’s a big change, and you’re much more vulnerable in doing stage because you have to go back there eight times a week,” she explained. Madge is a character that should be somewhat relatable for Grace, the girl who’s probably too pretty for her own good. Both the character Madge and the real life Grace seem to have a tough time getting past typecasts and earning the credibility that they deserve. “She’s a classic ingenue but has some fatal flaws, mainly vanity,” Grace said of her character. “She’s drawn to feel something, and that’s an architecture for change. I think it’s not just this nice girl falling for a bad boy thing. You know everyone kind of views her that way.” She offered some wise advice on Madge’s propensity to fall back on her beauty to get by and said, “It’s sort of a trap because it provides this passive, reinforced positivity over and over again.” In complete opposition to the innocent character that Grace seemed fit to play in her 50’s dresses and perfect hair, our cover girl was also gearing up for her reoccurring role as Faith in the sixth season of Californication. She plays a groupie and muse to rock stars that leading man David Duchovny meets in rehab. Talking to her, you get the sense that this is her most enjoyable character, the one she feels the most comfortable being. “It’s really different character, more of a masculine role,” she said of Faith. “It’s a bit more of my sense of humor - snarky. I’m having a blast with that.” Even with Grace being best-known for her helpless girl roles, her career spans a range of different gigs. She starred in Twilight: Breaking Dawn with our last cover girl, Nikki Reed, as vampire Irina and was in January’s pilot episode of the television series The Following with Kevin Bacon. She really is a girl that keeps the jobs piling up. “I think everything is working in tandem quite well. Everything feeds something else,” she said of her recent roles. “I have great friendships from Twilight.” As far as making movies, she assured that it’s not all the glamour that we see. “Doing movies, there’s a lot of technical stuff - action, special effects, waiting for lighting. It can be a long day,” she said. “Time spent interacting with another actor is very minimal. If that’s the magic you fell in love with, you’re not going to get a lot of it. You find other things to fall in love with. I love travel, the gypsy lifestyle, but you do start to miss the work of it, and it’s nice to have the luxury of doing plays now and then.” The gypsy lifestyle is what Grace attributes most to her personal style. She’s not your typical celebrity obsessed with fashion although she did enjoy the clothes onset at our shoot, even calling a mirrored top her own homage to Katy Perry. But Grace is more sentimental than that. “I keep things from different times in my life and places that I’ve spent a lot of time. Right now, I’ve got on a coat

Cardigan by Burton Necklace by Giles & Brother

Monika Chiang Heels, Escada White Sequin Gown, Monika Chiang Bolt Tassel Earrings, Monika Chiang Silver Handcuff Charm Necklace And Silver Tassel Chain Necklace, Paige Novick Necklace Right Hand: Paige Novick Gunmetal Carla Cuff, Etienne Aigner Bracelet, Hexagon Left Hand: Glam Rock Gold Watch, Monika Chiang Artisanal Croco Cuff


UNDERCOVER that I had made in Argentina years ago,” she said. “I occasionally keep a piece off of a job. I just like things that feel special.” Travel can be an important luxury to someone who is reeling in major movie roles. As with all actors and actresses, a certain amount of exposure brings with it the crazy fans. When I asked about the fan antics, Grace admitted to an awkward moment. “My mom and I went on a girls trip to a spa for Mother’s Day, and this girl was crying in the steam room. She got so excited, and I was like, I really wish I had clothes on right now.” With her career picking up, it seems likely that Maggie Grace’s fan base is only going to grow. There were rumors of a Showtime spin-off for her and on the day of our conversation, our interview was moved for an audition she attended. She’s poised for success with her guard up. I don’t predict any problems with the law or wardrobe malfunctions for this Los Angeles blonde. When I asked what roles should really like to tackle next, she responded, “I’m reading a lot of plays right now. Mostly I just want to work with people I respect, creatively and as human beings, which I feel very lucky to be doing right now.”

Escada Jumpsuit With Belt, Georgine Gloves, Etienne Aigner Gold Tassel Chain Necklace Right Hand: Mango Gem Bracelet, Paige Novick Gold Raffia Bling Cuff, Monika Chiang Triple Ring Set Left Hand: Paige Novick Silver Kiki Bling Ring, Monika Chiang Black Tube With Chain Bracelet,



UNDERCOVER UNDERCOVER Mango Black Polka Dot Sleeve Dress, Betsey Johnson Tulle Dress, Mango Hat, Paige Novick Gold Ella Earrings, Mango Heels Left Hand: Rebekah Lea Ring, Ruthie Davis Bag

Erin Barr Cutout Blouse, Mango Blazer, Mango Shorts, Gigi Burris Millinery Hat, Monika Chiang Waist Belt, Carrera y Carrera Pearl And Gold Earrings, panther pin, stylist’s own . Left Hand: Paige Novick Gold Raffia Bling Cuff, Monika Chiang Gold Spike Bracelet And Tassel Chain Silver Bracelet Right Hand: Paige Novick Black And Gold Natalie Cuff, Glam Rock Gold Watch



UNDERCOVER Mango Black Polka Dot Sleeve Dress, Betsey Johnson Tulle Dress, Mango Hat, Paige Novick Gold Ella Earrings, Mango Heels left hand: Paige Novick Phoebe ring






I’m actually the biggest geek ever, and I snort when I laugh.


In the video for her single “Running,” Jessie Ware is pure vixen. She wears red lipstick. She writhes across the room without any hint of apology. She wears her hair in a severe updo, dark eyes bared. She engages in a staring contest with the camera. She doesn’t back down.


You can watch that video a million times and every time you’ll swear that she’s looking straight at you. There are moments in that video that hint at a confidence so intense, the viewer almost has to look away. She’s daring you to find the crack in her armor - the hint of self-doubt that every star faces when she’s on the brink. Jessie Ware’s vulnerability may be almost undetectable. But it’s there. “Confidence. Presenting myself and saying, ‘Yes, I’m a singer.’ I really struggle with that. It’s just me being really nervous and neurotic about it,” the London native says. The singer is especially proud of the effort she made on “Running”, and she sells it well. Songwriting is new to her but she calls “Running”, along with her other high-profile single “Wildest Moments”, her “most competent” songs. “It makes me feel like I’ve come a long way in songwriting and maybe now I can call myself a songwriter. I learned how to do a skill when I had no idea to do it right in the beginning.” Ware didn’t arrive on the scene in typical Hollywood fashion, a young ingénue made precocious by big dreams and ruthless pressure. At 28, she’s gained buzz with

relatively little struggle. She doesn’t have the well-rehearsed shtick most young singers do. She doesn’t need it. Jessie may not have been tailor-made for this world. She had neither the pedigree, nor the lifelong ambition to make her a shoo-in for the music industry. But her story is sane and her voice is the real thing. And that alone makes her special. “I knew I could sing, but I kind of just didn’t take it seriously. I thought I needed to go get an education and be sensible and go get a proper job. Although I could sing, I just wasn’t really that person who would tell everybody I could,” the singer, who studied English and planned to pursue journalism says. Jessie got her start in the business as a backup singer, when her friend Jack Penate invited her to tour with him. “I really enjoyed it so I did some other stuff and then I got signed.” While touring, Jessie fell in love with America, and America seems to love her right back. Comparisons are inevitable in the music industry, and Jessie earned the most coveted one – She’s been likened to fellow Brit Adele. “It’s a big compliment.

She’s a great artist. She’s wonderful. So yes, being compared to her is very lovely,” she says. But Jessie is quick to add that she sees herself as very, very different than Adele. Like Adele, soul is a huge part of Jessie’s artistry, though Jessie’s music has a more contemporary, sonic feel to it. “I’ve tried to make it as concise as possible and I feel like the music I make is kind of British electronic soul. And as an artist, I’m a bit neurotic. I’m a bit awkward on stage. I talk too much,” she reveals. She doesn’t play any instruments, but that doesn’t stop her from remaining heavily involved in the songwriting process. She collaborates on everything and finds inspiration from films, books, music and friendships – but mostly relationships. Jessie’s voice is unlike anything the music industry has heard in a while. It’s mature, smoky-smooth, and steeped in soul. On the bottom it’s sensual, but it ascends with a nimble, almost-airy quality on her higher notes. She has a face full of angles, the kind that lends itself to edge, so it’s no wonder that she favors fashion that plays this up.

“Miu Miu’s clothes are so fun and sexy and they actually make me wear color,” she says. “I really like quite tailored stuff. Any time I can wear a Margiela blazer or a McQueen blazer, I’m happy.” Jessie feels strongly about maintaining her musical persona through fashion. “I want it to be interesting when I perform onstage, so fashion has become really important. Probably more important than I thought it was going to be. I’m really enjoying discovering new designers and having fun with it. I just wasn’t the biggest fashionista when I was younger.” Everything – the look, the face, that incredible voice – goes to makes Jessie Ware the artist that she is. While MANIAC loves the demure and sexy side we see of Ware in “Running,” we’re glad we got to see the other side of this neurotic, inquisitive, 28-year-old Brit with a new love for fashion. “When I was thinking about being fierce maybe I took it too far,” she says of the way that video turned out. “I’m actually the biggest geek ever, and I snort when I laugh.”




