MBP E-Newsletter: April 21/23

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$10.36 Million for New Conservation Projects from the Conservation and GROW Trusts

E-Newsletter dsfsfa

Funding to support these projects comes from three endowments, totaling $204 million, that were made to The Winnipeg Foundation between 2018 and 2020. These Trusts are dedicated to land, water, and wildlife conservation.

(April 17, 2023 MHHC Statement) The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC) Board of Directors recently approved more than $10 million in conservation funding for Manitoba-based conservation organizations. Manitoba’s Watershed Districts have been approved to receive up to $7.57 million, with an additional $2.79 million in new grants to support 19 projects delivered by 15 of Manitoba’s leading conservation organizations. These projects are supported by endowments made by the Province of Manitoba and will benefit all Manitobans and work to achieve MHHC’s Vision of “Manitoba landscapes – Alive with people and nature”. The total

“The GROW and Conservation Trusts are building a legacy that will benefit all Manitobans. The funds are invested in local projects that conserve and enhance natural infrastructure and support the implementation of our made-in-Manitoba green plan,” said Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein. “With these long-lasting partnerships that we’ve developed, we are inspiring new ideas and projects that may not have been possible until now.”

Establishment of the Conservation Trust, the GROW Trust, and the Wetlands GROW Trusts in Manitoba resulted in permanent revenue sources for new conservation activities.

The Trusts focus on restoring natural areas in the rural continued on page 2

An update from MBP April 21, 2023 mbbeef.ca

Conservation projects

Conservation Trust Projects supported include:

• $400,000 to Manitoba Beef Producers to support projects that help cattle producers conserve grasslands and enhance habitat for threatened and endangered birds.

• $100,000 to Save our Seine to support the restoration and enhancement of the Seine River Greenway.

• $500,000 to Ducks Unlimited Canada to conserve and restore wetland and grassland habitats in the province.

• $50,000 to FortWhyte Alive to support an open-air classroom that will connect new audiences to the outdoors and enhance experiences in nature in all seasons.

• $85,000 to Birds Canada – Manitoba Office to support the implementation of the Bird-friendliness Index, an outcomebased indicator of biodiversity.

GROW Trust Projects supported include:

• A record investment of $2.2 million dollars to Assiniboine West Watershed District to conserve wetlands and focuses on improving water quality and building flood and drought resiliency.

• $1.3 million dollars to Souris River Watershed District to enhance flood

– continued from page 1

and drought resiliency, increase biodiversity and habitat, and increase carbon sequestration.

• $672,500 to Central Assiniboine Watershed District to support the conservation of wetlands, as well as the enhancement and restoration of riparian and upland habitat.

The $10.36 million in Trust funds is being matched by $16.9 million in funds and services by the groups, which will result in $27.26 million of conservation activity in Manitoba.

Since the inception of the trust funding in 2019, a total of $38.6 million has been committed to 182 conservation projects delivered by 47 Manitoba-based groups. Serving its mandate to conserve fish and wildlife habitat in Manitoba for the past 37 years, MHHC is a not-for-profit charitable organization, focusing on the implementation of conservation actions in our Province. In addition to administering annual Trust grants, MHHC delivers a range of producer-friendly conservation programs.

For more details regarding funded projects see https://www.mhhc.mb.ca/funded-projects/

For more information about MHHC see https://mhhc.mb.ca/

Producer Outreach Encouraged to Members of Parliament re: Bill C-282 282 ‒ An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management)

Bill C-282 ‒ An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management) is currently being debated at the federal level This is a bill brought forward by a Bloc Quebecois Member of Parliament.

Canada’s beef industry has serious concerns with this bill which would prevent Canada from considering concessions in sectors regulated through the system of supply management. Free and open trade is key to the beef industry’s success in Canada, with 50% of Canadian beef being exported around the globe. The beef sector is very concerned this bill would set a new precedent, encouraging our partners to adopt similar legislation, closing market opportunities for all, and hurting Canada’s ability to negotiate new trade agreements and review existing agreements. It is imperative that Canada not be placed at a disadvantage before trade negotiations even begin by tying the hands of our trade negotiators.

