Sensory Friendly Guide

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Iam goi ngt ot heMannCent ert oseeaconcer t .


PARKI NG Bef or eIgot ot heMann Cent er , Iwi l lpar ki nt hepar ki ngl ot . Somet i mes, Imi ghtpar kcl osert ot hebui l di ngs. Somet i mes, Imi ghtpar kf ur t herawayandwal kt ogett ot heCent er . Iwi l lst aywi t hmygr oupandwal kt ot heSout hGat es. 3

TI CKETS Iwi l lneedat i ckett ogeti nt heMannCent er . Thet i cketassi gnsmet oaseatf ort heconcer t . Iwi l lgetat i cketonl i neoratt heMannCent er ’ sBoxOf fice. 4

USHERS Thet heat erusheri saf r i endl yhel per . Iwi l lgi vemyt i ckett ot het heat erushert oent ert he t heat er . Theusherwi l luseascanni ngmachi net ocheckmy t i cket . Theusherhel psmeandmygr oupďŹ ndourseat s.


PLAZA W henIent ert heMannCent er , Iwi l lent eri nt oabi g pl az a. Thepl az ai sopenai randspaci ous, butt hepl az ami ght becr owdedandnoi sy . I ft henoi sei sbot her i ngme, Icangot oaqui etar eai n t heMannCent er . 6

PEOPLE Manypeopl ewi l lbeatt heMannCent ert oseet he concer t . Thepl az acangetcr owded. Iwi l lst aycl oset ot hepeopl eIcamewi t ht ot heconcer t . I fIwantt ogetawayf r om t hecr owds, Icangot oaqui et ar eai nt heMannCent er . 7

RESTROOMS TheMannCent erhasbat hr oomsl ocat edar oundt hevenue. Ther ear et wobat hr oomsi npl az a, oneont heopposi t e si deoft heTDPavi l i on, andoneatt heTopoft heHi l lby t heNor t hGat e. Iwi l ll ett heper sonIcamewi t hknow Iwantt ogot ot he bat hr oom. Icangot ot hebat hr oom anyt i meIneedt o. Thesoundoft hef l ushi ngt oi l et sandhanddr yer scanbe l oud, buti twi l lonl ybef orashor tt i me.


FI NDI NG MY SEAT Iwi l lmat cht henumberandl et t eront het i cketwi t h t henumberandl et t eront heseat s. W henIďŹ ndamat ch, t hi si smyseat . 9

LAW N SEATI NG TheMannCent eral sohasseat i ngont hel awnand t er r ace. Icansi tanywher eont hel awnwher et her ei sspace. Icanbr i ngabl anketandchai rt obecomf or t abl eon t hel awn. Icanal sobr i ngmyownf oodanddr i nkt ohave api cni cont hel awnf orPi cni cSer i esconcer t s.

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Peopl ecl apwhent heyl i kewhatt heyar ehear i ngor seei ng. Icancl api fIl i kewhatIhearorsee. Peopl ecl aponl yf orashor tt i met hent hecl appi ngi s over . I ft hecl appi ngsoundi st ool oudf orme, Icancovermy ear sunt i li ti sover .

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Aconcer ti sashow wi t hmusi c. Themusi cwi l lgetl ouderandsof t eratdi f f er entt i mes. Themusi cwi l lgetf ast erandsl oweratdi f f er entt i mes. Imi ghtf eelexci t edwhent hemusi cget sl ouderorf ast er . Imi ghtf eelcal merwhent hemusi cget ssl owerorsof t er . I fIdon’ tknow whati shappeni ng, Icanaskt heper son Iam wi t haquest i on.

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LI GHTI NG Aconcer twi l lhavebr i ghtl i ght sshi ni ngonst age. Somet i mest hesel i ght swi l lshi nei nt ot heaudi ence. Thesel i ght scanchangecol or sormovequi ckl y . I ft hesel i ght sbot herme, Icancl osemyeyesunt i li ti soveror t el lt heper sonIam wi t ht hatIwoul dl i ket ogot oaqui etar ea. 1 3

QUI ETAREAS I fIneedqui ett i me, Iwi l lt el lt heper sonIcamet ot he concer twi t h. Icanl eavet heconcer tt ogot ot hequi etar eaanyt i me dur i ngt heconcer t . Icanr el axi nt hequi etar eaorwal kar oundt hel awn. 1 4


W hent heor chest r ai sont hest age, Iwi l lseeaper son st andi ngi nf r ontoft heor chest r a. Thi sper soni scal l edaconduct or . Theconduct orl eads t heor chest r a. Iwi l lseet heconduct oruseast i ckcal l edabat on. Theconduct orwi l lmovet hebat oni nt heai rt ol ett he musi ci ansknow t hespeedoft hemusi c.

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W hent heconcer ti sover , Iwi l ll eavemyseatandwal k i nt heai sl et ol eavet heMannCent er . Al lt hepeopl ewi l ll eavet heMannCent eratt hesame t i me. Thewal kwayswi l lbecr owded. Iwi l lwal ksl owl ywhi l el eavi ngt heMannCent er . Iwi l l st aywi t ht heper sonIcamewi t ht ot heconcer t .

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ASpeci alThankYouTo: Ar t Reach

Aut hor s: RogerI . I dei shi , JD, OT/ L, F AOTA Pr ogr am Di r ect orofOccupat i onalTher apyPr ogr ams Pr of essorofHeal t h, HumanFunct i on&Rehabi l i t at i onSci ences Geor geWashi ngt onUni ver si t y· SchoolofMedi ci ne&Heal t hSci ences

PeggyFi or et t i Di gi t alMar ket i ngManager , t heMannCent er

Phot ogr aphyby: Jor danAugustPhot ogr aphy

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