Diane von Furstenberg It was only a matter of time before the woman named the most powerful in fashion by Forbes magazine would take her magic touch from ready-to-wear to interior design. Her signature prints that define her global luxury brand translate onto not just dresses but to entire suites in London. 28


European luxury is most often found in the history of its architecture. Keeping the grandeur of earlier centuries while meeting the needs of modern accommodations were the ideas behind one of the world’s most legendary fashion icons, Diane von Furstenberg, and London’s exclusive Claridge Hotel. Diane von Furstenberg has kept a residence at the Claridge since the early 1970’s. Her collaboration with longtime friend and interior designer, Olivier Gelbsmann, features rooms with handmade furniture as well as photographs taken by Diane von Furstenberg during her travels through Europe and Asia. The hotel’s legendary Piano Suite boasts contemporary prints, Chinese florals, and bold scale animal patterns with custom-designed cashmere blankets. “Claridge is the most glamorous hotel in the world,” says von Furstenberg. “Hotels like this don’t exist anymore and the legacy must be respected. It is very important to keep the original architecture and the formality of the layout of the rooms in order to preserve the old style of grand hotel life that I love so much. It has been a true privilege to design new furniture, fabrics, and rugs to keep it relevant for today’s needs and taste.” Von Furstenberg’s inspiration is clearly displayed in every room. “Diane’s personal love and passion for Claridge’s provides a unique perspective which she has drawn upon in executing her creative vision,” commented Stephen Alden, CEO for the Maybourne Hotel Group. “Our collaboration with the talented Diane von Furstenberg is the latest storyline within our history of forward thinking design, he added. Since its opening in 1898, Claridge has been a desired destination of choice

for decades. The Diane von Furstenberg guestrooms and suites combine the legacy of design while celebrating a glorious and timeless elegance as it continues to play host to royalty, celebrities, and heads of state. Owned and managed by the Maybourne Hotel Group in Mayfair, London, Claridge is one of the three most renowned hotels in the world. Diane von Furstenberg was founded in 1972 and has grown into the global luxury lifestyle brand it is today. The DVF collection of fabric and design combined with the Claridge’s grandeur sets a modern yet pristine ambiance in every room. Pieces including a dressing table, traveling trunk, desk and cocktail bar, were inspired by von Furstenberg’s travels. The dressing table is reminiscent of her trips to Italy, the traveling trunk bears imagines of caravans and stylish steamer trunks, and the cocktail bar contains designs inspired by jeweled boxes found in the Middle East. The window dressings, inset wall coverings and upholstery, feature DVF’s exclusive textile collection. The Piano Suite’s bedroom is light and dreamy complimenting the bold living room. All glasswork found throughout the suite is Murano that were hand-crafted in Bali. The handmade wool and silk rugs feature DVF’s signature animal patterns in dark browns and ivory. The history of Claridge and the innovative collection of Diane von Furstenberg worked together to showcase a premiere luxury hotel. Her originality combined with the architecture of decades of decadence created a distinct style in each room. With her signature style, Diane von Furstenberg continues to add to the luxury that has remained a constant in both her collection and the legacy of Claridge. Celebrated as

one of the world’s most famous designers, von Furstenberg mixed the magic of her travels into the original designs of Claridge’s early beginnings. Maybourne hotels are committed to delivering authentic and unique guests experiences that reflect the individual nature of its hotels. Adding Diane von Furstenberg’s exclusive designs to the suites and guest rooms continues the tradition of Claridge’s reputation as the “Art Deco jewel of Mayfair.”



A Splash of Luxury Dressing your home is similar to dressing yourself. You have to fall in love with the look. But interior design reflects more. When styling your home, a timeless and classic look should be emphasized while also factoring comfort, energy, and function.

Whether you are planning to outfit a new bathroom or gift yourself the dream kitchen you’ve always wanted, Splash offers more than luxury for your home. The gracious curve of a faucet spout, claw feet on a vintage-style tub, molding on a custom cabinet or just the right knob to open it with are just a few of the accents Splash offers to add that special touch to your home. Maybe you’ve been longing to add a master bath suite, freshen up your powder room, install a wine cellar, or maybe even expand your kitchen. Whatever you are touching up, Splash shows a fresh inspiration and an extensive series of product choices. From fabulous faucets and fixtures to tantalizing tiles and tops, custom cabinetry and gracious hardware, Splash 30

has a comprehensive collection of home necessities for kitchen, bath, and bar. They captivate a combination of function and aesthetics and deliver a home space that is efficient and relaxing. I had the opportunity to chat with Splash Showroom Manager and Interior Designer Brent Hugus. Brent has worked with Splash for five years, is on the National Kitchen & Bath Association, and consistently travels to conventions throughout the US and overseas to gather interior updates. Brent took the time to share a few of his design tricks, tips, and inspirations; plus what to look for next season! MANIAC: Describe the design process with Splash. Brent Hugus: The design process at Splash

is very flexible. After meeting with a client and accessing their goals, we create a plan that encompasses their dream space. M: Where do you seek current design trends? BH: We are fortunate to be in an industry that is driven by global fashion. The manufacturers we work with drive trends that are on the cutting edge. M: What makes Splash different from other companies? BH: The breadth of products we carry facilitates the design process, thus creating the client’s dream space (tile, plumbing, fixtures, lighting, custom cabinets, hardware). M: What are your current interior inspirations? BH: My inspirations come from traveling to different states and countries. I am able to see, first hand, design trends that I can relate back to my sale staff and customers. M: What would you suggest to customers looking to add a bit of luxury to their homes, whether kitchen or bath? BH: Invest in items that get the most use, like a pot filler or steam in your shower. You will enjoy the functionality of those luxury items in your home, while adding value for future return on investment when selling. M: When it comes to bathrooms, Splash is able to create hydrotherapy at home, giving

home bathrooms a spa-like effect. Describe the creating process. BH: The products we have available make it easy to achieve the spa-like effect in the home. Various tub lines have hydrotherapy, chromatherapy, heated back rest, and aromatherapy all in one (Bain Ultra). In addition, the client can create a shower with chromatherapy, steam, and sound with the Thermasol line. M: What home investments would you recommend to customers? BH: Invest in a higher quality kitchen or bath so you are able to enjoy the luxury every day. M: Kitchen trends are also constantly changing, what are a few popular kitchen looks right now? BH: Transitional looks with white marbles, polished nickel/chrome, white and grays are increasingly popular today. M: When designing a showroom, what’s the most important aspect you want to stand out to customers? BH: The showroom should not overwhelm the customer, but instead inspire them with innovative ideas. Updating displays consistently helps to stay up to date on trends in the industry. M: Splash definitely puts emphasis on the details in a home. Whether it be molding, hardwood, the perfect knob, or claw feet

on your fabulous vintage tubs, details really do set the bar. What are a few popular accessories in design right now? BH: Accessories such as towel warmers, rain shower heads, and crystal knobs are a perfect detail in achieving style in your home. Accessories can take the bath or kitchen to the next level. M: What looks should we expect to see more of in homes? BH: Cleaner designs, whites, grays, glass, floating cabinets, and wall mount toilets will be seen more in the future. M: When setting the scene at home, what do you think is the most important aspect to the image? BH: All aspects are important. The space needs to be well thought out and put together using the home owner’s wants and needs. To make a trip to a Splash Pittsburgh showroom visit for locations. As for the MANIAC team, we may need one of those Spa-effect showers, or a vintage claw foot tub!





Like most twenty-somethings out there, living in my own place in a big city has always been a dream. 32

