MANAGEMENT Topaz Joubert
Nox Deigan
Managing Editor
AtomicSparkle Skytower
Photography Editor
Gymmie Katscher Lead Designer
W e b s i te
:: Production Team :: Bailey Runningbear, Layout Designer Elissiana Caproni, Layout Designer Deepthinker Oh, Proofreader
:: Writers :: Carey DeCuir, Deepthinker Oh, Rhi Rossini, Sami Kutanaga, Sherrie Shepherd, Zoey Greybeard
:: Photographers :: Azure Electricteeth, Barney Roundel, blackLiquid Tokyoska, Carey DeCuir, Eira Juliesse, Eve Petlyakov, Hawk Perenti, Maddy Michalski
:: Bloggers :: More Ying (Magazine), Rouge Anthony (Agency), Tonya Coppola (Magazine)
MANIERA MAGAZINE is a fashion and lifestyle publication in Second Life速 and is the property of Maniera Inc. We are located in world at Viana Islands S 184, 224, 21 and online at All issues of MANIERA MAGAZINE can also be 7 viewed at ISSUU.COM/MANIERA.
Greetings Dear Readers, I have been in Second Life® for a little over two years and each day I am still amazed by the talents of our residents. The designers, builders, scripters, entrepreneurs and the people that entertain us, all enrich our lives in this virtual world. The infamous Andy Warhol once said “In the future, every one will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” In this edition we have the honor to meet 3 incredible individuals whose fame lasted much longer than 15 minutes. First: Friday Night Talkshow host Wurlitzer ( Wurl) Seisenbacher - 3 years and running, Wurl has kept us entertained and informed with the who’s who in Second Life®. Photo by AtomicSparkle Skytower
Our next person is Simone Peterson, creator of Secondnights, the social network for entertainment in Second Life®. Simone gives a platform for singers, Dj’s and other artists to post events and to network. And Second Life’s funny lady Hiliary Grant (Dear Gabby Lemon). A true per-
former, play write, poet and comedian, Hiliary Grant has been entertaining audiences in both worlds. So sit back, have a sip of wine and let Maniera entertain you. Warmest Regards Topaz Joubert 8
The Fame Edition
Comedienne Hiliary Grant Second Life’s Funny Lady What do you do when life gets you down? You laugh about it on stage.
Fashionably Yours
The end of a year of romance: the smile, the laugh and the touch.
New Fashion Column. The Glitterati light up the red carpet.
The Fame Game: Tonya Coppola Learn more about June 2010’s cover model.
So You Want to be a Celebrity
Celebrity status is more than your prada bag.
Glitter, Glamour & Fame: Icons of Music Fashion PhotoShoot.
Friday Night Talk Show Wurlitzer Seisenbacher
Cover by AtomicSparkle Skytower
Secret Diary of a Hopeless Romantic
Sneak-peek of Second Life’s most famous talkshow.
SecondNights Simone Peterman After one year,
is still the place for entertainment.
Cover Model: Tonya Coppola
Hi, I’m Hopeless Romantic. I adore travelling. I love Sunday lunches with my friends. I’m always up for dancing, and like Lady Gaga, I sometimes have the urge to go:
“Rah-rah ah ah ah, roma-roma mamma, gaga ooh lala!!!” This is my diary about the many facets and incarnations of love and romance in SL that I experience and hear about from my friends :-) Well… It’s funny writing this column now since I have come to the conclusion that I’m not going to have any more romance in Second Life®… Yes, you heard me. It’s not really worked for me in the past, and although it does for many people who also go on to meet, live together and even get married in RL, I know myself enough to know I love the thrill of face to face. Reading someone’s facial expressions, body language, tone of voice… I love the warmth of touch, the flirty smiles, and the immediate feedback and chemistry of a RL date. I got asked out on two RL dates recently, and it’s a nice feeling…
But IS romance the same in Second Life® as in RL? I guess it depends on what you want out of a romance. In some ways, Second Life® is far better geared for romance with the plethora of romantic destinations, the ease of attending a music concert or dancing by moonlight… I guess I’m really big on sincerity, and that’s a difficult enough thing to judge in RL, but even harder in Second Life®. Maybe the sort of romance and love I need just can’t be delivered through the Second Life® medium, perhaps the guys I’ve been involved with in Second Life® didn’t want the same things as me or perhaps (and it’s hard to admit it) my expectations of what I’d like from relationships are too high. Whatever the reason, it just seems easier to close it off in Second Life® and focus on my RL which gives me a little more of what I enjoy as far as romance in concerned.