On the following page is a template email to Members of Parliament on this issue that was developed by the National Cattle Feeders Association, of which MBP is a member. Producers concerned about the

impact of this legislation, should it pass, are encouraged to reach out to their MP via email to express their concerns.

Nicki Ashton, MP for Churchill-Keewatinook Aski (includes The Pas) niki.ashton@parl.gc.ca

James Bezan, MP for Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman james.bezan@parl.gc.ca

Raquel Dancho, MP for Kildonan-St. Paul raquel.dancho@parl.gc.ca

Ted Falk, MP for Provencher ted.falk@parl.gc.ca

Larry Maguire, MP for Brandon-Souris larry.maguire@parl.gc.ca

Dan Mazier, MP for Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa dan.mazier@parl.gc.ca

Marty Morantz, MP for Charleswood-St. JamesAssiniboia-Headingley marty.morantz@parl.gc.ca

Subject line: Manitoba cattle producer concerns with Bill C-282

Dear MP xxxxx,

I am a beef producer who lives in your constituency. As Parliament heads into its final weeks of sitting before the summer recess, I want to take a moment to reinforce the National Cattle Feeder’s Association’s opposition to Bill C282 ‒ An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management) ‒ due to the profound, immediate and negative impacts it will have on Canada’s economy if passed into law.

As you know, the Trade Committee is currently studying the Bill. When the Bill returns to the House of Commons, we urge you to vote against this legislation.

Bill C-282 quite simply is bad trade policy that profoundly changes Canada’s historic and comprehensive approach to trade negotiations. It sets a harmful precedent that impacts all sectors yet provides limited benefit to the supply managed sectors.

This legislation would share a universal negotiating position before we have even sat down at the trade table. In response, our trading partners will model this by also taking products ‘off the negotiating table’ at the onset – both agriculture and non-agriculture items.

Canada can fully expect many of our trading partners will respond by threatening to refuse to extend, review or modernize existing trade agreements or choose to put non-tariff barriers in place.

It would establish Canada as an unambitious trading partner and would limit our ability to even be invited to a seat at the table of various bilateral and multilateral negotiations.

Aaron Fowler, one of Canada’s senior trade negotiators, stated at the House Trade Committee that he ‘was not aware of any Canadian trading partner that has a legislated prohibitions on the negotiation’ in the manner C-282 does. Why would Canada want to be a global leader on this front?

Mr. Fowler also stated to the House Trade Committee that ‘We have consistently been able to conclude high-quality trade agreements and support the supply management system. I don't think there's any reason to think we could not continue to do so with or without this piece of legislation.’

He said this because there are already safeguards build into the system through required Cabinet approval of negotiating text. And all federal parties have publicly stated their commitment to protecting supply management. So ‒ if this Bill passes – there are no significant gains for the supply managed industries and only losses for all other Canadian sectors.

This bill will encourage other sectors to also seek exclusion from trade talks and will send the signal that protectionism is acceptable and indeed desirable – a public policy course that would be devastating for an exportdependent country like Canada.

This Bill is not a one-off trade policy – it will be incredibly difficult to reverse the momentum and damage to our global reputation and our trade opportunities.

I implore you to not support Bill C-282 and to speak to your caucus members to ask the same.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to meet to discuss our concerns further


Details of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership Program in Manitoba

On April 6, 2023, federal Agriculture and AgriFood Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced $221 million for strategic agricultural initiatives in Manitoba under the new the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP). This iteration of S-CAP took effect April 1. It has a 25 per cent funding increase over the previous agreement.