Like most twenty-somethings out there, living in my own, luxury apartment in a big city has always been a personal dream. How could anyone turn down the idea of walking to work, having the trendiest downtown hotspots only a few steps from your front door, or most importantly, a big closet? Something about it just makes me feel like I’m the Pittsburgh version of Carrie from Sex and the City, striking out on my own and living life to the fullest. I know I’m not alone in this dream, and that plenty of other young professionals strive to achieve this luxurious goal. What I didn’t know, but found out one cold January evening in a crowded downtown coffee shop, is that it isn’t just my dream to have a safe haven amidst bustling city life, but also the dream of a 73-year-old retiree and a 49-year-old mother and wife. I asked five truly captivating people to meet with me over a latté and discuss their experiences living in downtown Pittsburgh’s River Vue Apartments and Market Square Place, both within walking distance of each other. I wasn’t really sure what to expect going into the situation, but what I left with was a life-altering experience of meeting five neighbors, all varying in gender, age, and profession, but with the commonality of living and loving their apartments in Pittsburgh. Charles Rossetti, Mary K. Weatherbee, and Melvyn Killmeyer all live in Market Square Place, located in the thick of Market Square and the Cultural District. The building is the historic renovation of the former G.C. Murphy building located on Market Square in downtown Pittsburgh, combining accessibility and convenience

in one luxury building. Take a look outside the front doors of Market Square Place, and you’ll see that you’re only a few short steps away from Andy’s at the Fairmont. Walk around the side of the building and you’ll find places to shop, dine, experience Market Square overall, or walk the streets of the Cultural District to grab a bite at world class restaurants, enjoy the arts, and visit museums. With Market Square Place consisting of only 46 lofts, the tenants have a unique opportunity of getting to know one another. From working out at MSP’s very own YMCA, relaxing on the private roof top courtyard, playing in the game and media room, or simply running into one another in the elevator, Market Square Place brings a friendly, warm atmosphere to its tenants. In fact, Charlie, 27, runs into Melvyn, 73, at restaurants nearby quite frequently. Mary told me she couldn’t think of her favorite part of living at Market Square Place, simply because narrowing it down to one would be too hard. There’s the convenience and financial aspect of being able to walk to work (and of course the added exercise), the availability of being able to choose from a number of restaurants – from subs to steaks, Market Square Place is surrounded by choices – and not to mention, the free membership at the YMCA for all of its residents. Any professional can tell you that it is extremely hard to get to the gym after a long day at work (not to mention Nola’s renowned Creole and Cajun cuisine just a block away. Hello happy hour!), and to include an additional cost to the dozens of bills and student loans can be hard for someone just starting out. Luckily, Mary

doesn’t have to worry about any additional costs, parking, or traveling. At her own convenience, she can work out at the YMCA while gazing out upon the beautiful city through seemingly sky-high glass walls. While Market Square Place is one of the best options for living in Pittsburgh, the River Vue Apartments also offer a modern, stylish alternative for tenants of all ages. Colleen Yost, a 49-year-old nurse at UPMC Presbyterian, recently moved into River Vue with her husband. They were looking to downsize from the suburban home they lived and raised their three children in for the past 27 years. While discussing the positives and negatives of suburban living, condo vs. smaller house, to continue doing yard work or throw in the towel and enjoy the amenities of apartment living, they decided to play around with the idea of moving to downtown Pittsburgh. At the time, River Vue Apartments were just about to be completed. Taking a classic 1960’s building from Pittsburgh’s Renaissance, Lucas Piatt and Millcraft Investments transformed it into the proverbial pinnacle of downtown living. The building offers a 24/7 valet, panoramic views of the Golden Triangle, a state-of-theart fitness center, a high-tech entertainment room, and a restaurant in the lobby home to Stone Neapolitan Pizzeria. When I asked Colleen how she and her husband are adjusting to city life, she looked at me with a sparkle in her eye and said, “It’s a beautiful thing to start dating your husband again after 27 years of marriage, and I have this city and our new home to thank.”



B Y: R A C H E L S A N Z O N E

Pittsburgh has had a pretty amazing year. Steel City has turned into the East Coast’s version of Hollywood with blockbusters like The Dark Knight Rises and Tom Cruise attending the premiere of Jack Reacher. We’ve had a huge increase in status so it only makes sense for high-end cars to follow. The Bentley of North Hills dealership is set to open its doors fall 2013. No, we’re not making that up. It’s really happening and seems only fitting to offer some knowledge and history on the prestigious brand.


While Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, and Lexus spring to mind when we think of class, there is an even smaller pool of brands that set the standard for lavishness even higher. Brands like Rolls-Royce, Maserati, and Bentley have all proven themselves as luxury vehicles, and the Bentley in particular has emerged as a popular choice of car for the rich and famous. One of the most famous owners of a Bentley - James Bond. He owned several Bentleys in the books, but in the films he usually drove an Aston Martin. While 007 may have been fiction, there are plenty of celebrity owners that have also achieved a degree of fame. Rapper Jay-Z mentions Bentleys in several of his songs and drives them as well. Ludacris owns a platinum Bentley Continental GT. Bigger than rappers though, the most famous owner may be the Queen of England. In 2002, Bentley Motors presented the Queen of England with two Bentley limousines as a present for her Golden Jubilee, a celebration marking her 50th year as Queen. These limousines are now the official state limousine. It only makes sense, seeing as this is their birthplace. Bentley Motor Company emerged out of England when Walter Owen Bentley built the first Bentley automobile in 1919. Being a race car enthusiast, he wanted to design and produce the world’s best race car. Racing enthusiasts took notice of the car’s superior performance and Bentleys came in

first place in races across Europe. A group of race-car drivers known as the Bentley Boys became famous for taking home trophies. Almost 94 years later; Bentley is arguably the definition of status. A Bentley has lots of specialized equipment and features. Prices range from around $180,000 for a bare-bones vehicle to more than $350,000, depending on the level of customization you want. Every single component fitted in the Bentley car is filed on computer with all minute details, so that it can be tracked back through all the development stages. This makes it easy for the engineer to change the position of a component or modify a component with respect to higher demands during the course of production. The dedication and work that goes into building a Bentley reflects on it winning the 24 Hours of Le Mans six times. The race is essentially the Grand Prix of luxury vehicles. Held in France since 1823, teams have to balance speed against the car’s ability to run for 24 hours without sustaining mechanical damage to things such as tires, and braking materials. The endurance of the drivers is equally tested, as drivers frequently spend periods of over two hours behind the wheel before stopping in the pits and allowing a relief driver to take over the driving duties. Today it is mandated that three drivers share each competing vehicle. A Bentley owner can expect the highest levels of performance without compromising

comfort. Veneers are matched with both book and mirror to have symmetry on either side of a Bentley’s centerline, and every piece of glass used in a Bentley car is finished using finely powered pumice that is mainly used to polish optical lenses. Lacquer-spraying robots simulate human sprayers and the steering wheels of all Bentley cars are doubled stitched by hand with the use of two needles simultaneously. Because the process is too complicated for a machine, it takes about 15 hours to create one steering wheel. This luxury car is a brand known for beauty, elegance, and high performance. The creative designers and skilled engineers work together to build cars that strengthen the unique experience of driving a Bentley car. The combination of beautiful design cues, elegant styling, flawless profile, and unmistakable characteristics are just a few of the reasons why the entire range of Bentley cars are known to show prestige. General Manager Kevin Mullen at the Bentley of North Hills dealership will be happy to offer interested customers the right financing options. Mullen is the current GM of Lexus of North Hills and is excited to add another luxury car brand to the area this year.








8 7


This spring, the beauty world is in bloom. A perennial favorite, the romantic trend of floral is having a revival on the faces of runway models and in department stores. Beauty products have been doused in bright, feminine flowers, from red roses and peonies, to purple orchids, so there’s sure to be some flora perfect for anyone trying to lose the winter blahs. If you can’t wait for real buds to appear, try out Lavanilla’s Vanilla and Lavender Fragrance, which contains tranquil, feminine floral notes like Spanish lavender, rose absolute, violet leaf, and warm Madagascar vanilla. Not only will it have you thinking of spring, but the signature, purple fleur-delis design on the bottle will make a pretty addition to your vanity. The Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil by Bumble and Bumble, is the perfect cure for winter-ravaged hair. With its exotic infusion of Tahitian Monoi extract, split ends will be a thing of the past. It softens, detangles, helps strengthen against breakage, dramatically reduces frizz, tames flyaways, and adds shine. It will have your hair beach-ready in no time. The Dream Essentials Eye Masks in Summer Flowers and Abstract Monet are vibrant, pretty options for anyone looking to get some sleep in style. With any luck, they’ll have you dreaming of garden parties and tropical vacations, instead of snow and ice.






1. Yes to Grapefruit Daily Facial Scrub 2. The Body Shop Satsuma Beautifying Oil, in Clementine 3. Beauty Smoothie 3-in-1 Shower Gel Bubble Bath Shampoo, in Dragonfruit Frappe 4. Garnier Fructis Style Sleek & Shine Hairspray 5. Formula 10.0.6 Deep Down Detox UltraCleanse Mud Mask, in Orange + Bergamot 6. Dream Essentials Eye Masks in Summer Flowers

7. philosophy Kiss Me Exfoliating Lip Scrub and Facial 8. philosophy Falling in Love Spray Fragrance 9. tarte Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush, in Dollface 10. Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil by Bumble and Bumble 11. Dream Essentials Eye Masks in Abstract Monet 12. Lavanilla’s Vanilla and Lavender Fragrance 37