Having declared my no-more-romancein-Second Life® rule, some of my friends scoffed at me, and said ‘you can’t say stuff like that! Romance is romance whether it’s in Second Life® or not.’ Hmmm… Of course I have had romantic moments in Second Life®, and love can be both good and bad in both Second Life® and RL… I hope all my friends out there can recognize what they want and need and are “I love the thrill blessed enough to find it, and so ends The Secret Diary of a Hopeless Romantic.
of face to face.”
Quiet on The Set: Friday Night Talkshow is LIVE Article and Photography by Nox Deigan
Second Life®’s entertainment industry is one of the most visible
in a few months with the new deployment of SL voice, I decided to tap into it,” Seisenaspects of the Second Life® community bacher explained. “The show quickly drew – an aspect born and bred in an audio vi- a lot of attention and success...” sual environment. Not only do they entertain, they educate, inform and provide The exposure that Friday Night Talkshow exposure. One of the largest names in the gives its guests is undeniable. A resident Second Life® entertainment industry is will find postings across a variety of groups Wurlitzer Seisenbacher, Friday Night Talk- and Second Life® community-geared websites spotlighting the next guest for show’s amicable-voiced host. the 9:30 P.M. SLT show. Transcripts appear “When I first started the talk show, its focus in multiple locations so that those unable was mainly on content creators,” Seisen- to voice or see the show live can also bebacher said, “but as word got out and a lot come part of the audience. of people started realizing the potential of the talk show, a lot of fashion designers Having a real life background in digital and modeling agencies contacted me to audio recording and editing, Friday Night be a guest on the talk show. Now it’s taken Talkshow is Seisenbacher’s first step into a turn from fashion show agencies in year combining this background with an inforone to performing musicians in year two, mative media venue. Three years ago, it and now there’s a big focus on education was an ambitious proposition for a virtual world. Friday Night Talkshow’s success for year three.” record produced a rise in new talk shows Friday Night Talkshow first lit its “on-air” in its second and third year, but the real light over 3 years ago, interviewing over focus for Seisenbacher is on the people in130 different Second Life® residents to terviewed. date. However, when Friday Night Talkshow first began in 2007, there was not a “Friday Night Talkshow firmly believes lot of vocal talking since Second Life® had that if you can PROVE to us that you are yet to implement voice-enabled commu- here to make SL better,” Seisenbacher said. “Whether it’s designing clothing, crenication. ating a new script or developing a new SL “Back in August of 2007, we started out us- concept, we would love to have you as our ing text since voice was non-existent, and guests! This is the essence of The Friday 18
Night Talkshow. It promises a guarantee that you don’t need to be an accomplished avatar to be interviewed!”
“Back in August of 2007, we started out using text since voice was non-existent, and in a few months with the new deployment o f S L v o i c e , I
developing a quirky habit: “So there I was online for 1 hour then logged out for the day. That continued for a couple weeks,” Seisenbacher recalled. “Next I would log in, talk to somebody, log out for 3 hours or so, then it got to the sad point: I would log in then log out then log back in to tell my friends I
A man always d e c i d e d to tap into it. The asking the questions, Seisenbach- show quickly drew a lot of er found Second attention and success...” Life® in 2006 while working on a college project final. Wurlitzer Seisenbacher That same digital audio recording and editing background was logging out.” indirectly played a part in leading the talk show host to Second Life®. From that point, it was but a matter of time before Friday Night Talkshow was born. “Music has always been a favorite love of mine. In 2006, I was working on recording music tracks for a college project final, and I was bored so I typed into Google ‘online games,’ and I found something called Second Life. I saw the videos and previews and was pretty amazed so I tried to install it, but my computer was too slow. I had to wait a couple months to get a graphics card. Finally, I got one installed.” Once in Second Life®, Seisenbacher spent an hour here, an hour there. He would not become addicted, he told himself when he first joined, but slowly he found himself logging in for longer periods of time while
“Honestly, the reason why I decided to create a talk show is because it’s a form of entertainment that will hopefully get more people interested and involved creatively in SL,” Seisenbacher said. “Seems like everybody I’ve run across in SL had a lot of inspiration. There’s way too many to name, but most of them, you can tell when you read my guest list. I think that’s what makes the talk show successful: it’s the formula of getting the general public more aware of the ones who create amazing content in Second Life, and I love to help people find that.”