Details of Sustainable CAP are now starting to roll out on the Manitoba Agriculture website. The following is a synopsis of them with information gleaned on April 20, 2023 from: Source: https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/

The province has identified its six priority areas under Sustainable CAP as follows:

• Priority Area 1. Climate Change and Environment

o Supporting the sector in reducing greenhouse gas emissions while adapting to the impacts of climate change to protect the long-term viability of the sector and seize evolving economic opportunities.

o The Sustainable CAP supports the sector in reducing greenhouse gas emissions while adapting to the impacts of climate change through supporting the adoption of practices and technologies that enhance climate change adaptation and mitigation, both on farm and in plant. This program is not yet available.

Follow Manitoba Agriculture on Twitter for new program and

intake announcements.

• Priority Area 2. Market Development and Trade

o Supporting sustainable agriculture and economic growth by creating the conditions for Canadian businesses to meet evolving challenges of the domestic and global marketplace.

o The Sustainable CAP supports the sector in meeting the evolving challenges of the interconnected globalized domestic and international market place. Funding targets efforts to strengthen and grow current markets and diversify into new market areas.

Manitoba Sustainable CAP programs include:

o Market Development

o Funding to advance the agriculture, agri-food and agriproduct sector's innovation and business capacity to maintain existing markets and capture emerging market opportunities.

o The Market Development program is designed to advance the agriculture, agri-food and agri-product sector's innovation and business capacity to maintain existing markets and capture emerging market opportunities. The program will provide financial assistance to

continued on pages 6-8

Details of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership Program in Manitoba

eligible recipients for market development activities that enhance the export capacity of individual businesses and improve overall domestic and international access for the sector.

o The program will support the following actions: Market Information and Research; Market Development, Planning and Training; Product Commercialization; and, Domestic and International Development Activities

o Intake information: The intake for this program is currently open, funding requests will be accepted from April 17, 2023 to 11:59 pm on May 16, 2023.

o Cost Share Funding: A cost share ratio of 50 per cent government and 50 per cent applicant to a maximum contribution of $30,000 per applicant per project.

o For complete details go to: https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/ marketdevelopment/index.html

• Priority Area 3. Building Sector Capacity, Growth and Competitiveness

o Supporting sustainable sector growth by investing in capacity and innovation.

o Sustainable CAP provides funding to enhance capacity

and competitiveness in order to expand economic growth, drive domestic and export market activity, and enhance food security and local food capacity. Funding targets efforts to improve productivity, efficiency and scalability, addressing labour and training needs, and supporting capital infrastructure investments to support growth. Sustainable CAP programs include:

o The Capital Infrastructure and Investments program supports the growth and expansion of Manitoba's agri-processing sector by assisting with capital investment purchases for modernization and capacity building activities that enhance efficiency, productivity and environmental sustainability, by providing access to:

▪ development and implementation of new technologies

▪ new markets through the implementation of quality control measures

▪ streamlined and better managed operations, increased efficiency, and increased profitability by integrating company operations

Details of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership Program in Manitoba

▪ new revenue streams associated with offering co-packing services

▪ co-packing services for brand owners who may not own their own agriprocessing capacity

o List of funding streams under the Capital Infrastructure and Investments program

o Capital Assets – Processing Equipment: Supports the growth and expansion of Manitoba’s agri-processing sector by assisting with capital investment purchases for modernization activities that enhance efficiency, productivity and environmental sustainability.

o Capital Assets – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software: Supports the purchase of software and systems that are inclusive of company operations that will enhance competitiveness, sustainability, or safety and/or public trust.

o Co-Packing Capacity Building: Supports capital asset purchases related to adding and/or augmenting in-plant copacking for plant owners. Supports brand owners/marketers to access copacker services.

o Quality Control Capacity Building: Supports capital asset purchases related to adding inplant quality control capacity for continuous improvement within an agri-processing facility to monitor and manage potential issues caused by microbial growth, or chemical or physical contamination.

o For complete details on each element of this program, including intake deadlines and cost-share information, go to: https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/ buildingsector/capital/index.ht ml

• Priority Area 4. Science, Research and Innovation

o Supporting investments to accelerate the development and adoption of technologies that enhance efficiency and sustainability across the sector while addressing challenges such as climate change.

o Sustainable CAP provides funding to the sector for research and innovation activities that create opportunities for improved sustainability, resiliency and competitiveness. This includes investments in basic and applied research for scale-up and pilot-scale testing of new processes, technologies and practices, and capacity building.