Unexpectedly expecting


MANIACs do it in heels. Mothering, that is. Well, sometimes anyway. “Be careful carrying him in those shoes!” my mother warns as I strap my son into the car. “Don’t worry, I’m a pro,” I assure her. The last time you heard from me was in a three-part “Husband Upgrade” series for MANIAC, the last installment of which detailed all the reasons why motherhood wasn’t for me. (e.g. I don’t want to be one of those annoying moms, I don’t want to sacrifice my career, kids are gross, etc.). Well, accidents happen. Here I was, going about my business finishing a doctorate in Religious Studies at the University of Pittsburgh when I found myself sitting on the toilet staring at a plus sign on the end of the stick. It was hard to determine whether it was really a plus sign or if all the blood had flushed from my face and I was having some sort of nightmarish baby bump mirage. My hand was shaking as I stared at that stick. I had heard of false negatives, but not so much with the false positives. Alrighty then. We’re doing this. It didn’t take long for my husband and I to embrace our happy (?) surprise, and life doesn’t allow for much reflection on these matters. We were on a runaway baby train, and we needed to get ready for a wild ride. As an aside, however, you know those women that talk about how much they loved being pregnant and how beautiful it all is? They lie. (Either that, or my son’s now apparent, freakishly large noggin digging into my ribs for months in the womb tainted the experience.) As the stranger inside of me grew, I tried to imagine how my life would be upon his arrival to earth. When I would have moments of quiet, I treasured them knowing I would never be bored again. Knowing of the impending chaos made me grateful for the peace, but still didn’t prepare me for the throw up. So much throw up. Despite the job hazards, I am committed to being a mom with her own identity. I am unwilling to shelve, or worse eliminate, my interests, goals, and dreams. This determination is not without frustration. It would be easy for me to just surrender my aspirations, slip into a velour tracksuit, and sit at the mall play area with the other moms. I’m in love with the kid after all (I knew I was in trouble when I convinced myself his poop smelled like cinnamon. I have since been told it, in fact, does not). When I was pregnant, people routinely asked me what I was “going to do” about

school. What does that even mean? Not once did anyone ask my husband what he was “going to do” about his job. I could assume this is because getting a Ph.D. might be seen as frivolous, while he is gainfully employed. However, I assume it is because I have a vagina and he (thankfully) does not. What I’m “going to do” is finish my doctorate and then force you to call me Dr. Meister at all times, that’s what. Regardless of whether one decides to work or be a stay-at-home parent is not the point. Both are noble options that offer different challenges. The expectations on women are quite high. We’re asked to maintain, at minimum, the appearance of having it together and then behave as if it’s easy and that we’re loving every minute of it (Do you know how many Facebook statuses I read by women that include the phrase, “life is good”? A lot.). So why wear the heels then? Isn’t that just contributing to this idea that women must remain stylish and be number one mommies simultaneously? Well, I like heels, darn it. I like the way they make me feel, and I like the way they look with my crisp mom-jeans. Plus, they draw attention away from the giant puke stain on my cashmere sweater and the smell of “cinnamon” I got on my velvet blazer. Susie Meister hosts The Meister Piece podcast available for download at and iTunes. Follow her on Twitter: @susie_meister

I am committed to being a mom with her own identity. I am unwilling to shelve, or worse eliminate, my interests, goals, and dreams.


Lather. Rinse.

Repeat. 40

1237 Freedom Road Cranberry Township 724.772.1060 • Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Thurs. 9-9, Sat. 9-3 4807 William Penn Hwy. Murrysville 724.733.2600 • 200 Fifth Avenue Market Square 412.281.3712 41

FASHION Dress Dana Maxx, Jacket Mango, Hand Scarf Chanel

Uptown Girl



FASHION Jacket Mango, Shorts Dana Maxx, Tights Betsey Johnson, Ring Royal Asscher, Necklace and Bracelet Mango


Jacket Dana Maxx, Shirt Femme D’armes, Shorts Dana Maxx, Necklaces Mango, Bracelet Mango, Ring Royal Asscher


FASHION Body Suit American Apparel, Skirt Leila Shams, Bracelets Mango, Earrings Mango, Rings Royal Asscher


Shirt And Pants Femme D’armes, Scarf McQ




Dress Dana Maxx, Jacket Mango



Makenzie (Mak) Weinman

Dress Waldrip, Lingerie Agent Provocateur, Hat Mango, Necklace And Bracelets Mango







The 5th annual Diamond Gala, hosted by Kevin Mullen and Lexus of North Hills, was held on December 1st and brought Pittsburgh’s finest all under one roof. The highly anticipated event benefited Cribs for Kids, an organization founded by Judith Bannon, which helps prevent infant sleep-related injury and death due to unsafe sleep environments. Lexus of North Hills made the perfect venue, with its expansive layout and beautifully decorated showroom. Picturesque silent auction baskets lined the room, which was filled with patrons dressed to the nines in elegant gowns and tuxedos. Guests enjoyed dining on hors d’oeuvres prepared by Yes We Cater and desserts by Sugar Café. A gorgeous jewelry display from Brooks Diamonds was on display, and entertainment was provided by Vida Lisa Malcanas. The night also honored the president of the Pittsburgh Pirates Frank Coonelly and his wife Debbie. This black-tie affair never disappoints and is always the crème de la crème of events during the holiday season. In all, the Diamond Gala raised a total of $40,0000 for Cribs for Kids and that’s one large, incredible gift.





ART BASEL Ah, art - the ever-changing, impossible to define, subject to much criticism, necessary frivolity of life. 54


Both toddlers and Picasso have made it, and I, like many others, have a lot of questions about it. What makes it valuable? What should I pay for it? Is it a wise investment? Is this piece even good? The best way to go about making decisions about what constitutes art - leave it to an international committee of experts. Carefully selected galleries from all over the world showcase their goods and make up each of three cities’ Art Basel exhibitions (Basel, Miami Beach, and soon to be Hong Kong). If you don’t agree with the quality of what’s on display from any of the hundreds of participating galleries or just don’t really care about the great art debate, well then, there are also parties. What started as the brainchild of two gallerists in Basel, Switzerland, the inaugural show brought in over sixteen thousand visitors in 1970. It was a buzz-worthy debut for the art world and a preview to the momentum that the Basel brand would gain in the decades to come. The show hit its target by connecting the international art community. The Basel-based show remains the most prestigious art fair, and has even been championed by The New York Times as the “Olympics of the art world”. While the original Basel seems to be taken the most seriously, each location was chosen for its own reason and has developed its own personality. In 2002, Art Basel made its debut in Miami

Beach, a city seen as the perfect liaison between North and South America and a tempting place to spend December when climates are cold elsewhere. This venue brought Basel to a whole new level of publicity, and in the past decade has brought with it a new realm of criticism. The celebrities and socialites have made their way to Miami and the parties surrounding the scene are growing in grandeur with brands like Chanel and Moncler hosting their own events. The free champagne and on-going schedule of surrounding events is enough of a reason to take a beach vacation for scenesters and celebrity-chasers. With everyone from Beyonce to Kanye West in attendance at Art Basel Miami Beach 2012, it’s no wonder that there were endless blog posts about celebrities and street style, parties and brand names. While it may seem like Art Basel is selling out, chances are, it’s exactly the opposite. The Miami Beach scene has consequently become a huge topic of conversation for social media, and most importantly, sold art. And isn’t that exactly what Basel set out to do?

There’s heavy debate about whether the celebrity appeal and media attention has cheapened the art brand, but the fact remains that Art Basel is the best and biggest art fair in both the United States and abroad. When a show can get tens of thousands of people into a city for the sake of culture (perhaps not all are solely going for the purpose of art but, the art factor is unavoidable) a major feat has been accomplished. Basel is not just an exhibition hall in the Miami Beach Convention Center. It’s comprised of performances and exhibits that sprawl across nearby landscapes. It inspires pop-up shops, satellite fairs, and big name concerts to bring in big-money crowds. So what to do next when you’ve already got an established, now seemingly old-world, art institution in Europe and a Florida art party full of pretty young things with money to burn? Move on to Asia, of course. Half of the participating galleries in the the upcoming Art Basel Hong Kong hail from Asia and Asia-Pacific, and a new personality is sure to emerge from the latest installation. With over seven million

inhabitants in the city, I don’t think anyone can predict what this fair will bring to the art world. Hong Kong is the fourth largest home to millionaires (Switzerland is first) and the world’s third-largest art auction market (only behind New York and London), and for these reasons the upcoming Basel appears destined for success. It also helps that what’s now Art Basel Hong Kong, is actually a purchased and rebranded, already successful Hong Kong international art fair, that’s now had the ante upped with the high Basel standards. This third addition, being held from May 23-26, is about to break down international borders and will open up the art market in Asia in a new way. Basel’s goal has always been that of relationships, between artists and buyers and all of the middlemen who bring them together. From the notion of European refinement to the pop-culture crazed social media stereotypes in Miami, word has spread about art. And now, Asia, here comes the Art... Basel. For more information and future dates, please visit 55

style profile


Lele Sadoughi Heiroglyphics Bracelet Egyptian Blue, $265

MOLLIE LANG ASOS High Brow Oversize Sunglasses, $22 ASOS Mint Jumper, $62

Mollie Lang is our type of woman - business owner, mom, style maven. Her energy is contagious. We asked her to model our favorite trends for spring, and she had us laughing throughout the entire shoot. She’s proof that kindness does lead to success and that a smile is always the sexiest accessory. She might seem all sweet in person, but once you see her online lingerie boutique, byLangley, you’ll know that she’s equal parts spice.