RIGHT: (L TO R): Tosha Bergan of Euphoria Day Spa, Nefertiti Kimagawa, Friday
19 Night Talk Show’s new co-host, and Wurlitzer Seisenbacher . May 21st, 2010.
Do you love art, music, fashion shows, magazines or just having a good time in Second Life®? Or perhaps you are looking for something interesting or new to do with your sweetie tonight. Try checking out, a website loaded with tons of up-to-date information about special events or happenings in Second Life®. Secondnights is created, owned and managed by Simone Peterman, whose passion is providing information about events in Second Life® through this website. Peterman joined SecondLife® in 2006, but did not become an avid Second Life® resident until his wife, Dafne Watanabe, invited him to join her in an online party to meet some of her friends in 2008. Peterman discovered that things had changed considerably since 2006 and notes that “I discovered the way to play music in Second Life and for me, it created a whole new world. I found a way to express my passion, that of being a DJ.”
Peterman asked a friend if he could try being a DJ. He was invited to play for 3 hours as a DJ for a pirate party on a ship. Peterman says, “It was amazing, I was totally hooked. Then I started playing for some famous clubs like Seven Ultra Lounge, Bianca §Darling, Bogart, Insomnia and Dance4Life.” But that is just the beginning of Peterman’s journey. One day he asked himself, “Hey, where can I find party information for Second Life?” He noted that most Second Life® related websites talk about fashion, and there just wasn’t much information about music. So Peterman decided to do a blog as a way of spreading information about music events in Second Life®. The idea started growing into something much bigger as he added more types of information. Eventually, evolved into a website portal for Second Life® activities. Secondnights is a very special website, one that functions as an interactive social network. It offers ten magazines specializing in topics from music to fashion within Second Life®. There are already over 20 blogs featured on his website covering a wide variety of special interest topics. So, whether you are looking for a sporting event, a photo contest or a new art gallery opening, Secondnights is an excellent place to start your search. Peterman has skillfully mixed a number of different media types within the website, including four TV stations with twenty-seven different shows, access to machinima movies and a growing source of art. What 22
makes Peterman’s site both different and extremely functional is that Secondnights provides club owners or event organizers with unlimited advertisement to promote their stores or activities. The activities are updated everyday, providing current entertainment choices. Looking for something fun to do is very easy. Peterman organized the options within an event catalog that can be searched by category, date, venue or keyword. Secondnights also offers a number of specialized blog channels so that Second Life® residents can offer opinions, suggestions, ideas or critiques of places, music, fashion or events. What better way to acquaint yourself with openings, fashion news or what other people feel is especially interesting in Second Life®? Peterman still plays music for parties at least once a week and the rest of the time he and three managers are keeping Secondnights up to-date. Peterson explains his other passion in Second Life® is men’s fashions. He notes that men’s fashions are a bit behind women’s fashions, perhaps because of the economics. It seems that men in Second Life® are generally not as active in shopping as women are. His favorite men’s stores: Alphamale, Musashi, Styles of Edo, Gisaci, Sartoria, Indie, Lil’s UK, Redgrave and Armidi. Secondnights is up-to-date, easy-to-use and offers a wealth of information.