Details of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership Program in Manitoba

o This program is not yet available. Follow Manitoba Agriculture on Twitter for new program and intake announcements.

• Priority Area 5. Resiliency and Public Trust

o Supporting the development of actions and efforts that enhance the resiliency of the entire food system; from field to fork.

o Sustainable CAP supports resiliency to ongoing and emerging disruption while ensuring continued public trust in the food sector.

o This program is not yet available. Follow Manitoba Agriculture on Twitter for new program and intake announcements.

development of innovative partnerships that enhance relationships with Indigenous peoples and increase Indigenous participation and opportunities in Manitoba's agriculture and agri-food economy; including the development and growth of local food systems to empower food sovereignty.

This program is not yet available. Follow Manitoba Agriculture on Twitter for new program and intake announcements.

• Priority Area 6. Indigenous Agriculture and Relationship Development

o Supporting initiatives, priorities, and innovative partnerships that enhance relationships with Indigenous peoples and increase Indigenous participation and opportunities in Manitoba's agriculture and agri-food economy.

o The Sustainable CAP provides funding for initiatives and the

Flood Season 2023 Agriculture Emergency Responsibilities and Resources

The following information has been provided by Manitoba Agriculture with respect to emergency preparedness and agricultural operations.

Step 1

Producers/operators/community representatives/individuals are the first point of responsibility to deal with their own emergency situation.

Step 2

If individuals cannot provide appropriate response to their emergency situation, their local authority is the first point of contact for emergency-related information and assistance.

Step 3

If the local authority cannot handle the situation, the local authority will contact Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) for assistance. If EMO requires Agriculture’s assistance, they will assign an issue to the department’s Emergency Planning Leader, who then works with the department’s Executive Management Committee to direct activities to address the emergency.


Organization Requests

If animals are in distress, please contact the Animal Care Line at 204-945-8000 (in Winnipeg), 1-888-9458001 (toll free) or animalcare@gov.mb.ca.

Emergency preparedness and response resources

• Animal Health Emergency Preparedness

• Animal Care Line information and reporting

• Manitoba road closures

• Manitoba Hydro outages map

• Manitoba weather conditions

• Flood maps and reports

• Mental Health - Manitoba Farm, Rural, & Northern Support Services

Financial assistance resources

• AgriStability

• AgriInsurance

• Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation

Manitoba Agriculture General department inquiries, application form for programs inquiries

Animal Care Line Animal welfare emergencies, animal health and wellness inquiries

Contact information

Agriculture@gov.mb.ca or 1-844-769-6224 toll free

animalcare@gov.mb.ca or 1-888-945-8001 toll free; (204-945-8000 in Winnipeg)

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) Centres

Insurance, lending, farmland school tax rebate, wildlife damage compensation, management plus program inquiries

Contact a specific office by visiting the MASC website here

Manitoba Government Enhances Initiatives to Protect Precious Water Resources Investments Support Lake Friendly Initiative, Expand Watershed Districts: Klein

(April 17, 2023 Province of Manitoba News Release) The Manitoba government is advancing protection and support for water resources through a number of initiatives including enhancing the Lake Friendly Initiative and expanding watershed districts, Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein announced today to kick off the week leading up to Earth Day on April 22.

“Water is a precious resource and we all need to work together to ensure we make every drop count,” said Klein. “We are making investments in initiatives that enhance protections for Lake Winnipeg and our watersheds, helping ensure the sustainable management of our valuable water resources, now and for future generations.”