Mints Meet Studded Mint Green Purse found on, $36

ModCloth Gold Rush Hour Flats, $34.99

Candy Rain Mint Green Dress found on, $48

MANIAC: What kind of clothing makes you really feel like your best self?

but was also frustrated by the fact that it’s so difficult to connect with her emotionally. When I decided to launch byLangley, I chose loungewear and lingerie as our product offering because it’s what our girls are wearing. byLangley is very customer centric. We write a thank you note with every order and answer every email first hand. It’s important that our women feel like they are unique and special – because she is!

Mollie Lang: Without a doubt, a matching bra and knicker is the key to making me feel my absolute best. I love fashion and really do have my own style, but I’m also a real girl. I’m not quite runway ready everyday. But, if I have a great fitting bra and beautiful matching bottom on, I know I can take on anything that comes my way. It’s like my secret sexy armor!

M: Tell me a little bit about your e-boutique and how it got started. ML: I spent a decade in retail marketing, 56

MINT CONDITION Lele Sadoughi Nile Necklace Aegean Blue, $280

ModCloth Never Too Jaded Earrings, $12.99

M: Where you find style inspiration?

M: Tell us a few items you couldn’t live without. ML: Leggings are a staple for so many of us and, for better or worse, I am the queen of the legging. It’s like my best friend: always there for me whether I’m tired and lazy or ready for a night out on the town. It’s just about the style of legging. I love a skinny leg with a strong print or supple texture, like leather or suede. I’m also pretty partial to a perfect V-Neck or Racerback tee. I really believe in keeping it simple, soft, always pretty, and totally real.

ASOS Metal Keeper Super Skinny Belt, $10.55

working for both established and start-up companies. For five years, I focused on the digital, e-commerce side of marketing. I was so engaged and interested in the way that e-commerce makes the shopping experience easier for the modern woman

ML: In my twenties, I was definitely inspired by living in New York and traveling a lot. Today, I find so much inspiration from Pinterest and blogs like AtlanticPacific (my favorite!) and The Blonde Salad. This spring I am launching the byLangley collection, which was totally inspired by the reality of my life and the way I want to look. Meaning, I don’t necessarily have time to be a fashionista all the time but still want to be stylish, totally sexy (my version of sexy mind you is not Victoria’s Secret version), and ready for anything. Our dress, for instance, paired with our cardi works for a PTA meeting. But take the cardi off, unveiling a sheer racerback, and you have the perfect dinner date look with the husband.

ModCloth Shine and Dine Dress, $184.99 Famous Laced Words Strapless Mint Blue Lace Dress found on, $74

Elaine Turner Belle clutch, $225

Dooney & Bourke Lambskin Metallics O-Ring Shopper, $268

BARNEYS NEW YORK CO-OP Harper, $275 Bamboo Steno 70 Gold Rhinestone T Strap Thong Sandals found on, $27

Lele Sadoughi Column Slider Bracelet Sea Blue, $325 Lele Sadoughi Round Slider Bracelet Sea Blue, $250



ASOS Premuin Floral Trousers, $79.16

VECTRA5 Floral Stud Slippers from TOPSHOP, $56

TOPSHOP Necklace $28, Floral Coat $150, Floral Pant $96, Heels $100, Bag$64, Sunglasses $32

Petite Co-Ord Floral Blazer from TOPSHOP, $136

Photo Opulence Floral Print Cropped Pants found on, $42 ASOS Handbag with Floral Print, $71

ModCloth Keeping It Realism Dress, $266.99


ModCloth Tapestry Dance Dress, $49.99

ModCloth Fluorescence of Cool Sneaker, $54.99

ASOS Manhattan Loafers, $57 MAWI Pearl necklace with ornate leaf, $778


ModCloth Call of the Wildflower iPhone Case,$24.99

229 S. Highland Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15206 412.661.5656

1150 Smallman St Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412.201.5656

2000 Smallman St Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412.261.6565

5847 Ellsworth Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15232 412.362.5656

5849 Ellsworth Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15232 412.362.6198

Seven 59 Pittsburgh Locations


DO YOU KNOW what’s in your food? The truth about genetically modified foods

In short, the answer is no. When it comes to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) making their way into your bag of chips or salad bowl, there is no requirement that you be alerted you are about to eat a GMO. If you are looking for transparency in product labels or certain and piece of mind in science, you will also find yourself empty handed. Starting in the mid-1990s GM crops began being used for food. The idea behind creating GM crops is to alter genetic material within the organism to produce some desired trait. The desired traits the big agriculture and food companies like Monsanto insist they can produce is increased yield, pest and disease resistant, drought tolerance, etc. Since their introduction, GM crops have been politically controversial. Individuals are skeptical of the purported safety of the GMOs that’s urged by those with a financial interest. There have been a plethora of scientists working for the Big Agra and Food companies claiming that their research has proved the GM crops show a “substantial equivalence” to non-GM crops and there is no evidence of risks to human health. The chief retort by Big Food against its opponents has been that “the science is in” and those opposed are anti-science Luddites. On the other side, however, independent scientists have complained 60

that no peer published research studies have been performed on the questions raised by using GMOs and that the only “evidence” that has been published has been selective information that benefits the Big Food companies’ claims. One reason for the suspicion, and lengths Big Food companies will go to defend their product is that a lot of money is at stake. The money made by the producers of the GMO is in part by the selling of patent protected GM seeds. When the seeds are sold to farmers they are only given the right to grow one season’s crop from the seeds. Any new seeds from the crop must be destroyed, else the farmer will be sued for infringing the patents. What this has done is locked the farmer into growing the GM crop year after year, as the seeds have the tendency to contaminate the fields requiring the farmer to buy the GM seed or else risk being sued. There have been cases of farmers adjacent to GM fields being sued for patent infringement, due to seeds from the neighboring farm migrating to their field unintentionally. The U.S. Supreme Court is due to hear one of these cases this year and will determine if simply allowing second generation seeds to grow is indeed patent infringement. Of course, Monsanto and other Big Food companies are vigorously urging that their patents remain enforceable. You can certainly can expect to hear much about this battle when arguments being in the spring of 2013. Another recent legal fight was over Proposition 37 in California that would have required all products containing GMOs to be labeled as such. There currently exists no national requirement for GMO foods to be labeled nor have states enacted any such requirements. Initially it seemed that Prop 37 would receive approval uncontroversially with polling that was over 60% approval, however Monsanto and other Big Food companies poured over 45 million dollars into California to defeat the proposition. Their claim was it would create the specter that GMOs were unsafe, not “substantially equivalent” to non-GMO, cause a “flood of litigation”, and raise the costs of food amongst a parade of other horribles. In November, Prop 37 received 47% approval, however the fight did raise the profile of the GM labeling issue nationwide. Despite the initial loss in November of Prop 37, there is a growing movement in the public that is demanding to know what is in their food led by individuals such as journalist Michael

Pollin. With its unknown effects on health and safety of humans, not to mention its unknown effect on the environment, how does one avoid GMOs? Although there is no requirement for labeling, many producers of non-GMO foods have taken the initiative to label themselves as non-GMO. Furthermore, there are a group of likely suspects. The more processed the food, containing corn, soy and canola products, the more likely the food contains GMO. There can be little doubt that avoiding the processed food containing high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated soy bean or canola oil has health benefits unto itself. Additionally, products labeled 100% certified organic will be less likely to have GMOs in them. The best option, however, is to buy locally grown produce where you can directly ask the seller whether the food contains any GMOs. Finally and most importantly, if the issue of knowing what is in your food is important to you, you should take action to demand the right to know what products contain GMOs and for further transparency and certainty in the health effects of such products.

With its unknown effects on health and safety of humans, not to mention its unknown effect on the environment, how does one avoid GMOs?




Look No.

Look No.

Adrianna Christian Louboutin shoes, Rag and Bone jeans, a custom t-shirt, and Miu Miu handbag, sunglasses, and necklace


Reyna H&M top and cardigan, Guess jeans, scarf from TJMAXX, Mia boots, and Forever 21 jewelry




Quinn Kirra dress, Vera Pelle Jacket from Italy, Ray Ban Wayfarers.

Look No.

Look No.


Courtney Isabel Marant shoes, Rag and Bone jeans, T by Alexander Wang t-shirt, Helmut Lang leather jacket, Celine sunglasses, and Balenciaga handbag

Look No.


Anthony David Prada runway swarovski shoes, Prada jeans, and Prada runway shirt, Alexander McQueen leather vest, Marc Jacobs sunglasses, and Dior Homme clutch wallet


Jessie Rosewood cognac bomber jacket, Roxy dress, Rue 21 heels, Rosewood studded purse 62






jet set



our eyes start to glaze over, as you realize you’ve been staring blankly at your impossibly boring computer screen. Your mind begins to dream, taking you to a place far away from the cubicle that binds you. Suddenly, you’re sitting with your legs dangling off the edge of a 55-foot yacht, as you slowly sip a rum libation out of a cored pineapple. The sun soaks into your skin as you watch the miles of beautiful palm trees and pristine beaches pass through your cat-eye sunglasses. The beat of the music intensifies the occasional spritz of seawater that mists your body. This is it. You have made it. A life of luxury, relaxation, and glamour. Yet this isn’t your average daydream, in fact this experience is nothing like the real world. This is The Yacht Week in the British Virgin Islands. Nothing is more sophisticated than yachting around from island to island with your best friends, great music, and strong drinks with coordinated dinners and parties every night. Nights that end on the top of a catamaran under the intense Caribbean starlight. Honestly, there may be nothing better.