Still looking for something to do with your sweetie tonight? 24
Hiliary Grant: SL Comedienne, Author and Poet
The Fame Game:
Tonya Coppola Res Date: 1/14/2007 What inspired your entry? I decided on ‘Beautiful, Dirty, Rich’ by Lady Gaga, because it stood out to me. It’s a great song, and the possibilities for doing a picture with it were endless. I liked that idea of going with a sort of royal-like feeling. Something dark and regal and weird all at the same time- while still being beautiful. Haha. How Long Have You Been Modeling in SL? About 8 months, although it seems like just yesterday. What type of model are you? I am a runway and print model. What is your modeling philosophy? Honestly? To stay true to yourself. Even thought it’s Second Life and this isn’t really ‘us’, it’s important to be yourself. Fake shines through, no matter how many prims you’re wearing on your pixel body. Let your personal style shine, and you will be successful. No doubt about it. Greatest Accomplishment: This. Being a Maniera Cover Model. When I saw that I’d won, I had to do a double take. This from day one of modeling, has been my dream. Greatest Aspiration: Now that I’ve accomplished my main modeling goal, I have to come up with a new aspiration! I think the most important thing for me to accomplish, is to be known as a model who is great to work with and fun to be around. Making people proud and making people laugh is what I strive for. Interests: Wait? There’s more to Second Life besides modeling? Well, my favorite things to do are the most random and the most impossible to do in Real Life. I love breakdancing, wearing my grandma avatar. I love having mermaid races with my friends (you should really try it!), but most of all, I like to ride around my house on a giant green slug. I like to be silly and do things that I will remember. Sometimes modeling can be stressful, so the things I do outside of it are pure fun. Advice for Print Modeling Contests: Show yourself off. Even if you have to wear a different skin than you normally do, like I did- let your personality shine through. Don’t hold back, and be bold. 34
Photo by BlackLiquid Tokyoska
Fashionably Yours Fashion Columnist Sally Spark
My name is Sally Spark - I am your new fashion columnist here at Maniera Magazine, and to tell you I’m thrilled to be here would be a huge understatement. Every month from now on I will bring you my take on what goes on in the fickle world of Second Life® fashion. So come with me on this trip, and I’ll be willing to bet my most expensive pair of Moodys that you get an entertaining ride. The June issue is dedicated to all the glitz and glam of the entertainment business so naturally my thoughts went straight to the most star studded moments among the modern glitterati posing on the red carpet. We know fashion and trends of RL and Second Life® are closely linked. The exploding celebrity culture has definately reached the metaverse, ask any fashion savvy avatar, and they can probably name at least three or four Second Life® celebs. Of course the celebs are frequently asked: “Who are you wearing today?” I asked some successful designers their 35
thoughts about runway versus red carpet. “Advertising, word of mouth, shows, etc. The options are varied and most are effective in some way. It all depends on the audience you are trying to reach,” says Barbara Nicholls, COO Of [LeeZu!]. Nando Korobase of Angel Dessous agrees. “A mix is good. We like to do shows but also interactive activity like blogs and photos.” On the red carpet, the majority of Second Life® glitterati tends to chose formals when they want to dress to impress.But another more amusing aspect of glitterati style on the horizon is avatars dressing like RL celebs. There are design houses in Second Life® who are focusing on recreating famous people’s styles. I remember picking up a rhinestone studded Elvis-jumpsuit back in the day – yes Elvis, don’t ask! – and although the likeness to the real thing was there the quality was not. Today houses like Diram offer outfits inspired by the RL fashions worn by Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Rhianna, and a huge plus is that the garments are well designed. But there’s some serious pitfalls. Last month I attended tons of fashion shows and amusingly spotted at least three “Lady Gagas” every night. My advice if you want to “steal a style” is focus more on style and less on steal. Because who wants to be a clone? For my red carpet photo I chose a more individual approach: luxurious layered gown by LeeZu Baxter, a tousled updo from Lelutka and glowing skin with dramatic eye makeup from AtomicBambi. Oh ya, I’m ready to dazzle. So should you be. Have a gloriously star studded June!
Photo by AtomicSparkle Skytower. Click “Info” to see Stylecard.
Jim Morrison
Janis Joplin
Photo by AtomicSparkle Skytower. Maniera Model Rhonda Pennell. Click “Info” for Stylecard.
Freddy Mercury
Photo by AtomicSparkle Skytower. Maniera Model More Ying. Click “Info” for Stylecard.
Billie Holiday
Photo by Barney Roundel. Maniera Model Rouge Anthony. Click “Info” for Stylecard.
Photo by BlackLiquid Tokyoska. Maniera Model Seth Diabolito & StarliteStarBrite Constellation. Click “Info” for Stylecard.
Sid & Nancy