The Manitoba government has invested $75,000 to enhance the Lake Friendly Initiative and support the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region as it transitions the Lake Friendly Initiative from the South Basin Mayors and Reeves Inc. and continues critical efforts to protect the health of Lake Winnipeg.

In 2008, nine communities (Alexander, Bifrost, Dunnottar, Gimli, Selkirk, St. Andrews, St. Clements, Winnipeg Beach and Victoria Beach) on the shores of Lake Winnipeg formed the South Basin Mayors and Reeves Inc. and established the Lake Friendly Initiative to help address water quality in Lake Winnipeg and its watershed. The initiative has included a green products campaign and action guides for municipalities, farms, schools, business and Manitobans.

The Winnipeg Metropolitan Region will build on those collaborative efforts to reach more Manitobans and promote tangible actions to improve the health of Lake Winnipeg, the minister noted, adding that funding will also support adaptation of existing Lake Friendly resources to support current provincial strategies and priorities including the Made-inManitoba Climate and Green Plan and the Water Management Strategy .

“To protect our freshwater resources and help prepare for the impacts of a changing climate, we need to connect people to resources that educate and enable action,” said Colleen Sklar, executive director, Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. “The support from the Manitoba government will allow us to build awareness, plan together and incorporate actions across the region to improve the health of lakes, rivers and streams.”

The minister noted, in collaboration with municipal partners, the Manitoba government is again expanding its successful Watershed Districts Program to help enhance protections for Manitoba’s waterways and help further the goals of the new water management strategy, including the improvement of co-ordinated water management and governance across watersheds, basins and aquifers.

“Manitoba’s Watershed Districts Program is one of the most successful land and water conservation partnerships in Canada,” said Klein. “We are thrilled to announce expansion of the Northeast Red, Pembina and Redboine watershed districts to include several new municipalities and to expand the included area in several existing municipalities.”

Manitoba Government Enhances Initiatives to Protect Precious Water Resources Investments Support Lake Friendly Initiative, Expand Watershed Districts: Klein

The Manitoba government has enhanced core funding by $265,000 to three watershed district expansions including:

• Northeast Red Watershed District to include the rural municipalities (RM) of St. Clements, Lac du Bonnet and Reynolds and expand the included area in the RMs of Brokenhead, Ste. Anne, Tache, and Springfield;

• Pembina Valley Watershed District to include portions of the RM of Roland; and

• Redboine Watershed District to include portions of the RMs of Roland and Macdonald.

“Manitoba Association of Watersheds is grateful for the Manitoba government’s continued support of the Watershed Districts Program,” said Garry Wasylowski, board chair, Manitoba Association of Watersheds.

“Through its continued investment in the program, we are pleased to welcome new municipal partners into the Northeast Red, Redboine and Pembina Valley watershed districts. We want to acknowledge and thank all of our municipal partners for their continued support of effective, collaborative and sustainable watershed management throughout Manitoba.”

Watershed districts are partnerships between the Manitoba government and local municipalities to protect, restore and manage water resources. Fourteen watershed districts

are established under the authority of the Watershed Districts Act and are charged with developing and implementing programming to improve watershed health.

Watershed district expansion supports the strategic objectives of Manitoba’s new provincial water management strategy.

To read more about the Watershed Districts Program, visit www.manitobawatersheds.ca

For more information on the Manitoba government’s new water management strategy, visit www.manitoba.ca/water

The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences presents

Seminar Series 2022-23


Yvonne Lawley

Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science

Virginia Janzen

MSc Student, Plant Science; Regen Ag Program Coordinator, Seine Rat Roseau Watershed District

Callum Morrison

Thursday May 4, 2023

3:30 - 4:30 pm

Event Link: https:// tinyurl.com/2s3sjm9c

Questions may be asked via chat platform Sli.do.

Event code: #covercrops

MSc Student, Plant Science; Crop production Extension Specialist, Manitoba Agriculture

Dale Penner

MSc Student, Plant Science

The event will be livestreamed on YouTube and recorded for later viewing. UMANITOBA.CA/AFS

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