The Yacht Week makes this extravagant dream a reality by renting out sailboats and catamarans to eager attendees. They continue to map out an action-packed weeklong itinerary for you to enjoy. Anchoring at all the major islands, you’ll explore local shopping, cuisine, and culture. Daily activities range from cliff jumping to beach volleyball tournaments, and include day trips to secluded islands and hidden caves. Whether you’re on The Yacht Week as an “upscale spring-breaker” or to simply soak up the rays and chill out on the beach… the British Virgin Islands could not be a better destination. The British Virgin Islands are made up of four main islands in addition to over 50 smaller islands and cays. The amount of beautiful beaches, barbecue joints, and quirky island dive bars to discover is enough to overwhelm even the savviest of travelers. This fact makes traveling on The Yacht Week all the more relaxing and enjoyable. Everything is taken care of, talk about real peace of mind.

BREAK DOWN OF THE ISL ANDS HOW IT WORKS Believe it or not, this once in a lifetime experience can become a reality with a simple click of a mouse. Boat bookings open up online at with detailed information regarding the type of yacht, capacity, price point, and amenities. Boats range in size from a sailboat that houses six to a catamaran that can fit 11. All you have to do is gather a group of friends and pick which week in paradise works best for you. Your group will then get paired with a Yacht Week skipper who will provide the week’s itinerary, docking procedures, and local hotspots. Worried you won’t have enough people to fill an entire boat? Breathe easy. This is a common occurrence. The Yacht Week has a crew-finding forum on their Facebook page filled with likeminded hopefuls and lists of boats with available spots. Prices for The Yacht Week in The British Virgin Islands range anywhere from: $750-$3950 per person for the week, depending on the boat.

On The Yacht Week you will travel to several islands within the British Virgin Islands. The four main islands are Tortola (where the trip starts), Virgin Gorda, Anegada, and Jost Van Dyke. You will also visit smaller islands and cays like Norman Island, Peter’s Island, Sandy Cay, and Little Harbor. Interestingly enough, all the islands are vastly different and each one has unique and charming characteristics. This allows the adventure and exploration to continue long after your daily sail. Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect from each island:






This is the biggest island in The British Virgin Islands. Road Town, their capital, is where you will meet up with your crew and skipper to unpack and board the yacht. There is great shopping in Road Town for all the local specialties. On main street you can stop into Pusser’s to pick up a bottle of their infamous spiced rum, or swing into Sunny Caribbee Herb and Spice Company to score classic Caribbean spices, handmade soaps, and exotic love potions. Famous pirates such as Blackbeard and Captain Kidd were some of the first permanent inhabitants on Tortola island. That being said, you may just want to drag your rum, exotic love potion, and a badass attitude down to the beach to channel your inner unruly pirate.

This is a lovely stop during the trip considering The Yacht Week rents out a private pool next to the beach. Spend the day sipping drinks by the pool, getting a massage at the local spa, or head down to the beach bar for the nightly pirate show complete with a conk shell blowing contest - blow the longest and the winner walks away with a bottle of rum.


Being that this is the only inhabited island in the BVI’s made up of coral and limestone, it is an ideal location for snorkeling and diving. However, the beachfront lobster cookout at sunset fights to be the main attraction on Anegada. After carefully docking up between beds of coral reef, you will taxi across the island on the back of a pickup-truck-taxi (with seats and guardrails of course)… to Cow Wreck Beach. With the freshest seafood and strongest Wreck Punch know to man, Cow Wreck Beach is a local must-see hotspot while on vacation in the BVI’s.


This island is home to Foxy’s and The Soggy Dollar Bar, it is also know for being the birthplace of the favored Caribbean drink the “Painkiller”. The beach strip around the harbor is lined with local seafood joints, small bars, and shops. This island also hosts Old Years Eve, which is an extremely popular New Years Eve party that fills the streets with elated travelers from around the world looking to ring in the new year with style and love.


KNOW BEFORE YOU GO Like any vacation, it’s helpful to know the inside scoop about where you’ll be traveling before you actually arrive. This insures you have an accurate understanding of what to expect. Below are some points to know about The British Virgin Islands that may save you potential headaches during your trip:


Everything from ordering food & drinks to standing in line at the grocery store is done on “island time”. Which translates to slow as hell. As a New Yorker, this came as a big shock to me, and I still can’t understand how a turkey club can take an hour to bring out. This simple fact is important to keep in mind to keep your patience in check and to know in case you have anywhere important to be within two hours of ordering.

SMALL AIRLINE TENDENCIES Being that I’m used to traveling by large commercial airlines like Delta and Air France, island hoppers like Air Sunshine and Cape Air really tested what I believed to be true about aviation. We had to leave security to check-in for our Air Sunshine flight, which was leaving in a lengthy four hours. My dreams of dropping my bag and hitting the beach were assassinated by the reality that our flight could leave - get this - at anytime. The airline representative informed me that once all the passengers were checked in for the nine-seater flight it could take off an hour or two earlier than expected. Essential to keep in mind: 1. Don’t disappear into Margaritaville waiting for a typical on-time departure. 2. Wait by the gate as the attendants make a quick round in gathering everyone before strolling onto the tarmac to board the plane.

DEPARTURE TAX There is a departure tax for any passenger traveling out of The British Virgin Islands by air, which is around $20/per person. Good to know so you don’t spend your last pennies on Painkillers and Wreck Punch.

ANYTHING THAT SHOULDN’T GET WET After countless dingy rides

WHAT NOT TO WEAR Ladies, I felt an obligation to include items to leave at home or avoid while staying on Yacht Week to prevent overpacking and tears of frustration.


Not only will they look ridiculous as your ankles snap back and forth in the sand, but heels are just never an option for any of the places you will be going. I send my condolences to Mr. Choo and Louboutin.

EXPENSIVE SWIMSUITS I learned the hard way with my chic black and white Vix swimsuit. I loved the glamorous tuxedo look, until I was involuntarily sandwiched between two men completely covered in neon body paint. Needless to say, it was ruined.

to the islands from our yacht, one learns to choose outfits wisely. I would advise against a white dress unless you are craving a wet bottoms contest. Almost all dingy rides will get you wet. The Yacht Week on the British Virgin Islands is an experience unlike anything else out there. You will unwillingly return to the real world with bumps and bruises, dock rock, and the most amazing memories with friends. Editor’s tip: Take a break from your hectic week by heading to the luxurious Scrub Island Resort, Spa, and Marina. Their Ixora Spa is a great place to re-engerize and relax with views of the Caribbean.




If you’re being glamorous, it’s really a lifestyle, not just a fashion thing.


GEORGE KOTSIOPOULOS George Kotsiopoulos is a fashion fanatic. He talks about keeping his five new pairs of shoes displayed on a chair in his bedroom, because looking at them makes him happy. He wants to dress the girl who has access to, and is excited about, the best clothes that top designers have to offer. He has nothing but nice things to say about his costar on E!‘s Fashion Police, Joan Rivers. In fact, he can’t stop gushing about her. 70

“There you have it,” he says laughing. “I love Joan Rivers.” He doesn’t stop there. “She is the nicest, classiest woman I’ve met. She’s elegant and well-mannered. She makes me laugh my ass off. She’s just inspiring. To be her age and still be relevant is a major feat. She expects actresses to look like movie stars, and she practices what she preaches. She doesn’t go out like a slob. The jokes are just to entertain people. This is the thing that kind of bugs me. Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon can say the same things and it’s fine, because they’re men.” Kotsiopoulos explains that everyone on Fashion Police plays a role, his of the stylist and fashion expert. “Kelly [Osbourne] is that younger girl, the girl who’s on the red carpet.

