HAMIOTA FEEDLOT TOUR In July Hamiota Feedlot, working in conjunction with the National Cattle Feeders Association (NCFA), hosted a tour with elected officials from the federal and provincial governments to discuss issues of importance to the cattle feeding sector. Larry Schweitzer and Audrey Kuik-Schweitzer touched upon a range of topics, including but not limited to: rural infrastructure needs; challenges in securing labour; ensuring that Canadian producers are competitive in the global marketplace context; and, the importance of fully leveraging potential trade opportunities for Canadian beef. Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) policy analyst Maureen Cousins also participated in the tour as MBP is a member of the NCFA. Kuik-Schweitzer is Manitoba’s representative to the NCFA on behalf of MBP. MBP extends its thanks to Hamiota Feedlot and the NCFA for arranging the tour and the discussions, as well as to the elected representatives for attending. L-r: Larry Maguire, Member of Parliament for Brandon-Souris; Len Isleifson, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Brandon East; and, Dan Mazier, Member of Parliament for Dauphin-Swan River- Neepawa. Photo provided by Hamiota Feedlot
QXNATION COOKS Great food deserves to be shared so Manitoba Beef Producers teamed up with Winnipeg radio station QX104FM in April for some fun in the kitchen. The online contest gave three listeners a chance to join morning show hosts Brody and Randy along with MBP food expert Tamara Sarkisian, RD for a virtual cooking party featuring scrumptious Japanese enoki beef rolls as well as a Thai beef noodle salad that were developed specially for this promotion. Both recipes can be found on the MBP website in the consumer section.
Donation to FortWhyte Alive MBP and Manitoba Forage & Grassland Association representatives at the cheque presentation for the refreshed soil diorama at FortWhyte Alive. Photo credit: David Hultin/MBP
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