Giuliana [Rancic] is the more distinguished voice of reason, the ‘everywoman’ - a much more glamourous version. Joan [Rivers] is very specific for what she likes. There has to be a gap,” he says. “We just all represent a different opinion.” The show recently celebrated one hundred episodes, and George seems happy to be at this place in life. “I love laughing. I love wearing cute clothes. I feel lucky every week,” he confesses. He doesn’t feel too bad about having to make snap judgments on celebrity attire, even though he’s friends with all of their stylists. “I don’t say anything that’s meanspirited. If I don’t like something, I say why. I can’t be swayed. That’s my job.” He says that he will never offer a negative opinion, without providing a solution to the problem. “Anyone can say ‘I don’t like it’,” he says. “But if you can say why and offer a solution, that’s all the better, and that’s what I do.” So why are George’s opinions pure gold? He makes it clear that he is an established stylist, not just your typical gay guy posed as a fashion expert. He put in eight years as Associate Fashion Editor at T: The New York Times Magazine. It was a rare, high-fashion job based in Los Angeles (instead of New York), that he just happened to land. “No one says no to you at The New York Times,” he says of his styling days there. “Living in LA, you have no choice but to style celebrities, which are not just one size and one shape. That’s the difference between a fashion stylist and a celebrity stylist. I’ve worked at both.” Working with celebrities who range in size, George has solid and specific tips to be on his ‘Best Dressed’ list. “You gotta start with the right foundations,” he says. “Most women don’t look like supermodels.” He explains that even if a dress is insanely beautiful, without the right bra and undergarments, it’s just not going to work. He hates high-definition television and says, “We don’t look good on that. That’s not real life.” He does give credit for effort put into an outfit and says he loves people that try to make a great look. He can’t stress the importance of a tailor enough, and

doesn’t seem to understand why women aren’t getting the memo that they aren’t the same size all over. “When it’s custom to your body, you’ll wear it more. It’s worth the investment.” Going along with his love for putting in effort, he advises against wearing yoga pants out. “Go put an outfit on,” he says. “You’re in gym clothes. You may as well be wearing your pajamas.” He doesn’t want to knock any trends too harshly for fear that it may come back around. “Never say never, man,” George tells me. “We said that about the 80s and 90s. You just never know.” He does think that there will be a “stud backlash”, and that the trend of studded and bejeweled everything will soon look outdated. His last fashion faux-pas is anything that looks fake. “I’m fine with plastic surgery. I’m not fine with anything looking fake. Super-long hair extensions are the bane of my existence.” Next on George’s list to help out the women of the world in making sartorial decisions - he signed a book deal in December. “It’s scheduled to be called Glamorous by George. It will teach women to be more glam like movie stars,” he divulges. The book will have a little bit of everything from fashion and beauty, to home décor and entertaining. “I always find it a little bit sad when people spend all of their effort into their clothing, and then get into a junky car. If you’re being glamorous, it’s really a lifestyle, not just a fashion thing.” The book is just the beginning of a long list of ambitions that Kotsiopoulos has for the future. “I want my own show. Absolutely. I don’t want to be an actor, but I want to stay on TV.” He recognizes that this whirlwind of fashion fame he’s experiencing happened later for him than most television stars, but it’s lead him to focus solely on career ambitions rather than fame. “Hopefully this book will be successful, and I’ll have a follow-up to it,” he says. “I want a clothing line. I want to be a brand. This happened later in life for me. I take my life and career very seriously, but not the perks.”




Everything you need to know…about some of Pittsburgh’s most lavish destinations, dealerships, and designers can be found


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What could be more luxurious than coming home to a place that is perfectly

Want to workout with a floor-to-ceiling view of the city? Fairmont Pittsburgh

LZRmed Spa offers superior and customized laser and cosmetic services to

The “Art of Downtown Living” can truly be found in the heart of the city at Piatt

designed and customized to meet the needs of your family and lifestyle?

is committed to taking care of its guests in style with a 6,000-square-foot

clients in the comfort of a salon and spa setting. Owner Caroline Armfield has

Place. The Residences are bright,well appointed, pet friendly, and provide

Imagine coming home and having just the right furniture, beautifully detailed

luxury health club. Membership packages start at $129/month and include an

applied her twenty years plus experience in nursing and passion for taking care

the desired amenities of a high quality lifestyle without the hassles or costs

fabrics, and a gorgeous color scheme to lift your spirits! Whether you want

Executive Membership and Fairmont Membership. The Executive Membership

of others to the beauty and wellness industry. Caroline partnered with Board

of single family home ownership. The finished homes feature custom fit and

a “wow” factor for entertaining, are longing for a peaceful Zen-like home,

includes complimentary group fitness classes, four complimentary personal

Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dinakar Golla and Golla Center for Plastic Surgery

finishes that include 10 foot ceilings, 8 foot doors, gleaming hardwood floors,

or have a busy and active family, Davin Interiors does an outstanding job of

training sessions, free Venture Outdoor membership, 10% discount on

to create and develop LZRmed Spa. As LZRmed Spa’s Medical Director, Dr. Golla

rich granite or quartz countertops,ceramic baths, and sleek stainless steel

creating just the right design solution. Cathy Davin and her team of talented

personal training packages, 5% discount on spa services and daily laundry

is fully committed to each of LZRmed Spa’s salon partners. LZRmed Spa offers

appliances. Each home has its own private 6 x 20 ft grilling balcony. Many

designers work closely with clients to create designs that speak to their

service. The Fairmont Membership includes $10 group fitness classes, one

a variety of services starting with a complimentary consultation. Next, is the

are design-ready to be finished to your selections in 60 days. The residents

dreams and to help clients define their style. With a team of four designers, an

complimentary personal training session and 10% discount on Venture

customized skin treatment plan for each individual patient. Cosmetic injectables

enjoy a 24/7 front desk staff, indoor parking, room service from the award-

office manager and herself, they work one-on-one with their clients and create

Outdoor membership. The Health Club features Precor cardio and weight

can help soften lines and add a more youthful look to the face. Our laser services

winning Capital Grille and McCormick and Schmick’s restaurants. There is a

designs that speak to their dreams and vision while pushing the envelope. A

resistance equipment. Daily fitness classes include cardio, strength, yoga,

provide Photofacials that can help diminish sun damage and remedy uneven skin

24 /7 fitness center and multipurpose room that complements a spectacular

lot of clients are unsure of what they want and would like help defining their

and boot camp classes, as well as an intensive eight-week training program

tone. Laser hair removal is a safe and long-term alternative to shaving, waxing or

resident’s courtyard in the center of the city! IZZAZU Spa Salon and Doncaster

style, and Davin suggests ideas that they haven’t considered. Davin puts it all

called Bridal Boot Camp designed to get brides and grooms into the best

sugaring which can irritate the skin and hair follicles. LZRmed Spa offers men

Fashion studio is conveniently located on the first floor. The location is two

together for you - from the initial ideas to the finishing touches. They typically

shape for the big day. Relax in the cedar sauna and eucalyptus steam room.

the same laser and facial rejuvenation services. Many men are bothered by

blocks from the world famous cultural district, lively Market Square, and the

work right in your home, present design options, guide the process and make

A daily coffee/tea service is included with complimentary flavored waters and

excessive body hair or folliculitis from constant shaving. Laser hair removal is a

new subway. A $250,000 transferable 10 year tax abatement save thousands

sure everything is perfect on installation day. They never impose a look on a

fruit and a spacious lounge area. With the expansion of their spa facilities in

viable solution for both. Additional services include the application of NovaLash

for new owners and combined with low utilities, reasonable condominium

client, but instead tailor each design to the client’s vision. With Davin Interiors,

2013, additional treatment rooms will allow more people to experience their

eyelash extensions, microdermabrasion, Obagi Blue Peels, and the signature

fees, and historic low interest rates makes NOW an excellent time to buy at

a luxurious and beautiful home that is well-designed is always the end result.

unparalleled service. The Health Club also offers a Spa Membership for $199/

Danne ‘Lighten, Brighten, Tighten’ package. LZRmed Spa’s laser techs are experts

Piatt Place. Homes at Piatt Place range from $399,000 to $1.65 million.

month which includes one complimentary massage per month, unlimited yoga

in skin analysis and laser hair removal. Visit one of our locations and reveal your

The sales center is open Mon-Sat and anytime by appointment by e mail at

and Pilates classes, and 15% off additional massage and nail services plus

beauty in the trusted environment of the salon and spa.

access to all other Health Club amenities.











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Travel to Europe without ever leaving Pennsylvania. For over 15 years, The

This isn’t your typical dentist’s office. Any similarity to a dentist’s office

Walk out of your room and into the closet of your dreams with California Closet

Gastropub: A tavern that offers meals of high quality. Opened in June of 2011,

Sewickley Spa has been offering a destination where people can spend the day

evaporates as soon as the door is opened. Being the first in the United

Company. For 25 years, the company has been creating design solutions as

Chef Richard Deshantz and co-owner Tolga Sevdik wanted to offer downtown

in a comfortable environment. Owner, Dorothy Andreas, traveled throughout

States to open a dental spa, Steliotes coined the term. By pampering their

unique as the people who use them every day. From the expected bedroom

Pittsburgh an everyday watering hole. Located in the heart of the Cultural

Europe and learned their way of performing spa services to achieve results.

customers, the experience has a spa mentality. Hand massages are offered

closets to hand-crafted entertainment centers, built-in office areas to mud

District, it neighbors the Benedum Center, Heinz Hall, Cabaret and the O’Reilly

When she first started in the business most people did not even know what

while you get your teeth cleaned, and while you wait enjoy the coffee and juice

rooms, laundry rooms, garages and more, they offer customized designs created

Theatre. It is the first gastropub to hit the Steel City and the food can be

“spa” meant. Her biggest challenge became educating the public on why

bar. If that doesn’t send you into a state of relaxation, maybe the fountains,

by their professional organizers to create a storage solution based on your

described as American comfort food. The interior is elegant and approachable

they should want (or need) to go to a spa. Both the Sewickley and the Wisp

crystal chandeliers, and aromatherapy will. The staff work hard and play hard

needs. Understanding that every home is different, the company keeps your

with the perfect mixture of chophouse meets speakeasy. Their doors are open

Resort locations pride themselves on their relaxing ambiance and warm staff.

at the office. They have fun helping people get healthy. With the mentality that

lifestyle and belongings in mind. From the initial visit to your home until the final

seven days a week for brunch, lunch, dinner, and late-night. When you come

The walls are filled with original artwork and inviting furnishings. During

a healthy mouth is a pretty smile, they focus on oral health and beauty easily

result, California Closets discusses your goals and work with you. Because each

to Meat & Potatoes be ready to relax and enjoy their spacious establishment

her travels, Andreas worked with chemists in Italy and all the products are

follows. Known for his cosmetic work, Ted Steliotes is adept in veneers and

configuration is unique and designed to be flexible, there is no average cost.

with its wide variety of options that will soon include an outside patio. Offering

imported from there. There are 46 services offered that range from $30-

flawless smiles. He is the official dentist to the Miss and Teen USA System

Their professional organizers spend time talking with you about your specific

classic cocktails such as Sazerac, Old Fashioned, Barrel-Aged Manhattan and

$300. The talented staff of 23 offers massage, facials, body therapies, nails,

for the surrounding states. That perfect smile can range from $400 a tooth

wardrobe and your dressing habits to help you easily access your clothes to

the largest Pappy Van Winkle Collection in Pennsylvania, you’re sure to leave

tanning, waxing, skin and hair care items and hair; however, hair services are

to $1500 a tooth. Because the spa is so keen on service, they pamper and

create outfits. They want to understand how you work in your kitchen, so you can

a satisfied customer. Snacks and appetizers are affordable at $3-$14 and

only offered at the Sewickley location. Their Deep Creek location is on the lake

help with insurance coverage to make the dental experience something you

easily get to the spice rack to add the finishing touch to your meal. Organization

sandwiches and entrées range anywhere from $11 to $28. Fan favorites include

overlooking the pool area. The spa opened in 2003 and services customers

will want to come back for, not avoid. Although most procedures are covered,

is the driving vision for every storage solution they create. Each system is created

Bone Marrow, fried Brussels or Pork Chop and Meat & Potatoes for two. The first

from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, D.C. and surrounding areas. Recently winning

high-end cosmetic procedures usually aren’t. They love to help people get that

as the result of a collaborative process that begins with the customer. Their

of its kind in Pittsburgh, Meat & Potatoes offers its visitors quality food that is

three “Best Massage” awards for the region confirms their commitment to

“Steliotes Face”, another coined-term that means you’ll leave with a celebrity-

staff is dedicated to excellence and every step needs to be the best, from the

affordable. With their aggressive cocktail program, the atmosphere is unlike any

service. Seeing over 10,000 guests a year, they are grateful, honored and

worthy smile.

initial walk-through, to taking accurate measurements and handcrafting custom

other. Meat & Potatoes is simple but inspired food and drink, and an all-around

components, all the way to installation and clean up.

fun dining experience.

proud to serve the region. With a mission to make you feel fabulous, spend

74 the day at The Sewickley Spa.





After decades as a storage area tucked away beneath the William Penn’s main lobby, the luxury hotel’s underground is returning to its true form. In the 1920’s, this space was used as a speakeasy—an establishment that illegally sold alcoholic beverages during the Prohibition. You won’t need a password to get into the not-so-secret cocktail lounge these days. It has been restored and resembles a hotspot straight out of The Great Gatsby. The dark, intimate space is home to luxurious red seating and velvet-detailed wall coverings. The vintage-style menus and tin ceiling make this getaway classic bar’s interior design even more nostalgic. What’s a speakeasy without alcohol, right? The bartenders wear ensembles that resemble the time period and even the drinks pay homage to the era. Classic cocktails like the Blind Tiger, Western PA Sour, and 18 Liberty will be found on the drink menu, among many others. The Speakeasy not only stays true to its time but also to the city’s local culture and businesses. Pittsburgh’s own distilleries Wigle Whiskey and Boyd & Blair provide hometown flair to cocktails, and local beers like Iron City, Penn Brewery, and East End Brewing Co. can be found behind the bar as well. The Omni William Penn celebrated the grand reopening of Speakeasy on December 6, 2012, marking the 79th anniversary of the end of prohibition. Tucked away from the rest of the city, this posh spot is the ultimate getaway and already a hit among Pittsburghers. Speakeasy is open to patrons every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening.

Have you ever imagined what it was like to live during the infamous Roaring Twenties? An era when jazz music was all the rage, women redefined their place in society, the artistic world peaked, and Prohibition was in full force? Well, get your flapper dress ready because The Omni William Penn Hotel wants to take you back in time. 77



I think that I have the 7 year itch. I’ve been in my relationship just that long (married for 3 of those years) and I’m starting to feel like old news. I’m not even thirty yet, and I still get attention when I am out with my girlfriends. I just feel like my husband looks right past me. When he gets home, he hits the couch and turns on the TV. How do I get him to see me for the sexy thing that I still am? Should I be worried with these troubles this early on in life? What’s going to happen when we’re in our fifties? Firstly, I’d suggest that you ask yourself why you’re noting the attention you’re getting from other men. What are you not happy with in the relationship? Does your husband look past you? Or do you not see when he’s looking at you? Before jumping to conclusions that you aren’t sexy enough, talk with him about your concerns. Learning how to communicate about your fears and issues will definitely make progressing into your fifties much easier. It is really easy to assume that you aren’t doing something right, not wearing the right thing, or aren’t acting in a way that makes him drool. Perhaps he has something that has been on his mind too, yet he has never discussed it. Talking about the actual issue will alleviate your worries. If you know different turn on’s of his, you can try to plan a special night for him. I’d also suggest finding more time to spend with one another. Perhaps making a date night would increase intimacy and the feeling of sexiness. Being together, doing things you both enjoy, should remind you how loved you are. That, in turn, should remind you of how wonderful your husband finds you. I’m a single mother living with my parents. My daughter’s father is in the picture from time to time. He’s remarried, but tells me that he still loves me. He’ll disappear for a few months, then come back into our lives and confess that it’s been too hard to see our daughter with me around. The problem is, I still love him too.

I never really got over our relationship, but I wanted a better father for my daughter. I fear that I might never be as happy with someone else because my love for him is so strong, and I still have hopes that we can someday be a family. How do I move on? My primary motivation for moving on would be thinking of the role model I was becoming for my daughter. I wouldn’t want her spending time loving, caring for, or desiring a man who divorced her, remarried, and didn’t love her enough to be with just her if he claimed to still love her. It is hard to let someone you care for go. However, you are now making a choice for two. And one is too young and too involved to tell you how to go about your life. Focus on what is best for your life and for your daughter. If you need to schedule time for him to see your daughter, perhaps arranging it through the court will help regulate his reappearances. Finding love will happen again. Discussing your fears with a professional could help you understand how to move on and why it is necessary. Therapy is highly recommended; perhaps for your daughter too depending on her age.

You have clearly listed qualities about him that you dislike. You have stated that you know he isn’t the best for you. Therefore, you have done the major ground work

and I feel trapped. I’d love to be the one at work, taking a break from the poop and crying. I don’t want to snap, but I’m getting near the end of my rope. How can I keep my sanity without seeming like a bad mom? With this being the 21st century, your husband should be helping you care for the child as well. Though he works all day long at a physical job, you work all day long taking care of the chores, looking after a baby, and catching up on things for yourself. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed and drained when caring for something that relies solely on adults to survive. If you’re feeling stressed out, communicate with your husband what the issues are and reassign tasks. Your husband may not know the sufferings you’re experiencing, so telling him would be first priority. Secondly, think of the specific tasks that you need more help with. Simply telling him that you’re fed up with how thing are won’t solve anything. Suggesting different things that could be helpful to you will navigate the conversation and make sure your points are heard. There’s no need to snap and no need to be a “bad mom” just because you are feeling really stressed out. Keep your sanity by communicating and lifting some burdens.

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To submit your anonymous love and sex questions, e-mail with the subject line “Ask the Expert”.

I’m a new mother, and I’m starting to feel resentful. All day long my husband works, while I’ve been on a leave of absence and devoting my entire days and nights to this helpless little being. There are still things that I want to do. I can get nothing else done in a day,

Unless you know where to go. Nestled amid the hustle and bustle of downtown Pittsburgh, the Cultural District and Market Square lies an oasis with untold amenities. Come to where the living is easy and deliciously elegant.

Christine Perkins graduated from Pace University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and women’s studies. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree in marriage and family therapy with a specialization in sex therapy.



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for change. The person most worth impressing is your daughter. Fight for the love that is fair and true. Show your daughter what real love is, how not to get used, and that you should never settle for someone who doesn’t treat you right.







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